The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 09, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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- i
11 Mere anno
: -..r
HONOLULU. Aug. 8. (By the
Associated Preis) Tbt Charles
W. Paddock, sprint marvel of Los
Angelf,: would be liable, to dis
qualification by the National A.
A. V., If the Hawaiian A. A. U.
sent an , official report on his
t mea made during: competition in
the (elands last April was the bas
is of the local body's refusal today
to comply with a request to the
effect made . by Robert Wearer,
president of the Southern Taclfic
: a. L. u.j :
The Hawaiian record commit
tee informed the Hawaiian A. A.
U. tflat Paddock had "beaten the
gun" in his Lulu races, that he
ran In an unsanct'oned - meet
against three unregistered spr lit
ers on the Island of Maui, T. H.,
where he also performed, the com-
, mittee said, on a track which did
not conform to regulations and
ran orer unrecognized distances.
Paddock Gives Reasons v
LOS ANGELES. Aug. 8. The
Hawaiian A. A. U. does not want
the records made by Char'es W
Paddock' to become the official
sprint records of the islands and
for this reafon they have refused
: to embody them n an official re--.
port to the Southern Pacific A. A.
. U., recording to a statement made
'by Paddock here today.
'One of the boys told me before
I left the Islands that if the rec
ords 1 made over there were ever
officially., established as the is-
- land's records. It would prevent
the local runners from ever estab-
They are
Bay thl$Cxarttte mndSmvt Money
A Real Treat
New Woolens
line is now complete," fea- .
turing all ?the wanted
materials. Serges in all
shade's. Fancy Worsteds,
Tweeds, Cheviot3, Cassi
meres and a complete
line of Overcoat mater
ials.' Prices from
$25 to $48
. 1
, We'll be pleased to haVe
you come ... in , and look
them ' over .
Scotch Woolen
Mills '
426 State SL. .
I 1 I 1 1 1 J
liBhirg an Hawaiian record," Pad
dock sa'd.
Call It All Bank
Referring to the charge made
by the Hawaiian record commit
tee' that he had "bcatent he gun',
Paddock declared it to be "all
"If any of the races were un
sanctioned by the A. A. U., I knew
nothing of it," Paddock saidx
"They were all under the direc
tion of George Center president
of the Hawaiian A. A. U., and so
far ait 1 knew they were regularly
sanctioned. I also- took it for
granted that the sprinters, none
of whom I ever heard of before,
were in good standing."
Salt Lake Takes First Game
of Series at San Fran-.
cisco Tuesday
SAN Franc'fcco, Aug. 8.
Bunched hits spelled a 7 to 2 vic
tory for Salt Iake today over San
Francisco in the f rst game of the
series. "The Bees scored four runs
in the seventh, and three more in
the eighth. The Seals got their
markerb in the sixth.
R. H. E
Salt Lke . . . . .1 11 0
San Francisco V. . V . i2t 9 3
fietta. Blaeholder and Byler;
Allen, Geary, Mitchell and Agnew.
Seattle 7. Oakland 6
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 8 The
Indians hit Brenton hard at all
times and this, coupled with poor
fielding by the Oaks, gave Seattle
today's game, 7 to 6. v The Oaks
had a lying run on th'rd base In
the ninth Inning but were unable
to score.;
' R. H. E.
Oaklcnd ... .fi 14 2
Seattle ... ... .-.i 7 9 0
Brenton and Koehler: Burger,
Jacobs and Adams. 4
' f ' - "it if
Sacramento 4, Angota 3
rors dominated the opening game
of the series between Sacramento
and Los Angeles today, the Sena
tors winning 4 to 3. Three errors
and a single produced three runs
for the Angels in the second, but
in the fourth frame filled bases
pared the way for Pitcher Kunz's
single to center which scored
three men and won the game for
Sacmnento. "-x-
ir- .vA..' - R. H. E.
Sacramento'.. ..4 9 4
Los .Angeles . . v. ..... 3 5 1
Kun and Cook; Dumovlch and
Baldwin. '
' ; Vernon , Portland 2
PORTLAND. Or.. Aug. 8.
Vernon took th f 'rst gama of the
series from Portland, 6 to 2
mainly through the pitching and
terrific, hitting of Jakie May, who
batted In Vernon's first two tal
lies with a homer In the fifth.
, y R. H. E.
Vernon . . . ... $ -8 2
Portland ........ 2 9 0
May and Hannah; Walberg.
