The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 22, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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rw.i.Mi '
Most Peculiar Operator Ban
krupt Bf,ter:5tprpe$j Car
1 1.
eer or Generation .
NE7 YORK, ! July 21. Allen
Ryan, generally regarded as one
of Wall Street'! most peculiar op
erators during the "war .boom
period" and. the. son of Thomas
Fort Ryan, from whom he has
been estranged for. years, went
bankrupt today, listing liabilities
at Zt,nt;ft1 of which 427,806,
9341 arb" secured: . claims, and' bis
assets at ,$613.233. ' ? " .'."
- His voluntary petition in bank,
mptey which comet as a startling
climax to one of the stormiest fi
nancial ' -career of- the present
genetatloa Indicates the wiping
oat of a'fortaaevarkMisly .esti
mated; from-15,000,000 o $30,
000,000. Wall street, which be
gan -to count young Ryan oat as
ws expelled .from thea New
York stock exchange on Jari 23,
1920 following his sensational
"cornjr,' of State Motor stock
was "nevertheless shocked by the
lmmnstr amount -V of liabilities
which the young financier had a
um. ';'. " ' ' '
Ifiid Comer on Stutx Btock
Neither 'Ryan "nor lit attorney,
Georg F. Lewis,' would make any
comment on. the, bankruptcy pro
ceedings beyond stating that ''the
schefiji tell the ktory - -; The
schedule lists the assets and lia
bilities f Allen A Ryan, person- j
ally And the firm ot Alien A. Ryan !
and company- of which he was
president, . 1 . , . ; '.
Ryan's greatest exploit was his
sensational cornea of Stutz motor
stock which, . with his resultant
expulsion from the stock exchange
is halxl by his friends to be direct.
1 r3ponslblefor, his financial
ruin,,. la the early part ot 1920.
stoci of t the Stutz- Motor com
pany of" which Ryan was then
president and. a director, began
to -Undergo perplexing j. market
f luct'liatlons. , -.'..., 1 , J"1
ttftforfe many weeks had paBsed,
Walt: street woke . up. to find, that
an apparent corner existed and
thatAbousands of shares had been
rold i"short' wl th no prospect of
covering".' ' f ? i
IJsrnl Corner to Force Price
llyan and associates are al
leged; to hate' bought " 31,000
shares rot "stock tor1 . themielvet,
during the month! of March and to
have? used the' alleged cornet to
( tore ud" life price of the stock
'until It had reached $391 a share
on March SI, trading; In Stuts
motors Vat suspended aild ah'liV
deflalte moratorium was declared
In which there could be no calls
for delivery of shares. Later at
the 'request, of Mr. - Ryan, the
rtocX was stricken from the list:
; GfJvernora: of ; the . stock ex
change after an investigation,, de
clared that a "corner existed,
but Mr. Ryan defied) thenar and Is
said Uo hare made, the "shorts
settle for $551.15 a share, netting
him-a profit estimated at ?1,630-
ooo? . i
Expelled from Exchango
Mr, Ryaa was then summoned
before the governors on charges
that; ho' wai "guilty of conduct
inconsistent, with equitable prin
ciples of trade He 'refused to
appear, and5 the governors, after
deliberating, .fire hours; ' expelled
htm. His aeaton the exchange
whKSh hlsfAT. liad purchased
on October 29 1874 for about
$ 4 , 5 0 0 an d, had later trauBf irred
to hint, . was? Molds ifor. $93,000 to
10 nint,waafaoiairor. io
Arthur Gwynn, The proceoda f
rrir: '' .im, i I- - j, iwimu, . ..I- . .- ... .........v. i! ' .. .....I. . ..I i j,.. .hi if i. . ,, ,ir, I ,i. i i ii ii i .. ii i n y
The World's Largest Collection of tho $ong3 6f the People
Thousand Old and New Favorites.- ""r V .
'jThe bbrtose or thia; book
;sonsr, old and new, which by reason of its merit deserves plice'fji the hearts tjf
, music lovirgC -Tbe 'mor ;ihan'f one) tnbusand songs which it contains have betiti se
lected with the greatesr possible amount of careful discrimination and ft Is the sin
cere hope of the publishers -that it -will fill a niche all of$ts own Jn the domaiii of
musical collections for the horned " ' li I".
