'i . iriE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OftEGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 28. 1922 ' i. i CLA88iriED ADVERTISEMENTS 2 insertion s. li ni-V. k eoo,r". Pr is HmiHa r I ' NORWICH UNION WRB IN8URANCE 80C1ETY W. H. Burgbardt, Jr. flesldent Agent 371 state St. . MONEY JO. LOAN On Real Estate , T. K. FORD (Over Ladd Bash Bank") NtW FODAY r0,R SALE. NEW riVE BOOM BUXGA- 1 l7.,'v 'ii? iqire at 1441 X. Bth atreet-. .. I -yoB hale 7 foot iEERiNo Bir-1 Si ... . ..70B"U tnM-k. A 1 aa.p. -ar aj VVIfJlBfJrClall. CURRANTS FOR BALE PHONE 7P12 FOR SALE GOOD LOT ON NORTH 'ttfe etreet. Soata of "D7 ,tret . Price t80. Kraeter. Qreitea Bid?. a. iiu EXPERIENCED DI8H ' Z.??Jtw Termiaal Cafe. 183 a. nga atreet. Btage TenninaL. WANTED CHERRT PICKERS MRS. v EBgliah. Skerry avrmte, eaat Deaf . . achoel. Phone 1658 M. MU8T SACRIFICE TWO BEAUTIFUL lota, eaat frontage, one eornrr and oae inaide lot at Baaarr aad "O" atreeta. For farther partievUra call 444 Aorta oommer.. .. FOR RENT ' apartment. ' 122ft-W. - FURNISHED MODERN 658 Center atreet. Phone -WANTED TO Bt'T STOCK HOGS ' . and feedera. John II. Scott. Phone 334. or after office houra, 622. GOATS MJt.K ON SALE AT 456 STATE atreet. Freeh every day .- BEAR IN MIND THE POLICIES " IS u.H tv ih UnUiiii.in. r ... : aaaeeMble. a ' In.J...,. ( I two anoata oremluma. Sound, nramni " and low eoat. Staotlev : A . rWlev. I i Areata, Phone S47. . i - STRAWBERRIES 2 CENTS POUKn , Itollin Beaver, 2 nrlka out. Phone I - 472. : !. . - WANTED TO RENT r A, FEW GOOD milk eowa. Addma roate 3, bos 196, ; tsaiem, or pnoao aora. . . -, SOCOLOKSKY 311 ETATE. HAS SEV- oral haadred ranch ia and 200 honaea . to ehooa from, call and are him. Special .A very good A room hooae, large lot, i :, with fruit, and rardea; a good buy for 11150. With 9150 reah. We. have a bar rain in a room plaat- . ere J houae on ear line. ' Yon ran move ' . t'zht ia for 91800- with 9300 dowa. 4 room honee, 2 large lota, pirt in frut a enap foi 91200, and 910O-cah -eill luinuie. -. -. - --Thomason - - - , '--.-... tH State trt EMPLOYMENT MAXa NURSERY BUDDERS WANTED ? I Waahinarto Nursery Company. Top peniah. Wash. WANTED EWlaGKTre YOUNG MAN we, he had aprieneo aelllag life taZranoav aaaokn eV advertUmsTMaat I hwa able eat devote a la oatlro liaaa aad I ka, aaabtlLna la advancement Mnat have, tha awnn La Breaonk baalneaa I i propeeitio to merchaaU aad profee I alooal man. Anawer fa vonr owe head I : writUg. Utrng eg. daetiaaal alr I : tleation, ex per lea eo a olicttr, at. Ad!wM "I N SL" State! effle. - 1 1 -! FBatAXB , POSITION WANTED STENOGRAPH . tag or' bookkeeping by . experienced . young woman, normal graduate, lle- ferenrea. Addreaa B-30, cr State- MALS AND FXMAUI WANTED CHEREY PICKERS. PHONE 17P31. " REGISTER NOW FOR LOGANBERRY , Piraing. W. H. Smeed, Rout 8, box I 122. Phon 100F3. WANTED A FEW LOGANBERRY PIC- kera. -Yard close in. Transportation 1 to and from yard. - C. Wbble, 729 Nortb Liberty atreet Phone 7S3-W. WANTr.tr LOGANBERRY PICRER8 for- 43 arrea of berriea. - Fine camp ground. Vt nil from street ear at Ralere Height. Picking at arts about Jaly 6th. B. Cunnioghaas. pbon 21F3 WANTED MSB aiTD WOMBB TO A ; . ti9 I arts paper nbertptnrni. a too J propoaltloa to th right peopl. Addreaa ' th Pacific Hemes too, tasoaanaa lem- Oro PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONTAL . paper published, free lor a lam p, vr- reapondent Toledo. Ohio. " FOR SALE ( TABJS FATES ra TOO WANT TO OBT THB BEST lua manor, send 15 a ta Pacific I HamMUad. Balaat Orego. Ht thm vaontha' nrial eneaeriptioa , Mantioo I able ad '' FOtXLTBl FOR SALE MAMMOTH PEKIN egg and duektlaga. 1030 Chmket , phon 1280. POULTRTMEM BEND EIGHT TWO aaat atom DO for eooeial thro men tha' -artel law Ue boa aad oldest iewraal - to tha areet Th article 4 advor litem et ar tf 8BwMI Utt a Ike . pool try areeeer i tao wortawaei ' piortbweet Pooltry Jovraat. Sll Ooa asoretaJ Saloan. WOOD 4 FOOT' AND 18 INCH DRY MILL In any o.oaatity. Tracy wood Co, Phone 20. ALL KINDS OF WOOD FOR SALE big fir and oak. IS inch. Orders taken for immediate or fa lure deliv eries. C. T. Query, Livaal.y Station. ' Phon 77F2. ; . .-; . , . - BEST GRADB MILL WOOD 18 INCH 3 ft and 4 (t Prompt delivery. Special price car lota. W can make delivery aan. second growta aad ii i rrowth (ir ahont July 15. Fred E. ' W.Ha. . 