THE OREGON STATES3I AN; SALEM, UREGON TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1922 - 7 If! a ? '"5 ( 1 4 . ". i : i it s it : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS " Rat per word! taecrtma 9e 8 m tneertloae. Mk (U lasertioae) Oae areata -20 U seoatha" eoatract. pr mov. i M uriki' contract, per mo. 2e aflaimsm (or aay advertUeaVt 5 L NORWICH UNION FIRS - INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burghardt, Jr. f Resident Agent .71 Btata St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Eatata T. K. FORD (Orer Ladd Both Bank) NEW TODAY PEACHES FOR CANNING NOW ; ready. Freestone varieties. Two t miles wes 01 onus, iminiuii highway. urmK vuvav iwm.iiun J, H. Crawford. ' WANTED - 3BA irnii taili, Mi, to drv prunes, , family to pick. phono una. . ?.,., nn aire nBiSKVHTrivs No. 1 grade avc n"" bexee. Rout 2, bos 96. Phone 17F31. . WILL TRADE GOOD FARM NEAR 8A lam for eastern Oreron, Washington " er Alberta rsnch. Address owner. s B-099, ear of Statesmsa. CRABAPPLE8. BLACKBER- ries. Dearly a, pn, plums. No charge '' for delivery. Phono your order. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 front itreat, . Phono 494.-- r TOR SALE BEVEN ROOM STRICTLY '. huna-alow " and - rarsre. 1A : block north of State street. Price 42H). Sao W. . Krueger, Oregoa Building. Phono 3 17 J a, i , ' rOR BENT MODERN FIVE ROOM flat, aatumienea. ai juarsw pk F l.OBT ON MARKET STREET. . BUN Uv. nrrrill attachment for aato. Ra- tnrn to or notify T. M. Hicka. 2295 L ' 8. Criurrh atreet. Phono 038-J. BEVEN ROOM HOUSE" FOR BALE BT owner, at i 10 . it". ' WALDO PARK LOTS REDUCED THE emu of the pevlng. gae and sewer is considerable mora than the prices on 1 mnv of . the Waldo Perk Iota einre ; " . the latl redaction of 1200 on each lot. It Every lot la marked with frontae and pric. If Interested In high rlaaa lot. ; I aewer. rai. saved and . shad. Umk t - these orer i"t ineM treek n North i Rammer. Frirod auu ana ap MANT PEOPLE NEGLECT TO TAKE I, eat firo inanraaee antil It la too lata. K ia the time. ,nr rates are reaa- . a.iik . ransult Steadier - ft Foley. ., : Phono MT. or call at room 1, Bosh ' Bank Bldg. : .... Vyn NAt.R OVERSTUFFED DA V EN rport aad 'ehalr. fl mahoniny chairs, ' dining table. 6 chairs wslnat. high grade and new: aolid osk library table ;. y Tearing Wednosrtay. 060 N. Cottage VCL08B TO STATE TREET FIVE ' room r-odern bangalow,- Urge ( ' . tMn. firenlaca. besatifnl lawn. Ilo ' era aad garden. $2500. Beeka , r s Hendricks. 206 V. 8. Bank Bldgv y ; A-t MODERN HOME' a.08E IN: 4 best ewrroondinga, . large V ast f- (nan flu fruit - and soil. 8een ' rooms not Including balls, toilet and balk. First claaa ,in ryJ war. . ; 7350. ' Terma. Harris, 624 ' North Capitol.' 1V42-J. ; " FlOHT ROOM HOUSE. PUABTERED, modern planihing.' lights. Urge corner MI, paea an arooaa, ww. Becke Hendricks, 20 V. 8. Bank Building. . ADVERTISING - MAN WITH THOR- oagh knowledge of printing, appropri .ta idianlar. illuttratinc. etc. Know ledge of reta'0, direct and; mail order advertising; seeks position aa assistant to advertising manager. Can plan and write attractive, ads, eirertar letters, etc For Information writ , E. W, ,; McBride, 1909 15th Ave., So. , Min '. neapolis, Minn. . ; FIR8T CLASS BUNGALOW ' CLOSE in : five - large rooms, plus reception ball and breakfast room; cement base- , went, garage. . Everything aew - and strictly modern. ; Built for owner and -no expense spared. Iot 60x165; 97800. Only 92000 rash. Harris. 624 K. Capitol, 1942-J. TEN ROOM PLASTERED HOME 7 blocks to high school.. Quick posses sion. Bath, hot water and trim eest front lot with fruit. Sea this. Price 93000, yea 93000, and on terms yon can handle. Beeka Av Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bank Bldg. . . ACME RE8TAURANT DINNER, FAM ily style. 45c. Short order, popular - prices-, neat, aew, clean. - 121 South Commercial. . WANTED TO BUY SMALL COOKING stove. R. G. Daega, Route 4, phono 13F4. GLADIOLI flower. ASTERS, ZINIAS, CUT :Fbona 1700. 1. WANTED , BEEF CATTLE. HOGS, ' veal, lamb, mutton and poultry.. Will pay beet essh market prices. - Poople'a Market, 15ft N. Liberty atreet, phone 994,t r -., , i',- ,-: . " -. AOME 'CHOCOLATE SHOP "JU8T Csndy.. Strictly homemade." 121 8. Cotnmerclsl. HARRY ' W. SCOTT "THE CTCLF. - Mmm" til a f!mmaeelaL nhona BR. FURNISHED ROOMS 253 N. 18TH. Phoaa 885-W. FOR SALE BUICK 8EDAN IN At condition. Or consider trade for smal ler ear. . Apply . 216 Maple . street. Phono No. 1883. Dallas. Oregon. WANT AUTO $350 TO $450 AS FIRST peyment on nearly new 4 room bouse 1 block from south Commercial. Gar age. chicken house; several bearing fruit trees. 91450. A. W. Estes Realtv Co. Patton Building' Phone 768 17 ACRE CULTIVATED. 5 PASTURE; ' 8 acres of good timber; well, creek and spring water: family orchard place fenced: 6 room house, abeda, chicken house, etc. Close to Salem ad gravel read. Price 83800. One half cash. Sea , L. A. Hayford 80S 8tate street Some Bungalow. Bargains 9 1600 Bungslow; 4 rooms! terms. 91700 Bungalow; . 8 rooms. 8 2 0OO Bjnnalowj.fl rooms, $ lots. 62500 Rnncalow; 5 rooms. 