tHE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OBEGON TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1922 I- I 4 r FOR SALE BUSINESS CARDS KUCEXXAXKOtja MUSICAL T Bate eat wwHl Pat tat art Tbr OM Mk (tU UMTtlM) O BBMtb 8lX aSaaU' trtt. Ml 1 WVNl M Miasmata Mr a advert 8a B--lt M-1M HBMTITCHIXG AND farhms-nt. Pits sny Price $2. Kronomy Medford. Or. PICOtI"G AT nrmt macaifte. Sslr Couiomy, RS. HURT Capites. PI LEK PIAXO, mi w. ltll 9. I NORWICH UNION ' " FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY VO U. Rnre-hardt. Jr. Realdeat Agent 871 8caU St. i r MONEY TO LOAN On Baal Estate X. at. FORD (Ovar UhM Bwh Baak) ' rnit hams JERSEY cow wnn heifer calf three weeks At ' oound horse, Trsrter Xor sate or es clung far food IhiIt. John ft. rtts- hugh, 14H3 " - lirm. TUB HOU8A Or BALP A MILAJUe J ABA kUMUl. W t. iiIiui aavthiaa aad everything to I k lima a laak a I head SB au aa nfare wata BH ar HU. Btmtm back Juk O bM-Wr t plaa ; tr H OaamiW at, rae aaa. tHm H1LB OLD KWbYAJ'BIUL 1i emu tatlM uuemiMiM Oregoa Btai riss mablr shepberd piano t layer; da aaa all eerasiea a. 87 m iUnr STOVES RXBUILT AXD EXPAIKIO 40 7 MTS ustntMs. MM HUMUI tea, slses 88 to 88 - iaehaa bigh. Painta. ait aad vnraiaaaa. art, to berry s4 baa ft. Balam Fa aad Star Work. IM Out . Pfcae 124. -1ALRM CONSERVATORY OF MUBIO All braaehee tsaa-kl. d la a ass treated Joha R. Blue, eUreeksr. 1881 Cwl nM ill. RAO AMD JAZZ PIANO PLATING 12 lesseaa cuaraataed Waterasaa sys tarn. P. B. Clark, Mgr , MeCeraecfc Bsildlsg. TVXBRA JACK MULLIGAN PIAXO TUNER Moera-iraaa 0. Rpra tstlv of aaBM cia A C. Pheate 04. NEW TODAY L09T LfXCHINO CLOTH WITH rtfhrttd brdr and Utur "H" w If. rorarr. btwpca boat bout aad C- aiarrial atnot. Katvra to Slataa a4 ri rwr4. WALL PAPER REMNANTS TEJJ CENT kalsomiae. vmrt attir rirp-. ;.'' T.neatr nn xlX. "- Paint. -i ..Han Plaktar wall board. khn. ail. AW. Window saadea. 75e. Mas O, Bare. 17 . Commerrial. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" i aad alavM tar Orga t tatataar rixk a fiaa llell pavwtic EDWARD ptaa Maaia Btar. WELP BXPERIBNCZD WU1' TALLMAJf PIAXO REPAIR SHOP Taaing. Nfialaaiac, waUdic: plrr ill Bwsta pUaw UMri. Paaa lUt. OoBsaiareial DAJTOIXa) Mai, Mm4 14 Una IPRITAT1 LE8SON8 IN ALL LATE r CARE OP C1U1.DRES 50 . Ooud BOB). a 8. 16th. A DAY, 111 BUT -MY TEAM OP BLOCKY asarra. wail brok to raarh work. ' t5 bars black war, waiaht 1500. Also en rood family eaw. Call at ISO rrat Ba., ali, w. j j i ridar. I HOME LAUNDRY WORK IKWE f Mrs. Joy, pbon 1764. ' IOR SALE OR EXCHANGE r- CITY I property, ten arres. Good balldiacs. PraBM, lofanberriea. 700 . ' tligtt. t ' . . i'OR BALK 1 srXOXD HAND 7 FOOT 'i Uearin binder, nem draparr. Bw : tancu truck, naw b foot Biawera, S70. H. Pobl At Boo, SatoBt, OrfB. si. WHY NOT TAKE YOUR NEXT POLICY with HtandUy Polar, aceat. Pir iasaraae Is oar xelui business. W lavarltsa AZX POR tM (Svaelal arteM a aaaaUty lass) Eapseialty ad a pub I 1m ), aJ ity r bass tlagLaf. Baaa nt The Western Songster ft asfs. bow la It third adHkM. Pablishd ay . mtflflf TtlCHIU MONTHLY If B. Oaaimarelal St. Balsas, or. daaeaa. Mrs. Wblu Pkoa IT.-J. ATOSIO STORBS GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, saw tar ataehiasa, ihsat amale as plana itsdte. Kapatrla paa grapaa and sawiag smaehlaaa. 41 Btat. Bsloia. PIAR08 FOR RENT SHERMAN CLAY CO. PIANOS Steinwsys, Ihio-Art and others. Moor Music llooas, 415 Coart street end Matoslc Temple. FLATS CARPETS AXD PLUTP RUQS EOR RENT POLLY FURNISHED asodera fi room flat, at oott rer rr street. S50 a month. Immediate Dosseasion. Apply at Statesman at tic. Pfran 83. CARPET AND RUG WEAVING PHONE belors s.m. Phone BUSINESS CARDS STOYEB AXD STOYR RZPAZRXXa TRAXBPGBYATIOX PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. . Parker. GaaarsJ Hautw CaatraJ Blag Term last Baleam, Uragaa Laate Balsa, al Staga Tarasiaali 1:tw svas. lt:ow a as. a:uo p. as. Las SUfartaa News Stand: :00 a m. 1 KM) a ss. g.OO p sm. Sal-lBdepBdeae-Maath DiflakM Laa Saleas Cntral Stag Temilaal: 7 u. a-as. 11 a pja. a P-BS. as Moaasaarm, TaaiBtk na tail i:15 a .a?. 1 :15 p.a. Laasas ladnaadBam. iSSayar Hatslt :SU ass. 10 a .as. 1:14 4 :0 Wa ssak coaaactiaaa a Salass t all part af ike sailey. Extra trip ay appoiataieBL J. W. PARKER. Gaaaral Mgr. 8ILYXRTOX MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND 0. M. Stags Somas Boaad gekadala Varth Baaad Rad dwa Raad p Dry. Dly. Dry. Dry. Dly. Dly Na ft No. N. 1 Ma. S Na. 4 N PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM 6:00 1:80 i:00 Prtl'd 10:0 4:00 9:tQ 4:0S t:S 10:05 Mt.Agl 4.S5 1:5 0:25 :S0 4:00 10:0 SUtV :00 1:80 S:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. L. Lt. Lv, Saaday mly S:00 fas. Portlsad 8 tags ! Stag TsrsiiasJ Partlaad aad BtaeMhaaimor Drag Star. 8ilsrtB REAL ESTATE . ANDERSON A RUPERT Sacccssars to Laflar at Lailac INSURANCE REAL fc STATE BONUS ii, v 4-T Oraaaa BUa FOR SALH PITE ROOU HnrSF lots on paved srrevt. sac black trass ' "ne. Bcsriag trait trees. 