Coleman and Elliott.
Peter Henley Captures
Leader Purse of $300U at
Cleveland Racing
O., Aug, 8 (ByThe .Associated
Press) Dr. T. L. Cooper of Day
ton, Ohio, won both divisions of
the 2:08 class pace raced, here
this season when his Peter Henley
captured the Leader purse $3000.
feature of todays grand circuit
racing program at North Randall.
It was the only event of the
day to be decided in straight
Peter Henley was driven by
Harry Stokes and was coupled
with Charley Sweet which won the
Edwards pace for 2:08, class .at,
tne J aiy meeting Toaaycnariey
Sweet finished second in the sec
ond heat. :;V " . '?V- O..
With Peter Henley, out la the
third heat, Hal Bee won lr a driT-
ing finish from Charley Sweet and
; The 2:04 pace . resulted In a
split heat event, each of which
furnished close" finishes except
the fourth. That waswon by John
Henry Handily rrom Tramp Safe.
Only, four, or' the bI.. scheduled
events were decided today." It was
decided to put the 2:14 trot and
the three year old trot over un
til tomorrow. ' -
W. I..
. 4
7 52
.. e si
'.. 4 63
2 6
57 7
.. 53 74
51 76
San FrincUM-o
Salt Lke
Kettle ...
Portland ..
W. I..
. .490
Nfw York ..
fit 44
2 43
55 47
56 4
56 51
SO 59
6 62
31 65
Hi. ixyriM 4
Chx.eo .
Ciiwinmti ....
Boa ton
W. I..
.St I
H. Vnnia 3 4:
Sew York 63 45
Detroit 59 &0
Chieara ... . 55 51
riTiani a a
Waahinron 50 53
Philadelphia 46 62
Ronton 41 65
Northwest Athletic Boards
Will Assemble in Spokane
SPOKANE, Wash.. Aug. 8 A
conference of managers of all
member institutions of the Pa
cific Northwest Amateur Athletic
association to be held here early
in September has been called by
Joe S. Bain, manager of the Spo
kane Amateur Athletic club.
According to Bain, the primary
purpose of the conference is to
arrange schedules In boxing,
wrestling, swimming, basketball
and other forms of interclub sport
for the 1922-23 season and to
promote better cooperation and
spirit between the managers of
tne associations. It is planned to
make the meeting an internation
al ffair
Oklahoma City 7; Des Moines 0
Wichita 6-7; Sioux City 5-5.
At Tulsa 7; Omaha 9.
Below-Equator Go Does
" Not Appeal to Dempsey
NEW YORK. Aug. 8. It is un
likely that Tex Rickard and Frank
Flournoy, promoters of all big
recent boxing championships,
would undertake, to promote in
South America a bout between
Jack Dempsey, world's heavy
weight champion, and Luis Angel
FIrpo( leader in that class be
low the equator
Why should we go down there
and neglect our oun - business
here?" Flournoy queried today
when asked if he and Rickard
would accept a reported offer to
making such a match in Buenos
At Toledo 2; Milwaukee 9.
At Indianapolis 0; Minneapolis
At Louisville 6; St. Paul 5.
Kansas City-Columbus not
Home Run, Wild Throw and
Other Things Lead to
Cincinnati Victory
NEW YORK, Aug 8 -(Nation
al) After Kelly's second home
run had tied the score in the
ninth, 'the Giants lost to Cincin
nati today in the 10th inning, 7
to 3. With the bases filled and
none out in the 10th, the 4Rnds
scored two runs on Bancroft's
wild throw. Two more runs fol
lowed on Rlxey's sacrifice tly,
and Burn's double. .
Nehf accounted for New York's
third tally with a circuit drive.
Score . R H E
Cincinnati. 7 10 0
New York 3 13 3
Rixey and Hargrave. Wingo;
Nehf. Ryan and Snyder, Smith
ChirnRO 4, Brooklyn 1
BROOKLYN. Aug. 8 (National)
Brooklyn made nine hits today.
but Aldridge kept them well scat
tered and Chicago won.
Score R
Chicago 4
Brooklyn 4 ...... . 1
Aldridge and O'Farrell;
ther and O. Milner
9 0
9 1
Pittebars 10-7. Philadelphia H-3
(National) Pittsburgh won t
double header from Philadelphia
todayThe second jiame was. the
tenth .straight victory for the Pi
rates. "
First game:
Pittsburgh. ..... . . .
