THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11; 1922 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF F,rm I Named - .... lleruan Tasto, living on section 7 township 7 south, has filed the name of ?FaIrview , roultry luncn" for hi farm. The filing Is made In the oce of ;tbe county clerk.,, , .') ;, ," ';vi:; .f-V'-;. . . . jack'i Cafe v. .., "C; v 113 S. Com Et. A good place to eat. Tsbles and counter- Adv. are not more harmful than any other, vehicles of like weight. . He alleges that (he cUy ordinance im posing a tax of $200 for the use of the street for a stare line. are not regulatory tut are highly a icrl minatory. ; , galcm Company Sued ': The Hammond Lumber", com ii.ny of JIMdty has filed- suit against the' Oregon Wbod Prod acts company of Salem, lor $237 sieged to be due, on account. The wnA Products V company had )f WW t bought material from the Ham nni neoole. who desired a set- tlementV f - Iear Jlmmle Porter Our new trombone player, at the big dance at the armory Sat urday night. Adv. , Battery Firm Closes- The Urban Battery, company, doing business on North Commer. Val street, has temporarily closed its shop' pending a settlement on a suit brought by a Portland firm attaching the machinery: for an account claimed to be doe. Ittier PnaJHfrn, Balloons - To all children calling "at the Oregon theater' Saturday. Aav ': Parker Replies rV-. : : J. W. Parker of the Parker uks lines.; has filed in the cir cuii court a reply to the suit of . Parker--' "-City. Of Silverton. He dent that the .machines he uses tor his - Mages are exces sively jheavy or dangerous " navinc: he says' that they - are White v. trucks wtfgh lng 6000 pounds and" that they Yours Couple Marry-- Mrs. Earl Andrews and their IXew Corporatlo Ernest O. Howes, aged 19. and Icons - Kendall and Paul, all of I Articles of incorporation were Alta Crandstaff. aged 15. were I Chickaiha- Okla.. have been -visit-1 filed here yesterday by the Ore- granted a license to marry, Thursyl ing at the home of Frank Rosea-gon-California livestock company day, at the office of the county quest, 17 OS Fir street; The Okla-Iwith headquarters at Portland, cierc iney were accompanied by I hnm.n. hv boon tourinai the I and ha vine a eaDitaUzatlon of parents, the bride-to-be by her fa-j west from Old Mexico up through! $100,000. The incorporators are iner ana ine groom by His mother, J California and Oregon. From I Stephen C. M. Appleby, G. F. Fa- wno gave tneir written and verbal w th. -xnect to zo to Canada, ber and W. H. Macuire. The consent to the wedding, despite liter visiting Yellowstone park, j Logan Oil Development company. cr ituuw ase oi me con-Ti, n.rt ranaidera the roaasihavine headauarters at Umatilla. throughout in good , shape. Mr. I filed articles yesterday. The cap- and Mrs. HU1 expect to be rest dents of Salem in the near lu ture. Will Build Apartments - E. A. Adsltt, at 352 North Twelfth street was on Thursday granted an official building per mit to spend $4000, in remodeling a residence into a modern apart ment house. ' v Tube Free ,;-' " with each tire, 80x3 Vacuum Cup, $10.15; 30x3 Vacuum Cup, $11.95. ' Fairgrounds Store. Who Is the Sly stery Piano player? Hear him at thj dance at the armory Saturday night. Adv. Three Inmates Escape- Three inmates of the feeble minded school escaped Wednes day and the local , police have been requested to aid in locating them. The boys' names are Clyde irks. 13: Clarence Nichols, 14 and George Miller, 13. All wore blue overalls and blue shirts when they made their escape. t ratting parties. Ileltxrt Will Build James Heltzel was on Thursday gTanted city permits for two new residences at 914 and 924 Sag- naw street, to cost about $2100 each. . ;;' i ' t - I iUUxatlon is $75,000 and the In corporators are