itffi OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 5. 1322 f I S CLASSIFIED ADVERT! S EM EMT8 v Bala per word: Per Insertion . 9o 5 20e Thrae iarti r Oa week ' Uaertion ) Six meats" contract, per mo. ic 11 mouths contract, per mo. j Minimum for Bay advertiaem't 35 NORWICH UNION FIBE INSURANCE SOCIETY W, II. Burgbardt. Jr. Resident Agent 311 State St. : MONEY.TO LOAN - t On Real Estate , ; T. K. KOIID (Over Ladd A Bush Bank) NEW TODAY ET US SHOW YOU OUR PLAN OF insaring year brick bui Miag bef ore reaewiag your nes.1 policy. Frr Is- euranr in our i atelusiva busline. m Hundley Foley, agent. Bosh Ban Building.. :: Si ' ' "''! 1 LOGANBERT FICKERS WASTED t ' .1o la. C. ? W, , Beocbler. Phoaa 15F3. ANTED HALF I DOZES RED-RASP- Wrr picker at oae. $1 a 24 boa - aa .. .-AB.oa M uf jawa at en a : crate, mho eouwaas vu.w IpOGANBERRT PICKERS PICK MORN Inga only, i No cbaldren. Ona block wt ( maiwlesm. Tbielsea. ; )OR 8AL 19S3 FORD. 350. PHONE EMPLOYMENT PEKAIiB ItfaVTED GIRL TO - ASSIST WITH light boaaawork. Pona af31. r WANTED (WOMAH 1 OR - OIRU iFOR JU.twork. Wa Hong, 430 Ferrr at. WANTED A MAID. HIS MISSION : Pboaa 8. ' l:XPERtESCED BTENOORAPHERi i.kM work. Will Uka work,' lor "abort . CU t34t-M. MALE f URN ITU RE PACKED AND CRATED . by aa expert. uei mj price rheaa 1391 M. I K URSERT BUDDERS j; WANTED WeihiBftoa Nbraerj . Company, iTp- peoUb, will. - ' iuiuTrnnnr TO TiKI.rVKK MOI1N- inr route in North fa tern part of ritr. Apply Circulatioa manager, Oragoa Statetmaa. FOR SALE LOGANBERRIES, f 1.25 per, rrate. delivered any part of eitr. 75c pet erata pkk tbem jroarel(.3a33 Fatrirottnits reao. rnono oi .; 1 'A VTffi r.NEROETIC fOL'NO MAN who baa bad experience aelling life iaurBc, itocka or adertltf , ? Jlott be able to deote bU entire time and bo ambitioaa lor adraaeement. Must kma the eouraael to preoent t-aiineas ' propotitioa to aiercbaaU aid profea ' aional rata." Aaiwer ia your awa hand v writlse. autinc ace. educational quail , ftrtio, exparlenco aa aolioitor, fte. Addma "l-. ai. biiww fc MALB AMD rEMALE j ' WASTED CHERRY PICKERS. CALL WANTED THREE LOGANBERRY pickara. Pboae 63 ll enina. CHERRY PICKERS WANTED -PHON K 1731. t WANTED RASPBERRY PICKKRS, . atarting Wednesday. Steady picking. . . I'ell l58-aL. i WIIJ BEGIN PICKINO LOGANS JULY 6th. ' M. Km Gtter. Eaat "VT sweat, V; Bcar;Peera Drj'er. . ! i WANTED CHERRY PICKERS.; 2o PER i pound. Pboae 03F3, at 7 a.j aa. or WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS i.,114 aiile oat oa Wallace road goeji camp ground, good water, beat; berry yard IB country, rnone oor . WASTED CHERRY PICKERS, 80 acre. . earnping croaad ; - also trnca meeu Dicker, at a:30 a.m. at bridge Twin Qake Farm,. phone. t7F. Polk , eoaaty. 2 miles Nortbwetvt of 8a lea. Oak Grota Koad.- J. R. Chap . " Bao.--1'---:- .-- r . WANTED A FEW LOGANBERRY PIC kera. Yard close in. ; Transportation to and (rota yard. W. C. Dibble. 120 Nortk Liberty street. Pboae 753-W, WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS m tor 45 acrea of berriea. Fine camp grounds, ft mile frons street car at SaleiB Heirbti. Picking atarU abont July ntn. B. CanBlngham. pboaa 311 "WANTED MEN' AND WOMEN TO , take faraj paper eobseriptlone. - A good j " propositiea to tba right people. Addresa : i tne raoiite Uoaeatead. fiiuaman oiag PERSONAL; OET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL r paper pablished. 4 Free o' stamp. . Cor FOR SALE business opyoRyjyrriES .OWNER - MUST - SELL i PORTLAND 1 thoica property Garage., buctnesa, stock' aad equipment, ; also garara . builiflng almost new. 147x45 feet, tile end brick, beat locstioo : rood bmiuns. f Total value $13,000, - Will take clean , property aa part, aad tt.OOO vt more r ' cash. - Address Eagle Garage. 92nd St Jutland, Oregoa,- :"-- : ' - - ' j FABJaT TAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST i farm paper, tend 15e to the Paciflie ' Homestead, SaUoi, Oregon, tor i three . . month' ; trial aabaortptioB. Meatioa -tftia ad. - j - - UYESTOdX .TOR SALE 0 HEAD OF GOOD breeding ewes. Address Bhtine - South- 1 wiea. Pbnne 6X58. POULTRY OR SALE MAMMOTH PEKIN - ecg and dackUags. 