tiIE OREGON STATESMAN.' SALEliJ OREGON ' SATURDAY MORNING JULY 15, 10; k - ; A. S T J ) I, i. CLASSITIED ADTERTI8gMgTS Ret par word! . Per Insertion i - Three insertions. Ona tMk i lirtkn) -30 Sin months' contract, per aae. im 13 nMtbt' eeotract. a3e , Minimum for Mr sdvertAaeni t 25e i NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burgbardt. Jr., Resident Agent 371 State St- J ... MONEY-TO LOAN ... On ReaKEstate v. -t :;-v t.' K.KORD (Over Ladd ft Both Bank) NEW TODAY TOR BALE 125 TEARLINO WHITE Leghorn bene ot 1 each. Also '45 . F two year olds at 75e sack-. Lloyd A. Lm. Fruitland road. -ROOM HOUSE . H PENDLETON r an (xl far $43 per month. to trade far ao-aa in.Balam. or 8250 mort- care an ISO acres of improved land. Address r. W. Hssk.ll. 708 Academy street. Dallas, Ore. . ' : Must be Sold ?";,, 20 seres all in cultivation, S seres of berries and fro it, fair building. 19 miles north of Balem, 3 anile from paved highway. A bar fain for $2000. f With 91000 comm. r ?j Trromason S3m 8tat trt " -GOOD MORTGAGE 65 FOR BALK, ilaomi narabla sami-aanasllr. S'S. i Kectirit r a limes mortgsgo. bc mu ft. Coplar. 31tt- mats street. ' . . : THE McMINNVILLE CO. WROTE OVER ; r 9M.0O0.0O0 insoranro durinc 1921. a -' sahataatial testimonial of the merits of iU policy. Hundley ft Foley, sf ' eats. Bosh Bank Bldg. Phono 547. Why Pay Retit ! house with 9130 down and 915 Pr -I aranth. : , " , ' I I , , i -j- Thomason r I ? ',. -'" . 3314 Bt:t strsot ' . f ' f Jvnu Bit.K ST OWNER i 4THOICE building Iota, conveniently located on pavod street, eoment walks. With city water. Jasr good school 1 and . i alrsot car. Priced raaaanably. 9430 p. Terms. Phoao 393 J after 8 a.m. ? THtRTY BERRT PICKERS WANTED. J iOo crate for Saturday. Good piek lag. OneJhalf sailo oasi of Asylum, s ' W. H. Morrly.. ... f " Special ' To trade, stock of groceries and futures, 1 . rar and somo cash, for tapnao not,' over , 93000. - ! . 4 r Ihomason 83m Sis to street 1 A P A RT M E NT rR RENT PHONE INVESTORS 91300 WANTED ON Al t galem residence. First.1 No rommis- sion. 7. Berks, Hendricks. 205 U. 8. Bank Bldg. . 'i; if. - ' ' t HIGHLY IMPROVED PRUNE AND NUT ranch, 33 iaeres best bosriag wranes. r 7 acres over all. See this at fzwto. : . Berks ft Hendricks, 205 U. S. Bsnk bnlldinr. i S - Wanted,; Home ! , , Kestly designed snd subataatiallyl built. , Fireplace, furnace, bsth, etc ' Psved street. A - desirable homo at $4000. ; Krueger, Oregon Bids. , Phono 217. Jj VACANT TODAY MODERN 5 ROOM cottage. Will sell with light fixtures, lilinds, everything complete and fin-, - , Ished. fireplace and full cement baao I'J ment. Sidewalks and paving. I Price 934M). N" Reasonsbloi -terms. ; Beeko -ft Hendricks. 205 U. 8. Bonk BSdx. 5 FOR SALE "OREGON JEWEUV 'AND doe kid. Inquire 700 North High. v FOR SALE BY OWNER. LARGE MOD a. era hoaso.. three Mocks from broinets ,7 center, ono to high school. ' Built in featares. two toilets, barlv full baao '. anenl; fruit trees. Lot 00x165. Br t gaia at 945(H). Term. k , Also excellent lot, on block north of high school; old fir room choose with ; pooaibility of remodeling. Sold for value of lot alone. i-rico ' sijow. Terra. Phonot 893-J after 9 ' a.m; ; New 1922 Baby Overland y At a Big Discount 4-i J Thia ear haa never been run. has license ond ertra tiro.: , j . j It ywu wsnt to save, money en n new automobile, see this! . - . r i . --a Factory guaraateo goes ' with 1 this car. .- See it at 156 South Commercial street , ' or phono 1053 R or 801. ! ' Best; Buys T ' 75 acres sandy - river bottom, "beat of pntsto. berry, filbert., walnut, ciherry - of pear land) in tho valley. ' near psved highway, close to good town; all well fenced, finest of running water, good fishing. 93000, 4)17501 cash, bal- aaco to be assumed. - ! j ; Socolofsky r ' - 841 State i J : Own Your Own Home 1 Why pay rent when' yon csn buy a good . wuM, i wni -rooiaa, saa,voiie elec tric lirfila. aas. full baaement. rarace. corner kit only one block oft State street, close la. SmsU psymenf down, balance like rent. Price 9JOOO. Choice vacant lota. 920O and upv For farm . bargains e . ! .. Childs & Bechtel NOTICE OF FIXALi ACX'OUAT 'Nolle Is hereby glvf a that the final, account bf Carl ! A. Glee as ; administrator . of the! esUte of Marjr Frances Caeto. deceased. baa been filed In the county court of Marlon county, Oregon, 3 and J that the Jlst day of Aii'gust, 1922, ; at the hour of 10 oclock a. m. haa been duly appointed bjr such court 1 as the time- and the court house. balem, Oregon, as the place for bearing of objections to such final account and the settlement there of, at which time any person in terested In sach estate 'may ap pear and file objections thereto and contest the