2oO; T0 dffB, balance on easy tanas. Hnte E. U. RsBtoo, rovie 3. Salesm. Oregroa. Pbobc 4UF21. CITY HOU8EB---C1T1 LOTS. RCBMA ii aasau mma larg arg. iisas " aas, aaeaaagaa sa etty ai bfw A Mega. aw V Stata aad Oassasarslal SSI. POR BARGAINS IX CITY AND ""I property, oa Joseph Barber & Son. S00 Gray Bldg. MR, HOME BUTEV-- IU0 CAB BOX A baagalaw teas tnaa. a yar U far oo tea taaa 1 was ttrd fwr ' . aveataa ag. ils b a ansa mac Ktveaaa. uA Pch. 910OV wiU baadks B. ast tt IS LMfaila TRAM ATE A BA VUXG APARTMENTS i yon first class sers-w aad at lowest cast. ' rnons t r ar prepared to gi 847. Ladd A Bash Bldg, '"JIODERN FURNISHED APARTMENT , fr . raat. ' Phea 1527. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT FOR aa. 447 Center. APARTMENT FURNISHED FOR CAR- ' Inr for apartment hone. 447 canter. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW wear flaff rug mad oat of old car pets, any length or width you desire We also re-fu, re-saw aad six a carpets. Feather rsaoy sting sad mattrsaa steam ing aad r-msking. Salem Carpal Cleaaing aad Fluff Bog Works. Pbon 1154. BLEOTRICXAX8 WB MOTS, 8TORR AXD SHIP H0D8B bold goods. Oar spaeislty Is ptaaa and iaraitar aaeviag. W alaa asak oaatrr trip. W haadl tb bast oeal aad wood. Call aa aa for prieaa. Wa gi good B sears, good aaality aad good arfoa. Larmer Transfer 0. PboB 80. A VERY GOOD BL'Y-4 S Rnnu Rrv (slow, modern, with good rarsce. cor acr lot, esat front, lO0. Oa fourth down halasee $20 a month. This is one of my beat props, for tb money. Win. Hcminr, 341 Stste street. of Jaaa. ttSS row oa filo a tho o'Hce of tea City Recorder and vakh, for grter certaint aa4 eoBYealnca. and a mora daiMl decript(on thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Us purpose aad Intention t y make the above described Im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department ! the City of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil: EARL RACE, C ty Recorder. Date of firet publication of this notice Is June 21, 1922. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. IX But St. Psoas MS. DiU mating, forwsrdiag aad asaraga oar speeisitr Gat r rats. WOOD SAWB Special T trade, 10 seres of fine land, sll in cnUiystioq. tjpod 5 room plastered house, bani, chicken bouse, K mile from pared road. Price 2S00. Want bois in Salem. Will psy some rssb difference. Thomason 331 M State street Rooata , iNURSERY A Washiagtaa Narsery BUDDERS pcniah. Wash. WANTED Company,. Top- IDS WANTED FOR SHINGLING OCR 0x150 foot warehouse at Kickreaik illametta Valley Plaa Hemp cor- ratioa... -.. . ', - -TWO TAN SUIT CASES BE- tweoa Bslem aa Jeiierson en run" Highway. Return Uregoa Btstcsmsn oftar aad receire reward. NEW FIVE ROOM BUNOALOW AND bath, la North Halera. mast oa soia .....1 una. Pries 2f 0O. I Good tcrma. Sa Kraeger, Oregon i ' Bldg. ' FOR RENT iULY 1. SIX BOOM X : bouse, furnished. Call .mornings ba j tweea :0 aad 11:30. 47t 8. 14th i street. i - - LOST IN NORTH SALEM. PACKAGE containing pongee and atner ry goaoa. inder please laare ai fie. ' - - ' '.: Real Estate Bargains"; 6 room house, ia sooth ' Salem, pared "i .Mt SIMin tarua. : f - rh.M ia hunralow. with larg lot, for it i only $4750, terms.- ' ' i .10 ncre trnct. good buildings. . J4 mil t t city limits, for S50. Good terms. ,t " : 540 8tt Street FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS at Tb Cottle. 843 ft N. Commercial. ARLINGTON HOTEL 0LXAX. OOSYt iOa BP. 448 BUta. MODERN ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN Centrally located. Mast gir aam and reference. Address A. ear Statesman. KIR RENT SUITS OP ROOMS WITH Drivste bath, alsa alncle roma. 1030 ChamekeU street Vbone 1280. rllR REXTBIX ROOM HOUSE An, tut Karth Winter. 820 s month. ' AddW st Ststesmsa business off ice. I Phone 23. 