The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 19, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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11"" WENTY-EIGHT girls will
r Jr leave tomorrow morning for
' Taylor's Grove near Me-
hama where they will camp for
' week. The camp is to be un
I der the direction of the Y. W. C.
A. and the girU going are of jun-
ior high school age... Miss Miriam
$ E. Anderson, general secretary
i Of the Y. W. C. A. will be one of
' the advisors wtlth the : group.
I Others will Include Miss Jennelle
? Vandevort. and Misa Josephine
Bfosa. Mary Erick son of the
; senior Ugh school Girt Reserves
club .will, teach nature study to
4 the younger, girls while in camp.
!' Thosfr making; the trip will in
.CludeMarTell Edwards,, Gladys
1 Miller,. Rosalind Van Winkle, Ro
salie Buren, Delores Williams,
, t Dorothy Baker, Faye Wolx, Helen
Richardson. Gertrude Ohler.
' Eleanor .Everall, Ruth . Kuser,
Bethel Johns, DotIs Hicks. Myrtle
' Page. Virginia Billings, Veda Ter
rell, Josephine Albertay Marpory
IS 1 Ml
Adda Garrtaoa'a 5ew Phaae of
Shrodc, Thelitaa Hewitt, Rose Es-
kelson, Delphlne Johns, Winifred
Gamble, Eugenia Fisher and Gail
The girls wil sleep out of doors
although sufficient tents will be
available to care for the group
in case of rain, according to Miss
Anderson. A regular camp sched
ule will be observed with a dip in
the water before breakfast, regu
lar rest hours, study hours, swim
ming and closing with a camp
fire in the evening. The girls
plan to enjoy story sbelling around
the camp fire after dark.
General and Mrs. George White
and their two daughters have re
turned from a ten days' trip to
Medford, Ashland and Crater
Lake. They were accompanied by
Col. and Mrs. Creed Hammond,
and Capt. Paul Hathaway of tho
army post at Vancouver, Wash.
Miss Audrew Kerr of Leth
bridge. Alberta, ia visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Ora P. McTntyre and
her uncle, William Sibbald. Miss
schools in Lethbridge and . . ia
spending her vacation in Oregon
and other coast parts.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Ram
seyer will leave Salem on Thurs-
Aisi vnnrnincr fnp 9 trin nnrth f f
the Sound cities. While there REVELATIONS OF, A WIFE
they will make the trip o Rainier
Naional park, going on to Van
couver and Victoria, B. C. for
several days. They will make the
trip by auto, and expect to be
away about two weeks
Mrs. W. P. Lord and Miss Elis
abeth Lord with their house
guest. Miss Eft'.e Kroll of Cali
fornia, wtill leave today for Eu
eene where they will ir be.' the
Dicky possesses one virtue
raised to the nth power. In his
own vocabulary he is "no welsh
er.' Therefore I knew that if he
Brant. Margaret .Millard. Minnie Kerr is an instructor in the city
o a a n
aA tho Via renin I had 1nt
guests of Miss Lillian Auld They pl.oposedto avert hi3 mother's
"u fu V rhlfwrath against himself in return
while In the southern part of the A, ... ri f.
lUT Ilia - BIU UL majt auiiauu a
hospitality he would carry it out
to the last letter of the alphabet.
I didn't look at him again. I
simply lifted my hand and knock
ed upon the door to my mother-in-law's
compartment. At the
sound Dicky's hesitation vanished.
He spoke hastily:
"All right. I'll get 'em togeth
er," and he was gone around the
corner of the corridor before
Mother Graham had opened the
door. From inside the room I
heard Junior's walls, and knew
that my prophecy as to his crying
for his delayed breakfast had been
"Well. I hope you're satisfied!"
she greeted me ludicrously, as if
state. Miss kt on. wno nas oeen
visiting in Salem . for a month
will return to ber home from
Miss Hazel McGIIchrist of Mon
mouth spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Guests at the R. Lamb home
are Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Mercer of
Jefferson, Wis.
Mtsa Evelyn Stevenson is home
following1 her vacation which was
spent at Newport.
Among those going to the beach
for a few weeks are Mrs. Amos
are only a few com
fortable houra away
by Southern Pacific
The tang of i the salt
sea air at these
chaitming seashore re
sorts, will pay you big
dividends ' in Health,
Joy and Happiness.
