The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 06, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Issued Dally Except Monday by
- 215 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office, 27 -Board of Trade Building. Tnone Antomatle
v , 511-13
T Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for pabll
' ' eatJon of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
' In this paper end also the local news published herein.
It. J. Hendricks
Stephen A. Stone
r Ralph Glover .........
rrank Jukoakl
....... .Managing Editor
. .......Cashier
,.... Manager Job Dept.
ideas of God and onr reasoning about Him in no way af feet His Mortons George, does not materia-
reality, nature or attribute, so what men think or say about l112
relitrion i net nart of retirion. As a sreat Enriuh writer of the! We nejed a Nathan with a Ion?,
55 f 7 - - ; I
last eentnry well said, With many people religion is merely aj'tan tin
matter of word. There is a gread deal, of reading about relig-jput that
ion. But true religion embodied tir human eliaraeter and action J thou a
is more instructive than a thousand doctrines and dogmas." Uunty slicker. You didn't enlist
If hT member ff.ehureheg would eome more ffenerallv toIUod now drafts you. Come out
understand that talking and reasoning about religion not only is into the
not religion, but that talking and reasoning alout it alone willjyoar wring-doing."
never produce it in the world, this might help to fmd the way I God si.ys. ' Go work today!" Go
to end some of the schisms in the church. J talk to the servant in your house.
and se
It would seem that Christians would find sufficient incentive I friends!
to endeavor to find some common ground for the amalgamation jes, and--employes, talk to your
of the different denominations in the realization of the great coraradek
handicap to Christianity that the present schismatic situation I warmer.
.. - . A - 0 "J - 1 ' I . l . ...
is. Une need not go iar to una plenty oi eviaence oi mis nan- nay is tar spent; me nignt com
dicap. Every little town and hamlet in the land has five or eth. The message is God-given
six Protestant churches. All oi them are poor and struggling J to everV man and woman.
er to come along and
finger upon us and say.
rt George. You are the
open. George, and confess
rvant. go talk to your
Go talk to your employ-
! Pew-holder, bench
arise and go forth! The
the chief ingredients. The free
ue of in ilk and sugar taken to
gether should be avoided.
The very common practice of
eating hot buttered toast is es
pecially harmful. Heating the
l-utter so ehehiieally changes it
the finest breakfast food la the
world at about one-third the cost
of the other prepared foods. As
n eveuin meal it will induce
sleep to the restless. i
Combining large! quantities of
liquid with the meal hinders dl-
that it is no longer a food, while I gtstion. as all the liquid must h
lha u-irfinn nf thf. tit sn situ-1 5li.rh I hefore digestion CSU
Business Office, It
Circulation Department, Sit
Job Department, SSI
society www, ivi six Protestant churches. All of them are poor and struggling j to everV man and woman. "He
entered at the Poatofflce in Salem. Oregon, as second class matter! and are having comparatively small effect upon the spiritual that wirineth souls is wise." The
life of the community. What a different result might be pro-1 King's Business.
dueed if all the small and weak religious organizations in each
community could be amalgamated into one big, harmonious, ix
strong, militant body of zealous and determined followers of
the blaster! r as Palestine is concern
Men In this day who belong to the same: church differ about ?d, the difficulties arising from
many things religious. It is perfectly proper and natural that Ithe mandate of the League of Na-
thev fchnnbl lrt so it is an indication of reuzious virility. 13ut Itions cdme
" (Copyrighted by the San Jose Mercury)
In times past when iutpnse religious revivals have swept
the country most men knew; very exactly and explicitly what
the nnrtienlar denomination or church to whieh thev belong! because they thus differ it does not follow that they must quar- than within
rtoodfoYr But in this age of religious indifference and tolera- rel about it and each member set up an independent creed and of the citizens accept the findings
lion It is doubtful if tea per cent of the member's of, any church announce a set of dogmatic principles for himself. Instead of J the League with complacency.
I Christian
apprehension of the
worm is aroused over
know.WjiAtiprinciplea or tenets distinguish it from other this, reasonable men seek to imci tne common grouna upon
ehurehev '-: ' ' . I which all members may stand. ' nr
iVobabiv few MethodYstsronirreirationalLsLs or. Presbvter- There seems to be no fundamental reason why such a union the fatfe of the designated holy
ion. for rmnle . eonkl 'u-lv an intelligent statement of iust of the Protestant denominations could not be brought about. Places.
