The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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-rri iiuLuiuD h iiuuUHiiu
- J
4' . -
aryEconbmv! All Broken
afiWIiichlWe Have Only OneTwo or
ling-rAll In Ihis Sale, and You Will
:icf Wometfs Apparel
f Ihe interesting things about
Iiiglvscle garmenteone or
drl:2d at tHe
tb:::2 garment .that will suit your
y!forit will be far less than, regular
xrand dollars! , :.
; -
rSorinafy oppor.
ccstiacrs to save
irijj Eisart coats.
YfUnin my,
and liege. All are
ip-tothemiin"te in
p wil be especially
ptici for they are
of v .
' ...
of Yard Goods
Far Street or Afternoon
Only nine suits in this small lot,
but every one a wonderful value.
. . I ' . . :. I . . - '
Hi f ( ! .:..' ! - -.1.:,', .. i ,.--- :
Tweeds, Homespuns -and a Serge
or two. Colors delft, rose, beige,
navy "and brown. - Mostly small
1! Choose Early : 'x' 1 .'
40-inch" Mallinson's "Here and; There" tfQ QC
Sport Silk.. July' Clearance $DVD
40-inch jMallinson's "Pussy Willow" fcQ A A
Sport Cepe. July Clearance, yard-
40-inch Ulallinson's "Whip-or-Will" QC
Sport Skirting. July Clearance VTT
'i . (''Mi; - if :, ! . :
40-incb "Fan-ta-Si" Sport Silk Skirting. tf0 OA
July Clearance, yard .L
40-inch: Striped "Rushanara" Sport Silk. . d9 OA
July Clearance , . vvi
40-inch "Khaki Kool" Sport Silks.
July Clearance .
39-inch "Baronet" Satin, colors navy, tan OP
and black July Clearance
30-inch Sport Pongees, in all shades.
July Clearance yard ;
36-inch Silk and Cotton Poplin, figured
and plain. July Clearance, yard ;
.... , ; ; . ,
, . ny Hat in our Millinery Section
' -
Gleauraway of Woolens
89 c
All wool Challies, stripes and figures."
July Clearance, yard - i.--.
3G-inch Haid Skirtings, 55 percent WooL
July Clearance, yard .
Former Values to $1250 None Reserved.
Trimmed and Banded Sailor
cur choice, only
r 3
44-inch all wool Sport "Woolens.' New Sport AC
.shades. July Clearance, yard - vfLUU
54-meh all wool Flannel Coatwps. ' All the new shades
luviuucu. .' uijr vicaiauvc)
54-inch Sport Crepons.
yard , - .
54-inch Checked Suiting.
43-inch all wool Fancy Dress
Goods, yard
54-inch all wool Sport Skirtings.
July Clearance, yard "
Shoes i;
:i Leather Oak
;ned Soles'. All
-tHer Heels and
inters -
; Jen's Sox
W clad Sox," inade
t Sin est Maco . yarns ;
in Beach and White.
, 'yiizes. : . V..'
Grouped, for Quick
v Disposal
All odd hosiery must
go. W have amalga
mated several ane$ 01
t -
broken sues into a Dig
irrouo. You will find
wonderful hosiery econ
omy among these, we
have p'riced them dras
tically for immediate
selling. ' - ' I
' Youll find ; jUlialn
Silks, Chiffons, neto
and other fancies.. CoV
i 'n.U taxim orrV
beige, andblack.-r -
We'll also present a
groop of Fibre Silks and
Lisle that -Ul ton
money. Everr Par r; Per
feet. Every pair guaran
teed to give jrou satisfac
tory service. :
filled same day as re
ceived. Competent personal
shopper wiU fill your
plume order.
All Parcels Mailed
i Postage Prepaid
Toilet Soaps
6 bars for
Lemon Face Cream
large size
7. m
Salen, Oregon
AdeU GarHsofa Haw Ptutf at
' ED -
i unci HC iUI
m instant. '
"Da yon mean to say that yoa
people came off without' bringing
any iwnch for an emergency Kke
this?" This was ' the amlng
question or rather emand which
fhe j'ang at me, her face ei press
ing aionlshed resentment.
Half In Fan.
she had finistusi look at mo
with mockias deference. :
Woul4 yon object very ma3f
if I put on this wonderfareloak?"
she asked, pieking up the WTap
lit. Graatiand had brought for
my long drive. "The aisles are
apt to be draughty.'! (
(To be eoatinaed.)
"We brought things for, the
baby, of course.? I returned cold-
I I., ....