$6.65 Round Trip 15-,
Day.Tickets On Sale 'J
Friday land ' Saturn
day. . Good for 15 ,
days. .
$7.45 Round Trir
Season Tickets. On
sale daily-good un
til September 30th.
Read about the Vacation Places' in our 1922 "Oregon
Outdoors" folder tit is beautifully illustrated and brim
ming full of details including hotel and cottage infor
mation.", Copies are FREE on request.
. .For further particulars' ask any agent
1 : ; JOHN M. SCOTT,
General Passenger Agent.
w ,r-'a. V- 1
- 4, ..r X 1
J i ,-; - V-!--T J
V.- ';c j .:,-.' , v j1 f
? l" 'i?;V If'
-fvvi"i..- ;!.'. J I
Is crandstandlns for publicity at
some one else's expense. .
- Chief of Police.
few Shingle Mill t i
Started Near Silvcrton
SILVERTON. Ore-. Jnly 18j.-
i. -. - .i - - -
(Special to The Statesman.
B .v.. starana nas onenea a. juuitn
gle, mill on the Walter lUdley
ranch In the Sllverton Hilla. The"
mill is located tn an excdlaat
piece of timber which It Is estl
mated can furnish contlnnona op
erations for two years. ". The tim
ber Is. yellow fir, some of the trees
reaching the enormous site ol 7
1-2 feet through.
Mr. Steveni . it.u experienced
la an 4a, th iiilnile- builnesa. .
General Banking Sexiness
Office Hours from 10 al rn to p. a,
f haV tollhorflrolv nlnnni thi lna.
BI.U..3 .UM o ,ng of my baby,g food TheQ
r- Vfro n Tl U'Mi a TP
. ,w r'ei;. f; f; hands, still steaming,
at Belknap- Hot : BpHan - for a few
a ays. air. vucn mnuu,
w.liV. Tnrtthpp 1a; rtnA of th Bar
..VWf.. - " I T ,. ....... .
tv. Dr. and Mrs, John R. Sites M"r ramisnea
are Just home from the springs.
jaw dropped with astonishment as j
she noticed the cup of milk in my.
she snapped,
Mrs. Ben Hooper of Oshkosh, Wis., who Has just been chosen as
a candidate for the United States Senate by the Democratic party of
her State. Her platform Is built on peace for the world.
Miss Viola Ash Is spending two
weeks in Newport.
Miss Ames Sprague is spending
her vacation in Marshfield.
MUs Edith Halley of Woodhurn
is a guest at the J. B. Liittle home.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Chase
were cuests In Salem Sunday
with friends.
m. . .... .. A
The Buesiness and Professional ore answering her. I wanted no
Women's club i will not hold its argument which would delay that
weekly luncheon today, according process. A hungry child is to me
to an announcement of the com- one of the most pitiful things In
mitteo In charge. The luncheon the world.
is postponed because of the clos- "Maj. Grantland sent it to Jun-
ing of business houses In baiem ior," I said sedately, aa I set down
The Aid society of the Jason
Lee church will meet Friday with
Mrs. IP li. Fraizer on North Sum
mer street.
I crossed to the crying child be
fore answering her.
"Here, Lover," I coaxed In the
time immemorial way of mothers.
"Here's some nice milk for you."
Junior's tears Btopped as If by
magic, and he scrambled up on the
berth with his hands held out en
gagingly for the cup.
"I asked you where you got
that," Mother Graham repeated
crossly. "How do you know it's
anything fit for him to have?
He'd better go hungry than eat
something that would make him
I let Junior drainn the cup be-
that Dicky had it all the time?"
I asked coldly. "I'd like to know
what I could possibly have to do
with It."
"I heard what you said," she
retorted, and I saw that she was
faBt working herself up into one
of her tantrums, and prepared my
self to bear something vicious. I
prepared also to overlook it. for
I saw that the strain ot the jour
ney and the reaction of her nerves
upon finding the food for her be
loved grandson after her fear that
it was lost had robbed her of self
control and common sense. She
was irritated, upset, and she was
striking blindly at anything with
in reach. And the nearest object
happened to be myself.