909 6o. CommercUL Paoae ; : 1548.-. - - - -- . - OLD 18 IN. FIR. 88! SECOND, FT 98. Ash. Phone 1487. , vUW BTOOX 813V BUT MY ! TEAM OF BLOCKY . marea. well " broke - to ranch work. 915 bays black mare, "weight 1500. - Abo one good family cow. Call at reMe-e. 15 Front Halem, Ore. FOR, SALE SCISOEIXAaTEOVa FOR SALE BULL nOO rtTPPlES. alto rood talking parrot Th Bird and Flower Store. 27 State. FOR 8ALK 1 BEOOND HAND t FOOT R L . , Dwriug binder, . new - drapeers. new I r- tnngn I rue a, new o loot wowera, fiw. j H. Pohl ft Son. Salem, Oregon. , Head the Classified Ads FOR SALE KISCIXIJUrEOVS IIDMTITCUIXO AXD PICOTtSO AT- tarhment. Fits ay tewing Machine. Price 2. Fconemy Salem Company. Med ford. On. THE BOUSE Of Hii-r A MILLION M targala. W way. HU eicaaag eaythia- w4 rythiag 1 th Ita f )uk r eed head god. Im ma before ya bay Mil. Btelav keck Juk O Remember t ut Ooeaeert Ml fawn 828 FOR BALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 evata a boadl C ir ralelt) Bl WALL PAPER REMNANTS TEN CENT kaleomine. Velvet tlair carpet fi.JJ. Tapeatry ruga. i!2. 820. 'aot 82.&Q gallon. Plaster wall beard. Shingle oil. SOc, Window .shades. 73c. Mas O. Bureu. 179 S. Commercial. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" aad elevea ether Orege aoavge, together wit a (la collect f patriotic eag. aaerwi eeags and aua? ld-lua favorite AZX. FOB IS (Special price la aaaattty hrta) VAHJ Bond Mt . adaptable ler ea4. " iagiag. The Western Songster T afaa. aow im ha laird editW. PvblUhe4 r OBtOOB TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS B. OoaiiBoreial St.' Bleav Ore FOR RENT. FLATS FOR RENT FUILY FURNISHED aaoderai fire room flat, at 664 Vi Fer ry etreet. S50 a aioath. Immediate iieumi. Apply at Stateamaa of ire. jTxine 2 a. AFABTMXXT8 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT FOR eae. 447 Center. MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent Phone 1527. BOOSta FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS at The Cottle. 343 "A M. Commercial. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLBAX. COST: S0 m. 462 BUM. MODERN ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN Centrally located. Mnat cve name and reference. Addreaa A. care Stateaman. FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOM 8 WITH private bath, alto einrte rooma. 1030 Chemekta atreet Pboae 1280. HOUSES EOR RENT JULY 1. 8IX ROOM houae. furnished. Call morainga he tween 9:30 and 11:30. 470 S. 11th atreet FOR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE A 74 North Winter. 920 a month ; Apply at Stateaman buaineaa office. Phone 23. LOST AND FOUND LOST , LOST rDELTA DELTA DELTA SOROR ity pin .with engraved name of Gr trade Baell. Finder phon 1544 J, reward, IX)ST LUNCHING CLOTH WITH crocheted bordi-r and letter 'H" in corner, between - boathonae - and Com- ' mercial atrert. Return to Stateaman and receive reward. WANTED aCISOXLLABBOTTS OLD MATTRftSSES MADB Capital City Boddiag Co. Pbwn 19 BIDS WASTED FOR SHINGLING OUR S,So ': Z """ at RickrealU Willamett- alley Flax ft Hemp cor- poration WANTED PURNIt UBS. TOOLS, MA ehlnery. a sock. e. WIU bay for ab we .fl a oenunlaatoa. Pba Sll Wodry. th Aaettoaoor. (ANTED EYERTTSINf IN HARD I war aad fare Iter. Beet prioae paid TUB CAPITAL HARDWABB ,, I FURNITURE CO. SSS K. CwaauMreta! St PVewe 941 WANTED P URN ITU RE, TOOLS. ETC Pna 811. WANTED KTTER8BURO NO. 121 atrawberriea, 8 centa per pound, crates and boxes, returned (or shipping qual ity.- Also currants, blaekcapa and cher riea at top pricea. Ward K. Rchard- WANTED CHICKENS, EGOS. BUTTER. veat hi number bogs, lamb, mutton, etc etc. No to large or amalL any day ia tha week. We pay beat eaah pricea aad gnarante ear weight. Mr. farnier VJttP lLHhn l,,T..,V t, 88, Phin. .94. ' . CHERRIES WE ARE RECEIVING Royal Ann aad Waterhous cherries nt Maaon'-Lhirmatt ware bouse, corner 1 High-and MiU atreeta, and will con tinue from 7 o'clock ia the morning until 7 at night Kundaye and holidavi Included, nntil th crop la all in. Wc want thorn now. Don't wait until they get overripe and let the rain spoil them. We are paying the highest price ia Salem and can us any amount yoa may have. Lyon C'al. Glac Fruit to.. s w. High. I'hone 3. BUSINESS CARDS APOnOBEEB AUOTTONkVEB F. V. WOODBY. THI liveaaaek, faraitar. real taa r . tioar. Fhue Sll tor data Re 1818 N Summer Auto Directory FOB BALI OB TRAD REO TBUC1 1921 andL pwrfoct waditkaa. WU trad (or real eatat. prodaoe tm wO ' soil easy term. Tkht I a sop tieaally good bay. tt yoe want reo goo bargala arply Imatodlataly PVm f eatl Tn Pe ' Oeab Store AOTO TOr AUTO TOP UPH0141TERT W0BI ga SSS Swath IStk. Puaav 1128 BATTBBY AMD gLBOTBIOXAB AUTO ELECTRICIiN: EXPERT TROD ble ahootiag. 