secoud urns section I PACES 1 TO 4 ' 1 Society, General lletzs cd CtzzzTizI SEVENTY-SECOND YEAH DAY. MORNING, JULY 13, 1922 PRICE 5 CENTk ; i j U v 'I 9 . - v- I . " v : V.' ' ! 40 i I J i i t i at iff g By MARGUERITE GLEESON CHARMINGLY t distinctive in details, the banquet of the . First : Consrefatlonal thhrch .. iras a most successful affair Toes day evening. It was a celebro tlon by the niember of the 70th ; anniversary, of ' the ; founding ot the local congregation and many forrffcr members ot the local fchurch were present, ; The decorations were in keep ing with the time when the church was established and the hostesses .lor .the evening and those who .assisted with the serving were in costumes of by-gone days. Musi cal numbers were especially ap proprlate for the -occasion and auiprous talks were - given - by older members of the church, and letups iwfere read fromf ataent members, a Several) former pas tors were anfong those present. Miss Flora Case,! librarian of , the Salem library? returned Tues Uay following a five weeks trip least She attended the national visit left In t&elr two . ,. v ! i?BOr-! iB Heraon for JJ; ;t jmade the trip by ,.Mrs- Cn-1 Roth of The Dalles Ifta3t5r-- I Mn' William Cfaer- lf Ve;s tbeir gnefits Mr. and Jlra ArtW Walker of Boston. Mass. 3Mls Berthal Babcock Is visiting with fier : uncle, -. M. Woodruff, in Long Beach. Cal. She will re turn in. September. . iyt ' ' . Mrs. E. E. fields, accompanied by her son Flo7d Fields and fam ny Of Atlanta Ga.; wentlio Al bany: yesterday for a few days visit with friends. - iMr. and Mrs. Fields and their three4 sons arrived' in Salem last week from the south where Mr. Fields Is instructor in the fienrirL convention of librarians ; held in j 8Cbool of. teehnology. - They made uetroii, ana returned by the nor-1 in rip overland. havne- i.Tf thern route, visiting in St. Paul borne June 25 , They came by the ana Victoria, B. c. ,v ;f s- e ' nonnern route and down the Co An Oregon breakrast, attended 'umoia nigh way : into Portland y several ;representatiTes Vfrom and, then id Salem. They wilt re- the state, and j others! Interested turn' in , time for the opening of la or previous residents to the I ecnooi numoer ot 25, was one of the! 1 i"nul iwmie. uiDBri anena-i jaiss.,Kunice .Emma - Olmstead mg irom uregon included Miss and Lloyd Orval Miller were mar 'Anne Mulhuron. Miss Rutb'.Pax-1 rled yesterday at the home of the iuu iuu mus wessie juiuara, an i unae s parents; Mr. and Mrs.-S. ct Portland, r , : : . W. Olmsted, 2 5 South Nineteenth a reunion or former students street of the library school of the Unl- I Tfie service i, was read at C. 3 verslty of Illinois ! was another o'clock' by RevJ R.' L. Pntnam in pleasure enjoyed fby Miss Case, the f presence ;?of rt relatives and Aii classes since if except two close mends of the family. The were represented. ' More than 1J5 bride wore white V canton crepe. attended tne reunion. . ' . trimmed with white saltln and Miss Case visited the provlnc-1 beads. ' She carried. white bride's 11 library In Victoria. B.C., the! roses with a shower of sweet eas. St Paul City library and the new! Little Winona Putnam i was -the Detroit. Horary, considered to Dei ring bearer.! She carried the ring next to the Congressional library I in a large tose. In rank. - , f t f l 'i ?v 'Mrs.r R. Ii. Putnam played the miss. Kutn f axson oi roruana, i weaaing march from the Bridal formerly childrenUUdlbrariaa in I chorus. The house was lovel JSalem, read a paper ' before the J with quantities of ferns, Shasta children's section on 'Reading in J daisies and; sweet peas, the Elementary Schools." ; , I .Following the service refresh .... r . 1' . invKauons werei extenaea oj i ments were served oy Mrs. uim Dallas, Texas, and Vancouver, B. I sted, assisted by Mrs. Lucile Hil- C, to the librarians to meet with I ton and Mrs. Opal Owens. Mr. them next year. -,' j . land Mrs. Miller left last evening VT1 :-.. ' yr " ; f ' ' . . I fbr a'trlpl to the mountains, Mrs. William Stalger is visiting! f Those; present for the wedding rui, - w, w p.fldoe ih 'Sei I Were Mrsj Glen Prime, Mrs. R. V. Throckmorton, Mrs. M. E. Miller, Mrs.