63150 Huncalow; 5 rooms, , 420(K Bungalow, 6 rooms. 15000 Bungalow; 6 rooms. 86000 Rnnralnw B rooms- ' Lot us show you some of theaa nifty bangalowa on .easy terms Childs & Bechte! 540 StaU atreet v Special Three room hmtae; good bar a ; on paved street. A snso for 8950. terma. Some nice lots and some cash, trade for 5 or 0 room honne. . a room horse for $500. with $200 cash and $10 per month. , 1 , .We, here 2 honses ar-d good bam on -4 nice--iota, with all kiads of. fruit tor- ilfton. a barrsm. , 6 Tooiu modern, goo i barn, large lot on ,P"""treet and cr lin. . Prii $2600. Wilt take- screage close in, uooa Portland property for close in im rprovoa acre re. s, 4 .-. 1 V ' - 1 Huinaoun . ,. 821 If State' srreet ' ' : Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring ' Results EMPLOYMENT FORD BALESMtN WASTED SALARY I and commission Stswart Motor Com pany. Independence. WANTED EJC tltcrr.-O TOUNO MAN who baa had experienea aailiac life Insurance, aiocke or advertUmg. Meat bo able to devoto his entire time aad bo ambitions for advancement. Meat have the cos rage to preaaat kajineas prapoaitioa to mercnaau and profes ioaal men. Answer in vnar aw wrUiag, atating age. educational qasti ncatioaa, experience aa solicitor, etc. Addreea "1 No. !." Slateama office. AOEWTS WANTED IF LOOKING FOR A PAYING rROP- ositien. aell oar dependable troea. boed territory open and attractive eeatnet under which to work. Start now. Capital City Nursery Company. 426 Oregon Bldg. Salem. Ore. KAXB AMD FEMAXE UUP PICKERS, ATTENTION -WE ARE " reginienng for our several yards. Good camp grounds, tents, tables, neo chea and plenty of sawed wood fur nlshed. Register with Durbia Cor noyer. over J. C. Penny store, or Adolpb Cigar store on State street. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good proposition to the right people Addreaa the Paeifie Homestead, Statesman Bldg. Salem. Ore. HOP PICKERS WAN1-Er GOOD CAMP groonu. wjod. good water and houses furnished. Ca 136 Ferry street. Hop Iee. HOP PICKING COMMENCES AUGUST " at William's Hop Yard. Eola. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. rree for stamp. Correspondent, Toledo. Ohio. FOR SALE BUSS AND DOOS PUPPIES FOR SALE FOX TERRIER and Airedale. Agenta for bpr'tt's dog. cat aad bird food and remedies. E. B. Finite. 273 State, Salem. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send So to the Paeifie Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three .months trial subscription. Mention this ad. PIANOS USED CHICKERINO GRAND. IN GOOD , ahape. - Will give aomo terms. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. FOR SALE GOOD USrD MAHOGANY ' piaao left u to aell. Price 8200. terma. H. L. Stiff Faro it urn Co4 Mu sic department. GOATS MILK GOAT8 BRED DOES $16 TO 85. Milk Ooai Cheese 6o per lb. Faaoie Brastoa, Dallas, Oregoa, LIVB STOCK BIO TYPE POLAND CHINA BREEDING stock, both sexes. Msrch and April . farrow, for aata. Popular blood linos. Phono 49F2S.- POULTRY 100 2 TEAR OLD 8. C. ; hora hena. , 91 each. UmaMUa, Oregoa. WHITE LEG W. A. Ford. JERSEY BLACK GIANTS "THE Super " Fowl." Growing, breeding, how stock, live capons. CM. Paga A Bona. Bos 777. Belmar, N. J. POULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO eent itampaor special three months : trial for the beat, and oldest Journal in the weat'Tud articles' shcT aJvfcr ; tiaemeata jire ef special interest to the poultry 1 breeders of the Northwest. . Northwaat Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 ooata . a beadle. Clrealatioa depart meat, : Oregoa Htatesman. FOR 8ALE PURE ; REOLEANED etch seed, also oata and retch mixed. Phone 35F32 Brooke. W. L. Fuller. FOR 8ALE CSAWPORD, ALBERTA8. Charlotte aad Marrera, 9 miles north I of Bareml '- S.mon Ranch, . route 8, Phone 59FI4. FOR SALE 24 INCH WOOD SAW. Fairbaaka Morse engine. Marion truck, almost aew. T. J. Luper, Woodbnra, route 2. CRAWFORD AND TU8CAN CLING peaches, opposite the Tulm farm. at. P. Adams, routs 1, box 10A. Phone oeri2. BROCCOLI PLANTS FOR J3ALE 8T. ivaientine. S4 n thoussnd. Mines fcros.. Gervsis. Phone Red 231, Sil verton, Oregoa. A good team for sale. PEACHES CANNING PEACHES , Crawforda. now ready at J. W. LaFol- lette s orchard, seven miles north or Salem oa river road. Marion county, near Clear Lake school. I' hone 71F21. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" sad elevea ether Oregoa soars, together wits a une eouectioa 01 patriotic tongs, lac red songs aad many aid tint favorites ALL FOR S5e fSneeial artree in oaantitv Iota) tUpocially adapt able for achool, aaauaaa Ity or oine tiagiag. send far The Western Songster 76 pages, to ia its third editioa. Published by ' OREGON TEACHERS MONTHlT 318 8. Commercial St. Salem, Ore MISCELLANEOUS GOOD TEAM-OF 8 TEAR OLD BAY msrea, 1200 each, souad; and good set of harness, for 9175. O. V. Badley Co Phono 976. 8 slam. SUMMER LUCOAGS) REDUCED WAL1 paper remnants, plaster wallboard Velvet stair carpet, 91.95. Eadur aace- high grade bous palak Kalao mine, lOe pouad. Cotton mattreesea 98.60. Bteel springs 95.00. , O. Bursa. 