The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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' - FORT MIAMI PARK. Toledo,
6 Jul 12. -The' Great Rom won
the Tecsmseh stake, feature event
st! today's grand circuit races An
hollow V fashion, taking three
heats. - . ;. (
Tfc taurel Hall was contender
for two miles and was then drawn.
Cox started the horse, .although
be was lame. 1 The first heat' In
2:04 1-2 took' much of the Good
Time Farm entry's speed.
m ; The Sherwood cup for three'
v year-old trotters, another added
money event, went to Lee Worthy
second choice. In straight heats.
. Collateral, after Chasing; jthe
winner to the wire In the : fllrst.
en lose
, TO EELS 7-6
Portland Rally. Comes fToo
, Late in Attempt toj; t:;
H bave bame
L03 ANGELES,. Juljr 12 jLos
As feles defeated Portland ? to C
hers today In the opening game of
tbe series. . The Angels clinched
-the game in the 8th Innlnif when
Deal doubled scoring - Baldwin.
Tbe Beavers staged rally; In the
ninth, four, consecutive hits net
ting two run's. . . jU
Portland ...l ..'..V.6 122
Los Angeles .7! -16 0
Levereas and Elliott; Thomas,
Wallace, Dumovich 'and Baldwin.
f 8aa Francisco 6; Seattle"!''"
las Franc lsc or scored Its seventh
btralght 'victory today hy defeat
In Seattle 8 to 1. The Seals won
tbe game in the first Inning' when
uaraner temporarily boarded a
balloon and allowed four! hits. An
error and two stolen bases on top
Seavy, Bell Insurance
J v.v-vl Agency; V;----
J. W. Seavey ... , 412 Oregon
Vm. Bell " r , Bldg.
Shelan Sackett .Phone 467
Charter No. 3105 - ' Reserve District No. 12
at Salem, la the State of Oregon,
ao, im.- - ,
' 1. (a) Loans" and discounts. Including rediscounts.
; t acceptances of other banks.' and 'foreign bills of
. .'txehanra nr AtilUm sold with Indorsement of this
-i bank (excent those shown
2. Overdraftsv unsecured UI-;V;.Wi'.'.i i,f.;'y , ?30.50
fii C. 8. GoTernment Secnritlea Owned x, " . ? v t
a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. 'j'. '
,,f i bonds i par ivajue) :'Z.i .l;; 1100,000.00
' b All other- United States 'Government.
securities (including - premiums,
any ) ... sr . i . . . i. ..
. v Totals U'i.VyA .
' 6 Other - Bonds,' stocks! ! securities, etc. . . . .'
,JJ. Banking house, $28,279.47; furniture and 1,
t f lit u res, $4,371.22 ; iV. f. v.
f7, Real estate owned other than banking! house...
. Lawful. reserve with federal' reserve bank. ..w . '. . .
10. Cash la. vault and amount due from' national banks
13, Checks on other banka In, the same city or town as
. reporting bank! dther than! Item 12) v . . . 4i .
- , Total of.Jtems 10 and 43. -si. . $38,920.60
K. (a) Checks and drafts on banka (includ-
if X ing r eaerai' Jteserre tnki
side of city or town: of reporting' bank $ 418175
(bV Mlscellaneous'cashitetmi
15, Redemption fund. with. U. ,S.
1 - from U, S.' Treasurer .V.
is. Other assets, if any
! .
' 4
17Capital stock paid In . i . r
18, Surplus fund . . I .i". ... . ; j '. ".'A
19, Undivided profits v4 H V-' ' ' '
20, Circulating ' notes outstanding 1 1 . '
22. Amount due to national banks. V. . . . . J ,
23 Amount due to State banks, bankers, and trust com-
' i i panles In the United State and foreign countries;
(other than included In, item. 22 . . ; . - . . .
