Valley MoiorCb B. 1 GOOD HOUSING SUCCESS IS THE BASIS OF "THE POULTRY INDUSTRY Increased Demand for Modern Poultry Houses Ventila- tion Is the Big Thing in Conserving the Health and Vigor of the Flock, and No Pains Should Be Spared ' in Providing This.. By ' V. O. IIobb, Instructor for American Poultry Befool.) u Environment bat s great deal to do with poultry "it does with everything else. Time was when rickety, reeling, ramshackle roosting places disfig ured farms and back yards when chickens found shelter in dark, damp, dingy -''sheds- or dusty, rnusty, microby, barns. But times hare changed. ?". .-, ' 1 Chickens are living better to day than ever before, and they I how their raising. .In sunny, anlury, - sightly poultry houses the hens hare been nurtured, cul tured" and bred-np to a plump, shiny-feathered, pug-beaksd, and crimson-combed creature ot won- entlre floor In mid-winter, sweep ing it with its rays during the day. The extent of the sun's sweep Is less in mid-summer, cov- ering about one-quarter of the floor space, bat enough to insure absolute dryness.. - The light in front Is admitted through large screened windows. placed as high up as possible, so that sun may shine clear to back of house in winter. The upper sash is hinged at the top, swing ing outward; ' the lower sash slides up and down. The sides and back hare small windows. The exits for chickens are un der the front windows 12x12 inch openings with doors hinged at side, opening . outward. Doors, 77oorVZttiIator' " 1 derful personality. . , And the rooster. Just one step ahead of the ben, has traveled the same path .of progress. .. v 1 -:. x" The change was made possible by the genius ot poultry-house construction, with due attention to light; warmth- and 'yentllation. ' if - The first' Improvement In poul try houses was the introduction of windows- little light; : then i the open front more light. Then came the air hole a little air; I then the scheme of Yentllation more air.; And now we hare poul try houses of many kinds and various size's, built scientifically. , and. equipped with time, labor and : t money-saving devices." . This has resulted. In a. wonderful Improve ment in the quality and a tre- mendous Increase In 'the produc tion of poultry. . '-'" It is probable that all inter- at each end are 3x6 feet. . f ' In addition to the front win dows there is one or more large shatter ventilators. Each venti lator Is about two and one-half feet high and in length varies ac cording to the sise of the house and opening to be tilled. - They are made ot boards six inches! in width and one-halt to seven eighths ; Inch " in thickness. The slats in venuiaiors are set l aftgle of about 45 degrees, pis tance between, slats about IVi inches. -, In appearance they! re semble the shatters seen in J the cupolas ot barns. v I The front ventilator is used in Connection with a small Tentila tor running along under the eave3 of the house at the. rear.- j The shutter ventilators In front and rear are a distinctive feature of the Qulsenberry "fool-proof" ' - Poult v Xotzsm. S ested lii poultry and. egg produc tion t- are more or lesa familiar with the different plans and pur ; poses, advantages . and disadvan tages of the many poultry houses now in use. ' V , It is not my purpose to.critl- else any of ' the many . modern - models ot chicken houses tor' all have' been' planned with a , view to sanitation -the , admission of pare air and abundant sunlight. ' Among the most popular I might mention the Maine house, - the ' Tolman, .house, , the Cornell v bouse, the Minnesota, house, the 'Massachusetts bouse, the Wood's house, the Connecticut, house, and 3. there are many others. All, dis tinctive types, all provided with abundant . window ppace lor, toe tree admission of . air and sun light; the chief purpose of, their .builders being to have them light and dry, . thorough-aired and healthfully clean. . , ' r : : : To correct " , the " taul ts , and choose the. benefits of the best, the - Qulsenberry . Vfool-proof " poultry .bduse was' constructed. .ithich