179 N. Commercial St. WOOD BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 4 FOOT aad 16-iach. Prompt' delivery. Ram enable prire. Fred E. Wells, 805 8 Church. Phone 1542. FOOT AND 16 INCH DRY MI LI wood ta aay aaatity. Tree Wood n. piwm Rio FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT. FIRST floor. zz ri. Bummer. FURNI8HED VERY NTCF.LY FOt'F room- aparwnent. 1047 S. Commercial. Phone 1163 J. FLATS FOR RENT 4TOMPLETELY FURNISH ed modern first floor five room flat. ' at 666 ' Ferry atreet. 850 a month . Call at Stateaman buainera office, or : phone 23. ROOMS IOR RENT ' - NEWLY FURNtSHEIt rooms, for ; girls or women. 475 8. "' Commercial,) Phone 1115. MODERN 'ROOM- FOR' GENTLEMAN Ceatrslly rocsted. Most give asm aad . .rofernacnv Addreaa A. eara-Btatnamaa . ,,r . . , FOR RENT 4'ULLY EQUIPPED AinO renair -fsnop. - oest (oration - in Hclem. - Can take possession by September 1st. j innmra st uieson e Aoto cxchae 173 8. Liberty. Phono 666. FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOMS WITH private bath, also- single -rome:' 1080 Chamekei street. Phase 1JI0. , FOR; RENT rxAiroa NEW PIANOS rott REST WITH THE privilega of applying rental purchase price of a new one. U. L, Stiff, Music Department. WANTED MISCflXAJTEOtia WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. ETC, Phone lt. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City Bedding Co. Phono It. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD waxe aad furniture. Best pricoa patd. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE FURHITCRB CO. 285 X. Commercial St. . Phase 91 WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, MA chiaery, tock. ate. Will buy for cask or aell on commission. Phono all. Woodry. the auctioneer. BUSINESS CARDS ATSOnOSTEES AUCTIONEER F. V. WOODRY. THE livestock,, real estate eae tioaeer. Phone all for aalo datea. Reo. 1610 N. Bummer. 0. 8ATTERLEB AUCTIONEER. FARM ana stork sties. r nones neaiaeaee 1211-J; Office 1177. Salem, Oregon. NOTICE A BIO AUCTION 18 BEING . established ia Ralem at 106 South High street. All kinds of household furniture, live, stock, machienry aad miscellaneous articles will be sold on commission basis. See us before you sell, and lot us make you an estimate. We buy all kinds of furniture, tools and miscellaneous articles. Watch papers for the initial sale. Get your dating in early for farm aalea. Col. J. B. Gable, auctioneer. ARCHITECTS FREEMAN 8TRUBLE. ARCHITECTS. 10 Bank of Commerco. Salem. Oregon. Auto Directory Adomim THE GOOD MAXWEUr GINGRICH Motor Co. 17 1 Court. AOETYIJKlTwELDINQ IRON. STEEL. BRASS, ALUMINUM Bring the pteeee. Oso-Gaa Haatiag Co. 887 Court. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS I 8 TO OFF. MIKB'8 Aato Wrecking House. 424 North Uommereiai. Phoso 623. 10.000 MILE ; GUARANTEE AGAINST atone bruises, rim cuts aad blowouts. The Hydro-Toron Tire for aale by Yew Park store. 12th aad Leslie. Phoaa 9 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN R. D. BARTON EX IDE . BATTERIES. tartar and ge a era tor work. 171 8. ! Commercial. , PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE Btatma. Ktnert battery aad electrics! work, rarria Bras. Phoaa 1808, 418 Court. ; , . AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU bio shooting, ill . nigh, fhan 9'8. . RADIATOR a FENDER BXPAIBS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES, mad or repaired. J. C Betr. 444 rerry. , .. : USED OARS OLESOW USED CAR EXCHANGE. . Cars bought and aold. Guaranteed re pairing. Wss'.ing. Polishing. HE BOUGHT A GARDNER FORD SE- dan: new paint, upholeeery; excellent condition: lota of extraa. aaTa. r. W. Pettyjohn A Co., 279 N. Commer cial atreet. HE BOUGHT A GARDNER DODOB touring. line shape. f 423. r. W. Pettyjohn It Co., 279 North Commer eiai street. HE BOUGHT A GARDNER OVER land Four touring, completely over hauled. 9450. F. W. Pettyjoha A Co. 279 North Commercial street. MOTORCYCLES SALE 1921 HARLEY-DAV1DSON motorcycle. Terms if desired. Call Publicity Manager, 1370. TRUCKS FOR SALE OR TRADE REO TRUCK 1921 modal, perfect condition. Will trade far real estate, produce or will aell oa easy terms. This is aa aseop tioaallr rood bur. If you wsnt a real good bargsia apply Immediately. Phone or ealt. The people' oaaa store. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Commercial atreat ' Phoaa 956. . BICYCLES AND REPATRINQ LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY elea and repairing. 887 Court. CARPETS AND FLUFF RUQaT" NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW waava flaff taga made out af aid ear sets, any length ar width yon desire. We alas re-fit. re-sew aad site carpets. Feather reaovatiag aad mattress steam In and re-makine-. Salem Camel Cleaaiag aad Fluff Rag Worha. Phone 1184. CARPET AND BUO WEAVING CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAGS dyod. Phone before W a. m. asrai. CHINESE PHTSICIAJI DR. L. M, HUM CURES ANY KNOW dii 16 at Hla-h Sk. hone ana CLEANERS AND DYERS 8PICK. MV.8.PA,?i." CLEANERS AND dyers BA OWtw. ELECTRICIANS 8ALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC Building. Phone 120th - ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO Phoaa 1934. 