24. Certified checks outstanding v J . .
25. Cashier's checks outstanding , . . i . . .
? ; Total iot items 22. 23. 24 and 25; . . .$23,570.67
Demand deposits (othes; thaa bank deposlu) bJ'w:tv
'' " ? t to Reserve deposits payable within 30 days )
28, Individual deposits subject to check...;.......... '
27, Certificates of deoosit due in
(other than for money Dorrowea
2 8, State, county or! other imuniclpal deposits secured
? - !by pledge of assets etf this bank ; or otherwise. .
30. Dirldeods onpald i-. .v. .' - . y '" ' 't " ' " "
311 Other demand deposits . . ... . . i . ,.
ToaI of demand deposits (other than , 'T
i ; bank. .deposits), subject to reserve.. Qtt
;V jltems 2$, Z728. SOland 'Ijj'iJJ" ;
Time depofitts subject to Iteeerve (payable rafter W
.days, or aubject ta 801 days or more motlce, ana
postal savings): ; ' f r- l7" . -32.
Certificates of deposit pother than for money,
borrowed) - v fit', v. . ;'... v .: ",:.'
84. Other time deposits . i. , ; : .
35, Postal savings deposits . i
1 Total of time deposits subject? a, ,
v IReserve. ltems;32. 34 and 35... $227,58943
38. United States deposlta (other than postal savings).
! Including War Loan aepoMi
iof United States disbursing officers . . . . ' .
State of Oregon, county Of MSamed bank, do sol-
emnly .wear that the a bore state
nt ; . . i . " 5
CORRECT-Attest t B. J.. Miles.
weakened, and Baron Etawah
Placing. I Alma Worthy, favorite,
was outside the money.
Longest, driven by Cox. took
the second and winning heat of
Monday's unfinished 2:18 trot.
(In the 2:05 pace,' one heat of
which, wai woa Monday by Grace
Direct, the . Judges . displaced S.
"Early, her driver, after Logan
Hedgewood won the , first heat
today. VBl" ' Shirley drove the
mare, in the third heat and won.
Decision was reserved by the jud
ges I in Early's case. Gratton,
heavy t favorite, took the 2:07
pace in straight heats without
much effort; , n
of the hits let In five runs. After
that Gardner allowed only three
safeties, f
Score-- .- It. H. E.
Seattle ' vL ;...... 1 6,2
San Francisco 6 7 0
Vernon 7, ; Salt Lake 6, 3
Vernon won both gaettis of today's
double header, 7 to 6 and 9 to 3
The first game was featured by
tnree home runs by successive
Salt . Lake batsmen in the eighth
inning. Siglln Strand and Lewis
knocked ; the . ball over - and tied
the score. 6 all. In the ninth.
with ( two out, Hyatt knocked the
ball over for the winning run. Dell
naa an easy victory In the second
game.'- r . 1 ;,
Score-i- , R. H. E.
Vernon , i ........... . 7 It J 1
Salt Lake .6 10 0
, Doyle,, Gilder, and Murphy;
Blaeholder and Byler. ' -'
, Second game R. H. E.
Vernon . '. . . '. ......... 9156
Salt Lake ....... .....3 9 1
Dell and Hannah; Gould and
Jenkins. ,
j; Sacramento 5 Oakland 4il
. SACRAMENTO, Cali, Juty 12.--Sacramento
pulled another ' game
out of the fire here today, In the
second encounter of the series
against the Oaks,' the contest fan
ning to 11 Innings, after Brown's
four ply clout wlth , one on had
deadlocked . the combat in the
ninth. Howard's men broke the
tie in the 11th, when Knight
crossed the plate behind Koehler'i
single td left; ; ' ' -.'
Score i : 1 R. H. 13
Oaklandl.V t.:y ...... .i 11 2
Sacramento . . . . . . , . . . 5 1 1 2
at the close of business on June
in b and c)........ 8 379,562.27
$411,051.72 -
. .-, .