818 B. High. Phn 908. - , , PRESTO LTTB BATTERY BBBYTOf elation. Expert battery and otoetrtea work, garria Br. Fkwa 1 BOB 41' TIBE8 AND AOCESSOBtEB 10,000 Mtl.K OtlARAMTEB AOATNS1 ton brntau rbo eata and1 bhrwoeae The Hydro-Toron Tiro, for Wi by Tea . rrt store, izts and ieii, phon 9 ACETYXEWB WELDIWO . I IRON. STEEL, BRASS. ALUMINUM Briag th piece. Oxo Ga - Hetia t o. 137 Court ; BEAOTT FABLOB8 v NOW OPERATING MODEL , BBAOTT , Parlor, tie North Owamoretal Be Ureal wtm pa. - --' OABFBBTBB '-: : CONTRA CTOB AND RfTII.DFR PLAN, rnrwtahed froa. B. W. Melatu. laO w. vnaren. - CHTJrcSB FHYSIOIAB OB I. M die. HUM 0TTRE8 ANY tTNOWW 1S9 g. High St phono 988. DBOO 8TOBBS SRVWEB DRUO 00 408 OOUBTl rww. 184 Read Ihc Classified Ads-1 BUSINESS CARDS acuaxoAi. MRS. HXJTEY LIE PI AX 0, lSU 1. CapitoL fivM 101T-W. MTSB MABLS 8HBPHERD PIANO I layer; Iimm ail eirasioa. Ul a iborty. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All braacbe taught Shjat-m truM Joba R. Site, direct. 1291 Curt. Paoae 928. RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING 12 leaaoaa gaaraatood. Waterman aya- teea. F. B. .Clark. Mr4 MeCaraaek Beildiag. TUBBXS ACK MULLIOAB FIABO TUVXB; Btewro-aiaaa C. BopreeoaUtlve i Sheraaaa day AS Co. Pbojm tO. ' EDWARD WKLP EXPERIENCED si: tanor. WUl'a aaie Store. TILLMAN PTAXO REPAIR SHOP Taaiac rof laiaktng. rooeildlag; player piaw uport. . i-aene i. m aootb uommeretoi. DAJTOTJI FRIT ATS LESSONS IK ALL LATB eancoa. Ira. Wrte Fhoao 979-4. amsio STOBxs GEO. 0. WILL . PIANOS. ..PHONO. rrapaa. aewtag machinaa. akeot maale. aae ptaa atadiea. Kepabrisg phooo grapaa aa aeviag mackiaea. 4J Btata, oaten PIANOS 8UERMAN CLAY CO. PIANOS Ktuawaye. Duo-Art and othera. Moore' Mnaie Houae. 415 oart atreet rad waaonie l ample. CARPETS AMD FLTJFT RTJQS CARPET AND RUG WEAVING PHONE Deiore a m. rbone 84F21. NOTICE TO' THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave fluff ruga made out of old ear pete, any length or wldtn von deaire We ale re-fit re-aew and aixa earneta. Feather renovating and mattreaa (team ing and re-making. . 8alem Carpet Cleaning aad Fluff Rug Work a. Phoae 1154. BXEOTRXOXAMS 8ECURE MY FIGURES OK WIRING My eoa tract, by boor. At pro-war prieo. a. W. Hatch, pkone 120S. Hatch, pkone 120SJ FTJBHXTOBB BO BP IT AX FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADB TO rder. Rtiaiatag and apaoUMrlag a apoeialty. Pkone 1742. Brew aad Grovoa. 1801 Seath Oommoreial GBEEMHOTJSXB CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery. Salem Greenhouaea. Retail atore. 123 N. Liberty. Ureenhouaee, Market road. Phone 380. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN OJ FARM LAND. L. A. Hayfard. 90S Sute atreet MARION POLS. COUNTY FARM LOAN . association baa money to loan at SH pereeat W. D. Smith, secretary traaa rr. so Bim Bank of Commerce. twHl rate f lalareet thaa aay firm oa Ue eoaav Private money to loan either elty Or airy property. R. W. Marsters 411 Ore go Bldg. Ladies' Wearing-Apparel JRB8RMLABXWO RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. T56 Bontk 13th. Phon 1824-M. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING. aigatng. Bnonee toraota a rr. S MeOoraaek Bid. THE ADSITTat sal PREPARED TO do aay aad all kind f ladies Ullor lag, for old aid new eamteeaer. 882 K. 12th 8t Pna 9085-R. bHL?1 oi DRX8SMAXIB 1710 j m i , inunm, I HAT8 FROM 91 UP MBS. a A. urnaea. sip Oourt Bt HEMS TIT CHI km 'NEEDLEWORK SHOP" ALL KINDS f fancy work aad kemstitchiag doa 121 8. Commercial atreet. MRS.- BKECKBNRID4U HEMSTITCH lug. mail orders solicited. 175 8. 19th raa 174-M. SALEM ELTTB BEMBTTTCHTNS pLaating. batloma, stamp in aad aeedle 99 uregoa Bldg. Fhe 979 MRS. & E. MTLLERHEM8T ITCHING S.?-..-5i"rL oaiem. vregoa, fkeae 117. ttSOBAHOB MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFS IN8UBAN0 company i. o. Bales, agwat, room S Moiaraaci Bldg Ph 99 LArITDBXEa HOME LAUNDRY WORK DONE Mrs. Joy, phone 1756. 4ALBM LAUNDRl OOMPAM1. 