R. W. Gelbrath, W. J. Logan, W. C. Kirk. S. S. Palmer and others. Eritkfcn, Adolph Anderson, Ta coma; A. A. Tusslng. Brownsville; Walter Lowe. Minneapolis; G. F. Baker, H. K. Brin, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. A.. Brown, Halsey, Anna Beker, Centralia. TERMINAL L. M. Burastead. C T. Johnson. G. D. Loder, C. W. Strattoo, Rosa MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Howard. Portland; G. E. Raymond, Seattle; P. A. Lacy, Eola; P. C. Robertson. Ta eoma; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lewis, Mrs. Flora Grange, Mrs. Ella Marshall, Sacramento. Hill Military Academy Portland Or., has primary, , preparatory and academic departments. Adv. " T Millie Bodcn Sues " Millie Boden has filed suit for divorco from Joseph Boden, the suit being Instituted Thursday Cruelty and insult are alleged, and deception in securing a deed to property that had been owned by the pla'ntiff before her marriage. The couple were married In Octo ber, 1920. Trank. Baa aad Leather Before you take A trip can ana i Blower Will Speak look at those Betterbllt trunks at I .-The Lions club will dine again F. E. Bhaf era, 170 8. Commercial. I today noon at the Marion. George Adr. , I Cromwell Blower, the memory and efficiency expert who aaa To Members of Oregon I made an enrUble record as a Cedar camp, M. W. of A. Fun- psychoanalyst all over the nation, eral services of Neighbor T. C. is to be their "lion- for the day, Davidson will be held Friday, and is to speak on the big ques- AUgust 11 at 2 o'clock from Webb tion of getting over one's best. & Clough's. Adv. whatever it Is. Who Is the Mystery Piano player? Hear him at the dance at the armory Saturday night. Adv. - Chanters Win Sing One of the interesting numbers on the band program tonight is that by the Elks' Chanters, with band ccompaniment. Dan Lang enberg is director or the cnanv ers, a company of singing Elks who put on some fine stuff for PERSOMLS -Miss Frances Gellatly of . the state board of control offices left yesterday for Corvallls and New port for a vacation of two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers and various Elks entertainments and j Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb returned inrk Thev annearwVth thel this week from the beach and Party Is Touring Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews, Mr.' and Mrs. James Hill, Mr. and band tor their associates, in a de lectable number that ought to go bis. DIED Do Not Forget . The Seven Serenaders at the big dance at the armory Saturday night Ad r. ii par Jimmie Porter nn. now trombone player, at the big dance at the armory Sat urday night. Air. 1 lluPJ "Xlhy Girls Leave: 2--7:159:15 p. m. ' Tomorrow 'i -Florence YIdor 7 ELAINE HAMMERSTE1N . In "Why Announce Your Marriage" Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. Adr. BoxinK Tonight, Armory- Eight p. m. Adv. DAVIDSON Thomas C. David son passed away, at his home at 1534 South Commercial street, August 9. 1922. Mr. Davidson was 67 years old and has lived in Salem all his life He ia survived oy hfs' widow, .' Amney V. Davidson, one daugh ter, Mrs. Mason Bishop of Sa lem, and a son, Rupert R. Da ridson of Brownsville, Or. Fu- eral services Friday. August H vn Ubor Dar Program at 2 p. m in the Webb t. t a well attended meeting of Clough chapel. Interment wull th anion organizations of the city be in the I. O. O. F. cemetery, it n?ght. it Was decided to how I h cottare that is always no esnecial demonstrauqn ior -lw-iti, for thnm. Ther will re- SCH1NDLER August 9 at we bor day, September . mere w.M .ln th-. for . month. accord late residence, 637 East Twelfth be races and probably various pic-1 j. t0pre8ent pin. street, North Portland, uena nics at tne tate fair grounos inatj v Mr8 p F Po8t of jebanon, is E. Schindler, age 