- THURSDAY MORNING. JULY - i3, 1922 I . 'criai3OTxi iptziiisnmrrs -'' Rat -per wordt it rar insertion X 6 Thro lmrttwi-wn On ntk fain insertion - month i. , .,- ,,.ir . 2Qa Six meat' contract. Pr le 13 enootht' contract, per a. 12 Mialmum for Mr advartissm': 25s v NORWICH UNION FIRD ' INSURANCE SOCIETY W; IL BurghaTdtv Jr. - Resident Agent 171 State St. ; ,M0NEY TO LOAN On Ral Estate - -- T. K. FORD 1 ' (Over Ladd it Bush Bank) NEW TODAY DR. WILLIAMS CORKS, CALLODS ; "ti, iarrovi . BAila,. all foot trouble. :v. FTiet Ba Co. Faone Slav -- LOST TUE8DAT AFTERHOOS OS road to SdoaaTa UadiaaV wee of Kiter sckoolboDse,' mto robei rray, . ""black and rreea color. Piader plaaM .-aaaee) at thia otfteo. itewara. , WANTED TO BEST STOCK AND -. araia farm. Oct. lit. B. P. .Pnrdy. KouU) 8. AJbaay. orefoa. i : ABOUT 100 W. L. TEABLXNO HENS arr layera. : Tonr-caaieo aa oacb. each for flock. rAakaim Boad, v. A. Powd. Rente Box l3. . THE MeMINNTILLB COL ISSUES A fally- paid. aoa-aaaeaaabla poJiey. S yeara for 2 anaaal premiania. , with promt aad fair dealinc. reaeonabla rate. fiuodley A Foley, egeiits. Bh : Baa aug; ynone ; 7. -tf-- OPPORTUNITT. OH HOME BUT. IS now dVi Salem real aetata la' low ad feefora the aaaal fall ruth. If yoa want a , S. A or 10 rooea bono wa - will aall a ad a bow yo tea, e,uick. To day w kare m $ reona aaedera with fall eemeat baaetaemt; pariag, fir place. Patch kitchen., etc. , Dirt ekeap aad oa teraie. imniedmte poaeeaatoa. Borko h Headrieka. SOS U. 8. Bank - BaUding-. -. ' ' i ' : SIX ROOM .MODERN HOME AT 13800. . Immediate Boaaeaaioit. -. South. Full rament baaeaiB. , Tertaa Becko m Haadrieka. aOA V. B. Baak Bldg. FURNISHED APAETME5T FOB BENT. 1182 CenUr. . , j won RKNT. FnRNIflHED S ROOM aaodera boaae, fiaa gardaa aad email bemoB. 150 . per aaontk. Pboae LOST. MONDAY A MONEY FOLDER , coataiaing glol ia earreaey.i If re torted I fuU U Wilier Broa. we will reward tag pkrty with 151. WglUf -'Broa.-- ri iU ... -! - f Wood's Bargains 200 acre fina,' well located la eiekaoga for koaia la Bateai or aabmrbaa aoaa, Una na kftlAaaa- . t - . 0- aeroe Improved to akekaaga ' for toma la baien. it acre Iran rancn wivn troD. 2500. take a korne ia Belenr. New baaralow with basement, not all fiaiakad, $14O0. half eaak. to good die- trie!. A atrietl ' aaodera S rooaa baa- . galow. lam . lot with Bearing f rait ' ireea, pared street, beet reeidenoa dta trict, for lea tbaa boose woaid eoat to . baild. ' ' -. Ford oadaa to trade la oa a home. Good light car for Mia er will trade oa c'baap home. A fine fa rat 60 per era. aeir Dalle a. Want to exchaare aebarbaa homo ia aeree) for eloae la 2 kooao. Boo aa for trade. Jf. Ik Wod. 141 BUM etreet. - i SDeclal I. ... ' STlee littto 4 room aaadera hwaaa. - completed and readr for yoa to move la. It'a ft good boy for 2100v with : , , .Thomason .-i . tim State atreet ..I..." EMPLOYMENT i WANTED TO RD 8ALEaMAN. SALARY 1 aad aoeamiasioa. Meat ' owttr demonr atrator. ' XlUott-Motor , Co, i DaUaa, Oregoa. ' . . ; ! ' WANTED ENERGETIC TOUW0 KAlf who had had experience eelling life' insurance, gtocka or adrerttting. Most bo abia to davota hia aatira . timi : and . - be ambition for adraaeeoient. . Kaat hare- tho -owarag o aaaea htaaineaal propoaitkoa to merenaate aaa proiea r aianal aaa, Aaiwer ia year ewa kand- 1- writing, atatin are, edaeatioaal qnali . fieatioaay exp.rience at solicitor, ete. ' Addraaa btateaiaaa iDoe. ,- liALE ABP rtXg'- WANTED-50. LOGANBERRY PICKERS ' J i i. .' . j - yix. - t. - . n W - , ... . WANTED ME AND WOMEN TO . v take farm paper anbaertptmna. - A good i proposition to the right people. JLjJret v the Paeif ia Homestead, aUateamaa Bidf. ' Baleoa, Ore. , .-,PRSQNAL..:: . , GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper paaiisnea. re Ir sump. vr respoaaent. 'leieao, usio.' t.'-t - r ;? FOR. SALE I - -' ' '. i- i i, -; . t I., . BToTNZSS OrPOlTUNITXCf i ' I .' II .1 I i- I I,. Ill I FOR BALE HOTEU LEASE AND PART of furniture, doing good business. Od , seeoant of !ckssts snt forced to osIL ; Hotel I at Harrieburg. . Write (L. F. . FAZJ8 FAPZB - IF TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send I5e to the Pscifie ' Hmo uSSSSSS!&J M.nti I CALL 125S-J FOR FIRST CLASS CE tta" fn?tt'U I ZV i nt work. PtheaTstep. and side- ' POULTRY TOCLTRTMZN SEND EIGHT TWO ;: cent stamps for special throe Boathw , trial for ths beat and oldeat Jwuraal k ia the waat. . The articles aad odver- - tiMSMnte are of epeeiel ia tor eat to the penury preoaere of tap. - Mruvm. Northwttt Poultry Journal. 211 Coat-1 - maroiai street, Baleat, i Oregoa. ;;" FOR SALE1 p . WOOD -w, i ,i ' i i FOOT AND 16 INCH DRY MILL J wood ia any ossaUty. Tracy Wood tjo. - Phoae sao. . " 4 BE8T GRADB MILL-WOOD ! IHCHi ' 8 ft. and 4 1 it. ' Prompt dlivrv. 1 Special price oa car lots. We eaa msk ' delivery a ask. aoooad growth aad i' old growth fir about Jaly 15. Fred . E. Walla, 805 & Chareh. Phoas 1542. ALL KINDS OJVWOQD FOE $ALE I nig iir aaa esx. in tncn. , vraera ' i taken for immediate or- fatnr daliv- - eric. . O. t. Query, Livoaley Stetioa. . Phoao TT831. ?! ':. .OLD 26 IN.