222 N. Liberty. HALIK'B ELECTRKJ SHOP ELEC trical machine repairing, eoatractiag 837 Court. Phoaa 488. , AJtCTHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN House wirlnr by hoar or cob tract. Eati matea fsraiaheL Phoaa 990. 414 Court St. SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By eoatraet; by hour. . At . pra-wev . prices. H. W. Hatch, pnoae ia'4 J .DRUG STORES j WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGR." 179 N. Commercial atreet. phoaa IS 7. BREWER DRUG CO. 408 COURT Phono 184. FINANCIAL 10 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURA1 credit plan, pre payment previsioas al In wad. Wa will frannee yw ear a V rata af interest than aay first aa ta eeaat. Private money to loaa aa oither ally ar . eeuntry property. - R. W. Marsters f 411 Oregoa Build ing I.OANR ON OOOt CITY PROPERTY- pleety of moawv : aa delay. Call 931 Vfc State street. MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN asaoeistien baa snoaev ta maa 11 nereent. W. D. 8mith. secretary -traas- oa saiem Dans 01 ivmaww. -, rURWITORB ST0BES V . j , SCAVENGERS "7"' ' PEOPLE'S ijrw5TBir riW SALEM 8CA VENDER. -OA RB A OR. RE and second haad faraitara. 871 Com- , f(. f B, klB((, rvmsved Oesa pools mwrciaL -. i - . .! f,mm . riHae ta7 . :rl - FVRNACES , . :.- - ' - - ; TRANSFER HATLINO 8EAGROVE FOR - FUBNACES 198 12th atreet. - ; Via Stasaara) BUSINESS CARDS FUU1TUKI BOSrXTAX. FURNrrURE REPAIRED OB MADE TO aider. Refmiabiag and opaeiateriag a apocialty. Pboao 1742. Brown aad Grevoa. 1201 South Commercial. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery. C. F. Breitaeapt. florist. 12S North Liberty street. Pboao 0. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRE8SMAJCISQ MAUD 8IMONS. DE8SMAEER Bel leva e 8t 1710 RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. 766 South 12th. Phone 1824 M. SPENCER COKSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking. Carrie Fiaher, McCar aaek Bldg. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do aay aad all kinds of ladioa' tailor lag, for aid and aew eaatoaaora. Sat N. 12th St. Pboao 2085 R HEJaTTTOBnra MRS. BRECXESRIDGE HEMSTITCH rng. Mail ordera solicited. 17b 8. ltb Phone 174-M. SALEM i ELITE HEM 8T ITCH I NG, pleating, but'eaa, atampiag aad aoedlo work. 829 Oregon Bldg. Pboao 879. MRS. C. E.. MILLER HEM STITCniNO, atampiag, buttoaa. Room 10, over Mil ler'a store. Phone 117. MACHINE SHOP II. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND er and welders. Automotive service ' 490 Ferry. Phone 864. MILLINERY HATS FROM 91 UP MRS. 0. A Grimm Sin Coart street MEN'S STORE ED. CHASTAIN'8 UPBTA1RS MEJit- snop. Si its snd overcoats. f se m atairs. It pays. 122 X Commercial. MUSICAL MRS HENRY LEE PIANO. 1221 K Cspitol Phone 1017 W 8AI.EM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diplomaa created John R. 8itea, Director. 1287 Court Phone 626. RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING 12, leasone ruarsataed. Watermaa System. F. B Clark. Mgr., MeCor aaek Bldg. ' PIANOS TRADE YOUR OLD PIASO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick, H. L. Stiff Fur nituro Co. Muaia Dept. 8HEKMAN CLAY CO. PIANOS Stoinway Duo-Art aad e there. Moore s Muiie House. 415 Court atreat aad Masonic Temple. DANCING PRIVATE LESSONS Mrs. White. IN ALL LATE dances. Phoaa 878 J. TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED pisna tuner. . Leave orders Will s Husie Store. MUBfO STORES 1 s " GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, tewing machines, sheet music and Diane studies Raneiriag phono rrsphs and sew in a machiaea. 48V Slate. Salem. HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER STATE AND OommeretaL Phone 630. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY iMle ap 462 State. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LtFE INSURANC) company. - J. C. Batch, agent, room 6 MeOornaek Bldg. Phone 96. ; JEWELRY REPAIRING AMERICAN. SWIS8 JEWELRY REPAIR ing. "If we rannot fix it, throw it away." 179 South High, next Oregon depot. : LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 1SS 8 Liberty atreet. Phone 85. Oldest Uraest beat. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phoaa 165. I i MACHINISTS J WECHTER - A SMITH MACHINISTS. engineers, welders, Hesld eyltndai grinding service. Phoaa 662-845 Fer ry. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDT- Pbone 517 W. i PAXNTTMa CONTRACTORS PAINTING . AND DECORATING HIOH class work for particular people. L. D Bra ado n. contractor. 865 North High Phoaa 645-J, NURSERIES FRUTTLAND NURSERY OFFICE 161 Sooth 14th street. A. J. Mathis, prop Plrase sea ma before buying. Phone 1140 M. NURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LINE TREES SMA1J fruit, arnamentala. Capital City Nnr eery Co, 426 Oregon Bldg. Phone 75. PLTTatBINO PLUMBING REPAIRING AND C0T1 work. Phone 1307 J. Shop. 127 Caioa atreet. A. L. Godfrey. PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES I CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. - EX tracts, toilet articles. Mrs. Mayer 170 Booth 23rd. Phone 1234. PRINTING ROWLAND PRINTING Patton Bldg. CO. JOB printing. RESTAURANTS HUB RET AURA NT MOST REASON ehle pricoa. Johnaoa-Barrr. 