The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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A PRETTY home wedding was
solemnized Sunday, July 9.
, X the home of Mrs. Anna M.
Jones at McMinnvllle when her
' daughter, Miss Vera ! Jones, be
rime the bride of R. Elmo Shan
' nahan of Salem. The Rev. Lyle
H. Willard. pastor of the Saleui
; Evangelical church, formerly of
McMinnvllle and boyhood friend
'. ; of the bridegroom, officiated. The
ring ceremony wag - used. The
home was beautifully decorated
with pink rambler rosea ; inter-
mingled yjlth greenery
' Preceding the ceremony Mrs
Virgil Fendall. sister of the bride-,
accompanied by Miss Hazel Lanic-r
of Corva)lls. sang j "At Dawning"
and '"Until;" The bridal party
entered to the strains of Mendel
ssohn's! Bridal Chorum played py
Miss .Lamar. They took their
place beneath V gorgeous pink
wedding bell overhanging a jt-ol-orful
altar of lattice : work Inter
woven with rosea and greenery.
The bride was tbeautif nlly
gowned ln; white satin heavily
beaded with pearly with full
length veil crowned with oranise
Uattle Thompson, and Nate U.
Wiley of Rex. Or., were married.
Rev. R. G. Le of the; Friends'
church was the officiating clergy
man, assisted my Mrs. Lee, The
bride has inade her home in "Sa
lem for a number of years,. -Following"
the ceremony, the bridal
party left for their new home at
blossoms, and carried, a boer (Rex, .near Js'ewberg where Mr.
bouquet of bride's roses and swan- I wiley has a farm and a prosper-
sonia. She was attended by herOUs noaltry ranch.
sister. Miss . Luenne Jones, wno j , i - '
was daintily gowned In pink or- nrs. Arthur Benson spent Wed
gandie and carried an arm bou-1 negday in Albany tn conference
qnet of sweet peas. Kenneth Fen- j wjtn Catherine Ewtng, Rod
dall of Newberg, college f raterni-1 cross field officer from" the Seat-
ty brother of the groom, acted as tie office of the Red Cross.
best man nd little Charles Keltn
Fendall, ; nephew "of the groom,
acted as ring bearer. ; ;
After congratulations and the
serving -of dainty refreshments
the young, couple left on a few
weeks trip to the various beache
before returning to their friend.'
' The bride is a charming young
woman well known' l'n McMlnnj
yille. 'The groom is an O. A: ,CX
graduate and a member of the Slf
ma Phi EpsIlon rraternlty.' He
Is employed at the Oregon Grow
ers Co-operative association at iSa
lera. . , ' .
Dr. and "Mrs.: J. Shelly Saner
man, with Mrs. L. M. Sauerman
of Philadelphia, Miss Myrtle Law-
Silver Falls Timber
pany Deny That
Is Threatened
vier tnan before. Sixty-five car
loads of timber were' brought la
from eamp daring Wednesday.
Band Concert Program
for Tonight Announced
sitate an outlay, of approximately
SIS.OOO. it was said.
The Marion county eoart also
has agreed to finance the eou-
st ruction of .approaches -to the
Pudding river5, bridge at Anro.
it was" stated. These will cost
about $15,000. -
and a vocal
solo by Mrs. Hallie Parrish Hing
. . . i 4 Ar.n
cs-wli: be given at me u -,, vtrrfnla when
The old fashioned Virginia reel
Salem .Librarian Returns
from National Convention;
Tew from Oregon Attend
SILVERTON. Ore.. July 13.
(Special to The Statesman.)
The rumor that has become cur
rent at Silverton that, the forest
fires are gaining headway at
Camp Six of the Silver Falls Tim-
b)er fconipany foldings fihte
says M. C. Woodard, who vtsited
the camp; Tasdtay. The fires
which broke out fiercely tome
time;; ago are completely under
control and the smoke which
cornea down from the .north and
east which , probably caused the
rumor that the fires were so Lad
that it would probably become
necessary to close the camp- aitd
mill, is undoubtedly caused by
and lacks iwany of the handicap.- I eight an old deserted camp which
and troubles of other libraries the contains nothing but slashed over
rence and Dwight Qulsenbury, left jcoimtry over was the eonclujion j timber. This, says Mr. Woodard,
jrmv.uuj lur uuuu ,r. ifeacM by Miss riora uaw, 10-1 is a-joui turee mues irom anv
Crater . Lake, v They plan to re-1 cal librarian, following her at
turn by iway of Bend and down tendance at the national conven-
the Columbia highway. tion of the American Library as-
i , v sociaUon which Just recently
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shields are closed in Detroit.
receiving the congratulations of ... r,.p returned to Salem
their friends on the birth' of a UnMdiT following five weeks
son. Franklin .Vance, born yestex- ... the- east during which
day. " time -he visited her home in Illi
nois and attended the national
rt this evening. It will
Witlson park ae has btfn the
iustoin but the Tuesday night
concert will be given at the city
Th-s program as announced by
Oscar Steelhammer. director for
this evening is as follows: .