- Ltfcile Hilton, Mrs. Opal Owens aid' Rev. and Mrs. R. Ik Putnam and little Winona. ' M - i Dr.' aad Mrs. Wilder P. Ellis, returned missionaries from Persia, were guests of honor at a delight ful dinner party Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Horace' Sykeg and I Thomas ;;Acheson were hosts for the affair to which number of friends were Invited. Dr. Ellis is a medical mission ary to the orient and Is just now on leair of absence. T With hu I family f hrf will sail for the' east August 28. : Dr. Ellis and Mrs. Acheson were children together in UUh. and the Ellis party stop ped here for a visit with them The gne8ts were nearly alt for attle. V s V- , Mr: and Mrs. It E. Browne are tUltlng with! friends la Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith has I returned from , a visit with friends in -Jefferson. , 'daughter,! Jeanette, have gone to Saslde for a few weeks' outing. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wright tare returned from a few j days ; .-knows 1 B 4 v mer friends and 'acquaintances of Mrs. Ellis 'In the east. The family were', prisoners for more than, a year while on their five-year term of service. They were in Persia daring the war and stayed until the Christians left before' the coming of the Kurds. Dr. .Ellis and "Mrs. Ellis related many j interesting Inci dents in connection with their work at the dinner party. The affair was both a reception and a dinner; 1Those bidden to meet with Dr. and Mrs. Ellis were Mr. and Mrs. John R. Newton. Mrsr E. G. Shaffer, U C. Newton. Clara Newton, Leslie" Charlotte Newton, Mr. and Mrs.; F. N Cone. Mrs. Richard Brown, Mrs. W. W. Emmons, Mrs.j-M. 4L. Miller of Portland; Mrs. Phoebe Linn or Des Moines Ia Mrs. E. E. Up meyer. and Mrs. J. Hagerman, Mrs. St. Pierre; Miss Lucille St. Pierre. Miss Isabel Newton. 'Mrs. Mary Newton, Miss Ella and Ml3s Mabel Newton. ; Mr, and Mrs Bert Marsh are visiting for a few days In. Salem before going to their home - In Klamath Falls. Mrs. Marsh was formerly Mrs, Agnes Eskelson and well known la Salem where she taught in the Highland school for four years; .. -- Mr. and Mrs. Marsh were mar ried In Portland June 26 and have been traveling over the state since of their wedding trip. Mrs. Marsh Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hamer. V" Miss Eva L. Sullivan and Henry Ford tine were married .last 'Satur day. at the Evangelical paraonage. Rev. F. W. Launer officiated. Only a few friends ; were t pres ent. ' , - y 7 : " . , The Mission circle of the Bap tist church will -meet in -the church parlors Friday s afternoon. The program Is ion- the-American Indian. ; Refreshments, will be served after the! program. .. m- .v,v,,..--i Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Fisher and daughter Barbara and: son Lynn Russel, are guests of! Dr.' Fisher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D..W. Fisher- They, will visit In Salem dur ing "July. - -! ' " " '' 1 ' 1 ." 1 . " cltji calendar; Mil I '. ; : Today O. A. C. club at Riverside Dip. picnic supper. Friday ! Mission Circle of J First Baptist church. MAY SUCCEED PRINCE OF MONACO, : that HE" really Is human . after all, and does enjoy 1 good cooking : c . . For years she ha seen her i mother take dowit a can of Crescent Baling Powder u and has known that sbme- i thing good watt ixi the mak ing. ' i .... i . .t ,So her first grocery order i starts with "Crescent Bak- 2 ine Powder, clease Back- ed by years of satisfaction f in homes of the West. No Bitter TasU With Crescent - Mmjfctf 1 Coropar ent faring 11 IN t u I H ' - ... t v - Citizerishio Denied ; Slackers .Five Years . . SPOKANE. Wash.. July 1 1. Denial of citizenship until flvel years from signing of the armis tice was ordered by Judge Rud- kin in the federal court here re cently in the cases oi me appli cants v claseed 1,-as "slackers." ThirtT-nine .aoolicatlons for cltl- zenshin were heard, of which twenty-three, were admitted, six continued and ten dismissed, in cluding the eases ot the five slackers. i f Bones believed to be those of Giovanni Boccaccio have been found and sent to Florence, Ittiy.- It they had dug deeper they might have found the original manu script of Decameron. .'in I i'l".. .1 ji l ") . ii ii 'i mi i'i in nil if ' ' i' iniiiiNiliiJWiWW..l'.'''l'MliM'."i"'"' '' lit , jf-i ' . ,. i.