There was no lnd'catlon inL 018 Mrunea brand of milk
fi r.,..,!,.,... .k.. i.. in thermos bottles, a tiny emexg-
ency stove for heatimr It . and
had recognUed ns. I knew that, .j,,- ty,
his natural delicacy would make takes every day. But except for
him pretend this, fearing that some fruit and crackers which
mi is row n and I would be em- my mother-in-law always takes
barra.sed by our kimonos andlwIth her, we have no lunch with
boadior caps. Therefore, as htsln.
oaca: aisappearea arouna me ..Xo DossIbUilv of rrandmaw o
corner of the car corridor I wa U.b- hala an extra oranc or
friB1J- Hea lo ner B cracker or bit of milk Is there?"
Ible amused snicker from tUhe said with Jocular insinuation
wuuu ycvrmB over mv anouiu- -v..h T vnow v.l4 ..,-
little reality.- Indeed, if she had
i been given unsuspected access to
the supplies of either the baby
or- my frail mother-in-law 1 was
sure that she would unhesitating'
ly have satisfied her own hunger
from their portion.
"Not the slightest chance In the
With a hasty "thank yon- o
the porter, I dismissed him and
close the door. Rita Brown was
gazing at me with a malicious
little smile.
"3o-o." she drawled. "T deah
Majah was planning to see LI
country1 caplul.' Isn't it tarri
'...5 ' i
Former Vlce-Preatdent Marshall
la making a tour of Europe. And
he is bating a tine time. "After
all 13 said and . done.' it must be
admitted. that Thomas Riley la an
amootln'a cusa. 3 , j. j,
Mrs. Peter Oleaon the Demo
cratic candtdtte tor the Senate In
Minnesota, la distributing boxes
of candy among the voters. Her
campaign expense bill la likely to
be a fright and place the New
berry figures tn the discard. TV,
sun cos
- jpimsij
Apply Salphwr mm Told Wbe t
! Voir 8kla llreaka utt
', Any! breaklagout 6t the' shin
on face.neck,; arms or .body U
overcome attkkeat by applying
Meat ho - Sulphur. The pimple
seem v to dry right up and go.,
away,' declares a noted skin spec
taltscv .rr -i X:iy
. Nothing, has ever been found :
to j take the place of aulphur as a
pimpto remover. It is 'harmlesa
and " Inexpensive. Jat ak any
drngfitt tot a small Jar of Itowlea
Meatho-Sulphur and use it like',
cold rream. Adv.-- - s
ble that the "best laid Diana itana 1 wor'd " 1 answered promptly.
aft so agley?" "My mother-in-iaw la the gnara
lan ot the larder, and aa she is
i .
Miss Brtwn la Hungry. I always foreseeing the alow atari
vation of Iter grandson because
s 1 have never fought a harder of some food emergency, you may
battle in my life than the one of I be very sure it would be a hope-
tae next few seconds. In which II less task to xorage in mai oirec-
vanqsiabed the almost lrre3itti- tlon
ble desire to box Rita . Brown's I "Shem double the ruards when
ears t-oundly and turn her out oflghe realises the slowness ot this
the drawlnr-room which mvlrtn ih. nmmntAd with a
a4i . . I
iamer uaa seenrea ror me, Dut flippancy that I guessed was
saaro in which I had offered t meant to conceal from me the
her.That I was able immediately tact that she, had been in earn
afterward to school my voice tol-. wn .h. iim1 ahmit the
J a lightness ot raillery equalling Daby.g gnpplies. "My word! It I
"w " 1! mazier oi srsiuiiM hl4 guessed you would be ao
men part of jour. Quotation,' . 1
.short, aiahted I would have
brought soma lunch along my
r i . ine ",ce anfl self. Do you suppose that the
..ucu. you MSI U,Vm. hnnrh nT?
I a-r -
"I'm afraid you'll have to ask
Mrs. Durkee that question." i
replied, trying to keep out of my
yoice the disgust I felt at her sor
mean to 'call me outen my
name.' .,
'I ta nox so sure that 'mouse'
shouldn't be your middle name,
at least" she retorted, with a
meaing, malicious lite smile I did pettiness.
which irritated me almost berondl 1 U just do that little thing!"
endurance, "But let's can all she retorted. "By the time I get
such endearments! There's jast dressed they'll be awake, and I'll
one question before this hou at I run over to the next car.
present. When and whew do wel She disappeared Into the wash
eatj im nearly starved." room, and when she emerged her
r "That question is oi the lapLa,ir,i had been replaced
of the gods who preside over this I by . hrilllant. and, I bad to ad-
pa oura, saia care'tssiy, mit , m08t skilfully applied , color. out of my kimono and Sne dre8ged carefully, and when
preparing to areas.