69 years, s'- day, and the unions were invuea i tttlng for a ew dayg wltQ Mr8 ter of Emanuel ana reier to join in and make u a Eenerwij juce, of South Twelfth scnmaier oi - saiem, uui oi i celebration, as some oi me i M vidua! unions, and many oi vn individuals, had already made plans for the day. and it was felt to be impossible to insure a gen! morn-ing, funeral services wW I eral attendance and participation be held-Friday, August 11, Mln the parade, it was voted to Eire 3 m. from the Rigdon cha- t up altogether. V : have gone on to Foley Hot spifngs. ' - Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McCroskey of Stayton were in Salem yesterday. Oswald Wfest was in Salem Wednesday on business.' Harry Brumbaugh returned to Salem yesterday from Portland. Rev. and Mrs. W, T. Mllllken are spending the week . at the beach. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stone of Portlard were in Salem yesterday. Mr. Stone Is general secretary of the Portland Y. M. ,C. A. David Eyre will go to Newport today, driving; orer for the weekend. Judge and Mrs. George H. Bur nett left Thursday mornfng for a summer outing at Newport, where Wolgamott Case Appealed to State Supreme Court Transcript of appeal was re ceived at the supreme court yes terday . in the case of the state against Ernest S. Wolgamott, in which activities attributed to the Ku Kluz Klan figured prominently at Med ford. Wolgamott was convicted of having liquor hi his possession and was sentenced by Judge F. M. Calkins to serve two years in the county Jail at hard labor. He filed a mot'on for a new trial, and a letter signed by the Ku Klux Klan was shortly alterwara re ceived by Judge Calkins warning him not to grant the new tr'al. Also a delegation from the Klan is said to have conferred with him at his home. The motion for new trial was not allowed, though there was nothing to indicate, it is said, that the judge was lntim- OHMS mm oil bill Salem Band Gains Reputa tion All Over Coast; Trav : elers Stop Here re- Only four more concerts main ia the Salem band park con crt eri?, the 'one ton'ght. two next week, and one the week tol lowing. Then it will be all oft for more thoasands of people who have Nen enjoying these delight ful programs, than the casual Sa- lemite might believe. They have been coming in from Turner. Silverton, - W'oodburn, from Dallas, from every pnt of the compass, to hear these open a'r programs. The story has spread all up and down the coast People make it a po'.nt to stop here oa Tuesday and Friday nights to hear the-band music as it la played in Salem. There . is no other regular band service, any where in Oregon, it is bel eved; at least not so regular or so long a season or so effective an organ isation. Some of the bandsmen have been engaged in this work for a long t'.me. It is 24 years since Selection Tausf (Gounod). -Serenade Sabbath Mora (Jew ell). . , - . - . Selection ;Tho Tenderfoot , (Hearts). CoL Stuart March (Weidon). Star Spangled Banner. - i First Methodist Church ' Now Undergoing Repairs Repairs , that will cost nearly $800 are being mado at the First Methodist church, v ! , Tho ground floor. Or Sunday school room, Is being renovated, and re-ceiled with plaster board preparatory to repapering. AU tho old unsightly electrie light wires will be covered by the new finish rpstaira, the gallery floor has teen pointed, and ,all . the pews both ot maM floorjaAi"jCr' lery Tarnished - d r-vaed The church ia to be In readiness tor the-blvss;Othe Oregof conference, that convenes , bfe SeptemW . : The summer time was chosen for doing the work, while the vChurch wss uaed the least ot any time ot tha year dar ing the series of union services in tho park. . -rr,;.v; V ? Idated by the Klan Transcript of appeal was also John Gra ber first