- FIB, 96 r EOOV 4 TTH 1 a a. aja.raea saut. - ' '., XJVZ STOCK ' ! '," COOD COW FOR SALE CALL AT 70 South lata street. . . lsrrxiAKEOTjf FOB SALE BULL t00 PUPPIES. J ala good talkiag arro. Ths : Bird - : " 'sr'biore. 976 hut. v FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 . seats a . buadla. Circnlatioa depart- mat, Oregoa Ststesmaa. 1 1 tUMMEB LUGGAGE KEDUCED WALL pr remaaata, plarer walisoar. v Vlvt tir t carpet. 84 83 u End or- -. nc hick grade hoate paint.- Kstse rie, inn pound.' Cetloa aiattrerte. 83.50. Steel springs 95.00. Max , O. Bnren. 179 N. Commercial St FCfPgAEE XISCEIXAXKOVt LOGANBERRIES - 81-35 PER CRATE. delivered say -part city. 7 Pr crate pick them -yurelf. 2288 FSnT greaad Roods.: Phon 8t J. i ? "Beautiful Oregon; Rose" ui eleven other Oregoa awn. together with a Xiao eoUectMB i patriotic oar, aamd aoBgs iu aaaf 'a u AXX. FOB sse IRmUl to anaatitv letal Especially adaptable for school, cmnraa- ny r a one id(. 5n wr - The Western Songster T pages, aw la IU third, owitma. rapmneq ay- ; DREOQX TEiCHLSa MOJITnLI 215 8. Commercial St. - - Calem. Ore. FOR RENT rULT FOB BENT FULLY FURNISHED modern first floor flat at 0 . rerry street. 50 a month. Apply at fitetea- aawbaatBeaa oJfe. hoaa 1. FOB RENT FTJLLT FOBXISHEO MdeTSr " f iff TWS flit, at 04 Fer ry atreet. $50 a month. laiaaediatd poaaoaatva. Apply at Btataamaa oi fieo. r Plwaa 28. ; BOOKS t ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN, COSY; ooe -p. aoa etata. . . - . MODERN BOOK FOB GENTLEMAN I Ceatrally located. Mast grre aama aad reference. . Addraaa A. care Stateaman. i FIRST ' CLASS SLEEPING ROOMS all eoarentenee. also - garage; reasotv able. - Gentiemin or tonple; prirate family. ' ' 23 B. High Street. Phone 1788-W. . - - "-i - FOB KENT SUITS OF BOOMS WITH private btth, alto aiaglo noma. J00 Chemeketa atreet. Pkene 1280. WANTED ICSCAXLABBOtJl i WANTED HAT BALED PHONE 559. WANTED FURNITURZ, TOOLS, ZTC, Paone 511. ; - . i OLD MATTRESSES MADB OYER Capital City Bedding Co. Phone 19. GENTLEMAN WANTS BOARD AND room ia . nrlrato family. I eoiun aide preferred. Addreaa A 6V ear Statea- BING AND LAMBERT CHERRIES wanted; far immediate delivery. Fro miam paid ' for largo fancy ejnality. lao red raepberriee waatod. Ward K. Richardson, phone 494 WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. MA- eaiaerr, atock. oto. Will bay for eaak or sell on oommiaatoa. . faoaa ail. Woo dry, the gvctioaets, WANTED EVERYTHING . IN HARD-1 ware aad raraitare. Best Pncea pat. Iltl CAPITAL HAKUWABJB a FURNITURE CO. 285 V. Commercial St. 1 ' Phone 947 CHERRIES WE ARB RECEIVING Boyal Aaae and waternonao caamea at Maaoa-Erarmaa warehonae, eorner High aad Mill street, and will, eon- tlnna from 7 o'clock ia the snerain antil 1 at night Saadaya and holidaya lnoladed, aattl the crop is all la. Wo I waat taaai aow. mi t wait anui taey get ororrtDO aad let the raia spoil them. 'We are payiar the highest price ia Salem . aad . eaa . aao any amoant yea may hare. Deliver all black cher ries at Mantis Brothers wsrehoate. Tradv sad High stmts. Lyons Cai. I ulaee frait Co., as o. uigQ. raoae i 898 or call Maagia Bros. 117. LOST - AND FOUND1" LOST BROWN VANITY , CASE. CON- tained oat hill and torn siirer. Phons 89F2. . - I - BUSINESS CARDS . , AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER-- F. B. WOODBY. THE -t livestock, rarnitsre, -: resi , esisv ne- ttoaeer. psoas on -1 or i gates. Boa, ,1610 . Bnmmer. . Auto Directory FOB SALE, OB .TRADE REO TRUCK. 1921 1 ntodeL- perfect condition.-VftU tTad for real estate, prodae or will sett aay terms: This- 1st aa except tioasiiy good any. 11 yoa want a rest , good bargain apply immediately. Phoae or caiL ; Ths People s Csth Btore. EATTEBT AMP, ElJCTRICXAk ' AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT, TBOU- si' snooting. aia . Atga. , raoae 202, V PRESTO LITE i BATTERY SERVICE fitntwa. Expert battery aad electrical i : d V ioao 4 1 a t w wi fMmwf'm 4prv. cavn gv, i,g ACETYZjEKB WELDXMa IRON. STEEL, BRASS, . ALUMINUM Briar the pieces. : Oxo-Gss. Heating CO. ' 887 Court. ' " , THX8 AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1-8 TO OFF. MIKE'8 Aato wrecking uouae. , 2 Aorta Commercial. Fheoa 623. - ' ; , i iii i 1 1 i : 10.000 : MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST stoas brnites. rtai eats aad blowouts. The Uydro-Toroa Tiro, for sat by. Yew Park store, I3th aad Letue paoae H. . ', BEAUTY -PARLORS - ' NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. UO.Ml CoBUnsrcigi. street. Phoae 956. . a CEMENT C0NTBACT0B walks a sptcialty. CBJNX8E PHY8I0IAB DB L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diaeaao. - 158 S. High BW phoa 883. .- CARPETS AND IXTJFF BUGS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW i wear Daff rugg aaade est of old ear- petat aay leugtk or wldta you desire. Wo sis go-fit, re-sow aad tat carpets. Feather reaovatiag aad mattress steam ing aad re-making. . Salem Carpet Cleaaiogs gad Xlaff Bug Works. Pha -l DXUG STORES WMi -WEIMEYEB - VU8T .DRUGS. 