159 B High. NOODLE PARLORS 7 WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 431 Ferry. BIN SIN NOODLE HOU8E CHOI euey, 40c ; puffed rice. 8e: aewdlea 80e; fried .aoodlea. 60s. 189 B. Ub arty. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Beat prices paid. Cap ital Exchange. 842 N. Commercial Phone 1368 W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND H ANT' goods of all kinds: pipe fittiags. bar neea, collars, collar pads, tools aac rhsins. Fred Srhiadler. 858 Ceotor street. - - STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experieaco. Depot ftatmnai feaea, sli 36 to 28 laches high Patnta. oil and rareishea, et' . mgaa 1 berry and hop hooks. . Salem fence and Ptea Works. 250 Ooart atreet. Phoae 124. - , i : SHINOLTNO REHHING1.ING IN CITY OR COUNTRY Free estimate. Phoae 13F32 ar write CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 229 State St. Phoae 938.. Diatribotmg farwarding aad tor age aur apeeialty. Grt ar rtv : BUSINESS CARDS TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker. JearrJ Knu Central Stage Teraamal Salem, Oreflvn OALbasibliLKiUI DlVUJIOIl Leaves Salens. Central Stage Terminal: 7 a-UL, 11 a m, 5 ?. Leavea Siivcrtoa, Newa Stand: . a a.m, l, a p.m. Salem Isdepead -ace MsamnU Diviaien Laavee Saiem Central Stage Temiaal: 7 a-m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 2 a.m. fi a.m Loavea Moamoath, Monmouth Hotel: 615 s.m 1 n.m : IS n.m Leavea Independence, Beaver Hotel: Hv a-m. 10 a.m. l:li p.m. 4 pjs. 6:10 Wo make connections at Salem to all Pru of the valley. Extra triso t.j appoiatment. J. W. PARKER, Goaoral Mgr. TXAN8TER HAUXXNG WE MOVE. 8T0RB AND SHIP HOUSE aoi gao4a. Oar specialty ia piano aad furniture moving. We a Is make eoeatry trips. We kaadle the beet coal aad wood. Call oa aa for prieoa. We give good measure, good equality aad good servica. Laratar Transfer Co Phoaa 930. VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE. Commercial. Pboao 1277. 152 N. WAREHOUSES WAREHOUSE WE HAVE SPACF for bopa, prunes and miscellaneous aiorare. Corner Trade Uirh Sta. Phone 717 or 1291. Mangia Broa.. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING rHONE 1181. country. fcd Sproed. CITY ITT AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING , Phoaa S046. Fisher Broa. WATER, tAI.F.M WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office, 801 8eoth Com'L St. Tea per coat discount oa domestic flat rate paid la advaae. N dedaians far aneeuee or aay causa a a less water lr ehHt f r T4n r nremieea PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS DR. GEORGE F. HINER. FOOT 8PEC- ialiat. modern equipment; arches msdc to order. Room 3, Pstton Bldg. rnone tiai. OR. WILLIAMS CORNS. CALLOUS ea, ingrown nails, all foot troubles. rnee Hhoe Co. Phone 616. CHIROPRACTORS DR. LENA A. BOON E, CHIROPRACTOR, 475 8. Commercial. rbone 1415. OR. O. L. 8COTT. P.SC, CII1ROPKAC tor. 414 19 II. 8. Bank Bldg. Phaae 87: res 828 R. OPTICIANS WORRIS OPTICAL C0.-8uita 801 Or goa Building. 0LA8SE8 FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR Amtl Ik. Has Ontlal tmwim 825 Bute street, opposite- Ladd aad Bush Bank. POM F.ROY k BENE -JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 988 State. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS MRS. WHITE AND U. 8. Baak Bldg. MARSHALL 90 OR. FOSTER 404 OREOON BLDG. I 'Phones 756, 2024 J. DR. W. 1 MERCER O8TEOPATIIU Phrsiciaa and Burgeon. Kirksvllle graduate, 404-408 U. 8 Natloaal Baak Bid. Phan. off lee 919; rea. 614. BROKEN ARCH 18 AND OTHER TE formitiea of the feet earreeted withont Mas of time from your ocrunttma Drs. White A Marshall. U. B. Baak Bldg. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad Burgeon. 408-404 Ore goa Bldg. 7110000, sffiee. 1894; rea NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS" OR. A. 8LAUOHTER - ACUTE AND chronic d messes. 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. .LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS riamp 5. Armory. First third Mondays REAL ESTATE FOUR ROOMS. MODERN DUTCH kitchen; 91809, 9600 will kaadle. 5 room bnngalow, modern; Dut?h kitch en, buffet, . bookcasea, paved street. cement basement. 84000. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, bath, good district, paved atreet, 92625, only 95O0 aown. Follrich Main Floor Terminal Building FOR SALE BY OWNER 5 ROOM VOD era house, except furnace, full base menu large attic. Terms. 75"i Belle rue, 4 blocks from postofure. Wood's Bargains Confectionery, cigars and soft drinks, ia ctudinb fixtures. 9900; chesp rent, liv rnr rooms in connection. Another stock invoice 94500, doing good business. This m a money maker. Four room bungalow, plastered, bars; hen house and ten lots. Owner U foing away aad will sacrifice, price 1600. Don't turn thie down' until tou see it. 30 arres well located close to town, fair buildings. On account' of sickness owner has eat price to 93000. and 9500 will handle it. F. L. Wood. 341 State street. BARGAIN-r-NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNOA low near the MeKinley achool. Price 92250. Terms. Krueger Oregon Bldg. Phone 21" EIGHT ROOM ALL ONE FLOOB bouse, most attractive corner. Set me about price. 