: : t" " f i
'A ' ' ' " i f - V 1 t . -r - . - t
;Our Great Coupon Of ier: Makes it Almost a GUt '
this sale which have been held in
trust, , are , a moa g . h I Hs( ed as
sets. ' ' J .
i - Shortly after his- expulsion; Mr
Ryan brought a suit for-$l,00t,-000
against William H. Reiniek,
the president of the exchange and
members of the board of Gover
nors, several of whom' he allcsid
had sold Stutz ; motor shares
"hort" The suit'. Is ''pending, bo
date ever having beeji - set for a
trial;-,- t '- - i-. ' 'i!
Ryan had made powerful ene
mies In i the Stutz f ighr- and his
expulsion from the exchange was
a: heavy blow i to his prospects.
the so-called fwlseacres ; gener-
ally predicting that his financial
career would be brief. ,Hi fath
er,, rated as on of the country's
wealthiest; men; was reported to
have privately expressed admira
tion for his " , son's courageous
fight and to have offered to help
him, but no public announcement
of the father' attitude was ever
made, and apparently no help was
forthcoming; Father and son nad
been estranged for years, the rift
between ; them $, growing . wider
when th father married a second
time only ? a - comparatively , few
days after the death of his first
wife, the young financier's moth
er. ,
True to predictions, young Ry
an s . troubles . Ibegan to Increase
after he was expelled, and four
months after he had lost bis seat,
his affairs were : In such shape
that he found jit necessary for his
protection to place his assets in
the. hands of trustees.
" (Continued from page 1.) V
of the government, with the co
operation of the: operators com
mittees. if Legal Points Involved
P0wer of the government to act
through the f interstate commerce
commission tinder the Interstate
commerce adt was -understood to
ba the legal point before the Jus
tice department whtehis' the ef-J
fectlve force bt the -administra
tion's emergency coal scheme.
" With thei eoal In each produc
ing district pooled, it was believ
ed that ' the, central . committee
could direct the distribution' of
fuel to needy points 'through the
assignment f of ears - and - could
facilitate coal movement by pri
ority orders from the Interstate
commerce commission " while ' at
the same Itirae? keeping sr check
on-undue price advances. - -.
There were strong j Indications
Id: administration circles Itoaight
that, the, governments expected to
rely on the dietributton of coal
being produced h the; non-union
fields to supply the railroads and
necessary; consumers daring the
emergency, .;, s.r. ,
' ?"r, rr rr-?.;"'.,t
Accident Fatal to ...v. Vf.
'irtWee pyring Week
j There; were . three fatalities
among the 613 accidents, reported
to the, state industrial . accident
commission ' during the weeklng
July 20i. according- ta a report
made public oy. the. commission
yesterday. - . ' .
r The ;men killed were . Terry , J.
Willard, a logger of Klamath
Falls; James .Fenton a contrac
tor t? John Day, and J, H. Mc
Carty,' a laborer of . Vancouver,
Wash.: ,. t"i..tiiii.,i'.
i Of the total number of ccl
dents ieported, -471 were subject
to th4 provisions of the compensa
tion, act, 27 ,were from firms and
corporations , that have rejected
th provisions ot the act and 15
were .from public utilityiCorpora
tionsl not subject to ,the act's pro-
visions. - ,
. , . , ...
, liCSLCI trie UaSSlllCtl, , AOS.
! I
Edited by Albert E.Wier
5' !
has been to assemble within
Yours for only :
and three coupons
- a . -
' " -if. 1 .
The planting of deep-rooted
fruit trees on the non-irrigable
and sometimes1 thin-soiled hill
lands, and, confining the berry
crops to the lower, possibly irri
gable valley lands, is the solution
of the f rait problem for this part
of the Willamette -valley, accord
ing to County Fruit Inspector S.
II. Van Trump.' '
fThe dry; season has showed this
year, as not tor years past, Mr.
