The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 27, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    .. .. " " ' " .......... . . , '
Til ir ran
f !
George Cromwell Blower
Delivers Lecture at Ro
tary Club Meeting ; ;
: : , . . : .
At the weeklr luncheon ot the
notary club yesterday, George
Cromwell Blower delivered a lec
ture on "Brain power" that liter
ally spellbound hit audience for
the 30 minutes that he talked. ,
' lie probably said as much In
that 30 Minutes of real value to
the busy business man as had
rrer been heard - by ; any of : his
audience. - ; ' i
'CK ; Kaovrn Here f
George .Cromwell;". Blower Is
veil known in Salem. He came
to Salem about 10 years ago as
cireulation manager of The States
man, which position he held for
one year. During that time he
married a Salem girl Mits Effie
Mae Myers, a sister of Frank and
Oliver Myen ot this city. v Mr.
Flower . is now on . his yaeation
and is visiting in Salem, , accom-'
panted biMrf. Blower. - ,
- Hej expects to spend the sum
mer here and win open at the
auditorium In Portland about
September IS with ft series of lec
tures on "Brain Power", and
Easiness Efficiency." He will
spend the month of August on
hunting and fishing trips.
lX'r Vr. CfU ffljf Salary Or.;-;?
' " On leaving Salem, Mr. Blower
went, to Klamath Falls as secre
tary of tire Commercial club there,
which position he held for about
stx months, and then went on the
lecture platform, where he has
been ever since. His headquar
ters are In New York and he en
joys an income of about $25,001
year frim fiTlri lectures in
public ' and - to the employes of
larger corporations, such as , the
Pierce-Arrow Motor Car compear,
the Willys Overland, Pacific Telei
phone & Teiegrapli company, etc,
He also gives courses of study 07
mail , on "Brain Power' and In
clude in the coarse six books of
which be Is the author. ,
Mentality Demonstrated
In lntrodaclng himself to his
Rotary audience, Mr. Blower
gave an exhibition of bis keeo,
active mind by asking his audi
ence to ' name sets of figures,
which were written on a black
board backwards by an assistant.
After having ' written three com
plete rows of figures across toe
board, containing , probably 50
figures in i all, Mr. Blower read
them backwards, firing the value
of the entire set,, beginning in
trillions. During the time the
figures had -been , written on the
board he at no time saw a figure
written, only heading them as
they were called out by men In
the audience. It was a remark
able exhibition of the training 'of
the brain. . ,- -2
- He emphasised . in ; his lecture
the fact that the foundation of
business success is a healthy
body, which is within reach? of
any man, and that the stomach
will take care of ' Itself ft ?the
month is regulated. He said most
People are like lobsters, : which
animal crowds down its food and
had its teeth in its stomach, only
that the human - fceing has no
teeth in the stomach and Suffers
the consequences" of his folly in
so doing. - I
- He recommended that his hear
ers, buy Walter Camp's book on
"The Dally Dozen and practice
those exercises five minutes in
the morning and five mihutes in
the evening. They, are the same
exercises for which congress held
a special session and, liBteaed to
Mr. Camp's lecture and demon
stration of his exercises. 4 Some
of his pithy remarks were:
. r No Age Limit J ,
- "There is no reason why a man
or Woman of 45 should look eith
er like a ruin or a public build-in-."
"An outdoor man can eat any
f.lE Kfl'Jfl
Oregon's- Aggregate - of
Taxes This Year Over
Forty Million Dollars -
The total tax levy for this vear
in Oregon, based on levies on the
rolls of 1121, Is $40,401,709.21.
according to a statement made
publie yesterday by the state tax
commission. ' This is a decrease
of 1715,658.50, as compared with
the levy of last year, the decrease
being due mainly to the fact that
In MultnOmah county there was a
decrease - of i approximately il,-
500,000; The total levy shown fs
exclusive of the fir a natrnl lk
which amounts to 972.29C41.
