TUB OREGON STATESMAN, MtEfl. . CKEtfOK SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 6, 1922 - ft s- 1 v t c fMIFIID ADVERTISEMENT! Rate per words laserttoa . fl . . Be Three laaertloBa Oae week (ti iasertioB). Oa BMBta Sis most.! roatrsct, per mo. 15 It months' eoutrert, per mm. 3e Mlaimem for any advertise' I5 J . NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE 80C1ETT f . W. H. Burgbardt. Jr. . Resident Agent ill State Ft. 1 : MfiNFY'Tf) I OAN toi'baPSwBhwJ" W ta War v o a: w, Ob Real Estate) -. : : TV K. FORD ,0ver Ltdd 4 Busb Bank) NEW TODAY ELECTRIC nXTTRE AND SUPPLY CO. Phone 134. 823 X. Liberty. rOB BALE OR EXCHANGE WELL PM ' proved farm far what have yon t Pheao fr25. 333 K. 30th street - - LOOK 5 ROOM COTTAGE ON KORTH Cottage near L'nioa street. Price I tot with alley paved, W. H. Grsbea- - aorsl taw 27 mate street. 9i:T SELL LARGE T ROOM HOME ail oa one floor. Centrally located. aear state boose, university. - Paved I ' coraer. I : Siata pc I 205 U. ' t iWila tW( i- every 1 f I p eaborst cement walks, foresee, fire- price 4000. 8e thlsj Jmms- 1 possession. Decks a Itendricks, V. 8. Bank Bldg-. MODERN 10 ROOM HOME ilh two lots, east Salem, complete ia every detail. Price ,8000. for quick sale. S570O to handle. W. It. Ureb eaborst. Co, 374 Uts street, EXCHANGE FOR LIGHT CAR EQUITY Lr ia room saodera hooso, well looted, i Becke Headricks, 205 U. 8. Bsnk ; Uailding. . ; , , , . HACKS AND CHEAP HOC8ES WANT ea. . Have several buyers for cheap t n oases aader fisuo oa terms. A. w. Kites Realty Co. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS Psttoa Bide Phoaa 168 9 "BUSIXH8 OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Bteres, shops, , gsrifes, roomiDf and apartment boaaea a ad baaiaeaa prone I a'tioaa of evorr kiad aad deaeriDtioa. Wo have some rails and -will advertise aad make aa effort, to sell your business My where' ia the valley. 1 w raTV.a Rrlt.TV rn , 'INSIDE PROPKRTY - DEALERS Psttoa Build itig. - Phone 788 VACANT NOW 6 ROOM MODERN warns, estra largo lot, eoatb, fall ce meat basemeat. Fruit, eest front, Oarage. , Price 83JOO and MOO will handle. Becka Hendricks, 205 U. - H, Bank Bldf. . . 1 rOH RK5T T ROOM MODERN HOUSB . 14th aad Center. 40 per montb. Bee J 4 Hendricks. 30$ U. 8. Bank fildg. DON'T rORGET OUR INSURANCE DE partmeat. Our. office writes every class of insurance. A. W. ESTCS REALTY CO. Pattoa Bldg. . . Phoaa 768 JAVE TWO COWS eONE 4 AND years eld. one freak, both' gentle for women to milk. Will sell either one or trsde for work horse, weight over 1S0O , lbs. . Csll evenings after six. 1ZVB Highlaad ava. ': - .8300 CASH 8300 ind 130 oer month, bars a f room baa' - gslow ia. North a Ism. 8maU bera aad : . gsrage. Price 82200. t- v: , .J. 500 CASH 8500 ? . 4 i,J Slfl to M.lk Kit B wmim tij.na targe store room; plastered. , basemeat, 1 electrle' Hghta, barn,i chicken- house; 2 Ms of fruit, beautiful grounds; aesrl 2 acres, iasido city limits. No gravel. 1 very beai or son. . fries ssotio. - ' A W VBTKA Wr.ll.TV CTt " 1 'IN8IDB PROPEftTY DEALERS Pattoa Building.. , Phono T88 WANTED LADY TO SOLICIT PIRE insnraneo and list booses for tale. A. I W. Kites Realty Co, Pattoa Bldg. . v L;',. ; HOUSES WANTED - ' ) .One rustomer will 88500, $500 cash and , wov FB7aT amrwaa - an WS-aaUFf, waav - uawe $200 cash aad 820 per month. Call Mondsr or Taesdsy.""' - I A. W. E8TE9 REALTY CO. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS attoa Building. : Phone 768 PATHS 8TTLB 185. GOLDEN OAK AND til WORTH OP RECORDS, $S5. C TERMS. H. L. STIFF FURNITURE COMPANY, i' i'.- MOST ' DESIRABLE HOME 8ITE IN Falrmooat Park, aay dimension to suit, south aad east corner or oast face oa . Saginaw atroet, just past 8aperior. v Resaoasbly priced ; . your ; owa terms ; must sell quickly. Owner, box "B- 84,' . Stateemaa. . , NOR j RENT ' HALF OF DOUBLE J bouse, aafuralahed : no children. Phone SO or call 845 t'nioa street. - BRUNSWICK 12. GOLDEN OAK, AND ALBUMS 13 RECORDS, $110. terms. H. L. 8TTFF FURNITURE CO. GOME EARLT FOR YOUR PEACHES b one mile out. Eric Bart ruff, Route 8, boa 47. Phono 4F4. UOST SPARE TIRE AND RIM. FIND I S or pleaaa leave at Stateemaa aad get rewaro. , f WANTED ELDERLY MAN TO BATCH aad work oa small rsach near Salem, euicaens, ctvi, etc. aaoas o inraai aad dependable. Phone 111F14. WILL TRADE A NEW BRUN8WICK OR VICTOR FOR TOUR OLD PIANO. H. L. STIFF FURNITURE CO, MUSIC , DEFT, i roR SALE 1817 FORD TOURING. good , condition, aew tires aad top. Price 8185. . 8515 north Msplo Ave. FOR SALE -tSEVEN ROOM H0U8E. 1503 Chomeketa. ' KOR SALE 1917 FRANKLIN CAR. Al 3 CONDITION. CORD TIRK8. 8450; u 8150 OWN. BALANCE MONTHLY. SEE N ORRIS, CARE H. U STIFF FURNITURE CO. FOR . TRADE IXRMULAS FR MAK , ing 50 kinds csndy, some tools, teat, berry seeder. Went good suit rases. J aad trunk. 833 Mill street. POR 8ALK 1 MULE. 1L YEAR8 OLD. weigh I t -H ibs, 1 sorrel mare, is v yesrs old, weight 1100 lbs. Both good, aeatle aaimals and rood workers. J, ' C. Co Ilia a, Iadepoadeace, Ore. Phoaa -5134. OOD BUY IN HOUSES AND GAL0W8 BUN 7 room ' Btodera noma with hardwood . floors, fireplace and furnace. Located ea State street. Frice $7900. terms 4 room house, south Sulem. Price $1400 8400 down. . 