The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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w esi ib BAiem. TUfy maaeiage. lrresutiaie owire w MMeterniti,,! Mid over and over
the trip from the aonth in. theirlhlm from hisjky .lofuneaa, aadUgaia to myaeU the word which
yielded to it swiftly, r Maj. GranV4fcad flashed into my brain my
land has seen to everything. eJhands over my eyes, -for I felt
telephoned me a moment agoJstrieken. eowerinr. as if I conld
not .hear the light.
Is there anything: the matter.
Mrs.. Graham? Has anything hap-
Honoring Mrs.' Howard Rex.i
who was formerly Miss Vera
Golden, Miss Maud Savage and
MU Eulalla Lindsay were hostes
ses MondaT evening at a miscel
laneous shower. '"The affair was
gl ren at '.the home of Miss Llnd-
..TbV Iroma were pretty with
pjnkf -Kftjefe aiui Canterbury Dells.
ie'fciestanvft&l to honor Mr.
;K', Wert Mrs. J! Clark,' Miss E.
liehldlct,,Mi88.tjjrace Holt. Miss
UUVa Marr.'Mfca Minnie Miller,
iiiiss Edna Mllle, Miss Josephine
;Scbade, 'MU Mamie. Victor, Miss
'Isabella George,' Miss Elizabeth
8talkJauen, . Mlas Mossis Hill.
Mlaa Charlotte Horning. Miss Ed'
da Satterlee, Miss Sylvia Tbomp
son. Miss Annabelle Golden. Miss
Intra Christian, Miss Ludla Chris.
tlsnien. Miss Ldla Hunt, Mla
Vida Woodworth Miss Arvllla
Woodworth, Miss Margaret "White,
Miss Dessle GUI, Miss Myrlo Whit'
ncy. Miss Ruth Mase, Miss Sylvia
Maraters Miss J. Donaldson, Mrs.
W. B. Lindsay, ; Mrs. Chalmer
George, Mrs. Willis Vincent. Mrs.
J. Vlrich'. Mrs. William Perllch,
Mr. J. S. Golden, Mr. A. Rex.
; ...
. .The lawn fete wblch will be giv
en this evening on the lawn of
the Homer Smith home, 675 North
Su rawer afreet,, will be aa unus
ually -attractive ( affair. The
"hours will be - from 3 until &
o'clock and from $ until 10
o'clock in the evening1. -
- - Members --of Mrs.' George G.
frown's committee are in charge
bt the affair which Is to be a
benefit for the Women's communr
; lty building. The public is Invlt
ed to attend the fete. Special
Mrs. A. J. Rahn, Miss Dorothy
Pearce, Miss Iva Claire Love. Mla
Gretchen Brown and Leon Jenni-
Mrs. J. W. Beckley was chosen
president of the General Aid of
the First Methodist chruch at the
regular June meeting Wednesday.
Other officers chosen, were: Mrs.
H. H. Vandevort, vice president;
Mrs. Lucy La Rant, secretary and
Mrs. F. S. Gilbert, treasurer.
; The General Aid will not hold
meetings during July and Augnst
the next meeting will be held in
September. Some of the circles
plaa to "meet throughthe sum
mer. ;
The Aid of the First Presby
terian church will elect officers
for the coming year tnis arter
noon. The organization will
meet with Mrs. James ; Lewis en
State street.
x The East Central circle of the
First Methodist church General
Aid will serve a cafeteria lnnch
on the lawik of the E. E. Carrier
home at 1065 Court street this
evening between 6 and 7:30
The Lucy Ann Leeclrcle of the
First Methodist church elected off
icers lor the coming year at their
meeting last week. Mrs. F. A.
Legge was chosen "president; Mrs.
Elizabeth Merril, vice president;
Mrs. U. W. Marsters, secretary;
and Mrs. II.. L. Marsters, treasurer-
No more meetings will be
held until September.
Dr. and Mrs. Claude H. West
of Los Angelea are guests of Dr
mt ileal number will be .riven by West's parent's. Mr. and Mrs. 41.
ear. i
Miss Gertrude West la home
from Seattle, where she attended
the University of Wajhlngton
during the last year. She is vis
iting with her parents. Mr. and
Mta. Ben F, West.
Mrs. Horace D. Ramsdell of
Portland is a guest of Mrs. Carrie
Rowland. She will visit here for
Iwo weeks. s
Miss Elizabeth Minty and Maur
ice Hayes were married at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Eiders,
Tuesday evening. Rev. f p. H.
Bryan officiated. Only, a, few rel-
ai'vs and mends attenced. The
bride wore her traveling ress of
blue cantOn crepe and -carried
Cecil Brunner , roses 'and sweet
Dinner was served at once af
ter the marriage-'Service. Mrs.