Bercral linvles Kamed
The several levies going to make
up the total are:
State tar,; coun
ty $3,077,473.91; county school
and school library, $2,378,871.9-4;
high school tuition, $683,885.4;
special school, $8,138,617.20;
general roads, $3,525,397.36;
thing that does not eat him first."
"Some people fall because they
never begin."
"There is no deadline at 40."
"Bhllheadedhess is expensive."
"The man who Is quarrelsome
at home and is always having
family , troubles never : makes ' a
business success."
Luekftot Dependoible.
"When a man gets too old to
change It Is tme he died." -
"Luck never built a railroad
or wrote a good play."
"Habit, can pull you down or
build you up."
, "beam how to build right hab
its." "Paddle your own canoe."
''Watching the other ( lellow
doesn't carry you upstream."
We Are Proud of Oar Ability to Offer Theie
In Salem's Orlglndl k ;
, Men's Cbambrar -
Vcrk Shirts ;
Thursday. Special f
Ladies' 1 5c Muslitf
double flounce
value front or hack
Ladies'-,$t,.S0 to $2.0
' Thursday Special
; .r.Ien'i 85c Athletic
uinoir suits
Made of fine Naihsobk with elastfc back.
All sizes. Thursday ; Special -
Imported Hand Painted .
Every piece fcranded by maker, ftetty
oriental designs and figures. Regular:
value 50c. Thursday Special '
One Great Lot of Gingham Trimmed
A bisr selection 61 Voile and
imitation pongee with gihg-
ham :trimmingst featuring ,t
Ford styles and ruffle trim.
mings. :. . L
-, Thursday Special ?
Play Suits
Boys': Blue Bib Overalls Thursclay Special
- Men's Overalls'
Extra heavy - blue big
union made triple stitch
Overalb. ; x .
V Thursday Special
Boys' Wash SaiU
Sample ? line of very
high class made, nearly
all sizes, colors, and
styleSj, - -' 1 1 ,
v Ihursday Only
One-Half Price
Clean-Up ot
A' sensatiorr sale-involving
many lines to $2.50. In
cluding heavy cotton and
mercerized suitai . in all
i YOUR SPECIAL ATTEJTIONi PLEASE sizes from 28 tor 46. ;
' To, the many Special price reductions how in1 force on EVery " eoriceivabie color,'
aU lines ot u - - j with desirable bright trim-:
GRANITE AND ALUMINUM WARE ; - min. in thi3 final
; clean up sale. ;
,. ... .
Premium Coupons Vith Purchases of 50c of More -
special roads. $819,9 1Z.4;. mar
ket roads (county lery). $1,135.
1S7.79; bond interest and dedm
ptida, 7 $1,114,789.98; i speeial
cities aid towns. $,9l.63?.JT;
irrtgstloo and drainage, $1,064.
804.74; ports, i $1,223,586.31;
niljcellaneotis. $ 3, OS 0.2 0.
The lery for last year aggre
gated $11,117,367.71.
; Slarloa Is Tfdrd
Next to Mnltnomah. county with
iU tax lety or $13,239,847.49 foi
tbis year, Umatilla county has
the highest total lery in the state
or $1.71C,724.S0. according to a
statement prepared yesterday by
the state tax eommissioa. Marioa
county is tWrd with $1,84,459.
19. Multnomah county total is
approilmstely . $l,50d,000 less
than last year.
lT by CbtfnUes
The state's total leTy of $40,
401.709.21 by coundes fs as follows:
Baker ..a
Benton . . .
Clatsop . ...
Columbia .
Crook ....
Curry . . .
Deschates .
Douglas . . .
Gilliam ...
Grant ....
Harney . . .
Hood RlTer
Jackson . .
Jefferson .
Josephine .
Klamath . .
Lake ....
Lane .....
Lincoln .
Linn ....
Malheur . .
Marlon . . .
Morrow . . .
Polk . . .
Sherman .
Tillamook .
Umatilla . .
Union ....