"Oh, I'm not blind!" she went
on. "Mrs. Durkce told me that
Maj. Grantland went after you
and brought you to the station
last night. Of course, that's all
right in itself," she amended hast
ily, "but I can tell you that you're
geing much mores interested In
alright now and Jhe said "yes
and he called a axl cab and went
He was brought to town by the
officer just the same as anybody
else had they been hurt or in need
of help. The police committee
called and asked about the. matter
and talked to the officers and
learned that the whole matter had
been enlarged upon to cause
I do not know who started the
story but it has. been called to my
attention that a former member
of the department who quit lately
becaxuse he had been found asleep
in the Southern Pacific depot af
ter midnight when he should have
been about his duties and who vio
lated several other rules of the
office was telling a story such as
the committee had heard. I sup
pose this Is for spite. I do not
know. God has not put breath in
the man that I have to lie to
about anything. .and I feel that my
word is as good as Vandervort's
any place and any time, and 1
Alighted matctothfewick fiyour
oil cookstove is instantly ready .It con
centrates clean, steady Heat directly
on the cxkini? utensil.' -
the empty cup.
Caustic Comment
"He was driven to his grave."
"Sure he was. Did you expect
him to walk?" Lord Jeff.
$1 Choice of 150 Trimmed HATS $1
(Millinery Section)
. Lower
amtv bummer Dresses
v ,iii i mnrffian rlpHcrhted at the wide ranee of styles offered in this sale of
ftimmpr frnrka. Srjort Silks of exceptional elegance, fine woolens in novel effects,
choice selections in, high grade ginghams, all included at; a great saving. With this
sale in force there is no excuse for going away on a summer irip wiuwui ttuuute
wearing apparel 'We believe we are off ering Salem women thegreatest opportu-
nity to buy ready to wear ior less money t nan na3 oew uncicu 9CnciC um
season. !
Hi t
Sports Suits, values to $37.50; now $18
Silk Sport Dresses at. .XA Less
Wool Sport Dresses at. Ul-3 Less
White and Colored Dresses at
$9.50 to $11.98
Voile Dresses, Clearance $6.50 to $18.00
Gingham Dresses... $4.98 to
Maisonette House Frocks $2.50 to $4.25
Fancy Jap Crepe Dresses $2.25 to $5.2j
Bungalow Aprons 89c to $1.50
Fancy Silk Scarfs, Ideal for! Beach or
Outing wear at! L ; i.J3 .Price
White and Colored Waists, regular $2.25
to $3Ji0 values now $1.50
Fancy Crepe de Chine Blouses, Clear
ance . 55.00
One lot J White and Colored Tricolette
and Crepe de Chine Blouses $1.50
One lot fancy Sports Skirts $4.98
One lot f fancy Colored Sports
. Skirts $5.98
White, Navy and Fancy Skirts $8.50
Thi3 lot includes Skirts made from the
famous Rashariara and Dewkist fabrics
20 off on All White Footwear
. ... v -" j' ' ; .
sV .
Good Gooda.
"I'll warrant he didn't lose his
feed box," my mother-in-law
snapped. "He's as fussy over his
comfort as an old maid."
My impulse was to answer her
tartly, for-her Injustice to the
man who had provided the ham
per of food solely for our comfort
angered me, but instead I replied
with careful casualness:
"Neither did we lose ours. It's
just outside the door."
. I walked past her, opened the
door where Dicky had set the box
down, picked it up and returned.
My mother-in-law looked at me
"Where did you find it?"
"Dicky had it with his things."
'Well! why in creation didn't
you hurry back to fix the poor
child's own food for him Instead
of waiting for that fool Grant
land's stuff?"
Simply because Dicky didn't
appear with the box until after
Maj. Grantland had given me the
milk," I replied with tartness in
my own tone, for I wag getting a
bit tired of the inquisition. "The
thing I was most interested in was
getting something for Junior
"Yes, It looks that way," my
that jackanapes than you've any know that no one can question the
right to be. When a woman can
forget her baby's food because of
a good-looking 'man it's' time she
called a halt. That's all I've got
to say."
(To be continued.)
integrity of such men as Mr
Ralph Thompson, Mr. Marcus and
Mr. Giesy who are on the police
committee. They are as good men
as ever were in a city council.
Vandervort never comes near
the police station like other mem
bers of the council to find out
about anything.
He doesn't understand before
I having his investigations but goes
at everything on hearsay. What
his motive is in doing this way is
only to be guessed at, unless he
No coal or wood to lug; or. ashes' to
shovel outclfebwd'IdtchmTfiee
from dirt and smoke, .
. f- -ff.1Jr ri"rrl
To obtain best results, t. Pean Ou ,
the cleari-bting, uriifo
sene scientifically refined arid) re-'
refined by a special process. . ,
Pearl OH is sold by dealers' eVeryV
where. For your own protection order
by name Pearl OiL w , .
. (California)
C lr "
Chief aioffitt Explains. f
To the Editor,
Oregon Statesman.
In regard to the much discussed
Andrew's case which has been be
fore the public ot late I would like
to make an explanation so far as
the police department is con
cerned in the case.
"I have nothing to say for or
against Dr, A. B. Andrews whom
Alderman Vandervort accuses me
of releasing after he had been ar
rested except this: The doctor
was never arrested and neithei
was he drunk. It is true, how
ever, that he was in jail andVthi
is how It happened according to
the officer who brought hira In
and the sergeant in charge at the
police station. The fire repart
mother-in-law sneered, as she bus- m,e ifceived a call after mid-
ied herself with undoing' the grip
i containing the food. Junior, tem
porarily satisfied with the warm
i milk, was engaged in hugging me
ecstatically. , "You took such good
care of it last night."
I looked at her with angry as-
i tonishment.
"Didn't you hear me tell you
. . . aa
night that a car was burning up
soutn or town on the slough road.
One of the firemen asked the of
ricer if he wanted to ride out and
see wiiat it was and he went
When he arrived at the scene of
the fire the car had burned up
and Dr. Andrews was standing
aDout 100 feet from It watching1
u in a dazed condition. As the
officer approached him fie fell in a
faint; the officer thinking he was
injured hailed a passing car and
brought him to town. On the way
In he came out of his faint and
grew violent and to keep him from
breaking any glass, out of the se-
aan and from clawing himself
me onicer handcuffed him. II
have done this myself on "two, e- j
caslons when I brought, men to
the station who had fits on the
6treet to keep them from hurtinz
themselves till they came out of
the fit. After the officer got the
doctor to the station he went into
another faint.
It was at this time that the ser
geant sent the officer to my homo
and I got up and came to the sta
tion and the sergeant told me of
the doctor's actions. He had been
Pnt in the Jail where he conld
have a bed to lie down on instead
of the office floor tin I could et
to the station. When I arrived
he had become normal again and
wanted to know what had hap
pened and why be was hand
cuffed. I explained to him and lie
told me "Yes I remember now;!
I was trying to put out the fire
and a couple of cans of ..ether I
had under the front seat exploded
and the fumeg nearly got me I
Better. Heawier,LongerWeariajf s
30rx3yIOr9o NoTax
4 ;"-. "
SCO set the iiigh value mark
for 30 -7t'3Yl. ttrcs when it
originated the $10.90 price
last FalL ,
USCO today betters that
mark with a new and greater USCO an
USCO improved in many important ways.
For instance, a thicker tread with a.
surer hold on the road thicker aide walls,
adding strength and life to the tire.
And the price is $10.90-Hvith the
tax absorbed by the rrianufocturer.
Meti have always looked to
USCO for the biggtst tire
money's worth on the market.
They always get a bigger
tire money's worth than1
they expect.
The -i
, Better ;
tZZZi ;
U n ite d States Tl rds.
Uiihed States Rubber Compiny
r. . ft.. -.,.
Where You
Cdri Buy '
U. S. Tires j
Gingrich Motor, and Tire
Company,, Salem
W. M. Hughes, Salem
Ira Jorgensea, , Salem , . . .
Marion Antooobile Co- Salem
A. L. Hramster, Salem :. -
DcJardin Bros, llopmera ; ;
L ,F. Montgomery, Qulnaby . .
Lilly Hardware Company, Staytoa ,
A. I Bonea, Tnraer
guess." I asked him if he felt