188 8 Ldoeny atroea. rasa, 85. Uldaet largest boat Eatabliahwi 18S9 aIPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY oaanry work, prompt orvte. 188 Hreadway. Phone 165 MEDICAL tfOUNTAJN BALM OOOQH KBMBDT- I'aono aiT W FAJHTTJTO 00BTBA0T0B8 AINTINO AND D SCO RATING HIGI ciaa wora for particular people L V Braaaon, eowtraetn. 868 Mtvth Higk STOBEBY 8TOOB FRntTLAND KUR8ER1 FINE LAROf atocK of lUliau prone trees aad ala all kinds of loading aoraery atoek for fall delivery. Phoae 1140 M. 161 b. ita street X)MPLETB LlftB TREES 8MALI rmtta. raameataw. Oanitml nit. Ma. eery Co.. .2 Oregon Bldg Phone 75 FLOKRTjra LUMBINO KEPAIBINO AND OOP work. Pba 1207-J. 8b. 191 UakM treet A. L. Godfrey. PEBFUM8 AND TOILET ARTICLES 'Ai.irOKNIA PERFOMB CO. BX lo articles. Mr. Moyer oootn aar. I'keae ill BESTAOBAWTB IUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON oi prtc. j0haaa Barry. 1 n fXJ oodmla: BLOBS JTA HOBO LB HOCSB. 489 Ferry. BIN BIN MOODLB HOnRK rraflP oy, 40e: paffad re. 80e; aodlea. au; rrioa oodi. SOa, 8. Ld. wrtr. 80AVEBOEB8 4AI.EM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. BE ia Of u kind rad. OeaapeeW ctiaMi. rw. it. 8EW)BDHilBir0OOD8 HORP8T PRICES PAID FOR SMXIND sad clothing Hi iWm. Ala I , eeig proaain aod rahrr Coil 4 4var f'awHal Ksehaar 949 Kortn. oimcl1. Phm 1 948-W. vl BUT AND SELL SECOND BAND ! oil h iado. pine I Itttora. kae eao. eollare. mllar p4. mH aad ekarw Fred Beared!. 96 Ceater, street. BUSINESS CARDS TOTRS AID STOTB BJEFAXXTVa 8T0YIS REBUILT AJTD BIPATRIP 40 yean azporMBfo. Depot Satiomal (oae. aisoa 26 to 29 iachoa hie PaiBta, oil aad. varniaoa, ou. Iocs berry aad bop h ki. Salaaa Fence aad Store Work. SM Cwart atroeA. Paoae 194. TRAJfSPOXlAlIOB PARKER'S STAGS LINES J. W. Parker. General Manager Ccatral tagr Terminal 8alem, Orogoa SALEM -81 LVERTON D1VIBIUS Laavea Salom, Central Stag Terminal: l:oo Mt 1 1:00 .. :og P-m. Lve SUvertoa Newi Stand: 9:00 a nv. 1:00 jv 9:00 F-BloavIadepoadeBc-Moamatk lHvlai Leave Salca Central Stare Terminal: T .am. 9 a-m. 11 am. 9 avai. I. Loave Moamoarn, aToamvatk ntt: 8:15 a. 1 p.nv. 9:19 p.m. Leavea Indenondeneav Beaver Hotel: 8:S0 a na. 10 a.m- 1:1$ p.m. 4 p.m. 9:0 W make - eoaaecttoaa at Salem to all I paru f the allay. Extra trip ay appoiatmeat 1. W. PARKER. Geaoral Mgr. SILTXRTOM MOTJNT ANGAX PORTLAND 0. ft M. Stage Soakt Boa ad Schedale Berth Boand Bead dowa Road ap Dry. Dly. Dly. . Dly. Dly. Dly No S No. S N. 1 B. 9 No. 4 No 6 PM. PM. A M. ' A.M. P.M. PM. 9:00 1:30 8:00 Prtl'd 10:90 4:00 8:90 8:05 9:95 10:05 MtAgI 9:25 1:55 0:35 9:90 .4:00 10:90 8UvVa 9:00 1:90 9:00 Ar. At. At. Lv. Le. Lv. Snaday ly 9:00 pjm. (a. Portland Stagoa leave Stage Terminal Portland aad Bteelehanimor Dnt ruora. Bilvertoa YBAB SFEB WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP H0U8E- bold eooda. Oae OMliln ' (a aiau aad furaitnr moving. W ale make! oaatry trip. W baadlo the best coal aad wood. Call on a for price. W give good aoMara, good quality aad good aervtoa. amiaaar Traufer Do. Phoae 980. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER OU. 328 Stat St . Phoae 989 Uiatrfbatint. forwardiag aad arg r apeeiaJii Got oor rate WOOD UWI CITY AND OUUMTRY WOOD SAWING. Phone 9046. Flatter Bro. WOOD SAWING. PHONB 1191. CITY, I eountry. Kd. Bproed. WATBB SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft XOWEB CO. Office, SOI Booth Com'l St T per eent discount oa domestic fiat rate paid ia. advance. N dedaetioa (or absence ? aay cause aalaaa water hi hat off yoar premiae. PROFESSIONAL OFTIOIANa GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. B. BUR dett at the Bow Optical 0mpay. 825 Stat streoi, ppoalte Lad aad J)a Bank. POME ROY ft KKENB JSWXLSRS AMD Optometrists. 888 State. CHIROPRACTORS bar, 414-19 U. 8. Baak Bldg. Phoae 87; re 828-R. 08TE0FATHI0raTSiaiAB8 DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 4 B. Baak Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physlciaa aad surgeon. Klrkavllle graduate. 404-405 U. 8. National Baak Bldg. Phone, attic. 919: re. 814. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEF0R- mitie of th feet corrected without lose of time from yoar occupation. Dr. Whit ad Marshall, U. 0. Baak Bldg. OR JOHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC I Phyaidaa aad aurgeea. 