175 N. Commercial street, pboae 1ST. BREWEB DRUG CO. 405 COURT Pboae 184. ELECTRICIANS SECURE1 MY F10UBES ON WIBING By contract: by hour. At pre-war price. H. Wi Hatch. Phoa 1203V. FTJBMTTTJBB H08PTTAL I FURNITURR REPAIRED OB MADE TO order. Bafiniahiag and aphlsteriag I spactalty. ' Pben 1742. Brown aad ! Groves. 1201 South CoranlerciaL FLOXISTS I CUT FLOWERS AND T LORAL PIECES. Delivery. C r, BreUhSupt, florist, 133 noria iiioerty etraet. rnos ssu. ( FINANCIAL IF YOU NEED A LOAN ON REAL Es tate ae M. 4 Hunt, Ladd Bash BniMug. ' i . . .!-, 28 YEAB FARM LOANS ON BUBAL credit glart, pre-permeat premtions si lowed. We wiH f inane vwe dor a less rate f laterrtt thaa any firm a ths . eaast. . ,tm i.-j Private moaey I' toaa oa either city or eoaatry property - "'V RWr" Marsters - 411 Oreiom BaJSiBg v, . : BUSINESS CARPS " y MRS HENRY ; LEEPIANO. 1221 . Capitol Phona 1017-W- - -- ,t , &ALEM - CONSERVATORY OF .MUSIC i An branches taaght. diploma grsated.. lAltf If H IliPftff. 1211 .I'ml Phoa 28. . . iv- . ----- j : . v ,- IUO AND JAZZ PIANO PLATrNQ 12 kiMii ravanteea. ,. . Wataraiia SrtUn. r. B. Clark. Mgrv UoCor- aaek Bide r JACr MCU.I0AX PIAXO TCXZB: IMDoi Ca. BBrcaeBtaliT of! SarawMi Clay at Co. Pa w. EDWARD WZLP " EXPERIENCED I piaa toaer. Xav era era Will a I Matte Stat. DAjrczva ... PKIVATS LESSON 8 15 ALL LATZ dtoeea. Mrs. White. Fhoae 273 J. -HU810 STORES . GZO. C. WILI - PIANOS. PHONO- grapha. tewing machiaea. , aheet maate. aad piano atadioa. BepairiaaT paoao grapaa aad gewiaa aiaetriaaa. . 432 Bute, , Balm. , ........ ; i . ... ... FIAJtOS . SB ERMAN CLAY -h CO. i PIANOS eteinways, Doo-Art and otkera. Moora'i Mnais Hooia. dlS Conrt a treat aaii Maaeaio Teanpla. - ; . , . , FlNANCIAXi ! LOANS ON GOOD CITT PROPERTY Plenty af earfi ao - delay. Cell 831 4 State atreet. MARION POLK COUNTY FABM - LOAN atsociatkB has money to ioaa at 5 peraeat. W. U. emita. ecretary-traaa- Ladies1 Wearing Apparel ? PBESSMIICTIfO - I RUTH Me AD AM 8 DRESSMAKER. T56 Boath 12th. tPhoaa ,18.4-M. - : I CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING. deaigning. Speaeer coracta to oruar. 2 MeCoraaeh Bldg. r THE ADSITT8 ABE PREPARED TO do any and all kiadf af mdiea' tailor, inc. for old and mew caatoeaera. .852 N. 12th St. Phono 2084-R MAUD SIMONS. DESSMAKEB 1710 Beiieraa t. . . BEXSTlTOUXMa "NEEDLEWORK SHOP" ALL KINDS of fancy work- sad heTnttttchiag don. ill a. oomatereiai atreet. ,. . MRS. BBECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH' tag. Mail order solicited. 175 0. lth PhoBS 174-M. . . , j -J, . - . SALEM ELITB HEMSTITCHINO. pleating, bntloaa. atampina and aeedie- Trorh.; 189 Crrcoa BWt- Phono 879. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING . r cMampiag) i braiding, hand - ombroidery. onrtons, ooin iu, over at u jar s store. BaJeto,; Oregosw Phoas.HT. .: - - : MtmjBBBY r: : -- - HATS. FROM fjl UP MRS. C. A. BnaMa..819 Cotrrt ttreet.- . ' BAY 'BALZBOt FOR BALING riAY CALL 7ra. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. ; J. .0. Balch, agent, rooas 6, mevornacK riag. - r none yo. ; - ZAVTOBXEsT SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8. Liberty street, rhone 2 J. Wetr- Urges PesL . Estsblished , 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY WMUty worfa pteaipt aervieo. 1804 Broadway, Pboae 15.. . .. ; mi.U KXDICAI. . t : . . ; :.: . ; t . MOUNTAIN, BALM OOUQH REMEDY raone si7-w. -..). FAINTING . C0BTBA0T0BB PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH : elaas work, for particular people. L. D. Braadoa, contractor. , 9 o orth High, raoae 4-j. . - i- -i -MTBSEBY STOCK FBUITLAKD NURSERY TINE LARGE atock of Italian prune; trees sad also all kiada of leading nursery, stock for fau delivery. J'frone liso-M. isi COMPLETE LINE r TREES SMALL 'f mlta. Ornamentals. Capital City Nur sery Co, 428 Oregoa Bldg. Phona 75. ' ; PLUM3IBO CALL PATTON PLUMBING . CO: .FOR your repair work. il72-Jl. ? PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL j . work. Pboae 1897-J. k .Shop, 127-Union street. A. it. uoairey.. 111 t , vauu vixMiiv rem tmsi w, j jua.- -treetsr toilet articles- - Mr. Meyer. 17V Mats zsrd. :- rant iza. BESTAUBANTS ' HUB BETAUBANT MOST BEASON- aoie . prtees. jonaaon-oarry. - iop b. High. tt . viit'i- v i ' KOOBLB PABXOBS WA- HONG w NOODLE HOUSE. 488 Ferry. . BIX SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP 5uey! dOe; puffed rice. 20c: noodles. Oe; fried noodle. 60c 1 189 6. Lib erty, -ti .5. . I - -7-: - t SBOOBTP HAJTP POOPS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB SECOND kad clothing - and. ahoea-- Ala do CleaniBgi press ins and repalrlor. Call and deliver.' , Capital Exchange. 842 Nerth Cmmereial. Phoa 1368 W. WE BUY -AND SELL SECOND HAND goods f all hinds: pip ftttmrs, bar aeaa. collars, collar: padia. tools aad ehaias. p Fred 8chidler. T 858 Cesser street, ; v i .