started to build rece'-ved from Medford in thel up a genuine lasting concert band case of the state against James Edwards, who also was convicted tor violation of the prohibition law. , Otto and Walter Muelhaupt ot Salem, Frieda Theef 11 and O. W. T. Muelhant ot Portland. The remains will arrive Friday HOTEL ARRIVALS I pel, concluding services in tne City View cemetery. VOLKAt a local hospital early Thursday morning, Mrs. Grace Jewett Volk, wife of Gerald Volk. The remains are at the Rigdon mortuary. Announce t meut of funeral awaiting arriT r al ot-sister from the east. Mulkey ts. Gardeau Main event boxing show, arm- v j w.pM. , ... 1 v. I MARION Mr. and Mrs. F. S Bramwell. Grants Pass; Robert Doneily. H. D. Smartt, Frank Bates. Eugene; R. W. HPnkley Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Powell, Mrs. M V. Wakefield. Roseburg; R Fate. Myrtle Creek: A. F. Perrin Columbus, O.; W. J. Shupe, Suth erlln; Elizabeth Jones, Salt Lake W. S. Whalen, Waterloo, Ia.; H E Kirk, Corvallls; Myra Craw LADD & BUSH, BANKERS ; EiUblliked 18 5S . ' General Bnkixi4? Builneii Office Honri from 10 a. xa, to p. ra ' nn Anderson Returns Gus Anderson, still as volatile nil iiukiksllverish and irrepressi- bleas ever. is back m Salem forlford Preston Hoct, R. E. Drake few days Tlstt wun n- moine i r jr. amwf ji. n.. opcuce, m . . . a m it-. - .Mf1w TTa I If T Q WnAilwo frY 11 Xfr. - . p n a o . im t mnn li m i cbl ui iu - GWIN At his nome, iav ouuiu --- . - t vrthwestl .Ith Portl-nd! W. S. Gillock . . m M 1 SIIHHL LUD UStOV J VSM ' m B-w- w - - UbOrty Sireei, juonuay au ,- ,Mn. .retting 1 R.ttl. Ground. Wash.: Ralph his matter's degree after graduat ing from! Willamette university, and carrying on a law course lookj. " " TIGHTENS II I. A RHP ' 11 Every Housewife Needs II - An r-1' Electric Iron . . ' FLEENER'S Electric Store II tt'a p...t CI III ii ; tit . , . TRT OCB !;.-.k'm&al Meal Pics. ' ' On Tues. and Wed. ma littlh ladies btore 1C90 Ceater SU, corner lzta STE1NB0CK JUNIVCO. Pays ' Best Cash Prices for . JUNK and' . ', . -OLD FURNITURE" ' The House of Half a -Million and One Bargains 402 N. CoxnX Phone 523 save,$$:$ !' i V ihy buying your hardware and,' fur- Blture at The CaplUl Hardware ;: 4 Furniture Co- SSS No. Com- , , merclal street. phono i47. Hirfcim'f Glints ' j Wear them and see ; Easier and Better . IIARTLIAIi BROS. Phcsa Salsa, Orta 7. ' . i a ago 72 years. He leaves & wia ow. Mrs. Llllie Gwin; one son. . rtl a. Pal m , aTw ing to admission to the bar. His oromer. o. . ,7 sister, Miss Hazel Anderson, was! Canada, and a sister, Mrs. J. M. " Mnrth western She Wlliams of Eugene. Funeral wHh hln? in Northwestern. y ' V., r7 k,u vHdr stopped n Kansas for a few days tUtn iorwaruett w .w. , , r-h.en for Cll AilO auf the comlna: year. Her visit here at home will be very short, as she I must return to her school dufes.M Mr. Anderson will return to Northwestern, about September 10. ! 4 Battle Ground, Grant, Dallas; Lulu L. Hughes, H GJ Dally, D. D. Young. Seattle; A. Tripp. Sheridan; R. Gj'rk, Har rtsburg, Penn. 4 Bligh H. A. Mason, Albany P. S. Logan, John Anderson Vice President Cool id ge has won a box of cigarettes la a ratne. Be ware ot the first false step. Cl. fn Salsm; it is that long since Di rector Oscar Steelhammer started In to. make band music a thing of community lite though he did not start it in Salem quite that Agreement Reached in - Sad tWit. service, for CrOOK COUnty Project Memorial day. every year.' without charge. Director - Steelhammer A tentative agreement has been says that money doesn't go with reached betwoen the state frrlga- his organisation on these patriotic, tion securities commission and national holidays. - Every year, the Crook county irrigation dis- the band visits all the state hospt trlct whereby the commission