1030 Cbameketa rooaa 1280. - ; . .... j. POCLTRYMEN (SEND EIGHT TWO . cent aampa for Special three months' trial for the best aad oldest ioutaal IB the WSKl .I'kai artu.1, aad. Amr. i i ,i,ta are of special intecert lo the J - V panltry breodera of the . aorthweat. f Northwest PouHry Journal 311 Com awmiai itreet. Salem, Oregoa. WOOD d FOOT AND ,16 INCH DRY MILL "t 'atity. -Tracy Wood BEST KJRAijj M thh WOOD 1 6 I N'CH, ' 2 . . ' ft. Prompt delivery, j bpe.i pric, n e.r (s. We rsn make . el it ery en ash. aeeoitd growth ! and . fTwIk fir. about July 15. Fred . ..fniV 303i 8. Cbarra. . Pboae 1543 kVISDS Or WOOD: FOR SALE ' Hr , and ( oak. 16 toe.; Orders i ...rn Inr tmmediate ar fntura deliv if- V2- .C.D 'r. LUesley Station. 0la FIR." $$: SECOND. 4 FT. w- r a,aa. BrFianaak 1 JT MXSCELLABTBOUS . FINE, 'Oak rmvi mwrr. xvn a eak ' rhir ' t,i ' 1391 M. for, eale , cheap,. ,u Phone STRK FIXTURES AND SCPPUES FOR SALE MIACAXLAMEOtXS rOR SALE BLAfTKCAP RASPBER- irtea at o Hill grocory atora. eoth .'Commercial street. FOR SALE - BULL ' DOQ POPPIES. i iih gooa parr. IB ir a -- -J f . - nTa u a a BABY i CARRIAGE FOR SALE WICK er. good pr iBgs, file condition. Price ( low. Phone 747-W. rOR 8ALE OLD .NEW8PAPERS, 10 cent a mi a die. i I'ireulaUoa depart ant. Oregoa Stateamaa. LOG AN BERRIES. II 23 PER CRATE. nenverea any pan oi city, lot per crate pick - them yourself. 223 Fair- I ground. Road, f Pbeaa Pel J. SEND A BOX Of OREGON 8 FAMOUS cherries la your friends 1 ia toa east. Uive aa tba nam- and add re, w da ina rea. -. rnone ine order H mora convenient. Ward K. Ricbardaon, 2395 k. rront, pnone . THE HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION 1 and ... bercaiBa. Wa k.e UB oxebaaga anytbiBg and erery thing 1, tea itao oi jana or aecona Band goods. I See aa before fob boy or sell: Steia. bock Jank Co. Remember tba place. aua it. commercial Dt. jraoae 38. SUMMER LUGGAGE REDUCED WALL paper remnant, plaster wallnoard. Valret stair earpet. 81.35. Endnr- ace high grade bouse paint Kalsa- mine, lOe pound. Cotton mattressea, 88.50. ! Steel springs $5.00. Mas O. Burea, 17P N. Commercial St. "Beautiful Oregon; Rose" "i,?2eWi!2.!?--5 Hf!?! waao aw a iw wwa-'an. waa w , fraiVC IVtrC oafs, sacred coac and mmnf old tim favoritea ALL FOR 25e (Special prices ia Quantity lotal Especially adaptable for school, tsaaoa- 17 or aornv iiujiug. ov lor The Western Songster . 76 paces, bow ia fU third edition. Published by i OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial St. Salem. Ore. FOR RENT APABTMXHTS FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT &90 i n ion. Phone SB7-J. FLATS FOR RENT ! FULLY FURNISHED modern five room flat, at 664 Vb Fer ry atreet. $50 a month." Immediate potsessioa. Apply at Statesman : of fice. rTvon 3a. BOOMS FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Phone 536-W. : - . r ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY; oue op. oa state. FURNISHED ROOM INK MODERN borne, near atato 1309-W. boose. - Phone MODERN ROOM rU,5?S2Z tea A, cara Stateaman. Centrally located. reference, Addresa FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED KOOMS Light, fuel and ated famished free. Mra. Msrkelvitcb, 730 N. Front. FOR BENT 8D1TB OF ROOMS WITH private bath, also aingla rooms. 1030 Chomeketa street. Pboae 1380. BOUSES FOR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE AT 74a North Winter. $20 a month. Apply at Statesman bnainesa office. Poena 33. i WHILE AWAY -COTTAGES AND tatml fM Milt alt. 1 sss. aAltahlal VfAlaaMa Light, water, ( wood furnished. Good mesls aerved ' oa the grounds. Sea foods a specialty. Addresa. Whileway, Bex 574, Newport. Oregon. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST-t SCHOLARSHIP WATCH CHARM : laitials R. K. F. Pboae 204 1-M. LOST' AT . A, DRY GOODS STORE, glasses with light rims,', also lady 'a umbrella. Phone 634 W. LOST. $300 DIAMOND RING AND GAR- net ring with live stones, cineral re ward. Leave at Klinger hotel. FOUVD TAKEN 'UP- ABOUT 50 HEAD OFMAT1, vROV at r-p yheep. June 39. near . Witl acnoo. BO9 ,urtP, Duvto, o liilira touiir vi k?icih. ... A. Moore, phone O0F23. WANTED MISCELLAKEOUS W" iioiat.iou.viii V Capital City Bedding Co. Phone ANTED USED FUKNITURH. WE buy for cash and pay the beat price.; Pbono I391-M. . r. Kicnter. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, MA- chiaerr; stock, etc Will buy for eah or sell n commission. , Pbono 511. Woodry, the auctioneer. WANTED EVERYTHING IS HARD i ware and furnituro-r Best price paid. THE CAPITAL i HARD WAKE A FURNITURE CO. 385 N. Commercial St. 1 Pbaae $47 WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, ETC. 1 l'nono U;. .,-( -i ) CHERRlbS WANTED PRE-MIITM paid ilor .Urge i fancy quality, aibw want currants and Makeup. TV arm K. Richardson, t Pboae 494. i WE ARE ALWAYS IS THE MARKET for . junk, machinery, furniture aaa v - ery household aeceaA-ty. . Steinbock June Co.. 424 N. Commercial, rnoao tlT a Mfaimt1 MVttMtrmMM BS18?t VS YTV! D n ain 1 aslemUaVlifll Ot IiOVOi XPU ft vmu feoffs, iambs, w the week. Wa Pay beat cash prices aad guereatea aar weight. Mr, farnter wa want vour sraduce. -plea giva us a trial. Peopled Market, 155 V. Lib rty SU . pbona 094. . -t CHERRIES WE ARE RECEIVING Royal Abb and Waterhouse eaernes at Maaoa-Enirmna warehouse, corner High and Mill atreeta. and will epa- Una from 7 o'clock ia the morning until 7 at aight, Suadaya and boUdjy Included, anul tba crop la all is. Wa : want thorn now. Don't wait until they ae -overrtM -aad -let the rata apoil them. W are paying th highest price la i Salea and eaa i a i iM "" yoa may have. Lyons Cal. Glaca rruit Co 899 8. High. Phone 398 or can M an gta Bros. - 717.- T BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY, THE i livostock. furniture,; real estate auc tioneer. - Phone 511 -for aale date. Res. 1610 N. Summer. f Auto Directory TRUCKS FOR KAI.r ns TRiDKREO. TRUCK w III good bargain nnpfy.'immedialelv, Pbon at cil.- The People' CkStora. "BATTEBY . AND EltriWClAM AUTO ELECTRICIAN f EXPERT TROL We ahootiag. 218 N. High. Phone - 3s.- . PRESTO- LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Kvpert battery and eleclrkial rrt.' F,,," ErM-1 ma- ACETYLENB WELDING IRON. STF.W. asm ALCMINCM- ftriag the piece. Oi-Gaa "Henlinf Co- $37 Court, ' .- 193 1 model perfect ediHW. w i i trtoBEB? PRICES Fl FOB SE00NP trade-for real estate, produce or win i Baad ahttbieg aak'saen, Ala 4 sell easr terms. This ia. aa eacop- -. proaaina fa rewalrrac. C" ihmiii w..nv tu.v - - ir m wan i ... - - - r . 2 B. . , BUSINESS CARDS USES CAES Bl'ICK l.IHT DELIVERY FOB SAL. g5aoTradetreet. ; TZ1XS AMD ACCESSORIES i USED PARTS 13 TO OFF. MIKE'S Aute Yi recktag Hoasci - Aorta Cosamerctal. Pboao 52. ' -: lO.OW MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST tune bruise, rim cats i a ad biowmu. Tbo Hydro-Toroa Tiro, for aatc by Yew JParfc atore. I2ta and Jeslie. Phone 9. " . BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 Aorth Commercial street. Pbono 5. I CHUtX8E PHTSICIAM DR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diseaso. 153 8. i High St., pboae 383. CAKPETS AMD TUCTT RtTQS CARPET AND RUG WEAVING- PHOBE "Aw 8-Bt, Phono 4F3L Mrvrir ta tri piim.ia.WI! mov " ' . u . ' weave f laf f rugs made oat at did ear aeta. ear leagtb or wldta yoa desire We also re-fit, re sew aad ana carpets. Feather renoTatiag aad asattraaa ateam ina aad ra-aiskior. Sales Carnet Cleaaiag aad Flnfl Ra( Worka. Phone 114. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT Phone 184. ELECT KICIAX8 SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRIXG-J orfeeT'llW bA.tU'Pbn. 12eXiHERMAS CLAY A CO. PIANOS prices. H. y. Matcn. Phone IWi J,j o..;--.-. r.. tt .M .h. It.' rURSITUlE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE Tl order. Refininhing and , apholatertng. a soecialtr. Phone 1742. U Groves. 1201 Soath Commercial FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES Delivery. C. F. Breithaapt. flortst. IK Worth Cinerty street. rnoss a riJIAMCIAI. IF YOU NEED SOME READY MOXsT on real relate, see at. J. Uant, La A Bush Bldg. $ LOAN'S ON GOOD CITY PROPERTY' Plenty of money; no : delay. p 331 State atreet. j g MARION-POLK .COUNTY) FARM L0 association ba money to loan at a percent. W. D. Smith, serretary trer urer. 303 Salem Bank of Conrmad. 80 YEAR FARM LOANS OX RUs credit plan, pre-payment provisions' lowed. We will finance yon for a rata of interest than any firm oa roast. ' - f Private money to loan oa either cttyr country property. . R, W. Marsters g 411 OrggBujifinZ Ladies' -Wearing Appaj I 1 1 ' ' " DRESSMAKOra RUTH "McADAMS -DRKS8M AKER,fj8 Sooth 12th. Phone 1824 M. t' CARRIE FISHER ORESSMAlS. deaigniur. Sp-ncer carseja t0:'W, a MrCornack Bldg. 1 WANTED SEWING TO DO AT PE r:kilHran' ifreuses and aar kd of plain aewing. 