type was adopted by 'the Missouri State Poultry experiment Etation. .s . vi This house Is always built fac ing the , south, and has a .shed IVffft'JI? ! "3 thlnef yy? r Ihe .1 6 poultry house. They solve the problem of proper ventilation and no .draught. In extreme cold weather all this Is necessary is to fasten muslin over the Interior of the ventilatory this curtain being protected frcra hi weatlt:r by the ventilators, will ( not be come wet.. ' 1 Because the ventilators: need no adjustment and the windows little attention, the house has been called ''fool-proof," that is. not dependent noon the faliblllty of human memory, but always fully protected from rain, show anl wind. I I The free circulation of! fresh air insures 'absolute dryness Th4 house is cool In summer and con?- rnrtnMa' in lnl,r Thf', Ventilat ing' system precluder ttel possibil ity ct draught. ' " 1' . 'The ' tame ' prlnolple the sin- ele r ' abutter or slant Strip, or class slab. Is used at the base ci windows in. thousands o offices and; residences. Ml admiy ine air without v draught." and , .win dows may be left open daring the coldest weather', and 1 - rooms thoroughly Ventilated wltk no dis comfort to their occupant, i - tbe alf passing upward and jclrculat ingr over tbeir heads. ; ! . , . Jh9 I fej roo( t used pa Qulsenberry "fool-proof poultry' house is tbe most economical and practical of all r?ofs for poultry houses. It admits a maximum amount of sunlight during the winter, and the ventilating system which keeps fresh air In. circula tion under the roof, prevents overheating in summer. The advantages of the shed roof over the gable roof, with straw loft is obvious. Straw in lofts provide a harbor for mites and rats, a foul atmosphere, and is a fire-trap. ? The house may be built of wood, stucco or concrete. It of wood, the . siding may be either drop, ship-lap, or any tongue and groved material. The roof may be sheeted and covered with twe nty prepared roofing, all joints and Eeams being rendered air tight by waterproof tar paint. If kept painted a house like tbis will last a lifetime; The Qulsenberry "fool-proof poultry house is easily adapted for breeding, brooding, hatching for chicks, growing stock and mature fowls, and tor satisfactory egg production. The improve ment in health of the fowls, and the increased egg production wflll soon pay for the cost. Cause of Wet IJtter When the temperature In a poultry house is below 80 degrees, carbon dioxide Js -found near the floor. WJien carbon dioxide gas is mixed with oxygen it turns to water or moisture, hence the wet litter we too often find in Our poultry houses. The presence of wet litter in a house Is an indica tion that carbon dioxide exists to a great dejjeo, therefore, the house must be ventilated near the floor so this can be taken out and away from the bouse and fowl The proof of any system of ven tilation and as to how - the air move about In a house, can be tested bv the use of a smoke smudge or bee smoker. Go into a poultry house and create some moke and you can tell from the direction in which the smoke moves and the way it leaves the house as to whether you are get ting correct circulation ot air or not. The test of the ventilating system In any house can be told by the length ot time the straw or litter lasts without becoming damp. ' and poultrymen snouia keep ahead of the foul air i and wet Utter by ventilating, ao you i . riantror tone when either appears and when the fact is dis covered it means to "get busy or else it will not be but a tew days until Canker. Chicken Pox, Colds and Roup will develop. ; Carbon-dioxide is heavier than .iw9T ninas to the low- a.i uv est level, especially when the temperature is below 80. For this rwson, It tends to accumu late In deep caves, wells, and the floors of poultry houses, forms what Is known as the Matter dam?, of abandoned coal mines. a iu -which often caves , cause death to human -bongs when they enter such places un knowingly. Pure carbon-dioxide Is air very heavily charged with It and Is al most instantly