-; - y ; -i: . ; STOVES AND STOVE BEPAIBINO 8TOVE8 BEBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 rear aperieae. Depot national fence, sixes 26 to 28 inches high. Fniata. oil and varniskea. etej lessa- berrr and boo hooka. - Saicm fence and 6tov Works. 850 Court street. Phona 124 ..-t..---. -U-v;;v-V 1 -f-. . j-t -. SCAVKNOBRS . . SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. BE- fuao of all kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phoa 16T. tbabsfobtatiob - PARKER'S STAGE LINES i S. ;-W.- Psrker: -General 'Maaage-L - Central Stage Terminal Slem. Oregi SALE M-BILVKRTON 131V1B1U.N Leaves 8 at am. Central Stsgo Terminal: 7 .m...ii a.m. a p.m. t., t 1 Lesvel Silvertoa. Newg BUndr 8 u.m, 1 p.m., o p.m. 8alaaa-IadBendeneMenmouth Division Leavoa Salem' Central Stag Terminal: 7 Am. 9 S.m.11 a.m. 8 P . 5 PJB. Leaves Monmentn. Menoveam rietei: a-15 a.m 1 p.m 8:18 p.m. Leaves ladepeBdsoc; Beaver Hotel: S-10 B.m. 10 a.m. 1:15 .m. 4 is. 6:30. wwi - . 1 i . . t- . . o 1 . . - n w maa ntitciwai oen av m.t parte f the valley. Extra trips Vr sppoiatment. ... ; J. W. PARKER. General Mgr. TRANSFER HAT7LXNG WB MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- held . goo-la. Our spcoiaity is ptaao had furniture nwrring. w sis mate .eonntrv trips. W kandl the best coal and wood.' Call on as for price. We a-rve rood measure.- good uuality and rood aervioa. Larmer Transfer Co. .Phono 830. i CAPITAL TBANSFEB- CO.-226 : forwarding and storsgs ajr -spccisHy. oet ear rate, j - Classified Ads. in Tho Statesman fiiria Pesults "BO'SfNESSAftDS WOOD SAW! CTTT AND COUNTRY WOOD BAWXNQ. Paoae 204- Fiaaer Braa. ; I WOOD SAWINO PHONE CITT. watS " SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. Off tea, 301 fcoatatCM L t. ..Tea per eoat diiMxim! oa doaitttie flat rate paid ia dnrr. N dednetiraa tor ahaeae r aay aaleaa aratar ia hat off your preaaiaee. PROFESSIONAL OPTTCIAjrs GLA8SE8 PITTED BT DR. L B. BUR- dett at the . Bow Optical Compaajr. 825 State atreet, opposita Ladd im Beak Baak. . POMEROV k KEEN E J EWZLZBS AND Optometriata. 3S8 State. , , CHIROPODISTS CHA8. H. MAXWELL CHIROPODIST. Foot a fecial tat. Room S. 822 Stata 8u CHXZ0PBACT0KS DR. O. L. SCOTT. P. S C. CHIROPRAC- tor. 414-19 V. S. Baak BMg. Faoao 87; res. 028-K. 08TE0PATB20 FBTSXCXAJTS DRS. WHITE AND 8. Bank Bldg. -20 U. DB. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC Phrtieiaa aad Sargeoa. ' Kirktvillo gradnato, 404-405 U. 8. Nat tonal Baak Bid. rnoae. on ice rea. !. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DE- formittri of the feet corrected without laaa at time from yon ceapaUOa. lr. White A Marshall. U. S. Bank BldgT DB JOHN DT LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC raytieiaa aad enrgeon, 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phoaea, office, 1394; res. OB a. , . . . LODGE DIRECTORY- UNITED . SPANISH WAB TETEBANS. Camp S. Armory. First, third Mondays. REALESTATE FIYE ROOM HOUSE OS PAVEMENT la good, rendition, sMdora, large eor aer lot and close to cannery, eaa be hMght for 822QO, 81300 aa first pay seat, s . - - .i j - v ' i Heyser-Follnch System - . Phone Oa Thoasaad Mala Floor Terminal Bldg. 9300O WILL BUY GOOD BUNGALOW. souta, psvea, gsrsge sna in , good m " eat lea. . Baby Tardy, 55 Conrt street. FINE LOT IN KICHMOND ADDITION for sale at sacrifice. .Phone 2054 w. ANDERSON ft RUPERT . SnoeeaaoTs to Laflar ft Laflag : IN8UBANCK 5. REAli . ESTATE BONDS -i- LOANS 408-T .,- .. OreaM Bids. CITY HOUSES CITY LOTS. BUNGA- rowa, amall sad Tare acreage, close ia aad far out ; exchanrea - in city and ooontry. Brown ft Msgee, ever Bus Irk's store . Ststs sad Commercial Phone 8597 -. . MR. HOME BUYER YOU CAM BUT A 6 room bungalow less than 9 year old for. f500 less thsa 1 was offered for it aiae most ha - ago.- Has basement. Dateh .kitchen,' cloeet and - aleepiag porch. 8 lOOO will handle it - See A today. 125 Leffell ; - SEE , ME FOR GOOD BUYS 'fit REAL . eetato. Baby Fardy, d5S Oomrt Street. A Real Bargain J - Nina and one-half aerea of loganberries; wptml iiuiiu wa ir iu past iwor years. . fscelleat crop now showlBg. Hftlf a fAim fthj, mHw limit, ,1m. to a dryer. God water aad amall. well- oaut aoaae, - met f ,augt . r-asy .terms. , Square Deal Realty Co. . 202 U. 8. Bank Phono 4T0 IF YOU ABB LOOKING FOR A FIRST Class large home, I have it. Located closs ha St - a moderate price. Do not Bias seeing at a boat it. ' If-ydu art looting for hntlness property i bsvo tne oest corner in town lor you. .todays . t ,-, . w - . Gertrude J. M. Page . 42 N. Cottage Phono 1186 NEW- BUNGALOW PAVEMENT. bedatiful river view, 8 rooms modern with hardwood borders and Dutch kit chen. Bailt in buffet aad bookeaae; fireplace, cement bstement. Reduced to 4800; 22000 wiU hsndl aad will accept bonus. . Heyser-Follrich System - Pbond On Thousand Mala Floor Terminal Bldg. Best Buys 8 room mod era bungalow, 63000. 7 room strietly modern bungalow, 95500 easy, terms. ,.