f I I FT NEWS M BRIEF Patterson ForfcItH nail- Frank Patterson arrested Tues , day by. Motorcycle Tatroliuan 1 Parrent. oft a charge of driving his automobile at a speed of 27 miles an hour, on .Center, street; yesterday forfeited 1 10 ball when he failed to appear and - answer t to the charge In police court.' v ' Wanted : . . ., I A few loganberry pickers. Yard close in.. Transportation given. W. C. Dibble. 727 North Liberty, Phone 753-W. Adv. Indiana Pick Ilerricft . , , - One of the loganberry, growers at Marion, has been coming up to Chemawa every day,' with hla truck for a load of the Indian ladtt to harvest his cropThey are' be lieved, to hold ' the, 1922 i belt" for GIG JACK HOLT. AGNES AYRES , "Bought and Paid ' Tomorrow : Fannie Hurst's J., . "Backpay?, i t . J . r - - ; ) . I. 1. - .--. I r.i i. 1 iii MmyuiM - 7 Itrr i ff-f 33m i ; 'H Successful Graduates Are the Best 'Recommcndation of This institution offers a thorough 'practical, and stan dard education at a cost within reach of the -1 h high school graduate I It' offers training for collegiate degrees in!: Agriculture ; Commerce f, Engineering; and Mechanic Vocational Education Arts - Chemical Engineering Forestry ' " Military Science and Home Economics- Tactics y 'IE 'offers training also in : ffhe School of Musici Physical Education, Industrial Journalism.; .v Fall Term ODens September 18 For. circulars .of information and illustrated booklet i , , i write to -,.- ; w. The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, " Corvallis, Oregon 7aWi !H -S -att -- t -.1 - i , - - ' i ';. . ,-.' .-'- -- i - " ; i . . . t v ' 1 . Enjoy the fUn of makin Pianola musicism music. It- tests him at the enjj oa busy day ; lifts his spirit-rrefireshes his soul- - ' f-arid gjves uncanriy skill to fingers : : - that maybi never learned to play. - Delay no temper . . ' player fiano tfiy Conytn-. - 1 . : MtU terns cordially arranged. " M00RE'S;MUSIC HOUSE ; , 41S Court Street . , . " ' , ; Masorc Temple y Local: Representatives of j( SfemanMa THE OREGON STATESSIAN. SAJLEIM. OREGON lengtli'of Iravel 'to.and from' their daily job In the ; fruit field. s Trunks. Bags and leather r.i I Before you take a trip call and look at those Betterbllt trunks at F. E. hafers, no 3. Commercial. --AdT.. : I I - Here's . Chance For Boy Soute lucky boy who wants to make a little easy spending mon ey might hustle1 over to the light and power jeorspany's property, wbero the dirt excavated -in build ing tie new power plant is being dumped.- There's a fine ' chunk of perfectly; good cast iron being covered up; by the dirt, and no body seems to to looking; jtf tcr it at jail. It i would be a'; boon for the lad who feould s&lraeW It and sell it,- for it 'weighs approximate- mm ? WINSTON t i CHURCHILL'S j, Powerful Story. )' i" ' i- . : . "The Inside Of The R Cup" ' Mines Pharmacy mm a good 1 y&Go ly 10 ton& or 20,000 ;jonnds .or $200 at a cent a pound. : If la the flywheel of their ok1 600 hora? iower engine, .that was. too sol5l to hre?.k ni t&nvenleatly; bo th're! baying it. nnt mybe the boy cdald nee it.', MacDonaloTs rarmer ' Almanac At Tyler's Drf Store-VAdy. Prizes A Mli Thelma Coffey ricked 329 boxes of loganberries on "logan berry day. July 1 S, and therteby won the IQ gold fountain pen offered by If. T. Lore for the one picking the most berries. Miss Coffey picked In the Hugh A pinwall yard eight miles north of Saleia. Th $10 pen and pencil Bet otfered by Radcliff & Waring, real estate, dealers, for the boy or girlnnder 18 years ; of age picking. the most. berries went to Leroy Bold who picked 270 box es. Alice Ward was second with 224 boxes of berries. The own ers, oft the yards had to certiry to the number of boxes picked before ;he, award was made. ; Trusses Pitted at Tyler's Drug Store by an expert in the business. Adr. Son l Horn Mr and Mrs. Robert Kinney of Astoria are receiving congrJrtala tions from their friends on the birth of a son, Mrs. Kinney was formerly Miss Althea Moores of Saleiii. i Dr. W. A. Johnson TTas Moved Ills office and . Is associated with Dr. Skiff, 306 Masonic brdg. Adr. ' Former Rector Visits x Rev, and Mrs. C. H. Powell of Vancouver were visiting in Salem yesterday. Rev. Powell was for merly rector of St Paul's Episco pal church. . : Films Developed Free Leave your films today at Pat