409-404 Ore-lgix go Bldg. Pbene, ffie. 1894; re. sr. LODGE DIRECTORY UN IT ID SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp S. Armory. Flrt third Mondaya -r REAL ESTATE 3900 FOR THI8 5 ROOM ONE STORY modern bouse, lot 50x100: se it is to like it- First payment tSOO and balance easy per month. nee L. A, HAYFORD 305 SUte street 93000 WILL BUY GOOD BUNGALOW. south, paved, garage and in good lo cation. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court street. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A GOOD six room bouse. Full basement gar age. Paved both atreeta. Corner Washington and Fir. Falrtnount ad dition. Also one two ton truck for sale. Cheap. Falls City-Salem Lum ber Co., 349 Ho. 13th. Phon 813. COME TO BROWNSMEAD AND LOOK at the best beaverdam land in Ameri ca; sold in small tracts at reasonable pricea and easy term.. Railroad station end chooi. Or writ P. 0. Box 82. Brownsmead, uregoo. mr tun paruo- ulara. WORTH WHILE room' bouse in good condition, city water., sewer connection ; large lot bearing fruit. fine garden, wood bona-.', chicken house; 3 blocks to car line. A good home at email coat. Price 91300. terms. room houae and large lot 830. 323 acres Sandv loam river bottom land. Two sets of buildings. A splendid dairy ranch. Price $16,000. Will take city property as part payment- A "MILLS & COPLEY 331 Vi State street Good Buys 30 acres in learing prunes with crop. Roaedale Kertion. Price $7(Mll. lerma 10 acres: 8 acres of bearing atrawber riea, 4 ares -t to Ingans this yenr. balance in grain except SO rrea which is pasture and timber. 9 room house, two barns and chicken hoaae; well water, boated 5 miles out on main road. II acres with linuse and barn. 6 acres of 8 year old prunes. 2Vt e-res ifi logans. 2 acres in cherries. Price tor quirk sale with cr. term. New bunsalow. 5 rooms, corn er lt with gsrage. ner achool in North Salem. Price $U4'0 cash. 50 down, 910 per month, buva V- acre on paved road ano car une in bearing fruit Price 8oo. Real Eatate and Fire Insursnce W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street FIVE ROOM COTTAGE ONE BLOCK from car. good groveled atreet oatn and toilet. flJIKrfVSlOOO down 5 room house, bath and toilet built ins. 92WIO. 9600 down. Here ia something thjat will tilease the most exact. S room haagaiow, tuicn kitchen, den: built ins. modern in everv detail, all improvement, in first class district. Priced to sell. JfJOO. IMIO dowa. 6000 buy one of the most beautiful homes In tne city mw" irwm i ' Bush bank. 8-1000 down will han dle, .owner leaving city thia week. Mast be aeen. to bo appreciated. Thia will suit the most eaact. We can save you money Wo 'eiievo we have the most complete list oi special beya in the city. We do not specu late in real estate, let na show yon. No obligation, whatever, olenty of rar at your disposal. For real ivco aee or call a. Heyser-Follrich System Main floor Tera-tnal Boilding Phone One Thousand . fTveroom bungalow WITH LARGE lot. Keaaonable terms. i.euv. S room boos. Recently repair aae s paiate. , : ta.y term. - , farma rn aaaaa of 9S.OOO or a. c. buHiwbiu.1 - 407 Heai Tempi fea!v wrrav-. - - - v REAL ESTATE ANDERSON ft StTERT Sactriaera to laflar ft Lailar INSURANCE REAL fcSTATE BOX Dt . ixiivo -T Ortni Bide. CTTT HOU8t C1T -JOT. 3CX9A "V arge eoroe. eh la ar Mt; excaaagoa, h etty ad jaatry. Brwa ft Mage. var B. a ero. But and O meeetai. Paoae FOR BARGAINS IN fTTT ivn eoaUy property. oo Joseph Barber & Son 200 Gray Bldg. MR HOME BUYER TOO 0AB BUY A room baagalew mm than a yoar old (or 9500 loaa than 1 waa offered tor t aloe montka ago. Ha baeeant Dateh kitekea, eioeeu aad aleopiM Pwreh. 91000 win aaadl U. So U aaoay ls Loffollo A VERY GOOD BUY A 5 ROOM BUN galow, modern, with good garage, ror aer lot. eaat front, I1U00. One fourth down, balance t'JO a month. Thi ia one of my beat propa. for the money, wm. Fleming, 341. State atreet. 81800 WILL BUY GOOD CORNER N Liberty. Lota of fruit. Good home. tvuny t-urdy. 435 Court atreet. SEE ME FOR GOOD BUYS IN REAL eatate. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court atreet SUMMER COTTAGE AT NYE BEACH. two blocks from ore an, completely fur nished, built ia bed in living room. A bargain at 9650. 9 room heose. suitable for three apart ments, well bnilt in, large lot, variety fruit. 