The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 11, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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Arrar for Jlx. 18i2 , - ,
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VarW a Pai Oaaatiaa
Xwly ararjkcdy raada
The Oregon Statesman
SBX boxs rxwsr-arxs
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W(&$0 FMmol &ti:'0&lg MMnei GIRLS STORY TOO
J. MT Farley Throvni ; From
Ranningboard of Truck and
Head Hits Hard Road
DALLAS, Ore., Aug. 10. (Spec
ial to The Statesman) J. M. Far
ley, a prominent prune grower of
this city, was quite badly Injured
late yesterday afternoon when he
fell from the running board of an
automobile truck, striking the
back of his head on the hard road
The injured man was assisting
Western and Southern Rail
way Executives : Do Not
Take Kindly to Proposal
vi rresiaem naraing.
The Aze-old story of shame that is stronger than love or
even than life, is the basis of & pitiful little tragedy that
came to light Thursday afternoon.
, Two boys fishing at the foot of the inter-county abridge,
sent word to the police department that they had found the
. & tinv infant there at the river hank. Tho.nnlirpt in .niiHnr nnV .iont,n..
hurried to the place, to find an infant, not mature, that the near his prune orchard west of UNION DISINTEGRATING
. boys had brought to the shelving bank of the river. - The t0n wnen tn ccident happened. JS BELIEF, EXPRESSED
: tmy creature wouia not nave seen tne ngnt or day, m a nor- t " iwwj.w f
mal way, for possibly 10 weeks., ? ? ; -K - J.
; The tiny (bor .had Ibeen i wrapped; apparently, in a news- ;a7 fVaclured W SS Padf te JCoast Rcpres'cnta
uuv, yv,. w.wnu uu kMC viw- are 10 ine eiieci uai ne was oniyi TIVr NOT tn Rosrh Wich
come from there, though it wa3 not considered likely. proved today and is expected to
j-- There is no clue to the identity of those who brought the be about aaln within a few days
little body to the place. -
Former President Tells Am
erican Bar Association of
' Method to Avoid Failures
of Justice.
Construction of New Episco
pal Edifice Handicapped by
Lack of Workman
He would be a good Christian
bricklayer who would come for
ward and take the money to go to
work on the walls of the new St.
Paul's Episcopal church. The
church authorities have been look.
Spanish Uss Tells How Masked Men Came Into Her
Room and Compelled Her and Sister to Dress WHh
Intruders Looked on Relates How , Shots Were
Fired Baker Hears, and Goes Into Spasm '
ington Until Late
ne.W IOR, Aug. 10. (By the
Associated Press.) Ag western
and squthern transportation man.
agers began to arrive for the ses
sion tomorrow of the Association
of Railway Executives to pass on
ueui , Harqing's new . rail
peace plan, indications were that
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Auir. -lOThe trial of 87 renulrd
ing for this practical phiianthro- members of the Ku Klux Klan, alleged to have participated
Vllfi T A as flat wa. n m V a as a9 a 97V - - 1 a m .
1 t.j - . . .
uare iriea 10 impon some ironu; ...1 xri a t1." rrt m i
wncr towns, even, ana naven I ai. x . . . " ,7 r " " . Z ..
yet succeeded. The walls hould 1 county, ana one oi ine aeienaanis, COliapsea in niS
PROCEDURE URGED now be well under way and the chair and was carried in a stretcher from the court house,
bricklayer won't come. .If any- raving in aeimiim.