mortal it. """"7" life. A single full "V0.1 " may produce: to-f bv -iatlon. It extinguishes life by ox idation. Our life process Is a slow combustion or burning, and . ...u. it Ant as it carnon-awi."" v"- ,-,.1 extinguishes the fire Chemlra fire extinguishers containing wa lire exuua . Uh thU ga8 w. . ' .itn smother the fire. A large quantity ot this raa In poultry houses the " f - a nd ts reston- iblefor Se majority ot cases of Sds. rouP, chicken pox. canker and all kindred diseases. For the above reasons., It is lust as important to have ventlla S,n near the floor of the poultry as it is near the ceiling. ,h.nTthe litter of a non e in incund to become damp we advise the installation of box floor ventilators, hown in the accompanying lllus tratlon. This ventilator is placed SSfflS cbes or 2 feet o h lower corner and front wall of the P Th s box floor ventilator can be placed to eitner should place a Star or King Veri tllator in the roof in the opposite corner of the house. - . a . Place this the same distance from the end wall that the floor rentllator Is placed. ndbofuJ inches from the front wall of the house. These floor and root ven tilators used in connection with the shutter ventilators wm m ...0.. nf anv house and keep the fowls in :' the very best of health. Red corabs and W inter eggs are certain Jo result. ; The sliding door in the front ot the floor ventilator is kept op-n at least 2 inches during the cold eat weather and Is kept open the full width the remainder oi me year:. There is a damper placed In the metal ventilator In the roof ith 4-lnch opening in the cen ter.' The damper i closed in the cold weather, but the 4-Inch hol In I the center is always; open This Insures the circulation of air in the house, without any draft on the fowls. It takes the bad tir war f.r?S he csUjng, ?3 C ft-. POULTRY INDUSTRY IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY GETTING TO BE fl BIG GAME ) : - Clear Profit on 180 Pullets in Three Months Was $246 Every Farmer Advised to Keep a Poultry Flock Beginners Should Jump in Now and Put the Try in Poultry, and It Will Pay. (The following was written at the request of the Pep and Pro gress editor by E. O. Newport, proprietor of the Pacific Hatchery. Tangent. Oregon, under date of July 24:) The poultry business is gett'ng to be the big game in the Willam ette valley, as well as all along the whole coast. Those who are "in tbe game," and have played their cards well, are meeting with a most encouraging measure of success. s No line of industry has gone forward with such strides in the last five years, as has the poultry busincFfi in this valley. As a well known ad. puts It, "there's a reason." and that rea son is, that there is no other lo cality, known to this writer, where the hen does better on tbe same amount of feed than right here in this valley. Government statistics show that the Oregon fam-hen averagt 118 0 egg" year, while the eastern hen lays only 120, a difference of five doz en. Our mild winters and cool sum mers are very much in our favor, ! and feeding conditions are - as good If not, better, than those of other places because ot the abun dance of green feed, such as kale, etc. I am not advising every farm er to lay down the scythe and the hoe and rush Into the poultry business, but I do advocate ev ery farmer keeping from 200 to 500 good, full blood, standard, breed hens. 'Makes Cash Customers I advise this because it will in crease his popularity, by enrolling him as a "cash customer" at the grocery, the butcher, and the garage. The proprietors of v.o.a Hinnennariea will smile when he comes in and bow when he goes out.- "j Th' Profits larse Vrvr li aabft of those who do not know the profit that can be derived from a flock of 230 White Leghorn hens, let me say that a pen ot 180 pullets, natcneoi m PohriMrr laid in OUT tTSD UeStS, riii nrtober. November and December, 663dozen eggs. These eggs were sold at an average oi 48 seits per dozen, bringing in $318.24, of which amount $246 wa clear nrofit. t Cost of production Is not to be deducted, for the reason that there has been no depreciation in value. We were offered, this last ir mn,r than thev were worm T. CCn( . - when they were six months old. vn at the end of another year a. rnnall ad. in some 19 Vi wwiitv tnnrn&l and 8611 gUUU av u v them for more than It cost us to raise them. ' ' o.