. i " a Win n lint inch' on a m al dm m:i t ion would he a QTeat I iect to
wnai Te iffious . reasons luuuceu mem to loin me uuriicutur i i"" - o . -
church to. which hey belong. They were! brought up in that gain toffhe cause df religion!
church and accented membershiD in it as: a matter of course : 1 ' T"
n, t hoir itt . fripnrla iil nn cr in it af thev like it minister- or A radio fan. declares that there
it ia nearbeir home; or, their father and mother belonged to are some objecUons even to .go-
that church. One or more of these, or some other equally non- ine to neaven, nsuinw-ina
religious ''reasons in "most cases determine their choice of a I brings of his harp might develop
church home, instead of a deep and abiding belief in the par-1 static.
iicuiar aenominauonat creea wnicn is suuposeu to uisiinguisn i
the church of their choice, -I ' i a ineqd at the writer s einow
It. U well that this ia so. i It is to be honed that in the minds y he is not Inclined to Join the
of the people these church distinctions will become even morelraoks of those who want, to know
indefinite and shadowy. ' Many men are coming to see that m about the next world, bo rar,
moat cases churches are divided upon purely theological lines! he declares, this world has kept
and not because of differences of a vital religious nature; thatnim guessing.
these theological dogmas which have produced the great
schisms in the ennren or Unnst are Dut intellectual theories! Two orominent New York eler
evolved through reasoning about religions $by the theologians I gymen have been characterized by
of the past: and that many. of them, at least, are not founded la brother of the cloth as "baboon
tiponjinj ;Joad K)ncetiori of the teachings of Christ or the! boosters" because they have pro-
uiuie. . , tressed belief In the doctrlno3 oi
It is dawning upon the world that the denominational theo- evolution. The "argument" Is
logian has usually singled out and unduly emphasized, even I unconvincing
sometimes distorted. one or more isolated passages of Scripture" I
i '.lh: l: u i ,t i,.. u I - ' . ;
ItllU KI1UIUUK WIS eve m lUS Kl, uruou, ucauiuiu uiuicimcs Tnnb n 9ntnmnhila trln lnnr
and the spirit pervading the one greatest book m the woridjhas the tne other Sunday
undertake to build the church of Christ upon these narrow nignt and pagged a cnnrch and a
movie show. At be church there
were three machines parked; at
the movie It was impossible to get
a machine within a block of the
I place. What is the answer? Los
Angeles Times
and isolated Biblical excerpts' as a foundation. Meiare begin
ning, to think that these religious leaders of the past have put
much too great emphasis upon the letter of the Bible, and have
forgotten that ' the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life
parading under the guise of med
kal science or uplift if obscenity
were the book's primary object.
ng of
st ran oe
Even the Holy Writ Is opposed
to strikes. We read in St. Luke,
iii:14; "And soldiers asked him
(John the Baptist,) saying, wliat
shall we do? And he said unto
them, extort from no man . by
, violence, neither accuse anyone
wrongfully, and be content with
your wages." . .
"What matters whether you be baptized by sprinkling, or
immersion if -you have received the baptism of the spirit of
(iL-'ii J" l.jf ! -t a : 1 .t iL.
: y.n.rist k uptn, iorms oi uapiiam nrv ccrwuionics ipiuai oituc
purification that must come into your life before you can be a
: follower of Christ. That you reaMy receive this spiritual jbap
.tism and this purification are the vital,:the all-important thingsl
. What matters what the name of your church organization or
.,hW.iit is governed. or even; what its dogmas are, provided its
:t .members live the truth and exemplify in their daily lives and
,i conduct the teachings and spirit of Christ?
Discriminating men everywhere are inclined to believe with
, 1 St, James, that, "Faith, if it have not works, is dead, being
it alone, and' that we 'will-show our faith by our works. They
are beginning to agree with St. Paul that, "They who have not Suppression of alleged cbscene
l j the spirit of Christ are none of His," no matter to what church literature has Hs pitfalls, as is
1 thev belong nor what professions they may make. shown. ly the decision of the New
i W . " ., - A i
,'. . A - . U I lora court oi appeals upnoiaing a
: - TTivrt nnt tbesA eehisma in the church, come about ouite lodgment r $2500 obtained by a
largely because men haye mistaken theology for religion 1 Theo- clerk arrested for selling a copy
logy is only a' statement or statements of what men think about ot a French classic, "Mademoi
reliirion and reasonine from these statements as premises to a selle de Maupln." if the society
H Bubposedloffical conclusion: The conclusions may follow logically the suppression of vice would
? enonirh if the premises be admitted to be sounQ: but the trouble confine Itself to obscene books in
is that too often these are not statements of Biblical truths, but original meaning of that term.
. only finite men's imperfect and warped and distorted ideas of let the classics alone, it would
the Bible and religion. ' ' run no 8UCh risks. Nor could
Religion is, of course, something very much larger, deeper, there be objection if .it occasion
. moreel end fundamental than anv man's idea of it. As our'Ay suppressed an obscene work
' - - -- - -' -'
This is a homely phrase, well
suited to -: the attitude of the
church toward the Lord's com
mand to give the Gospel to every
.We all believe that the Lord
meant what He said, "Go ye into
alt the world" but somehow we
do not believe that the applica
tion was meant to be personal.