8ECCRB MY FIGURES ON WIRING By ea tract, by boor. At pre-war prieaa. H. W. Hatch, pbaa lioil. TuBXirVRR BOBPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADB TO e rover. Bella isklng aad apbalatariag a spaelsHy. Paaa 1748. Greys. H01 South Coamorctsl axxRXBovaxa CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. Dslirery. Saleia GreeBhouaea. Retail store, 123 N. Liberty. Greenhouses, Market rosd. Phone 880. PTXAXOZAZi LOST AND FOUND MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND U A. Hayfard. 80S 8 tat strseV city axd country wood BAWixa. Phoa S04S. Fisher Bra. SEE ME FOR GOOD BUY8 IN REAL estate. Ruby Purdy, 435 Coort street. WOOD SAWING. PHONB 118L eons try. Ed. Spread CITY, WATXB SALEM WATER, LIGHT A TOWER CO. Office, BUI Baath Oaas'l Be Tea par east disoasnt aa damaati flat rates paid ia advance. Na dvdBetksaa for sbssao r aay eaas aaiasa wslav la ahat afi yonr pramiaa. SUMMER COTTAGE AT NYE BEACH. iwa biocks I rem ocean, completely for nUhed, built ia bed in living room A bargsin st $650. room house, suitsble for three apart menu, well hnilt in, large tot, yarieir intft. 13500. ' Winnie Pettyjohn 331 Stste street PROFESSIONAL OPTIOIAXB GLASSES PITTED BY DR. L. B, BUR- a4asftAVi sat aka llaVimV fnlmi 825 Stat street, epposll Lad aai Bash Bank. LOST LOST DELTA DELTA DELTA 8OR0R- Ity Pin .with engraved nsm of Ger- trad BuelL Finder pbon 1544 J, reward. WANTED UaaTaUXAXsrOTia I ( -: tif Four room baagslew. rement Daseineni, garsge. good lot ana gerae MnfjBHSWf BVVHbM S3 mm ----' Wood's Bargains K. '', ' " ' ?l I roam ' I . ! than i will take angslow, east and w r . . . Jn "vail laeatad. aa main nifh- K way. $0 per acre, worth. $100. A t good fruit rsnehe to trsda far grain farm. P. L. Wood. 341 Htste street. WIL PAT 20 A DOZEN FOR EGGS People's Cash Store. OLD MATTRASSES MADB CB ! Capital City Baddiag Oa. Paaaa it WANTED FURXIYUKB. TOOLS. , MA- skiaery. alack, avs. WIS bay far aaaa ar s.U an easnmiaaksa, Phsma 111 - Weedry. the -Aaetias isar. - - ANTED BVERTTBlXV IN HARD vara aad fnraltnr. Btpr4ea paid TUB OArlTAL HABUWAJtB FURNITURE CO. X. Oemmerelal St. PaasM 841 MARION POLE COUNTY FARM LOAN Basociatioa baa money to laaa at &k pareaat. W. D. Bmita, aaeratarytraaa arer. $08 Ssism Bank f Gammer. 80 YEAR FARM LOANS OX RURAL credit plaa, pre-payment previa io a si kowad. W will fiaaae yea for a less rat af latere! tbaa aay fins aa tb easst. Prirat maaey a laaa aa ettaa atty ar wastry property. R. W. Marsters 411 Oregoa Bldg. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DEESaMAXmO ROTH MeADAMS DbiksSMAKEB. TC8 Soatk 12tk. Paaa 1824-M. POMXROY A KEKNK JXWELBBA AXD Opte metrists. 88 Stat. CHIROPRA0TO AA 0ARRIX PISHXK DRXS8MAXIXG. designing, opeaeer MeCoraaek Bide. I, i ii EMPLOYMENT acAxa - WANTED ENXROETie TOTJNG MAN "ti. h7 bad expmrtme s-illag Itf -r taaaraao. s tasks ar advertising. Mast . h abi a asrota sis "" - 5 t ba aabttiaa tar advaaosm!. Mast s bsv tb aaarsg to prassat fcasiaass prapasitiM te merehsata aad prfe Inaaal man. Aaawar yaat awa kaad ! wrltlaA atatiag ag. adaeatlaaal alt- C- riaanata, zpaia s selMtsor. at. 1 AoVaW'U Aw. 3U" Ststeem.a afflee WANTED FURNITtrRB., TOOLS. 1T0. Paaaa flL WANTED -KTTERSBURO " NO. - 121 Strawberries, 8 rents per pound, crates and bojtea retarnad for shipping qual ity. Alsa currsuta, blackcaps snd cher riea at top prices. Wsrd K. Kchsrd- THX ADSTTTw aKl PREPARED TO 4 aay aad an kiada af ladies' tailor lag, lor aid aid asw enatamara. 85 N. 13tk Bt. Pboaa I085-R. MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER - 1110 Ballava B. DR. 0. L. BCOTT. P.O. CH1R0PRAO tar, 414-18 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phea 87; re. 828-hv. osTxopAnnoPB tbioxaxb DBS. U. WHITE AND . Bank Bldg. MARSHALL. 4 DR. W. Ia. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phyalelaa aad sargeaa. Kirks villa gradaata, 404-408 U. a Xatiaaal Baak Bldg. Pboaa, mltu. S18: roe. 614. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR- mitiss af tb feet eorrected witboat loss of tune from your oeeupstioB. Drs. Wkito aad MarshaU, C. 8. Baak Bldg. DR. JOHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Pbyilcisa aad largsoa, 408-404 Ora- ra Bldg. Phamaa, affie. 