83500. Winnie Pettyjohn 331 H State atreet ANYONE INTERESTED IN FARMS OR small suburban tracta can rave dol lars by seeing ns this week. Two spec ials that will surprise you. Heyser-Follrich System Main Floor Terminal Bldg. Phone One Thousand HAVE YOU A TRADE FOR A MODERN houae in Woodburnf Have yon a farm for good Salem property for exchange t Well located lota m yon to choose from my list Close in houses for sale by Gertrude J. M. Page Realtor 492 N. Cottage IOR SALii AT A BARGAIN TWO beautiful homes cloae in. half block from car line on paved atreet One of these thoroughly furnished. Strictly modern. Square Deal Co. 202 U. & Bank Bldg. A Verv Desirable 6 room rmnfirtaule cottage, modern ex cept basement. rine corner,-close in. Nice grounds and a home. Price -93300. Bee the Fleming Realty Co. 341 State street. Close in Acreage 5 acres about half bearing atrawberriee- Balunce cultivated; good soil: small house. 3 4 mile from Salem. Good road. Bargain price 91400 catb. Another 10 Acres 111 in crop, good land, good road. Price 92100; terms down. S. R. PEARSON 210 U. S. Bank Bid-. Wood's 'Bargains bnaiilo. cement basement. ; garage: good oi and garden. , 8 1400. room lmngalow. south Salem, at less thau coit and we will take a car uart iav. 60 acre farm, well located, on main high way, 80 per acre, worth flOO. A good fruit ranche to trade for grain farm. J L. Wood 341 State atreet. Real Estate Bargains 5 room house, in south Salem, paved street 82500, terms. Close in bungalow, with large lot for - only 94750. terms. 10 acre trn-t,. good buildings, Vj mile to city limits, for 8500. Good terms. n,o .m See Chl dS & DeChte 510 state street VFW VfVR ROOM RirS'OAIOW bath, in North Salem. Must be oid at once, vacant now. rnce tw. Good terms. Bee Krueger, Oregon Uldg. PUBLIC NOTICES Notice of the Improvemerat of Utc j Alley in Block SO of the Orig inal rial of the City of Salnn, Oregon. Njtlce is hereby riven that 'hel pr..n Prilinpil nt th CltV Of OomrflOB. LOBBCU of tne Ciy 01 Sat-.p). Oregon, deems it exped- i nj ,re.h-r rlAr-laroa Us nur- 1 - - j 1 Dose and intention to improve the alley in Block 20 of the Original pint r ih rritr of Salem. Or; eon frotn the south line of State street ti tho north line of Ferry street. at the expense of the dVnlt'ng and adjacent property, by bring - ing said alley to the established grade 2nd paving said alley with a ix-:nch Portland cement con - crete pavement In acordance with the plans and specifications there- for which were adopted by the Common Council on the th day of Jan. 1922. now on file in the o'fice of the City Recorder and which, for greater certaint.7 and convenience, and a more dialled description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. , The Common council neieoy declarcs its purpose and Intention to mate the aDove aesencea m- provment by and tnrougn tuc Street Improvement Department tne city 01 saiem, uregon. Ey order of the common coun cu: KARL RACE. C'ty Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice Is June 21. 1922. FltUT NEW YORK. June 27. Evapo rated apples firm. Prunes firm. Peaches quiet. DAI RV POTATOKS PORTLAND, Ore.. June 27. Butter: Prints extras 40c; cubes extras 35c; prime firsts. 34 l-2c. Butterfat. .Portland delivery. No. 1 sour cream. 41c. Potatoes: Buying price locals. Mf selling price 1.25 1.50. Anyone who does not believe that perpetual motion la possible should take a day's trip on the Icars with a five-vear-old bov. BULL RULES ON I Threshing Returns Dissap pointing and Export Demand is Enlarged CHICAGO, June 27. Disap pointing threshing returns, to gether with enlarged export and milling demand had a decided bullish effect today on the wheat market. Prices closed strong, 2 1-4 to 3 1-8 net higher; July 1.14 1-8 to 1.14 1-4 and Septem ber 1.15 3-8 to 1.15 1-2. Corn gained 3-4 to 7-8, oats 5-8 to 7-8 and provisions 2 1-2 & 5c to 7 1-2 cents. . Adverse threshing reports came chiefly from Indiana, Ohio, Mis souri and isebraska, and were much more numerous than has been the rule heretofore this sea son . Coupled with this circum stance was the fact that the farm ers seemed to be offering new wheat in only a sparing manner, recent declines haying apparently carried prices too low to be any great incentive. Unusual abscence of selling pressure led shorts early to anticipate an upward swing in the market, active bidding on their part was accelerated by ef forts of exporters to obtain both hard and red winter wheat here and by competition from millers, with No. 2 grades commanding 