Van Trump says; 'how essential
it is to hare the shallow-rooted
berry cropi where they can gain
the utmost ot moisture.; Irriga
tion would be good wherever it
could be practical, with the water
not ' too expensive to get or to
handle. Cultivation, however, he
holds to be of vital Importance;,
it can be made almost the equival
ent: of irrigation, n the deeper
valley soils. Good cultivation
has saved many a valley fruit
farm that under the old system
of poor beri-y plowing would have
failed almost ' entirely. i
Mr. Van Trump would go deep
ly into the use of dynamite for
preparing the soil for orchard
use.1 OniB or even two sticks of
"giant,! well set 'in the shalyhitr
Mils.-wiJl rive the Up root tor
prunes,-pears and cherries a good
chance to anchor the 'trees. - A
good shattering of the sub-soil
with . dynamite may make the
moat sterile looking fcotfl quite
hospitable to deep-rooting trees.
t Mr. Van Trump urges the plant,
ing of more cherries and ' pears
and pruhea in the hill lands, es
pecially the planting of more sour
cherries,4 ' the Montmorency : being
hla favorite. It is an early bear
er,' much inore nearly pest-proof
than, some of the others, especi
ally the buck varieties, gad al
most .uniformly, commands a high
er price; with an unlimited mar
ket. The growing of more Bart
lett pears on the hill lands, some
of which now , hare loganberries
that are not ever at their best on
such soils, he belieres ia one of
the best chances that the Wil
lamette valley fruit grower has
JA sight.- The rapid development
of Salem as a canning center,
shipping in hundreds or even
thousands of cars of fruit from
other point as much as 300 to
ft 90 miles away, calls for a better
hom supply, with a stabilization
ot prices OB - -a profitable; basis.
Mr. Van Trump believes that the
Bartlett pear, the Montmorency
cherry and the prune, using giant
powder to help la pe ' adequate
preparation ot U ;oiU will be
the great pay crops .of all the
larger fruits; with the berries 6ft
the .lower, flatter lands, and ir
rigated wherever possible, .
-l Walnuts and filberts, however,
he holds to be aa near the ideal
crops tor the lands dVwhich they
are adapted, as any fruits. They
offer ' the chance for a longer
harvest season than . berries, bo
that the farm owner can count
more safely on doing his own har
vesting and not have to depend
on outside labor. The present
berry situation, with o few com
mercial pickers, h Bays' is ;ida
largely to the coming In of so
many small-acreage farmers who,
with their families, used to be
Commercial pickers-- until they
saw that the berries " werej so
profitable 4nd tbeii they bought
little farms and became owners
without even enough help in their
own families to pick their Own
Containing More Than a
its covers practically every
4 F
. r . ' i '
Take this book home, ex
amine it carefully. If you
are not satisfied return
it 1 within forty-eight
hours and this paper will
refund your money. "
; ' Clip CoLpon Today
I rM"TT. f.t;l-T"t rrttrS-T
fruit. Now that these have be
come producers 1 instead -f help
ers, -both tbejr and -their - former
employers are helpless in face of
the TieliMshoTtacge problem.
" Mr; Van Tramp holds that the
eventual solution for this situa
tion la the planting of a larger
proportion of the later ripening,
longer' harvest reason tree crops
in connection with a modest acre
age of berries, bo that there can
be constant gainful femloy
ment of the farmer's own time as
a harvester an throtigh the sum
mer and fall season. The nut
crops fit especially well Into an
all-fall harvestand they grow so
finely in the Willamette valley
that to neglect them Is flying in
the face of Providence.
(Continued from page ;
end other senators have said they
shared that there was no immedi
ate legislation practicable : to. deal
with the present strike and that
legislative, action would have to
be confined ,to -coping ;with future
emergencies. . , , -
Kpgotlatlons Sought'
During the day Samuel ; Gomp-
ers, president or the American
Federation of Labor, issued a
statement calling upon the govern
ment to open "direct negotia
tions" between union chiefs and
employing " corporations both In
transportation and coal mining.
and suggesting that the "helpless
and all but defunct railroad labor
board" be set aside in the matter.
Senators Cummins, Watson and
Kellogg during their visit to the
White House,' told' the president
they had found ;the BenlorityHsi
sues the chief obstacle to settle
ment of the railroad strike, but
also, indicated 'that the leaders of
the striking' shopmen' were also
demanding that a new federal
board of mediation be set up to
consider transportation-labor con-
troversies; - vr
Railroad ' 'executives, the sena
tors reported would not reinstate
returning shopmen in the service
positions they formerly held, even
should the strike be called off,
because they claimed that a total
of nearly 240,000 men had been
employed to till the places of 00
000 strikers. These new men, it
was said, had been promised per
manent employment tf they devel
oped efficiency. "; '
Wage Scale Discussed
OMAHA, Neb., July fl. The
Union Pacific railroad is carrying
on negotiations with maintenance
ot way men regarding' wages al
though no agreement has been
reached, it became known ' here
late'today. :
' William Jefferles, general man
ager bf the Union Pacific, said J
"We are negotiating with the
maintenance 6f vit men at their
xequeoi uut uuimug uas uwn ue-
termlned." " v , , v,.