.19 2J
PhVadelphia.- ..... .8 17 4
Hamilton and Gooch; Meadows
and Singleton, Q. Smith and Hen
line. With row. . -
Second game R II E
Pittsburgh ......... U .7 If 0
Philadelphia ......... .3 9 1
Morrison and Sohmldt; Win
ters, G. Smith and Henline.
BOSTON. Aug. 8 (National)
-St. Louis-Boston postponed;
wet grounds.
SQUIRE EDGTOAE-HeWiseBirf ittts 'mm-
Agists tf CS :. 1
nra. -RiPtESlHi ouk I 1 I Jfrr. CLFUi Y TH41 ) Ten FL thou V . j
A ,C,X z
Ex-Service Men Early to Be
gin Paying Money Back
to the State
"All going out and nothing
coming In" has .been the rule in
the state bonus commission up to
Saturday of last week. This can
no longer be maintained however,
for on Saturday the first repay
ment on a loan arrived at the
commission's office.
Frederick Jensen of Portland
obtained a loan of $3,000 three
months ago, being the fifth ac
tually paid. He was the first,
however, who elected to make bis
payments quarterly and a money
order for $45 arrived at the 'of
fice of the commission two days
before it was due. Thirty dollars
of this is credited as interest and
$15 applies to reduce the princi
pal. The second payment in the
form of a cashier's check arrived
yesterday from Edgar Franz, of
Hood River, and 'was for the sam
amount. Nine more payments
come due during August and 39
in September, with a rapidly In
creasing number in the succeed
ing months.
"While the law does not require
it," said Major Harry Brumbaugh,
secretary of the commission, "we
are mailing out notices of pay
ments due In ample time for the
borrower to make his arrange
ments for the -payment. On oof,
notice we call attention to the fact
that, personal checks in payment
cannot be accepted and request
that remittances be made by
money order or bank draft made
payable to the state treasurer.
Personal checks sometimes neces
sitate a fee for their collection
through tha bank, which we are
unable to pay under the law, and
for that reason the ruling was
made that personal checks would
not be accepted.
"With the close of today's busi
ness, the commission has approved
18,063 claims for cash bonus
amounting to $4,147,938; has ap
proved and fixed the amount in
2,347 loans aggregating $5,327,-
700; has approved for payment,
842 loans amounting to $2,009.
500. Loans are being paid now at
the rate of approximately $1,250,
000 per month. The amount of
funds remaining from the first
sale of $10,000,000 in bonds it is
estimated will be exhausted about
October 1. The commission has
authorized the sale of an addi
tional amount of $5,000,000 early
in September for delivery on Oct
ober 1."
Meet Bill, the intellectual ban
tam rooster.
He may be short on size, but
he is long on brains. He serves in
the dual role of off're boy and
telephone girl in a livery stable
located at Fourth and Abbott
If the telephone rings and .no
one is present Pill w 11 run to the
stablo and emit a series oi
sqawks to call the owner of one
of the stable boys.
All day his station is either at
the door of the office or he perch
er himself on a corner of the roll
tep desk. Should a stranger step
in and no one be on hand to re
ceive him Bill will notify the help
out in the stalls that they are
wanted in front.
If two persons are talking about
h'm and incidentally happen to
mention "Bill." that feathered
prodigy will immediately cock up
tils head and stretch his neck oat
two inches beyond its normal
length. He recognizes his name
as well as a child.
Hs owner calls him by ye'ling
"Bill.- , He is totally unafraid. A
favorite position is to perch on his
owner's hand.
Bill Fomet'mes gets up In the
morning with a Bor(. of a grouch
Whenhe .horses are led out B1H
may net qu.te approve of some
thing about some horee. So be
jumps toward a horee's foot and
digs his spurs Into its leg. His
owner is afraid -this will eventual
ly bring retafation in the form of
a good gwlft kick. But so far be
has been unable to teach Bill the
virtue of humility or weaken his
arrogant conviction that he is
cock of the walk, or rather of the
livery stable. Detroit News.
Both Principals Working
Hard Mulkey Has Stiff
Session Daily
Billy Gardeau arrived in Salem
yesterday afternoon and had a
light work-out at the armory last
night. He appeared to be in ex
cellent condition and all ready for
the bell next Friday night when
he meets "Dubs" Mulkey ' In the
10-round main event of Company
Fs boxing show.