1-4 cent premium for immediate delivery, as compared with July. PRICES MELT UB DELUGE Flood of Selling Orders Ev idently Precipitated by Professionals NEW YORK, June 27.. Sea sonal dullness and irregularities prevailed in today's stock market until the last hour when a flood of selling orders, evidently precip itated by professional Interests, caused pricea to melt in every di rection, the list closing with a weak tone. The further vagaries of Mexi can Petroleum, the more uncertain railway labor situation and tight er money were of themselves suf ficient to bring about the lasalr tuda and hesitation shown by the market during the early and inter mediate periods. Mexican Petroleum opened with a 5 point gain at 200, this soon being followed by a 9 point reac tion and a brisk rebound before mid-day. The weight of the later offerings drove the price down to 179, with a final price of 180, representing a net loss of li a , I points. In more moderate degree, pan-1 American shares followed the I'M TTTilcourse set by Mex Pet" the "A" i making a net decline oi b t -8 anu p . - c o.j lne issue, , a o-l Domestic oils were heavy throughout, show ing extreme impairment of 1 to 3 points. Contrary to recent movements. rails seemed more vulnerable to unfavorable industrial conditions. Losses of 1 to almost 3 points were scattered throughout that KrOUp, With especial pressure . nrpferred Head -sainst m. Faui preterrea, ueaa- with especial I '"K. -ew i urn. v-uiri uu in. I "aven. The one striking exception was Union Pacific which made a sub- stantial net gain. Steels, equipments, motors and shippings were caught in the 1 general liquidation. Miscellaneous J ;peclalties were dull throughout, but eased at the first indications 1 of a reaction elsewhere. Sales amounted to 800,000 shares. Call loans opened and renewed I at 5 per cent, reflecting the drain on local reserves in connection With coming heavy July Interests and dividend payments, easing to 4 3.4 later. An increased inquiry r0r time funds caused 30 and 60 day rate3 to hold at 4 per cent against recent offerings at 3 3-4 per cent. Foreign exchanges were dla- posed to strengthen at the outset. f,uinK back however, befora the clo8e of the market. Sterling lost Ja moderate fraction, but recent i heaviness in the French and Bel- - g,an b,U8 was reBumed. Prominent Rancher and Al aska Coal Operator Drives Into Asphalt ' ns.f1 9 John Conroy. prominent ranc ti er of near Monmouth, and well known Alaska coal operator was arrested on a charge of driving an automobile while intoxicated and paid a tine of $25 in justice I ctuU yesterday afternoon ' According? to Sheriff ; Oac I Bcwer and Deputy Burkhart " made the arrest, H tecX one MONMOUTH MI PAYS S25 FINE roller and a road crew to stop Conroy'a progress when lie took a notion to drive his new coupe throttKa the fresh - pavement oa the Liberty road, about six miles south of town. . , Conroy. It Is alleged, waa bad ly intoxicated and it is said ha ignored the detour sign which the road crew had placed some distance from the paving opera t'ons. sad heattd through the fresh asphalt, refusing to stop un til a steam roller headed for his machine. v . When arrested Conroy refused to get out of the car tt is said, atd it was necessary for the aher iff and deputy to drag him out. When brought into court Con roy declared that a member of the toad crew had demolished the glass in his cat with a club, but the h t riff waa unable to verify this statement. Conroy, however. looked like he had come la con tact with considerable landscape. and wh'le unable to get confirma tion of the report, it is thought seme member of the road crew adm'nistered a severe beating to the beligerent driver. He was far more concerned in picking fresh asphalt out of his hair and occasional dabbing at badly cnt lip than he waa in the amount of the fine which Judge Unruh was going to impose. F. S. Lamport, of Salem, paid Conroy'a fne and the latter r re turned to Monmouth last night. WEST SALEM WEST SALEM. Ore., June 27- C. S. Kuger has finished harvest ing his 14 acres of strawberries on the hill west of town. The yield was about 15 tons. With good rains the yield would have been much more. J. R. Shields Is giving his dwel ling two coats of paint. .The Cunningham dryer on Divi sion street will open for business In about two weeks, popslbly