1884; rat 8F8 . . LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VCTBRAXB Camp 8. Armary. Pint, third afeadaya amATXTBY HATS PROM $1 CP ai. 818 Caart St. MBA. a A REAL ESTATE PKMLALB , nnoiTinv . WAVTKD 8TENOGRAPH- i inc r bookkeeping by experienced ? yaang woman, normal gr ferenees. Address B 30, wan. rrsdnate. Ua- care. Stales HALB AXD PZMLALX WANTED CHERRY PICKERS. PHONE 1 LTF31. ' -. . ' ' ' - - REGISTER NOW FOR LOGANBERRY ipickiag". W. H. SaW, RoaU a. Urn 100F3. - . . . ... tciLi. pro a .nd from vara. . i. imnw, I Nona, Liberty atreeu Phone 73-W. luivvrn LOGANBERRY PICKERS fe 45 arret af bmi4. Fin camp - . -I I , WANTED A FEW LOGANBERRY PIC 1 t kir Yard closa ia. TrsnnporUtwa 1 fraonds. ft miia iraa lem lleighta. Pick lag atsrta about jStTath. B Canaiagham, phono 81F2 WANTED - AXD WO TO take laras Fp-r r- ItlZaeittaa to tba right poapl. Adiraaa ib FaeUi Hamtaad. Btstesmaa Bldg Helaaa. Or ." ------ " - ' ' ' WANTED 1 WOULD BE INTERESTED - la Durrhssins- na interest in na s- , tabltabed business ia Salem with ter- vises not requiring tarhnicsl know- - ledge, or aa entire small business not , requiring too Urge investment. Write . what you may. have to offer and I will '' treat as confidential. Address Mr. F. No. 259 E. 1st N. Portlsnd, Oregon. WASTED CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. veal, bogs, lam be, muttoa, etc. Ne , number to large or small, aay day ia . tb week. . Wa pay best csth prices ad guarantee our weights. Mr. farmer w want your produce, pleas giv as a trial. People's Msrket, 155 N. Lib erty St.. phone 894. CHERRIES WE ARE RECEIVING Royal Ann aad Watarhoata enames at Masoa-Ehrmaa - wsrebouse, corner Hih and . still streets, snd will eon- tinae from 7 o'clock in the morning until 1 nt nirhL Bandars and balidavs i included, until tha crop U all in. V than naw. Don't wait until they get overripe aad let tba rain spoil them. We are paying the highest price in Salem and can vsa any amount . Jd may bar. Lyons Cat Glace Fruit Co., 3 H. High. Phone 3o. EEMSTITUHIXU) "NEEDLEWORK SHOP" ALL KINDS of leney work aad hsmstitehiag doaa 121 8. Commercial street. MRS. BRICK EN RIDGE HEMSTITCH thA mail rdT Ueild. 175 B. lttk Pbaa 174 M, - SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING ' pleating, buttons, stampiaaf and needle work. 830 Oregoa Bldg. Phono 87 MRS.' C I. MILLER HEM STITCHING v Stsmalag: brsWing: kaad mbraidry. bonoas. Roam 10, aver Ml liar' a star. Salem, Oregoa, Phaae 117. fXSTJBAXPX HUTUAL BENEFIT LIFX rNSURAXCX eaaapany j. o. Bsich, agwat, mm A lfeOarnnek Bide Pbon . Bargain Almost 2 lots for $225, whb $50 down a on siu per month. Thomason 331 ',4 State street 13000 FOR THIS 5 ROOM ONE STORY modern House, lot 50x100; k.e it it to lik it. First psyment 000 sad balance easy per month. 8ee L. Ai HAYrUnD 305 Stata street $30(0 WILL BUY GOOD BUNGALOW south, paved, garae-e and in eood ration. Ruby Purdy, 455 Coort street PERSONAL i 4 1 t i A S I 1 IPBET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Fre for stamp. Cor $ Toledo. Ohio. FOR SALE FARM. PAPXB IP TOO ; WAXT TO GET TUB BE8T faras paper. ead 15e la the PseUie ' IasW. Cwgawa fa a thr. Maths' trial aaswsriptbsaa Maatiaa tbia d ' BUSINESS CARDS t: ADOTIOXIXB AUCnONKIR P. X. WOODRT. TH1 livestaek, furaitara, teal aetata aa tlaaaer. Pkaaa 811 far 8ato aaata Bag. 1810 X. gammer Auto Directory TBTJ0XB 4ALXM LAUNDRY OOMPAXT. ISO Liberty atrawt, Pkoa 88. Oldest largest boat. Xstablitkad IMS. C VPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY oaauty work, prompt arTiea. 1804 .Broadway. Paaaa 188. MXDICAI, MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH RXMXDY Paeaa aiT-W FOR 8 ALE AT A BARGAIN A GOOD ais room bouse. Full bssement, gar- ag. Paved both streets. Corner Waahinctaa nnd Pir. rsirmount d it ion. Also ana twa ton truck for aala. Cbaap. Falls City-Salem Lum ber C0 349 Bo. 12th. Phono 813. 18O0 WILL BUY GOOD CORNER y Liberty. Lots of fruit. Good home. Ruby Purdy, 453 Court street. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed blda will be received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 13b. Marion County, Oregon, until 8 p. m. July 1. 