1- ". $. room bongslow, good location. Price $2 TOO. Some terms. a vaom house with basement, two good lets wit n gsrage. rrire faiov eaen. ew five room house at 1057 south 13th treat. . Price 82200. j room cottage, good coaditiea. fine gar- dea soil. .Price 81400. $300 down. ! 3 room plaits red boose on paved street 1 i sb car uao. rrice aieuu. f iuo oowa. a room bungslow aear Lincoln achooL i Price $3000 : $2000 cash bslsnre terms 7 100m bungalow wtta gsrsge. soma be t. leas. Pries $3200. terms. 0 f4f5fj modern bungalow with basement. , Price 83000. 82(Ho Suva. , . yew frfo room modern bungslow. Price .a $3OO0; 8 1200 down. ew d room bungslow $500 down, price $3000. . a room bungalow oa south. Commercial J atroet. . Price $3(50. seme terms. 1 11 room modern home oa osved - street t aesr Ststes street." twe lots, a complete f Bosao la every detail. Price $8000, ! $33K) cash will haadle. ,ew five room medara bungalow oa' Bi Hira street. Mice asooo. terms. i room house la good condition ea pavdd street and car liae. Price 83500. 1 room modern ' bungalow close ia on .ik r-fcali - fi. avn if. ...k i dowa. - ..--...... : room boose oa Chemeketa street, price $42W. w down will band le. Real Estste and Fire Insurance W. H. GRABENHORST CO NEW TODAY THE McMINNVILLT CO. HAS OVER A II million dollars available la ready aaata for the payment of it losses. On of the foremost financial iaxtitu- tieas of tb aUte. Staadley A Foley, agents., pnone si. WASTED STOCK HOGS. PHONE 3090-W. FOR SALE 1 ROCK IS I-AND 14 INCH nuikey plow. 1 clover reaper, Me formick. Both almost Dnr. J. C. Collin a, Independence, Oregon. Phono 5124. HERE IS A DANDY 5 ROOM MODERN house, 2 lots 1 block from Stat street car. at 820O0: half cash. Another 6 room near house, fireplace. furnace, street and slier r pared Every thing right op to now. Price $750O, with rood terns. M. J. Hunt Ledd k Bash Building THE BIGGEST SNAP IN AN APART went house. Close in, $14,500. room house, gsrsge, steeping porch ; all kinds of frait, east front. Furnish ed. , 83700. room house, all furnished 34000. O room bouse, east front. $3200. nrw house, dose in ea .North Cottage. $3100. 84 acre farm, atock and machinery. 9133 per acre. . Ijou in all parts of Salem. Outside . property lor trade for Salem real estate. Gertrude J. M. Page 403 K. Cotters street EMPLOYMENT MEN WANTED - TO -QUALIFY FOR Firemen, Brakemea; experience un necessary. Transportation furnished. Write W. Boggess. Supt, St. Louis. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN wae has had experience selling life lasursnco, stocks or advertising. Must bo able to devote his -satire time aad bo ambitious for advaaeemeat. Must hare the courage to present tax in ess proposition m merensnta sna p rotes sioasl man. Answer ia rear owa haad- writiac atatinr are. adueatioaal aaali- ficatioas, oxperieaeo as solicitor, etc Address "i o. 81," Ststesmsa orfiea. A0EMT8 WAKTED SHIRT MANUFACTURER WANTS AG- ants; sell advertised brsnd men's shirts direct to wearer. No capital or experience required. Fsee samples. Madison Mills, 505 Broadway, New York. KAXS AMD rEMALB WANTED HOP-PICKERS. PHONE 81F12. i. E. Brophy. West Salem. WANTED HOP-PICKERS AT THE Mint yard. Register at 821 Saginaw or pnono 1568 w. CAN USE A FEW MORE FAMILIES bonus - paid campers. Picking sbout August 2st. Write Chat. Livssley, 844 Marion street. HOP-PICKERS WANTED r 45 ACRES of Furglea, 90 acren Clusters. Camps or teata furaished. Picking commenc es Aag. 18. Address Jet-man A Chit tenden, Independence, or Salem, Ore. WANTED MEir A WD WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A food propesitioa to the right people. Address the Psclf io Homestead, StaUsoua Bldg. Salem, Ore. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED $40 weekly full time. $1 an hoar spsre time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unneeesssrr. In ternational Hosiery Mills, Norristowa, ra. PERSONAL IF . YOU WISH A WEALTHY YOUNG wife write mo eaclosiag stamped en velope. Violet Rays, Dennisoa, Ohio. FOR A CHARMING WIFE WRITE MRS. P. WlUard. 3938 Broadway, Chicago. Illinois. Enclose stsmp. MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS. try mo; bast sad moat aucceaaful - "Homo Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon ; strictly confidential; most reliable: years experience: de scriptions ".free. - "The Sueeesafal Club," Mrs. Kaah,:Bos 55ft, Oakland. Valtforala. v THE . LEADING MATRIMONIAL CLUB. Best, largest; established 18 yesrs. Thousands wealthy members wish mar riage. Confidential deacriptioa free. Only honorable, aincere people of both exes need write. The Old Reliable Club, lira. Wrubls, Box 28, Oakland. Celiforais. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper . published. Free for stamp. Correspondent, Toledo. Ohio. FOR SALE GOATS FOR SALE "OREGON JEWEL." AND 4o kid. Inquire 700 North High. MILK GOATS BRED DOES $15 TO 835. Milk Goat Choose . 50e. per lb. Fanaie Braaaoa. Dallas, Oregoa. BIRDS AND DOOS PUPS THROUGHBREDS. AIRDALE $1 and $35. FOX- TERRIER 810 and 815. PIIPQ ' E. B. FLAKE'S BIRD aad rUrO PET STORE. 878 STATE. Ag ent for-SPRATT'8 Dog Food aad Remedies. 