We believe the Gospel is 'good
news and are glad we have it. We
believe the sinners around us and
the heathen beyond us should
have Jt, but when it comes to the
"who"? then "Let George do it!"
That is, let someone else do it.
The preacher, for instance, he Is
George. The officers of the
church, they are George. The
Sunday school teachers (if you
can find them) thejr are George.,
"Tell us how much you want
and we will have a drive for the
money, then let us alone!" .
- Page George. "Where are you,
George?" He. won't be paged
He can't be found. He is an Im
aginary missionary and persona
worker. The preacher talks about
George Is expected to do and how
to do It; but, George, that mys-
Anrnut 8. Tuesdftv Lerture on linde
tax, LTii ion hall.
Angunt 8,- Taesday Hinnetota picnic
at atata fair rrounda. .
Auruat 9, Wednesday rWiaconin pic
nic at atata fair irreonda.
August 17, Thursday Iowa picnic at
fair grounds. .
Stemler 1, 2 and 4 Round an 1 at
tepiembr 1, 8 and 4 Lakeviaw
Konnd-np, : Lakeviaw,' Or.
September 6. Wednesday Orafon
Methodist Conferenca. Sal em.
September 7. 8 and 9 State Elks
rosventfon, . Seaside.
September tl. Si and 23 Paadlatoa
ronnd-np. i .
September 15 t) SO ImelaaiTe Oreroa
Slate fair.:
October 5, 6 and 7 Polk CouBtr fair.
November T, Taeadar General alee
from without rather
The rank and file
Jurt as some folks ob-
running trolley cars' to
Jolgothla orJ( having a merry-go-
pn Calvary, so there are
who object to the build-
a mosque on the site of
rated has al.-o been lot as a food, 'commence
Ves, I'll admit that it tastes good.
So does opium to some people,
but who will defend opium as a
food? liutter is much more de
cirable eaten cold. Eat things
in their natural state. You can
not make butter from hot or even
warm cream it must be cold.
Mushes not thoroughly cooked
should not be combined with
milk er other liquids in eatins
them, as this liquid takes the
place of the saliva that changes
the 6tarca to dextrine for diges
tion. Dextrined breakfast foods
(thoroughly baked) can be eaten
with milk, as they do not require
the action of the saliva. Take a
good whole wheat loaf of bread,
cut it into slices and dry them
:n a warm oven until the last
trace of moisture disappears. Then
let the slices brown slightly all
the way through and you have
Water,; milk, tea and
coffee do not convert the foods to
live tissue only the juices of the
sy.-tcm can do this.
Wilbur Glenn Voliva says that
there are no knickerbockers ' in
heaven and therefore he will sot
permit the women to wear theia
in Zion City. There is no such
animal as a knickerbocker angel
and Voliva Intends that the wo
men of his church shall dress and
comport themselves after the
manner of the heavenly host. No
7ion City dames may be fouua Jn
bobbed hair and tights. '
Augustus Thomas has been ap
pointed to a position by the Pro
ducing Managers' association rim-
iiar to that occupied by Will Hays
in the movies. Wonder if for the
same reason?
No other IUnee In Amcr- 1
ica docs this but a Lnc.
Entire Ranjre enveloped
in heat, usin all; fuels
alike, gas, wood or coaL
Guaranteed an even bak
er and a savinff of at
least 25 on wood over
any other range
Send , for caUlojrue
271 No. Commercial . St
Salem, Oreffon
the manger. No serious remon-
could be made against
the placing of Jerusalem under
.he dominion of the Zionists, but
i will jalways seem to the ortho
dox Chrfetians that the places
ana institutions nailowed be ex
empt from iconoclastic hands
They ant the Holy Land kept
(Third article in; a series of ar
ticles by Paul O. Sampson, na
tionally known food expert.)
A word further about the com
binations of foods. Wrong com
binations are a source of much.
BurDering. When food Is not
properly combined, it does not
properly nourish the body. One
ounce of food properly digested
is worth r more than one pound
that is improperly combined, as
the latter mixture must be ex
pelled at a needless waste of en
ergy. .
Far too much sugar is ordin
arily used in food. Cakes, sweet
puddings, pastries, jellies and
jams are active causes of indi
gestion. Especially harmful are
the custarca and puddings in
We have a banquet and the jwhich milk, eggs and sugar are
expert comes and tells what
We Have a New line of lighting Fixtures that are;
Ahead of Anything we have ever seen for the price.:
AH the newer finishes including Polychrome v "
Cm. in and U them over before bur bJ
for the new home x :
Salem Electric Co.
Masonic Temple Phone 1200
.4 ,
; stxtdt ,
- anmoa
topyrlgbt, 1022, Associated Editors
The Biggest Little Paper ia the World
Edited by John II. Millar
cgWlXVi-V? POP &
What. - happens ; Mext ?
