THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1922 i 1- Low Tides at Newport x En able Resortersto See " Marine Wonders NEWPORT, Ore., Aug. 5. (Special to The Statesman.) Ex ceedingly low ' . tides daring the past week hare permitted tourists to gala the outer entrance to the Devil's Punch Bowl, north of New port, a feat not' accomplished for many years. These low tides are especially farrable for ' trips to the marine ' gWdns and other points of IstVrest'valong the beaches. Many 'are taking advan tage of the early morning tides llFATETTE ImihfrAi I slaaSI J4Ma SPRINGS 1 . ' , In Old Ydmhill j The strongest mineral water on the coast. Sure death to rheumatism, ev time. Cures akin diseases, stomach trou ble etc, Patients are given' the very best at tention. Medical r treat ments, massage, electric ity, etc. Good hotel ac comodations. Rates: In hotel $20.00 a week. Cottages $8 a week. Camping grounds, .well shaded,' watered, with stoves, tables. electric lights, etc., $2.50 a week. The place 13 under new management: "Write 'or phone: :' ;:: .:; Lafayette Mineral! ',. Springs. . Lafayette,,. Oregon; for fishing ' off the reefs, rock oyster and butter-clam digging. With; the month, of August here. crowds ! of vacationists are arriv ing each day by. auto, regular and special trains and on foot. The season is at its height and prac tically all rooms and cottages are filled to capacity. The "Discovery"' was the cen ter of interest at the wharves on Tuesday when ' she brought into port a seven-foot man-eating shark, caught Just out of the har bor. Edward C. Rhodes was a Nye Beach visitor .from Salem. Friday. Edna Pealrs of Ketchikan. Alas ka, is the house guest of Gladys Jones. . v. Judge J. W. Hamilton of Rose burg Is spending a few days In the city before circuit court con vene In Toledo Monday. . Elma Bradsbaw of Salem Is in the city for a few days' visit with friends. Wallace N. Shipp and family of Salem and Mrs. Gertie Ellsworth are In the -Johnson cottage for a few weeks' outing. - N. N. Benson was a visitor from Salem Tuesdar. Registrants at the Hotel Gil more for the past weekr are O. K. DeWitt, of Salem; E. C. Rose and wife of Portland; Charles Zollen- ger and wife of Portland; Mrs. E. E. Walden of La Grande; Editor E. R. Gillstrap and family of Eu gene; Joseph Patterson of Port land; Mr. Ewing and wife of Port land; W. W. Fawk and wife of Salem; Mrs. George Ross and mother of Drain; H. R. Demmon of Portland; S. Howatt of Port land; F. M. Titus of Albany; Mrs. Vida Culver of Albany; M. Stem- mons and wife of Lebanon; J. E. Henkle and wife of Philomath; M. T. Burns of Corvallis; E. H. Hughes of Corvallis; Elmer Shoen of i Portland; Ren Williams of Portland; A' P. Trawlck and fam ily of Eugene r Dorothy Hughes of Corvallis; Ernest Boon and wife of Caldwell, Idaho; Edna S. Red- lund of Portland; A. W. Foster and family of Hoaklns; C. P. Jemen of Portland; H. Holum of Portland; J. J. Sparrow and" Miss Mollle Sparrow, Mrs. A. R.Bilyeu of Albany; R. R. Hamersley of Corvallis; ..Bertha D. Gllmore of Heppner; Louis Bach 'of Corval lis; Mrs.. S. Shapera and children. Margaret fisher of Salem; Mrs. D B. Hadley of Eugene. Hazel Jesse returned to her 'r'-. home' in Salem after a few days' visit with her parents at Nye Beach. ' , . Mrs. Bennet and children of Sa lem -are here for a two months outing. , . - - : " EDITORIALS OF THE trailed their other eftoi a fori "world democ:cr." rrrress for tit striVe means1 the vfc'nursin-; of a weste- toduj- try to the weanling point In eventual severance from our old- maid stepmother, Wall Street. s. r.. r. BOSH TAL HEAD GIN PISE Meaning o the Strike I have never seen in print the natural result of the coal and rail differences," If continued to the point of real public inconvenience or handicap. ' . This industrial war, in a word, means the development of western resources now dormant. ' Strikes should not be In this day'of exact knowledge and men tal development. They are an aehronisms that only find Jestlfi cation in the greed of tho capital ist. Lis greed for profft and bis un-Cbristian desire to continue his brother's keeper under inde fensible social conditions. V -i To be sure, the same results migh be brought about from the continuance of over-capitalization stock watering and incident natuial increases, in price and rates; but why submit to the "white plague" In an ladustrial sense any more than In the strict ly phslcal one? 1 The crescendo tendency in the tune of the capitalists, whether marked as "dulce" or "Dianisst- mo" f according to bis own physio logical estimate of his artifice) depen ds npoit Ms sensing of the audience. What he wants la more, and stilt' more, of this world's goods with which to slake his thirst for power over the herd. He is an industrio-ecoaornic Cae sar, a pervert who know?' no am bition but the satisfaction-of his passion. '. An 1 that, Jut that, makes htm fiddle while Rome burns nakes him blind to a pr.lpable fact that the redlands of Montana and Wyo ming, midway on the edntinent, expose billions of tons bf iron, within gravity-transport titn dis tance of other bi lions of" tons of coking, coal. And tthe further fact of the 'untold horserowers in unbridled streams capable of be ing economically used to' develop factories to convert our myriads of raw materials '.r.lo fft-ishJ pro ducts is lost to him. ' "s Ho banks upjn pur ignorance and hi domination to perpetuate his one-way-haul economics.; He ismcnes the difference in cost and dlstn.'ice from the Rockies ; east and west where '.ail: and water meet" to distribute our "bounties to two worlds th.t need them. ; y stern m ibd should stand back of the rai. a? d coal strikers vlth the sam patriotic' seal that Let the SLOGAN for the LOGAN'S be a NICKEL Editor Statesman-: I was very much interested and pleased- by the article headed "Five Cents Minimum on Logans is Proposed by a Local Company." The article throughout has the right ring and shows the right spirit, and the author or suggester of the idea is entitled to credit f head and heart. If the loganberry grower could depend 'on a 5 cent market it would go far to re-establish this loganberry" industry of the Wil lamette valley. Nor Is it reason able to conclude it will amount to much less fairly compensatory prices are obtained.; I have little sympathy for the growers who jumped' their con tracts in 1920 and 1919 on ac count of higher prices. I do have sympathy for those who did stand Miss Gladys Steele Declared to Be Well Equipped For Position "The Salem hospital is especi ally fortunate in having an un usually capable superintendent in the person of Miss Gladys W. Steele," said a member of the hospital board yesterday. vShe ha held for the institu tion its splendid reputation in the face of many handicaps. Miss Steele became superinten dent of the. hospital about two years ago, and during that time she has met all the emergencies that have' arisen, due to crowded conditions. The hospital under her efficient direction has done high grade work, though on ac count of limited quarters more by their contracts, and everything! than 20 operative cases have should be done to help tbert. I been refused arnce the first of Fred Drager's suggestion, if en-1 this year. Miss Steee is also a dorsd and taken up by the other packers and large buyers, will it. the end .be good for them also ; and the consuming public will never halt In the use of the lo ganberry, for the little per cent of cost added the cent or there abouts per pound Is a very small portion of the total cost, when it cornea to the consumer, as the packing, the processing, the freight, and cost of marketing' is ho more on a five cent berry than a tour cent berry. And we shall have contented growf-.-s and people at home. Spread the movement, create -or develop the sentiment, a living price at least to the producer,! build up the industry. Otherwise it will go by the board. Yours, k Consumer, Not a Grower. good business manager, which is demonstrated by her monthly re ports to the board. In addition to managing the hospital under these trying conditions, she has maintained the training school for the nurses. Miss Steele is a native of North Dakota. After completing her high school conrse there she took her training In the Northwestern hospital of Minneapolis, and' was for a year night supervisor tnthat Institution. In 1911 she took charge of the Willamette "sanltar- land for a temporary injunction prohibiting,. picketing In front of their places of business was de nied by the supreme court Satur day in., the cases of the Liberty cafeteria, plaintiff and appellant, ittoi. wiucn position sne nia tor f against George Shannon, as p res three and a half years, in war ; ijent of the Cooks and Assistants work she served at Camp Dodge, j local No. 207. and others, and A. Iowa, after which she took post graduate work in Pellevue hospi tal. New York city. "At the time Miss Steele was employed as superintendent of'the Salem hospital she was told that plans were well under way for a new hospital building, and she j deserves much credit for her pa tience during the past two years ' In rendering uncrr ;je condition the best hospital service possible." J Rohde and W. C- Rupert,' plain tiffs and appellants, against the same defendants. The petition asked that the union be restrained from picket ing pending the outcome of a suit now, pending in the supreme court. The order of the court denying the petition was signed by Chief Jus tice Burnett and Justices Bean. Rand, Harris and McCourt. ? .The secretary; to Henry Ford has been paying a visit to the White House Possibly, looking for new quarters after Marthv, 4 . - A neutral conference-of iurists. military men and historian! Is try ing to fix the MRponsrhniry tor the war. What Is the m'attef with "human cussednesa"? That 'would seem to cover the situation com pletely. -"l- '-' -'-''.-"-- Picketing Not Prohibited By State Supreme Court Petition of plaintiff and appel lant restaurant operators of Port- Engineering r.' it : i m t - I f Portland Get NeW Ratel Architectural Eng-nnng. Special coone in AatMBohde tugiBeennf, Machine Shop, etc. Logs from Hopmere to . The public service commission announced Saturday that is has authorized the Oregon Electric Railway company to publish on less man statutory notice a spe cial rate of 5 1-2 cents a hundred pounds oi hardwood logs from Hopmere, Ore., to Portland. The original petition for the rate was filed by the Oregon Hardwood Mills of Portland. The rate is ef fective a sof August 4. . But tquipftd StMintht Wt. Students get practice while learning. A Vmhtrtily Ctmru in all technical essen tia. Degrees granted to fall course men. H'gh school Ihea can "'complete oar "engineering eoaraea in 14 moatfea actaal imdy under our tntennTe metboda. Scad for free catalog, Fslytwsals CsBsgs ! Eagiaeeriag ' I tlth mmi Una Saw . OAKXaRD. CALD 0 Remingtoa PbrtaBle Typewriter? .with Standard Key board no shifting for figures. Pficfp with c ate, $60. Easy instatirhents may be arranged COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE LADD & BUSH, BANKERS EaUblisked 18CT Gtntnl GMd&s Bwiassf Office Hour, froxa 10 . n. to I p. B, f 1 : ( i - .. " y rs " ' I ".. . ' . - J J In Your New. Hess Install a BEGER: PIPELESS FURNACE Hprelfeat ' Less Feel 'r5 . i- : r- -;' '; u ' " -;'N'. See it iefore yea i t. . - , i BEBGER PIPELESS ITONAiDB" Made in Slemr - " F. H. BERGER; 803 North Liberty . jlin4rtiaier" " 9 T Phone IO48-II , . : ti t . : Z " TV 1 TT-1 HAT FT-N 7T TTaN M 1 Kxl M VV UJ K :1 fi , : v: ir i. : v . ' ' " .......... ' " - -v' : . ""'!.' The Summer Playground An J3al Resort Manhattan, iMiLytie Elmore, Rockaway, Garabaldi, When in Newport Patronize These Progressive Establishments 5 k i , jt M' ! ri i HOTEL4 EOJIORE IS rMoi'tt wMdwiwfwtT "iWytnlif heat-likt,. d cb. 8tf1ely home Mokiag. Hot ad eold water la all reeow.. XatM moderate, .."' ; '. ,. Tti "festrvatfoai. 4dm' ' -Jt.y. KBXBS " ftOCXAWAf. OKB. An 1 ad. on this page ' wifl . f' ; s;'. ",rv 1 r.:-1 ' rc boost your community ana 'i 'it l . Ij - -n- Y-.WYs . if.. Yv ? your business BUOY RESfAURANT and Xunch Rooani, , ' open 'AltMIouri I. - , . 8outh of Post Office 8peacer : HrosA . llockaway, . Ore. GARIBALDI GARAGE . Servk wttk fr' alr i Atrto KPAxmnraVH''-:' j Zzpert ants stectata staeWnirt vilfoUs 00. Ooyr aai lmn Ura y . ... .y, ..' B. 1. IHIXDOH OAKIBALDT, OKB, P.D.0TT General Merchandise i - , .- Tourist Supplles--Flshlng Tackle Free Camp Grounds Free Wood 7 - neDo Oregon PACIFIC CITY BEACH Salem's Nearest Beach by Auto Stage leaves terminal three thnes dallyfor Pacific City via Mc Mlnnvllle. Tbfs beach possesses more natural attractions than any other beach on the Oregon coast. ' A scenic beach paralelled within five hundred feet, by the beautiful Nestucca river, teaming with every variety of flsh--salmon," trout, clams, crabs, etc. --; . - . ' Spacious protected camp, grounds wooded hills Note this unparalelled comMnatlon. An ocean beach and river flsh "log,"' boating and TathlBg'i"'"All within three minutes walk """ Baseball games, concerts, dancing hlldren's playgrounds and other ' amusements OCEANSIDE ltt MOea ' trim- Wetarta, How Open 325 serai Vetaral park, 1 atU Ooeaa betch; aplendid tmp groandi if fordlng room for Uumbm4, Keekr- eia, eanyeni and glen, rveke and ellffa. Dos't leave Tillamook beackas wltkont aeatng tk aa Uona on tb rocki t Oeaaaalde.- ' ,m .V- ' "' .Ckolcs boildlng loti for tals to tteM who wlakto bU4 tottigti. ' i . Kosenberg .Bros.-Ti41amook, Oregon , HIGHLAND PARK ruit sddiUoa to Maahattu. Ore. Lots oa islo, right on the oca an front AHKA WELCH. OWKKK f Until Oct. ','Xat, MankaUan, Ort rortUad Offlco: flO Z. 1IU BU, K-rkono Walnut 0694 ROCKAWAY GARAGE ' Expert Repairing Tires Oils Greases On the highway at Rockaway Wm. Sederbers Rockaway, Ore. "Allen's" Restaurant ' FRONT ST. Best Food and Service PAR VIEW Tents and Cottages We bare tenia and eottaera eomplete- lr lurniikod ao all yon need brine it your aa it .eaao and ailvenrare and top eoTera, if eoovenient. Ovhera will iter bed pringa, aaattreaa, fliahea and cooking ntenaila, and roa ran aupolr the reel. Wator, !ihu asd fr wood till Anguat itrat.- i per oay ana ap. Tie Only Exelattre VULCANIZING Shop 1b Vewpoit roat Office Slock ZTEWPOKI TIKB 8H0P Tins, Kepalrs, 0, Ollt Cherry City Cottages KEWPORT, OEEOOIC Beat location on Nye Beach. Furnished except top beddrag:, linen and aiivervare. Bates $8 per weak including wood, light and Water. Special rates for, September. GEO. G. SMITH, Prop. THE WISE WAT Bar View, Tillamook, Co. Ore. HEB0 GARAGE Oils, tires, gaa, accessories. - Acetylene welding, expert repairing. Phono 8Z7 for aarriee On highway at corner Pacific City road . . - , . Hebo- Oregon A. r. MITCHELL FKOP. Smith's Confectionery , And Lone Boom Stop at Hebo for refreshments, ice cream, soft drinks, tobaccos, lancbes. meats.. HEBO 0REQ0K KODAK THE BEACHES Tboa bring yonr rilma''totJi " UOCKAWAY ; STUDIO . Ed. H. Wood, Prop. ' Large line new postcards OCEAN VIEW COURT ronlabod Complete; light, wool sad Janitor aarrlce free Tbo HantlngtoB, f rooms Oceaa raik, 1 rooms Star, 4 rooms Crescent rooms " uA fittigs. AIM foot S room spsrtouau vtrlooking Us ocmb O. O. TTXKITEK KOCKAWAT. OKK, Lake i .i II ; "-1 ' ' : "Rrtwen Orean and Lake 16 nOlCl Open All the Year Round Good roads, ample auto accommodations, S. Station near Hotel. Largest and most modern hotel at Tillamook beach. Write or phone to. JnlU M. Parker Lake Lytle Hotel; Rockawsr Oregon. - ' HAPPY .CAMP ENTIRELY" REBUILT 4 0 NEW COTTAGES AND TENTS r '. FURNISHED, NEW COMPLETE ' Cottar Prices f 1 to $3 per Day . OXLY SALT WATER BAY ON THE CX)AST uooa tuning, unexcelled beach noted tor its clams, crabs and boat- f sing, aprtngr-water 98 per cent purerestaafgnt In; connection : , - ; ' STEP FROM, YOUR DOOR TO THE BEACH; U i " Stag connection r at Tillamook fcr.Netarts.Phbne 962 , xtetans. urcgon. -: v .-. . 7 Miles from Tillamook BEACH COURT HOTEL Vw, neat, clean, homelike; win furnish roa room nnd board at reaaonabU rates. CAMP COlaTT Faralshad Tents and Cottages for Beat. Near post offlco, stores aoo. depot. ;cmtuhi so wo oatning oeacaoa. , . Tn reserraiions address proprietors: KB. OK KK8. A. tf. WALLZVO KOCKAWAT. ORE. TILLAMOOK GARAGE TOUXIST READQTJAKTXXS Ruddiman's Agate Shop AgatM Cat and Mounted MaU Order a Specialty Beach Street The Log Cabin Tea Koom, Confectioner Toboceoa, Bowling Macbea Dlnnei Xaaetng BI HO DB MAX OBCHBSTKA i . . i Strawn's Cash Store Groceries Clams, Crebs. Oysters Jessie SL Stravrn, Prop. Front Street YOU WILL APPRECIATE The Kedfern Famished Cottages Ideally located Bear Beach and tbo new rat" Let. as tell pew about them FEED D. COFTTEH, Prop. Nye Beach Newport r Kfa.r 41 f mmim -"1 f Jn 4W?teit59ti Jill I IS .... .k.'i Hotel Gilmore, Nye Beach (formerly the Cliff House) At the water's edge overlooking the Pacific ocean. View from every room. Well heated, clean, comfortable. Charges reasonable. A la carte service Free bus to and from botel ' - For reservations or further information address: P. O. GILMOItE, Prop Newport. Ore. THE FAMOUS BI HO DE MAR Orrhewtrn Concert and Dance Muic Fnrniwhed for all occasions NEWPORT OREGON Hotel ' a ICOLAI- "It's on the Beach" Newly Renovated New Furnishings New; Management Newport's Most Popular Hotel MEALS DANCING Popular Prices Walt's Agate Store ! 10 years a tbo Agsts tastaoos ta . . ,x r Jiewport ". -U SpecUl ottonfloe) to Mafl Orders V : Kox , Jtewport. Ore. m Kenoved to Koack fu ou OootS Real Estate, Loans n insurance Beat farms In tbo Coentry Meted, CbMp lanes fo- tnjtas00t LBSTEK MAKTrkt Jl ASH CRAFT ' ' i .1- Lumber Company All klndi s BtBdttg , asatorUU t Klgbt Price. ' . i , rHovK ssst, ';' r ; vfrrr "r'""--i?r.";T- "-; ORDER YOUR STATESMAN To Follow You to Newport Phone 583 - Direct Mala street tbrongh Tillamook. Information to all poinu gladly given. AccoiMrtea, gu, oO, free sir tt ytmr orvico at sU tbaot. m. . akxey' e. m. COVSIT 6th and Snd Avenue Tillamook, Ore. IVERSON'S STORE The big store on Front street, jnst north, of Fall street. Hardware, furniture, groceries, feed, fishing supplies, paint, oil stoves and boacb supplies of all kinds. STAGES McMinnvnie to Tillamook Fierce Arrow Limonaino Basse ' Direct connection at McMlnnvUlo from Salem for bho beacbes. Alio direct eon- aoctloa at Hobo for Pacific City. KOCKAWAT STAGES Connections at Tillamook for all beaches to Manhattan SALTAIR GROCERY Fresh Fruit Fine Groceries Soft Drinks- Candle Tobaccos Hardware Gas Oils Tires, etc At the depot SALTAIR :: OREGON H. 1. ITER SOX, Prop. Newport Ore A. L. THOMAS Souvenir Store Agate CnUrcg and Moanttng Oregon Pictures Agate Jewolry BEWPOKT OKB. When at the beaches, patronize these live business i ejtablijKmcnts NATATORIUM GRILLE Kew Nifty Home of ' Perfect Eats Located in New Hatatorinm W. II. EVANS, Prop. Newport Natatorium AU new and wonderfully equipped - 9 . Individual Salt Water Baths " - ' DAKftTEf HALL GRILL Overlooking the Ocean Minthorn's Hot Sea Baths Dr. W. T. Crocker Prop. Opposite Cliff House, Nye Beach Open Every Day Light housekeeping rooms, reasonable Chiropractic offices ia BaUdlns Baths, 30 Cents Dr., '. ChiropracUH. , NEWPORT - Adjustmrnts, with bsUba if Vtred ; V. .OREGON' BORDEN HOUSE ; . Centrally, Localed-fOne block from postoffice : 1 r Neat, clean rooms and beds I Home' Cookinjr ' ': l - 1 Mrs. Viola Pepin-Newport, Orerir 'J