895 limes 'anHt atreet, south. ; ' THE ADSITTS' ARE PREPARE! TO do any and all kinds of ladic '"T" ine. for old and new customer 853 I N. 18th St. Phone 20W5-R h 1 . -n. .m..-., ... ... n i " I MAUD SIMONS, DESSMAKER 4710 I Bellevue St. HEMSTITCHING It 'NEEDLEWORK SHOP"' ALL IXDS of fancy work and hemstitchin,aoe, 121 8. Commercial street. - f j. " MRS. BRECKKN RIDGE- HEM8JTCH- ing. Mail orders solicited. lTfUIWta l'hoae 174-M. , if SALEM ELITE t HEM 8TFHIXG. pleating, butfoas. atamping aaaeeaie work. 829 Oregon Bldg. Pfe 379. . ... . .i.-.i-iii i - - 1 " MRS. a E. MILLER HIM 8TI"HING. Stamping; braiMng; hand eataery. buttons. Room 10, over MiUa atora. Ralom, Oregoa. Pboae 117 ' MILLINERY It AlKC. A. street. ' INSURANCE ii. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IKfRANCE company, i. V. Ba i ri. agenroom a. McComaek Bldg. Phone JUKK STORES f. I . .vtr nins DliSB Bvr " out jiiaa, ... Zu lies. imp. iui unui i, wiwbvi kwu. See as1, before buying or ae House of half million and oetergaine. Steinbock Junk C-o., 423 Commer cial. Phone 523. b LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPA 136 8. Liberty street. Phon 'Oldest largrst best. Etablihe4l839. CAPITAL CITY STEAM ItAIDBY quality work, prompt sere, uoi Broadway. Phone 165. If 1CEDIOAX. if -rr iJoUNTAIN BALM C0L1GtMEDY I "m fi PAJNTIKO COMTRAORS PAINTING AND DECOR AlG H I G H 1 fIats work lor parttcuiaraie. I., u. I Brandon, contractor. ji$5prth High. i phone 645-J. . : fi NURSERY ST0$ I '' 111 ' f I URSEBT-E .A ROE stock of Italian pmnert aad al all kinda of leading faery Block for fall delivery. Phonao-M. 161 8. 14th street. itf COMPLETE LINE TREEf SMALL fruits, ornamental. I Cad city Nur sery Co., 42 Oregon fit phone 7.V - ' f PLUMBDfCr J ptrtMBING REPAIICrf AND 'COIL work. Phone 1397 J. A atreet. A. L. Godfrey. 127 Union PERFUME AND TOUZaRTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUXto. EX- trarta. toilet arttcie. Mr. Mojer. 170 South 23rd. ' V1ZU RESTAUBJI t I HUB RETAURANT f T REASON able prices. rfOBnfceujTjf. 139 . High. NOODLE PARS WA, HONG "piHOU8E. 439 Ferry. r i BIN SIN NOODLE jJbe CHOP suey. 40c: puneo.; fr yoe: noodles; SOc: fried noodle.s 183 8. Lib- erty. SECOND BLA' 300DS Kartk CiBaralBl. ama t$A8-W. W .BUY ftl aallSCOND HANT . goods or aii dp fitting, aar B. aaJ'ar eoft ,4,, ah ine. fred S . $$ rit -t t . STOVES AND -. 8'. g SfP AIRING j --nnTTT rr. raT!??-?1' REPAIRED' Deoot Watioaai fovire, aiaaa $ 18 faaehaa att Paiasa. I ?tba, ada-i berry d - IV Sala Fewee ' n Ft vws u fiawrt asswo - Pmm iaa- t , . , , , ... BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL : Mia HENRY LEE PIANO. 1221 S. yitoL l Pboae 1817-W. : m9 MABLE SHEPHERD - PIASO jjcr. iuhm, all occasions. 3jJ . stiCM CONSERVATORY OF MfSIC a-2 . j-., , d branrbei She R. Si yoae . n.inar ;. aipwmaa arantea. "tie. Director. 1237 Court Kjj AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING i iewMBs gnaranteed. Waterasaa rat. as. r. B. Ciark. Mgr.. McCor- rk Bldj. TUVERS jtfK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER: loore-Doaa Co. RepreseBtatie of phermaa Clay k Co. Phone 5tM. a) WARD WELP EXPERIENCED .piano toner. Leave orders Will's ;MBic Store. - ALLMAN piano REPAIR SHOP ITnaiag. refinisbing. rebnilding: player pieao expert. Phone 1059. 131 South HBereii. DANCING JtlVATE LESSONS IX ALL LATE . daaeea. Mr. Whit . Pboae 273 J. t ' MUSIO STORES MUaUO STORES BEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHOSO- graph, sewing macbinra, ; sheet aitk, m. and piano atcdiea. RepaTinc pbono- grapaa ant aewinsj mar dines. 4J2 rjtste. Salem. f. , PIANOS Maaie House, 415 Court street tad Mssonte Temple. SCAVEWGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, BE- lus of all kinda removed. Ceaspoola cleaned. Phone 167. TRAKSPOBtATIOM PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Maaager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oragoa SALEM-8ILVERTON . DIVISION Leavae Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 :00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p. as. Leavaa SUvartaa News Stand: 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 . 