TITE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 9. 1922 9 - i a V 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Did Yob Know Lv .' That, late laEt spring this house was completely refurnished, the seals were made more comfort able and a new pipe organ was In stalled You get service, here; we Invite and appreciate yonr patron. aRe. The liberty Theater, Salem, Oregon. Adv. Tube Free ' .With each tire, 20x3 Vacuum Cup, $10.15; 3 0x3 M .Vacuum Cup, $11.95. Fairgrounds Store. AdY." - , . - -4.. . Fire Hazard Runreyed - George W. Stokes and Horace Sykes, investigators" for the state fire marshal's department, are in Lincoln county where they will make fire hazard surreys at New port and Toledo. Girl Wanted , , , ,The Spa, Phone '227. Adr. New Corporation r ,--r ?, The Du ndee Walnu t G rowers' Cooperative ? association, '' with headquarters at' Dundee," filed ar- tides of incorporation yesterday. The Incorporators are R. A. Olm stead. FV W. Meyer W. H. Bent- ley, E. S. Greer and others. The membership fe& Is $2. Articles were filed by the E. J Mills Shin gle company, capitalized at $v00 and having headquarters at Ver non ia, Columbia county. The in corporators are E. J. Mills, John Hay and W. C. Tlsdale. Food Expert to fyeak PanlO. Sarapron, the food ex pert, will speak at the Roth Gro cery Co. at 3 o'clock Wednesday, and at 'J o'clock, Thursday morn ing on the correct combination of foods. Every housekeeper in Sa lem is interested in this subject and is asked to come. . Ton may ask Mr. Sampson any question you wish. Mr. Sampson has noth ing to sell. Adr-v A Classified Ad Will bring you a bnyer-AdT. Crossing Allowed The public service commission yesterday granted an application of the state highway commission for authority to construct an un dergrade - crossing beneath the tracks , of the Shanlko branch of the OregonWashington Railroad & Navigation company near Moro, in Sherman county. ' -c- Trwake, Bag d Leather Cases Before yon take a trip call and look at those Betterbllt trunks at F. E. Shafers, 170 a Commercial. Adr. ' , "WHY GIRLS ; , LEAVE HOME" 127:159:15 p. m. fMatinees 35c Evenings 50c AtteatJoa, Grocers and Grocery Salesmen: Paul O. Sampson, the food expert, will speak for 20 minutes on food and food values from a salesman's standpoint at the Commercial club auditorium at 6:10 Wednesday evening. Everyone connected In any way with the selling of foodstuffs ia requested to be there. Come af ter closing the store, the lecture will last only 20 minutes. Adv. Girl Wasted The Spa, Phone 227. Adv. Corey to lbanon H. H. Corey "of the public ser vice commission, went to Lebanon yesterday to participate In an in vestigation into the cause of the accident Monday in; which a Southern Pacific train ran down an automobile, killing C M. Shel ton and injuring other persons. Girl Wanted The Spa, Phone 227. Adv. ANITA STEWART "'"' In "A QUESTION OF HONOR" Special Attraction C. D. Babcock H C. D. Babcock, who was one of the first members of the state in dustrial accident commission, un der appointment of Governor West when the commission was first organized, arrived here yes terday and will leave early today with a motoring party for San Francisco where he is now lo cated. Mr. Babcock is secretary of the Insurance Brokers' ex change, located in the Merchants Exchange building in San Fran cesco, lie formerly was in news paper work in Salem. Accident R"prted : J. J. Loter. living at 13S3 South Twelfth street, reports that a car driven by A. O. En gel hart, struck his car while on the Pacific high way near Gervais, Tuesday, and did it considerable damage. BRIDE OF GUY FAIRFAX GARY. Woman Fob ml on Highway E. F. Long, of Salem, brought in to the city on Tuesday Mary Erickson, whom he found on the highway near Jefferson and need ing help and guidance. She was given over to the county court. It was soon ascertained that she bad been committed to the state hospital, but had been paroled to her husband, who i had returned her to their home. She had wan dered away, to be finally brought back to the hospital, where she! now is. Legal Blanks- Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on i appllcation.