same. k Cairl A. Gles. II Adnlnistrator of the above named eatatte. "EMPLOYMENT WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG .MAN wh has had aiperiaoee selling life L '."c 'ooka or advertiaing. Matt be able to devoto his entire time and ? "Mttons j for. advaaeement. Must . asve the eoorsgo to present 1 Mines r.ivKia u merrnsnts and proles sioaal mea. : Aaswar la tnr mmm hmmA writing, stating age, odacatioaal qsslh ' IICRtMnS. IIMrtIM AlUitna mtm ... . . - r ......... w ww ww.,...vt, Address I-No. 81." Btatesmsa offlc. V Sttteinua CTasilfltd Ada . I EMPLOYMENT MALE AJTS IXXAXJt riVE LOOANBERRY PICKERS WAST i d. Tr4 elos in; good picking, trsa sportation given, carrier emptied. W. r .:. ui, i! . uoerty. WAITED ME3t AND WOMEN TO take lira. paper subscriptions A rood 1 prwpositiou to tha right people. Addrras the rscifie ti toad. Statesman BJdg. : Salem, Ore WANTED TES LOO AX BERRY PICK era for ana of the west patches in the Salem district, a tent, over two weeks picking yet. Caapiag facilities, wood, water, etc. TranaportaMon provided. Phono 12EI1 before ajs. or altar S -p.m. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published, free for stamp. Cor- respondent. Toledo. Ohio. FOR SALE POULTRY ABOUT 200 W. U EARLISO HENS hesry layers. Yoor choice 93 each. .91.50 each .for flock. Aabnrn Road. IV. A.. Dowd. Ronto . 'beg 123. t , POULTRTMEN - SEND EIGHT T-V eent stamps for special three rtsatl. trial for the beat and. oldest Journal f la ths west. The article and adver- ; tisemeata are of special Interest to tha : poultry breeders ef the northwest. nortnweat Fault rj Journal, !U C mereisi street, ttalem, uregoa. rAXH PAPER IP TOC i WANT TO GET THE REST farm paper, sand 15c to tbo Peeifie Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a three ,i uw no. . WOOD FOOT AND 18 INCH DRT MILL wood m any quantity. Trsey Wood ;o. mono oiv. BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 18 IXCTL . 3 ft. and 4 ft. Prompt deliverr. Special price on ear lots. Wo can make delivery on ash, second growth and old growth fir about July 15. Fred E. Wells. 80S a Church. Phono 1543. ALL KINDS OP WOOD POR SALE big fir And osk. 18 inch. Order taken for immediate or futuro dellv' Ties. C. D. Query, Livesley Station. rnon 77rz. . OLD 19 IN. P1K, 99: 8EC0HD. 4 FT. 98. Ash. Phono 1487. UVE STOCK FOR SALE SOW AND PIGS. PHONE 7F3. t KXSCEUtAKEOVS BLACKCAP RA8PBERRIES 92 PER crate delivered. Ward K. Richardson. phono V4. FOR SALE BULL DOO PUTPIES. also good talking parrot. - Tho Bird and Flower Store. 273 Bute. BRAND ffEW HIGH GRADE PIANOS lor rent. jr. i. mm Furniture Co. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a bendle. ' Circulstion depart meat, Oregon Statesman. ' LOGANBERRIES 91 26 PER CRATE. delivered snr part of city. 75c por rrste pilck them voorself. 2233 Fair grounds ! Road. Phono 881 -J. FORAt.tf MY TEAM AND HARNE8S. Well bmke for farm work. .Bargain 985. 925 buys sll-round siogla horse. A-1 condition. Call at, residence, 156 Front street, Bslem. 8UMMER LUGGAGE REDUCED WALL" paper "remnants, piaster wall Hoard. Velvet ' stair rsrpet, 91.85. Kndur nneo .high grade house paint. Kaiso mino, 10c pound. Cotton mattresses. 98.50. i Steel springs 85.00. Max O. Burea. 179 N. Commercial St. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" I and eleven) other Oregon soars, together with e fin rolleolMtn ; of patriotic onga, tscrtd song, and many old time favorites ALL FOR 25a "fBpoei! priceo In qnantity lots) Especially adaptable for school, common Uy or home singing. Bend for The Western Songster TS pages, now in its third edit ion. , ' Pwbliabed by - ORKOOK TEACHERS MONTHLY ' 215 R Commereisl Bt. Salem. Or. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT. 1132 Center. FLATS FOlik RENT - FULLY FURNISHED modcra fivs room flat, at WVi rer ry street. 950 s month. Immediate possession. Apply at Statesman of fice. Fiona 23. 1 BOOMS ARLINGTON. HOTEL CLEAN, COSY; 0e p.i 463 State. - . MODERN . ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN Centrally located. Must giro same sad reference. Address A. car Statesman FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOM8 WITH private bath, also single rooms. 1080 Chemekfta street. Pboa 1260. i riANOS BRAND NEW HIGH GRADE PIANOS for rent. H. L. Stiff rurniture vo. WANTED MISCfLLAJTEOCS WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, ETC. Phone 511. RED RASPBERRIE8 WASTED WARD K. Richardson. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER - CapiUl XHty Bedding Co. mono i WANTED TO RENT ! STOCK : AND grain farm. Oct, 1st. B. r. ruray. Route 2. Albany. Oregon. WANT TO LEASE ON SHARE Or crop, ioganberry vineyard, a v acres, s East D street, Salem. Address , M. t. Getter, route 7. boa 1.