THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST! C, 1922 5 1 ''ir . 9 glfYNEWS IN BRIEF! hia wife, Mary Trigg, on this gr6und of desertion. They were married three years ago, and hare no children, according to the com. plaint. bearing stage. The intrnder ap parently worked patiently until he had carved" the tree sufficient ly to break it off. Oregon Magazine' j rlngton, general secretary of the aiem nciure hook number at Y. M. C. A. at O. A. C. In Cor- all newsstands, 26c. Send one vallis. Is to be the speaker. It- D. ' rt-TTAdf ' ' Barton will sing, Herman Clark ! ' swill lead In the congregational JobeJman to Kugene . singing, Robert aBtes will lead the ! l W. Jobelman, state head of (orchestra. Miss Genevieve Findley Oldnmobile Eight, Slightly Ised $10f,0. Several other good used cars. Marion Auto Co. Phone 3C2. Adv. the movement to have light wine an dbeer reinstated as American ' beverages, will go-to Eugene to " day where he will work In the In terests ; of the campaign. From Eugene he will go to Roseburg. Mr. Jobelman has opened an of ' lice in the Oregon building. Oldsmobile Eight, Slightly Used 11050. Several other good used cars. Marlon Auto Co. Phone 3(2. SUghtty Used OH stoves, standard makes In good condition at bargain prices. Stiff's. Adv. V. i )' , Monthly Sleeting Thursday The regular monthly luncheon and business meeting of the Sa lem Y. M C. A. is called for Thursday noon. August 10. Some ., important . business is jto, be- trans acted . .'.Vi: , ;. :. . , Oregon Magazine ; Salem Picture Book number at . an newsstands, z&c. send one : East. Adr " Only Four Iaya Left ..Jo buy furniture at greatly re 1 duced prices. Worth & Gray Fur niture Sale. Adv. . : '..... Warrlnjgton Will 8peak , , Union Park services are to be held, this afternoon . at WlUson park, at 4:S0. -Rev. C. W. War- will serve at the organ, and C. F. Hagemann will preside. The meet ings have been drawing good erowds, and the music is always especially attractive. As a second part of the meeting today, Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, state repre sentative of the W. C. T. U. Or phans' home at Corvallis, will give a talk on the home. Ann S. Smith Of Portland, Or., metaphysical teacher and healer. Hours 10:30 till 1 p. m.. 3:30 till 5 p. m. Hotel Marion, phone 2010. Adv. Throw Rugs" Twenty-seven-inch now $1.73. Worth & Gray Furniture Sale. Adv. Congolenm Regular 90c 6 ft. congoleum now 69c. Worth & Gray Furni ture Sale. -Adv. Oldsmobile Eight, Slightly Used $1050. Several other good used cars. Marion Auto Co. Phone 362. Adr, Clear Title Sought E. M. Croisan has brought suit to quiet title to parts of lots 1. 2 and 3, Homestead acres, against a claim held by William Brown Mr. unman racites in nis com plaint that the land Is part of the ancestral Croisan holdings, tat has not changed title in more than 50 years. Seid Back to California Seld G, Back, Chinese merchant, who has a hop ranch at East In dependence, passed through Salem yesterday morning with his fam ily and guests on the way to California. White Enamel Kl Priced as low as $4.; & Gray Furniture Sale.- 0. Worth -Adv. Oldsmobile Eight, Slightly Used $1050. Several other good used cars. Marion Auto Co. Phone "362. AdV, Trigg Wants Divorce In the circuit court. P. If. Trigg has filed suit for a divorce from h Vr I v. . s L. Willi BIGS John Gilbert ; to s "SHAME" it j Larry Semon V-,, in .; .y "THE SAWMILL Continuous Show J" THEATES. , Gasnier's ''THE CALL OF HOME" Comedy News 27:159 p.m. : ii'ij" Weather and Crying Bnaday Health Talk Ho. 60 y O. X' Scott, S. ft ' Mothers suffer as keenly as babies when the little one becomes afflicted with colic. The cry is really a starvation cry, lor the child -with colic is getting little or no benefit Irom its 'food. The trouble may be with the food, but this is rarely true, as every mother knows, for the colic comes even when the utmost care in feeding is being' observed. The real trouble la weakness of the stomach caused by a spinal bone derange ment which reduces the size of the spinal nerve "opening and pinches the spinal nerves' leading to the stomach. When the chiropractor makes! the delicate adjust ment necessary in such