The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 27, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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I '
L!ore Bargains ' Erery
.... ,. . '?
1 ' The New Store
Worth & Gray
Successors to W..W. Moor
... Call Oa
Vick Brothers -
1 for ..t:?t':-''
Orerland ; -Oakland
, '
Mason Tirei 1
Vick Brothers
Dedicated to Stimulating Our Present Industries
And to the Establishment of New Ones
- w
The Way to Build Up Your Home Town
I Is to Patronize Your Home People
The Surest Way to Get More and Larger Indus
tries Is to Support Those You Have
177 N. Liberty St. Salem, Or.
Eat a
P. M. Gregory, Mgr.
40 South Commercial Street j
H : - T
4IS BUte St.
Phone 877
Eyes Tested
Glasses Fitted
tJutm MMMly AnyllMta.' Op
tical npaln MUy aa inaptly
Hartman Bros.
Jewelers and Opticians
i Salem, Oregon .
' Your Clothes
? Sv Work Worry .
' by having yf - j
' try vrk Som fcy lh -
Salem Laundry
136 Liberty St, Phono 25
t ? owpco. ;
Rroom Handles, Mop Han
dles, Paper Pliigs, Tent
Toggles, all kinds of Hard
wood Handles Manufae
tared by the
"Oregon Wood
Products Co.
. . West Salem
r Capital City
h Laundry
it Quality and Service
Phone 165
Monuments and
Made In Salem
This is
ih. aly nonuamt works
; Big Stock on Display
Capital Monumental
lata S, Ooa'l Oppntu CtnaUrr
!f -- - riiona 689
!; Made In Salcra t.:
, by experienced " Bwisa Cheeae
..y matter
Swiw Cheese
i. Cream Brick Cheese '
i i . Limbergcr Cheese
, Order from , the factory or
1 . , from your grocer
1 Salcra Cheese Factory
Phone 81 Fit '
On paved reform acbwoi roa4, 5
plate a day
Starting With a Hundred Dollars Indebtedness and a
Salary of Only $50 a Month, Harry Miller of New
berg Has in Eight Years $35,000 to His Credit and
$100,000 a Year in BusinessThe Miller Poultry
Farm a Model and a Success.
. - :
(The following Is from the July
number iof the Northwest Poultry
Journal, published from the
Statesman building;: the largest
poultry paper west of the Missouri
river:) j
In 1913 trapnested chickens
were almost unheard of and in the
spring ojt that, year j Harry Bliller
bought lis first hatching eggs of
DAydratori and Canners
Oregon Fruits and Vegetables ,
1 Salem
'" Oregon
; Wiring Fixtures i.
' I Mazdas v - v ..'
Electrical Appliances -
Salem Electric i
If It' electric come to ns."
Masonio Teinpld. Phone 1200
; .- :1 ' r-..;,- V- -
v 1 ' !; . y. ' '
Our efforts will be to assist in every possible way the
development of the fruit and berry industries of this
A Licensed Lady Embalmer
to care for, women and
children Is a 'necessity la
all funeral homes. We are
: the only ones famishing
such serrice.
770 Cbemeketa St Phone 724
We carry foe following lines
of PAINTS, Sberwln Williams
Co. and Bass Hueter Co.
, Also
. ETerythlng In Banding -'
' Falls City-SalemLumbcr
A. B. Kelaay Mert'
349 S. 12th St. : Phone 813
,W At. Owl AiW Tva 'MintoB
. W at mv prtnc thrt
anarter f nlllma ifoQatt a r
to lha dtrrMa ! iaJa aaciioa for
' Bilk. .-.
f yMarion Butter"
tk;8a"Btr: .
:.'MaHi w 1 Dnitr ni la tha
",:. ' '. ' trylaf hd V '. .
y 1 ' ;- i -. : . '
fm. Ore. Phone Si 88
This campaign of publicity for community upbuilding has been made
possible by the advertisements placed on these pages by our public
spirited business men-men whose untiring efforts have builded our
present recognized prosperity and who are ever striving for greater
and yet greater progress as the years go by.