Wallowa . .
t 766.857.64
i 1,076.230.64
AmountetJ id Wearly two
Millions Last Year,
Larger This Season,
News that Feederal Officers
Takee Control of Food
and Coal Is reason ;
.. . -, -,- -j . v - ..
I NEW YORK, July 26. Stocks
were actire and strong at the op
ening of today's session on news
that, the federal authorities had
taEen -control of food and coal
traffic, but heary selling later
caused many net, lobses.
Oils and motors were again the
vulnerable features. Mexican
Seaboard common and certificates
registered new lows for the move
ment. , ' v- ' - '... ,
Although the report of the
United States Steel corporation
for the year's second quarter was
regarded as extremely favorable,
that Issue showed occasional pres
sure with most of the prominent
independent steels. Buying of
equipments, as well as coppers
and affiliated shares, was inter
mittent at best.
i Rails cancelled the greater
part of their moderate advances
tn the latter part of the trading.
A few stocks, such as corn pro
ducts and industrial alcohol, were
inclined to Ignore the reaction in
the general list, but Mexican Pe
troleum. which had shown con&ib-
tent strength, gave way in the
general reversal-toward the close,
a heavy tone then prevailing,
Sales amounted to 70,000 shares.
Call money rates held at 4 per
cent, until the final hour, when
offerings were made at 3 1-2 per
cent. Foreign exchanges added
very generally to yesterday's re
action. , . .
a cat
nra. tow,, blotted rtoa.
,bt& k i a sosree o awoyVcing
T- Udyoc, sad W.
9 The poioo wkh a M doiasca
-JmmU U Mtefiedwkh io&kt le
The rirfHteBMdywiBaa op6s tKe
'Cnstgs of tfMuch,earic&lLi blood.
aidaiCMtgouldMcatanlMl pwom
- and ttrengdiai etry bod3y turfctioa.
4 The larjo aumbcf of people wke
in m3ca&kHjmd Dr. ritM
Cumw awdiciDe, recoauaeaded far B
caUrttul ctwditioas ofet
pwAfe epdnnrmnt far
The Oregon Growers Coopera
tive association handled practical
ly two million dollars worth of
fruit, last year; to be exact it was
The items of this total are as
follows; .
Apples $522,411.11, pears
$253,942.19 dried prunes $843.
677.99. cherries $83,461.32. ber
ries $148,141.32. ntfts $26,49$.
vegetables $33,883.99, plums and
green prunes $23,882.16. dried ap
ples ; $322.50. grapes v $1,712.39.
apricots $19,212.33, peaches $19,
516. Total $1,981,557.30.
Bigger This Tear
' While this Is a wonderful rec
ord; ft does not even fairly ap
proach the volume of business al
ready outlined for 1932-23, for
the present indication is for a
three-millioa-dollar business for
the 1922 crop, now being harvested.
Some ot the items shown in the
table are mere incidentals. The
association aims to handle every
thing; that a grower produces, if
he so , desires, and assure him a
market for everything he wishes
to raise. The microscopic sale of
dried apples Indicates that the as
sociation is not making a spec
ialty of this sort ot fruit. The
grapes, too, make only a smalr to
tal. They come mostly from The
Dalles country and southern Ore
gon. The vegetables are entire
ly incidental though the handling
of broccoli was intended to be a
major operation, If the crop, bad
come through as expected.
Prunes Biggest Item
Prunes made by far the largest
item in the schedule, almost as
much as all the others pnt togeth
er.' The promise is for a far lar
ger total of prunes this year, both
in tonnage and In price. There
never was such a crop of prunes
in the valley as this year.
One of the innovation!! In the
prune business this year, will be
the packing of one, two and five
ponnd cartons for the retail trade.
These will be the finest product
of the Oregon orchards, sorted
and prepared as quality goods for
the small retail buyer, and it Is
believed they will "go over" with
a bang. It should boost the sales
of Oregon prunes, many millions
of pounds to have these choice
goods put out in an attractive,
small-family-size package.
, Nate Increasing , .