-. . RING AND LAMBERT CHERRIES wanted; for immedisU aeiivery, . rr miuia pnid for largo fancy oualtty. also red raspberries wanted. Ward K Richardaoa. phono 494. WANTED FURNITURE. T00L8. MA chinerv.. stock.' ate. Will buy tor eean or aeil en commission. Phono all Woodry, tho auctioneer. i -- . WANTED j EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and rurnitur. Best price pafi THE CAPITAL HARDWARE a rimNrrnitie co. 285 N. Commercial Bt. . Phone St7 CHERRIES . WE ARE RECEIVtNt, Royal Anne and waternousoi www at Maann-Ehrman warehouse, comet Hi,h ml II ill atreeta. and will eon i.n rmim 1 a'rlnrk - In tho uwmin ontU 7 at night 8uadaya and holiday included, until the crop la all in. We . want thorn now. Don't wait until lhe get overripe ana ic wo , tbM. Wo are navlaa the highest prwa la Salem and ran nao any amount ... hava . Deliver all black sher ries at Manxis Brothers warehonse. ! Trsde and High streets. l.yonsi 'Glace Fruit Co.. 899 B. Higl. rnon 84l or call Msngis Broa, 717. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST TUESDAY AFTERNOON ON road to Siaour'a i landind. woat ' Kiser ssekooinouao. novo roow; , arm, black and green color. Finder pleaw leavo at tbia'ofnee. - Reward. - Classified Ads, Th The Statesman Cring Results BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIOVEEX ACCTIOXEIR P. K. WOODRY. THE livestock, furniture; real estate aae tioncer. Phone 511 for sale date. Res. 1610 X. Summer. Auto Directory TRUCKS FOR 8ALE OR TRADE REO TRUCK. 1021 model, perfect condition. Will trad for roal estate, produce or will aell on eaay teres. Thia i an excep tioaallv good bay. If yon want a raal good bargain apply immediately. Phone or cslL The People' y Cash Store. BATTERY AND EXECTRICIAJf AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROD bie shooting. 218 . ttigh. , Phoa SOS. : PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Kvpert battery and electrical work. Fair is Bros, Phono 1803. 418 Court. ACETTLEVS WKLDIXQ IRON. STEEL. BRASS. ALUMINUM Bring the pieces, - Oxo-Ga , Heating Co. 337 Coort. , . .. TIRES AJtD - ACCESSORIES USED PARTS I S TO V, OFF. MIKE'S . Auto W rockier . House, . 424 North Commereiel. Phono 523. : 10,000 MILE . GUARANTEE AGAINST -: stone bruises,-rim rata and blowouts, The Hydro-Toron Tiro, for Bale by. Yew , Park store. 12th and Leslie. . Phono 9. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Psrlor. 110 North Commercial street. Phono 956. CEMENT CONTRACTOR CALL 1253 J FOR FIRST CLASS CE .ment work. Porches, steps and side walka n specialty. CHINESE PHYSICXAJr DR. U M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St, phone 283. CARPETS AJtD IXUTT ROQ8 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW wesvo fluff t ags made out of old car pet, any - length or width yon deaire. We also re fit, re-sow and sis carpets. . Feather reaovatiag and mattress steam ing and re-making. Bslem Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rug Works. Phon 1154. DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS." 175 N. Commercial street, phone 167. BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT Phone 184. ELECTRICIANS 8ECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By contract:' by hour. At pre-war price. H W. Hatch. Phone 1203 J. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Refiniahing .and upholstering .a specislt. Phone 1742. Brown and Groves. 1201 South Commercial. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery. C. F. Breithsupt, florist, 133 North Liberty street. Phono 980. FINANCIAL IF YOU NEED A LOAN ON REAL ES tate see M. J. Hunt. Lsdd ft Bush Building. 20 YEAR FARM LOAN'S ON RURAL credit plan, pre payment provision al lowed. We will finance you for less rat of interest thsn any firm on the coast. Private money to loan on either city or country property. . R. W. Marsters 41 1 Oregon Building. LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPERTT Plenty of raoner: -no' delay. Call 331 V, State street. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN as a or la t ion haa money to loan at 54 percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-treasurer. 803 Salem Bsnk of Commerce. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING RUTH Me A DAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Phone 1824-M. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING. designing. Spneer corsets to order. 3 McComsek Bldg. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladies tsilor ing, for old and new customers. 852 N. 12th St. Phone 2085-R MAUD SIMONS. DESSMAKER 1710 Bellevue Bt. HEMSTITCHING "NEEDLEWORK 8H0P't ALL KINDS of - fsney work and hemstitching done. 121 8. Commercisl street. MRS. BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTtTCH- ing. Mail orders solicited. 