, 2,276.31
iwwu w
- . 1.975.7 Jf,
, Treasurer and due
i . . . V. . . .....
r 445.04
....,. ......... . . $1,264,741.24
: i4.o
,, .903.67
wou m
is tree to Jhe best ofmy knowledge
.JUS. XI. Aiootn.
Paul B
Wallace. E. M. croisan,
' Directors.
Mf CommisBlon expires January
SOX BY 5 T0 1
Alexander Unable to Stop
League Leaders ron
ey Is Strong
CHICAGO, Julr 12. Grnvor
Alexander was unable to stop New
lorn today and Chicago took Us
second defeat. The league lead
ers outplayed the locals on the
defense and their attack was op
portune. Fred Toney had little
difficulty holding Klllifer's men
safe, as the fielding behind him
was perfect.
Score R. H. E.
New York 5 16 0
Chicago l g 3
Toney and Snyder; Alexander,
Stueland and O'Farrell.
Boston 4; Pittsburgh 3
PITTSBURGH, July 1 2. The
Boston Braves again defeated
Pittsburgh today. Yellowhorse
outpitched Watson, but the sup
port wabbled at a critical time.
Rohrwer's fuvible giving the
Braves two runs.
Score R. H. E.
Boston 4 7 3
Pittsburgh 3 13 1
Watson, Miller and Gibson;
Yellowhorse and Gooch.
Cincinnati 4; Brooklyn 1
CINCINNATI, July 12. - The
Reds defeated Brooklyn today.
Donohue was greeted by a triple
and a double by the first two men
up In today's game, but thereaf
ter the visitors were unable to
get a man . past second base.
Grimes was not hit Iiard, al
though his support was inferior.
Brooklyn 16 4
Cincinnati .; 4 9 1
Grimes, Brier and Miller. De-
berry; Donohue and Wingo.
' Philadelphia Wins Both
ST. LOUIS, July 12. The Phil
lies defeated the Cardinals In
both ends of -today's double-header
The loss of the first game broke
the locals' winning streak of
eight straight. Roger Hornsby
hit his 23 rd homer of the season
in the sixth inning of the first
game! Pftchet Jimmy Ring won
his own game in the seventh in
ning of the closing game with a
drive Into the right field seats.
First game R. H, E.
Philadelphia o o
St. Louis 2 8 3
.Mead6ws and Peters; North.
Barfoot and McCurdy.
Second game K. H. E.
Philadelphia 311 u
St. Louis .27 0
; run And Wlthrow; Sherdei
and Ainsmtth.
(Continued from page 1.)
their activities, it was saw.
"The drunken driver is one oi
the greatest menaces on the high
way and we are prepared to take
drastic action to see that ne goes
Mr. Kozer declared.. "We will co
operate' to the limit with officials
of the state." State trarnc, oui-
rn. h nftid. will be given in-
Movie fans and those who are
fond ot the classics ot the Ameri
can stage are in for a treat when
the famous old melodrama. Ten
Nights In a -Barroom," is shown
at the Grand theatre on Saturday,
Sunday and Monday. This famous
old play "has been -made into
sneclal. The story of "Ten
Nights In a Barroom" is familiar
to almost everyone, as It enjoyed
great success both as a novel and
ply. It has been on the boards
for over sixty years and is said to
hara Dlaved in . every city and
town In the country."
Therefore, it is not surprising
that the always enterprising
movie producers found in it splen
did material for a most unusual
feature. L. Case Russell who
wrote the-scenario, has followed
the story faithfully, only making
such changes in the original story
as the dictates of the screen required-
Of Course the wide range
of more elaborate version than
the stage could give. Such scenes
as the log jam in a raging current.
culminating in a thrilling climax
in the rapids and the burning of
the inn are only possible since the
advent of motion pictures. Evei
the most elaborate stage present!
tion could not hope to touch them
for realism. Scenes such as these
take "months to make and cost
smalt fortune. . " , f
All:' of the old favorites are
there. Joe Morgan. Siman Slade.