The sale ot nuts has not run
very large through the associa
tion, but with every rear there
should be a greatly increased pro
duction of nuts. This vear's sales
ought to be fully double those of
a year ago.
To make three million dollars
worth of business, every item must
average an increase of fully 50 per
(Continued from page 1.)
ioLft rcxTWHcjtc :
, Classiilcfi(JSrIniThox;
" Statesman BrlnrJ Results
Without . discussing the deeisions
at issue, u is fair to assume that
a government agency is eve
ready to correct an error which
is made else government itself
would become unjust. Moreover
it is indisputable that tbere can
be no government unless its man
dates are accepted by the. citixen-
Bhip of the Republic. This ob
servation relates more particular
VT to the railroad situation
When the mining situation be
came menacing; I InTited repre-
ocummcj . Q4 in6 mine workers
and the operators to a conference
They came toggther. they . were
aavisea as to the call of common
welfare, yet in, eight days of op-
porronuy no progress was 'made.
In the absence of nr trthnnai
authorized to settle disputes be
ween . mine workers and .their
employers the federal government
then voluntarily proposed the
creatlou of a national' commls
slon before which the disputes
might be settled juitly. fri thd
light of full information and In
accordance with" the' best expres
sions of our modern cfvlllzatinrf
Instead of contemplating the re
sort to force, I anticipated th
very opposite-r-lndustrfal peace
with justice to every man con
cerned. Instead of aiming at "Ifi
voIunUry servitude," " to Which
you Inexcusably refer, the rot
eminent asked the mine workers
to resume theTr acCMeies. In re
sponse to a manifest Dubllc-need
at precisely the same wage had
been working contentedly for the
last two years; Those who spoSe
for the mine workers refused
such appeal. There Is no dispute
to the right to refuse. Since they
decHned to respond.' and "since It
is believed there are enough men
who love this 'country " and cher
ish its securitv. and believn in
serving the common welfare, to
come to the relief of the mininc
situation and avoid sufferintr. nri-
Tatlon and paralysis; I asked the
governors of the coal mining
states to 'Invite mine operators
and ' mine workers - to : resume
their activities swd to promise
that to which everr man la eri
titled, namely protection in his
jawrui pursuits This, protection
applies to the men oa strike who
observe tho law and make ao law-
tesa Interference with men . at
work. . and to the men . who ar
lawtaBy at work and entitled to
protection by every agency of
the government h that work. If
yon mean to challenge the right
eoasness of free men to be pro
tected in their lawful pursuits
against interference and violence,
I will be glad to join you in sub
mitting, that question to the Am
erican people. "
Opposed to Class Conflict
"I vant yon to know that In
stead of the government's action
being an expression of the prefer
ence of the capitalistic class. It
has been quite as much opposed
by those who speak tor employ
ers as It Is by .ypa and yonr as
sociates. Government Undertakes
to represent neither class alone,
and is opposed to all conflict am
ong classes, and disputes the
right of any group or . classj or
ganized or unorganized, to Im
peril American welfare. Gov
ernment speaks only for the Am
erican people as a whole and the
common good of all its citiien
ship. -
"In view of all that the gov.
eminent has done or attempted to
do during the past year and a halt
to relieve the American farmer
from the burdens of readjustment
and to relieve labor from the
hardshiifi of unemployment. I
know your attempted appeal to
American prejudice will fall upon
deaf' ears. It is ungrateful and
it Is untruthful. If yon are the
believer in. peace and harmony
and the reign of justice, which
you would have believed, I In
vite you now to pass judgment
on the failure of the mine work
ers to accept the awards of an
able and impartial commission In
determining the merits of the dis
pute between coal miners and
coal operators, and I invite you
to urge the striking railway
workers to accept the decision of
the American railroad labor
board, acting under authority of
the law which must be supreme,
and return to work under that
decision, until you , and I, and
everyone else Interested in Amel
can welfare, may join In asking
the railroad labor board to give
a hearing on any question con
cerning which there is. reasonable
doabt abeat the correctness or the
justice of : the decision made.