175 8. 19th Phone 174-M. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. plesting, buttons, stamping and needle work. 329 Oregon Bldg. Phoao 979. MRS. a E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. Stamping, braiding, hand embroidery, batten. Room 10. over Miller' tore. Salem, Oregon. Phono 117. MILLINERY HATS FROM 91 UP MRS. C - A. Grimm. 519 Court street. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. C. Batch, agent, room a. MeCoraack Bldg. Phone 96. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 B Liberty atreet. Phon 35. Uldott larg at beat. Established 1889. 3APITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. MEDICAL FOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517- W. - - PAUfTINO tXVTRAOTORS AINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. I., v. Brandon, contractor. S65 North High. Phono 645-J. . NURSERY STOCK a-RITITLAND NURSERY FINE LAROK , atock of Italisn prune trees snd atari all kinds of leading aursT? stock for fall delivery. Pawns 1140 M. 161 a 14th street. - JOMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornsmentais. vspttai uij ar sery Co, 426 Oregon Bidg. Phon 75. PLUMBING 3ALL PATTON PLUMBINO CO. , year repair work. 1792 Jl. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397 J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. PERFUMB AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX tracts, to 'let article". . Mr. Meyer. V 179 oeitl a are. rnene RESTAURANTS HUB RETAURANT MOST REASON able prices. Johnson-Barry. 159 8. ': High. - . ,. VOODLE PARLORS WA - HONG NOODLE HOUSE. , 439 ' Frrry." . r .-'c BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP sney. 40e: puffed rice. 30c: noodles. 20e: fried noodles, aoc. 189 8. Ut Read the Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS MUIICAl MRS HENRY LEE PIANO. 122J CspiteL Phone 1017-W. SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All briar he taught, diplomae granted. John R. Hitea, ltrector,; 1237 Court Phono 626. RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING It lessons rusraateed. ' Waterman Sjst m. F. B. Clark. Mgr, McCor nack Bldg. TONERS JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER; Moore Dunn Co. Represents live of Shermsn Clay ft Co. Phono 506.. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED iano tancr. Leave order Will's lasie Store.. DASCIKO PRIVATE LESSONS .IN ALL LATE dances. Mrs. Whit. Phono 273 J. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PIIONO graphs. sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studios. Repairing phoao graph snd sewing) machines. 432 tate. Salem. PIANOS BRAND NEW HIGH GRADE PIANOS for rent. H. U Stiff Furniture Co. SHERMAN CLAY ft CO. PIANOS r Steiaweys. Duo-Art and other. Moore' j Musie House. 415 Court street sad Masonie Temple. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoes. Also d cleaning, pressing snd repsiring. Call and deliver. Cspitsl Exchange. i!2 North Commercial. Phone 1368 W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds: pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pada, tools sal chains. Fred Schiadler. S5S Center rtreet. STOVES AJTD STOVE REPAIRING 8TOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 year expert ace. Depot National fence, use 36 to 28 inches high. Paint, oil and varnishes, etc.. logsn berrv snd hop hooks. Sslem fence nd Stove Works. 250 Court street. Thone 121. SCAVENGERS 8ALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, RE fuse of all kind removed. Cesspool elesned. Phon 167. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Psrker. General Msnsger Central Stage Terminal 8alem, Oregon SALEMSILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stags Terminal: 7 .m, 11 s.m., 5 p.m. Leaves Silverton, News Stand: 8 a m, 1 p.m., 6 p.m. Salem-Independ -nce-Monmouth Division Leave Bslem Central Stsge Terminal: 7 am. 9 s.m. 11 s.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. Leave Monmouth. Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 s.m., 1 p.m.. 6:15 p.m. tesves Independence. Beaver Hotel: R:3Q a.m. 10 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:30. Wo make connections st Salem to utl parts, of the valley. Extra trip by appointment'. J. W. PARKER, General Mgr. TRANSFER HAULING WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goola. Our specislty is pisno sad furniture moving. We slso mske country trips. We handle the best eosl snd wood. Call on os for pris. We give good messure. good quality and good service. Lamer Transfer Co. Phone 930. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. -26 8tat St. Phone 933.. Distributing forwarding and storage our specialty. QtS our rates. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING-PHONE 1131. . country. Ed. Sprocd. ' CITY. CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone 2046. Father Bros- ' WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO Office. 301 South tora'l. St. Ten pet cent discount on domestic fist rate paid ' in advance. No deductions for sbsenco or any cause unless water is shut off your preminea PROFESSIONAL OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR dett at the Bow Optical . Company, 325 State street, opposite Ladd and Bash Bank. POMEROY ft KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 388 State. CHIROPODISTS CHAS. H. MAXWELL- CHIROPODIST. Foot specialist. -Room S, 822 elate at. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS. CALLOL8 es, ingrown nail, all foot troubles. Price Shoe Co. Phone 616. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. I- SCOTT: P.S.C- CHIROPRAC tor. 41419 U. S. Bsnk Bldg. raoee, 87; res.828-R. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL 206 U. S. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Ktrksvtlle graduate, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bid. 1'none. oil ice viy: res. oia. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER De formities of the feet corrected without loss of time from your occupation Drs. White ft Marshall. U. 8. Bank Bldg. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, . 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phonos, office, 1394; res 5SF5. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERAN Csmp 5, Armory. First third Mondsr. REAL ESTATE 11800' WILL BUY GOOD CORNER N I . t . I ... I ,-... Ciuul k.M. Ru b, Purdy. 45S Court street. BAIUJAIN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, modern except furnace: full basement, ststionarv wash tubs: bearing fruit trees. For a few daya 82000; caay terms. F. : L. Wood. 11 irRKS'lN-n NEW 6 ROOM PLAS- tered ban ca low. 6 arret cultivateil. halance pasture. 2 wells, young fam ily orrharti- all fmced. barn 28x40 silo, sll farm tools, 5 cow. 3 h-if-rt. 3 korao go with place. All for lviw Cash to handle 92000. See t L. A, Hayford , 305 State street j rive unOM MODERN BUNGALOW naved t street close in: furnace. fireoTace. hardwood floors, well built in. 95250, Will . consider soldier Winnie Pettyjohn 38m State street FIVE ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW basement. wstb traya. northeast -corner on paved atreet, two lota. Owner ay' sell it 930OO M. J. Hunt Ladd ft Bush. Bldg. Housebuyer Would yon not like to have n cottage these hot days where the room are large, ' luiurioesly large, bedroom a I . . il.ia, rnnm. W ksta. an exceptional place, moderstely - priced. Win mske a gooo noma. - onort wait ine distance and immediate possession, Come and nee a on this place. - The Fleming Realty Co. a 911. Stato'street - ' ? nyau Ulv Uldincu auo.. REAL ESTATE five room HOUSE on pavement I e. tot and riaeo to caaoerr. caai be I bought for 9220U, Slaw as first pay-i ! Heyser-Follrich System Pbooe One Thonaaad ' Main Floor Terminal Bldg. 93O0O WILL. BUT GOOD BUXMALOW. sooth, paved, garaa and in naod to- catWn. Rubv Purdr. 455 Court street. I FINE LOT IN RICHMOND ADDITION for ale at a sacrifice. Phwae 2054W. ANDERWS ft RUPERT 8 access r to Laflar ft Loflar IN8URANCE RE Vl ESTATB BONDS LOANS 40S-Y - Orogoa Bldg, crrv HonsFJirrTv tirs nrvnt.l tow, small and Urge acreage, close m and Car .u t - a. . t, . n .ml l twintry. Brown ft stage, over Bos-1 ick's store. L Phono 55. State and Commercial j MR. HOME BUYER YOU CAN BUY A 6 room bungalow less than a year old for 9500 lea than I was offered for it mno month as. Ha basement. Dutch kitchen, closets and sleeping porrn. siooo will hsndle L boo it today. 133 Leffelle. SEE ME FOR GOOD BUYS IN REAL eatato. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court atreet. A Real Bargain Nine and en ' half acres ol loranberriet: income record good for the past four year. Excellent cron now snowing. Half a mile from the city limits, close lo a dryer. Good water and smsll, well built house. Price 96,500. Easy term.. Square Deal Realty Co. 202 U. 8. Bsnk Phon 470 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FIRST class large home. I bar it. Locat-d close in at a moderate price. Do not misa seeing me about it. If yea trs looking for business property t have in best corner in town tor you today. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottagt Phone 1186 NEW BUNGALOW PAVEMENT. beautiful river view, 5 room modern with hardwood border snd Dutch kit chen. Built in buffet snd bookcase,' fireplace, cement basement. Reduced to 94800; 93000 will haadl and will accept bonus. - Heyser-Follrich System Phono One Thousand - Main Floor Terminal Bldg. Special, Why Pay Rent room plastered house, on car line, in good condition. Price 91800. 9.300 cash, balance 915 per month. room house, clo.e in. glioo; jso caah, balaure 15 per month. 1 room house bearing fruit DBiauce easy terms, moniiny paiurui. i Whr te rentf Mills & Copley smV State atreet Buy Land That Never Dries Out Kf...J2r JIVJ I.. Z2.r'J. Sr-wlr - . . . . r i meat, on Columbia river, in teen ana from Astoris. ta small tracta at reas-1 enable price and term. Writ fori particular, r. o. box a, urowns- me.d. Oregon. , ROOM. new. modern bungai.ow street. 95.900. an .1. V..J fiil... t,... . Rock Crek m Lincoln county. Excel-1 a r- i a aina mi rn.p.- v.w.wr.nr-. A. C. Bohrnstedt 107 Masonie Temple Rslem. Oregon Ar,r,rl'c R-arrroinc 1 f UUU O UUI fUII IO loo f.. well loc.toJ to exch.nge fer home In Salem or suburban nome, mi in.CT.rt to .ieh..ra for home I an rrB R nn ia la nrp. n iem. 37 acre iruu rancn wiio crop, - sow), case a noma in oaiein. Atv bungalow wiin oaaement. not an fin weed. SI too. half cash. n rood a.a trirt. A stricttv modern ft room bun cslow. large lot with bearing fmit trees, naved street, best residence dis trief. for- lev thsn house would cost to build. ford sedsn to trade in on a home. Good Am hnma. A fine farm at S60 per acre, near Lianas. ant to nroiui. suburban home (3 acres) for close in borne. See us for trades. F. T. Wood, 841 Stste street: Good Buys to acres. 8 acres in bearinr strawberries, balance in crop except 29 acres I located i mii oit oV mam r-Sd. fi.l ease-loving Dicky was still sleep tmit lsnd. Pric 98600. v, c.sh, ing and j dreaded infinitely the Tk am oatlat,vasl lAail fMhAftl hAWflsSl I with Urge 4ot a pave! street nd ?500H"-taaIkW Interest 6. Real Estate snd Fire Insnrsaee W; H. 6rabenhorst.& Co 173 Stalest. II. 8. Bsnk BU Bldg. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the State Game i WHuaittwu oi tue oisie i v.v gon is authorixed under Section 8. Chapter 66, uenerai Mtw oi Oregon, 1921, to close any .open season or open any close! season In any county or district of the State of Oregon ror the shooting and possession ol game animals and birds:' -NOTICE is hereby Riven that the State Game Commission of the State of Oregon has made and entered and does hereby issue the! ftln,ln, . , ; urocr That the open season as defliv- ed In Chapter 153. Section Z. oi the General Laws of Oregon of 1921. for hunting, killing, tak ing or hiving in possession, alive of dead,, the following . named game animals and game birds re- SPectWely, shall be as follows to " for deer . , . . . .l.ii mroupnuui me enure sine m be anr is. hereby declarer, to be fn m AugTist 20th to October 31st nt aurti T.ir Knth rintna inrlti - . ve. The open season for quail and area, a a a Chinese pheasants in all sections of the sute where there is ani .... open seasor tr-rcror. snail oe and 13 hereby rietlared to be from OCttber lth to October 3 1st OI each, both dates inclusive. , The Open season tor CrOU or native pheasants in all section! of -the state where there is an oricn seaaom. Is declared to be " . " M " . . . irom AUgUSl 2Utn IO Zepiemoer 20th ot each year, both dates In elusive. " .The open season for sage hens there is an open season, is de- dared to be from July 15th to July 31st of each year, both dates inclusive, Tbe open season tor. prairie all sections of the chickens In state, where there is an open' sea son, is declared to be from Oct ober 15h to October 31st ot each year, both dates inclasive. NOTICE is also hereby given that frin rhmrM in id n. sons made by this Order in no wise affects the bag limits- or o ti er regulations provided by law retpocting the hunting for, kill ing, taking or having in posea- ?lon. alive or dead, of such game animals and game birds. ny and n persons hont'ng ' for. killing:, takine or havlrur In possccsion, auve or dead, anv deer. Quail. Chinese tiheasnnts 1 ' Bnse OT native pneasants. sage hns and pratr'e chickens in thel S'ate of Oreg-m, in violation of thi order, will be prosecuted as by law provided. j Dated at Portland, Oregon, this! 12th day of June, A. Di. 1923. OREGON STATE GAME COM-1 MISSIOX. By I. N. FLEISCHER, Chairman. By GEO. H. KELLY, Commissioner. By BLAINE HALLOCK. Commlaaiorser. By M. A. LYNCH. Commissioner, i By L. E. BEAN. Commissioner. Adele GaUTfsMm. New Pbsme of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 72 THE WAY "RICHARD, JUNIOR," ADDED TO MADGE'S PROBLEM. Anv mnlhnp m-m,lsl , I , v . .. . v,ulu inutiiue, I thinkr. the utter panic which had seised me at the dlsrnverw lh ..... . I i reaouy comprehended