-Adv. Bid You Know- That late last spring this house was completely refurnished, the seats were made more comfort able and a new pipe organ was in stalled You get service here; we iuvite and appreciate your patron age. The Liberty Theater, Salem, Oregon. Adv. Iowa Picnic August 17 . The Iowa picnic will be held In the state fair grounds, August 17. according to V. S. DoUon. secretary-treasurer of the association. It is estimated that Salem has more than 700 former residents of Iowa and all are being urged to come to the annual picnic. Bas ket dinner will be served at noon, those in charge state and a pro- cram will feature the afternoon nours. Marriage Licenses- Two marriage licenses were Is sued at the office of the county clerk, Tuesday. One was to Carl T. Pope and Dorothy Chambers, of Salem, and the other to Alfred M. Lull and Edna J. Sanders. Two others were issued on Monday, to T. E. MeGraw and Esther P. Schrelber, and to George A. Rich mond and Gladys Fulhr. The lat ter couplq called upon Judge Busbey to perform the civil cere mony that made the license of full effect. ' " . ' f i. HOLDluS IBiD Adole Garrison's Sew Pnaa ot REVEUTI0NS OF A WIFE CIUPTER it THE WAY MADGE REACHED THE HOUSE. "Hew do you do. Mrs. Lukens?" MaJ. Grantland stepped out of the limousine, hat ia hand. . The little woman on the steps glanced trp in surprise, then put out her hand cordlcl greeting. "Why. Hugh Grantland! Where In the world did you drop from?" "I ni down In this section for a little while," he returned. "ITe brought some friends over from Aberdeen, the Grahams. I be lieve they are to have your cot tage." "Oh. yes!" Mrs, Lukens replied. "I've received two or three tele grams within the last few hours from Mr. Graham about being readv to receive their party, one of whom is ill. Came near not getting them, too, tor th?y were addressed to 'Mrs. Watk'-ns. But as thev were signed Graham, and everybody Xnown everybody else's business down bere. the telegraph operator guessed I was the one Meeting Thursday The regular monthly business meeting of the Y. M. C. A. coun cil is to be held at the Y on Thurs day noon, to consider much reg. ular and special business. A full attendance is desired. Coat and Valuable Loaf R. M. Ingraham, a resident of Mt. Vernon,- Mo., reported to the police, Tuesday, that he had lost somewhere in Salem, an overcoat containing $50 worth of war sav ings stamps. The finder has not j yet reported them to the station. The trreatest matrimonial surprise of the season thus far came with the announcement that Mrs. Arthur Scott Burden was married to Mr. Guy Fairfax Gary, internationally known lawyer and sports man. Mrs. Burden, who was Miss Cynthia Roche, is the only daugh ter of Mrs. Burke Roche. Her father was the late James Boothby Burke Roche, Lord Fermoy, which title is now held by her eldest brother. Maurice Roche. It is Mrs. Burden's second marriage. She was married in 1906 to Mr. Arthur Scott Burden, who died in 1921 after a lingering illness. There is one daughter, Miss Eileen Burden, about 9 years of age. liADD '& BUSH, BANKERS EtUblisked 1868 General Banking Buaineaa Office Hours from 10 a. m. to I p. m. WHY? . Pay More When You Can Get it for Less at the c. & c. store' , Phone 560 -. . 1 254 N. Commercial St. Study This List of Prices Pure Cane Sugar, 14 lbs ... .$1.00 Per sack..:.;. ; . -$7.14 Good grade Canned Corn California Small White Beans. 3 lbs.. ;L&D Shrimps per can : : -x. Del Montf Pork and Beans, No. 1 can, Z for.. Fresh Red Salmon, per can i Barton's Pure Lard, 5 lb. paiLlJ.....;..;.. ; 10 lb. pail,.,;.;:.;,-::,.., , Olympia Pancake Flour, per package. united Snow Flour, per sack. Necco Sardines, large oval tin. K. C Baking Powder, 25 oz.. Church's Grape Juice," per pint;.: . Walk a Block and Save C. & C. STORE 254 North Commercial .10c r25c 15c ...25c 15c .89c .$1.70 .25c .$25 14c 22c 29c CONCERNING YOUR AGE Proper glasses if you -need glasses-r-will make you look younger, feel younger and see younger. BEWARE OP EYE STRAIN Eyestrain is a drain not only upon your vision, but upon your health, energy and disposition. Our glas ses will save this waste. Better see us now. "morris OPTICAL CO. 301-5 Oregon Bldg. . Oregon's Largest Optical Institution Phone 233 for appo'ntment SALEM, OREGON Outing Promises Well Miss Mabel Hudelson. Miss Grace Babcock, Miss Charlotte Laily and Miss Broyies. left Sun day for a two weeks outing that promises big returns in enlov ment. They are going first to Salt Lake, for a sightseeing tour. Then they go to Cody, Wyoming, from wnere they take the eastern route into the Yellowstone National park. They expect to stay for five days in the park. Then they go out to Seattle, and finally home. ah