Ross Hammock, a' slater of the
bride, assisted in. serving. Mr.
and Mrs. Hayes will be at home
to their friends "after July 4 at
their home 500 North Capital
Mr. .and Mrs. R. W. Marsters,
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Marsters of
Saleia and L. B. Marsters of Mc
Minnvuie, will leave today for a
week's outing at Netarts, one of
the Tillamook beaches. They will
return by way of Seaside.
Mrs. S. P. Kimball was hostess
yesterday afternon at a small
party henoring Mrs. Harold J.
Roberts of Denver. Mr. and Mrs.
Roberts, who formerly lived in
Salem have been guests for sev
eral weeks at , the Rollin K. Page
home. They left last evening for
their home in Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts have
many friends in Salem and they
make rather regular trips back
for . visits. They lived on the
Wallace road when here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thatcher
are visiting in. Klamath Falls
with their daughter, Mrs. Ryan.
First Presbyterian Aid with
Mrs. James Lewis, State st.
fearing from my absence at thef
station and the talk of an accident
that it was I who was hurt, and!
he and Hastings have started out
here In the car to fetch me to the!
station. I shall be there in plenty
of time, I am sure."
, I .. . -
ri SO&dj
th dV 5 th e Reason
for, the ever growing
popularity of Albera
FJapjack Flour.
Make light, tasty hot
cakes. Order a Package
Your Grocer
Albers quality
i c
cylindrical com-
iaiurta mkaoiut smajtauoa.
. H
i Our Millinery Department in Rear
j- - Room
I Loads of flowers, hat tnmmlngj and children's hats
:; v; Ladiei'hat, ll new millinery, special good
". i'H. values
. Guaranteed Shoes
Shoes for men and womenj boys and girls. We sell
j guaranteed shoes, cost little more than the cheap
unreliable kind See us for shoe satisfaction
Men's Outing Suits
Whipcord, khaki or moleskin, neatly tailored, belt
ed models, best grades, built for service
Men's 411 Wool Suits $20
Adele GarrlaoB's 2ew Phase of
Sick at Heart.
"What the devil!"
The .exclamation was quick.
sharp, interrogative. The next
minute the receiver had sUmmed
down, bat not before I had heard
my husband say hoarsely, savl
I hope you both break yourl
d d necks.
I turned awav from the tele
phone sick at heart and trembling
as with an ague. Dicky had been
furiously angry with mo many
A f
nmes oeiore, but 1 had neveN
known him to utter words such as
I had just heard. I knew of the
strenuoustly concealed streak of
superstition in his nature, the In
heritance of a remote Celtic strain!
in his blood, and knew, that he
must have been furious-indeed to
say the thing he had. There would
be with him the lurking fear that
the words might come true.
Jim's anxious voice brought me
to myself. I dropped my hands
quickly and assumed a matter-of-
fact -air. .which I devoutly hoped
would deceive the honest chap.
"Oh, no. Jim! Nothing at all.
But I think there is something
Jim is
Suppose he didn't really cara
If they did?"
I seemed to hear the words al
most as If they had been spoken
close to mv ear. and know that
my particular little leering devil,
who used to paint cynical
thoughts In my brain, and 'whose
appearances have grown less and
less frequent as the years have
mellowed my emotions, wan at his
Work again. I suppose every per
son "less stolid than the ox'poi
sesses soch an appendage, in ore
or less real to them. Mine has cl
ways been most vivid. There are
times when I almost believe in
his existence.
I was in a ripe mood to listen
to his mockery. The slips 'Dicky
had mad in speaking of Edit
ainax, sis, solicitude fr her
comfort, I his Indifference as to
mine, had prepared the fbll of my
mind for the noxious sW9d which
4o uau jubi jiauieu idU'e. t or a
few seconds, which iLmed an
ii a
r ii
the matter with the receiver. I felt ,
quite, an electric shock from : it.
Yon had better ask the company
to look at it before you go,
"I'U do that the first thing to
morrow, ma am. Jim replied.
You're sur' yotfre all rtgitr v
"Perfectiy- .sure, - Jim, thank
you." I turned away, tninamg
half-whlmsically that I had not
uttered snch a tremendous false
hood to Jim. after all. I had re
ceived a distinct shock, -hut not
of the particular kind r had inti
The effort to appear calm
helped me more than anything
else to regain my poise. By the
time for Maj. Grantland's arri'val
I had run the gamut of fear, sor
row, anger and all these emo
tions had crystallized into a cold.
reckless disregard . of either
Dicky's pinions or:f his; .possible
actions. , " ; -" ' '
(To be continued) -
ptctnra of Elijah going to Lear,
en la the- chariot & Are, Polat
lng to the halo hont'th proph
et's head, ha finally excIalaeJ: ,
"See. 'father,' he's carrying ak ex-
Little Tommy was absorbed la 1 tra tlr Leslie,
- , .. -...I-.. . r. .,-'
' -- '..:-.'.. ':. '
. .;: ;. ':, . . .