Cyphers Incubator Co., then the
largest trapne3ted Leghorn farm
in the world and we think the old
est. Each year he bought the
best breeders he could find in
America and England. Today we
think there are few, if any, better
strains of heavy laying Single
Comb White Leghorn fowls any
whero than are found on Miller's
The Dalles
On Farm Land
Your Buildings
305 State St.
Dixie Health Bread
Ask Your Grocer
v Phones: Residence, 1211
Office,1 1177
It Satisfies
Made Br 4 vy
; 12th and Chemekata
Order from your grocer
f'.t -
. V . f
How baby chickg are delivered from the incubators to trains for shipment on the Mil
ler Poultry Farm, Newberg, Qregon. The family car and Mr. Miller in front of the farm
residence. ; (This is the front cover cu t referred to in the accompanying article)
Poultry Farm, at Newherg, Ore
To give the readers of the
Northwest Poultry Journal an
Idea of what a man can do on less
than small capital and nothing in
the, world except a 50, a. .month
Job, will be oar object In writing
this article and reviewing Mr. Mil-
ers success In the poultry busi
ness. " ', h !.
On the front cover of thi3 ias-rue
rou will note a picture taken at
the plant of Harry Miller, at New
berg, Oregon, 26 miles eouth of
Portland, and 32 miles north of
Salem. In the picture stands
Harry Miller, sole owner and man
ager of the Miller Poultry Farm.
The owner of this farm in 1913
worked in a grocery store at $50
a month when he raised 100 pull
ets from his savings and built a
poultry building on the leased
place just outside of Newberg. All
this was done while he Was $100
in debt at the bank and was pay
ing rent, and the living expenses
of himself and iwfe. Mr. Miller
was then 21 years old, but is now
29 and going strong, from every
viewpoint of his operations.
Prof. James Dryden; of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, took an
interest in Mr. Miller and gave
him good instructions and advice
the first year of his breeding op
erations. After trapping all
through 1913-14 the O. A. C.
furnished Mr. Miller with males
from their best hens to breed with
his first findings of 180 to 251-
egg hens. From these matings
started the Pacific coast's famous
strain of Leghorns, known from
Canada to the Mexican line, and
this next year they will know of
Harry in Mexico for he is raising
some fine Mexican game fowls.
Today if you visit Mr. Miller's
fine farm one mile north of the
heart of Kewberg. you will be
greeted with a smile and a cor
dial handshake from a man weigh
ing 226 pounds and as strong as
an ox. He will gladly show you,
we think, the best equipped up-to-date
and well arranged poultry
Plant In the northwest. This is
saying a mouth full, but we think
you will say as much when you
see It. Harry's largest poultry
building i3 20x368 feot and houses
?00 bens. You will find many
other buildings and more in the
making.. There Is al3o a well built
Incubator house and basement
costing $1500 and 34 incubators
holding 22.000 eggs at a setting.
From these incubators he sold the
past season 68.000 day-old Leg
horn chicks. . -
ly October 1 we are tol j Harryv
will have 4a00 laying lien, and
four men to rare for. them, as
Seamless Hot Water
Bottles and .
Combination Syringes
'Guaranteed Not To Leak
Prices (rem SI no
t : '
Brewer DrugCom
405 Court St. ' Phone 184
i ' ' -
; f ...
2200 hens and pullets will be un
der a trapper at all times. If! you
visit his place note the vigor and
slzeof his birds and size of eggs
these hens are producing.
f Harry has produced under trap
fljout as high as 321 egg hens and
has many hen wkh a record of
over 300 eggs.
He has sold stock to some of
the best breeders on the coast and
his latest shipment of 600 cock
erels to Petaluma speaks very well
' V 1 "V t. V
A shipment of 600 breeding cockerels, 24 coops, from the Miller Poultry Farm to Peta
luma, Cal., poultrymen. , v
for the
quality he must be pro-
To give the readers an idea
what has been done and what Mr.