Little Mary, Hajvey Green, Willie
Hammond and all the rest. And
an excellent cast brings them to.
life with all, their Joys and sor
rows. John Lowell ,' plays . Joe
Morgan, while Baby, Ivy Ward ta
Little v; Mary. :, Others are ? Nell
Clark Keller, Charles Mackay.
James f Phillips Ethel ; Dwyer,
Charles r Beyer - Kemptoa , Green
Lillian Kembell. Robert Hamilton
struct ions to watch carefully for
motorists who risk their own lives
as well as those of other persons
on the road.
Those drivers whose licenses
were suspended daring the past
week are ax follows:
John A. Frieson, Dallas; one
year; Leonard Stinson, Astoria,
one year; Lloyd Sundin, Salem
three months and Austin Clinton,
Coquille. 30 days.
(Continued trom page 1 )
two-day postponement of the time
for a court hearing was signed by
V. S. U'Ren. for himself and Gus
C. Moser. Collier & Collier and
Peck c Brand, attorneys for the
contestant; and by Jay Bowerman
and Roy Shields for the contestee.
Judge, Bingham is holding off
from a proposed visit to the coast,
to be on hand for the hearing
cn Saturday.
College Rookie Fans Babe
Three Times m Pinches
With Bases Full
NEW YORK, July 12. St.
Louis retained the American lea
gue lead today by defeating New
York in a bitterly contested game
Pruett, college recruit, fanned
Ruth three times in the pinches,
once with tbe bases full. Sister's
single in the eighth with the bases
full, won the game for St. Louis.
Williams hit his 21st home run
R. II. E.
St. Louis 7 10 1
New York 4 7 3
Batteries Pruett, Van Gilder,
Danforth and Severeid; ILoyt,
Murray and Schang.
Cleveland 11, Boston 7
BOSTON. July 12. Cleveland
pounded Pennock and Karr to
day for 20 hits, defeating Boston.
Joe Sewell made five clean bits
in as many times at bat. Covel
eskie lobbed over the ball in the
last ot the ninth, when Boston
made six runs and his hits, one
homer by J. Harris over the
left field fence, with one on base.
R. II. E.
Cleveland .. .- ..." II 29 1
Boston !...... .; 7 14 2
Batteries Coveleskie and
O'Neill; Pennock. Karr and Ruel,
Chicago 4, Washlnffton 1
Washington. July 12. iiber
held Washington to four scattered I
singles today. Chicago winning
easily. ; -
R. H. E.
Chicago 4 10 1
Washington 1 4 1
Batteries Faber and Yarryan,
Francis and Picinich. .
Detroit 7, Philadelphia 3
Detroit defeated Philadelphia to
day. Heilmann hit his 14th home
run of the season in the ninth,
with two on base. Cobb made
five hits in as many times at bat.
It. II. E.
Detroit I 14 2
Philadelphia .... 3 5 2
Batteries Dauss and Manlon;
Naylor and Bruggy.
Minneapolis-Milwaukee; post
poned, rain.
St. Paul-Kansas City; postpon
ed, wet grounds.
At Indianapolis 0; Columbua 1.
At Louisville 8; Toledo 2.
At Denver 6; Wichita 7.
At Omaha 2; Oklahoma City 8.
At Sioux City 11; Tula 10.
At Des Moines 2; St. Joseph
. LOS ANGELES, July 12. The
angageraent ot Larry Seuoon.
acreen comedian, and Lucille Car
tyle. his leading woman, was an
nounced here today. They have
not set the date ot their marriage-
contains: -. .
TKe college of Literature. Science
and the Arts with 22 departments.
The professional schools of Archi
tecturt Business Adminittration -Education
Graduate Study -law
Medicine Music Physical Educa
tion Soeiolofy. iv A
The 47th Year Opcai October 1 1 v22
For a cof atof v or any information
tMtm 77i Rtgiitrwr, UntOrrtitp of
Oregon, uf m. Grwfon.