Vice President Coolidge is
Speaker Before Session
in San Francisco
More power given to federal judg
es will prevent many failures of
Justice, Chief Justice Taft told the
1 m..U. D. , uutUtlnn mnnn.
tion today, while otAer speakers dedication this tall If the brick;
declared that Justice cannot pre- layers win onry com.
body knows of a perfectly good.
or even a reasonably good brick
layer who is willing to sacrifice
himself for a good job, steer him
up against Parson Chambers, and
get thanks
The Qoor joists, and most of
the first floor, have been laid.
and the raised floor for the chan
k1 nnrl the Altar have been Put
in. The church is fastr taking f Primary Dection' Contest to
Bhape, so that it wui oe reaay ior
vail unless the people rely on the1
Mr. Taft's recommendation that
The new rectory, a seven-room,
two story building, is now almost
ready tor the roof. It fits finely
Baker was the admitted leader
of the raider, his explanation of
the affair, made public before the
trial,' belnr that he was acting as
an officer of the law In an at
tempt to secure .evidence of the
violation of the liquor lawa.
i. Watched Glrle Dreee
Bernardo Elduayen, a Spanish
girl of IS, was on the v wltneas
itand. and had just related that
she wis aroused on the night of
tne raid by masked men coming
' into her room and that ah ami
her sister Maria. wer tnrced
xa$ tiaii-uicott primary elec-fto get up and dress while the In
Be Resumed After. Re
cess in Portland
no surrenaer" nolirv vniowt I - . . ,. ,y, ,. . . . " .
by I. P. Tore, chair. Pns for reforming , legal proce- into T '
, Rl37 Thrftfltftlis' nasthlftTiftn eastern confer ' -7-7.:; -.71" dure be worked out through a tne .pan.n or " lw' - w I""' rwe,
v" hvii , - i.. . a hn aiier ena OL.ine wvi u,v " rurwana Tesieraav alter nana i ana - oar. nncie. .aiatiaa EianiTen.
.x an n..:u: o ibk momentum. h,uuhuul . . . v i . . . - .. . ; . i . . . . . ---- '
UI HII DUIIUIIiyS, diariS A Pn'ta7 .n . e. each of the federal supreme, rectory anattne une nw tlHCfI ou oeaae)l) lMf ? flMIl.t Ma. DMa (uen from Ue 6oU8e,
At Hospital
u....r4..u..n Wa. Jio. .4-.;ii.. ;M u i ; ulkk.fokd, , ill., Aug. io. A
. ' Mjr ""'ult4' wsu.w mw.jicup flra -Wei. threatend eAmnleti d. local executtvea
. T W . 1 - :
A concerted effort of the east-
ern men to strengthen their po-
suion wos seen in informal con
ferences at which the newly ar
riving officials were guests of
tentiary at Fort Worth, Texas, and was interred here, wa3 8truction of ail buildings In the
cleared away as far as the police are. concerned today, wjien heart of Camp Grant hroke out in
the body in question was exhumed and found to answer mi-1 the old base hospital area; about
j J- 1 I o'clock tonight and 'is spread.
nutely Furey's description.'
Purey's finger . prints, in the
possession of the police, tallied
With those of the dead man, the
police 'said. , '; ' - -''
On account of Purey's faculty
tor posing as dead in ' the past,
only to appear and bother the
police at some distance from the
point of his faked demise. District
Attorney Woolwtne of Los An-
All Camp Grant fire com pan-
ies and half the Rfickford city
department Is fighting the blaxe.
Several men have received minor
injuries and4 burns.
.. .. . : . ,. . ,.
geles, yhere certain charges are ln rapidly.'
pending against ' , the ; swindler,
wanted to make sure, and' asked
that the body here Te exhumed.
Three police detectives, news
papermen and others attended the
ATtknmtna tndav ' - . TCxhanBtlT-A
identification records of authority now consumed and the fire
tallied exactly with those of the "Preauing.
dead man!
Utah Democrats Fighting
for Senatorial r Nomination
Six buildings of the hosplUl Ly
. ? Cnlefe Secretly Closeted
The first conference was field
at the Association of Railway Ex
ecutives' board rooms where 25
rail chiefs were secretly closeted
xorjseveral hours. Those who at
tended the meetings asserted they
were held merely to talk over the
president's latest plan and to en
able recognized leaders to canvass
es, eacn or tne ieaerai supreme
circuit, and district courts an
three leading American practitlon
ers of law, 'was accepted In a re
solution of endorsement.