ton Book Store. Adr. Will Go To! Coast ' Mr. and Mrs. George Cadwell, of 24 SO State street, are to leave on Saturday for a 10-days vaca tion at Sea Crest cottage on the coast Mr. Cadwell ; is the gun and ammunition and fish tackle man in the Anderson & Brown store, and he's going over to the coast' to see if ! the dope the boys have been! telling him about the fish Is really so. i Legal Blanks Get them, at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application Adr. Noted Medium-Psychic Healer Can ,be conlulted . daily, this week in all affairs of love, health, or business. Gives names, dates, and reliable spiritual advice. Ho tel Kltnger. 459 State street, room 5. Adv. : Will Appear Today 4 , , Henry, Klossen-16 years ld was stopped last night by Motorcycle Patrolman Parrent on a charge of speeding his motorcycle at a 30 milp clip on Summer street- He is held-on $10 bail to appear is police court today. Let Tick Brothers-7 Tighten your auto wheels. Good work for less. Adv. A Classified Ad ; Will bring you a buyer. Adv. Corey Goes South .: H. H. Corey of the state public service! commission left yesterday for -Drain where he conducted a hearing . jrelatlve to a proposed Hiiteixii't G1jljxj Easier and Better HARTf.IAN BROS. Phone 1255. Salerir 0ron : save $ $; $ by buying your hardware and fur niture at The Capital, Hard wart Sk Furniture Co., 185 Ko, Com merclal street. Phone 947, - MIKE'S AUTO ' WRECKING . HOUSE- Parts-for One-Third to V One-Half qff;t f, I buy old cars .424 NCtwn'L Phone 523 ! I ! ! , I. I . . 1 fr 1 i-t- t- il' ' - I ! ' ! 1 STEINBOCU ; JUNK CO. VPays Best' Casli . Prices l:, .7 : : ',f tik :;: 1-' I junk: v- : and-.;V-X; OLD FURNITURE ; : The House of Hajf a , .Million and-One Bargaina . 402 N. ComT. Phone 523 grade crossing at Boswell Sprlaga. Today a 'hearing wIIT be held at Higo. Douglas county, on' applica tion of the Southern Pacific com pany, to move its station' a dis tance of about half a mn because of traffic conditions. ? .? Regtaning .Thursday July 27 Jack's cafe will serve a regular dinner, home style 35c from 11 a. in., to 2:30 p. m. Short orders all day. Give us a trial. Adv. License Issued A marriage license was granted yesterday by the county clerk to' Ralph Evans White, 21. Salem; and Isetta Walker Salem. It Your Auto leel Need Tightening? . See Vick Brothers. They, fix - em. Adv. Will Become Citizen 21 John Ludovetzke aged 70. Tof Silverton and formeriv a native of Germany has filed notice of his intention to become a citizen of the United States. Frederick William Hotho. 26,. also a former German sutdecr has also filed his intention to become a citizen. Jack's Cafe 163 S. Com. St. A good place to eat. Tables and counter. Adv. Cole Morgan Escapes Cole Morgan, aged 23. yester day escaped fro mthe Cottage farm for the insane,, according "to Information given the police. Morgan Is described '. as weighing 156 pounds has dark hair and blue eyes. ' ' . i HOUILU CM JTiUTOCIf i . , ; - t Unusual License Tag Among Those Registered at Park' Last Night The first Honolulu license, to be recorded at the local auto camp was that of Mr. and "Mrs. A. Ctcpman. Persons" giving their -home address as Honolulu have several times stopped at the camp for the nigbt but ' thts is the first car which, coming from Hawat', has -put up at the local camp, according' to TV G. Albert, superintendent of the camp. Twenty cars remalned'over last night and 15' new camps were mader The parties . registering for the first time last nights in cluded; :'- J. - ' Mr. and Mrs. E. D Ford? Bill ings. Mont; Mr. and'Mrs. R. O. Alsmah. Los' Angeles; Karl Mid dleton, Pomona; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Chapman,1 Honolufu; M. W Maynerd, Pablo, Mont.; S. W. Hewitt. Premerton; G. F. Hol comb, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. ' J W. Browning, Oak Creek, Colo.; Mr. and Mr$ C. J.' Dudley, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. A: Martin, East Salem; Mr. and Mrs. S. Bright, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. M. Carlson. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. L. V Griggs, Gilletto, New York: Mr. and Mrs. N. F Neal, Montrosa, Colo; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bran, . Toledo, O.; Mr. an! Mrs. J E. Miller; Chico, Cal. DISASTER FACED IF STRIKE LASTS (Continued from page 1.) - Troops Prepared for Violence E: F. Grable, head of the main tenance of ' way union, who ; ar rived here today, scouted reports from Detroit that his organiza tion was again talking of str)ke and said he intended to submit to tJhe board applications for wage re-hearings on several of the roads. Cases are already, pre pared for submission on the Soo. the Union Pacific and Louisville & Nashville, he stated, and about 20 cases will be ready for the board t by. the end of the week. President' Harding today con ferred with W. W. Atterbury, vice president of the Pennsylvania system, and Secretary Hoover re garding the strike, Mr. Atterbury stating that the seniority- ques tion was taken up. Scattered dis orders were reported, and ' in sev rat states the forces of troops already on duty were augmented in order to be prepared to cope with, violence. Heads To Meet President . CHICAGO, July. 26fc (By the Associated Press) B. M. Jewell, !head of the striking railway shop men, the six international presi dents of the shop crafts , organi zation, Timothy ,Hcaiy of the firemen and oilers and A. O 'Wharton, labor group member of the United States railroad labor board, departed today for Washington,"- presumably for a confer ence with president Harding to morrow; regarding the rail strike situation. , After a uurried conference with the president, the . strike , leaders' planned - to leave : Wash ington tomorrow night, arriving back in Chicago Friday morning. , A veil of secrecy was thrown over ' the trip and! their, departure over the Pennsylvania at 10:30 o'clock did not . become known, until . hours later, aniott'leaders declar Jng that Mr- Jewelt was stilt, in , town all ; during ; the afternoon. The JonTniey- follow.. a. confer enco between James Davis, secre tary of - labor, and Mr. Jewell . at Mooseheart, near here last Satui; day. After the conference Mrj Davis asserted ,that,he .believed that"; the principal j stumbling block In lie-way ta settlement of the. strike was the refusV-uX the railroids to - return seniority rights. to the strikers., "... ' V Mr Jewelfs -meeting with the president will follow conferences between L . F., Loree, head of the eastern -executives and members of th-3 senate interstate commerce commission and between Presi dent W.. W. Attprbary: of; the Pennsylvania and the president and Ben Hooper, chairman of the labor board. .These mletlngs fol iowed t&e announcement br Mr. Hoper that his f efforts to settle the strike had met with failure because got the refusal of the executives to agree-ta -the restor ation of seniority rights to the men. , J , : .. .. The carriers hased heir ref us al on the declarations' of the la bor board which wer interpret ed as "outlawing" the strikers; the walkout following the ignor ing by -Me. Jewell of tbe boards order to appear befofej it on June 2u and explain str fle order' he had previpusly Issued. J After con ferring Wiethe, president. . Mr. Hoover declared that the board had adopted a "handsUtr Dolicr and a statement from Washing ton declaring that any settlement would have to be . made through the labor board was taken as in dicating a disposition on both sides, to seek a "fight to a fin ish" jwhile the labor tboard occn-: pied: 'the position ot a favored spectator. V : ? Any;'; settlement based on the 1 returriotaeniority; rights, it was indicated, would include the re heartnjpby; the abc boaJrd -ot the original grievances over the S50,$00,000 wage cutj which went intdi effect Jnlyl cincidentally with the calling of-the strike and also of the demand rot (he men for restoration' "btlcertain rules: An agreement r by majority of -the .roads to do. away with out side Contracting already was said to have eliminated" cine of the principal grievances Of the'strik era. ;' n T ' ' ; 6. 