March, "Chicago Trbune"....
, . . Chambers
Overture. "Supberb" Daluey,
"Marguerite Walta" from Faust
Popular Numbers
Vocal Solo .' :
Mrs. Halite Parrish Hinges
Selection "The Serenade", .'i,
Serenade, "At Eveningtlme't.4
; Jewell
March. "Under the Flag".
"Star Spangled Banner
some of the old timers cab find
something that will produce It.
Wayside Tales.
If Qualify
is not put into
iitipossiKs to
putitirilltB '..
is quality ihrji
and thru end
green timber. At that, a strict
fire patrol is maintained there.
The camps and mill are runn
ing at full capacity, perhaps hea
V '-
Mrs. W. A. Rutherford of Sa-
em visited with friends Jo Albany
Almost everyone knows that
Work With City of Jef
ferson m Laying Pave
ment Through City
Mnro thftn 1K00 neraona attend-
this week on her way to Newport. the meetlng whIch included
. besides the public library1 chiefs, j Sage Tea and Sulphur Turns Gray,
ur. wu jura. r. fi. luorapBUU hn from hrmnltal Hhrarles. naw Faded Hair Dark ami ninuv
w mi ww oBis oaiuruay evening ai Hbrarles universities, schools,
a dinner party honoring Dri J.. C. I Dnsiness and agricultural libraries
uiooagooa toi caiumore, Ata. ut. wItll a Bmall ection for the trus- J Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly
piouago9B u w taia ssamraay eve- teea who attended. compounded, brings back the nat-
ning on cancer to local audiences. The growth of the business II- ural color and lustre to the hair
He Is returning from the medical brary wag one of tne features no- when faded, streaked or gray,
contention in Spokane and has ted Dy Miai Case. 7 Many business Years ago the only way to get this
oeen persuaaea to stop m baiem. houses employ librarians to Uke mixture was to make it at home
He la conaidered one of the gTeat- chance of their zrowine HbraHes which is muasv unA trniihiM
est authoriUes on cancer In the which are being considered of Nowadays we simply ask at any
United. States. He is connected more and aote importance. drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and
with John Hopkins -university. - The -dearth of librarians was snlnhnr Comnound ya wtn Mi
' Y , ' particularly noted, Miss ease said, j a iarge bottle of this old-time reci-
Mrs E. A.,Jacqulns of Los An- The employment department main-1
geles, who has. been visiting with I talned during the convention had J other Ingredients, at very little
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har-1 calls for 43 chlldrena librarians cost fevervhodv de thia nrr.r.
uou nu, tur wiwh mouiw, re- wun no'Tisuue means oi suppjy- ation noV, because no one &n
, , I partly the reason, according to
Mrs. W. F. Fargo has gone to Miss Case, why there are so lew
The parkin county court anil
the city of Jefferson have agreed
to finance, on a fifty-fifty basis
the paving through" Jefferson, ac
cording to an announcement mad
here today. The work will neces
possibly tell that yon 'darkened
your hair, as it does it so natural
ly and evenly.. You dampen", a
Spokane, where with Miss Lucile available trained persons for such J aponge or soft brush with it and
Fargo ' she' will Bpend several j positions.
weeks. In the mountains. Mlsa I Miss Case visited the provincial
Fargo i is well : known i in - Salem, library in Victoria, B. C, last
having visited here at different I week. Here in the historical col
times. , -
Miss Lucile Crocket left yester-1 tain Cook to a cap worn by Queen
day f oi her hdme in Syracuse; N. yictoria'
Y. She will "Be gone-for bIx weeks. J Only a few from Oregon were
Miss Crocket will return before in attendance at the convention.
the opening the school to take up The next meeting place has not
her new duties as school librarian, teen decided but Invitations have
Miss Crockett has been children' been extended by Dallas, TexL
librarian and will be succeeded by and Vancouver, ,B. C. Miss Case
Miss -Florence Petit. : said. George B. Utley of the New-
r'? ' ; 'T'-' berg library in Chicago is the new
A quiet wedding; occurred on I president or tne association.
Wednesday at 2 , o'clock at : the
home of Mrs. ; Shoemaker,', North
Church' and 'Spruce streets, .when
Mrs. Shoemaker's daughter,
draw this through your hair, tak
ing one small strand at a time;
by morning the gray hair disap-
TtAarK ' and offer anothar onnj'i.
r v ''7 ,7. or two, your hair becomes
and you look years younger.