cases the child usually shows signs ' of improvement at once. - In. cases of chronic colic in child ren .the child loses flesh and becomes run down and irritable. Such cases in child ren are pliable unless relief is obtained. TXNCXE BEH SAYS: "Any beHly intellect, Nttt, :aa ea that beau ty which waa onrt - akia deep today la only knee high." HEALTH FOLLOW CM1R0PRACIIC CORRECTS PRESSURE Oil SPINAL NERVES IN DISEASES OF THE FOLLOWING ORGANS'- MtAD tYtS EARS NOSE ; V THROAT' ARMS UCIBf VlltNf.C i iv r a w kViV STOMACH W PANCREAS SPLEEN MONEYS BOWELS. ADorium w m W NBLA00ER Spbul CakmHOWU UMIS The lower nerve . unoerthe magnify ind class is pinched BY A MISALIGN ED JOINT., PINCHED NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES. CHIROPRAC TIC ADJUSTING RE MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS FREEAS NATURE INTENDS. Baby Cried for Six Months We feel it our duty to say what chiropractic did for our baby. We doctored with her for six months and she kept getting worse. At seven months old she weighed but thirteen pounds and cried night and day. She was getting so thin we expected her to die. Then we heard of chiropractic spinal adjustments and in despair gave it a trial when to our won der the child began to recover. Today she is well. Chiroprac tic saved our baby."- Mr. and 1 Mrs. W. I Marquis, Chiroprac tic Research Bureau Statement No. 1335-W. ; GETTIXa STARTED toward health is merely a mat ter of telephoning 87 for an appointment. O. L. Scott ;: r :y :i vv -'f v : Chiropractor 414-19 O, S. Bank IHdar, Local Finn Gets Contract Freeman & Struble, local archi tects, have recently been awarded the contract for the Corbett Un ion srhoolhonse. It is to be locat ed on the Columbia highway near the Vista house. It will cost 30, 000. The firm, also received the contract to build the gymnasium at Gresham. Special 5-Coarse Chicken Dinner Today. The Spa. Adv. Special 5-Courso Chicken Dinner Today. The Spa. Adv. Commission i Asked r Ralph S. Howard and George Satteriee have brought suit in the circuit court, against William Broekman, for $500 alleged to be due them , as commission on the sale of a $10,000 farm. They say in tbeir complaint that they brought a buyer for Brockman's farm, and that they are ent'tled to compensation for the stipulated amount through having fulfilled their part of the" contract. (Phone 87 j Silk Floss Mattresses Regular $18.00 35 lb. silk floss mattresses now $11.95. Worth & Gray Furniture Sale. Adv. Tube Free With each tire, 30x3 Vacuum Cup, $10.15; 30x3 M Vacuum Cup. $11.95. Fairgrounds Store. Adv. Special 5-Course Chicken Dinner- Today. The Spa, Adv. Meanest Man Yet Alive The meanest man is not -dead He Is' in Salem, but as yet hasn' been identified. Friday night some one stealthily entered the premises of Mrs. J. T. Wettig, 745 Ferry street, and with a jack knife cut down a young walnut tree that was just about at the MAE MURRAY RUDOLPH VALENTINO ' In "The Delicious . Little Devil" 2 7:15 9 p. m. 35c FRUIT JARS New Mason Fruit Jars, Quarts 70c Dozen at the CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Center Street Phone 398 We buy and sell EVERYTHING pecUl 5-C ourse Chicken Di"nei Today. The Spa. Adv. Mate Range Six-hole, white porcelain and ickel trimmed $78.95. Worth fc ray Furniture Sale. Adv. Broken Arches And other deformities of the feet corrected without loss of time from your occupation. Drs, White and Marshall, U. S. Bank bldk. Adv. Will Talk on Persia M. Mickel. a Persian who is espousing the cause of the desti tute Nestorian children of his na tive land, will talk today at both the Baptist and Presbyterian churches. Rev. W. T. MillSken has been designated .treasurer for the fund In Salem and he wilf re ceive money inended for the needy .Persians. Mr. Mickel will talk at the beginning of services at the Baptist church and at the end rf services at the Presbyter ian church. CONCERNING. YOUR AGE Proper glasses if you need glasses will make you look younger, feel younger and see younger. BEWARE OF EYE STRAIN Eyestrain is a drain not only upon your vision, but upon your health, energy and disposition. Our glas ses will save this waste. Better see us now. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 301-5 Oregon Bldg. ' Oregon's Largest Optical ' Institution Phone 23 D for appointment : SALEM, OREGON Birjrfi Recovered Stanley Rumpolia of Hazel Green reported to the police Sat urday that he had recovered the bicycle stolen from him on July 9. It was a good day for the re etfYery of bicycles for' the super intendent of the Boys School re ported the return of two boys who had rnn away July 25, taking two bicycles from Salem, one belong ing to Charles Ferrell and the other from the Dawson home In Salem. Brunswick Phonographs & Reo Honse, Moore's Mnsic Court. Adv. 415 .Mac Donald's farmer Aim an At Tyler's Drug Store. Adv, Roadster Turned A Ford roadster, license num ber 5840, was turned in to the Marion garage, by the police de partment Saturday, after it had been left parked on the street tor an unusual length of time. The license records show that it was registered by Ernest Trlove, of Albany. out Saturday and. bagged a whole squad of victims to hia bow-'n-ar. row. Three licenses were issued at the office of the county clerk, the test day for home making that has been calendared this year. The licenses issued were to Harry Wechter, 21. and Har riet Coburn. 18. both of Salem; to Medford L. Ingram and Gwen dolyn Bowman, 21 and lft. of Sil ver ton; and to Harry W. Bordune and Era L. Sullivan. 21 and 17. of Salem. The average age of the contracting' parties is perhaps the lowest on record this year, for so Urge a number of licenses. Jast 14 Left Get a refrigerator now, 25 per cent off at Stiff's. Adv. A Classified Ad Will bring yon a buyer. Adv. HOTEL ARRIVALS Miss Nellie and Miss Agnes Bar fcyte. will return today from Rain ier National park where they have spent a two weeks outing. Mr. and Mrs.; Arthur Welch will leave today for a two weeks' trip to Breitenbush Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs.' A. J. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Baker will drive to Paclfkjj City today for the week-end.. The Edwards will re turn late Monday afternoon while Want to Borrow $1200 at 8 per cent Interest paid in advance for two years on 48 lots valued at $3600 in Klam ath Falls. Socolotsky, 341 State. Adv. Xew $325.00 Victor Piano $375.00. Moore's Music House, 415 Court St. Adv. Trusses Fitted at Tyler's Drug Store by an expert in the business. Adv. Badgers Attentioi The Wisconsin picnic will be held at fairgrounds Wednesday. August 9th. Basket dinner at noon. Adv. Sonora & Victor Phonographs Moore's Musio ' House, 415 Court St. Adv. Takes the Days A man giving the name of Frank A. Logan, of Portland, was i arrested Saturday, on a charge of disorderly conduct. He was giv en a fine of $10 or five dars. and he chose the days. He is using them up at the city bastlle. Dra, White and HarshsTl Osteopathia physicians, U I Bk, Adv. A. B. Chase And three Kimball used pianos for sale cheap. Moore s Music House, 415 Court St. Adr. Justices Leave Today- Justices John McCourt and John L. Rand of the state su preme court will leave for San Francisco where tbey will attend the convention of the American Bar association. They will be ac- Changes Position- Roy A. Fasching, formerly with the PrUe Shof Co.. of this city, has accepted a position with John J. Rottle, successor to the Boot ery. Mr. Fasching will be pleased to meet his many friends at his new nosttion and give you the MARION R. Charles. Mrs. V. D. Calways. R T. Stickles. G. B. Smith, Ralph H. King, Harold II. Cake. H. Soysmith, Hazel Iron ton. Lucille La Vare, H. H. Hayes, J. M. Amibal. Miss A. Ingram,! Malcolm L. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wolfary, Bertha Hollam, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Dyer, Edith B. Dunsmore, Portland; R. O. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Car yell, Seattle; J. Bender, Albany; M. Richards, E. M. Davis. Long Beach; E. W. -Warrenton, Cor vallis; M. Evelyn Mead, Victor, X. ,Y.; Mr. and Mrs. E. Fraser, Silverton; Mrs. T. O.Hendricks, Mrs, L. Klaus, Cbehalls. BLIGH Mr. and Mrs. Earl Corey. Jefferson; Grover Miller, Los Angeles; H. D. Hutt, Berke ley; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cham- plain, Albany; C. E. Thompson, Oakland; George Brantz, Hills- boro; Maurice O. Hayes, Dallas; G. Gore Medford; Hugh Kesler, F. O. . Kesler, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams. J. W. Collins, Portland. TERMINAL Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. McClung. Silverton; J. E. Tolman, Corvallis; George W Stoke, Bend; Mrs. F. O. Berg. Los Angeles; J. G. McCarthy, J. F. McCarthy, William McCarthy, John Dowd, Butte; Mrs. G. M. Potter, Los An geles; C. W Stratton, W. W. Wllk inson, Harold N. Schafer, Port land. companied by their wives. Justice same personal attention in the f u L. T. Harris returned Saturday from Tacoma where he addressed a meeting of the Washington State Bar association. ture as in the past. Adr. Sherman Clay & Co. Pianos Moore's Music Horfse, . 415 Court St. Adv. Charged With Speeding Howard Balch. of Salem, was haled into the oplice station. Sat urday, by Officer Parrent, charged with speeding. He will have hearing before the court, Monday, August 7. SAVE - SAVE - SAVE GENTS FURNISHINGS New and second band elotblBg and aboM. Most compiau naad stock in tn city. Get ear price before 70a buy CAPITAL EXCHANGE 342 N. Corn'L PfcoM 1368-W Get That Furniture Now At removal sale prices at Worth & Gray's Furniture Sale. Adv. 8. O. STONE, M.D. General Office Practice . Cancers Treated Office, Tyera Drug. Store 15? S. Commercial Street Why Not? Buy a refrigerator at our re duced prices? Come in and look them over. Stiffs. Adv. Chicken Dinner Time Served all day; Place The Gray Belle. Adv. THE REAL TEST In choosingj your school, re member that ! the real test of quality lies in what has been accomplished by its graduates. In the past thirty years, scores of our graduates hare become business men and women of prominence In Oregon. Thorough courses, competent teachers, up-to-date equipment, and a high standing among business men all over the state are some of the qualifications this school holds out to you. Above all el.e It has success fully stood that most searching test of all the test of time. Let us tell you about our work. Write or call. Capital Business CcDege Salem : : Oregon REALTY EXCHANGES ( Reported by Union Abstract I Company t A. Coovert and wife to C. R. Miller, lot 5. block 3. Richmond addition to Salem, $10. City of Salem to M. Wilcox. lot 9, block 10, Oaks addition to Sa lem. $749. M. A. Bellinger to W. H. Lynn. lof 1. block 4, Frickey's addition. $1. A. Weiss and wife to D. J. Mc- Guire. land In claim 56-5-1-W.. $2500. M. J. Royal to Ej R. Williams, part of claim 46-7-3-W., $850. R. C. Russell and wilf eo E. A Russell, part of lot :32, Silverton, $850. SAVE $ $ $ by buying yonr hardware and fnr- Ttiture at The- Capital Hardware & Furniture Co., 28S No. Com mercial street. Phone 947. Bond Approval Asked Application for certification of $525,000 bonds was filled Satur day with the state irrigation se curities commission by the Mea dows drainage district of Klamath county. It is proposed to reclaim the land by diking, and after this Is done the land will be irrigated. The location is in the upper Klam ath marsh. The J. R. Watklns Products A. A. ENGLEBART. City Sales Manager 246 Lafelle Street. Salem, Ore. Phone 1734 W. Goods delivered i Ypu Can Af ford . A refrigerator .now. All refrig erators reduced at Stiffs. AOv. Legal Blanks- Get them at The Statesman 01- fice. Catalog on application. Htrtoin's GJttiei AdT 2gjgBrri Wear them ana see Application on File Easier and Better HARTMAN BROS. Phone 1255. SsJea, Ore The state engineering depart merit has on file 14 recent appli cations for authority to make small "appropriations of water H. G. Wiggins of Salem Heights, left Saturday for a 10 days vaca tion at Ashland, Or. Edwin S. Wagner of Tacoma Is a guest at the Socolofsky home for the week-end. Guests at the G. E. Terwilliger home are Prof, and Mrs. Albert WorBhan of Chicago. Professor Worshan is head of the Worshah School of Embalming and will de- lver a lecture and give demon-. strations at the meeting of the Oregon Funeral j Directors' meet ing this week in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. "W. D. Clark are week-end guests in Hlllsboro. Edwin Dufno of Eugene was a visitor in Salem yesterday. J. A. Wright returned during the week fromm Eatonvllle, Wash., where he went because of the death of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Barhyte and from MTJTF'X AUTO I WRECKING HOUSE Parts for One-Third to ; One-Half Off I buy old cars 424 N. Com'L Phone 523 Oregon streams and springs. Chicken Dinner Served all day. The Gray Belle. Adv. Oil Stoves Reduced Big discount on Red Star, Per fection and Clark's Jewel Oil stoves at Stiff's. Adr. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. Pays Best Cash Prices for ; JUNK , - , and . ' j : - OLD FURNITURE The House of Half a ' I Million and One Bargains 402 N. ComX Phone 523 City File Suit The city of Salem is going to ; have either the money or the title. if possible, in the suit it has filed against Thomas Holt, the Oregon Realty & Investment company. and Chris Lachele. The suit is for 1 settlement of a paving bill of $788.77. for lot 4 and the south one-half of lot 3, block 54, original townslte of Salem. Roast or Fried " ? m.1.1... ...... uiuuer. i Gray Belle. Adv. today at the I Trunks, Ban and Leather Before yon take a trip call and i look at those Betterbllt trunks at T. E.' Shafers, 170 8. Commercial. lAerolux Porch Shades At low prices. At Stiffs. Adv Good License Day -; "Dan Capid finds the warm wea ther sometimes Just to his Ilk- j I inl and - tbe little rascal slipped PERSONALS DIED TRIMBLE Elsie Trimble died at a local hospital August 4, at 6:50 a. m. Mrs. Trimble, who was 25 years old, is survived by her husband, F. H. Trimble. and her father and mother, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Henry Dllllng. kThe body is at Webb L Clough's. Funeral announcements, later. r Webb '& Clougb LtiEzj Fcstrs! Expert Err&sT.Tsgn the aBker family will rental the coast for the com;ag wevk; . Lee L. Gilbert went to Portland yesterday. y -,V- i-- EAT ICE CREAM Hot and tired? Say 1 a dish ' of . cold - ice cream will cool you off and make you feel lilt new. - ". Try Our Fountain . . ; , Specials We make 'em right ! Schaeiefs Drug Store Sole Agent Garden Court Preparations . 135 N. Comn. Phone 197 -TRY TI1R PEXSLAR DRUG STORK FIRST 1, . " (? .7 ':n PIANO JAZZ 12 weeks V - 12 lessons For Beginners and ' Advanced " v- Enroll Now Waterman Piano School Room 3 McCornack Bid?. Jv& VfeJ' fr'A m Make the Most pi Your Charms Our complete line: of high grade Toilet Prepara tions Will assist ' Tyler Drug Co. 157 S. Commercial St. Karam's Shorthand In Thirty Days Guaranteed Four Lessoni Text ; Hi .i & A Quick Way to Better Position and Bigger Pay We can prove to you in a few minutes how you can qual ify in thirty days to hold a stenographic position or .to teach in one of our schools . ,. . You Can , : do this and retain your present position We Guarantee to teach Karam Shorthand in SO days or it costs you nothing. We only ask that you attend our classe3 two hours daily for thirty days. ' r 1 1 4L Day and Night ClasseSUrt any Time . Don't 'say fclt Can't be' Done" Investigate! National School of Shorthand - 212-213 Oregon Bldg-Phone 1890J or 788 SpeciahRates During August and September JOHNSON VT. V. Johnson died at hia residence, 909 Hoyt street. August 5, 1922, at tbe age of 62 years. He leaves his widow, Mary, one daughter. Leila and one son. Dr. W. A. Johnson, all of Salem. He was a member of Woodlake lodge. No. 221 A. F. & A. M.. Wood- lake. Neb. The funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 J m., from the Webb & Clougb mortuary. Services at the crave n charge of Pacific lodge No. 50 A. F. & A. M. In terment in City View cemetery. THE BANK'S SERVICE SETS THE; v.. i PACE TN times of business depression it is up to tne bank to drive away the community., k gloom, and keep up the spirits of the; public in general. And in times of prosperity the v bank must keep people from going clear to the other extreme, and indulging in extrav agances. . v . v . ' .. i -.) .. , , , -. f . ', In other words, the bank setslhe pace for the community, and regulates the business" barometer. It must be neither psesimistic nor yet unduly optimistic, and it must be" prepared to meet the '.financial4 needs of its patrons regard! es3 of outside conditions, tl i 1 1 ! MM!