These are j the ways of "peace;
these are the requirements ot en
lightened elvtiixatldn; these pare
the things expected by your gov
ernment of Its loyal , and law
abiding , citUenship. , ;
: "WCrrea G. Harding." '
Confers (Ulth Rati Head
J Inaugurating, it waa . nnder
stood, a series of conference with
railroad executives, the president
tcday saw Vice President Atter
bury of. the Pennsylvania system,
who discussed with him the se
niority issue. Mr. Atterbury
stated after the meeting that
while this. Issue was , "the crux
of the ralroad situation so far as
the Pennsylvania was concerned.
It would be left to the determin
ation of the present employe of
that system. At the White Honse
this was taken as indicating a
refusal td give striking employes
their seniority rights in case of
their . return to work, though
President Harding and cabinet
members, are understood, to be
lieve that railroad managements
should make this concession. ,
Mr. Atterbnry after his Whitel
House - visit went to the capltol
and conferred with Senators Watson,-
Indiana;' Kellogg Republi
can, Minnesota, And others, and
was understood still insist
ent upon the question of eenior
ty. T. DeWitt Ctryler and other
railroad executives, senators were
Informed, would be here tomor
row for more conferences, prob
ably Co meet the president and
other officials, , :
Senator Watson was in touch
with the conferences in progress
14etweeat officials of the BalU
more Ohio and employes ot
that road at 'Baltimore. He was
Informed .- by President . Wlllard
that the. company today matTe a
written proposal to employes
which, It was sad, might be acted
upon tonight or tomorrow. The
Baltimore & Ohio proposals on
the seniority and other questions
were not - made publie . here by
those informed. A copy ot the
proposals K was sent . to Senator
Watson, who arranged to take it
to Presidet Hardiag for hi in
formation. ; ; 1 t
Bond fssbe Certified : 0 j
By State Commission ;
t A bond issue of $550,000 by
(he.tumalo irrigation ; district ot
Deschutes countyr now known as ,
the Deschates county municipal ,
improvement district," was certi- ,
fled yesterd sy by the state lrri-:
gation securities commission. It :
includes part of ;thb old Tnmalo f
state project. ;
The district will build a dam at.
Crescent lake ( reservoir aad a f
feed canal at the Desch'utea liter
to iU intersection with the prea-f
ent Tnmalo canal. ' This will pro
vide full irrigation for about 16,-:
000 acre of land and vratei" Aut-?,
ing thW non-lrrtgatlon ; season tor
sluicing In the present Tnmalo
rfcaervofn. Bv this means it is
hoped that the present reservoir
which developed leakage, may be
sealed, and, that about 7500 ad
ditional acres nortft of the dls-
trict may be reclaimed. ,
W i
The wmsrnr e orecon
The coQege of Litcrsture, Science
end the Arts with 22 depertsMitta.
thi profctikmal scnooli of Archi-tecture-BuativM
MedWMuicFhyskei Educa
tion Sociology. -r -...-;-,
The 47tk Year Opens October 2, 11U
wrtt 7 Rttfttrtr, UntPfrrttf
Orgn, Eugtn0, Ortfon, . .
Salem s-
y, -iH-;i .: x--,.f, X;.: f-i VI ' '
St safe
Never before have we sold goods to lo'w and in view of the advancing mir
ket makes this an opportime time to b try yonr present and fixture needs.