Estahlisked 1SC3
Generai. RanVing Bntfrtfss ,
OtBiot Boon from 10 a. m. to S p. -
"Otti every
angle youTl
Clearance Prices Now Prevailing
1 sack Berry Sugar..., i $6.60
Fresh Red Salmon, tall can. 3 for .50
New pack' Sugar Peas, 2 for
12 Rolls Toilet Paper . .
Barton Fancy Hams, per lb .
Barton Pare Lard, full 5 lb. pail,
10 lb. paiL .
Barton's White Carnation Short-
Large Oval Nekco Sardines
Armour's Veribest Milk ..
9 lbs. Pearl Hominy.. ...
Luna Soap, 15 for.
Bartlett Pears, per cart, special...
Jiffy JeU, 3 for.... ... .
High grade bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs-
Del Monte Pork and Beans
High grade Oysters, small
lirc .,....t,.tt......
Genuine Jap Crepes,dearanCe, yd $ 25
36 inch Percales in full assorted
' patterns,' dearance, ?yard:..i .15
A few dozen left of Ladies' Fibre v
Silk Hose, pair --UilCr.'
Ladies' Lace Trimmed Union Suits 9.
Mohawk 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, v
per yard... w.t-::- v55
Men's Athletic Unions .69
glen's flillbr)eTpti
Apron Otedc' Ginghain per yard .11
Green and Brown lOTfepi'jyard 25
Children's yalsts;.:. 19eund;25e
Tissue press Ginghajn, ywd JU
25c Harmony Draiery. clcafahc.l9c
Ginghams. Curtalnings, ; Silks," Corsets,
ail reduced; "I fV
254 North Commercial Street
Phone .56:0
H : : : ; i i
I M I i I II I I I i i ii 5 '
.. . . . - ; ; :
, a ,
My little premonition was jus
tified. It was Dicky at the tele
phone. Bpt there was in his voice
none of the anxiety which Maj.
Grantland had displayed. Instead,
there was a stiff er formality than
I had ever known him to use in
speaking to the most casual ac
quaintance. Of course, I knew
that it masked the cold anger
which had been his ever since I
had mimicked' his reference to
Edith Fairfax. and guessed
shrewdly that he would not have
called me up at all it he could
have managed the omission with
common decency.
"How is Katie?" he asked In so
perfunctory a manner that I made
my reply laconic.
"Very comfortable,' thank you."
"You will be able to leave her
"Can you make the train?"
"I think so.
"Is there anything I can do?"
His tone was so remotely chilling
by this time that I imagined I
felt the telephone wires congeal
ing. "No, thank you." I felt a sav-
Kafourjs July Clearance Sale
All Summer Merchandise Must Go
Never have values been so attractive as now.
Eyery department has something to offer "
Use Grandma's Sage Tea and
' Sulphur Recipe and. Nobody
Win Know
The use of Sage and-Sulphur
for restoring faded gray hair to
Us natural color dates back to
grandmother's time. She used it
to keep her hair beautifully dark.
glossy and attractive. Whenever
her hair took on that dull, faded
or streaked appearance, this aim
pie mixture was applied, with
wonderful effect.
But brewing at home is mussy
and out of date. Nowadays, by
asking at any drag store for a hot
tie of "WrfVVs Sage and Sulphur
Compound?' .you will get this fa
mous old preparation, improved
by the addition of other ingredl
ents, which can be depended upon
to restore natural color and beau
ty to the hair.
A well-known downtown drug
gist says it darkens the hair so
naturally and evenly that nobody
can tell It has been applied. You
simply dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it and -; draw this
through your hair. taking on
strand at a time. By. morning thfe
iy" nair -disappears, and affer
another application or two it (be
comes beautifully - dark. : fend
Sale Starts Saturday, July 1st
. . . ... '.'
Silks, Wool Goods
8 r
Wash Gppi
The July Clearance Sale Is Your Golden Ghance
To Buy the Very Things You Want
Need At a Big Saving
Silk Dresses, Organdie and Gingham
Dresses, Blouses, Children's Dresses
Middy Blouses, Skirts, Jersey Suits
Underwear in Silk and Muslin and
Kimonos. We feel sure you never
heard tell of such values..
Our Downstairs Store
Also figures fn this great July Clear
ance Sale.
Out of town customers may take advan
tage of these values through our Mail
Shopping Service.
7 1 :;
. - M Portland Silk Shop .V V
r; 383 -Alder; Street' - t
Salem Store
466 State Street
mi W.