8alm-Independenco-a!enmouth Divisiae, LaavM 8alem Central 8Uge Teralaal: 1 ta. 9 am. 11 a.m. S p.m. $ Leavaa Moamoura, Mdnaoath no tali 8:15 a.m. 1 p-aa. 6:1$ p.m. Leavaa Iadepeadeaea, Beaver Hotel: 8:80 a m. 10 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m. $:$0 Wa make eoaaactioaa at Salaas to all parte af the valley., : Extra tripe by appomtmeat. J. W. PARKER, General Mgr. SILYERTOV MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND 0. A M. Stagee Soakt BaaaA Schedale North Be aad Raad dowa , Band ap Dty. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly No .$ No. 8 No. 1 t Bo. 4 No 6 PM. PM. A.M.. A.M. P.M. PM. 6:00 1:80 8:00 PrtI'd 10:80 4:00 $-.$0 8:0$ $:$S 10:0$ Mt.Afl $:25 1:5$ $.25 6:80 4:00 10:80 SUvfa 8:00 1:80 f:00 Ar. Ar. Af . Lv. L. L. Sunday aaly -8 ;00 p.m. fas. Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Portland aad Staeiebammer'a Drag Store, Silvertoa TRAM ST BR HAVUV6 WE MOVE. STORK AND SHIP HOUSE bald goods. Our apeclelty la piaaa aad furniture moving. Wa also make eon a try trip. Wo handle the beet eoal aad wood.- Call a for prleee. We five good faeaeare, good ausllty aad rood aervica. Lamer Traaafat Oa. Pboae 880. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER 00.-314 Stata St. Pbaaa 88$. DbtrOratlag forwarding aad asorage par apoeiaJty Got or ratea. WOOD BAWB CITY AND CouKTRT WOOD SAWING Pboae $046. Fisher Bras. WOOD SAWING. PHONB 1181. CITY. eouatry Ed. Sprood WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft TOWER CO -Office. 801 Soath Com'! 8. Tea per ; aaat diaoouat domestic flat rate paid la ndvaaee. Na dednstioaa for abaeaea ar aay caaaa aakaa wataw la seat air your premise. PROFESSIONAL OFTIC1AXA GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. SUE- . . . . . v. w. f . : , , itwiiw o taa at vptwa vwaapawy, $2$ Stata street, apposite Ladd aad Bank Bank. POMEROY ft KEENB JaTrYELERS AND Op toot striate. 888 Stata. CH2E0PBA0T0ES DR. O. L. bOOTT, P.S.Cv. CKIR0PRAO tor. 41410 V. 8. Bank Bldg. Pkoa. 87; raa.-828-R, 06TE0PATHI0raT8ICIAN8 DBS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. Od U. S. Bank Bldg. OR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physieiaa aad aargeaw. Klrkavill frsdsata. 404-40$ 0. S. National Bsai Bldg. PboB. afflea. 810: raa. 814. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR siit is ol tha i aarrectod withool loan of time from your eeupatiaa.i Dr. Wkit aad MawkalL. U. 8. Baak Bldg. . DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physieiaa sad aargeoa, 408-404 Or faa Bldg Paa. atflaa. 1194; re 8FS LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 8. Armory. Firat. tb-ed Monday REAL ESTATE , Good Buys . Large dairy ranch with equipment, good buildings, 100 acre of bottom land Price $22,000. will take aa first pay ment small improved place around 84000, near Salem, and $2000 in cash, balance easy term at low rate . of interest. Located 00 coast.- 1 SO acres. 5 miles from Salem on main road, 8 acrea in bearing strawberries, balance ia crop except 20 acres of pasture end timber. 8 room house aad barn. Price for 'quick sale.: $8600 $4300 : cash balance federal loan. A anap la a new banralow, $21 jO cash. - Real Estate and Fire Insurance Wv H. Grabenhbrst & Co. 275 State atreet SEE Mfc ABOUT BUSINESS PROPER ty, attractive boms. reabOiable lot on paved street farms for al or trade. Gertrude J. M. Page 493 N. Cottage atreet Special Bargains 5 room bouse, lot 50x110, city water.; toilet, el-etrio lights, bearing fruit: tree. 3 block to school. 4 blocks to, car. $1000. $100 cash. bal. $15 month and Interest. i . - t room house, 2- lota, (hearing fruit eHy, water, toilet, rich bleek soft. $1300. $225 cash. baLnre'f$I5 montft. p 3 room bouse block to ear. ha good htm-k soil. $350. $150 eath. baU v $iq month.. ' .. . Mills A Copley - 33141 Slate atreet"? . Best Buys Garage oar highway in good town; , Well paying apartment bustaes and fur " atture. , . . ' f- ' . . Houao with 8 and 4 room apartment. 1 hlock to postoffiee. $3200: 1 1 reem apartment bona, close la. $4750 8 vwora eoleva bocae -,: oa : raaak) - not ever f 750. . . " 'V' Socolofsky " 841 Stt - REAL ESTATE 50O AS FIRST PAYMENT OS THIS rwoaa boaa and lot 45lJr, garage, taulev aad bath, electric ligbu oa North Hummer street. Prica J50t. . Son - L. A. Hayford ; 35 State atreet Wood's Bargains i oar room oaaxaJew. ceaseat haseoteat. garage, good 4 aad gardea. $1IK. 8x roams bangalow. south Saieem, at tesa than coat aad' we will take a car part pay, 60 acre farsa, well located, aa maia kigh , way. 60 per acre, worth $100. A rood fruit raache to trade for grata : farm. F. L. Wood. 341 State atreet. 