Miller thinks could be -done again,'
if every small point i3 watched
aud more than 10 hours' ar? spent
tu work and thought, we will give
the figures in net profit Harry
ha3 made as a result of his eight
years of poultry work,, which, we
are told, aggregates $23,000.
This year Mr. Miller will do a
$100,000 business as he buys eggs
cream and chickens, and dells only
Kerr s line of poultry and dairy
feed. This store is operated on
the place and dealings are 09 per
cent with large chicken ralspra
and cow feeders.
You will find Mr. Miller home
most anytime except on Sundays
when be usually drives hi ITaynes
speedster to some sea ijhore re
sort during the warm summer
season for a day's rest and. out
ing. III
The Kansas State Board of
' Agriculture Waxes Ex
ceedingly Ooquent
The annual report of the Kan
sas State Board of Agriculture
foses its chapter on poultry farm
ing with the following tribute to
th great American business hen
and, ? her achievements in that
state: . -
- Always loved ai a cheeTf al
giver, the Kansas hen has grown
with' the state until her daught
ers, are as" the sands of the sea.
with i;yearlyi- product greater
than that of all the f'atc's coal
riinesy; four times the- product or
all our gas" wells and double the
first cast of Alaska. Each year
she produce? mor? tha
.. jB-r" ' i "ill "
. -
the value of the output of all the
gold mines of America, exclusive
of Alaska, and a large number of
yellow-legged sons which enter
the ministry. The Kansas hen Is
an optimist, and when she 'lays
around' in haymows or manger
and proclaims the glad tidings
and her mate welcomes the new
day as he tiptoes on the fence,
she points a war to ease over the
hard times in farm life and dis
pels the gloom of adversity."
Comparatively Cheap Lands, Ideal Soil and Climatic
Conditions, Home Grown Feeds and Good Market
Conditions Are Among the AdvantagesSome Val
uable Hints on How to Start a Poultry Plant.
(The following article was
written by request by a Salem
man vho is a successful poultry
raiser in this district: )
If you contemplate going into
the poultry business, it would be
a difficult matter to find a more
favorable location where the con.
ditions are more ideal as relates
to climate, soil i?nd markets, than
right here in the Salem district.
Some of the many advantages
here are comparatively cneap
lands suitable for poultry ranch
es, everything in the building
material Tight at hand, ideal cli
matic conditions for poultry,
abundance of kale and other
green feeds the year round, grain,
corn and other feeds, home grown,
quick and short transportation fa
cilities to the largest and best
One of the fine modern poultry houses on the4liller Poultry Farm showing; "the shady
-Ik.. i - - - , - : r- ----- prune orchard -runs . -:-,. :.- f'
Way liflit Wttk tMBMl Trails mU
The Aastralorpi j
What is ah Aostralorp fowl?
That certainly sounds like a new
breed of chickens when In fact It
is a coined word to distinguish
the Australian bred . Orpingtons
from those of other strains. And
really the Orpingtons of the An
tipodes are entitled to the dis
tinction, for they Save been bred
for productive qualities that place
them on a par with the Leghorn
for prolific egg production, 275 to
300-egg hens being not uncom
mon. So pronounced has been
the success of Australian breed
ers wlth the breed, .that Impor
tations of Australorps are being
made into England. Canada and
the United States. 1 This again
illustrates that good performances
are not limited as to breeds and
varieties, but are the direct result
of proper ' mating and manage
ment. It is, indeed, a pleasure
to know that a fowl which sup
plies a good carcass is also capa
ble of Bhelling out the eggs with
the best of the high producers of
the so-called egg breeds.
The Cucu mber Industry
The California Cannery Incor
poration has established a salting
station at Gervais and are receiv
ing cucumbers grown by the far
mers of that vicinity. One taund
red acres of cucumbers .were plan
ted there this year and the farm
ere report prospects for a fair
crop, despite the dry season. If
this year's crop proves successful
the acreage next year will be
twice as large as this.