Managers of Boxers Also Are
Barred by N. Y. Commis
sion Following Fight
NEW YORK. Juty 12. Joe
Lynch, bantamweight -i j champion,
Johrny Buff, who lost the title
to the former Monday n:ght and
their managers Eddie Mead and
Lew Diamond today weje sus
pended by the New York state
boxing commission until an in
vestigation is made of the con
tract under which they met.
The commission acted on alle
gat onr. that the state law was
violated when Lynch guaranteed
Buff $30,000 to make he match
and an additional sum If he lost
his title. The crowd was smaller
than expected, and it is related.
Lynch must pay nearly $10,000
to make up the deficit.
The New York law proves that
boxers in any natch may split
50 per cent of the gate receipts
any way they choose, but it pro
hibits guarantees.
Fer Remain More Than Four
Days at Auto Park; Many
Prefer Night Travel
... An average of 20 cars have
registered each day since July 1,
at tho auto camp grounds, aci-
cordlnz to the records of the sup
erintendent. T. G. Gilbert. The
average for tho month ot Jun
was 15. Morn than twice that
many cars ere in the grounds
each day but only those who re
main for the night are registered
Many stop during the heat of the
day and go on when it becomes
cool, Mr. Gilbert says.
A-total of 905 cars have been
Thursday Friday
This Is Your Opportunity to Get New High-Grade
Shoes at Low Prices for the Next Three Days
Men's Work and Dress Shoes
1 i
Men's Elk Bals, Brown and Black, all sizes, good fit
and wear at - - S1.9S
Men's Black Army Work Shoes
A good $5 value, go at.... - $2.95
Men's Dress Shoes
All sizes. Shoes marked up to $12 and $15, Brown and
Black, to close out.
New Oxfords
In all styles, made by Florsheim, advertised to sell the
world over $10, to go at- $8.95 .
Children's Bearfoot Sandals, to close out at.
Ladies' White Pump Oxfords, all styles to close
Highest grade workmanship in the
, city, we. are now using a hew leather
that gives twice the wear at no ad
vance in price. , Ladies soles, $1.
Men's $1.50. 1 V
regmereo: so far this year, ac
cording to the record. The
ramp , opened May 1. Of these
452. were registered during June
and 45 had registered this
month up until last night.
Fe-? cars remain more than
four days at the camp. Mr. Al-aj-yt
estimates while the usual
average left over each night Is IS
which was the number accounted
for. Inst night. New camps made
last night Included: Mr. and Mrs.
E C. Cole. Goldendale, Wn.; C.
Johnson. Butte; H. Dunham,
Portland; P. W. Austin. Chat
man. Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Coller. Mahama; H. J. Ray
Crawford, San Francisco; C. A,
mond. Peteluraa. Cal.; Mr. and
Mrs. R. Walquest, Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. E. Arnson, San Fran
cisco; H. Richards, J. S. Rich
ard. H. Coats, Seattle; J: W.
Kays. Molton. Wr.; C. Caton,
Harlan; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Coon
ey, Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
ChrUtianson. Black root, Idaho;
Mr. and Mrs. M. U Little. Mt.
Vernon. Wn.; Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Merrftt. Blackfoot. . Ida.; A. M.
Swltser, .San Demar, Cal.; Mr.
and Mrs.. F. H. Dorsay. Oakland,
Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cohn,
Air. aua Mrs. L. B. Cohn, Los
Yeomen Project Will
Be Luncheon oplc
The proposer Yeomen's Nation
al Children's home, that is just
now a lire issue for some city In
Oregon, is to be the topic for
discussion at the Marion-Polk
County Realtors' luncheon at the
Marion today noon. A special
representative of the order will
be present, to tell what they need,
explain its . benefits, and ask tor
the cooperation, in bringing it
here. Two other points in Or
egon, Medford and Roseburg, are
being considered. The project
will call for from 1000 to 1200
acres of good farm land, in a
body or contiguous, and will mean
the expenditure of several mil
lions of dollars , wherever the
home is located. All citizens In
terested are invited to Join in the
"Dutch treat" luncheon and boost
for the possible big community
"Is soup a good food?