sooner if cherries are used.' The West Side Gravel company Home Delivery Circulation Look North, South, Cast, or West arid you .will find the newspapers that are the oldest, biggest and best, the newspapers that have prospered in good times and suc cessfully weathered the storms in lean years, aro the newspapers with the great home delivery circulations? that are delivered direct to the home by carrier or mail. The papers that go direct to .the home-are read by Mother, Father, Sister, Brother,- and tha friends and boarders passed around -all the news and all the ad vertisements are carefully read, analyzed and discussed. The live wire advertisers have discovered that the home delivery circulatiqn brings them best results. , 3 AH over America there is a great volume of cheap even- ing street circulation in every city. It is easy to hand a j newsboy a couple of pennies, grab ft paper glance at the latest news and cast the paper aside without taking the time to read the advertisements. , . Home delivery circulation gives best results. Why waste money on transient street sales circulation. Over 97 of the Oregon Statesman circulation is de livered direct to the home by carrier or, mail. v ; The subscribers of The Oregon Statesman have time to read the advertisements and money to buy the goods advertised. Salem's Home Newspaper YOUR SUMMER VACATION - will be much more enjoyable if you have your home newspaper to read in your spare moments. It will keep you posted on the doing3 at home. 3 v DO IT NOW before leaving on your vacation, send W the coupon below or telephone 683, advising tis to send you The Oregon Statesman while on your vacation." . COUPON . Namci . ; Vacation Address...- ... Expect to return on or Name v..... Street . City ......... THE OREGON STATESMAN BOOK OF A TOCfUSMSsOKGS 1 coupon r I!owvi9 Get This Book for the mere nornifl! cost of manufacture an6 distri bution. One ooupofl and 79c secures this splendid new song book, vfelt bound and actually containing more than a thousand songs. .: ; : ' ; '-- Present or.mail to this paper three coupons wit! seventy-nine centa 10 cover cost of, handling, packin;, clerk, hirf etc. . ; ,. J .. . ' AdoVfoctaJ - - -I . Mail up to 150 Orders up to COO For greater distances pounds.. , 4 " 'v, ' J 20 Song Bonks In orivA .' J S'-"4-" . ' No other Sorig Dook puWiied o good c plete as this one. - f " SALEM MARKETS sxrrxxa rixcri. Hay and Oral . Wheat 91.03 d 110 ; oat. 80V4J 55 be, V - : - - ' Egg, attrrt, natter, auix - 4 -Battenat 3rr mtlk, -92 -wti ttU . 18c; dairy batter. So f S2e. . . Faaltrf- : Heavy beoa.' 20- 81: light be , lSe; nsedioxav 18i rwoator. 10i btwtlor 25 - -- . . Uvwatack ' , Hog. 11.33 :.draed Vega, lie; tfta ateeca, j. row, r 4ie; lamb, e N. RETAIL PRICES - Cti d Bttr Erg, SO ift 22c: creamery battel . 42 ir 47; dairy butter. 95 J 36a. - rtlJMl Haying FrtccT BOOS. POCXYBY. BfXAYS BUTTERFAT FIRM i Knmber oa char lag ere anv 41 awaf. tX. PwrtUad; adertrade. 88. EGOS WlIKT , ' ' ' Current reeeipta. : white beee. erioa 22 r 2e ol d. T1eioltei ar baaed prieo receive f U Oaks mt day s reipU ly kK! ibr9 ;aaj 'ITvb'iw LTRY WEAK AND IXW EB, ,Lras eommiaaeaa). beavv bena, 81 Of a lb.: So, light 15 1: broiler, rock and Red. 24 y 5e; lexaora. 18 t 3trt id reoatara, 1 ewtaj djh. rS8 Pektna. Jg, 24 O tiei eld duck. It 'Pressed meats weae. k rXa oMmiaaiea) CaoWe ligbt fcaew HMt t 19: radergradea, 19 ' 1 veal Up gradee, 13,.jf 13c; -grade. -02 - Hay ruua -(Delivered Portland), Valley TtaneUy 919 v'20 a; tester lreo lmtr $22 24 toa; aWalfa. 9lff W .& clovr 91 to: oat an vevca w toa: straw, tt tt I tea - - - . GRAIN UNCHANOED, (Track, Portld Wbt 91.09 tt rorm, Sll): S3 Q ST; Easter ye low eora 28.50 Fa ore Strawberrle. 8125 6 10 rt: ear ly eherriee, 8 l 14 lbj jpriy tnMeM 91.50 box: apricots tt -t rooseberrica. 4 J be lb.; ckerrtca. 4 kH TXGETABZXI No. t potato's. 15 4 85 wt. ; Orere. cabbage, 2 8e lb; paraalpa. 1 Ib.j carre ta, SO dosen tranche : trlp aa beet. 50 doiea; greea peas, i S lb.; grca eaieas. 95e detea buaehe. " WOOL , - ; -1 tTOOt t-OWER, QTrTET ' Coarse valley wool, IS lc medium 90 j 25e; fin. .. HOPS STE.rY ' i -' 1921 Crop Bahil at 11 O 18. Is especially busy now, also the West Side Lumber, company, . Read vV.ei Classified Ads. 1 ' .-. if about. T 1 mile3.t.. - lL.ji..:i0c ; miles. ask postmasfer rate fir t!.r i vi.l V