1 mora new bungalow. room new bungalow. . Honae and lot close in for 91800. House and lot close in for 61-200. House and lot on N. Cottage, 9t(00 Uouse and lot on N. Cottaje, dose ia 42730. Gertrude J. M. Page 192 N. Cottage 8t. Phone 118t WILL EXCHANGE 164 ACRE FARM near Eugene for house and lo 01 small acres re near Salem. Fine vtorl farm with forest reserv range Joining farm. Price 84300 Winnie Pettyjohn 331 i State street WORTH WHILE Two " room house, elertrvn lights, s'&fc city water snd toilet, large lai. goo location. 9850; $250 cash, 10 pe month. mom plsstered house, bath, toilet electric lights, near achool and cat line' 920O0; V cash, balance pay menia by the nyinth. 1 Iota, 4 room house., city water,, wel' and toilet. 9120O; 9200 cash, neat ecbhol. '.t ua write roar fire Insurance. MILLS & COPLEY 331 V SUte street . FOR SALE ELDON HOTEL. GLEN dale. Oregon, now doing good business Twenty sleeping rooms, dining room, kitchen. heat, city water, con tinuews e'"trie service. Beautiful 1)0 rations H of huildang alone in 1914 900. WiU sell bniWinc fur aUlied tor 84SOO. Or would accept modern residence property ia Salem or Independence. Oregoa. Dr. 6ea. C. Knot I, Independrsca, Ore. Bargains for -This Week I A annd) 6 room modern oa Stat street. Verv good valoe-at f.tooo. ,. A 7 room at 831M at T2 N. Lihertr One similar on Nertb Cammereial and - bic -corner lot. ' 92400. All are paved etreet. . -- . ... . : Fleming Realty Co. 1 " 941 Stat street REAL ESTATE OWNER WILL 8EU FIVE BOOM pmseered house and farnitore. Bam. Oa block from ear line. SS00 down. 925 per BMtath. 1138 SottU 13tk street. CITY HOUSES CITY LOTS. BUNOA Iowa, small aad largo acreage, etaee a aad far out; oachaagea ia city aad rouatry. Brew a A Magee, over Bua icfc's atora. State aad Com mere lei Phoai 58. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB CITY property, tea or twerty acrea, bowl buildings, Italian prunes and tagaa berrioa. 700 N. Uiga. FOR 8ALE OR TRADE NICE FOUR acre home juat outside of Salem oa Park street. Call or addreaa r. u. Baell. Route T. Bos 18, Salem. Phoaa 1607J. FOR 8ALE 16 ROOM DWELLING. ONE block from states souse. Inquire Of owner, 1030 Cheese eta street. Best Buys and Exchanges 5 acres. 4 cleared, 1 oak grove; 2 room aback; 3 4 mile to station. Uood well. 9(K0 rash. 8.84 acrea. cleared. Price 8325 terms. 640 acrea North Dakota, for Oregon reach. ITice 838.400. 630 acres. Alberta stock ranch; a first ctaaa preposition ; well fenced ; bouse, barns, sheds, living water. V cleared, H arattcring timber pasture. Price 15.0110. Will take 8alem property or acreage for all or part. J40 acrea writ improved for . Portland property. Price 824,000. Cell in. We may have what you are looking tor. Socoiofsky 341 8tate Good Buys in Houses and Bungalows 9 room bungslow, modern in every wsy one of the best constructed homes in Kalem; corner lot en csr line. Price 18400 rssh. 1 room boukc close ia on South Com mercisl atreet. Price 81500 iasi. 7 room bouse with basement, corner lot: on south High street. Price 820UO rash. 6 room home, large lot, at 1680 South High atreet. Price 84000; 2(KHl dowa. Nearly new 5 room plastered bungslow with modern plumbing. Price 82150. f3bO down, bslsnce jisysble 925 per month. Located in Kinrwood Park. (tea I restate and rue limrinra W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State St. U. 8. Bank Bldg. WORTH MORE MONEY 6 ROOM bouse. 3 bedrooms, bsth. electric lights. gsrage. close in. 94200. 11 000 essh, balance time. Compton Real Estate 322 State street Phone 768 Phone 1302 R EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, RECEPTION hall, barn and 2 toilets, garage, wood horse, fruit aad shade trees; large corner lot; paved all around; soath. price S37SU. M. J. Hunt Ladd A Bush Building ANDERSON A RUPERT Successors to' Lsflar A Laflar INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406 7 Oregoa Bldg. t'ARM FOR SALE 200 ACRES fiKAtV and dairy ranrh in Waldo hills, J 00 acres in rultirstion. Will tske part Salem property. . $50 per arre. Call at 1137 Court or phone 1403 W. Finest Fruit Land A bargsia in 15 acres (no buildings) if sold first half September. 3 V? miles out. rock road. Cheaper then anything near it. Fleming Realty Co. 341 Stat street BARGAIN CHOICE CORNER LOT, good location, cost owner 6650; newts Doner: any reasonable offer consider ed. Call room 8. 341 State atreet or phone Monday, 791. INVESTIGATE THESE Five acres loganberries. 3 miles trom Salem 11500 IZ seres, 8 miles from Ssleta : 82000 30 arres, 8 miles from Salem 92000 ssy terms of payment A. C. BOHRSTEDT 107 Maaonie Temple Ralem. Ore PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER, GENERAL LAND OFFICE. WASHINGTON. D.C JULY 25, 1922. fvotire is hereby riven that subject o the conditions and limitations of the Vet of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat.. 218). ind the instruction of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (46 L.D., 447), the timber on the following anas win Da soia at 10 a.m., (September !1. 