't rOTTLTRT POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TTV . eeat stamps for special three month I trial for ths boat sad oldest Journal ia tae west, lae articles ana aover tiaemeute are of spoeial iatoreet to the poultry breeders ef she aortaweet. Northwest Poultry Journal' 311 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregoa. FARM; PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THB BE8T farm paper, ssnd 15e to tbe Pacific Homeetesd, Sslom. Oregoa, for 8 rtree ttta'adV' teUl ,nbwrpti0a- M"t,0 LTVESTOtTX REGISTERED SHROPSHIRE BUCKS Green Broa route 3. Rickrealk Ore. FOUR ALL-ROUND WORK HORSES and harness. Two young msres. Make offer, aeed money. Csll residence. 156 North Front, Salem. ' HARDWOOD FLOORS HARDWOOD FLOORS FURNISHED complete. All work gusranteed. 8a' lem aud vicinity. Stripe a specialty for small houses. Will be la Salem aoxt week - ready for business. For prices address 1171 E, Yamhill, Port laad, Oregon. Tabor 8425. nSCELLASXOUS FOR SALE CONVERTIBLE GO-CART and, buggy. Phone 1218-J. FOR SALE BROCCOLI PLANTS. J. C. '. Collias. Independence, Ore., Phoaa 5124 FOR SALE EXTRA NICE NEW tatoes. Phono 81F18. PO FOR SALE WOOD AND COAL RANGE. two piste gss attaebmeat, Al condition. Skaite. 329 North 19th: SUMMER LUGGAGa REDUCED WALL . . . JAMAH ITUAU & H.r. LJ(J 1 ,C.1 VI A I.L, TO remnants, plaster wsllboard. stair esroet. 81.85. Eadur ance. high grade houao paint. Kaleo miao, 10c poond. Cotton mattresses. $8.50. Steel springs $5.00. v Mas a Bursa. 179 N. Coma ere isl St. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" and elqrea ether Oregoa aoafs, together with a flao eotleetiea of patriotic snogs, a acred songs aad msny eld tiase (averites - ALL FOR t5a (Special prices ia quaatity tote) Especially adaptable tor school, eaamaa ; ity or home singing. Send for - The Western Songster TS psgss, bw la Ita third oditioo. '. Published j OREOOW TEACHERS MONTHLY 311 & Oommereial St. Sslom. Ore. FOR SALE MOWCZUJLirKOTJS fOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 seats a beadle. Circulatiea depart meat, Oregoa. Ststesmaa. WOOD OLD 18 IN. riR, 18; SECOND. 4 FT, 8a. Ash. rbeae 14T. FOOT AND 19 INCH wood ia aay quaatity. Co. Phono 530. DRY MILL Tracy Wood BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 18 INCH. 3 ft. aad 4 ft. Prompt delivery. Special price oa car lota. Wo eaa make delivery oa ash. aeeeed growth aad old growth fir about July IS. Fred E. Wells, 305 8. Church. Phone 1543. FOR RENT PARTMXVTS FOR RENT FURNISHED meats. 1133 Center. APART FOR RENT, FURNISHED APARTMENT 500 Union. Phone 567 J. WELL FURNISHED THREE ROOMH apartment in modern home for rent. $33 a month. 920 Mill street. BOOMS FOR RENT TWO WELL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 700 N. High St. FOR RENT TWO NICF. ROOMS, PART ly furaished. 899 North Commercial. MODERN ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN Centrally located. Must give name and reference. Address A, care Statesmaa FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOM 8 WITH K irate bath, also si oris rooms. 1080 emeket street. - Phoaa 1380. WANTED KUOaOXAJIEOtrS WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC, Phoaa 511. OLD MATTRESSES MADS OYER Capital City Bedding Co. Phoaa 18. BLACK REPUBLICAN CHERRIE8 wanted. 1 cents ia trsde. Ward at. Richardson, phone 494. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD- ware and furniture. Best prices paid; lxl JS UAf tXAu nlAUWisi A FURNITURE CO. I 385 N. Commercial St. Phone 847 WANTED FURNITURE. T00L& MA chiaeryr stock, ote. Will buy for essb or sell ea eommissiee. Pboae bit. Woodry, tbe auetioDeer. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. K. WOODRY. THE livestock, furniture, real estate auc tioneer. Pboae 511 for Res. 1810 K. Summer. 0. SATTERLE1& AUCTIONEER. FARM and stock sties. Phones Residence 131 t i; Office 1177. Salem, Oregoa. ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A 8TRUBLE, ARCHITECTS, 510 Bsnk of Commerce, Salem, Oregoa, Auto Directory AUTOXBILES THE GOOD MAXWELL GINGRICH Motor Co. 871 Court. BATTERY AND ELECTS! OIAJf R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, tarter aad generator work. 171 8, Commercial.! i AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPERT TROU bis ghootUg. 318 . High. Psoas 308. PRESTO -LITE BATTERY SERVICE Ststioa. Expert battery and electrical work. Farria Bros, pheao 1808, 418 Court. TJSXD OARS FOR SALE BY OWNER ONE SIX cylinder coupe; one Indian bicycle. Good tires. Phone 1770-W. . OLESON U8ED CAR EXCHANGE. . Csrs bought aad sold, uusrsateed re pairing. Washing. Polishing. FOR SALE BUICK LATE 1919. IN good shape, or will take email tractor, horaea and wagon or farm tools as part payment, bslance cash. Psrties - interested will communicate, I will call aad demonstrate ear. Address "B 42 vbtateamaa. . AOXTYZXXX WXLDTJIO IRON. -STEEL, BRASS. ALUMINUM string the pieces, vxo-uae ueating Co. 837 Court. TRUCKS FOR 8 ALB OR TRADE REO TRUCK. 1031 model, perfect eondttioa. will ' trad for real estate, produce or will sell oa easy terms. Thia la aa excoo- , sionallr cood bur. If row waat a real good bsrgsia apply immediate!'. Phone r esiL The reopie s cssa Btore. TIRES ABO ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 18 TO OFF. MIKE'S Auto Wrecking llouse. dona CommereiaL Phono 628. 10,000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST stoae braises, rim cuts aad blowouts. The Hydro-Toroa Tire, for sale by Yew Park store, 12th aad Leslie, mono WI0YCXJB8 AND BXPAIRDfO LLOYD- E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BIOY clot aad repairing 887 Court. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Commercial street Phono 050. CHTJTESB PHTSICIAH DR. L. M. HUM CURE8 ANY KNOWN disease. 168 8. High 8u pboae 3 A3 CARPETS AJBTP FLTJTT RUGS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave ffaff tugs made out of old ear pets, aay length or width you desire We also re-fit. re-sew and stse esrpets Feather renovating aad mattress stasm iag aad re-making. Salem Carpel Claaaiag aad Flaff Rug Works. Pboae 1154. ' CARPET AND RUG WEAVING CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAG8 dyed. Phoaa before v a. m. biizi, DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS." ITS H. Commercial street, phoaa 1ST. BREWER DRUG CO. 405 , COURT Pboae 184. SLECTRICLUIg HALIK'S ELECTRIC 8HOP ELEC trical machine repairmg, contracting. 837 Court. Phono 488. AtRCHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN Houae wiring by boar or contract. Esti mstes ' furaished. Pboae $80, 414 Court BU SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING , By tract: br hour. At pre war I arteee. tl. v. xxaica. ravsi hoi j I - FTVAJfCLftX 30 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit also, oro-psymeai o revisions al lowed. We will fioaaoa you for a lees rate of Interest thaa aay firm oa tbe roast. Private money to loaa oa either eity or eematry property. , R. W. Marsters Alt Oregoa Buildiaa LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPERTY Plenty of aaeaer: ao delay. Call 831 Vb State street. MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN aiKoeiatioa Baa moaey to leea it la peeress. W. D. Smith, secretsry-treaa- I aror. . aoa eatem oaaa ei vei Read : the- Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS nnuoToxz stores PEOPLE S FURNITURE , STORE NEW aad seoond bead faraitur. 271 H. Com mercial. . TUtSTTVXZ HOIPTTAi FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Refmishiag and apbetateriag a apeeaslty. Phone 1743. Brewa aad 6revee. 1301 Soath CommereiaL FLORISTS CUT FLOW ICRS AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery. C. F. Bretthaupt, florist. 131 North Liberty street. Phoaa 800. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING MAUD SIMONS. DESSMAKER 1710 Bellevue 8k RUTH Me A DA M R DRESS MAR ER. 758 South 12th. Phone 1834 M. SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking.' Carrie Fisher, McCor aack Bldg. THE AD8ITT8 ABE PREPARED TO do aay aad all kinds of ladie' tailor iag, for old and aew rnstomere. 853 N. 13th St. Phone 2085 R MILLINERY HAT8 FROM $1 UP MRS. a A. Grimm. 618 Court atroet. lrusicAX. MRS HENRY LEE PIANO. 1331 M Capitol. Phone 1017-W. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diplomas granted. Jo ha R. Sites, Director. 1387 Court Pboae 626. RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PITTING 13 lesson guaranteed. Waterman 8ystem. F. B. Clark, Mgr.. MoCor neck Bldg. DANCING PRIVATB LESSONS IN ALL LATE daaeea. Mrs. White. Phone 373 J. TOTTERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Sisao tuner. - Leave orders WUI a lusie Store. ' afUlIO STORES GEO. 0. WILL PIANOa PH0NO- graphs. sewing machines, sheet music, aad piano studies. Repairing- phono graphs and sewing machines. 483 State, Bslem. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY CO. PIANOS Steinways Duo-Art aad others, Moore's Musie House. 415 Court street aad Masonic Temple. HEMSTITCHUfO MRS. BRECKENRIDOE HEstSTlTfJH- ing. Mail orders solicited. 176 8. lth Pboae 174-M . SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. pleating, buttons, ataraprng aad needle work. 829 Oregoa Bldg. Pheao 879. MRS. 0. E. MILLER HEMSTrrCHIKG. Stamping, braiding, hand embroidery. buttoae. Room 10. over Miller'a etore. Salem, Oregoa. Phone 11T. HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORKER STATE AKD Commercial. Phono 630. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COST; 60s ap. 463 State. XV SURAS C2 MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. O. Balch, agent, room a. MeCornsck Bldg. Phone 96. JEWXLRT REPAIRING WATCH. CLOCK. JEWELRY REPAIR- tng. "If we esnnot fix it, -throw , it 1 away." . 179 8outh High, nekt Oregoa depot. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 617-W. LAUVDEIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 8 Liberty street. Phone 35. OMeet largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work, prompt semes. 1364 Broadway. Phone 165. FAOTTINO OOVTBACTOSJ PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for nartieular boodIo. L. D. Brandon, contractor, 865 North High. Pboae 643-J. HURSBRT STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY FINE LARGE stock of Italian prune trees aad also ell kinds of leading aarsery stock for fall delivery. Phoaa 1140-M. 161 8. 14th street. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruita. ornamentals. Cspitst City Nur sery Co, 436 Oregoa Bldg. ' Phoaa T5. PASTRY SHOPS PIED PIPER TEA ROOM AND CATER lag Shop. 846 North CapitoL Pboae T54-J. FLUMSrSO PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work Phone 1397-J. Shop, 13T Uaioa Street. A. L. oodfrer. PEKTUMB AKD TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX trsets, toilet srticles. Mrs. Mayer. 170 Sooth 33rd. Phone 1224. PRiirnNo ROWLAND PRINTING CO. JOB printing. Psttoa Bldg. RESTAURAJTTS HUB RET AURA NT MOST REASON able prices. Johnson Berry. 