-. - 7 . rooms.. 985 North Summer, if later- eated see me. ; 16 . acre bearing logans, fair ouildings very close in, nns paia over ive wet for ISti 5 years. - 98500,. 91000 cash, balance 91000 annually at 6. 89 lot ia Oaks addition for sals very 4" Socotofsky 841 State Special. Why Pay Rent 7 room' plastered house, on car line, ia good, condition. Price 8I8OO1 8300 cash, balance 815 per month. 5 ream boute, el in, 61300; 9250 .caan, balance. 315 per month. 4 Teem hens and 2 fin lots, aoi bearing Ira it, priee 91200. 8223 eaasy balance enay terms, montnly paymeaw. wsy pay reatr Mills & Copley 831 Stats street Good Buys and Exchanges 6 room plaatered. good location on ear Mae, anr si boo; smalt payment dowa balance like rent. 10 aerea of fin land.' good 8 room platl ered-bouse, i , mile from paved road, a rood buy tor 83500, Will take 8 lem kbuss, and psy som cash differ ence. ' ' We have a new Oakland car to exchange Tnv BAnft er amall trarv. . We have aboat 20UO- -cords f standing timeer wouia trna tor sousa and pay some difference. -,j 7 ream aaodsrsr hus aad 6 tart lots. wHh fruit and gardea. Thia ia aura a bargain for 82500. Will take amall house and 1 lot ia' exchaare. We have a truck doing a good business t trad lor a bonae. WiU psy; dif Thomason 8314 -Sut ttreet NEAT LTTTLE FOUR BOOM BUNGA low. French doors. Dateh kitchen, east front aesr car lis. - Pnc 82856. Terms, avrueger, Oregoa Bldg. Phoa 517. . -s , . Buy Land That Never Dries Out I Long Island Gardens Co. is selling best oesverdsm tan ta America at. Browns mead, a Columbia river, fifteen mOea front Aster is. tst amall? tract -t reea OBable prieea and term a. Write for parttmlar. P. O. Box 82. Browns- id. Ores. -j 8 ROOM. NEW, - MODERN " BUNGALOW style choose, rlos 1 aa Krth High street, pa.wuu. . 1 18 rrr at th head f 8ilets basin oa Rock Creek in Licla oouaty. Excel lent rsnge. Geed uteek fares. , 835O0. -to? f : KfthrrrefpHt - -?.-. - sj a w Saw will IW av4 i4Ct MAtonio Ismpii Bsie-nV prpps REflTESTATT 91800 WILL, BUY GOOD CORNER K. Hberty-i. Lou or inn. w Baby Pnrdy. 455 Conrt atreet. BARGAIN - BOOM BISBIW. BMtera sseopt faraace: lau awaawj ataliaaary ,waak tab; bearing frait treea. For a few days 82OO0; easy F. L. Wood. Good Buys 80 arret, I acre ia bearing strawberries, IuIum im em except 2t aerea of located 5 miles oat on main road, fiato frait laad. Price 8600. essh, balance federal Ioaa. 5 room hone, with largo lot oa pared atreet and car liae. cement walks. Price 81SOO. gSOO dew balaaca 930 per month, inter . Real Estate aad Fire I am ran re W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State St. U. 8. Bank Bldg. 14 ACRES- AND NEW 8 BOOM PLAS tered bungalow, 8 acres cultivated, balaaca . paatore. 2 well, young faaj ily orchard, all fenced, barn 28x40, ila a.11 lama tools. S eowa. 3 heifers. 3 horse go with place. All for 86000. Cat a to handle S2000. See) L A. Havford SOS SUU itrtot VIVE RflOll HODEKS BtJKGALOW- nta street closs is: foraaea. fixeplace, hardwood floors, well bvilt ia, 95250. Will eoatider . soldier s w" Winnie Pettyjohn: 7 831V4 State atreet V FIVE ROOM MODERN-BUNGALOW basemeat. wash traya, Bortneast cor ner oa paved street, two lota. Ownar aaya . aeli U it S300O. M. J. Hunt Lndd A Baah Bldg. Special Bargains Good 3 room honse ia south Salem, sold on easy payment, $200 down. Price 8800. . . 4 6 roorti honse oa paved street, valued at 92000 to trade in oa confectionery or email grocery. If suited will pay df Terence. Grocery, stock, fixtures sad building to enchant for acreage up to 96000. Childs & Bechtel 540 Btate atreet - Housebuyer Would yoa not like th have 6 cottage , these hot days where the rooms are large, laxoriously large, bedroom - aa well a living room. t We have an exceptional place, moderately priced, Will msk a good home.' 'Short Walk' rag distance sad immediate: possession. ajomo bi see aa ea ttiia place. ... The Fleming Realty Co. . 841 State street PUBLIC N0T1CESJ HAST NOTICE OF EXECUTOR 10 wflom 11 May concern: No tice Is hereby5 gitcn that the un dersigned; James A. Mothorn, ex ecu tor Of the last will and tegu ment and estate of Mart M. Mothorn, deceased, has this day filed in tie county conrt (or Mar ion county, state of Oregon,-his final account "in said' estate and said conrt has" filed arid appoint- ed Monday, July 17. 1912. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, in the county1 conrt room in the coonty court 1 house in said county arid state, as the time tor hearing of objections to anch final aeeount and for the settlement thereof. . nflfAd at Salem. Oregon, Jane JAVtES A. MOTHORN, Execntor of the Estate of Marr M. Mothorn, Deceased. Carey F. Martin, Attorney for Estate. NOTICE em TriTOM IT UkY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the State Game Commission of the State of Ore- ton is ' anthorixed nnaer ectiu 8, Chapter 66, General' Law 01 Oregon 1921, to, close any open season or open any closed season hi any county or district of the State ot Oregon for the shooting and possession or gamenImaTs Kfrrla: ' ' -f: .1 '' NOTICE is hereby given that the State Game Commission 01 th stairf of 6reg6n has made and entered4 and does hereby issue tha following . . , : Order !. That the openseasoa as definr ed In Chapter 1S3, Section z, 01 the General Ldtws Of Oregon o 10,21. for huntlnK. killing, tak lng or haTlThg In possession, alive r aA the following named game aninaatB and game birds re spectiteiy. snail be as follows to- wit: .' . ' The open seasam for deer throughout the entire state shall be and H hereby declared to oe frtm August 20th to October 1 1st of each ' year. , both dates inein Bire. The open season for quail and Chinese pheasants In all sections of the state where there is an open seasons therefor, shall be and 13 hereby declared, to be from October 15th" to October Slat of each, loth dates inclusive. ! The open season for grouse or n tire pheasant I th - alt sections of the state where there Is an oen season, is declared to be from Aagust 20th to September 20th of each year, both dates in cUslYcr. i ,.V ? . The open season for sage hens in all sections ot the state where there W an open season, is de clared to be frorrWaly 15th to July 31st of each year, both dates inclusive. ' - I The: open season for prairie chickens in 1 all sections bf the state where there Is an open 8e aorsv'lS declared to be front Oct ober 15th to October 31st of each year, both dates inclusive.' I NOTICE la .also hereby given that the changes tn the open sea sons tfta'de by this Order ib: bo wise affects the nag limits. or oth er regulations provided i by - law respecting tke hutating for; kill in g. taking or having In posses sion, alive or dead, of such game animals 'and" game birds. Any and all peror5i hunting tor, killing, taking or having in possession, alive '; or dead, any deer, - tiiail, Chinese ; pheasants, grouse 6r native pheasants, sage hena ind prairie thickens in the I Stat, Pt Dregjnt la. violation, of Tli;aerwin7W BrosecuCeJ "si by law 'proTided. . Dated si Foruana, ureson. ts 12th day of Jnne. A. D.- 19W OREGON STATE UAM1S MISSION. By L K. FT-EISCHER, - Chairman. By GEO. H. KELLY. '- Commtssiorher. By BLAINE HAIXOCK, CommisaiotseP. By M. A. LTNCH. ' t-- , Commissioner. By L. E. BEAN. - ; - ! Cotnmissioraer. s Other . Prices Continue Up- - a Aw. a ' -"aka;2.iaL 12 f ward cumD-iiuaeDaKer and Asphalt Featured NEW YORK, July 12. Funda- mnntai conditions favored - tne further advanco of prices add quickened pace of today's finan cial market. Developments in the labor situation were reassur ing and the iiigher range of In ternational currencies - denotea less tension abroad. v -Industrial eonditions In rew England were reported to be al most normal, especially, in tne textilo and leather trades, steel figured disclosed a larger output of finished materials, metal pric es hardened arid! automobile1 pro duction "wm ? ! maintained dutiftg the" spring' months. - ; ? Call - money relaied to the lowest" rate so - far this month, local' Teiervest being: .." aurnsented by ; receipts from Interior baiiks'. Renewals of 30 to 90 day loans at-'-' 4 1-4 per cent . were- freely made where good collateral was offered. ' Studebaker and general asphalt again' featured " the day's opera tions at the year's top prtees and American Ice came , within easy distance of Its maximum for that period. Other leaders of the' re- eult which reflected little public participation, " Included most of the foreign oils, high grade equf? ments and opper, lead and r.nc Stocks. Ralls came to the fore at mid day. "Three ; C's" common and preferred" and many of the west era and southwestern - divisions scored extreme advances of 1 to 3 1-2 points. . Coalera lagged, how ever; ""' ' - Although demand loans drop ped 3 .1-4 in the last hour, that period was marked by heavy sell ing for A profits. Extreme reac tions of 1 to 4 colnts ocenrrd in Mexican Petroleum, General As phalt, - Crneiblo and Gnlf States Steels, Studebaker and several of the minor industrials, and spec ialties. Rails also gave Way moderately but rallied nr. h strength shown by Baltimore and Ohio Sales amotintM in g . 000 shares. French and Belgian remit tances were ; carried abnttt sn points higher in the early pally oi ioreign exebanges and Ger man marks gained thre but the British rate was barely aieaay ana most neutrals forfeit ed 2 to 5 points. NEW YORK FRTITSfARKET NEW YORK, . July 12. Evap- oraiea apples scarce. Prunes Ir. regular. - Peaches low. I SALEM MARKETS I BUTINO PRICES . m B88B WAUml ..V 9i.0i Q 1.10 ba; eats, so fl w v. Errs. Butaarf si. l,uw arrrv - BattsvEst,. 3; milk, 83.10 cwt; eggs, . Foultry -, Hesvr heaa. SO ti VI.. ti.1,. v l5cisMdJ?m .? o. 10e; broilsn - W. V . . . 1 - Hora. 811. 5- rf.uJ k. . """ "v, ni-i ffs Yic; iamb. Be. uiaw raivaa , Eggs aad Batter , Eggs, 22c; creamery butter 45 (ct 50t Portland Bortnj Prieea , EGOS, POULTRY AMP-MEATS. BUTTERFAT FIRM. 8CARCR v J umber one chsrning cream, 48 9 da f..h. Portland; 41c at stations; nade grades, 40 rs 41c. BOGS STEADY " T Bertes. 