1922 for the erection and completion of a two-room Public School buUdinx according to plana and specifica tions aa prepared by C. N. Free man. Architect, Silverton, Ore. All bids must be made out on blank proposals furnished for the same. Plana and specifications may be secured from the clerk, Mr. Joe Ebner, Broadacres, Ore., or the architect. A certified check for S per cent of the amount must accompany bid. The School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Sealed proposals to be sent to the clerk. By order of School Board of District No. 130 Marion County. Oregon. were disposed to add moderately to last week's general advaaca bat gave way to the realizing of the later dealiags when call money rose to 6 1-2 per cent, after open ing at 4 per cent Irregular gains among motors and rubber accessaries also tobac co.! and food specialties, proved to be only temparary for the mwi part, although United States Rub ber and tobacco products were well up for the day. Sales amount ed to 800,000 shares. In view of the deficit in actual cash holding reported by the clearing house banks last Satur day and preparation to meet July interest and dividend payments, today'a hardening of call loans oc casioned little surprise. Time rates were unaltered, but the sup ply of such funds was visibly smaller. Foreign exchange conditions were very confusing, but the trend of leading remittance was firmer, French bills proving tha only noteworthy exception. Sterling rose fully 3 cents over last week's low quotation. CLOW. BLOW, BLOW! Red roaaa blow Urea times a year In April, June aad May. Bat those who aava red Boaea Caa blow them every day. - TU Pathtl&dsr. ' BUYING PRICES stay " and strata) ' Wheat, tl.fc a l 10 aa: ests. 50 - 55. bs. ": Eggs. Bananas, amnr. auts Bnttenat. Sue; milk, tl rwt-j 'Xts. Ac ; dairy batter, 3 W 3c. . raanry .- -Heavy beas, 80 tw tie: tight bens lc; medium, lac; roosters, 10; bra iters 24 Q SOe, - .- :. f , ut titers flort, $11.25: dressed bar, 11 steam, ; cows. ir t'f; tame, ae BETAU, rUVSB v " Eggs aad Batter , ,s F-rta, M e 8: creamery aattn 42 t 47e; dairy batter, 35 U 8e. NYOXE INTERESTED IX FARMS OR small suburban tracts, csa ssve do! jars by seeing us this week. Two spec lata thst will surprise yon. Heyser-Follrich System Main Floor Terminal Bldg. Phone One Thousand HAVE YoNa TRADR FOR A MODERN noaae in Woodham I Hare von a farm tor good Salem property for exchange t Well located lots -jr you to choose from my list. Close in bouses for sale ny FRUIT NEW YORK. June SS. Evapo rated apples quiet; stata prime to choice 17 618c; prunes firm, Cal ifomiaa S 1-2 to 18 l-2c; Oregona 60'a to 20'a. 12 1-2 18c. Peaches steady; choice ISfiISc; extra choice 13c; fancy 20c. mm BEARS HOPS NEW YORK, June 2. Hops I quiet; stata 1921, 20t?24c;Pa clfic roasts 1921, 19 6 24c; 1920, 1719c. Oil WSJ PRICE DAIRY IOTATOES PORTLAND. Ore.. June 26 Butler: Prints extras 40c; cubea extras 36c; prime firsts 34 1 Batterfat, Portland delivery: No. ReDort That Rain Has Ar- 1 ur crem 4Itv .: , I tl.,.,..... T. . f 1 I 1 . i uutiut'B. ouying price lucaia $11.10; selling price 1.250 rived and no Damage Presents Rise in Figure l.SO. SALEM MARKETS, j Portlaiui BojItuj Prices BOOR. POCLTRT. atXATS BUTTKRPAT PI RM Number ana charaiag ereanv 41 f.b, Partlaad; aadargrade. 88. kuu issmuii Cwrrent reeeinta. 8A 2 let while hen neries 82 ac S3c drat, t These qoatatiea ar baaad aa prieaa receive far tha bah af day' reoeial by aseal ibbatg 4 LIVR POULTRY WRAK Less eommissioB), heavy bens. 21 4 ! W JLm. M It A IV. kMllM, fa, aw., w hi. , mw WW w. - aad Red. 24 O 8Sc: letbarns IS Ot 2ie; aid raoatara, 10 swat : daefca. wattt Peklas, ywaag. 24 J 25; aid decks, la 1 S 0. . DRESSKD eats n a a (Laaa eammiasioa ) Cbie light tag IS O 15V: nndergrsd-s. 18 hi ISWet veal tap grade, 18 O HS4S aad-a . trade Q lie. - AUg Uia WKAUJI HAY -FIRM (Delivered Partlaad), V alley Ttmathy $18 20 ion; Eastern Orefea Timothy $22 t 24 tea; alfalfa, $18 w 14 Jo tea clover $14 to; est sad vetch $15 0 1$ toa; straw, sh t to. GkAIN UNCHANGED (Track, Portia ad Whest, $1.08 t com, $1.15; aaU $38 4 87; Eastera yel low eora $28.50 a to. ,-. PRurp Strswberries, $1.50 J 1.80 erat; as ly cherries, 8 0 14 lb; earl peactia I .VI hax; spricau l fa 1.25 boat goosebarriea, 4 rr ac lb.; rberrtes, 4 tf 12c, - " - ' ' EQRTARIXS N. I petaU's, 75 t 5a ewt. j Orege. rabbago, 2Vk J 8 lb paraaipa, la Ib : carrots, 5 tie doiea beaches; taralpa aad bast, 50c -dasaa ; are) pass. 7 t lb.; graa aniansT i5e desea haaebe. Wool . , WOOLcLOWkR, QUIET Cnarae valley wool, 15 r la; medium 20 25c; fine 25 Q 80, - - Hopa : i; :? ; HOPS STEADY ! ' Oep Bommal st It f t. ' Gertrude J. M. Page Resltor 492 N. Cot tare f0R: SALE AT A BARGAIN TWO beautiful homes close in, bslf block from car liae oa .paved street. One af these thoroughly furnished. Strictly modern. Square Deal Co. 202 U. 8. Bsak Bldg. A Verv Desirable 6 room comfortable cottage, modern ex cept nesetaent. rine corner, close in. Nice grounds and n home. Price 43800. Bee the Fleming Realty Co. 841 HUte street. - Close in Acreage i acres about tvalf bearing strawberrlet Bslanre cultivated; good soil; smsll house, 8-4 mile from Salem. Good road. Bargain price $140O rssb. Another 10 Acres 111 in crop, good land, good read. $2100; terms $R00 down. I S. R. PEARSON 210 U. S. Bsnk Bldg. Price nyjE ROOM BUNGALOW WITH LARGE aft. Kestvonable terms. $1,800. 