Law Respect ITged
The convention also Went on
record in favor ,xt ; the creation
of a bureau to. promote under
standing and respect for American
ideals and for the constitution, as
recommended by a committee on
American idaals. ' '
Vice President Calvin Coolidge
was a speaxer Jjeiore ine nigni
session of the convention, declar-
farini the street corner, u is want to carry the recount nnv ittr-
sald to be the most complete moa- ther, .will again convene In fia-
ern church plant in lem.
on roaas wnicn naa re-.. -Mi tn the law
suited fron the first seven weeks wnIch he saId ust be a limited
one, with an appeal to the spirit
A spirited contest for , the .United
States senatorial . nomination' : is
expected at the Utah state Dem
ocratic tonvention here) tomor
row. United States Senator King
Is seeking ' renomination and is
opposed by Frank Francis, mayor Df the delegates, coming from Pa-
oi ugaen; wiiiam wauace cmc coast sUtes may not reach
ana w. w. Armstrong, eau lare New york until tomorrow
oanxers, ana siaie enator . &a- The subterranean drifting of
warn SOUinwiCS:. OIIJian.COUniyr B(11Hmnt .raliit acrnnre of
Permit was issued Thursday, rat the office.of the city re-1 f ul.b?r 0t fee tl-,ar?to president ; " .Harding .,. proposat.
of the shop crafts strike.
Officials of southern and' west
era roads were the first to arrive
of the 200 representatives of class
1 roads which are expected to be
represented when tomorrow's con
ference, termed the most momen
tous in transportation history
is called at the Grand Central
terminal. . .-' .
j Coast Men -Are: Late
Each train brings others from
states farther distant. The last
ing that the time had come to yan , Shot by lohn jlnman
Apparently Will Overcome
she ' thought, , when series of
shots were fired, that' both were
killed. Some of these shots wera
fired by Marshall Frank T. Woer.
ner ot Inglewood, In n attempt
to preak up the raiding party, and
one fatally wounded Constable M.
B. Mesher, one of the raiders.
Raker Gapa OollapiKa
The girl had just completed hei
reciW ot these Incidents when
Baker, who had apparently ttcn
listening intently, - 'gasped an d
slipped from his chair. An at
tendant called .the attention ot
Judre Frederick W' Ttoiiaor in th
Falling All Over State! man, and the Judge declared a re-
iiaxer was carried to tne
lem Monday. morning. 4 4
No recounting ot .ballots will
be resumed , here, t but , the first
of the . witnesses who- are to be
examined will be called for quix-
, ting by the attorneys. . . , ,
Through the examination of
witnesses the alleged, illegal Vot
ing in numerous precincts of Ma
rion, Multnomah and other conn'
! ties will , be Investigated.
Million-Dollar Rairi '-
Wound -in Neck
i.: rorder for the building of a maternity vard at the Deaconess
Hospital at Oak and South Summer streets. The building is to
cost ,$i5,ooo. ,..,-v;-. 'v-' -
Work was actually begun yesterday, on the new building,
and the management hopes tot have it completed and ready
ior occupancy some time this fall or early in the winter.
of the people which he declared
to be unlimited.
National Character Sound C. R. Wttte, who was shot by
"No reliance, upon the national John Inman Tuesday night, in an
a mftcr pvpr ha been betray- altercation over Inman s wiie, :s
ed." said the .vice president, "but I recovering from his wound so rap-
our countrymen must remember j idly that it is believed he is well
that they hare and can have no past the danger point. He is at a
indenendence save themselves, local hospital, where he is now
Our institutions are their instltu- able to take nourishment after
tions. our government their gov- two days of starvation. He was
ernment, our laws are their laws." shot through the neck, and tne
Both the 'committee on Ameri- wound was at first thought to oe
can Ideals and Mr. Coolidge de- fatal, but the patient is now gam-
nonnced the DroDosal to give con- ing strength.
gress power to make valid by re-j Inman had a hearing on the
enactment a law declared uncon- matter ol Dan, Tnursaay. ine
It's a million dollar rain that
has been falling .practically all
over Oregon for ihe past 2 4, hours.