3 . Llv:" r ' . . . .' nm
-rW.,1 m. a vm . -'V
. ; :
A cat who lived on Henry street
had leug been very proud because
he thought he bad a voice as beau
tiful as loud. For hours he'd
practice running the scales and
listenei with delight, . quite cer
tain, that his golden notes beat
anything in sight.
He started in w th simple
things, bat not content with that
he tried the hardest kind of tunes
that stumped the average cat. lie
did them with wondrous ease; he
yowled both loud and long, and
througn the windows on the streej
there rolled his feline song.
Old shoes came flying through
the air, also a clock or two. and
In the windows near the fence
were many heads in view. They
hissed and yelled and even swore.
and still the volume grew, a?
Thomas calmly kept his place and
sang each song he knew.
As morning dawned he strutiea
home, contented with his work
"I must be doing very well." he
simpered with a smirk. "Why it
their earnest zeal to hear, th
people left their beds, and In th
windows on the row I counted
twenty heads.
"I used to hang around a show
when I was young and gay, ano
so I know how people act when
they are pleased that way. Upor
the stage I've seen them thro
red roses, but you see, these peo
pie even threw their shoes, ex
pensive things, at me.
"And oh. you should have heart
them shout, just like (hey always
do when squealing opera singers
ait a soaring note or two. Appre
elation sure is great, he wave
his joyous tail. "Goodbye. ? m
dear, I'm on my way to practict
on the scale." .
What foup colleges
You may buy a piece of furniture elsewhere for less money, but are you satisfied with the just-as'good
kind? Are you willing to pay out your money for furniture that lasts for six months or a year! The
just-as-good kind in the end is the most costly and never compares, with Hamilton quality furniture in
design, quality or finish. The sweetness of low price is never equaled by the bitterness of poor oualitv.
Tt:. ti.-. .I... aL-a : j j j.ii i i . .i i. . i - '
au i uic aiore mai carries gooa aepenaaoie mercnanuise ac tne ngnt price.
in any covering you desire a bed at
night and a fine big overstuffed Da
venport in the day time.
Covered in Colony Cloth $98.50
Covered in Tapestry..... $135.00
Covered in Best Tapestry $149.85
S-piece Set, Davenport, Chair and
Rocker to match, in rose, taupe or
blue, only .. $125.00
8-piece Walnut Suite, consisting of 1
48 inch top 6 ft. table 1 fine large
buffet, 5 chairs and one arm chair to
match for only $149,50
7-piece Oak Suite, consisting of one
fine oak table Snd 6 chairs to match
for only $39.80
Let us show you the values we have
to offer.
In Ivory, Grey, Mahogany, Walnut
and Oak. 6-piece Ivoryj Suite, con- .
sisting-of Dresser, Chiffonier, Bed,
Dressing Table, Chair Wl Rocker
to match for only.: .......M.$740
4-4 Grey Fir Beds ,.......t .$9.00
Dressers $13.50; and Chiffonier to '
match u:JJL'l .$14.00
We are showing the newest in Bed
room Furniture. Don't fail to 'get
our prices.
Aiwas a WEDGEWOOD Booster. Let us show you this line, they have no equal.
Vacuum Cleaners Are as Different
as Automobiles Are
No two cleaners are alike.
They vary greatly in what they
cost to make; they range wide
ly In efficiency: they differ
much in strength and lasting
ness. Dut unfortunately they are
all priced at within a few dol
lars of each other, which seems
to imply that they are pretty
much alike.
They aren't! There is Just
as much difference between
Vacuum Cleaners as there Is
between a Chevrolet and1 a
So the careful purchaser will
do well to demand a full dem
onstration In his own home, of
any cleaner presented to him.
And he should Insist on seeing
its specifications In printed
form, to guarantee their accur
t acy.
A really great cleaner, and
There are other cleaners
that have a beating brush.
There are other cleaners that
have strong suction. But only
the Hamilton Beach has both.
Hence It unites In one mach
ine all the cleaning advantages
of both these good' types, and
besides gives double efficiency.
It fs so substantially construct
ed that it is unqualifiedly guar
' anteed. j.
The makers, Hamilton Beach
Mfg. Co., are staking every
thing on its efficiency and qual
ity. They are accepting a smal
ler margin of profit for them
selves, content that he future
will surely reward jsuch out
standing merit at its new fair
price. A small deposit, and a
little each' week, makes It
yours. j
Western Pipeless
Built in the West for Western
People and Western fuel--one
look at our firebox fin the
WrTERrTU con ou
that it is the best by faiifor i
you. It is not necessary for
you to stand wood on end in
our furnace, it will lay flat
Trade in your old fur
niture as part payment
on new '
: : good; furniture !
Let us figure with you
on your shades and
drapery. Our prices are
always less.