' :, it,' V
ts ' t '- S ! a
market' In the rorthwest at Port
land. Regardless of all these ad
vantages there are fewer poultry
farms in Marion or Tolk couqty
than !n most any of the 'Willam
ette valley counties, but those
that have been established here
have proven the truhfulness or
the above statements, and there
is therefore plenty of room for
many to engage in the industry in
this district and succeed.
For Commercial Scale
If you desire to go into tht
business? on a commercial eg(
scale then you will want to ee
lect some one of the many light
breeds, such as j Leghorns, . . An
conas, Campines, Buttercups or
Hambnrgs. for your foundation
stock, the Leghorn being the most
popular for this purpose. Your
Oatrtsmtle VQ
Yotxr Health Begins Wbca Yeal
Phone 87
for an appointment
P. S. C. Chiropractor
J laboratory 414 U 41t V. . Vatl Bk. Sfeg,
Hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m.
foundation stock should be select,
ed from a good layin : strata
proven by trapnesting- or cullmk
closely and by the Hogan system
of selecting the best layers and
breeders each year, or you can ?
buy breeding or foundation stock
from any of the old reliable poul- .
tryment of the country and take
no chance on securing non-pro !
ductlve fowls for your foundation
stock., - f , - ... ,-
, 'w. uravicT i ureas
It yon prefer, some of the good
laying heavier, breeds you should
select a productive strain of Ply.
mouth Rocks, MInorcas, Rhode j
Island Reds, Wyandotles or Or
pingtons, and : with ' proper care ;
you wtU get iota of eggs from an7
of these breeds -and the lurptus
cockerels, culls and old stock will
brln you a good price ; In the
open market owing to their recog
nized excellent jtabje or meat
Qualities.! - t
' Good Time to" Boy J "V -V
. This is the most farorable time
of the year to buy ' high-class
breeding stock for foundation pur
poses, if you are thinking of get
ting pure-bred etock. Dreedinr 4
pens or flocks can be purchasea
from .specialty breeders for about1:
one-halt the price demanded In" '
the fall - and winter months fori
the reason that practically every :
breeder maintains , a 3 ; "summer)
sale" where he r closes out. all V
the breeding stock he can spare;
from his yards in order to socurd
room for; his young stock coming
on. TOe most favoTable time tt
buy young stock for breeding pur ,
poses is in tho fall, but the real
bargains come in the adult breed. '
era which can be purchased is '
July and August, cheaper than at;
any other season of the year. -
-There is . no more economical ' '
wy in whicb the beginner, cah '
enter the f eld than through the
purchase of a high class breeding '
pen at this season. He will learn :
much more from the purchase of
an adult pen than he will through
the purchase of hatching eggs and
the raising of young chicks with
which to make his start. Besides,
he will have the advantage of
being able to start right off pro
ducing a large flock of youngsters
and at the end of one year should'
bej able, with average luck, to .
have his entire flock pure bred
and of the breed he has selected "
for future operations.-
If-you are, thinking of getting"
started) with some real stock. '
waste no time. " The sooner you ',
write your favorite breeders for
prices on their - breeding . pen .
stock' for prompt delivery, the. '
sooner you will have a chance of ;
getting in on real quality offer
ed. . A number of large specialty
breeders have informed ;ns that
their summer stock Is generally '
snatched np within a few days af
ter they are willing to let them
go.- ;..V';v V-- -' '
Of course. If you do not care to
invest the money required In a
breeding' pen, you can still save
mpney and buy young stock now. -For
The Amateur ; ;
There are two things the a ma -teur
poultryman should give care, i
ful consideration and that is the
housing and feeding of his flock. :
In providing poultry houses It is :
not. necessary to erect expensive ...
buildings. The two or three great
essentials are a water-tight roof,
good ventilation and light, but no
cracks and open !ngs from which
draughts will pass direct to the
roosts Keep your poultry build
ings clean an 1- the roosts and
nesta free of lice and mites by
(Contldued on page 4)
. r.