how it had happened. When Katie's acci- dent had compelled me to stay at the house until I could ascertain t ho avt.nt V ha. I. l.i.l ni.i I - - ... iiijui irs, 1'icny i must have inadrertently taken oul lne BmaI1 RP containing the k w'.. i , . . i wu wuea ne naa aepoit-1 cut mv K,. nnn j . I c v ers uub. i tvnetner ne naa dropped it, or I, I not observing ,t in my haste, had left it behind. I had no means of Knowing, nor had I time to specu-1 into tinnn tha jk.niia .f .1 . I 1 r ui uo iawa- trpptie, ior nucn it was to me. I - - Tftere wag but Ona tri ne- tr ru. "--191 ' w done, and that was to obtain food for my little lad as booq as pos-j I sinie. I J ' . .1. .' "n8we motoer-in-iaw s ii rignieneu. query Hootningiy. i v..v. T"vl -.1- w la i a - I una n who i ma iningB, i saia, wiin iar more assurance in my tone than I felt. "I will go back and nee as eoob! as I have dressed Junior."' ' I had almost snid "when he wakes up," but stopped myrelf in Lime. Mother Graham would I li a VP Instant)- dAmnnrlorl that o to Dicky's berth and drag him J forth willy-nilly. But the pro- oosal to dress 'Junior effectually diverted her attention something I for which 1 was extremely thank- I ful. I was . sure that Indolent, I task of awakening him and ques "bOUt the ml8MBg grip. That he would blame me and exculpate himself I was sure. SALEM MARKETS 1 1 BITTTAO PRICES axav and Oraln Wheat. 91.05 a 1.10 bu: ost. 60 91 ss bu. gn. uxsonat, nm. aaua. i Bulterist. 42c; mUk, 9-10 cwt; egg. 19c. y Havr hens, so sic: light hen 1 6c; medium, ise; root tart, lue; erouer Livestock Hog, 911.25; dressed hogs. 14e; top steer. 6c; cows. 4 ft 4 cj ism a, so KETAXXi rsICa Earn and Batter . Egg. 22c; creamery butter 45 Q SOt 1 I Portland BayiltZ PrlcCS . , , - . . egos. POULTRY awd MEATS I BI'TTKTiXAT FIRM. SCARCE Number one churninc cream. 43 & 4 (o.h. PortUad: tie t stations; asdet ,,M' 40 eog-bte adt Current receiDta. 19 t 20c: wtute hen neries. 28 t 34e dl'd. Thes qooUtiona are based es or ice received for tae ana of day's receipt by Weal Jobber ssd LIVE POULTRY STEADY (Lett commission) hesvy hens VI (fi 23c, lb.; do, light 14 ISe; broilers, rock sad Red. 34 0 25e: Iechoras IS a ZOe: - 1 old rooaUrs. 10 cents; ducks, whrlt IPekins, young. 24 25c; old ducks, U IB DRESSED MEATS KIRif. SCARCE ttea commissHia i vinn iwas aau I .. . . SH. . ,tW. 13f 15ia; undergradea. 13 to lie; i. top grades, isy. ie; anae- " nlr iro vratji I HAY FIRM 1 (Delivered Portland). VaRey Thawthv Ill t SO ton: Eastern Orecon Timotht 23 9 24 ton- alfalfa. 916 ta la.so ton; 1 crower fia est at ua wtyi.ai ay 4 v w taB: ,u,. tr too. kai riKM . .1 "lrara. rnnuni et.'r 91.14; o.u. 833 35; eastern yol w corn. ju " JL Strswberries. normal; cherries ( ( le '. : wfc, pers. ai " box; apricou. 12: mrranta. 1.50 r 1.75: loganberries. I 1 mgt IPayx ; rwJrv-r lvewm f 1.1 J urn. : J2fi-3i. I vegetables hteady I .?- rotaitea.7 o S5a cwt : urefot I csobage. a V z - lt: parampa. le 10 I carrots. 23c 13 fcnnrbea: treen pes 4 ( e Is ; green onions. ;jc. WOOL WOOL STEADY ; Coarse valley woot 15 fjl 18c; ssadiuw 39 t 2c; line 3 w sue. ttOTW HOPS STRADT 1931 Crop nominal at 11 Q 15c. IK i HUSH) as certain as I was that be woald do both under the seU-hypnotlxedl belief that he was emicnetly right la. his position. Junior Is Restless "Tut one of those embroidered white dresses on him." Mother Graham directed didactically, and when I had obeyed her after slip ping on his pink aUk socks and white kid slippers he waa soch a picture of baby loveliness that I snatched him to me In an almost convulsive embrace. The thought ot what the loss oi him would - 1 n, ' P mar my uiuav pcriect iBumrai) oi rujoy- ! ww mftft oasa-lfa Vlfnoj " ttea-iuRi wea-y Ilis engaging little voice sound c,we to mT rs- n he smiled mt confident little smile. It M" Phrase which Dicky has taught him, upward inflection and all, and he Is so adorable when he lisps it that we,: like all fond parents, have insured his remem- berlnr it by coaxing htm to 'fre quent repetition of Ut. ,1 "Pretty soon, sweetheart. I re plied, tenderly. He surveyed the room with the funny, speculative glance of the Kerv vounK child, land evidently fnnnrf the unfamiliar surround- in a-, aomewhat iiDsettinr. for his lower Up began to quiver alarm ingly, and there was a distinctly plaintive note in 'the repeated query: "Bek-fust wed-y?