-vflt In lfatrliilKr eCSC" tf vrttr hens are of good stock. ak a much larger pro fit by advertising batching eggs for v;hich there is now a stron demand. It yon have some good hatching eggs, or a pen ot fancy cockerels, man a b'" ad to your home paper and to vnrthwest Poultry Journa . I Uts vv " and you will be surprised at the results. We have been sold out on habv chicks &v breeding stock since we took out . i ,vor'. onrd in ine ju"'""- . n.v u rezistered Utter from a man In Honolulu, ordering fifty bens and five cocKcreis far does the Journal go. in t in Poultry Of course, the poultry business does not abrogate any oi me ....-a it does not reward ijine neelect. or stupia'ty any more than other businesses It I-ays profits in proporwu v the punch of practicality you P' into K. No one w'ns at it unless he puts the "try" in poul-lr7. It's my advice that you put up a try this fall. 5Iuy tome sh?p-loy lumber; build a comfortable, draft-propf, well ventilated hen bouse; raise a tine llock of early hatched pullets; give your wife or daughter a half-Interest for her ve-rk; furnisa a kale pr.toh and a bin of wltcat: and then watch what hap?flca. Do all these ihings. anl ir you don"i soon tee "the si .lie that won't come off" shining through the wrinkles on your wife's face, as she plans for a new dress for her self J0d insists that you replace the old, shiny Setson with a new one. then I'm a literary liar ot no mean nronortlons. Get in the game, Jt will pay. most every state In the union and to every province In Canada and Alaska. Pheasants are remarka bly versatile, adapting themselves to almost anv locality and climate. They are prolific and healthy al though more difficult to rear than poultry, requiring for large scale production an elaborate and ex pensive plant" The unqualified success ot Mr. f Continued on pare 4) i On ! Wholesale The , following is appended as an Illustration of the promise in thia business: Mr. E. O. Newport, proprietor of the Pacific Hatchery, located at Tangent, Oregon, has recently Knm. i- lre Incubator house. The new building is constructed of tile-brick and is flre-prooi. Dead air spaces In the walls and doors preserve an even tempera ture , , Tb'ft iirrnctnre was built to ac commodate two twelve thousand erir Newtown Giant incubators On nf thesA machines 13 Deing KhlnnAri from the east and. will be installed 1 September. This plant expects to put out about sixty thousand chicks next year. Mr. Newport reports that he shipped six thousand baby chicks to one customer near Portland the past season. KITS BRED 1 1 LARGE SCALE Benson's Pheasant Farm One of Largest in Nortn- west and a Big buccess ates a circulation which insures , nor feet health. These floor and roof ventilators would be and can he useu ou . ,r l a tendency nouse wueio - - , to dam Utter, colds, roup and kindred i, diseases. Good housing t. h..i of success in the poul try business. You will find per fect health, increased product on larger nroflts in the adoption of the srstem of ventilation men tioned above. Benson's Pheasant Farm, "na- tnr' own laboratory,w'the home nf nnrp-hrpd Mongolian and Ring- neck pheasants, one or me rarg pst nheasantries in. the northwest is located" east of Salem near Sil- vprton and was established and U onerated most successfully by Carl eBnson, whose plant and i eon lament renresents an invest- tnn of 115.000 besides the orig inal value of the farm on which It is located. Mr. Benson writes that he will have $12,000 worth of birds this season and will soon commence shinning, the first lot going to Montana. Besides this young and old stock which is nearly all' contracted for. many sales and shipments of eggs for hatching were made this year. It has always been Mr. Benson's pol- icy