The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 25, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    -A r. ft
v PAGES 1 TO 6.
Autos, Society, Clubs, Generdjlest
tad ClcsdTuA
' : " ' ' ...J " .1
Dublin Prepares for
Influx of Visitors
' DUBLIN, V.June 2 4, 'Prepara
tions are under way to accommo
date 60v,0fl iIsltor expected
here to witness the revival of the
Aon ach TaillKeann Iris "Olym
pic" games! 1 at Crolce '. Park In
August. ,i , Thirtr-seven commit
prlated by the government for the
Every variety of contest from
chess to weight throwing is on the
program, arranged in connec
tion with an exhibition of art and
industry. Although the games
will be international on.y those
foreigners of Irish descent may
tees are. apendlng 170,000 appro- Read the Classified AOS.
For 5
i ... . . r .
Passenger Cars
i hi
This is not a hap-hazard piece of work but a guaran
teed job, done by expert top-men using excellent ma
terials. i. ,.-'.. f .. . i
. ' ' -v . , r . ' i i i. , - i ;
. . -1 ' -k ' e : . ' , ,
"Auto Trimmer
256 State Street Phone 793
Event Will Be Held in Sales
Rooms of - VaHey Motor
Company Monday
Of tpeclal Interest to those in
terested in the better class of
high grade automobiles, and also
to those others who like to see a
wonderful piece of machinery em
bodied In an automobile, will be
the Lincoln Car Clinic' to be held
in the' sales rooms of the Valley
Motor company, at 2G0 North
High street Monday afternoon and
evening, also Tuesday afternoon
and evening.
It will be remembered by those
who follow the trend of automo
bile: manufacturing, that the Lin
coln car was built and perfected
by the Leland family,.' who have
attained the very highest. ambi
tions i nthls line. Jlenry Ford
just recently took ever the pro
duction, and sales of this car, and
at the same ' time dropping the
rrice. on an average of $1100. Re
taining the Leland family to han
dle as before the manufacture of
the same. .
Comment Everywhere
No finer type of the larger' cars
cau be found in America, and
wherever seen since going in the
market, tbe Lincoln car has
caused no end of comment.
in the short space of there
weeks alter the nianotst tnre of
the ara 'V-aa' taifcn over by Henry
Ford, the? f-uXSf- output f the Lincoln-factory
was Bold o-.f year
ahead, makiu it tu en
large t!i plant aluiu.f as e.-oii as
it was t;-h. it .y -i bj ihe Ford
Motor C:: '
The VaHey Motor company, has
also s.ecurert for the clinic, AI
Worthlngton from the fatcory
branch, who will be on -hand dur
ing the whole, time to answer all
question, anil tell every one of
the wonderful vibration tests con
ducted at th Lincoln factory.
Trent Should ii t !
LjjShould any one who is in any
wny at all interested, mfss this
treat, it will be regn.-ttable, as a
treat deal of Interest is' already
IxIrtfe manifested, and a chance to
hea'ltpf the things that are done
a't 'thi factory alone are worth
coming to see.
St. Johns Congregation Will
Be Host to Several
Speakers of Note
Very Old t
An ola pnysician of the last
generation was noted for his
brusque manner and oid-fashicn-ed
methods. On one occasion a
wbmini called him in to treat her
baby who was slightly ailing.
Tbe doctor prescribed castod oil.
'Kut. doctor," protested the
young moiner, "castor oil la such
an old-fashioned remedy."
"Madam." replied the doctor.
'babies are old-taaaloned Uiac- t
Why spend, any money to alalc
the obsolete' battleships Why
not bore "a hole la ach' bottom
and let nature do the rest'-
Vick. Brothers Informed of
Two Passenger Type
from Oakland Factory
and Rim Parta tor ail Can
' Free Expert Advice
, ISO Sooth. High Street
"Hi. 4
' "Ml '
In High-Grade Automobiles
lvlanuractured3 in America!