New Union Proposed J
ST. PAUL, July 21. FormatJoa
of .a new. shop workers .organlxa-H
tlon, composed of .new .employes J
,n r-r
and old men who refused to go on
strike, .has been started by then
Great Northern railway, the first
road reported to have begun such
action, it was announced here. to?
day,: ,: ; ' .;..
Troops in Readiness
AUSTIN, tex., July 21. No or
der' for state troops to be ready
to move1 to Denison to protect
shopment has been Issued from
the adjutant generals depart
ment, according to Major Charles
M. Crawford, assistant adjutant
general.. . -v . , . ..:..
. A machine gun company, had
been reported ordered held In
readiness at Waxahachle, but Ma
jor Crawford., denied having seen
any such order which would have
gone through his hands, he said.
' Many Train Annulled .
DETROIT, .Mich.,: July. 21.
Withdrawal ot 16 passenger trains
and -curtailment 'Of the runs of 10
others to but throe days a week
effective July 25, duo to tho' coal
shortage and railroad shopmen's
strike, was announced late today
by officials of the Grand Trunk
railway here. -
Conference Is Called
CHICAGO.. July 21. W. L. Mc
Menimen. member ot the labor
group of the railroad labor board,
announced tonight that he will go
to Mooseheart tomorrow Co confer
with James J. Davis, secretary of
labor, regarding the shopmen's
strike. Mr. McMenimen said he
had been' invited to meet Secre
tary ? Davis r at " Mooseheart s but
would not comment on' the mat
ters to be discussed. " ' "
' Troops Ordered Out
JOPLIN. Mo:.' Jhlv 21. Th en.
Ltire '203rd artillery anti-aircraft
regiment, Missouri national guard
jate tooay received orders to en
train for Macon, Mo., at noon to
morrow, according1 to Information
received here tonight " - - ,
(Continued from page'!.)-"
was asleep .when- Sherifr Orr
called at his place but had a
rifle haady'ln caso the'gutf was
needed. He 'made attempt
against the sheriff and deputies,
but related his story ta t"hesv and
thea ' accompanied -them' to this
city where he was confined In the
county Jail untu the date or his
bearing, i ; . - ;. v !
f. -t
C. Brimblecom to Lead
National Association
Other Officers Named
MISSOULA, Mont., Js?y 21.
J. C Brimblecom of " is'ewtoa.
Mass., acting president of the' Na
tional Editorial association was
promoted to the presidency with
out opposition - at the closing ses
sion cf its convention here this
afternoon. - u'
Wallace Odeil of Tarrytown, N.
Y., was named vice president and
O. M. Moss of White Fish, Mont,
chosen to fill Odell's place on the
executive committee. H. C. Ha
uling ot St Paul, Minn., succeed,
ed Grorge Scblosser of Wessfng
tCn Springs, S. D., as recording
secretary and W. W. Aikens was
re-eleeted treasurer.
Choice of the next convention
city was left to the executive com
mittee which was completed with
George E. Hosmer, past president,
Bradentown, Fla., George W. Mar
ble, Fort Scott Kas. WULWllke,
Minneapolis, Minn.; H. TJ. Bailey,
Princelown, and Frank Hender
son, Little Rock. Ark. Invitations
were received from West Baden.
Wash., New York, St. Louis, Cleve
land, Detroit, Ottawa Beach,
Mich., Columbus, Ohio; Tulsa and
Chicago. - The Mexican govern"
ment indicated in a message that
an Invitation would be issued for
the editors to meet in Mexico, if
tho government were assured, it
would be accepted.
.The editors went on record fav.
oring strict enforcement of pro
hibition and other laws; and pro.
motion of strong state organisa
tions. ..
(Continued from page 1.) .
These are the two extremes of
Marlon county high school costs,
so far as reported; there is one
school yet to come fn, that at St
Paul. The figures range thus,
tor the other schools besides the
two mentioned :
Woodburn, 51.7 cents per day,
or $93.06 a year.
, Salem, 54.3 cents per day, or
J $97.74 per yean ........