-- s- I lifted him above my head. held him there tor an Instant, then, rushed him. down to the floor. It is a bit of play he loves and which nevec falls to quiet him when he is fretful A Discouraging Porter As 1 brought! him up again to the berth and perched him upon it I -poke wlthjdeclslon "Mother wilj go after break fast right ivkjr. win you oe rood bov and stay with Gran j : lie. i c i "Me dood boy." he lisped grave- lv and an It nnt him Into hW ' . . . ' j - her lashes and knew-that If too food was obtainable for the 1U- tie chap hl$ grandmother woald be likely ta have a nervous coin , i. . , ia'e uter it "Oh. do hurry. Marcaret!" she said, impatiently. "To think that even my cracicers atKt orancos , . , . - ,. were in titat grip, iney wouiu have helped some. Gransie s lamble bird! If only Granxle could - "Look qatl" I ' warned as I I. i . i i i. mw. t i lurncu taw uuorsnuu. 1UHII l have him weepinc If. you keep UP s i - y - - ; 1 that In.a ( Pl .llh 1.1m .mill I I vwSn- hviiu. i at saj n tvu u s M a get back.'" I closed the door sharply after I nie, knowing there was a much . . . . . ... i Dettef chance or ner taRing jmy I advice if I were out of the room 1 . a . . -. i Dei ore me naa a cnance to repiy, 1 1 hurried down the aisle of that car and the next. I wanted to reach the; shelter ot - my own drawingrodm and spent a thought- I ' ! ful minute: or two In planning; tha ' i seemingly Impos'ible task of get- Tiling fOOd. 1 J "" The porfjer was Just finishing the room when I reached it. and a hasty glance down the car void YOUR SUMMER-VACATION will be much, more enjoyable if you "have your home newspaper to read in your spare moments It will keep you posted on, the doinjp at home.. v DO IT NOW before leavin2,on,your vacation, send us the coupon below or telephone 683, advising us to send you The Oregon Statesman while on your vacation. COUPON 4-W-''oV Name. Vacation Address. Expect to return on or about. Name X i ; . Streeti : City 1 I THE OREGON STATESMAN BOOK OF A THOUSAND SONGS COUPON t How to Get This Book ! for the mere nominal cost of manufacture and distri bution. One coupon and 79c secures this splendid new song book, well bound and actually containing more than a thousand songs. Present or mail to this paper three coupons with seventy-nine cents . to: cover cost oX handling, packing, clerk, hire, etc. i v i Add for postage:' i Mail up to 160 Orders Od to 300 For greater distances ask postmaster rate for three pounds. -1 I .20 Song Books in one. No pther Song Book published to good or so com-' plete as this one. j me that Dicky mast still be in his berth -at least the curtains were drawn, 1 ' rapidly outlined my predicament to : the , porter. but he shook his head dolefully Instead of 'offering aid. -' "Milk! - Till dat diner comes on. Ah raa't gtrt yon one single drop." ....... 'A knock r-'an4c-d on the partly opened door. Vhtn 1 opened. It I loofed up Into the kindly concern ed, tacts cf MaJ. Urautland. tTo be continued.) - Woman Gets Dollar Back After 27 Years CHEHAUS. WASH., July 11 Her first dollar, apent 27 yesrs ago, recently returned to th? hands of Mra. Torrence Haj;e man of this city. When she was eight years of age. Mrs. Hager man received silver dollar from her father.: She placed her Ini tials on the coin and spent it with a merchant at Lancaster, Mo, where she was then living. The dollar turned up again when Mrs, Hagerman received it In change from a merchant la Moateaano, Wash. : : r ' . ( - ' t: MOI WANTED for awvlcea aa raQrostd ma chlaista, blaakmlfits, abeet tnetal workers, ctpee amlUta, car Innpectora, boll ermakera, electricians pipe titters, tinners, tar rrtalr era, helpers, aJl classea uat Her strike comdltkma beet explaiiicxl by Charrtnan rn W. Hooper of. the United States - IUUroad Labor Hoard, in his atatemcnt of J sly 1st regarding as fol low: "In this ease the conflict Is not between the employer and tha oppressed employes. The people of thia country through aa act of congress, signed by President Wilson, established a tribunal to de cide such disputes r over wages' and working condi tions, which are submitted to It in a. proper manner. It Is the decision ot this tri bunal against which the shop crafts are striking. "Regardless of any ques tion of the right of t he men to strike the mea who take the . .strikers' plscea are merely accepting the wages and working conditions pre scribed by a government tribunal and are performing . a public service. They are not . accepting cne wagf s and working, conditions which an employer Is trying to iupose tor thia reason, public aentlment and. full government power will pro tect ' the men , who remain in their positions and new men who may come In. :r::: ; Adequate provisions' have been made for the full pro tection of all employes, the same as old employes which .have remained loyally at work. : : Appllcsnta, should apply . to the office of the superintendent at Port land (Union Station) ' or to the assistant superintendent at Roseburg. j, H. DYER, General : Manager, Southern Pacific Company miles. JOc miles 14c .