5 room house. Recently repaired and painted. Easy terms. $1,500. loan on improved mis in sums of $5,000 or more. per rent money to farms in sums i A. C. BOHRXSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon COME TO BROWNSMEAD AND LOOK at tba best baarerdam land in Ameri ca; sold in smsll tracts st ressonabl prieaa and easy terms. Railroad station sad school. Or write P. O. Bos SS. BrowBsmeed, Oregon, for full partio-ulara. FOR BALI OR TRADR REO TRUCK 121 medaL aarfeet eeadltse. Wil trad tor real estate, prad nee a aril U aa aay terma. Tata la aa tkBBsllr road bar. It vaa waal a re goad bar gala arply ImmedlaUly. Pkaay r call. -Tba Pepl'a Oaab 8V POTJX.TRY aiiK MAMMOTH PEKIN I 1 .;,a sad daekUaga. 1030 Cbemeketa ! rsene m. POCLTRTMEX SEND EIGHT TWO .1 aaet ataatps far spaelal three ateatba lL teial lor tba bast aad J4st learaal J h tk trest, Th artwiee aaa aaver-, tlaaanaaU ar af apaetat tataraat taa aaalsrr breed ar at ut awrtawaai ; K art ha ait Paaltry JaurasL 111 1 saerelal Bt ! . , WOOD 4 FOOT AND 16 INCH DRY MILL wood ia aay ouaatity. ' Tracy Waod Ca. Phone 520. i ALL KINDS OF WOOD FOR 8ALE ! hi fir and aak. 14 inch. Orders AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY W0R1 nemateeeA. MS Baath 18th. Pkaaw '1188. - '--.- . BATTRRT AXD aXROTRIQTAX atjto Ba.RaTRimAXt kxpxrt trou ble skwatiBA. 818 . Hifk. Paaa - 808. -y. --- - - PRESTO-LFTB BATTERY RRT101 ataUaa. Ezpart battery ad slaaHlea war. Farrni Braa. Pbaa ISOa. al PATXTIXO WXTaUCITOmi PAINTING AMD DECORATING HIGB etaa wara tar partloular paapta L. D Braadoa, oeatraat. 885 Karth High rust aaa-j. XTJRXRY 8T0CX FRCrrLAND XCR8ER1 PINR LARGE stock af luiiaa praa tree aad alsa an Binds at lead in- auraery stack for fall delivery. Pboaa 1140 M. 181 B. 14 th atrsat. -X)MPLETR L1NC TREES . 8 MALI rraita. araameaUla. Capital Otty Mar aery Caw 488 Oregoa Bldg. Pbaa TS PLUMBIXO 'LUM BINS KCPAIRINQ AXD COU work. Paaaa 1887 J. gbaa, 111 Dbbm sreaa. a., i. gaarrey. PERFUkU AXD TOTXRT AXTICLR8 CALIFORNIA PERPTJMB CO. traeta. toilet articles. Mrs Mayer no aaata sara. pa 1184. Good Buys 20 acres in bearing prone with crop. Rosedale section. Price S7000. terms. 80 acres ; 8 acre af besring strawber ries. 4 acres set t logsns this year, balaac ia grsin except 20 acres which ia pasture, aad timber, 9 room bouse, twa barns snd chicken house; well water, . located 5 miles out on main road. 11 seres with bout and bara, 6 acres of S year old prone, t acres ia logsns, 2 acres "ia cherries. Price for quick tale, with crop, ?:tr5u, terms. New bunt-alow, 5 room, corn er lot, with garage, near school in North Sslem. Price $2450 rath. $50 down, $10 per months, bu V- sere on psved rosd and car line in bearing fruit. Price $600. Real Ext ate and Fire lnsursnce W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Stste street BXSYACRAJTTS taken for immediate ar future deliv er D Query. Livesley Station. pbona 77F2I. . ' BEST GRADR MILL WOOD IS INCH 2 ft. aad 4 1 ft. - Prompt delivery, j - Special prie aa ear lota. W csa make ' delivery aa ash, second growth aad ld ': growth fir about July I. Fred K Walla, $08 So. CommareiaL Fkaaa t ' ' 1542. ' - : - - -- "- - ' ! OLD 18 IN. FIR. $$: SECOND. 4 FT- v s. Ath. Pbaa 14QT. TTRXa AXD AOCXSAORrES 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE . AGAINST snaa krniaea. vim rata aad blawaeta ' Tb Hrdre-Terea Tire, far sale by Tea I Psrk store, 12th and Leslie, pbaa 8 : ACETYLEXE WXLDXX0 IRON. STEEL, BRASS, ALUMINUM Briag tha -lee, . Oxa-Usa ttsaUag Co. 887 Coart, k BRATJTT PAXX0RX NOW OPERATING MODVL BRAITTY Parhrr. 110 North Cammarete! aetraet - aVaaa a fOB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able prieaa. akaaaa-Barry. 1S Htga . -: XOODLX PARLORS 'A HOMO XOODLX HOU8X, 488 BIX SIX XOODI aey. 40t SOe; trisd OTJSB CHOP SOe: awaalea. SO. 1A B. bu sVOAYXXORRa riVE ROOM COTTAGE ONE BLOCK from car, good graveled street, bath and toilet. 82000-flOOO down. 5 room house,- bath aad toilet, built ins. S2000. $000 down. Her is something that wilt olesse th most exact. 