Turner, 52.1 cents per day, or
193.78 per year. -
Stay ton, 56.7 cents per day, or
$102.03 per year.
eotta Mills, -58.6 cents per day
or. $105.48 per'year. '
fs (Jefferson, 60,3 cents per day,
tyr $108.54 per year, and Hubbard
cents per . day or $134.82
Some of these figures do not
4 exactly tally with, figures recent
ly published, as in the Salem dis
trict, but in this computation it
4 is assumed that all were on a
"r .JTl iZ .
la -be year, which has not
f U It-time basis with 180 school
always been exactly the -case.
Sllverton has one of the espe
cially good high schools of the
county; Its cost is much lower
thatt the nearest competitor. This
may mean especially good man
agement, or the good fortune of
a good contributing territory that
brings in numbers of pupils for
regular instead of more closely
specialized work.' The Woodburn
school, second in the list for
economy of operation, has an ex
cellent optional course, with a
teachers' training department and
one or two other fine specialties.
At v that, however, , the cost has
been very moderated It has been
figured, ; however, that such a
consolidation ofliigh school work
as was- proposed during the year
for;,: Woodburn r should cut the
pVesent average cost away lower
than the present figures
The Stay ton school has the
reputation of "being? one of the
best for a towaof it size of
airy in the valley. AX It " has been
especially attractive to ' the am
bitious boys and girls, because
of its interest In Interscholastic
rivalries of all kinds; the 5 pro
portion of high school pnpils to
the grade school attendance is
said to be unique In. Oregon high
school annals. With all this,
however, the costs have been
kept well within. - bounds. Sa
lem, with its 1200 high school
students, has a departmentalized
scnool tnat offers almost a uni
versity range of choice In Its
courses. '. , ';.'.'."' " "
These figures are carefully
checked up, Jn. compliance3 with
the state high school tuition law.
that pays from the general fund
the tuition In some regularly es
tablished high school district,' lot
the students residing outside Of
(high - school districts. - It rests
with the student to . select his
school;' in Salem last year there
were pupils from a dozen coun
ties in Oregon, whose tuition was
paid through the public funds,
since they had no high school in
their home districts. -
:l It has" been estimated by the
county school officers that in
general It 1 would be a large sav
ing in cost and a far greater gala
in efficiency to establish more
consolidated districts and balid
up big enough schools to give the
range of " work demanded; While
the . Individual instruction given
by the one or two teachers In the
smalt school, along the. particular
J?becialties - of these -teachers,
may be better than the "larger
class Instruction - in -the" big
school, there 4s only one lren
clad set of .InstnrcUon that any
specialist can giro at htsur tier
best, and the psplU who want
something else are tlmply out of
luck. TThe large school, with the
wide range of choice -tof!ered.i 'Is
held to be Infinltelr the better
plan for educating. Some curi
ous class records In Salem and
Woodbnrn, where there" are some
fine specialties that attract stud
ents from a long ways, indicate
how much stronger Is the appeal
to both boys and -girls to carry
on their high school work," It
they can get what they want. In
stead of quitting in disgust at the
compulsory eighth grade. Only
the big school can go far enough
in . specialization to , hold these
restless ones ta sch.oot , ,
Some other consolidations are
to be. attempted this year, In the
intereat-of better, -and less ex
pensive education; I -
(Continued from page 1.)
only slightly higher than tho3e in
the existing taHrf law.
Duties Are Approved I
Duties approved by the senate
included: j .
Pile fabrics, manufactured in
any form 45 per cent ad valor
em. -
Table damask, 40 per cent ad
Towels and napkins of flax or
hemp, from 40 to 55 per cent ad
Handkerchiefs, from 35 to 45
per cent ad valorem. "
Clothing and . articles of wear
ing apparel not specially pro
vided for, 35 ' per cent ad valor
em; shirt collars and cuffs 40
cents per' dozen and 10 per cent
ad valorem.; ' -r- .. .
Woven fabrics, weighing ' not
less than 4 and not more than
12 ounces to the square ya'rd, 55
per cent ad valorem. ' :
Plain woven fabrics weighing
less than 4 ounces and not
more than 12 ounces to- the
square yard, 55 per cent ad valor,
era. .