He will work out again this
afternoon at 3 o'clock and the
fans will get a chance to see him
go. There is a dearth of sparring
partners, as Mulkey generally pro
vides all the violent exercise the
boys care to take in his evening
work-outs and Gardeau may have
some trouble getting sufficient
boys to spar with him this after
noon. Any of the fellows around
town who will be willing to show
up at the armory at 3 o'clock will
be welcome, and Billy says the
bigger the better.
Mulkey went through a stiff
session last night. He skipped
the rope, shadow boxed, and took
on two sparring partners in sev
eral torrid rounds. He will work
again tonight at 7:30.
Jimmy Anderson of Tillamook
is due in Salem today for hia six
rptrhd1 muss with Phil Bayes In
the semi wind-up. If he arrives
early enough he may go a few
rounds with Gardeau this after
noon. Bayes is working hard
every day and is rapidly getting
into the welJ-known pink.
Ed BoatwrighOand Bill Hunt
are working hard for their four
round go, and this bout is looking
better every day. Both are rap
idly rounding into shape.
There will be two other feur
round events on the card.
Undertone Strong Yesterday,
However, and Most Los
ses Fractional
NEW YORK, Aug. 8- Two
reactionary periods in today's
stock market caused a general un
settlement of prices, but the un
dertone was strong and most loss
es were of a tractional nature
Inability of pools to attract an
outside following at the higher
levels, combined with profit tak
ing and a weakened technical po
sition, encouraged the Dear at
tacks, which were directed prln
cipally against the motors, oils
and snippings.
Favorable overn'ght develop
menta regarding the coal strike
imparted early strength especial
ly to the stocks of coal companies
and coal carrying railroads, but
irregularity developed under hea
vy selling pressure in later deal
ings. i
Several new highs for the year
were recorded in upward move
ments, notably by Omaha, Chtca
go and Northwestern, Pere Mar
quette and Lackawanna railroads.
corn products, May department
Storss. and Detroit Edison.
Weakness of shipp nga was as
cribed to reports of a virtual
abandonment of the ship subsidy
Mexican Petroleum fluctuated
within a range of nearly nine
point3. ctosing at a net loss of six
for He day. Royal Dutch, tien
era! Asphalt and other foreign oils
reacted in sympathy despite the
ratificat'on of tbe Mexican debt
agreement, which it was believed
woula strengthen their positions
Total sales were approximately
77S,i0 shares.
Foreign exchange rates were
again reactionary on comparative
ly light dealings. . ,
.-Call money opened at 3 1-2 per
cent &nd hardened to four in the
afterncon. The time loan mar
ket continued quiet with little
change in rates.
Southpaw Zachary Pitches
Airtight Ball in Pinches
at St. Louis
ST. LOUIS. Aug. S. (Ameri
can.) Southpaw Zachary pitched
airtight ball in the pinches here
today and Washington defeated
the league leading Browns Wash
ington won by hitting Davis in
the pinrhe. With New York los
Ihk, the Browns retained their
lead of one same.
Score R. H. E.
Washington 3 8 1
St. Louis 1 7 2
Zachary and Picinich; Davis,
Pruett and Collins.
Hrtroit S; New York 1
DETROIT, Aug. 8. Dauss had
the best of Mays in a pitchcer's
battle here today and Detroit de
feated New York.
Score R. H. E.
New York 1 8 0
Detroit 2 9 0
Mays and Schang; DauBs aii
Boston 15: Cleveland
CLEVELAND, Aug. 8. Boston
scored at will against Cleveland
today and won. The batting of
Harris. Fewster and Speaker feat
ured, the last named hitting two
home run over the r ght field
wall. No One was on baje either
Boston IS 21 1
Cleveland 6 10 2
Karr and Walters; Morton,
Lindsey, Edwards and O'Neill, L.
Chicago 0; Philadelphia 4
CHICAGO. Aug. 8. Chicago
continued its heavy hitting and
defeated Philadelphia today. Kil
ling headed the attack for tne
locals with four hits. Robert
son pitched in fine form, striking
out nine of the Athletics.
Philadelphia 4 10 2
Chicago 6 14 2
Heimach and Perkins; Robert
son and Yaryan.
They Need Xo Radiophones .
American manufacturers of ra
dio brradcastlng or receiving de
vices might Just as well pass up
the Canary Islands as a .market
for their instruments. In the opln
Ion of Consul F. A. Henry at Ten
eriffe. There Is not a chance, says
the consul, particularly on the re
mote island of Gomera, to com
pete with the whistling language
of the natives. The Inhabitants of
this island, by n?e of a system of
whistl'ng signals, can convey bits
of news and information over
cons'derable distances with great
rapdity. The system dates back
hundreds of years, says the con
sul's report, consequently radio
telephony is practically unknown.