0. P. DEFEAT LAID TO NEWSPAPERS '(Continued frontpage 1.) fused to- let the btllj go through they would drive himlfrom power. Cannon Ordered Jforris Out The 'Indiana f senator j related that Mr. Cannon sent "for his ne gro messenger and Instructed him to throw Mr. Norri out of I the house if he saw him 'there again; Mr, Cannon then ordered Mr. Nor rirfrom his ot flee. ': Senator Wat- son" continued, adding that 'later "those " same men with; the same proposition ' appeared'?; before the finance committee :- wlien- the Payne-Aldrich bill was being con sidered and their threats had to be heard again. H ' ' Senator Robinson: said after the recitals that the Republicans had Been holding "an experience meet-, ing, not a 'revival, but a confes sion" and, he added,' had tailed to make but their case! WOOL TARIFF RATE OF 33 CENTS PASSED (Continued from page 1.) Kendrlck, Wyoming, . and Shep pard, Texas. ' , . Senator - Wadsworth's4 first move with . respect to the wool rate was to Increase' the house rate to 28 cents, but. this amend ment was rejected 54 to 6, the supporters being Republicans: Bo rah, Jones- (Washington) Kel Icgg, Lenroot, , McCormick and Wadsworth. j By a" vote of 43 to 22 the sen ate previously had defeated the Lenroot amendment proposing to limit to 60 jier cent ad valorem the maximum duties on coarse wools. Eight Republicans sup ported tne amendment and seven Democrats voted against it. Before the yote on the Lenroot proposal thd fight over" It whlcH Began three days ago waked warm, with Senators Kellogg and Lenroot' supporting in addresses, and Chairman McCnmber of the finance; , committee and . Senatwr Gooding of Idaho opposing it. Senators Lenroot and Gooding had 'several clashes in the course ot which the Wisconsin senator declared that the Idaho senator was the "worst enemy of the far mer in Amerca.' ' 5 BEAVERS-SIGNt PITCHER-MANAGER (Contjnned froni' page 1.) Klepper. mewill take charge of the club tomorrow, L succeeding Tom Turner, the present mana ger, who will resume his position as-scout. Turner s will j go' east this week to try to obtain rein forcements for the- team, a pitch er and right- hitting outfielder being particularly desired " Turner, orlgnally- sign'ed as scout; has been filling-in as man ager since William? J Kenworthy was v removed by order of Judge Landis. The club has not done well under Turner, who requested that a change be made. ' Demaree." 'who ; last - year won 16 games and lost only nine for Seattle, is a protege oft John J. McGraw of the New York, Giants. During C his ntne-year major league career he played -six sea sons iwiththe Giants who won four pennants in that time, and also U with te Philadelphia, na tionals when they won a pennant. Demaree .announced that he will take his regular turn in the box for Portland. ; y ; -, r. '.J., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 27. 1022 bBccess Unique Experiment- of Ore- gon Growers Means Much for Fruit Market- The Oregon Growers have been experimenting . with irosen ber ries with remarkably good sue cess. ...J.; , . .The berries are washed, sorted, and put In five-gallon lacquered cans, some with , sugar, which Oilckljr makes a "syrup with Jhe Juicy berries, and some are pack ed with no sugar whatever just as they come from the vines. The methods have been proving equal ly successful, it It is estimated that the berries could be kept In: definitely, ; like the novel of the old Spanish treasure galleon, . the Don Isabella, that was found 4 0 0 years after her Joss and freezing into the Antarctic polar ice with all her foods and rich viands just as if left an hour before. Xo Ilmlt Possible It i3 believed, that there will be no limit to the length of time these fruits will keep, though they would be tender enough af ter being brought out -of a ten year : refrigeration Some straw berries, and some, splendid 'black cherries have been frozen up in the same way They, too, appear to be keeping perfectly. The idea of the five-gallon cans is ; to- meet the needs of ' smaller users vho. mirht not be able to handle units, as large as barrels. The lacquerIngof the tins makes theiri acid" proof, and the fruit freezes much more quickly than In the larger, wooden barrels. In that much, the . tinned goods would be distinctly superior. Development New The aggregate of barrelled, lo eans and strawberries and cher ries, going out from .Salem this year for cold . storage runs into several trainloada. The barrel unit Is already here,, but the tin can unit is a brand new develop ment. k Next winter, when the winds are howling like wolves around the door'of , say, Montana or New York, the provident fruit "lover can say : to his hired man or to the lady of alTwork; "James, or Mary, 1 desiah some fresh fruit,' some fresh Oregon ' loganberries right off the Vines. Fetch 