to send out fine specimens ot birds rather than exceptionally laree volumes. Mr. Benson ex pects to rear fully 5000 pheasants this year and he says: Should we have anv more there is plent nf mom fnr them. The Lnited slates, you know, is a mlddlin' large tract for us to restock. Our product is nearly always bought uo in advance by the government, by state departments, private in dividuals and gun clubs and we are often embarrassed to till our orders. We commenced rearing birds In a small way In 1915 having a very small plant at that time and procured our parent stock irom the state game farm at Corvauis, which was at that time owned by Mr. Gene M. Simpson and It Is to him in a large measure that we owe our remarkable success In the business. Our plant has grown from year to year, doubling, treb ling and even quadrupling our previous seasons outpnt of birds and eggs which are sent to ai- ' U- : -. It THAT NEW HOME will look fine and give perfect satisfaction if you boy your material of us. We ask you to give ns a trial, as once our customer, always oar customer. Prompt delivery and courteous treatment Spaul ding Logging Company i Eyesight Speclallsta MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 204-11 Salem Bank of Commerce Building Salem, Orezoa A call today may aava need, lesa pain and suffering in the future. 260 North Hign Street Phcss 19S5 Boost This Community byt Adver tising on the Pep and Progress: Statesman Classified Ads. Cost Little But Pay Big HOTELFiIARION SALEII, OREGON Tke Larsrest and Host Complete Hostelry in Ore gon Out of Portland Furnace for I jour home L Boy Um On. W. W. R0SEBRAUGH CO. ' Foundry and Machine 8hop 17th and Oak Sts., Salem, Or. f , ... Phona SSS Dodge DnoniEns SEDAN . Bonesteele lllotorCo. 18S 8. Com! 8t, Phone ill a I . r - - t . 4 Big crowd! will gather ronnfl about To see flames take your horn. But when your loss Is figured out . Ton atAnrf It all alnn. The JnnrnAI nf Crrm m rf atatf.ttM how tbs following firs losses la lm erica foi July 19 It. $I0.1tl.0i tor in), um minus - Build ot HoUow Tils and, help prt- A. AVS - A I Tu uui wane. r . I . SALEM BRICK & TILE CO. . Brick buflding tile, drawn tile Pbone 917 x j Salem, Ore. OREGON PULP & PAPER CO. v SALEM, OREGON ' Blanuf aetureri pf . . . High Grade Wrapping Papers anil x Paper Specialties A. C.Bohrnstedt Realtor Life, Fire, Health, Acci dent, Auto and Indemnity Insurance. Bonds and Mortgages, City Building Loans 40T Masonic Bids'.. Salem. Or, FAIRMOUNT DAIRY Perfectly Pasteurized MILK AND CREAM Phone 725 "Where The Crowds 'Alway, "t shop? ; V, ... THE PEOPLE'S; CASH STORE SALEM, 0REG0K OUR TREES Carefully Grows Carefully Selected Carefully Packed Will Give Satisfaction to the Planter SALEM NURSERY COMPANY 418 Oregon Building Phone 17 S3 Additional Salesmen Wanted. 1 .HARDWARE AHDrURNITURE Ca 20 N. fJommerclal Street Phone 1890 " "SIBLOCO" Pipeieu Fcrcieci . $79j60 -.And Up - ; ' - Send for circular Silvertoh Blow. I Pipe Co; SILVERTON, OREGON Peerless Bakery Makers ot Peerless Bread Try Our Doughnuts JLT0 North Commercial St, USE BUTTERCUP BUTTER Capital City Cooperative Creamery 1 5 7 S. Com! St Phons 1 9 1 Our Idea: Our Method: The Best Only Co-operation Webb & Clough Co. Leading Funeral Directors Expert Embalmer Cor. Court and High 8ta Phons ISO DRAGER FRUIT CO. Dried Fruit Packers 221 S, High SU, Salem, Or, Always in the market! cr dried fruits of all kinds inese kasant fijefcana HeflTillLlilLi THE BOY SCOUTS deserve the support of : everyone who wishes to inculcate high prin ciples of manhood into the youth of our land. This space paid for by Thlclsen & Rahn THE CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE Bays and Sells Anything Associated with ' : CAPJTAL JUNK . COMPANY . , SIS Csnter St - Pnons SIS W.T.Rigdon& Son k Progresslyt -Fcneral Dxrecters SALEM . i.r Silvertoh Foundry Co. J Iron and Brass' Castings. Sawmill and Logging Re pairs, Hop and Fruit Stoves, CsUng ef all .-loads SILVERTON, OBEOON . rhons Green 111 , it li i! M 1 1 11 't if . - ( if i! n - i ii M II i .if u II V. -