5 room bungalow, Dutcn kitchen, den: built ins. modern in every detail, all improvements, in first class district. Priced to sell. $4200, $1500 down. $6000 buys one af tbe most beautiful homes in the city niocss irons i.aon A Bush bank. $3000 down fill ban die, owaer leaving city this week. Must be seen to be spprecisted. This will suit the most exsct. i We ran save you money We eltcve we have tha moat complete list at special buys ia the city. We do not pee lat ia real estate, let at show yau. No obligations whatever., qleniv of ears at your dispossl. For resl ser ivce see or cell us.' Heyser-Follnch System Main floor Terminal Bnilding Phoa One Thousand Best Buys 10 acres bearing prunes, crop Included. $2100. 85; acres, 19 cleared, 10 prunes, 8 to 12 years old in first class condition, 4 bearing logani, 3 young logans, acre family - orchard, 6 room house, barn, 8 miles from Salem. Price $9,500; a $2000 crop included; Ball cash, balance 3 years at fi percent. 40 room apartment business in good live town, annual net in come of $6000, complete equip ment and tease, $10,000, cash $7800, $2200 to be assumed $10,500 general merchandise stock with good location ' and good business. Will invoice if desired. 31 acres finest sandy loam bot tom; filberts, logans, fair im provementa, $8200, terms. 7 room strictly modern at SS5 north Summer, will be off the market unless sold soon. If you are interested see me at once. 5 room modern, at 103S Union. 5 room strictly modern at 1040 Union. 7 room strictly mod ern at 1550 State. If inter ested see me at once. 7 room modern new bungalow; basement, $3750, easy terms; soldier loan. room modern new bungalow; garage. $1800; easy terms. 8 room house to rent at $25 per month if paid 8 months in ad vance. Socolofsky 341 State CHICAGO, June 26 Rains and cooler weather preventing crop damage had a bearish effect today on the wheat market and so too. did misgivings In regard to the German political crisis. Wheat closed heavy, 1 1-5 to 2 1-4 net lower, with July 1.111-8 to 1.111-4 and September 1.111-4 to 1.13. Corn finished 1 3-8 to 1-2 down. oats off 1-8 to 1 1-4 and provlf ions unchanged to 17 cents decline. Liquidating sales on the part of holders of wheat took place on an extensive scale, whereas new buying in volume failed to devel op. Besides, with apprehension relieved as to the crop outlook:, speculative pressure to sell show ed a noticeable increase, and ex cept for a little hesitency at the start, the market was on the down grade almost constantly throughout the session. It was A generally accepted opinion that the winter crop was made, and for the present the spring crop could be looked upon as In fine condi tion. Governmental uncertainties in Germany were exploited as -bear ish because presumably strike re sulting more or less check United States export trade in wheat and rye with that country and also would tend to interfere with pay ments for breadstuffs already bought. Meanwhile, announce ment of liberal decrease of the United States visible supply of wheat failed apparently to stlmn- late milling demand or to bring the market any other important support as the day drew to a close. Heavy receipts of corn and slack ness of shipping inquiry, together with changes In weather condi tions, seemed to be chiefly respon sible for sending corn and oats lower in price. Provisions were governed in the minute by action of the hog mar ket. Delivery Circulation Look North, South, East, or West and you will find the newspapers that are the oldest, biggest and best, the newspapers that have prospered in good times and suc cessfully weathered the storms in lean years, are the newspapers with the great home delivery circulations- that are delivered direct to the home by carrier or mall. The papers that go direct to the home, are, read by Mother, Father,' Sister, Brother, and. the friends and boanlere parsed around all the news and all the ad vertisements are carefully read, analyzed and discussed. The live wire advertisers have discovered that the home, deli very, circulation brings them best results. . A over America there is a great volume nf cheap even ing street circulation in every city. Jt Is easy to hand a newsboy a couple of pennies, grab a paperglance at the latest news and cast the paper aside without taking the time to read the advertisements. ' - T Home delivery circulation gives best results; Why waste money on transient street sales circulation. - u.: Over 97 of the Oregon Statesman circulation. Is' d livered direct to the home by carrier or.rnall.