I would have rlyen ' much to I
have returned to the ccuch for FUTURE DATES
anoiner , nap, but I had no Ideal i.i. t. Tn..,.j.. r..i wma'a
hat Ttlfn Rrnin mtrK, t,V tft nJ C. W. ft. M. ( rirrt Cfcristmn
Llrto her head to do. an I wished ll, "SAnvi
to he dressed and ready for any I eonveattea begins st ;The;' Dalles. 4k iu tun a.iuicir.iiiii unuuino. -
sp,ritTOne prep.res for evecntlon U.fXS'
that I drew on my ehox. That! augut t to i Bor Scout' Snaimer
tl e was, fully capable, for instance. p.; " a 4 -
. ui tun.monine ine rr.n or our i ttnni-ni. - L.akiew. or.
; t& f-- I " -:
u 3$ Saving fud ; :
'HE LanAwood is a sVictly wood burning
': ' rane. Designed, especially for Western
CLA conditions, its construction .enables it to ' ,
cut fuel costs to a rainiraunu Make your !
next stove a LanAwood and cut ybiir fuel ,
bUlsintwb. . , , 1 ,
L jlAUG'S Ltm&wood i$ &usranftd to burn TWICE
' lonA with ONE-HALF the wood rtauirml by
any othrrranXt on the markft. Thtpurchanprkm
will 2m refunded if the LA NG WOOD Ranfdoe
mot do iuwt veitisG UARAHTEED. Com I
and tee the LAUG WOOD on display in our norm
Before you buy investigate a-
, 1r :
. t '.1 II I II
i rrty io the drawing -rtxn
making them a committee of th4
September 21, 23 ind 23 PesdUton
whole to secure breakfafit tbr ber I pVw as u so laelnal-e Ore
ifact we- were both attired ! in
3 '
And Now Everybody Can Listen in on the Groatf'AhLintf'
Description ;of the i Wejtera ScpeSccxitiTe
. - 6 Radiopbone Receivia
One of the greatest inyentions the world has ever
known now available to all who .will become States
man Agents and secure twenty new subscribers to The.
Statesman. A Western Super-sensitive i Radiophone
Receiving Set of the highest quality materials, yours
for a little work during spare time.:
More than $5,000,000 is being spent every week on
Radio. ' Great hotels and apartment houses are install
ing them as rapidly as possible, appreciating that ra-
dio service is fast becoming a public necessity. And
now by taking advantage of The Oregon Statesman of
fer, all Salem and vicinity can be equipped with fre
radiophones., Sermons, lecture, concerts, recitals ev
ery sound that rides air channels Jbrought directly into
your home without any cost to you. "The radiophones
ofoferedby The Oregon Statesman are of the famous
Western make. '
This is the biggst.and most liberal offer ever made
by a Salem newspaper. And The Oregon Statesman,
appreciatmx the overwhelming response that is sure
r to follow this announcement, urges immediate action
delivery of all radiophones. Get
. No taps, . continuous wave length r,. variation, .
equipped with primary and secondary coilsi Mahogany
or oak cabinet, bakelite panel, bevelled and graduated
dial, sensitive and permanent crystal adjustment. No
batteries needed. No maintenance cost. Everything
complete. , Can be used with other units to build a loud
speaking set. Wave length range, 750 meters. : -
Note ; While this is rated as a 25 mile instrument, -
music and voices have been brought in clearly from a
much ? greater distance. ; ;The receiving radius Varies, j
depending largely upon atmospheric conditions The ;
head 3et consists of two receiving phones, 2400 ohm re- ,
sistance, navy type. S "!, ( ' h ': -i,
Briefly, the finest; 'most sensitive and compact ra-;,
dioDhone of its type. But it is only available under:
the terms ot The Oregon Statesman's great free offer-
you cannot buy this set anywhere. 1 ;
Complete instructions for installation and "opera-;. ,
tion furnished with each set. .
4 V'
to - facilitate prompt
Busy Start Now!
listen in witb tbe "Western" Radiophone. Sermons lectures, concerts, recitals, market and weather'
reports. Every sound that rides the air channels you can hear them all!
How to Secure a Radio Set Free Become a Statesman Agent - ':
The "Western Radiophone , Receiving Set con- .
sisting of Tuner, Cabinet and Head piece set with dou
ble receiving phones 'will be given a$ay absolutely free
for 20 new three months subscriptions to The Oregon
Daily Statesman.
The subscription' price is 50 cents a month and a; ;
total of $20.00 must be collected on these 20 subscrip:
tions. Some of these subscriptions may. be just signed
subscriptions without deposits others may have one '
month deposit land others a year's deposit--anywa7
you wish, providing you secure 20 new subscriptions,;
noil 4nol nf C9A fVl in tVioa rtaw oihor?nf Inflt V k,
Come in and. get your Subscription blanks at. the
Circulation Department of the Oregon Statesman, you
must have subscription blanks before you go .after
subscribers .V'-'-tV' v " ' ,' -i:-V.-,-
-Do not vKolct any subscriptions Send them In as;
fast as you get' them.
' . i ; :'
m ii t in I
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