Maybe the threshers afid the
farmers who still have grain nn
threshed are" not quite "ready for
it. but it's the rabbit's foot' and
the horseshoe for the .forest fires.
One corporation " over in Clatsop
county that' lost : 1200,000 worth
of cut logs in a forest fire, wishes
it had come a little earlier. -
It's salvation for the dairy
farmers who have , cows so. dry
that ' they give evaporated . milk,
and butter in cubes, and cheese In
hoops and mighty little ot it.
Prune men say It Is just what
the doctor ordered. If It comes
for one or two or three days, and
then clears. The prunes need a
Btittitional by the supreme court, court fixed his ball at
which until today seemed to be Bavjnr it would deprive the people which was not furnished, but took
rnnfiniiil In fn- nf that mnrpl.. .v. . . m. nn fnrt1ir Mfnn Tf Witta re-
v.nt- . a. r on-1 . . ... .. . .v n ...... i k oh.,.. if Mlttle . more Juice to-bold tneir
bDOKane UemOCrai tO Be ln..r. tn rinmintt amnn? thfi ex. ,v.j. i u,i.t.i IuvIt ho ahnnld not. no ball could be ae- sugar In solution and Keep
I'.ann nTP Tnr i:nnnrpcc ecntives nere ior tne comerence. Aniana-prinr freedom or sneecn ceoiea. ine maer wt buu
t av-rr .. . - r. Lt.V.n
-': ' "'v ! I perators Thlnfe. strtae lxwt I ana action
' SPOKANE. Wash- Aur. 10. I Their attitndft is that the shon I pni. nt lifnnnml
;t will be a separate unit ot the? pay right off, but who still want! Declaring, himself in favor of the craftsmen already have' lost the! The committee on American
to aettle the last cent , of their Columbia fcasint project r and ! ? a 1 strike and thatrbyiaccepting the 1 ideals expressed the opinion that
obligation to the sisters who have soldier's adjusted Compensation, rritrike leaders' challenge to "alDeonle in general had so- little
a . . a. m h .
juusa s cnamoers and laid on a
couch, where - he H writhed and
screamed while telephone calls tor
physicians were sent. Walter E.
Mosber, another defendant, son of
the slain constable, - and Judge
Hourcr. gave the man first aid.
' Judge ttodaree Recrws
The Judge and attorneys went
into consultation after .Baker was
carried put, after which the Judge
announced that the i recess ; was
continued iihtil tomorrow- morn
ing by stipulation of counsel. The
lawyers said they believed this ac
tion probably removed any dan
ger o? a mistrial ; which might
have resulted from Baker's ab
sence and that the recess might
be continued tomorrow if the pa
tient should not be sufficiently
recovered to return to court.
without further action,
Wltte's hospital record.
hospital, with its own kitchen,
imrlors, roonus, fend , everything
especially fitted up for mothers
and babies. A -, ,
Work Tays for Services- ;
. The hospital has outstanding
A good' many bills from patients
who haven't had the ' money to
Two days ot rain wonld give
western Oregon ten million dol
lars worth of smoke-free climate.
bronght tnem or their relatives Fred Schane, Spokane realty man,, flght to the' finish- their shop Understanding of the constitution
through serious illness. The new j today announced he had forward- forces soon will be recruited to 1 that a large proportion of the pop
building Is to be built'to a'con-jedto ' the secretary of state at normal strength and the power ulation . would vote to do away
siderable extent hy , the efforts of Qlympia his declaration of can- 0t tne union disintegrated. with the constitution altogether if
men. who desire to pay r in work dldacy for; the Democratic noml-l Southern and western roads. given such an opportunity to ex
nation' as congressman iront tne I howerer, are not faring so well. I press their opinion.