84 ACRE PARM FOR TRADE OB SALE, ; Splendid aoiL good improvements. Gertrude J. M. Page 493 Ji. Cottage atreet KEW BUNGALOW PAVEMENT, f koantifal river view, 5 rooms modern i with hardwood borders and Dutch kit- rhea. - Built ia buffet aad bookcase, ' fireplace, eeateat baseateat. Red need to $4800; $2000 will handle aad will ' accept boau. Heyser-Follrich System Pbonn One Thousand Main Floor Terauaal Bldg. $700 PIANO GOOD AS NEW, $250. 65 acrea including one half 50 acres fall wheat ia good' coaditioa. $5600. A, C. Bohrnstedt 107 Masonic Tempi , Salem; Oregoa MUST SACRIFICE TWO BEAUTIFUL lata, east frontage, one cornet and one inside lot at Summer end "I" eireetn For further particulars call 414 North Summer, f . , FIVE ROOM HOUSE ON PAVEMENT ia good coaditioa, modern, large cor ner lot and close to cannery, can be bought for $2200, $1200 at first pay ment. Heyser-FoIIrich System Phone One Thousand Maia Floor Terminal Bldg. OX" JULY 8. 1922. AT 10 A. M.. WILL be sold at Sheriff a sale at the Marion county court bouse. 67 acres of land thst will ia all probability b sold cheap. See John H. Scott, 228 Oregoa Bldg., Salem. Oregon, for particulars. A Very Desirable 0 room comfortable cottage, modern ex cept basement. Fin corner, close, ia. Nice - grounds and a borne.. Price $3300. See 'the Fleming Realty Co. 841 State street. $3000 WILL BUY GOOD BUNGALOW, south, psved, garage and in good lo cation. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court atreet. COME TO BROWN SMEAD ASD LOOK at the beat beaverdam land in Ameri ca; sold in small traeta at reasonable price and easy terms. Railroad station and school. Or write P. O. Boa 32. Brownsmead. Oregoa, for full partie nlars. Close In Acreage 5 acres l.on balf bearing trawberriee Balance cultivated; good soil: small bowte. 8 4 mile from Salem. Good road. Bargain price $1400 rash. Another 10 Acres All in crop, good land, good road. Price $2100: term $0 down. ; S. R. PEARSON 310 M. S. Bank Bldg. FINE LOT IS RICHMOND ADDITION for sale at a sacrifice. Phone 205'.V. .ANDERSON ft RUPERT Saeceaior to Laflar ft Laflar INSURANCE . REAL ESTATE 1 BONDS LOAN8 408-7 . Oragoa Bldg. CITY HOtJHKa ClT-l sx-TI. 8CNGA low, small aad largo acreage, floe ta pad far est: exchange la ehy aad euatry. Rrwwa ft Msgea. r Baa aek'a store. Stat aad Oommarsial , Pnae a a FOR BARGAINS IN CITY AND country property, tee Joseph Barber & Son, $00 Gray Bldg. MR HOME BUYETs -TVO OAK BUY A 8 room baagalaw laea tba) a year aid for 8800 leaa taaa 1 waa offered tar It aiae aaaath ago. Baa bssamsat. Dateh kitchen, closet aad aleepmg poreh. $1000 will baa 41 it. Soe it . aadav. 138 Lett all. A VERY GOOD BUY A 5 ROOM BCN-galow,- aaodem, with good garage, cor ner lot, east front. $1900. One fourth down, balance $20 ia month. This . is one of my best props, for the money. Wm. Fleming. 341 State atreet. FIVE ACRES Its MILE8 OUT. EAST. $1200. M. J. Hunt, Ladd A Bush Bldg. $1800 WILL BUY GOOD CORNER N. Liberty. Lou of fruit. Good home. Ruby Purdy, 435 Court street. SEE ME FOR GOOD BUYS IN REAL estate. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court atreet. FOR SALE MODERN SEVEN ROOM bouse, 141 8.' Winter St. Inquire at 5f5 Court. Phone 738-W. , SIX ROOM MODERN HOUSE. GARAGE, east front, near east school. $2700. Nice Jcosy home. M. J. Hunt, Ladd A Bush ' Bldg. ' GOOD LOT ON NORTH WINTER ST. South of Market street. Price $350. For real bargains, see us. W. G. Krneger. $08-209 Oregon Bldg. TEN ACRES SEVEN YEAR OLD prone, with good crop at $4000. M. i. Hunt. Ladd A Bush Bldg. ,. . 1 Pive-room new bungalow. 1 furnace, fire place, corner .lot, paved atreet, fine view property, for $4000.00. 