"Soup Jsn't a food, it's a lang
, $4.95
3Z6 8t&1e
at 'j
Testimony Takes Entire Day
Defendant Shows Ef- i
feet of Illness !
The reading of testimony given
by Mrs. Madalynne Obenchain a
her first trial .'for the murder of
J." Belton Kennedy, local broker,
occupied alt of today's court session-
Mrs. 0benchaln sat . with
her head In her hands during
most ot the reading, apparently
still suffering from the effects ot
her sudden illness ot - yesterday
which necessitated an early ad
journment of court. The case
will be resimed tomorrow.
Jury in Erickson Case
Fails to Reach Verdict
Th" Jury, drawn . to hear the
evidence In the case of Dan Erick
son in justice court yesterday
afternoon. . failea tOL reach a ver
dict end the jury was dismissed.
Erickson, who was arrested with
William Meyers In Stlverton ten
s 1 -
All former People's Cash Store employes are re-
quested to apply immediately to assist In our . -
July Clearance Sale
Ladies' Dress
experienced salespeople also apply, to'
manager. "- r' .'-t'. ;?.'"" f v v vf n-
-1 ' '
Odd lots in all styles, regularly sold up to $12, while
they last, to go at..
Big Line
Good $9 values in all the new combination of colors and
cutout patterns, to gvj at ... --5555
Arch Preserver Oxfords ' ;
In Brown and Black, the last call to buy these Oxfords
at . 'r i.-..-! 7,95
The Fall price will be $9.00 . ....
-v :i :;- . ' ' - . ."
I V , . i : -V' " 1 .f.i.'. 'V'-.j:- V .'"".('" 1
j Ladies'! Outing Boots
A bg line to close out. $9 Brown High Top Boots in
all sizes to close out iat..JL.: .. $$5
out at.
- rlDUfrB&
UW a , M. '
days ago by the sheriff's office
when depeties found a quantity
of ."moonshine In their cabin.
will b g'ven another trial on a
date to be set later.
SEATTLE, July 12. The
steamship Northland, which was
aground near Point Partridge,
Whiddby Island, early this morn
lag during a heavy fog. was float
ed at six o'clock tonight, accord
ing to a wireless .message from
the United State coast guard cut
ter Snohomish, which went to the
vessel's rescue. ,
Simply Wonderful
For Hair and Scalp
Uw woaferfol 10 mt 8m Dip.
Aitor inn axiwrlmMtlac to VUI
tha sei rxmlr u la fwUttm a,
pot eoroblM4 wltk Sam Di OMoriM4
aa4 otlr awdieal wrtW th rM)a
km wltti pproWl UnMuH W a
Th mtartakW aetloa ef tt vrttort
taa aeala irwa ttm Ufa waleh It 1mmUI
rafMr kalr toKi 4 bwatlM kalis
CtTlaa a aw Uf4iU gtaM, hira
"' For. EnsMi Oil, LifiM VtAr. JvMnr
SralK DMMtratf mm4 FalltM Hair It
no aqaaU Yoa UtAmt caa V WaV
of row hair by Um ngalar wa c Grant.
Mac far aaprrtor to anllaarf Soap IH
water. Dallaatfal to aaa.
Ppal ' oa ) at all Draa tm . Aa.
and House Shoes.,
SI. 95
New Pomps
now in charge of the foot comfort
department. . Corns and callouses, in
grown nails removed without pain or
soreness. Foot troubles scientifically
relieved, arch supports , correctly
fitted. . '