mm aistnci. ; it i. frankly admitted, because Renorts of committees occu
Seattle Newspaperman
Joins University Staff
Ohio Man Elected for
Principal ship at Dallas I
(Continued on page )
EUGENE, Or., Aug. 10 Ralph1
C. Casey, a Seattle newspaperman.
has been added to the faculty of
the school of Journalism at the
Gatchel ot Ohio has been selected
Vv ha rtallaa artiftnl ATctnr tn
Mr. chade also announced him-Uost of thlrfhons are situated Uied the afternoon session of the lLW?erBKJr or wre.g0.n' ac5fnlln fill the vacancy as principal of the
self as in favor of a government lf, trnm th.hir where convention. . One report recom- announcement toaay. ne win . . hTO, ,eft by the re,lgnation
controlled merchant marine, re- . ,r V.-lTr5' . ...iiv! aa im.rin nar- begin his nuties at tne opening
. . . - . " ' I nOu-Uulon lurccs ai mum. t mtuuvu ,un.uB) . , .a v .. ,
lnt nn of tne Toistean act. and . . .v- I n , -rk ur.,o U1 l" on,.
- w v - i Mrn irni w x rvntnrn inn hli incin i LuiuaLiuii iu auo iua,uv
protection : for organized labor. ; 1 ,(.nreMitatives came here conferences' to which Mr, Taft
"11T I prepared to vote for acceptance of suggested an amendment asking
dallas, bre., Aug. io. (Spe-1 Fleishacker Announces Out-
cial to The Statesman.) u. r.
lay of $4,000,000
In Portland
high school left by the resignation
of C J. Everett. The school board
PORTLAND, Aug. 10- Expen-
XllAniul UfAmnn DiiMtTn
ttlic&u yiuiuau uiyiai : stood.
.wi be Tned in Euaene : Terrin&piosion
. a 5 ; VASHEVILLirNa. Aug. 10.
EUGENE, Or., Aug. 10-Kath-f A terrific explosion occurred to-
Mr. Harding's plan. It was under- that the conference amend its Cash Carried AvyQV by
.... t
rules so the United SUtes could
participate without sacrificing tra
ditional policies.
Warning Note Sounded
A note ot warning against de
fiance of the law was sounded by
George w. wickesham,, former
United States attorney general, in
eryn -Estelle Emmons, who - was J night near the shanty cars at the
arrested In Los Angeles Wedaes-1 southern railway - depot here.
day. will be brought , to Eugene I which have housed railway cm
to be tried' on a Charge of bur-inin.jnc. tha ahonmen's strike
CIITPArn 'in t m. a. t j nl v flry. according to announcement Tne extent of the damage ; could an address at luncheon attended
'" Sheriff, Fred Stickels. scerUined immediately by Mr. Taft. Mr. Coolidge and
-f ---....j huvuiuuuuc iov.c ui" ,vj Mrs. , cutuiuui is acvuwa vi
t "cri. former, service and automobile man were killed to- complicity in e, number of bur
night , when an airrjlane nilotedhv KpIW nlurtwd into the glarie-s committed In Eugene . a
streets of Naperville, about 30 miles from Ghicairo.
, -neuer was Instantly killed, bnt
Schlllo, who was in the rear seW
as seen- trying to free himself
from the strap binding him into
:- the planet a ;s u J,
" : Flames Envelop Plane. !)U
Before rescuer cou id reach
him, however; the gasoline tank
,. caught tire and the wreckage was
covered by a sudden rush - of
, lame, which drove back the spec
tators. i : ; r: ,
; Keller,
began some stunts' for the ben
efit of the home crowds he knew
were, watchinr him from below.-
Aftr anvoral ovltlntlnna.' the
plane was seep to ' side elip and
then plunge into a dlxxy tail spin.