- : 4
Cook with . wood when
you can a void the heat
by cooking with
Hiiiii i icii i i y
See Our
Electric Stoves
Complete Line of .Elec
trical Appliances
Archie Fleener
Electric Store i
414 Court St.
Even Slender Women
need a little confiner for the hips and that firm, com
fortable support that oniy a corset can give.
Warner's Rust-Proof
I ' Corsets
- include many styles j which
,we especially recommend , for
slight figures. Same ot them
are rubber-topped or topless,
others merely short from the
waist down.
' 1 ! r !'.-'
Most are very lightly jboned.
Let us show you these or oth- ;
er styles in Warner's Corsets
the Guaranteed Corsets.
$1.25. $1.50, $2.00
Gale &
Commercial and - Court Streets
More than an average
car at less than tKe
average price w
Cor. Front "and State Sts.
. : t.
At Your Front Door
Coupe ,
All EauiDped with Starter and Demountable Titos
Valley Motor Co.
PHONE 1995
266s North Higa Street
mwm m
Mr Thm m Muttmrd tlmatm
Jor Coughs and Colda, Head-
ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatian
; and All Aches and Pains'
35c mnd C5c, jar and tubes
Hospital sis. 13.00
1 tvrrsTK rr
f fc&ITK r IV T1S-"?1 i
75 Tons of Evaporated Ber-
nes Will fie Record
Set for Season
Busies Day
On Your Trip 3ack East
The runery-two hoor tnp Liverpool than is New v
r i o r : vy. .,
rrom Vancouver, o. v. io i ore vny ,
Montreal saves abusmess The fUce Viger Hotel
day for the traveler east- vj operated by V
em points n Canada, ihe , Canadian pacific Raft-
States, or across e sea. way with the characiem-;.
" Oceaivgoing ships embark . tic attention to the conven- ?.
from diis ' metropolis of iences and comforts of its
Canada, a thousand miles ' guests, offers hospitality to . .
inland from the Atlantic those who wish to remain .;
and yet 3 1 5 miles doser to in the city for a time.
tBfor completing tkt det2 of yotir iottmey,
. iuriu for infarmeitkm cxmcrnunx MoHtraal.
, Canadian Pacific Railway
55 Third Street POSTLAND; - Broadway 0090
General Agent
M.l 1
i jit -.
.They can all italk maraschino
cherries, and freah cherries In
layers, and cherries In cans of all
I sixes, and cherriea in barrels; but
the Drager company Is handling
cherries in the good old-fashioned
way revaporation.
,They are handling a lot at
them, too. They .have a system
ot dryers and evaporators, pretty
.well covering the valley, in moat
ot the .good fruit centers, and
they will have close to 75 tons
ot evaporated cherries to show
for. their season's work, when the
season closes. They evaporate
only the black, or at . least the
dark varieties the Republicans,
BIngs, .Lamberts, Tartarian, and
the various heavily-colored seed
lings that are grown here. They
take only 'the really ripe frnit;
the class ot green, firm fruit that
is most in demand tor maraschino
purposes,' would tall, in the evap
orators. .Dead ripe black. cher
ries, however, make a wonderfully
appetizing .and popular product
Whett properly .evaporated; ' the
Drager Company is making. si spec
ialty ' of these trnili 'tsar ate Jtot
popoiar witn; tih& t canners cui
work ; perfectly '.in fthla form of
presenratloni' ' ' t
The 'Drager company is also
taking in 750 tona ot loganber
ries. for evaporation at its various
drying .plants In vthe . Willamette
valley '.growing centers. "The
fruit will be .graded and packed
! from the Salem plant after the
drying season Is, over.
,Afrtr spending several days in
touring Oregon, Governor Olcott
The job is done not a thing was overlooked. Everthing from the basement
to the uppermost floor every item of this gigantic stock has been drasti-
1 -era ; .'j-.,
cally reduced. It took nerve and a great sacrifice to cut prices so deeplyrbut
our heart and soul is centered on making this a stupendous
. r ;
7 "1 - : " 1 - .i . , . . - V
rr p- -7 -r- -rr-j
and prepared to meet you and greet you with bargains iar beyond your most fantastic magmaticn. Ejery
available table and counterds creaking under the weight of summer, goods mercilessly slashef in prices.
Tremendous crowds -will be anxiously waiting to avail themselves of these great savings. -( ..
- e ,
Be one of the first to enter this store. Come prepare d to buy. The savings will be large, for this we jpreni
ue will be the most colossal disposal of summer goods at unloading pnees such as you nor generations after
will ever witness.
See Yesterday's Papers
..for Pnce Examples.
Read Our Poster---Note
Mail Order
Accepted Tas long as
items are in : ctoc!
Same Day Service
" the Sayings.
returned here yesterday. .He de
clared that , the trip " was one of
i the most enjoyable he had ever
1. SU4KSfo8K9Bti--(i.