will tals and institutions in or, near approve bonds covering the pro-salem, to give free concerts at posed construction of an irrign-jeach place. As a money-making tion system for 2500 acres in the institution It is a failure. project. I But as an artistic success, it Lanl values in the district, it v goes big. The boys would like to said, do not warrant certification have sv lUtle more money appro- of tho entire issue of $189,000 printed, to make It possible to en. asked for but the commission courage a few more players, up agreed to certify as far as the I to 3d at least.' The present city values warrant on condition that appropriation doesn't go a great contract be entered into by I deal. beyond paying the music which the entire system would' be bills and tho hall rent and unl constructed and the remainder of I form , expenses, says Director the payments made to the con- steelhammer. If they could have strurtlon company after delivery players, and fill in all the chinks of water on the land. The North And gaps in instrumentation Canal company is tho construct- they'd feel that band ; lue was ing concern. The bonds to be cer-j -worth the living. If It still failed titled Include 4 per cent for at- to pay an income, , it would show torney's fees. . i an appreciation that would make them work like- -laves to put M over. The program for tonight, to be given if the weather permits, is as follows: Punjab march, (Payne) Selection 'Amortta" from Cxi bulk's opera "Laurendeau Vocal Mrs. , Hallie . Parrlsh Hinges (Havana). Popular numbers: "Here Comes Dinah Belle ot the Ball';; "Kiss Me Again"; "Dancing Fool Elk Chanters Band Accompanl ment. Senator-Willis says it is time that sex disappeared from poli tics. Does the senator propose to expel the women? Why, they have just begun to sit in the gam3. liliiiM a a ww .. . . Just Right ' . t33ffce occupes : aplacfeWthe';. v; meal that recpi ou can almys : dqpend on Golden west. interment. Webb & Clough Letiliaf Fcstrtl Dirtctcrs Expert Ersbihstn Company P Boxing Show : Armory, tonlght-r Adv. MIKE'S AUTO . .WRECKING ' HOUSE Parts for OneThird to " One-Half Off , I buy old cars, 421 KCcaft Those .523 FRUIT JARS New Mason Frnit Jars, . Quarts 70c Dozen; -: , ntUhe - CAPITAL BARGAIN house;;- 215 Center Street I .;- Phone 398 . Wc buy and sell . ; EVERYTHING Tin Sat Foreet The Seven Serenaders at tne big dance at the armory Saturday night. Adr. United Army Stores For Tents, Paulins Folding Chairs Blankets . Folding Cots. Shoes, Breeches and all kinds of Camping EquPmcn ; ' See us i before baying United Army Stores 230 South Commercial St. Salem, Oregon Rah fx Bom 1 A son was born Wednesday , to Mr. and Mrs. William P. Douglas in BMkiler. Cal. Mrs. Douglas was formerly Miss Isobel McGU chrlst. ! 2ft Rounds Boxing- Tnnirht. Armory. 8 o'clock. Adv. I (Mr Watch Fo r : r'Em Do You Feel Young? you are as young as you teeL j If you re suffering rrom eyestrain, or are wear ing glasses improperly ad Justed to your own individ ual f equiyemenU. you bV not feel as young as you should. , ', WE CAN HELP YOU Come, in and talk it over with us. MORRIS ! r OPTICAL CO. S01-S Oregon Bldg. v Oregon's Largest Optical1 InstituUon Phone 239 for appointment I SALEM, vOREGON , . . - . .,r. . ii : Service : Dependable Phone - rdepc VBS-W, i . DARIGOLD MILK ', : ::: is not known by any comparison with other brands of milk. Darigold quality is distinctly peculiar to the selection of the fresh milk evaporated for this milk only VISIT OUR DEMONSTRATION BOOTH v. (OJ ' - , ' 1 i 1 and try this milk for yourself. Hundreds of people; are buying Darigold, not because it's cheaper--but because it's better ' .,'......:, ..' !-.., 't, - ... . 1- -' , V; , '.:- See grocery prices yesterday's Statesman Eventually you .will buy at EOS GIC