1922, at public auction at the United States Land Office at Portland, Oregoa. the highest bidder at aot leas thaa 'he appraised value as shows by this no tice, sale to be subject to the spproval if the Secretary of the Interior. The Mirchase price, with sn sdditionsl sum f one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being -ommissions sllowed, must be deposited t time of sale, money to be returned f aale ia not aDnreved. otherwise natent rill issue for the timber which must be -amoved withia ten years. Bids will be -eceived from eitixen of the United i tales, associations of such eitixens aad orporations organised aader the laws if the United States or, aay state, terri ory or district thereof only. Uoon an- ilicatioa of a qualified pnrebsser, the timber on snv less! subdivision will be offered separately before being Included .n aay offer of a larger unit. T. 6 8. R. 2 E, See. 5. SE 8W1. -ed fir 960 M none of the red fir tim er to be sold for lea thaa 91.50 per . T. 9 8 R. 2 E.. Sec. 3. Lot 2 red fir 1950 M, SW14 'E, red fir -000 M. It 8, red fir 2300 M Lot I, red fir 2775 M none of the red fir imber to be sold for less then 91.50 fr M.. Sec. 29. NWU 8WU, red fir 140 M.. aona of red fir timber to be told for less thsa 91.0O for M. T. 2 R. 4 E Bee. 25. NW NE.4 red ir 1575 M 8W4 NE4. red fir A60 f.. cedar 1A0 M.. hemlock 340 M BEK VEU, red fir 810 M. cedar 60 M.. hem ock 160 M NE NW. red fir 960 VI, NW NW4. red fir 1260 M.. cedar 15 M HWi KWli, red fir 720 M edar 60 M.. SEU NW14. red fir 690 M.. redar 50 M- hemlock 130 M.. none f the red fir or redar timber to be aold or less than 91.50 per M., and none of he hemlock timher to be sold (or less ban 91.00 per M. t. 13 Suit, e w see. 31. E IWU, red fir 1500 M. none of the ed fir timber to be sold for let than :1.75 per M. GEO. R. WTCKHAM. Acting Commissioner, General Land ffico. TAXPAYER'S NOTICE THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETS ON THE' SECOND MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER OF EACH YEAR for the purpose of examining and equalizing the Assessment Rolls of Marlon County. Oregon. All Persons desiring to protest ny assessment on said rolls must do so according to the following provisions of the law: "Petitions or applications for the reduction of a particular as sessment shall be made in writing, rerlfied by oath of the applicant or his attorney and be filed with he "Board during the first week it 4s. by law, .required to be it session, and any petition or ap plication not so made, verified. and filed, shall not be considered or acted upon by the board.', . Oscar A. Steelhammer. COUNTY ASSESSOR. Read the Classified Ads- SELLING SHORT. DEIiilDS sun Moderate Recession of Pric es Results from Unto ward Influences NEW YORK. Aug. IS. Unfav orable weekend developments in the industrial situation, combined with aggressive short Belling and a Blackening of demand, resulted In tt moderate recession of prices in ttdiY's stock market. The sharp break In French govern- ruvntal and municipal bonds alro caused Fome uneasiness. Pool operations forced up seve ral gas and tobacco shares to the highest prices of the year, but the bidding up of theso stocks failed to check the decline elfss vhere. Consolidated Gas sold above 140 tor the 'first time in nearly six Years, probably in an- tlelnntinn nf mnlral r..t. i Annonncement that mainte nance of way men were demand ing a minimum wage of 48 cents an hour and the declaration of Federal Fuel Distributor Spencer that the fuel situation was Aaln wrious with many railroads prob-, ably induced some selling of car rier rhares. which were down large fractions to IVi points. Loss of a point or more were sustained by. Atlantic coast line. St. Paul common and preferred, Chicago & Northwestern common and pre ferred, Lackawanna, Erie first preferred. Lehigh Valley, Missouri Pacific, Northern Pacific, Union Pacific and Reading. Announcement by Henry Ford of a shutdown of his motor plants on September 16 because of the fuel crls's, famished the ammu nition for a professional attack on the motor shares but it did not resu t in any exicns'.ve liquida tion. Today's dispatches from automobile centers Indicated that no relation of work in other plants was expected. Mexican Petroleum fluctuated ith'n a range of nearly fire points today, closing at a net loss of 3. Mexican seaboard isnues were strong, howerer, scoring, net trains of Lover two points. Other oils yielded with the rest of the list, declines of a point or more taking place In Standard Oil of New Jersey, Maryland, Texas Gulf. Phillips Petroleum and Pan-' American "B. Total sales were 748.000 shares The foreign exchanges were Ir regular, the German mark rally tngafter the sharp declines of last week, while denipnd sterling eased below Saturday's quotation. Call money opened and renew ed at S-54 per tent, bnt hardened to 4 at the close. Business in time money and . commercial paper-was quiet with virtually no changes in rates. WHEAT KES Unexpectedly Strong Mark et Develops in Gram at Liverpool Monday CHICAGO. Aug. 2S. An unex pectedly strong market at Liver pool caused a sharp bulge in wheat prices here, and during the aay commission houses bought on . . . ... ... . me Dreaxs in suuicieni Toiume 10 Toward the finish Short covering also strengthened th market and the ClOF was cent to 1 cental up. September ,1.03 to $1.03 and December $1.04 to $1.04. Corn was V4 cent lower to cent higher. Oats were unchanged! c iL t n A ,.J.u.. 1 to cent up, and provisions I ranged from unchanged figures to 17c advance. Wheat in. the! ITnn'llet, rtltirlrnt wao In atxnA " mand and the strength there was ...riu-iui i k a ....I,.!'