'em out of the oellar. None of those dried or canned f rults-ah,f that have re-flavored themselves from their surroundings; but the . bon- it-to-eoodness fresh Oregon io- ganberrjes! Bring enough, for 50 persons. -... And There They Are And James or Mary will trot down the cellar, lug in a five-gallon can of frozen berries, thaw them out before the fireplace, and there they are. as fresh as a 14 - ' DIED WHITE At Breitenbush, July 2 th, Lewis M. White, age 49 years, husband-; ot Nona White, father of Zelpha White, brother of Mrs. J. T; Hunt- and Mrs. Amanda King ot Salem, Mrs. Jose phine King of Shaw, Mrs. Chas. Moll of Portland, Thos. C White of alem, William White of Hope well and Westley White of Se attle. Announcement of funeral will be made later by the Rtgdon mortuary. BAUMGARDNER In this city, July 26th, Mrs. Adelaide Baum gardnerYwlfe of Willis O. Baum gardner, residents ot Estacada and formerly of Salem. The body -will be forwarded to Estacada for fu neral ; services' and interment " by the" Rigdon mortuary. GLIDDEN Funeral services, for the late James H. Glidden, who passed away Jury 24th, will be held- front the Presbyterian church at Gervais, Friday-morning., at 10 o'clock, interment in the Gervais cemetery, under ; the direction of Rigdon & Son. j. WebB '&- Clougb untcitrt Expert EeBihstri FRUIT JARS New Mason Fruit Jars, Quarts 70c Dozen at the CAPITAL r BARGAIN ; HOUSE' 215;Center Street ; We buy and sell EVERYTHING . . ' i y.eaiH!d,JkId yita has. Just fallen hetr to long trousers and a gun and a billion dollars. . .., ChDirian Band Plays" " - For Hospital Patients i - f . t The Salem Cherrian band last night gave a concert on the lawn of the Oregon state hospital for the benefit of., the patients and the concert numbers and olos by Mrs. Hallie Parrish' Hinges' and Oscar Gingrich helped U cheer np the unfortunates in the hospital. : The officials of the .institution were high in their praise of the fine spirit in which the Cherrian musicians have so generously ten dered their servces to the state institutions, and extended a vote of thanks to the band on behalf of the hospital and the patients.' Concrete "Foundations Poured-for- New. Plant The lower concrete floor' loon dations for the boiler room t in the new Portland Railway, Light ft' Powers company Ftation were poured the first of the weekiand the main part or the boiler, super structure is to be poured "today. It is a maze ot steel reinforcing rods all' through the concrete forms,, n dihe; setting of tha forms has been an intricate, ex forms, and the setting: .of the boilers will be begun Monday of LADD & BUSH, BANKERS ...... :...;. ..v .General ltoag;Bggcsi.j. V y Office Hourr Jrtra t Also Salem s AgenU for Black Leaf; 40, the spray : that " - kills Hop Aphis 'and- Red SpHer . D. A; White S Sons; 251-261 State St. to Come inand.seexthem: SuccesSorato 167 North Commercial HINDRANCES COULDN'T cOMETBIES we come: across people. who won't make an effort, to. save because they are earning, small salaries; and ; can't save much. So it. seems to them useless.. But remember, that steady, systematic sav-' ing, eyen if the amounta be smaD, beats the; spasmodic savins of men on larger salaries; Also the semi-annual interest paid helps. And when you have several hundred dollars ac sumulated,. we will -be glad to tell you of first mortgages or safe bbrlds that yoti can invest in.: ; . : 4 ' - SALEM next reek, If. the work goer on at the "present, rate ot progress. Also, the big steel cinder cone that is to do away with' all smoke stacks and aerial contamination because of smoke, is to be begun at" the 'same time!. The work-is beng carried on by 'two shirts ot workmen. RIGHT-TRAINING There is much more- te rIne training than many people re alise. It la quite possible to ut terly, throw away good time and money by, attending . the wrong school. , i . . - "m No test Is more conclusive than taa success . attained by a school's graduates. The Capi tal Business College has scores of such- young people who are 'making good la every place of business lite. Iet ns tell you about some of these people and explain. how the methods that brought there success Can help you.' '- ". r ! tm rwjl Salem, Oregon ".-fr J.0 l.;Bi4 la 9 tL.l -"if Phone -1196 Salem, Ore. TO SAVING SAVE RIUCH Li. OREGON r- r.'. i 1