me young women are em. ployes at the state house, and are taking their summer vacation in travel. - DIED , i WEBER Mrs. Margaret Weber passed away at a local hospital August 8 at the age of 67 years. She leaves her husband, George Weher, and one son, L. G. Weber. The body was shipped to Portland by Webb & Clough for funeral and interment in the family plot. Pool Repaired The swimming pool at the Y. that was laid up for repairs the first of the week, has been fixed and will be ready for use, start ing today. It was not seriously in capacitated and very little work was necessary. Boys to Report- George Small, of 1887 Front street, was cited toy the police to appear at headquarters at 10 o'clock thia morning, and explain why he and some other boys have been pestering an aged woman named Gourud. It was reported that they had threatened to drive her out of town, and she turned L the matter over to the. police. Vother. wht makei daddy eroti ana nappy. I ran't ie juit how !' happy; Mayb juat ,'tia constipation, " Lark, ot DIXIE health bread ration. POODS WILL EITHER MAKE OR BREAK YOU. Prop- er food gives health and con tentment, but tho lack of prop1 tr foods will eventually break , 'you down. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. Pays Best Cash Prices for JUNK and OLD FURNITURE The House of Half a Million and One Bargains 402 N. ComT. Phone 523 SCHIEMAN William Schieman pas.?ed away at his residence. 540 North Fifteenth street. August 7. at the age ot 62 years. He leaves a widow, Bertha Schieman, two sons, Otto and William, Jr., and two daughters, Mrs. George Pat terson and Mrs. James Nash, all of Salem. Funeral seryices will be held from the Webb & dough chapel Wednesday at 2 p. m.. Rev. Koehler officiat ing. Interment in IO. O. F. cemetery. Jefferson Park Visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White and son returned Mondayfrom a two- weeks' visit at and beyond Breit- enbush springs in the east end of Marlon county. They tramped clear to Jefferson park, where they have been going every sum mer for the past six years, living about as close to nature can pos sibly be done with civilized gar ments and sugar and coffee and papered ham and a store knife, a A. a insieaa 91 a snarp stone and a club to whack their wild food over the head or go hungry. They re port that Ol' Jeff is barer this sea son than for many years previous ly. The top snow is all gone, and while there is some glacial ice in some of the canyons, it looks al most as old as the rocks them selves.. They brought back a fine lot of photos. Mr. Carr So you spent Sunday with Subbubs, did you? Is his house far from the station? Mr. Shanks About two miles, as the dust flies. GWJX At his home, 1590 South Liberty street, Monday, August 7, 1922, Cyrus-Albert Gwin, age 72 years. He leaves a; widow, Mrs. Liille Gwin, one son, Durward of Shatter, Cal., a brother. S. M. Gwin of Al berta, Canada, and a sister of Mrs. J. M. Williams ot Eugene, Or. Funeral services will be held Friday. Ausust 11. at 1:30 p. m. at the Rigdon chapel, the i remains then forwarded to Eu gene for interment. Up in Washington a woman is asking for a divorce on grounds that her husband hypnotized her into marrying him. Wouldn't there be a merry time if every body who might honestly use such an excuse would make up- their minds to do so? Hypnotism is right, and it applies to both sexes. Honeymoon Hikers Reach Destination at Tacoma teresttne statement that within a weeh after Henry Ford has es tablished his first factory sched ule of ?5 a day for every worker. the real estate valuation of De tro t, the Ford town, had risen $50,000,000, absorb'-ng in that one week practically every dollar of tho wage Increase in 'its rent and business exactions upon the public that lived on the wages Such a condition, he said, could not exist under a s'ngle tax ad ministration. A quotation from Senator Robert LaFollette, that the railroad stocks contained $12,000,000,000 in water, he said, was true; but 4he farms of the nation contain more than 12 time3 that much, he declared, in unearned increment of land val ues. Instances Cited He stated that when the New York elevated railroad was built, it wa3 held forth as a great boon to the people who could get cheap rates; but it was the land owners who made the hundreds of mil lions of dollars. The New York subway, that cost $35,000,000 and wS tc be a boon because It brought cheap homes and .trans portation to the toiling masses paid 20 times its cost to the own ers of lands that were benefitted The speaker held that "the farm er would not pay an excessive tax on the s'ngle tax theory; for only abcut one-tenth of the real estate valuation of Oregon is ac tual producing farm lands. The Morzan building of Portland, he said, paid $72,000 ground rent year. This one lot would pay as much under the single tax system, he said, as 130 average Oregon farms of 250 acres. He would convert the unearned increment of land values into "wages," and in stead of having 10 men for 9" jobs, ho would have nine men for 10 jobs, putting wages to a pre mium and so up to a peak where they vould stay. Bonds Not Taxable A question - was raised - as to whether if a man had $50,000 worth of bond, they would be taxable. They would not, accord ing to the speaker. He had stat ed that there were some $60,000, 000,000 in untaxed bonds in the country; which under this inter pretation wouldn't pay a cent. "I EAT VERY LITTLE BREAD" , is a remark often heard to I it lacks ( vitality and endur palatable. Just like eating s 1 breads then yon know the d wheat flavor in our breads ,. We call especial attention t t contains every element that t ; Children often call it cake. 1 of it for it gives that pep a xe, to grown ups too. . . day. Usually the person who says ance. Too many oreads are not havings. If you've 5 tried ; DIXIE If ference. i There j Is the natural . eldom foirad in others. - - o our DIXIE Health Bread as It ne creaioq- placed in tn wneau t is so deticious. They do not tire o desirable in the growing child. Say -DIXIE BREAD" It spells a difference SALET.I BAKING COMPANY SAVE $ $ ? 07 buying your hardware and fur-, lftture at The Capital Hardware 4 Furniture Co., 285 No. Com-! mereial street. Phone 147.' 1 " " Htrtman's Gliutt Wear them and see Easier and Better HARTMANBR0S. Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon- Webb '& Clougb Letfiag FsBcnl Directors Expert Eobabners MIKE'S AUTO WRECKING HOUSE Parts for5 One-Third to One-Hall Off I buy oldxars 424 N. Com'L Phone 523 FRUIT JARS New Mason Fruit Jars, Quarts 70c Dozen at the CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE" i 215 Center Street Phone 398. . We buy and sell , I. EVERYTHING - TACOMA, Wash.. Aug. 8. 'The honeymoon hikers," Mr. and Mrs. P. X. Rademaker of Chicago. reached their destination here to day. They covered the 2 ,498 i miles from Chicago on foot with j the exception of "Lifts" given them by automobile drivers, and arrived here 24 days ahead of their schedule. The couple, married In the spring, agreed with President , Lambert ot the Chicago Hiking i club that they would come to Ta- coma without spending money for fare. They walked 520 miles of ! the distance. They 'are guests here of Mr. Rademaker's uncle, L. Gottschalk, and they expect to locate in Ta coma. Mr. Rademaker is 21 and his bride 19. SINGLE TAX ADDRESS BY W. L ROSS . (Continued from page 1.) ' Atlantic cable, and Robert Fulton with Tiis steamboat, and - Sir Hen y Bessemer with his process i for making- cheap . steel, were laughed at and derided but they made good with their theories, the rpeaker recalled. Exactions Absorb TTaees night, ao f sent over Maady, who takes care of me. Mr. Lukens explained. ' v"--V'-' - ; " "That was very thoughtful ot you. but I know of old the Utile extra attentions you give your tenants. the officer replied, and the old , woman's '; thia cheeks" flushed with leasurea v MaJ. Cra'tland turned to tha . car and flung open tho door ot the tonnes u. v "Pleasa dont think me pre- sum!ng, fc6 said, addressing ' Dicky, "hut may I snggest that Mrs, Graham remain her with , you until the rest hava been shown their, rooms? Then yonr -mother ran find out just whera r he U to go. and yonr wife can be spared, any worry or confus ion t ; v,; V." ; "Thanks, old man. Just what I thinking. Dicky returned,5; but l fancied thera was a slight " stiffness la his tone, andI won dered" it he -were foolish enough" to recent what he might consider otfieicusnesa on the part ot the officer. ; "I'll Back Mrs, Lnkens.' 'I can tell Mrs. Graham's room as soon as I see It, my mother in-law put In, the acerbity ot fa tigue In her voice, "Thero were , threo bedrooms described In the plan the woman sent us. One of, them Is a sun parlor and sleeping' porch combined. , with two bads.' My son and daughter-in-law are meant. And so there wouldn't be uch fresh air rraiks thst inch a any misunderstanding I signed Watkias to the one I sent back." 