7 room bungalow, furnace, garage, abund ance of fruit. $4".0.0. V Winnie Pettyjohn j 33 1V State atreet Special Bargains1 New 4 room pi 8k t red hot'ke; bisemeat Price $2100 with $30O eath. Bal. $20 per month, with Interest. Dandy a room bouse ea paved atreet.: large lot, saae fruit; for $-000.00; part term, i ! ' ' New a room beise; 'good location. fr S1250.OO. Little down, bat like rent We have sev-ral bouses for rent. Childs k Bechtei s I - 540 State atroct A REAL BARGAIN NINE AND ONE half acre of loganberries; income rec ord good for the past four years. Ex cellent rrop now showing. Half a mile from the city limit, close to a drver. Good water, and small well built bowse. Price 8S.5OO.00. lias terms, fsqnare Deal Realty Company; 202 U. a Bank. Phone 470. Dr. Doylo says be is about to writer another erieav of stories, but that be wiU, not "resurrect Sher lock Holmes. : Why not try his hand IB the resurrection .line by raVngv James Mlddleton Cox for the dead? cmciTCCTrosmui ls!rN Vl8 won BaVA way yy I'La.Of ItatAb riUAfcrfl lanlvwtalMaiMTitdWI fry t xoncii ; at TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the State Game Comstirsitm of ibe Stattr'ot Ore gon is authorized under Section 8, Chapter 66, General Laws of Oregon, 1921, to close ax or open season or open any closed season in any county-or district of the State ot Oregon for the shooting ar.i oossession of game animals and birds; NOTICE is hereby given that the State Game Commission of the State of Oregoa has made and entered and does hereby issue the following Order That the open season as def in. ed in Chapter 153, Section 2. ot the General . Laws of Oregon of. 1921, for hunting, killing, tak ing or having in posse'ssioa, alive or dead, the following t named game animals and game birds re spectively, shall be as follows to wlt: - -jj' The . open season ' for deer throughout (he. entire state shall be and Is hereby declared to be fnyn August 20th to October 31st of each year, both dates inclu sive. The open season for qnail and Chinese pheasants in all sectiorfW of the state where there Is ati, open season therefor, shall be andV 13 hereby; declared to be from October 15th to October 31st of each, both dates inclusive. The open season for grouse or native pheasants in all sections of the state where there is an SI open season, is declared to be from August 20th to September 20th of each year, both dates in clusive. The open season for sage hens in all sections of the state where there is an open seasor. Is de clared to be. from July J5th to July :Ust of each year, both dates inclusive. .The open season tor prairie I SALEM MARKETS 1 BUYUIO PRIOES May and Orala Wheat, $1.05 Q 1.10 bu; oat. 50 $) 55e bu. i Ben, Batterfst. BatUr, Milk ' Butterfat, 3; milk, $3 cw ; eggs. 18c; dairy butter, 30 8'ie. Poultry Heavy hens, 20 & 21c; light beat 16c; medium, 18c; roosters, 10c: broiler 25 O 80e. : Ltvaatock . Hog. $11.35; dressed hogt. 14c; top (teen, 6c; cwg. 4 (i 4ir; Iamb, So. RETAIL PRICES Egsa snd Batter Errs, 2fl ai 82c; cresmery battel 43 & 41c; dairy butter. 85 Q 86c. r Portland Buyiny; Prices E0G8 STEADY BUTTERFAT FIRM Nambar on ehuraing cream. 41 eoal f.a-b. Portland ; undergrade. ; $80. EGGS STEADY! Current receipt, 2o 47 2le: white hen neries, 23 49 2 to dl'd. (Tbeso quotatioua ar based aa price receive, for th bal f day' receipt by local Jobber sal craemerie.) - LIVE POULTRY WEAK .Less commissloa). heavy bona, 31 Q 33 lb.: do. light 14 15c; broiler, rock and Red. 24 5c; leghorn 18 30c: old rooatars. 10 coats: dnek. wfeH Peklns. young, 24 25c; old duoka, 18 f? 20e. - i DRESSED. MEATS FIRM; SCARCE i i Uos oommiaatoa) Choice ligat nog 15 16c; oBdergrades. 18 15e: veal, top grades, 12 V 13c; uader grades, 10 $ 12e.r BAY AND ORAZS HAY FIRM f Delivered Portland). Valley Timothy $18 30 toa; Eastera Oregoa Timothy $22 24 too; alfalfa. $16 (a 16.50 tea; clover $14 toa; oat and vetch $15 6 It ton; straw. $8 8 ton. GRAIN UNCHANGED (Track. Portland) Wheat, $1.09 0 corn, $1.15: oats i30 $35; Uastera Tel low corn, $29.75 a ton. rturr Strawberries, $1.50-l.OO erate: ear v cherries, 8 (, 12c lb; early peaches $1.50 bos; apricot $1 t? 1.35 Boa; goosebrries. 4 0) 6c lb; raspberries. $1.75 2; currant. $1.25 1.50; loganberries, $1.25 A 1.50. VEGETABLES No. 1 potato), 75 85e cwt : Orerot cabbage, 2 3 3 4c lb: parsnipa. 1c lb; carrot. 25c dozes bunches; turnips and beets. 23c doien;, green peas, 4 6c lb; green onions.' 15 25c. WOOL ,. WOOI4 STEADY Course valley wool. 15 Q 18c; medium 20 35c; fine' 25 80c. KOP HOPS STEADY . 