73 t 34a dl'd. (Thes qttotstiohs are hsM m miMe ... .v va x ays rscoipts by local Johbora aad anas wg" iym . t t I.IVF ThrhFTT T-TJir OV a vajUS Aw A O A EVA A X fljMBl Mtmsi itti 1 kaaam V.. A ah. Ik-j d light 14 '.lSi; broilers."rockf nmi, m v iegnras 18 kg 30CJ Id rooster. 10 ecBte; daefca. Orbit Pekina. jrwnng, 34 25c; ld dacks, 1? ajsv eve, f DRVSam vrlra wrwir unn fLaaa aaanmiaatMl ?kvMiA ltk tv- 15 O 16; sadergrade. 1ST TsVs '-V p. arsaej i -s tc; naoer ruS, u eg lgc BAY AID OaULXS DAV 11BU. - v -s-aw. , A-sUkWBB. f nalle... M -. w & i .a r s-e ateJ JgaaBB V SxAAOBT A la8Sf lit 2 .a.' f? Tlnmk, V wt-, auaiia, f ID lo.ao tOB clover 914 ton ; est sad vetch 15 O it tea; straw, j 8 ten. GRAIN FIBSf ' A (Track, Portland) Wheat. 81.0? .1J4; eats, 632 9 Z5 eastera vol low cor a. 130 s ton. - . - ' FMtfXT 8trswberri, 83 2.10 erite; est tvrkarria. nia 11 . i. - , " r - "7 .w t -m year oe 8125 box; apnrot. 81 1-2 heat. -7 ..83 1 Currants. 81 ; loganberries TBSETABLES ' - , ; . TEGETABLEJB STEADT i. i petatots. 7 Cf 85 cwt.: Oregot rarrota tie 13 guaches. greea pas IS j in. , ; greea : oaioaa, zse, -..-. v . . .,- ..- WOO It- , ' - trnnt irrriTiv mjfJSStTMltl oT..15iw.l9e: sasdiaj MpNNulpf i w , c, ; tine z a, sua.. HOPS STEADT . 1921 Crop XCAOtsi at 11 9 If. C?p!&!ble Winter Wheat Survives Dry A Season Better Than" - Other Crops ' Unusually dry weather over the greater art ot the state during the. month "of Jane, following similar conditions daring May pre ceding, has further; reduced the 1923 crop prospects from the be low average estimates of a month ago, according to' information gathered ' by F. L. Kent,1 agricul tural Statistician for -the United States department ot agriculture. Winter wheat appears to have withstood the dry season ? better than any of the other grain crops.' Iii the western part ot the state it appears probable that the crop will make about an average yield per acre. . The same Is true ot most of the eastern 'part of the State, although Wasco and Sher man counties report a prospect way below normal. Condition ot the Oregon crop on July 1 was es timated at 85 per cent of normal, compared with " 90 per cent on June 1, 100 per cent July 1, 1921 and 'a ten year July 1 average of 915 Present condition Indicates ti probable state production of 17,- 846,000 bushels, compared with a, (final estimate ot 20.862,000 bushels produced In 1921,' and a five year average of 14,867,000 bushels. t ; The United States winter wheat condition on July 1 was estimated at 77.0 per cent, compared, with 81.9 " per cent ; on June 1, with 77.3 per cent July 1, 1921, and a ten year average ! condition of 81.0 per eon. Th Jaly 1. 1922 condition "Indicates tf probable crop of 569,276,000 bushels. The final estimate for 1931 was 687,- 032,000 bushels, and the five year 'average, 050,950,000 bnsh els. A :; '" - " ':: The condition of bregon spring wheat on1 July 1, 122; was -estimated at .70.0 per cent, a decline of 18 points during the month ot Junej . , r Reports state that some ot the spring seeding has already been "worked 'Into summer . fallow." Much of the acreage will, prob- aWy- not' be worth . cutting for grain. Last year's July 1 con dition was J 2, and the ten-year average is 88. The July 1, 1923 condition Indicated a probable crop of about 3,000,000 bushels. The United States spring wheat condition on July 1, 1922, was estimated at 83.7 per cent of nor- mal. indicating a probable pro duction of about .'247.660.000 bushels, eoinpared with the 1921 final; estimate bf - 207.86i.000 bushels, ahd the five year average of 243,600,000 bushels. ' The continued dry weather In June caused a drop in the esti mated condition of oats front' 92 per cent June 1, to' 70 per cent on July 1. This indicates probable crop ot about 7,209.000 Bushels. Fall sown oats, of which there is a latger acreage than usual, are in rriuch better condition than the spring seeding. : The 192i crop was estimated at 8,704,000 bush els, and the five year average Is 9,735,000 bushels, and the five year average is 9,735,000 bush els. 'J . ... iy-': V: " The United States oat crdp con dition dropped during June' from 85.5 to 74.4 per cent; Indicating a probable final production of 1, 186,626.000 bushels, compared witK 1,061,000,000 bushels In 1921, and a fire year average pro duction of l,374,382.00d bush els. .;. , -v- 'v .'' Reports Indicate . that barley has suffered less over the state as a whole, thah any other spring sown grain. There was consider able; seeding of winter varieties last fall. The July 1 condition of barley ia estimated at 83 per cent, indicating, a probable production of about 2,150,000 bushels. The" 1921 crop Was 3.2 4 9.00 0 bushels. and the five year average 3,17 6 000 bushels. ' - s .The United States barley crop declined during June from 90.1 per cent to . 