'That explains things," MaJ. Grantland said. "I wondered It It might not be you after all. But am glad everything is straight ened out. Now. If you can tell us where Mrs. Graham's room la she has had a sort of a nervous collapse, and ought to get 'to Toed at once." 'There's nothing like th's air for nerves," Mrs. Lukens repl'ed santentlously. "She'll be all right in no time. But she probably doesn't feel like walking across the yard. I think you'll be able to bring that car right up to the door of the cottage, although it's sort o a winding path among the trees. Look here I'll walk ahead of you a m'te, snd you follow me slowly around the house. It's all lighted up and ready." She was down the steps and skimming ahead of the car like a young girl, although she must hate been over 60 years old. I had an impression of resistless, nervous . energy triumphing over old age and possible ill health. and wondered anew at the dynam ic force possessed by most ot the women of the oMer generation. am afraid when the women of our generation are old we will make by comparison but a poor shoe ing. What Does Dicky Think? Maj. Grantland entered the car again.' started it. and with its pow. erful speed reduced to a mere crawl we moved down the drive way in the wake of Mrs. Lukens. Before us, as we turned around the corner of the house, seemed a wall of trees and shrubbery, but Mrs. Lukens darted to an opening in it and MaJ. Grantland deftly guided his big car through the passage, though to my wondering eyes It seemed scarcely wide en ouglx for a wheelbarrow. Another bit of winding path, and a quaint vine-covered cottage, built after the fashion of an old English farm souse, burst jpon my de lighted gate. t Lights gleamed from the windows, snd the door stood hospitably open, while at one !de of the door stood a big, smiling negress. I thought, they might need somebody to help them out to- EAT ICE CREAM Hot and tired? Say! a dish of cold ice cream will cool you off and make you feel like new. Try Oar Fountain -Specials . We make 'em right! Scbaeier's Drug Store Sole 'Agent Garden Court Preparation . 13S OwvrV.- Phnn 197 TRY THE PEXSLAR ., DBUQ STORE FIRST". ' room is the only place for them. will take Richard Second la one of the others end Mr. Spencer can tike the one that's left. How do you do?" f. The last remark was addressed to Hrs. Latent, who was at her side rs soon as MaJ. Grantland. helped her from the ear. My fa ther had taken the sleeping chlU' from her, and followed her lm' medMately. ; r;. ; If yoo'llJus. show as the bed- rooms ' With these words my ef ficient mother-in-law took charge of the entire situation. As she disappeared w'.thla the , house. Dicky chuckled. Heaven help Mrs. Lukens, It everything isn't op to snuff. he murmured. r t - ril back Mrs. Lukens, MaJ. Grantland returned smiling, and then under his breath I heard a mutteredDamnatIoalcu ' 4 The covered car which we had seen at the station .was coming through the archway In the trees. . (To be continued) ' '.' t , PERSONALS ; 1 . C. P. Hagemann and J. D. Bee be of . the publ ie, service comm is- sibn .left last night tor; Bandon on a vacation trip. , . , : Mr. and Mrs. Harloy Pugh re turned, this week from Nye Beach, where they, have been for two weeks vacation. ; v, : ? Bert Smith, deputy sheriff.' Is home following his vacation which he spent t Tillamook. 7 , , . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Scudder and daughter. Vera, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Av E. Gib bard. ,, y, - - i)TV;vir.' SAVE - SAVE - SAVE . : oejtis ruBjriiimrat , MoM Nsyliu iu4 itwk U ik city -, 0t ar yrlMa ttfsr y ny ' CAPITAL EXCHANGE; H Ut M. Cb'I. ; ykM mi-W Mannish Tailored Top-Coats $14.75 to $64.50 ; There ia a"jauntyronth-, f ul air about the decid- -edly mannish coats that " will be worn this fall. Cut ( along those same . straight lines that wo men adrnire in a mans overcoat, these distino; . tive wraps will prove the' correct , thing: for many . autumn occasions. Fash- T ioned of beautiful wool mixtures, finished with big patch dockets and . sometimes bands of stitching, they are espec- : laily attractive in view, of their moderate prices. They Are Exceedingly Correct. : and Smart When yon Tay As You Go" youTl return ' Because yon find better Values here f The speaker brought op the la- Hi: