THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1922 North- County Aggregation Takes Victory As; Feature Of" Elks Picnic v ' The St. 1 Paul baaebalL-v teani evened 'up with Salem in. the lame played Sunday at S!lverton as" a fMtur6--4&'lka'plc'nUCwlan Ins the .same from the Senators hy a score of: to 6.f Each teanri bat now won tw4 games. .A fifth same will ." be played, ' " - The ftnrerUiAbaJl ground "we not in aood condition. ,and was net -iwi rood Hb4Tl7i)Ja"ySBK.;r7s .yisoi j-ornaiiu, who -bmm- ed In i the IjoIo jbif f. gn;pra. could not keep his stride and" . was wickedly cloutfd. by St. Pawl. Lauderbeck ihtiaheii ,out. .'4, . - : . ?;:.'''., :! Balcer. ss 6 0 - 4 ;1 0 1 1 0 0 o e o Humphries 2b 4 ? 0 J e o 2 .8 .1 5 J. Lathrope, cf 4 31 Adolph.Mb 5 ,1 1 , . 0. Proctor, rf Gill, ir ' CerlodSb Pauland, c 3 jo - '3 . 1 in Nil 1 1 Laaderbeck, p 4 0 . ' - : 4 34 I 10 24 11' 3 : : - ' V St. Paul - . ' s.w, ' AB.R. H; PO. A. E. Carson, cf ; , 5 1 0 ;j 00, Dezere. U-p ft o w . e... Coleman, 3b ; 3 0 " 9 PerritC 2b" 5 1 U Camar, lb. ", 4 .; ,. 2 . '2 ' 1 2 K 4'0 Baker, U 0 Smith." rf i--wZ7rV-" lt,,,. Hughes, ss(.-;;4 :; j ;;3 Davis; p , 0 , 0 p 0 fciiiott, if . 4 ,1 ,'ir l o ' 9' 12 27 17' -3 ; Summary . Three base hits', Lathrope; two basal hits, Pauland, Uauderback, Baker," Adolpbf, per iod, " Carson, .Perritt,,' .Connors, Hughes 2. Struck out by Lauder- back ! ; Davis 1, Degere v . Base on Jballs, Lauderbeck 2; Darls 2, Degere 1. Hit by pitched ball Lathrope, ' Proctor, ' Humphreys, Colemaa. Stolen bases. Adotph. Proctor, Oeriod, Carson 2, Hughes 2, Eljlott.i ' Double plays, Lathrop , to naker. Umpire llanser. liAflGifJGS MAY'TAKE - (Continued from, .pagrt.) (' reason that the period or tnltiat- lug meaeurfes lor .the November ballot, ; will xpire July' s jr -:(! r-IESTRIKBtASTS , (Pontlnuad from page 1,) by th4 governmental ter, the meet ings nad been concluded. : " T , 5 , .1 .'-A.-..iU ProsecntloBsT Cietiianded V 1 Two sides to the ;ijerrin. 111 mine killings were presented '.to day lh the i house during 'debate In which-. Representative -'(foody-koonta of West Virginia, and Rep resentative ; Denison of Illinois both Republicans participated.; Mr 3oodykoontJ 'called-''upon officers of the United Mine Work- . ers of America to. assist . In' prose- cutioa of those responsible for the disorders, even though .found among the-v Pinion. Mtembrshlp, Otherwise, t he : Mld the United Mine .Workers orgaalaatlon "wlll never?bebleHo -rise f rdmtftttilo'w -vel to which its members have tx-i aaaea that "the neonle are trying out agalh the "enorxnity the unlOii should take note of the injury crlra , u i doing . to . their cmuse.;.v.h. v'jr:-.-i v -Mr.Denisoa, in whose district tne qisoraers occurred, replying, CapiteunfcQgmimiii is In xrurket fcr y taArkt;ipt55e. Quick frvj 21 I 215 Ccrfr Street-; f ; . ' I .1 ll III Ml I I I i,,. .... 5,v ST,.1. '. ... ....... r5'?23!! COTORfjyCLE k' " . ' '..'1. - e la tm ,aTu m e teTeral nsaUonal announcements, but T'the feature for thia period rSnai"-!S hfi'i8eMatwtt. Read carefully, therefor,sor wrhat I bave to'cxeep. "iwfc'frf&if l8t wto acbedule ?f "wit;. ,JZVtu J ' ,to M7.Mhe eindidafea will 1ms awarded three times the number vix'lZhJ??r ? n the regular vote Schedule on all aubscriptions handed in or plac ed iu-lhe. rntut between 8 a.ia. Monday,; June 26th" arid Saturday July 1st, fat pL .f, Win rte.prizea of'you, ehVice.with.TBltMVdTES:' '.. declared that the ;inosf aufbrtn, nate jaf fair" was due to the em ployment of ' -non-union men" armed -with -rifles aad maeblae guna to mine coal In violation of an agreement entered 'Into with the tunlonr miners, .f ' ram am eicimu The Illinois representative con tended that new reports of the disorders In many eases 'were very; Jnaccu rate." , and said that according- to the local papers of Marion, his home, not one-riftb of the press report to the betro polltan newspapers were true. r While not excusing: a resort to force by. the union, miners Bepre sentative Denison said It was well known-i that .whenever noa-nnlon miners were taken into "Southern Illinois' - to mine coal there had been a - tragedy. Jtepresentauve Ooodykoontz asserted: that the eoroner'a : Jnry verdict indicated that' they (the .union miners) hate even control of. the processes of the law there' ' : ,tert 4 TrmiaainM HERRLV. June Sug gestions that the opening of the ill-fated strip mine -of the South ern IlHnoU Coal company was tacked-by the coal operators of the state and ; that "the . United States Steel trust" waa. also as sisting" the operator of the mine, W. J. Lester, was contained In a statement tonight by Senator W. Sneed. '. . . ''Statements were' made by many," sneea saia, f net tne steei trust was assisting In the opening of . the IUinbls mines on a non union-basis." . v 'i;'1:. " ,V ; police Halt Miners WHEELING, W. Va., June 2C. -Cfty policemen and deputy sher iffs.. moblliied.'at the' city limits oday, atoppod a march of strikr fng-mlnenir'After' a brief parley the mea.: agreed v to return:, home. The authorities Were advised that the: marchers 'were on their way from the region about Triadelphia to' working mines near Bdgewood and Richland." '.,! 14 Silvertoh. Plans Bid for . fJuiyFourth Celeoration SILVERTON, ,Ore June 26. (Special tos the Statesman.)- Silverton Is making big plans f6i celebration - for' the '-'fourth? There is to be a ball game, ail kinds of spprta, a big parade, ;pif nic Jlnne? n,tbe park and -ell tmr things that .usually ; go s with the Fouiy to,? naVet .celebration , a. success-.. ., VsThe following Committees, hat charge'i't',:.1, ;' 4"ii,-,'''5'!"!v Adims Charlman 4' Elinerv- Olseni ;."W Robinson,, p G; VW'fy. if We6dard Chairman, Wv'WCdo! eft George rsteelhammer.XDrr -A? Wv-SlmmonsjvVJ C-tffc J ett. Chairman, A. H. Rund. Louis Kotteck, John Hoblltt. ?"Judreof Pahide-i-GD. Bbw est; hafrinaii'- -George Ceslter, Charlwr Hinoaa. r' . -- r, .Finance .Committee W. 1. Cunhungham, "Chairm'ahr Henry Pluhrer. Refreshment Committee: L. CL Rafftraan,Chatrmair,. Otto Legard, and P. W, Pettyjohn. . 20,000 Rail Shopmen fYote for Walkou SAN FRANCISCO, June 26w-i 1 Approximately; 93, par.1 ceat tot th shopmen In the outhrn- Pacif i ccntpany'bn the coast" and In the gull states have voted for u strike againet recent swage decreases; while $6 per; cent ef the Union Pa- cificand Santa Fe shopmen have vested to go out. It was announced today by L. S. Gordon, secretary of the Southern Pacific federation of ahop .employes. The federal tlon' includes 10.000 'shop work- erj. v ... ', r,y - vjjiSf.1" -J ii -i til kind o! Junk, mj EST Vote Schedule This OT SIBLEiDIFF art! Attempts - by Western Sen ators to Get-SO-Cent Rate i Defeated WASHINGTON, June 24. Confining itself more closely to the tariff bill today than it has on any day aince that measure came before it, the senate cleaned up the wood schedule by voting, 49 to 18, to retain shingles on the free list and then disposed of all committee amendment to the to bacco schedule. Tomorrow it will .come to the agricultural schedule with Ita multitude of du ties On farm' products. The controversy, over shingles was con lined almost., wdouv to the Republican side and took up most of the. day. j Senators Jones and Poindexter. Republicans. Washington and McNary, Repub lican, Oregon, led a fight for the house rate of GO cents a thousand on shingles and were opposed by Senators McCumber, Republican, North Dakota, in charge -of the bill,, and , eKllpgg, Republican. Minnesota. After Toting to approve the eommittee action in striking out I the house rate the senate rejected J 4 to is, an amendment uy oen- ator Borah, t Republican. Idaho, to make the duty. 2 cents, eiprxade the procession will go to thousand. The Republican agri- the state fair grounds where the cultural tariff bloc spm on eacn vote as dia tne.majoriy op in commiuee,tieffwaueB.?B-h diana end 5uttiliWCaifaa com ... . . 1, I W shingles dutUbliOlIi t JlL Onlyi twa ynfrOkerSjf of i'mo- ment arose over thetdbacco sche- dule and ail rates proposed were,,. committee majority. i receded ' from Its recommendations for duties of $2.35 .pound on unstemmed wrapper tobacco and . 13 on such tobacco stemmed, accepting tha house figures of $2.10 and $27 respectively, enaton Pomerene, Democrat. - Ohio. --moved - to cut the $2.10 duty to $1.85, but this! amendment was rejected. Senator Shortridge, Republican, California; opposed a committee amendment striking out the house duty, of' $l5a pound on Turkish i tobaccd and gave - notice that' S.irSa: restored, i,He, said 'large quanti- ties; of this tobacco had been prorl duced ,ia his state during the war aad could he produced with prop- er unui proiectipn. . enator nfensH Democrat,' North Carolina, lead th,e fight , In faTor. of the com- raittenen,dmentv,j, i.vl.f ' other committee, rates approv- eo wer? sa ct?m pouna on un - suHmmea liner lulwccu; sv cbuihikoU. v.. rt. . aibound on auch. tobacco. , Jf stemmed, and .35 cents a pound on! BcraD tObacCO. ' ' . . .fi. '. ".Ati .. .- t J j i - Ml Hayesville Convention i; n?,aJn wumaoy rarK fitTiNAnY oe yn a.The J - HayesrHle' district Sunday school eoWmitton i. held Snndsv m Oulhaby park. Sessions conUnued all day with .a baeket dinner iiMfM-'astsa: t'oon. ihnnf n snH.r ..u-,.,. .. inoiWAid m hHitrict . that h JnnA beet fa nsnallv a larra I affair, but owing to the fact that bo notices of the convention were sent : to t the . newspapers the at tendance waa hort some hundreds ot persona. ,. i: :.- ..-; . (Besides the oal roatine ibus- lnes v Intereatlng;. talk were made by the Rev. Lyle HWlllard,tpas - tor of the united Evangelical church of Salem; Rev. Sydney Hkll of Silverton, and 'Mrs: A. A Lee of Salem. i , Sunday moving pictures and too much Sunday use of the automo- kiu-Mm. in tnr mtTm itunnnri. a tlon from the speaker. Enjoy-! able features of the program were the musical eelections , by Miss Jean Evans- and Mies Doro thy Ersklne. - ' Semi-Finafs Played for Salem . Golf Trophy Cups i " ' - " Semi-finals, in the Contests for president's' and director's cups, at the Illahee golf club were played Sunday.. The tlnaja will be played next Sunday and will be between Tttielsen and Daue for the presi- dent'Kup and between Mr. John BULLETIN Meek mmm i Farraf and Mra. Oliver Locket or the dlrector'a cup. . , In the semi-finals for the' pres ident's: enp Sunday. Thlelsev won from Hatcheous, .making the 18 hplea in 90.5Dinc won fronTLocke Mrs. -rarrarwon from hef hus band in the contest for the-director's cup while Mrs. Locke won from Mrsi H; H. Ohllnger. ( 4 -- ' Andreae Home Damaged .By Fire Late Sunday Quick ' work on the part of the fire department and, ' volunteers saved the furniture in the home of Major F. G." Andrea, Fourteenth and State streets, Sunday evening when fire for a few moments threatened the entire structure. It is not known how the blaze started,' bat it is thought to have been caused hy, defective wiring in the attic as the fire was confined to the roof and top floor of the house. No one was at home at the time. : . . , . , .. - Damage to