158 S High. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 439 rerry. BIN 8IN NOODLE HOU8E CHOI' sney, 40c; puffed rice. 20c; noodles 80c; fried Boodles. 60e. 189 S. Lib erty. SHOT PARLORS O. K. SHINE SHOP. 178 SOUTH COM mercial. SHUGLIHO RESHINGLING IN CITY OR COUNTRY. Free estimate. Phone 13F33 or write E. L. Ostergard. Rt. 4. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING. IN CLOTH log snd shoes. Best prices psid. Cap ital Exchanre. 342 N. Commercial. Phone 1368-W. WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND roods mt all kinds: nine fittincs. bar " iml eollara. collar Dad a. tools and chains. Fred Bchiadler. $58 Ceater street STOVES AMD STOVE REPATRUTO 8TOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experieaee. Depot NatioasI 1 fence, sixes 26 to 28 laches aiga. Paiata. oil aad varaiahes. etc. loraa berrv and twin hooka. 8lem foaee aad Steve Works. 350 Court street. 'Pboae 124. TRAlTsTER KAtTLnra WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOC8E- bold goals. Our specialty is pisao aad furniture moviag. We plso mske M.vln iriiu Wa haadlai the beat cost ; . and woad. Call oa us for price. We give good measure, good quality aad mod service. Laraer Traasfer vo , Phone S 3 A. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 228 State St Pboae 938.. Diatrtaatiag forwarding aad stars go eur spooislty. Get oar rstee. Read the Classincd Ad&! BUSINESS CARDS SCAVXJfOZXA SALEM 8CAVENGK.RS 41ARBAGX, RE faae of all kiada rwntuved. Cosapoola cleaaed. Pboae 1S7. TRlBCPORTATTOaT PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker. General Maaager Central Ptage Terminal Salem, isregwt SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central 8taxe Termiaai: 7 a.m. 11 m. rm S n hi Leavea Silvortoe. News Stand: 8 a.m, t p.m.. 6 p-m. Salem-ladepeadt ace-Moamouth Di vision Leaves Salem Central Stage Termiaal: 7 a-m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 3 p.m. 5 pjm. Leaves Moamoaih. Moamoath Hotel: 8:15 a.m.. 1 pa, 6.15 p.m. Leovea Independeace, Beaver Hotel: S:S0 s.m. 10 am. 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:80 We make connections at Salem to all parts of the valley. Extra tripe by appointment. J. W. PARKER, General Mgr. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING PHONE 1131. couatry. Ed. Sprood. CITY, CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Phone 3044. Fisher Bros. WINDOW CLEANERS WINDOW WASHING PROMPT 8ER rice. Phono 1552 J Wiadowmaa. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office, 301 South Com'L St. Tea per eeat discount ea domestic flat rates psid ia advance. No deductions for absence or say eauso mlt water is mil ofr ?f premises. PROFESSIONAL OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. Suite 801 Ore gon Building. OLA88E8 FITTED BY DR. U R. BUR dett at the Bow Optical Company, 825 State street, opposite Ladd sad ousa jsaak. POME ROT A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 388 State. CHIROPODISTS CHAS. H. MAXWELL CHIROPODIST. Foot spoeislist. Room 8. 823 State 8t. DR. WILLIAM8 CORNS. CALLOUS- ea, ingrowa nails all foot troubles. Price Shoe Co. Phono 618. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. BOOTT. P.S.C CHIROPRAO tor. 414 19 U. 8. Bask Bldg. Phone 01; res. nan k. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIANS DBS. WHITE AND MARSHALL 206 U. 8. Bsak Bldg. DR. sPOSTKR 404 OREGON 2024 J. BL1KJ. Phones 756. DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC Physiciaa and Surgeon. Kirksville grsduate. 404-405 U. S. National Baak Bid. Phone, office 910; res. 614. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DE- formitiea of the feet corrected without loaa e' time from your occupation. Drs. White Marshall. U. S. Baak Bldg. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad Surgeon. -403-404 Oro- fa Bldg. Phones, ofucu, 1894; res. 8F5. ""LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Cstop s. Armory, First third Moadays. REAL ESTATE i FOR 8ALE OR TRADE NICE FOUR- acre home just outside of Salem oa Park street. Csll or address P. L. BaelL Route 7, Box 18, Salem, Pboae 160 7 J. FOR SALE 16 ROOM DWELLING, ONE block from atatee house. Inquire of owner, 1030 Chemeketa street. CITY HOU8K8 CITY LOTS. BUNGA- krws. smstl and Isrce acreaxe. cloaa ia and far out; exchanges ia eity sad country. Browa Msgee, over Bus- ick's store. Btsto aad Commercial Phone 559. Two Good Buys S room bonis on 22nd street, south $1,500. 5 room house on Bellevue, near 8. P. depot. Extra large lot, $1,800. A, u. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon EXCHANGE PORTLAND FOR 8ALEM. modera 9 room houae located in Beau- moat, address on .17th street. What have you ! 351 N. Cottage. : UrDtRSOM RUPERT eoeossors to Lsflsr A Leilas . INSURANCE E4L ESTATE BONDS - LOANS 406-T Oregoa Bldg. To those of you that srs wanting s home in Salem. Did it ever occur to you that it is our ! business to find aood merited buy at We are constantly niacins on the market homes thst are from $500 to $1000 below actual valuation. We are offering you our service end if wo cannot produce better buya thaa you bare already aeen or will aee in the course of your sesrch for a place to live we don t wsnt you to boy from at. uur service is free. Why aot give yourself the chsnce to ret the most for your money f No obligations. Four autos at rour service. 5-room bungslow. pavement, bath. toilet, lot 50x130. for $1900. Must have 1900 cash to handle. ; This is one of our good valuee. Bean t u u I new 5 room ouagaiow in plendid district, east front, fireplsce. basemeat, furasce snd sll modern con veniences. Price $4000. $1000 dowa will handle. Look over oar display. We have hundreds to show and can suit the most exact. Heyser-Follnch System Phone lOOO. Msia Floor Termiaal Bldg. Special f too waat to farm we hsve the outfit: horses, cows, chickens. hoxS snd sll good machinery. Will trade you for a house or smstl tract. We have a fine little place ef B acres aear Satem all stocked to trade for email houae with two or more lots. We here eome good houses for $1200. Some sa low ss 8830. wtth 1200 down. A good piece of timber, trsde for house or small farm. Thomason $31 Vb Stste street A Bargain ta a five TOO IB modern rottace and cor oer lot eaat front close to car. Eaar terms. Fleming Realty Co. 341 State street Why Pay Rent? room house, oartly modern, good lot with fruit. fo 1 1 OO. with $150 dowa. balance 1" per moath. Thomason 331 Vs State street rnn s tf.E rT.AHSY vf!w five room buagalow. 18SO 8. High. Full cemeat k..m. n,.k b.tk- fiMnl-. real home. Small cash payment easy terms. Phone 2 IT. Krueger Oregon , Bldg. $36QO BUYS TH18 t ROOM PLASTER- I ed j boos. - with sleepiac porch, bath. toilet baseasoat ete sad close in. with first aoymoat only $600. Balance $20 aad IB teres! 6 iw wwntb. Boo IrrA, HAYFORD - $05 StaU street . . REAL ESTATE GOOD BUYS Acre tracts oa paved road aad car liae walk. Yorv eesv terms. Three liae bwildiag lota ea Fatrmoaat i-rire aiZMi. ear terms. Good five room bouse oa psved street and car line. Price 81600, $500 dee a balaace 820 iter meatk. 6 roam bangslow oa south Liberty St. nee 8300Q. 820OO caaa dowa. Good eevra room plastered bouse with fireplace. Price $3200. $00 dowsu bslance 825 per aiooth. Good 60 aero farm with buildings. 60 acres rullivsted. located 5 miles out oa msia road. Price $3000. Oao half raah. balance federal teas. Real Estate aad Fire Inaurance W. H. Grabenhorst and Co. 275 Bute St. U. 8. Baak Building Wood's Bargains Three room bouoe for sale er rent. 18 srre firm to trsde for city property. JO-scre dairy farm with good out raage $3000. Take a house or acreage. Two room plastered house, good tot, fSOO. Five-room modern ttouse. paved street, sasp st $2100. Two choice tots oa pavement $500. A fine coraar lot close in for $850, peved. A fine heme ea Court street $7500. F. L. Wood, 341 9tetee street. Best Buys 10 acres, 5 bean a g logans. family orch ard, good 6 room house, barn, coop; mile from cur line. 13750. terms. A 2S mlt it ttfi 35 trmhr and stump pssture, 12 acres bearing prases, J family oreaard. a room noose, earn coop; H mile from tewa. swuuu. $3000 cash, balance 50& of crop each yesr at 6. 5 room aew modern bungalow. emplete- ly built in kitchen, furnace, laundry trays gsrsge. Very close ia. $4750, $2000 esse, balance to suit. 5 room partly modera house. 3 bracks from post office. $2600; $500 cash, balance terms. . 200 fine building Iota, very cheap. Socolofsky 341 State Worth While , , v -i it l t.J . I "tm.or"atnTr, tab.! " hZixt in ! features, ail modera conveniences. Urge c.n bo,cVnv:AeT";:;-;tm.. Sjr&ToJS: terms or will esrhaage for Portisad , a a proper., w p..v..v.. MlllS & Copley 831 h state street $1200 for this 4 room house asd wt; terms. $5to and $10 per moath. interest . 6. See L A. HAYFORD 305 Stste street TRADE WHAT YOU HAVE FOR WHAT YOU WANT. UT Wll I FlWn IT PfiR ML 1 I t i-U I 1111 II I Will vnn I UUi Thia ad. run one week in 4 dailr Papers. has brought us hundreds of properties for exchsnge. If you want results send your list ia at once. We will match it. A. W. ESTES REALTY CO, Pattoa Bldg. Salem, Ore. FIVE ROOM NEW BUNGALOW $2500, will take onto ae firat payment, bal ance eaay terms. 7 room with fireplace and modern eon vemence. $3500 : 8500 or auto first 1 - p.) meat, $25 a month on b.lancC. $200 down will handle good $2500 home, ISJr mMer c'BTeft" 11 room modern home, fireplace snd lo- cation that cannot be excelled for renting rooms. $4750; easy payments. ig rooms. $4739 ; easy ps; Winnie Pettyjohn 331 State street Some Bargains In modern houses. Bunxalow and cosy cottages. To prove it let us show yea some of them. $eooo, 9 rooms; goouo, 6 rooms; $5000, S rooms; $4300, 7 rooms; $3000. 6 rooms; $2500. 5 rooms: $2250, 5 rooms; S2000, rooms; $1700, 5 rooms; $1100. 5 rooms. Some choice lots, $200 snd up; terms. Childs & Bechtel 540 Stste street PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OP BALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C JULY 25, 1922. notice ia. hereby civeit lost aubject to the conditions and limitation of the Act of June 9. 1916 39 Stat., 318). and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (46 L.D- 447). the timber on the following Isnds will be sold at 10 s.m., September ti. 1922. st Duoiie suction st tne united States Lsnd Office st Portlsnd. Oregon, to the highest bidder st not less thsn the appraised value aa abown by thia no lice, aale to be subject to the apprevsl of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with sa additional aum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being -ommiestona a 1 lowed, must be deposited 4t time of ssle. money to be returned if ssle is not spproved. otherwise patent will issue for the timber which most be removed within tea years. Bids will be I received from citisens of the United States, associations of such citisens aad rorporstions organised under the laws f the United 8tstes or sny state, terri- lory or district thereof only, upon ap plication of a qualified purchaser, the timber 'on sny legsl subdivision wilt be I offered separstely before being included I in any offer or a larrer unit T. 6 8.. R. 2 E.. Sec. 5, 8E4 SWVi. red fir 960 M .. none of the red fir tim-"l ber to be sold for less thsn $1.50 per X. T. 9 .. H. 2 E- Sec. 3. Lot 2, red fir 1920 M. SWU NEU. red fir 2000 M- Iot 3. red fir 2300 M Lot 4. red fir 2775 M.. none of the red fir timber to be sold for less thaa $1.50 ier M.. See. 29. NW'i 8W. red fir 440 M.. none of red fir timber to be ' told for less thsn $1.00 for M. T. 2 S.. R. 4 E Rec. 25, NW4 XE.'i red fir 1575 M.. W red fir SftO M.. redsr 10 M.. hemlock 340 M.. Stli NE4, red fir 810 M. redsr 50 M hem lock I0 XEi XWU. red fir 960 M.. XWH NW4. red fir 12BO M.. cedar 15 M 8WU NWU. red fir 720 M.. edsr 60 M.. 8EU XWU. red fir 690 M.. cedsr 50 M.. hemlock 130 M.. none -f the red fir r cedsr timber to be sold r le.s than 81.50 per M.. and none of be hemlock timber to be sold for less thsn $l.oo per M. r. 13 ..tt. 6 w.. sec. 3i. yzM SWU. red fir 15'K) M. none of the red fir timber to be sold for less than $1.75 per .M. GEO. R. WICKHAM. At-tinr Commissioner. General Laad Office. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FXR THE LMPROVEMEXT OF. THE ALLEY IX BLOCK 2:1 OP THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF SALEM, OREGON, FROM THE XOnTmUncks. normsl. LINE OF CHEMEKETA STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF CENTER STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the Cttr of v ?alem, Oregon, will, at or about 7:30 p. ni., on the 7th day ol August. 1922, or at the same hour at any subsequent meetings of the Common Council thereat" er at the council chambers in the CUy of Salem. Oregon proceed 'n aasAsR noon parh lot or Dart thereof liable therefor Its pro- i rortionate "share "of the cost of I tmnrnvlno- th allow In hlnri 23 a i. a I Of the original plat Of the City Of Salem. Oregon, from the north line of Chemeketa street to thej7e lb.; green oaioas, 25sdoxoa beeches south line of Center street. All persons Interested in the said assessment are hereby noti fied to appear at the aaid time land place before the said Com mon Council and present their objections, it iny they have, to said vsjasment aad apply to tae ald Common Coancil to equal ize their proportionate share of said assessment. By order of the Common Coan cil the 17th day of July. 1922. EARL RACE, City Recorder. Date of first publication here of is August 4. 1922. ACTIVE ISSUES REGISTER GAINS Total Sales on New York Stock Exchange Yesterday 250,000 Shares NEW YORK. Ang. 5. Moder ate rains were registered by most of the active Issues In today's halt holiday Session of the StOCK mar ket. Total sales approximate 250,000 shares. The request of the tour railroads brotherhoods for a conference with President Harding on the ground that a serious situation was developing in connection with the rail strike had little effect on the market. stocks generally making appreel- able advances. Several new highs I r merrier! in this . -- erouo. notably by Chicago. North- we8tern Southern Railway com- mon and preferred. Atlantic coast St. Louie ft Southwestern. ind Pere Marquette. Short, prea- ' 8U w drected agaln8t SOHie Of tne SDMulatre favorites toward . . .ftB Letroteum reacting 1 Vh points "i08 'r rPort ' Prti P1 L , , " , i Klof the Canadian northwest, Imn and Baldwin dropping a half, but the general list held up well. Kreare company, following in the wake of wooiwortn, wnicn reached a new high mark In the week. Jumped up five points, pre- sumablv on reports of increased " . , , , ' earnings oy cnaui iuic. . t l oK i uorn proaucis aiso uiuao uVuiwl.. . .mail. for a new high, ana a ogoa ae-i mand was noted for the sugar and tobacco stocks. Sterling rates were strong, out some Irregularity was noted in the continental exchanges. Marks were down to 12 cents a hundred nearly a cent below last night a 'mmfI. that r.frmiOT I u. - - - - - had refused to meet the atlpu-1 Mated payments on pre-war' debts U0 French cltixens. M I Th clearins: house statement 1 showed an Increase ot aciuai i loans and discounts, nearly '$.- 000.000 as compared with an. hk crease Of 133.000.000 the week before. Member banks increased their reserve In the federal re- ', ia in hAA serve oans: oy against a decrease of $5,260,000 a week ago.. SALEll MARKETS : I "'Prices quoted are wholesale aad all raeaivad br farasors. No retail I prices are given oxeept I Oats. milliDg. set, SOe, 830. Wheat No. 1 .tacked Oats. feed, about oSo Vetch and oat hay, $17. Clever hay, 15. Mill run mill feed. 9- Q BOGS, BUTTER XUTTERFAf ggs, retail, 28c. Creamer better, retail. 83. Butterfal (delivered), 47e. POULTRY Spring fries, large 22 . Spring fries, smsIL 16 O ISe. Haas, light. 14e. Hens besvr, ISe. PORK. MTTTTOtf AVD REEF Hogs. top. 810.75 11.50. Top veal, dressed. 13e. . Steers. 5 6s 5V4e. Cows. 3 4c . rRUTTS Baeaaas, 10. lemons. 87.TS 0 8.2S. Nsvel orsnges, 88.50 jt 10, CaHforais , grapefruit $4.80. Melon. le. Caaabaa, e. . VEGETABLES Cabbage, 4c. 9 8Ve Tomatoes, log. 1.0. Wss onions, $2.25 crste. Walla Walls. $2 SO Browa onions. $1.75 erste. Turnips, $3. Parsnips. $2.50. Csrrota. $2. Head lettuces, 75c do a. Beets. $2.50. Celery. $1.50. Oregoa Peaches. $1.00. DATES, FIGS. HONEY Dates. I5e. Pack are dates, ease. $6.75. Fige He. Comb hoaey. esse. $4.50. Coeeeants. doten $1.75. Strained hoaey. lb. 11 Vie. Portland Buying Prices . . EGOS. POULTRY AND MEATS SITT1HFAT LOWER TENDENCY K.aliM rharnine cream, 44 0 47i f. o. b. Portland, 44c at aUtiont; under grades. 48 44c. t nr. i i rnmnl raceiDU. 19020c: white hsS iifihtkr delivered. (These quota tioas are based oa prices received for the balk of day s receipts ay toeai joe bars and ereamenea.i i.ivk vi ii.i.i it i v r. a & fTiaa eommieeione.) Heavy hens 19e 21c lb.: do light, 12 0 12V4; broilers rocks snd Reds 20c & 22e; Leghorns. le 0 19c; old roosters, iue: oucss. whits oekias younc 20c O 22c; old DRLPSLU ME.A1B riUJt, ninn in (Less commission.) Choice light bogs ISVi 0 16c: undersrsdes 13 15c; vesl top grades. 13 lVe; undergrade lOe XSAX MMU vsua ,. , HAT STEADY fDolrrered Portlaud.) Valley timothy. ,.aa . . . n, . k. u ton aifsifs. tis&ieso tea; clover $14 too; oat and vetca, l u fio L! straw. t09 to UKAI Vf fcflB. fTrark. Portisad) - --Wheat $1.08 0 $1.08: osts. $33 8 S3; eastern yellow com. $30; hsrler. $27 Sf 29.30. TKTJIT Strswherrie. Bominel : cherries, 4 'S I Sc lb. : early peaches. 75c box ; apricota. 91 fj l.W oax; raspBrmes, m a.iv; 'orrants, $1.25 SJ 1.50: loranberries. 1 Ct 125: apple, a 1 0 1.25; black Serries, $1.75 bos; wild blackberries, 15c lb , ' VEGETABLES VEGETABLES STEADY New potatoes. $10 1.65 ewt: OregOB Sj&iSZZZT'S cream sonaaa., Boouaai; pjhwh, iw". onions, $1.50 cwt; aew cora 9 p sac ejosea." - WOOL WOOL FIRM Costs vsHey wooUld t 23e; ssedium 23 O S2e; fiasv 5. -; HOPS STEADY 1921 crop aonaal at II 013e, I'M PRICES BREAK SHARPLY Sepember and December Show Greatest Weakness; ! Corn Is on Decline CHICAGO. Am?. ;$ Wheat ws under pressure In .he last SO ' minutes today and prices broke sharply, closing 1 1-8 to 1 7- cents lower, with September .1.0 12 t 1.07 and December, which showed the greatest weakness, al $1.07 to $1.07 1-8. Corn declin ed 7-8 cents to 1 1-8 rents, oats 11-2 to 3-4 cents off aad provis ions 1 5 to 27 1-2 cents down. What showed leas activity than on the previous day and averaged lower, there being- nothing la the orern'ght developments to-cause any enthusiasm on tbe buying, aide. While there was consider able support on the breaks. In that matn it came from shorts who were taking profits. , A fair de- creaso in local contract stocks is expected to be shown for the week the receipts ba ng 4.932,000 bush. els. and shipments 4.541,000 bu labels Owing to the Urge load lings out from public elevators- contract stocks probably will show decrease of aroana i.wow.vww bushels, leaving around 2S0.DOO i. . . . , ousneia in storo. Country offerings were not large and the car situation was; Jor elevators IB the Bpringiieiat' a ta&u. l W i A4) AAA kmaha Wmwry U" ""'"Z U on hand reported re- ceiTint oniy one car yesteraay. proving crop prospects there. Corn and oats were dull, the, trade being mostly of a local character. A summary of reports from central Illinois indicates a bumper crop cf corn there, but owing to many oat fields not be- lov en f thai rrnn nf that train - , T..n worM weaker and iower cn scattered selilog credits to small packers PORTLAND GRAIN 'T PORTLAND, Aug. 6. Gra's fntttreti: Wheat hard white. Aug- ... o.n.t e i na .rr wli'is. , Z . i Z VI whlts club, hard winter, northers gprlng August September 1.071 TSd Wll i. August V Septemoer $1.04. t.uats wo. z, wnue ieea August. 13 Si September $33; No. 2 gray August September' $38. . Barley: Drawing August Sep tember $29; standard feed Aug ust September 127.50. Cot a: No. J, eastern yellow shipment August September 129.75. DAIRY POTATOES , POliTLAND.' Aug. Butter: Prints extras 45 a 48; cubes e tras 3 a 40; prime firsts 28; flrsU 2. 5 Butterftt, Portland delivery: No. 1, sour cream 48 a 47. Potatoes, locals new, selling price 2 1-4 a 2 3-4. t ,FKCTT NEW TORK, Aug. 6. Evapor ated apples scarce; prunes steady; apricots dull, peacbes quiet; an (Strike r : Conditions For service as Railroad: Machinists Blacksmiths . Sheetmetal Workers Coppersmiths Car Inspectors Boilermakers Electricians , ' Pipe Fitters Tinners Car Repairers Car Builders (carpenters) Woodturners Cabinetmakers Helpers -alt classes. Adequate provisions hare : been made for the full pro t tectlon of new employes, the same ss old employes who remained loyally at work, Applicants should apply at -SOUTHERN PACIFIC Em ployment Bureau, room 7, 5 Market Street, San Fran- , Cisco (open 8 a. m. to :30 p. m. daily including Sun days), or aay of the follow-' ing officers: Superintendent -(Third St. Station), San Francisco. Oakland Pier, Sacramento, Stockton. Duns-' mulr, Bakersfleld, Los An- geles. Assistant 8uperin--tendents 8parks, Ner. and Roseburg, Ore., Superintend- 'ent MotiTe Power, Sacra mento and Los Angeles. Southern Company 1 J. It. DYER. Gen. Mgr.". Men W I' 7S State street U. 8. Bsuk Bld . Use tabsaaru fflaawiflag Ada Zjfrir.u4S $Zr ,')WIJ