- . ' . . The subscribers of The Oregon Statesman have time to read the advertisements and money to buy' the 'goods advertised Salem's Home Newspaper: ALLEGED CORNER PROOF UII YOUR SUMMER VACATION will be much more enjoyable If you have your home newspaper to read in your spare moments. It will keep you posted on the doing3 at home. , DO IT NOW before leaving on your vacation,-send us the coupon below or telephone 583, advising us to send you The Oregon Statesman while on pur,. vacation. COUPON !5 ' . . .. ;.a,.'.jL .... .. m.:.J"J- Name . Vacation Address... Expect to return on or about. atrial 111 G -- g rrTT- - ii inniaiidniij Street : City Mexican Petroleum Goes ' Back Into Leading Rank When Report Comes 4A.LKM SCAVENGERS GARB A9R RE rue at an kiada ramv4. Pass li eieaae. raons 17 MI8CXLLAXE0US WANTED TO BUT S track. Phoa 1776-J. HAND FORD FOR SALE BULL DOO POFFLlSJ alto rood talking psrrot. Tb Bird and Flower Bur. 278 State. - OA AP EXTRA 8X0OXD BAXD OOODA CONTRAC 4NIR AND BUILDER. PLANS 1 1IOHE8T PRICES PAID POR 8KOONI furaiakad free. X Church. R. W. Mslatlra, 1408 OHTXRSX PMTsUCIAX DR. L' M. HCM CURES ANT XXOWN disease. 158 S. High Su pbaa t8 DRUB 8TORXS 401 COORT I bead latkiac aad ahaaa. - Abta a els aa lag, praaalag aad rapeiriag. Call and deliver CapUal Exchaag. $42 tiartk Oemmerilsl. Pawa lSoA-W. WX BUT AND SELL 8BCOND HARD af all kiads. nipe fittiaga. bar eallara eallar ehaiaa Prod Behtadler. 858 Osatar atrawt. WORTH WHILE room boose in good condition, etty water, sewer con sect ia a ; large tot, kaariae fruit. Fiae a-erdea. wood boas', rhickea bouse; 8 blocks to car line. A road home at amall cost. l-: u 1 Rii term. 8 room bouse and larg lot, 3Mi, 9Ma Ba-j- laam river bottom taad Ta aeta af buildina-a. A BDienoia dair ranch. . Price $l.0O0. WUI tab elty property aa part paymeat. A "MILLS & COPLEY 831) Stata atreet,. PUBLIC NOTICES Notice of tbe Improvement of the Alley in Block SO of the Orlg- Imal Plat of the City of Salem, Oregon. Nitiee is hereby given that' the Common Council of tha City or, Oregon, deems it exped ietu and hereby declare- lts( pur pose and Intention to improve the alley in Bl-k 20 of the Original Plat of the City of Salem, Oregon, from tbe south line of State street t tho north line of Ferry street. NEW YORK. June 26. Re ports that tbe stock exchange bad found no proof of an attempted corner" in Mexican Petroleum today sent that stock back into its recent leaderahip to the utter demoralization of the shorts. That faction covered frantically at the outset, the stock soon ad vancing in comparatively small lots to 194 1-2, against last week's closing price of the 181 1-4. Mid day, after several moderate, re actions, it rose to 204 1-2. In the latter part of the session, selling for profits caused a more substan tial setback to the final price of 195, a net gain of 13 3-4 points and 9 points over the year's prev ious maximum. Pan-American petroleum "A" and "B" shares made ' extreme st tha rnsilia of the A JUtt BE and adjacent property, by brings Saln of 1-2 nd 7. 1-2 points, re in gaid alley to the established spectlvely, retaining the greater grade and paving said alley with P of their advances, but other a . iii.mch Portland cement con- oils, especially the domeatlc group erete pavement in acordance with j derived little benefit from farther itm plans and specifications there-1 price : advances In crude and re- for which were adopted by rae.nnea proaucis. Common Council on the 6th day! Several of the Investment rails THE OREGON STATESMAN BOOK OF A TO0U5AND SONGS . . - fsst . COUPON ) ? ; ; - i I: How to Cet This Bock -ts--:,. 1 v ... for the mere nominal coat ot manufacture and 'distri buUon. . One coupon s 79c secures this splendid new song book, well bound and actually containing more than a , thousand so?9, . ; Present or idaH to this paper 'three jtoupons with seventy-nine cents' to cover cost o handling, packing, clerk, hire; etc . : - . ' Add for postage: ,". : . lUA up to 150 miles .,.......10e i Orders up to 300 m-y ia ; Porsreater distances ask postmaster rate for three pounds. - , - ' 20 Song Books in one. ' No other Song Book published so good or bo com plete as this one. , BRRWIR DRUG Pbaa 184. oa --. A ;it" Csa ttttaaawa ClaasUiad Aaa j .......... . Uaa