-.. fi,a ,?ntv i;1 l! 7 v- is I .1 iwkuu t Valentinois. granddaughter of the late Prirce Albert. mmf aucceed. htta at Monte Carta, as her father is a captain in the it it ... m 1 M .ill.ii.r -r-- OME BUILDERS ' : i j ' f" 'T - f. pjOME What a wealth of golden memories that word conveys! Home ; "7 the most precious institution in life. You may wander the wide world over, but always your most beautiful recollections will bd of Home. Without homes civilization would cease. To raise and provide for a family Is a duty "every man owes to society. It is the foundation of civilization and progress. Love of home and ownership has made America the Wrongest and freest country in the world. Iyt is one reason why 'America is the world's rich est country.. Each day brings the people of America nearer the time when everyone will own their home. People are rapidly learning that to pay. rent is; to carry a useless burden all through life. Paying rent stifles your' futureand prevents adequate provision for your family. It is an endless stream of money sifting through your fingers, leaving you at last with no fixed place of residence. . You .must pay for a home whether you own it or not... Why .not pu? your ' monthly rent into a home of your Own ? " OWN YOUR OWN HOME. When you are buying a home you are buying happiness for yourself and family Stop that endless stream of money that once - gonfe, is gone ; forerer. BUY today. BUY NOW. Any of the firms whose naimes appear on this page will furnish you; with definite, figures on the cost of a home, and will advise you as to the best 1 method of financing one to suit your pocketbook. MAKE A DECISION TODAY. BE A HOME OWNER. 'if ' : . t- ' '. , W14Y I LIKE MY HOME Sfory Contest for Children Under 16 10 Second Prize 1.00 third Prize .50 Fourth Prize HERE'S your opportunity to see whether you have in the family an embryonic, Mark Twain, a Francis Hodgson Burnett or an advertising man or woman. Through the generosity of a number of our merchants several prizes have" been offered on wVhy I like my homef' and it gives the children a chance to tell in their own wordst just why they like their home surroundings,- We don't want W make too many suggestions about the essays f6r it tends to limit the imagination of the child, but we Want to emphasize the fact if there is a romping dog, or a friend of the child's, he might very well find a place in the story, bame way with the catweetheart hextidoor-the child Vgarden-play room dad's garage thfc family automobile -the interior of the house, the attic papa, mama, aunts and grandparents are all proper subjects f6r partial discussion. f In other word's, have your child or child friend write on "why he loves his home why his home is dear to him all of us grown ups know what VHotrie Sweet Home" means 4)Ut few know' tfie -child's idea of it. . V Via.-,' r ' ':." ''"' -ii' ' ..-4 ,. - . ,! . f :;: ... ' - The best stories will be paid for .with prizes enumerated in the heading every child, has a chance for the age of the kiddie will be taken into consideration. Tfee best stories will be published in the Statesman". l '.-:' ( This is the first of a series often advertisements which will ap pear weekly in The Statesman. The "Own .Your Home" movement is nation-wide in its scope and. these advertisements are printed , to stimulate home building in Salem. : ... . ' ------ - . i ;. ' ?: ,'..'...,-u.-f THIS AVERTISEMENT MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOW ING FIRMS IN THE INTEREST OF THE HOME BUILDERS campaign: ' - -V; ; " ' ' HUTCHEON PAINT CO. ; ' Paints,' Oils) Varnishes' ; : ' , . f - SPAULDttiG LOGGING CO. Building Materials of all kinds FARMER HARDWARE CO. Everything in; Builders Hardware : ' . HEYSER & FOLLRICH Real Estate, Terminal Building ELECTRIC FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. , Electric Wiring and Fixtures, 222 North Liberty Street T.M.BARR Plumbing and Tinning, 164 South Commercial Street PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT AND '. POWER COMPANY !: . ' ' FRED A. LEGGE, KENNETH C. LEGVE Architects and Engineers, Murphy Building ." - ' " OREGON GRAVEL CO. '' ', ' . '. Face Brick, Sewer Pipe, Sand, Gravel, Cement,' Foot of Hood : ( Street; ; ' " " ; ' '';'' ' ; - 4 '. NELSON BROTHERS i Plumbing, Tinning, Furnaces, 355 Cheraeketa Street BECKE & HENDRICKS . ' Real Estate, Fire Insurance, U. S. Bank Building DR. O, L: SCOTT, Chiropractor . ' U. S. tiank Building . ; V- - peattlt, Wath. rrs aca Army ,8H wivwt -vj yv, . ; j,..