82.6 per cent; Indi cating a probable final production of 181,586.000 bushels. The 1931 crop was estimated at 151,181,- 000 bushels, and the fire year average 191.021,000 bushels.' ' There does not appear to be much: change In the hop acreage over last year'i estimate bt 12.- 000 acres. i The 1931 crop was flnaily estimated at about 57,000 bales (185 pounds each) and the July 1 condition of the crop in dicated about the same production as'a year agd. Continued dry weather will mast likely reduce the present prospect. PORTLAND MARKETS PORTLAND. I July 12.-1-B Utter prints ' extras 43c; cubes extras 2$ej prime firsts 37c. Buttertal Portland delivery::. No. : 1 sour cream 43 at 44c. -l ' potatoes: Buying price , locals, 11.00: selling vrice 81.25 - at U.59- ' CJassIfiocJ Ads. In Thcf -ststesmaa Iring Resiilt3 ilSii . - - - . a Wheat Takes Drop of 5-3 a a s a aV t to. 1 1-4 While, ueaiers Ask Time to Ship , t CHICAGO. July 13. Indira. tloni of possible ' quick setti i inent ot the railroad strike led t . lower prices la the". Wheat mar et s today. The close was unset tled tU 5-8 , to 1 1-4 net " decto with September $1.13 to 1.11 H antT December $1.14 1-2 to 1.15 5-8. Corn lost 3-8 to ; $-4. o S-S to 3-4 to 7-S and pfovislc i S. to 12c; -f ': RespcnslTenefiS to a better tr look for an ending of railroad L bor 1 troubles ; waa shown by t wheat market as soon as tradl.t began, but . soaking - rains th x meant perhaps a week's delay u harvests became temporarily t: ruling influence and caused val ues to range - moderately hlghpt throughout most ot the first ti l ' of the board of trade session. : " Many Interior deilert who hat held wheat for shipment by Jn'j 20 were asking, it was said, lof an extension ' of tlme :: Besidct, some damage by black rust -rr. j reported from Minnesota art there was 4 apprehension it t warmth and moisture - north vc t might cause more rapid develop ment ot rust than heretofon Almost complete ignoring of bc' ish factors, however, ' became ap parent In the wheat market aft r announeement of a definite pr gf am "looking toward solution t! railroad strike difficulties. " f Profit-taking" sales, an incrr. V of hedglnr and general alowne i of export demand accelerated t: downwafd ilf dtt'ot priced ; Ju t before the finish, tfabugh. at t elevator Interest took actively t the buying- side ot the mifktt, and caused a little1 recovery. Ample moisture supplies ati seasonable temperatures were t i f ectlve In weakening the market for, corn and. oats, despite goss') that exporters Were - after corn. ( Provisions ; Went upward b price with hogs, but : later gats way under aa Increase of orde-s to sell: ' . J ' site iruTutrKD b?r. Not long ago a lady was glv(; s a lecture. Her subject was Ui human figure, and th reQui: menu ,fn the way of yrdportl;3 for beauty. j" ,-. t "She herself was ;of generouk size, and her manner was loft;. She was trying to demonstrati the relative sixes of the limbs ti they really ought td be. VFor example. said shi "twice found my thumb (she hi I U tip Y once round . my wri twice round my ? wrist, -ei round my neck; twice round t ; neck,? once round my waist.' Then she paused, and i a 8hrl3 voice from the audience exclaim ed; ' - ' -y ' k "Twice ronnd yottr waist, ot.i round Hyde Patk, , : 1 . The lecturer ; hastily passed i to another branch of the subject: London Ideas. , ..... . f.!HI WANTED for serf Ices as r Allroad nwU cbinlsts, blasksmitlis, sheet metal ; .,. workers, - copper smiths, car Inspectors, boll ermakers, electricians, pipe fitters, tinner, car repair er, helpers, all classes un der strike conditions beat explained jy Chairman Ben w. Hooper of the r United Stites '- :.j lUilroad , Labor Board, In his statement of i July Ut irgardliis as fol 'lowi, :-i - "In this case, the "conflict Ms dot Setweeh the employer j and the oppressed employes. ' The people of this country through at act of congress, signed by President Wilson, established a tribunal to de- i clde such disputes over wages and; working 'condi tions; which ; are trabniilted to It In a proper manner. It Is the decision of this trl- ' buna! against which the shdp crafts are "striking.. " '"Regardless of any Ques tion ot the right of the men to strike the men who take" the strikers" places art merely accepting the wage and working conditions pre scribed ny m' goyernment 1 tribunal and am performing j a public service, They sfs not accepting tne wages and workin: oonditioriii i which ari employer is trying to Impose for this reason, public sentiment ; and i full government power will pro tect the men Who remain la their, positions and new men who may come In' Adequate provisions have been made ioi the f uH pro tection of all employes, the same as old employed Which have remained : loyally mt work; Applicants should apply to the office of the superintendent v st Portland (Union fetation) or to th assistant" superintendent ' at Roseburg. - j. jr. DYER, - General Manager. Southern, racl"c. Cc-riny