' Craft Suddenly Crumples. 1
When scarcely 150 leot above
the earth, the craft , seemed to
a former.- army flyer,
year' ago, also In the theft of to
automobiles.. .
Two . youths implicated in the
Icrtraep pleaded guilty and. are now
serving f time in vthe Oregon pen
itentiary. - .
after the explosion.
Later an explosion was reported
In . the Southern railway yarns
here. '. "
other-notables here for the bar
convention. ,
"No government resting on
universal suffrage can long, en
dure," he said, referring to the
mine strike outrage at Herrin,
Illinois, "without respect for the
constitution and laws of the land
Dishman Bank Robbers
SPOKANE, Wash.Aug. 10.
Robbers who forced . the door of
the Apple Way State : bank at
Dishman, five miles east of here,
some time during last night, ob
tained 3535' 4n money, officers
were Informed today. E. A. Kauf
man, president of the bank, said
when he left at 9 o'clock he no
ticed two men loitering near the
bank. He furnished their descrip.
tions to the police. .
CHARLOTTE, N. C, Aug. 11.
-Bishop John C. Kilgo, of the
right itself, and glided smoothly
for a moment, only to crumple in- Methodist Episcopal church, south, ,uddenly drew 'rerolver,and
to a shapeless mass and plunge died at his home here at 1:45 this 1 w r ,
towards the earth, ;; J morning.
' Two Men Killed
CLEVELAND Ohio. Aug. 10.
Two non-union employes of New I n,or jf tne selfish interests of par
York -Central railroad in its Col- j tkular ' classes . are permitted to
linwood roundhouse were shot j contest the laws and facts of gov-
and killed tonight. The men tad ernment.
been' standing on a street corner I Mjiy Become Menace
arguing with a third man, accord- j , "When any body of men, be
ing to the police, when the latter! they employes or employers, be
ne- come so Infatuated with their own
DUBLIN,; Aug. 1 0. ( By the
Associated Press) The reconven
ing of the Daft Eireann. scheduled
for August 12, was postponed to
day until AnguEt 26. .
(Qoutinned on paf 6)
(Contlpned on pse 6).
Oregon: c Friday fair except
showers northwest portion,
met this week and decided on Oc-1 dlture of . approximately 24 000
tober 2 as the opening date of j 000 in the construction of giant
school. ' hydro-electric nlant to aerva tha
Narthjwestern . Electrio 'company.
FOrty-NVe Whales Are Flelachacker. f resldent lot the
Taken at Westport, Wn. company.? - - -
- .i wimin or u flays tne oen-
HOQUIAM. Wash., Aug. i- "Ite location of the plant will be
Forty-fiye whales have been lak-l decided upon and work will corn-
en thus far this season at thelmenco shortly afterward, accord-
whaling station at Wesport. ing to the San Francisco capital
Three whaling vessels have made 1st. banker and lumberman, who
the catches, 'which include , 36 arrived In Portland today.'.
humpbacks, nine tinbarks and one Three sites are under conoid
sperm. The catch Is below norma eration, Fleischacker said. He
at present, but the whalers hope added that he was not at liberty
to obtain their expected catch bo- to name them, but that engineers
fore the season closes late in Oc-I0f the company were? making a
Clackamas County Farmer
Killed by Runaway Team
Driving a team of frisky horses.
Theodore E. Kraeft,- 62, a farmer
was fatally Injured today when j
the team bolted. . He was thrown
from the' wagon and his "skull j
was fractured -
thorongh and exhaustive study of
I the situation and would reach a
decision , within . two or three
months. .: ..'".: .v : ... '.
TERRE HAUTE . Ind.. Aug. 11.
Attempts to dynamite the W.
Y; Wagner coal mine near Toad
Hop early this morning wero frus
trated,, .