the houee. which amounted to several hundred, dol lars, was . completely , of eVetf by insurance. Big Parade Feature of Sunday School .Picnic An executive meeting for the Marion county Sunday school as sociation was held last night, at which much detail work was ar- ranged for the coming picnic. The date fixed is -July 29, anil the par- iaae is to form at Marlon square at 10 o'clock After a downtown picnlc program will be 'carried 0tt .Last year more than 60 of the ennH -wu VL W V W M J were represented: most of them py rather pretentioui ax- i r .. . have practically every unit in fhe yeak he committee . expects to "V? ij-,1" 1' icuuouve vt nuuui uuuv is 10 om greatly increased this year, if pos- slble. The reports f rOra ' the workers out over the county indi-. cate that the interest ts better , than ever before. The big picnic dinner will be the event of the flay, after the paraue ror tne prize honors. An elaborate pogam of spots and I games will be offered, and enough l speaking and music to balance the lighter elements. Second Week Shows Growth ? .'. Iff ''Vacation Bible rSc3i00l ' ' ',.:' v-; ' '. I The second week of the bally Vacation Bible school shows .550 oim-ipupus enrolled in the . seven Ba j lem units," With" 60 ', teachera, and room lor more pupils and v need on more teachers in almost every J unit' j i Dally Instruction in, musid. is ir.ii,0, -Mta.-Twiwi Hn en tm. .mm ..vl J . .. '-.-1 Willi Lueir kukdki or innr ...Kir. Clayton Judy is giving -a series I of. Bible dramatics, in All the nnit makea rouidlleyery dav with - w - - "ppUea or with general adrJCR Some interschool rivalries by hoik the boya and the girls' In- door baseball teams have livened " j f. ? N aalaries or gratuities, are, paid, all the teaching services be- given for the communitr good Charivari Starts Trouble. : fifrVS "RetlOPt 'f h PfllfcA A number of South Salem boys are still . debating, whether -to laugh-or to apologise or to turn J in a riot' call for the police : and l the justice-court over a charivar i that they staged last night, it was put on at the home of J. J j Ackennan, at I S3 East Wlison jfor the, benefit ot the. Ajskermaa I daughter who had recently been married and war supposed to have I returned late yesterday - from a honeymoon trip. 'The boys staged a customary serenade, eliciting only . a . demand from the irate Ackerman that they go away, and that they pay . for some; boxe that they bed. broken. They went away, and then two of the lads went back' to J pay for what dam age they ' had done. Ackerman, according s to the boys - story. (would accept neither an apology aor - payment. ' They claim her struck one of the boys and knock- d him down after putting them 0ff hie place. Ther reported- the matter to the police and were still debating whether to prosecute or forget it at a late hour last night. Body of Second Drowned Seaman jRecovered PORTLAND. June ' The body of a seaman from the, fleet of destroyers', here for the Rose festival, waa found In the Wlllam ette river today. After announce ment was. made by the coroner that the body vwae that of John W. Forbes, teaman" first class of the destroyer ' Chauncey, an nouncement' was made to the As sociated Press from the destroyer Fuller that the body apparently was that of Wiley Douglas Harris, fireman, second class, ot that ves-' sel whose home was at Colbert, Okla. Haris" had beeu; missing since Thursday,' and shipmates be lieved he had fallen .overboard There Are Lavs; Lpts oi ll9EmjBuf:-? ILacyjCaresNo yWiitiJCity and County Quibbling There are laws and still more laws: thee are laws for the poor man and laws for the rich, but If any one has yet conceived a law on Vhich all attorneys, police, judjes and sheriffs have agreed they will be awarded with the In dia rubber crutch if they will be so kind as to submit it for pub-h lication. Woman la Hart All of which is introductory to saying Fred Lacy is out of jail. . Lacy was arrested on the even ing of Jane 15 after he had driv er, h'f automobile into a buggy in which Mrs. Elvira Gleeson, an r.ged woman, was riding Mrs. Gleeann received - painful bruises and lacerations and her vehicle was wrecked. According to the polioe, at the time of his arrest Lacy was In an advanced stage of intoxication and his car was doing a serpentine down the streets of the city. The complaint filed against him was' being unable to control and properly operate a motor ve hicle with due regard to safety of the public and other vehicle Violation ' of this particular law provides a penalty of a fine not to cxeeed S400 or by imprison mtnt in the county Jail not to ex ceed one year, or by both such fine and- imjprisonmtyt, in !the discretion oi tne court. No County Board Free Lacy, when brought before the Police Judge Race was fined 325 i F Strawberries Still Get Right of Way Some Goose berries Left Cherries began to come-into the Salem canneries Monday. They are not' as ripe as they will be a week later but the canners are already setting small ' crews to work to anndie them." By ' next weeKV1'-there will "be many, of- red Strawberries are Btfll Jiolding the principal right , of war.' The lack of rain has cut the crop - short of ' its earllei', anticipation. JSoine ot the fields have come to thetr iast picking, today and ilTAjMAlKlnM . 1 .. .1111 Lf cuucsua. vfcuvis aro situ producing heavily. -One field 1a reported fjroni 'put', near Eilverton, that la hardly up to .ita produc- l tion even. yet. There have been one good rains In the foothills that will nrolonsr the tuurinr r .- - - SJ IflST HIES Two S and given 20. days, in jail. When taken to the court house by a policeman no committment ac companied him, according to the sheriff's office. An hour later the committment pnt in its ap pearance, but according to the sheriff's office, the committment was signed by Judge Race as city recorder and not as an -ex-of f icio justice of the peace. The sheriff refused to accept the prisoner be cause of the committment and be- cau?e be saw no reason why he should run a star boarding house for city prisoners when the city was receiving- the $25 fine. Ho liftcy Took the Air Lacy having teen sentenced to the county jail could not be held In the city jail on the committ ment so "in the parlance of the "motif tie bird" Lccy '-took the air." by paying hi9 fine. Sixteen lawyers (more r less I one perfectly good police-judge. One tried" and tested sheriff,-one district attorney, two newspaper rc-perters and three bootleggers have offered their interpretation of the law. How Tttfy Look At It One-third says Judge Race .passed sentence acording to the statute books, one third says "Lacy should have been sentenced by a justice of the peace in or der to make the sentence water proof, while the other third merely scratched their respective heads and- grunted; "Huh? What are yuh talkin bout. season and. bring a' much larger "op. .... ' The Oregon Growers are still receiyinir,- jotany,. terries; they ueeu uuroxcauatrT .iil au or more women and girl's.' The cher ry season is com lag along o fast, that this fruit will be ready with very little intermission after the strawberries ere gone; and then the logans are expected so that the work will be ocntinuous. A gratifying response to the call for help has come from the women and girls of Salem. It is so vital to the community wel fare that the whole fruit crop be saved, , that many who do not need the money have gone to the fields to pick, and to the factor ies to handle the fruit. An av erage of a little more 'than $2 a day is being made by good work ers in the canneries. In the Starr company plant, one Woman has been making - $16 a week. and. others, very close, to that much stemming fruit. About the same schedule .prevails in all the the plants. . . - . -. A . tew gooseberries are still coming rn. - --, i GRAIX BILL DlELAYED WASHINGTON, Juhe 26. The house adjourned . today . without ides of Turnover The alert business man dealing with present day conditions knows that the big word today ' i$T"Tn6yer.-t Whether he be a merchant; manu facturer, jobber, or banktr, he sees that one thing w2th - a , clear vision unbiased by the limits pi ; his own business. It is iii the air, land on the tip of every tonguei ; " And yet many of them entirely too many are thinking on only one side of Turnover. They think of it as meaning rapid selling putting money in and getting lt out quickly and at a profit' They realize that they must put greatly increased ef forts back of all their plans for sell ing and distribution. The other half of Turnover is the consumer. All selling plans and ef forts fail if ' thb consumer doesn't want to buy. His desire for the prod uct must be created. He must meet the seller half way. He must be in a mood to buy before the' salesman meets him across, the county That is the faction of Advertising Published by the Oregon Statesman in co-operation with The American Association of 'Advertising "Agencies completing. conlderatlon of: rhel Capper-Tincher grain exchange t - bill which wouU supplement the i? I - " ww coart. After devotta mor. than I j six hours to Us discuon tne house leaders decided to pmnintr' IU U VT T", tt.ll.l W. - w mmmm they predict its passage. . I ! SCOTTS MILLS 1 j SCOTTS MILLS, Ore.. Jane 2v.all e(foru of the police to ef- w Mrs." tl. W. Wtfion n a6nrXK!t . capture, have -been with- " Frank, who have" been visiting In V.'oodburn. returned to ' their home at CrocoJ Finger. Wed nes- day. Miss Dorothy Ma gee ot Salem is" visiting Miss Nellie Kinser. Born to" Mr. and Mrs. Harney Htlvey at their borne. Sunday, June 18. a 9 1-2 pound son. " Mr. anik.Mrs. VVV. Will s o their daughter. Mrs' Hen white! Several Hoyal" Neighl-crs from here bttended the convention held In Sllvertorf; Tnenlay. T Maplothorpe of Saionl., who has lieen vfsttlng his "daughter Mrs. W. T. Ho? nnti f-iri 1 !, paM two months, returned homo j Wednesday evening.' Mrs. Tom Dunaean nnt. son. Manila, have returned home from Salem where they had been vis iting. Mrs. Ruby Mulvihill ind small j dsuirhtcr hava retiirne;! home f-1 ' " -V - I ter visiting: her, parents, .Mr. anu i Mrs. A. L. Broughter for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Delano are visiting relatives and friends in Salem. Mrp. Jean Adrms of Portland is visiting her sister. Mrs J.4 S. Korb. ' Mrs. W. T. Hogg and dcughter Loralot and Doris returned home Sunday evening after visiting rel ativea and friends in Salem,: p two weeks, Misses Enid Lamb, La Verne Rich, and Beatrice Amundsen, have returned home from Eugene where they have men attending school. John Broughter of Willamette university and .Miss Lila Brought er who attended Bible school in Portland are home for their sum raer vacation The mail route from Wilhoit to Mt. Angel and return daly has been let to Joe Brosig. . Mrs. J. C. Jennings left for Portland. Wednesday for an in definite stay. Mr. and .Mrs. Claud Rogland and son, John of, Chehalis, visited her tister, Mrs. O. W. Myers and family here last week. Hugh Magee nnd bride of Sa- lem visited relatives 'here- over 1?..., PARIS, JunefwjFrfnee Al- bert : lionore Charles-of Monaco the umaljest .irrlncipaUty Mn -the "i-na, aiea uero uua inw'wun. Read the Classified Ads ... to create consumer demand and ' consumer preference. With this de mand as a fact all gelling plans have a chance to succeed, thbut it Ihey fail. The only chance for salesman ship to succeed without an existing demand is for salesmanship foas sume the task that belongs to vertising Tthe task of ; creating demand. . If the present efforts that are being put into selling were amply sup ported by a corresponding effort to create consumer demand tiirough Advertising, the business conditions of this country "would j be rapidly changed into an era' of ' great' ptqs- y perity in spite of Old J World con ditions and everything else,' The proof of this is in the fact that . rih't no w, under these very condil tions, the manufacturers; wh6 are putting proper emphasis on creating X a demand for their product, as well .' as selling it, are doing a big business . and are actually getting i the - high turnover that others are iryingTso strenuously to get through intensive selling. An0therPerVert Seed. - ""DinkPi "11arfrf "tfl " PblirP "ji!. tSa9 i JXe That there. 4e another moral t d gnnoyec of women I r 'gt1uta.rir: f hinousliilentlonain 7. 7 . r.,.hln, v! John R. Clear was the last to W complain of -1 he man-'a Alleged ' acUoas. to the department, but oat aTan. Infoxmalioa. reached Qlesr that a woman had. been annoyed on. Twelfth street y eater- day morning. . . Numerous reports have reached the department during, the past week and it is thought that the same man'' Is traveling1 About the city. f fix-- i i ui ' mi TTernperature of 152 Degree Kills Three Prospectors BttAWLEL Cel., -nne 26 Death from heat prostration" - waa the verdict-reached by aicor-t oner'a jury; here today at an In men who died in the desert a few miles southeast ot Nitand. nenr the. Sonthrn PaeJf main i nne, last saturaay. . A A . , - . ' . "The men were J. J.'Everharty and Henry C. Brown, of- Los An- rrlea und' navtfWilonr an avoif " " " ---'-1 Hfiv- j- prospector, - who had lived In prospector, - who had many western mining districts. " It was estimated-the tempera- ; ture where thev deaths occurred -was between 1J2 and 152 degrees. ! Grain Inspection I ? ) ranaara ' uisconunuea PORTLAND. June SC. .Graln- -fnspectlon -lender the Portland . Chamberpot commerct certificate.;. standards will be discontinued Jtthe 30" except upon the small re-f- main'ng portion of old cereal, iu v compliance with government reaui ..." X lations , ' according to announced meat made today by L c: Sanford? ; chairman of the chamber's grain inspection committee and offi cers of the Northern Grain and T Warehouse committee.- : The Portland Chamber ot Com- ' merce standard has been in effect for approximately fifty years and lias been used ' by : greain export- ; ers throughout the world as' a marketing guarantee. 'With the abandonment of this plan of. certification the govern-; ment will have sole charge of the $ inspection work. ,Wm.1 UUnlaD 01 -Shedd' H Mpw 1 Inn 'hopif f I - 11.11 . vim vwiiii iiam j . uuniap o( eneaa, lootoar star at the Oregon Agricultural college a decade and a half agq . was Jpapointed . sheriff rttVUt ,:, isounty today to succeed 0-M -a' Kendall who wae killed last Wed I scvmj;, i"7 - wu IBrmer TnMtr PlnJnvlAV.- Ha, tnnV no ). - of office thfe 'afternoon.1 - r -f . .. : r i JA. 1J. t I 4 I f Vi s .. 4.W V - . .4 4 t MOTX)BCYCLB CONTEST1 EDITOR; r ;",StatesmannglEuIts , t ! - - . : - ......... r . ... ,. . i i t Classified AdsIn-The ;.. r ... .' ' : 'z 'i...-. ' ' ... ..." . , ' ' v ' ' . .i- r, ......... .-. i , .... y ' . ' a " ' -i