Commerce Report.
Announcing a
Chassis ..
. ..................
Convinced of the circus-goers'
demand for. tha biggest things in
trained wild animal acts and edu
cated horses from the experiments
made on their 1921 program, the
R'nglir.g brothers have Imported
Europe's foremost displays of this
Thetie splendid Importations
have been added to the main-tent
program of the R'ngling Broth
ers and Barnum & Bailey com
bined shows and constitute the
gTeate&t aggregation of educated
Junglo beasts and beautiful equine
actors ever traveled in America:
Twenty specially equipped rail
road cars are carried as part of
the show trains to accommodate
the scores of animals and their
attendants. The animals are pre
sented by. the European trainers
who taught them, and while they
are suffic'ently numerous to con
stitute an entire show in them
selves, are presented as part of
the circus and in conjunction with
thte other circus numbers.
Five put of the 16 main tent
displays will be given over to
these newly Imported jungle thes-
pians when the big circus exhib'ts
here Saturday, August 26. These
displays include two kinds of ani
mals those performed in . ateel
arenas and those exhibited from
the rings, stages and hippodrome
track. Four arenas of steel are
set up at every performance and
at such vantage points as to In
sure a complete view of the'r eon
tents from all part, of the tent.
In these are shown the most mar
vel lor sly trained wild an mala ev
er subjugated. AU nre in charge
of the European trainers who
taught them the many wonderful
tricks which they, do.
The actors include entire t roups
of polar bears, black-maned Afri
can lions, Bengal tigers, leopards
and jaguars. These beautiful ani
mals walk upon ropes, pyramid in
mixed groups, permit the'r at
tendants to place their heads, feet
Salem to
A3k Agent About - .
15 Day and Season Fares i ;
Frequent Service at Convenient Hours with all modern
travel comforts. .
For further particulars ask agents
General Passenger Agent.
.$471.52 Sedaji.............:..;.....;..$754.80
514.56 Coupe . . 687.20
Touring;... I...; .... 544.72 " i '
All Equipped with Starter and Demountable Rims
.. .522.72 ? .Tifadoii
At Your Home
More Value Less Money
and arms in their yawning months
while others, submitting to har
ness, draw reticles f driven, by
their Jangle comrades. i ! i
Outside the steel arenas will
be presented such novelties as
trained sebras. who hate , beea
taught to do many of the tricks
performed by horses. Five trops
of seals will be Included In the
dumb animal displays. - There
will be a-total of SO elephants.
Some of these will e'rele the hip
podrome track, kicking footballs
as they go.- Others wilt do tricks
on the tops of lofty pedes tain.,
The entire number wilt perform in .
one immense tableau. ' Then there
will be Mons. Pailen's Siberian
bears, Alf. Loyal'a wonderful
dogs, more than 100 performing
stallions atM Shetland.' , menage
and high school horses, and mon
keys, doves, pigs, geese and goats
by the score. . It Is a five times
larger aggregat'on of animal, ac
tors than has ever been brought
together before. And on: the
same program, and In the same
tent wilt appear, more, than 600
men and women performers In the
biggest circus that ever toured
America. :. ' -i . i.
Sir Tom of Seattle Wins; V ;
California Yacht Race
. BALBOA. Newport Harbor, Cal. -Aug.
. 8. Ted Geary's wonder
boat, the Sir . Tom f of ; Seattle,
drifted across the ; line first. In
the 12-mile sloop race of the Sou
thern California .Yacht asocla-
tlon regatta here this afternoon.
The Angela, the California Yacht
club "R" boat, with Ben Weston
at the tiller, finished second, far
in the rear of the Sir Tom, while
the Patricia, owned by Capt. Ron
Maltland of the Royal Vancouver
Yacht club, was third ; Lack ol
wind hampered many of the en
tries. The morning races wen
run in a light rain. " 1
- A man was found dead' at wer.
Palm Beach, Fla- with $37,001
In hla nnrkeL Th Dtmt Oflbe
naner for which he worked is
yet unknowns ' .
Sale Dates .
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Return Limit
Tuesday following sale date
; 260 ' .
North IHgh
1 1
I -
i .
1 f
i .
i '
t ;