. m. " a" me start, dui me oest eariy i itr;ii vr c'C iivv uiiiiiiiiou cause of a lack of aggressive buy ing. Corn advanced early, but more than lost the upturn later OH foiling by longs. KecelptS here were 600 cars, and this took the edge off the demand, especi- ally as it is understood there will be a heavy run all through thej week. Oats followed corn and eased off with that grain, but averaged higher. A lack of support, with ncattrred selling, :aade a lower range for provisions despite the Urength in hog values. iiore NEW YORK. ug 28. Hops, quiet; t-tate and Pacific .coast. 1922. 17 at 21c; 1920, 16 at ITc. 1 BULGE COMING! ' SCREEN SCRAP BOOK WATCH DAIRY POT ATI IKS POUTLAXIX Aag. t&V Batter: Prints extras. 4 4c; cubes extras. 38c; prime firsts. 37c. Dntterfat, Portland s delivery: No. 1, sour cream, 44cV Potatoes: Baying price loraht. at 11.40; Bclliac price. $1.50 at $1.75. V FlttlT ; NEW YOlUv. Aug; 2S. Evap orated apple,", dull; state. 17 at 19; prunes, eaayr jCalifornlas H at 1SH; Oregon; - 12' at 18c. Peaches, easy; choice? - IDS at 14 Vic; extra choice. 14 at IS c; fancy. 1H at ic WiUlaWhat is it when you're married twice at the same time? Gillis Polygamy. Willis And when you'rt. mar ried once? Gillis Monotony. Cornell Widow. - . With womea Yotint: and taking j part in the acUre affairs of Uf I . ... . t -a w aon 1 near ami m about the "cHng Of YinC XU Crclat b am llua a aWttltra. tl'9 SalLAajastiat, aad' limply alias aver laa aead, clasp at taw waist aad eamsr ana, aa4 sateatkt ast agrj Lass. lym rfeofar own 't gwt It. aamsf awrwwt Awe neawewre, atoaae, afafreea ausat Sl.OO, Wm'll oemaf A Csrseat aw. ameaV 5taaJt. Nemo HrgUnta-FasKtan tmtltata I alio East l6thSu.Naw York. Uawtbt. SALEM MARKETS ! Priees quoted are - waotuaate aad irices .; received ay farmers. No re prices are givea ascent aa bhs,. Osta, mliiiag, aev, oue, r eae. Wheat, No. t packed 96." -Vatch and pat hay. 911. ,: r tavar hv. SlS. m m w Mill ma mill feed. 8"- C ' I ; EOGS, SUTTER A SUTTCrFAT. Egge, retail. See. ' ? Creamery butter, retail, 47' fj 69a. . ' Battrf at (delivered), 474. ,, POULTRY " Spring fries, laraa 83a. '.- rlpriag frioa, email. 16 91 1 Sv ileaa, light, 14s. , . Hen heavy, !. . ' - oovar irnvrroar Asm asaP 1 Jltog. lop, 911 l 11.75.. . , Top vest, dressed, ISO. S tears. 9 (9 AVb. j Caws, 9 ) . j v- - ; Baaanaa, 10a. - Lamoos. 91.TS 0 .!. " (. -Navel orangea, 96.60 t 19. -Califorais grapatrait 440. Meloa. lHt. . j Cassbaa, Sc. : , : ' 1 , VE0ETABLSS " 1 : Cabbage, 9n. - - Tomatoes,-tub." 91 JO."' , i . Walla Walla. 9. - t Browa aaioaa, 41.7 erst. Turnip. 98.' Parsnips, 82A0. Cairo la, 92. ' Head lettuce, 19 AOS. Beets, 92.50. ' Peppers. 61. ' .,' , . . ' J i DATaa, riua. siwxiag - Data, lSe. TI Package data, eaaa. I8.TI. ' Figs 12e. Comb honey, eaaa, 94.(10. , Cocoaaats, dosea, 91-7. Btrainod honey, lb. II H. Portland Baying Trices . ! , EOGS, POULTRY AMD MEATS BUTTERFAT STEADY av ' a a a a at ft. radu .? :U,io..T;d;r,r 1 i O 2c . r,uu riiui, ni,M.B i r-i.,t.. aa white hen- n erica 23 to 2ic delivered. Theaa qae- . .m mm nrl... ttmkA tn, the 1 j hulk af receipt by local Jobber sad er-.erte..i , D (Less eommissioa) Heavy beaa tl O JlJiiSS 20c; aid roosters, 10c; docks, whita Pa- 'Da8" da eommission) Choice light hoc. 15 W locj Bodergradea, 12 dii 15e; ...7 dM. uu, !. Badr. I grades, I2 i4e t. ; hat hteady I fDeltVored. POTtlSnd) Valley TluV othy. 419 O 19 to,; Easterti Onren j Timet h v. 921 22 toa ; alfalfa, lis I O IS. So too: clover. 914 ton: oTta aad' I rctck. SIS IS ton: atraw. Sd i toa. Delivered. Portland, in car lota) Wheat. 91. M & 1.0; eeta, 831 O 32; Ktcm yellow eora, 929 it 28.50; barley 927.50 4t 29. rauiT utm urrihv I F.rtr neache. 5 S: rasoberriee. 82 2, 1 o; apples. 81 1.3; Mackoee- rie 91.75 box; wild blackbsrnes. lie lb.; blneberries, 15e th,: rastaioup. r Ji-o huckUbertioa. I8e lb.; VEGETABLES VEfjETABLF-S 8TBADY ' New potatoes, 91.50 1.60 rwt.: Or-. egon cabhaao. 1 8-4 ft 2e Ib.J paraaipa, le lb; carrot". 25 des. bunches; frees peat, - 6 i ft 7c Ib.i greea onions. 25 doi bunches; cream aqaash. aove'aslc". onions. 610 rwt.; aew corn. 25 Q 80 dosea; tomatoes. 35 ( 40c bos. , WOOI STEADY Half blood aad fine.-30 ? SSc; three eigbth blood. 80 4jr 82c: arter blood, , 25 if 27c; low aertr ind braid. 20 9 . 22c: malted or cotted wool. IS 18c - fNOTE Esatero Oregon, Washlogeaa and Idaho ranga dip bring 2 to 8 cat lea thaa Yalle wool ) v ; . HOPS STEADY 1921 eroaw aomiaaL- aow. eMtraefe tl - - . c" K FOR IT 1 1 r