Plain woven fabrics weighing
less than 4 ounces to J the
square, yard, 35 per cent ad valo
rem - ,
. Fabrics Arc Increased
Woven 'fabrics, commonly used
for paddings -Or Inter-lintngs, ' Of
flax or hemp, f5 per cent ad val
orem; of jute, 50 per cent ad
Woverf fabrics, not specially
provided for, 40 per cent ad valorem.--
' " - ' ; ! "' ' 'l
t Tubings, garters, suspenders,
braces, cords, tassels, 35 per Cent
ad valorem.- - - ' :
Single yarns,: in tbe gray, made
of ; flax,; hemp- or ramie, not 'less
than 30 nor more tban r0 pel
cent ad valorem.
Linoleum, 25 per cent ad val
orem; floor oil cloth, 20 per cent
ad valorem.
-Threads, twines and cords,
composed of two or more lyarda
of flax hemp or ramie, from 184
cents to 64 cents a, pound, with
a minimum rate of 40 per cent
ad valorem.
Cordage, including cables, tar
red or antarred, made of sunn,
2 cents a pound; made ot hemp,
3 cents a pound. ' " . f 1 k
' Hose,' suitable for conducting
liquids or gases, 1? cents a
pound and 10 -per cent. f f
Jute fabrics, bleached, printed,
etc., 1 cent a pound and 10 per
cent ad Talorem.
Store. Looted By
Burglars at Falls City
DALLAS, Or., - July 2 2 .Spe
cial to ' the Statesman) The
Courter Hardware store' at Palls
City was entered "by burglars
sometime early Wednesday, morn
ing and quite a large amount of
merchandise, including a rifle and
ammunition, about' four dozen
pocket ' knives, several saws "and
two safety razors were taken. A
deputy sheriff from the office of
Sheriff Orf. was in that city after
the robbery had been reported and
from his observations it is bellev
ed that the work was done by
parties Jiving In or about Falls
City. Entrance to the building
was made by cutting a "hole in
the back door of th building.
Father, 65, Will Answer
Grave Charges Today
M. L. Patterson,-ayed 65,. will
face G E. Unruh in justice court
this morning to 'answer to , a
charge of incest tiled against him
by: District Attorney John Carson
seteral days ago. Patterson) is
now; held in the county JalL una
ble to furnish the 1000 cash bail
imposed by the court when he was
giyearj.aj, preliminary, hearing
Thursday morning.
Pattersons daughter, Mrs. Dor
othy Hazel Radke, aged 30, is aUo
Involved in the case and will ap
pear before the court this morn
ing. Seven Dallas Men File for
A Position of Postmaster
"t'l?f. " - fr f
WASHINGTON, July 21. Fof
lowing are applicants for post mas
ter at Dallas, "Ore.; from whom an
eligible lisVof Ihreo Will be cho.
en: George L. Hawkins. Edward
D. Hamilton, Ulysses" S. Laugh
ary, William L;Sochren, Chester
G. Coad, Thomas B. Hooker and
John C. Ellls . V.J f , r
r i - - - - v. . . -
(is i , -
5 ,v -""" -""r
. ; ; W . . :.f . . , --t ,
s iv n-" - - . - ' s
!:"':;'..;--. - ' S. ' " '
iit ,v -
tii . '
' - " ' "CY 1- '
Wsjks , ' N- A V" - 4 : .
this presents William Tyler Page, clerk of the Caited States House ;
of Represedtatlve;: continuously la; service fo forty years. ' Mr.JPage
want to the House as a page in 1SSL Now he wants to fccceed Joseph
I. France of Maryland In the ?'"'te.'v' : ' N ,
WASHINGTON, July ;21. (By
the Associated Press.) How're
you going to catch a law-breaking
airman a thousand feet up In the
air when you haven't a plane, bal
loon, or even a step ladder to get
him with? That's the question
agitating the District of Colum
bia police today on the eve of
the going into effect of Washing
ton's newest and most stringent
traffic regulation ... . ... . J.
Hereafter, police , will be ex
pected to see that no flighty hu
man filer skims lower, than ,fhe
fixed safety limitsp that-none-"Of
them- attempt any fancy flying;
and, worst, of all, tbat every flier
over. Washington roofs has a
license. . J
It's the last section of the new
rule that 'bothers' the cops ' moat,
for there's not a single plane
owned by the-entire police- force
with which to stop the reckless
in mid-air to gruffly demand ia
sight of their permits; and what's
more, say police officers,' no one
on the force . sees any possibility
of there ever being one; -? ' ,
Nevertheless, - there's the law;
and . the coppers are scratching
their heads to find a way out
The air traffic rule is the di
rect outcome of the act of a com
mercial flier who - flew so low
over tbe" assemblage at the dedi
cation ot the Lincoln memorial,
last ' Decoration day, that jhe
drowned out Presdent Harding's
voice during his address. Public
and official denunciation quickly
aroused congress to the promul
gation of the regulation and stiff
fines now 'await ' the " unthinking
flier.. ' . ..
While the order was issued -a
Team Runs Away: : : - I
Man Thrown ; May IJie
: COTTONWOOD, Idaho, July 21,
Tony- Boune, residing three mllis
north '6f here, ; was probably fat
ally Injured late this afternoon
when a haying team he was driv
ing ran away;? throwing him into
a barbed wire fence, gashing his
head .and neck. ,' . n
Neighbors who saw the team
running" alone, found Bouno
caught -in the fence and exhaust
ed from loss of blood. It was
reported tonight that the Injured
man was dying.
Stork Visits Osaka;
!- H J 't jiatives' Overjoyed
OSAKA,' June 2. (Ev Mall)
A stork-r-a Teal, not the fabled
one-irecntlyi arrived in Osako.
In fact he made several visits and
the people as a result believe that
they are to for, a yeaT of rood
luck. The visitor came first I on
June 12 and remained for 25 min
utes on the roof of a. hniau
bu tiding - solemnly looking down
on a curious crowd that had gath
ered to watch him. On June 13
he spent nearly an hour on .the
root of: the prefactural assembly
hall in tbe same contemplative at
titude. - .......
Filipino Laborers Will
'"- Emigrate to Hawaii
l ' - - -
MANILA, P. I., June 29. (By
maII.)-iTea " thousand Filipino
laborers, will emigrate o Hawaii
ia 1922. according to an estimate
by the bureau of labor. An agent
of the bureau inspected 300 labor-
eta contracted - by the Hawaiian
Sugar Planters association; whi
Will loOn leat fnr TTawatt :
: ! Irf 1 92 1 dur.iBj1 tut. perltja
; N I - - I .
; i
- ' .
month ago, the, penalties do not :
go Into effect. until; midnight to
night.,. It Ma provided " that no
flier shall descend lower than
300 feet within the boundaries '
of the district, unless ' landing,' '
taking off , or en route to anoth-.
er point; that" all persons "except
United ' States agents, ' such as'
army, navy, marine corps . and
malt filers,5 most hi duly licensed
pilots; that no trick flying shall..
ie" attempted under any circum
stances: and that aviators shall
land only at designated fields. k
Qualified, pilots will be granted
free 'licenses by the district com
missioners, "and licenses v Issued
by any. lawfully' created board of
any state or by any branch of the
federal government will be ac
cepted In quaUflcation. j However,,
pilots.; passing ' over the district
without descending into the safety V;
zone, wilj' not 1e xp'ecCed to hav
a" . license. ' 1 ' s i.;V".
Police officials do. not .expect
air traffic to become a very great -problem
for some time " yet,')' so
they will rely upon tho Integrity '
of pilots to keep wlthia the law.
If any of them try . tp pull the
wool over police eyes by fleeing .
after . they break the law, eagle
eyes will mark their descent and
they'll 'be nabbed anyway
r 'At . least: one such recalcitrant
flier who " made;., nuisance of
himself, as well as a' possible
danger, by flying low. over a
crowded ball park and' throwing
out' advertising "fliers," has al
ready fallen Into police clutches,
officers . said. When . ho landed!
a copper was awaiting " him "With (
a warrant" for-breaking- the -law '
in regard to cluttering ;publ1
places with paper, v- . ' ji
from January tc fay,' Fili
pino laborers went to Hawaii,'
while the record from January to -May
in 1922 exceeded this figure,
bjr 2213. The record shows the
emigration to Hawaii' daring' the'
last three years was as follows:;
In 1919, 2805; 1920, 3454; 1921
6817. "'" ,
Student (to surgeon) What
did yoa operate on that man fort
Surgeon Two hundred and fif
ty dollars.
Student Tes, but I. mean wbat
did the man have? . ' -
Suigeon-Two hundred and fif
ty dollars. Boston Globe. C '..-' i
Dr. Walter Kathenau, strong
matt of the German Government
who urged acceptance of the re
public . and, favored peace with
France, was shot dead ia tho
Gruenwald -while. 03 bis .way to
hi oSlco, . . . j
! -