! :
Just a Pew o f out prices
36-inch Cetton Challies,.,yard....;..$ 14
Amoskeag Utility Ginghams, yard .16
Norwood Quality Ginghams, yard .19
32-inch Zephyr Ginghams, yard.... .23
Cotton Toweling. yardi.L.. ... .09
Curtain Scrim, in white or ecru, yd .12
Turkish Towels, each.:.: .19
Table Napkins, 18x18, each ...... .14
White Outing Flannel, yard... :. .14
Pequot Sheets, 81x90, each.... ... 1.59
36-inch Percales, yard.- : .19
Bed Ticking, yard..C-.:. .19
3 pound 'Cotton Batts :..... .79
2 pound Cotton Batts..: . .69
3 pound Wool Processed BattS. 1.79
Pure Virgin Wool, 2 pound batts.... 2.25
Pure Virgin Wool, 3 pound batt.... 3.44
Bed Spreads, 72x84, each... 1.88
48-in. Japanese Lunch Cloths, each v 169
60-incH Japanese Lunch Cloths, ea. .98
Fancy, figured Batiste, suitable for
wtfmen's and children's dresses, :
waists," etc. : ...j..... J2fc
38 and ,40 Inch Voiles in a Varied
- assortment of fight afid dark pat
terns, yard- ........ .... ; Ai
35- inch Cordoroy, for sport skirts, ; .
bathrobes and children's coats. - '
Yard : 1.00
44- inch White Cotton Corduroy,
yard-.;.......: .49
38-inch Fancy White Skirtirl. yd; J8S
36- inch White Gabardine, yard .58
36-inch White Tricotine Skirting,
yard. i-..:.i.. .69
38-inch Organdy, all colors, yard .49
45- inch Imported Swiss Organdy,
yafd..:. ...... .68
Ladies' Washable Kid Gloves, in black.
grey or white, per pair..u.l..$19
Ladies' Knit Bloomers in white or pink,
perpair. . .L2.:.:.i..:.25
Girls' Knit Bloomers, )air 19c and 23c
Wontcti'S Summer Vests," each.i;..17c
BojV Overalls, Double Knees, size ' 12
r td 16, per pair ; ..79c.
Men's . Boston or Paris Garters, per
pair...-.ul ..'....i .: :...19c
Men's Khaki Combination Work Suits,
. per palr;. x..$2.68
Men's White Handkerchiefs, each:.:.6c
Women's Corsets, eachJl.!;...g3e
Women's, Bungalow Aprons, eachU.88c "
Ladies' Fancy Serpentine Crepe Kirno-
nas, eachi.J.. , $1.46
Girls'- Gingham Dresses, sizes 2 to 14,
ach.:.:..-;.j. g8ci.
Special lot, sizes 7 16 12, eachr...i.U9c
60-inch Mercerized Table Damask,
yard . .66
64-inch Mercerized Table Damask,
vi-'-- ?f-vl- - ,';-;; ,77
70-inch Mercerized Table Damask," .
70-inch half LinetliTable Damask,
yard - 'i.,,; ; 1 59
70-inch all Pore Lineri TabftDia-
: r aski? yardJLXJ.i.tii, 18 :
36-inch Silk Poplins, all colors, ydl .88
oo-incn owl laneia and Messallne;
in black onlr. vurd " "
56-inch all wW Tricotine, tiavy
ana mgre...;
: 1.00
e cA
ou-incn au wool storm. Serge, yard 1.48
42:lnch all Wool French Serge, yd. 148
36-inch Half. Wool Tricotine, yird .69
36- nch Half-Wool Serges, yard... .65
36-inch Chiffon Taffetas, yard.. 1 78
IKS E?? Satln 18
ofSJJ?1 cPe, md 19
Imported Silk Pongee, yard :
'Wool Flannel, suitable for middies,
shirts, clc in cardinal and navy.
yardUilf L19
36-inch Messalines, ;yard.uUi: 1.78
ini$ Crepe de. Chine, yard : 1.78
Silk Mull, yard.;.:.r...:; 4 49
36-inch Imperial , Crepe, yard 59
50-inch iBroadcIoth, all wool,' yard 2.94
ft w001, Wd 1JSS
56-meh Wool VeIonrr Coaling, Cok
ors green, navy and phim, yard 2.49
Children's Blue Denim Play Suits, ;
. each 1,:.-': "- - - r
iWs' Blouses, each..
' Commercial and Court Streets
: 1
i i
5 ;
1 I
- V'"" l-