1B21 Cmn nnmfnal tt It 8 tin The World's Largest Collection of the Songs of the People Containing Mora Than a lnousand Uld and IN ew The purpose of this book has been to assemble within its covers practically every song, old and new, which by reason of its merit deservea a place in the hearts of music lovers. The more than one thousand songs which it contains have bien se lected with the "greatest possible amount of careful discrimination and It. is the sin cere hope; of the publishers that it will fill a niche all of Us own in the domain of musical collections for the home. , i " Our Great Coupon Offer Makes itt Almost Car Gift : - - t i ',-. - j . . - ! i . ' . '; ; , ' 1 Publisher's : i- e . Price $3.00 chickens ta all sections ct the si ai wncre mere ta an open tea sorv is declared to be from Oct ober lilh to October - : 3 1 at ol each sear, both dates inclusive. NOTICE is also hereby given that the changes In the open sea sons made by 'this Order ia no wise arfects the bag limits or o ti er regulations provided by law respecting the hunting for. kill ing, taking or having in posses sion, alive or dead, of such game animals and game birds. 'Any and all persotvt : hunt nc fur, kilting, tak'ng or having in Iossctsion, alive or dead, any deer. quaJl, Chinese pheasants, grouse or native pheaaaata. sage hng and prairie chickens In the S ate of Oregon. In violation of this order, will be prosecuted a$ by law provided. , . - i Dated at Portland. Oregon.! this 12th day of Jane. A. D 1S2J. ' OREGON STATE GAME COM MISSION. Dy I. N. FLEISCHER, Chairman. By GEO. II. KELLY. Commissiorvsr. By BLAINE HALLOCK, Commissioriir By M. A. LYNCH. Commissioner. Py L. E. BEAN, Commissfotvsr. Johnny Knows ! Every time Dad sends Johnny to the corner for a paper Johnny comes back with an - Oregon Statesman And whv? - Johnny's wise He knows where to find, The ,F unior Statesmsn Turn to V&ge 4 ' THE OREGON STATESMAN BOOK OF A raOUM SOKGS : COUPON How to Get Thil Bock for the mere nominal cost of manufacture and ' distri bution. One coupon and 79c secures this splendid new song book well bound and actually containing more than a thousand songs. ',..;,,; Present or mail to this paper three coupons with seventy-nine cents to cover cost of handling, packing, clerk, hire, etc Add for postage: ' Mail up to 150 miles. Orders up to 800 For greater distances ask postmaster rate for three pounds. - I 20 Song Books in one. - -:- No other Song Book published so good or so conv ' plete as this one. ; The Book of a Thousand Songs favorites. Edited by Albert E. Wier Yours f for 'onlf n .1 and three coupons jr j:bi va:;ted for aa1 tit r am railrtaatl tava rhlaviatav blajikatnJth'S alieet aarial ,-)rkrts ttprt natiihis ear laupeHra, boil etMkerwv. rlextrirlaais, plir fitter, liHBjrrs, car- riair era, hrtirrs, all rlasses am tier atHl QciaMl U ioata trt rvi'lalatcd by ITtaf.vnast lira W. HtKrr of the lnttrd Mates HailrtHtd . . . Labor Board, let bis sdalriavrat f alaJjr 1st regard lira; 9 . fo. krars: . la this case the . conflict Is not between the employer and the oppressed employes. The. people, ot this country through, an act of contres?, signed by President Wilson, established a tribunal to decide- such. disputes; over wages and working condi tions, which are submitted to It In a proper, manner. It la the decision of this tri bunal against which, the shop crsfts are, slriklngl "Regardless or tay ques tion of the right ot the men to strike the men who take the strikers' places, ' are merely Accepting tfcs ttges and . working conditions pre scribed by. a government tribunal and 8 re performing a public service. , They are not .accepting lie "wages and working - conditions which an era pt oyer Is trying to Itapose for this ' reason, public sentiment ' and full government power- will prr tect' the men who t remain In their positions and new men who may comfr ltt.M .Adequate provisions ;have been fnade. for the full pro tection, ot all employes, the same as old employee which have remained loyally at work, - Applicanta should apply to the office of the superintendent at rortland (Union station) or -to the assistant . sapertntendent at Roseburg, ;j. ij. pTER. - 9 General Afabager, Southern raclfle .Company Classified Ads, 'liV.The Statesman Orlna tlcsuM mt -y v-ifur'" v- -. r r :ioo miles.. .14c; - ; MONEY BACK V Takthis booU home, ex amine it carefully If yoti are not satisfied: return it within forfy-ebht .hoars arrJ .this papsr tvI'J refund your rnoney.' Oip Coupon. fc-sy . V Rr.f"-b Junk Co. 424Kortn Read the Classified : Ads.Rcad: tba I Allied. Ad sWaV As' t T