Read the News Items Elsewhere
in this Paper Telling of Our
g tie
i -
-.'.v."-.. ...
Eelund Built Lincoln
To Be Held in Our
Monday and Tuesday
: ext Week -
. V
Kt- - - . . f
le ;
Phone 1995
260 North High
Vick Brothers have Just receiv
ed notice from the Oakland Motor
Car; company of Pontiac. taich.
that they are about to bring out a
new, 6-4 4. two-passenger conpe.
with, permanent too, as they feel
there is a,very large demand for
good ' two-passenger coupes espe-
ciaily adapted for both business
and professional use.
This new two-passenger coupe
s equipped with a body with per
manent built top not a make
shift, demountable, or California
style top. The main posts are one
piece from sills to roof and con
struction throughout is along per
manent lines identical with those
of our present sedan and coupe
4 a comfortable job to ride In
aud we are very confident that
you will find it a valuable addi
tion to our line. -
The cushion and back in this
job are leather trimmed, door
panels trimmed with Imitation
leather. Head lining and trim
ming above seat- back are blua
plush velour. The 6-44 two-pas
senger coupe will likewise be
equipped with Gabrlol snubbers.
The price of this new. Job will
be $1286 list f.o.b factory. De
livered price at Salem will be an
nounced shortly. Production ot
this Job will begin the first week
in June.
"These firemen must be a friv
olous set," said Mrs. Dumpling.
"Why?", asked het husband.
I read in the paper that after
the ' fire vat under control . the
firemen played all night on the
ruins. ' Why didn't 'they go home
and go to bed like sensible-men.
Instead of romping around . like
i Ride a
! Bicycle
( See m before you buy
a wheel;
and tip .
HarryM Scott
147 So; Com! .St.
St. John's Evangelical Lutner
,an congregation which is harbor-
ins and entertaining .- district
convention of the Ore'ton-Wash-
ig'on district of the Synod or Mis
souri, Ohio and other states nas
arranged a 'great mass meetlug
to he held today at thi? w pavil
lon in the fair grounds. A large
d'slcsat'on from Albany. Carvallig.
und Portland is looked for.
The Portland Lutherrn Choral
flub will attend in a body and
will rended several sacred, selec
tions. Rev. F. W. George ot
Portland, f the superintendent ot
missions, will be the sneaker in
the morning.
M4ion HfMaker Here
iTh meeting will begn at 10:30
Dead J. H. C. Tritz. dean it Con
cordia seminary at St. Louis, Mr...
will deliver the oration in the af
ternoon ' , meeting. Professor
Fritz is known from coast to coast
as a forceful and effective speak
er. This meeting which will be
conducted in the English langu
age, will begin at 2:30.
Tbe meeting will be in the na
ture of a jubilee celebration in
commemoration of the 75th an
niversary of the Missouri synod.
. History In Told
A little more than .75 years
ago: three little ships set but for
American shores with" a band of
fftople who were denied religious
liberty in theft home country and
sought' this Jewel here. These
Lutherans settled in Missouri in
1S39. In 1847 in company with
little settlements in Indiana, Ohio,
and "Michigan they organized the
Synod of Missouri, Ohio and oth
er states.
Insignificant was the beginning,
12. pastors with their congrega
tion effecting the organization.
Seldom in the annals of . church
history, however, has such a phe-
nominal growth been' witnessed
as has been the lot of the Missouri
synod. After 75 years tne organ
ization numbers 1, 025,900,, souls
and over 600,000 communicants.
The theological seminary at ! St.
Louis is the largest seminary In
the United States with u total en
rollment of 30 student and a
graduating class of 10C. Two
other seminaries and 12 prepara
tory schools' have ah enrollment
of 2358 students with 122 profes
sors and assistants.
Dactrine Explained
This remarkable growth is due
entirely to the confessloanl stand
0? th synod, it is claimed. From
the beginning the synod has insist.
ed .that its pastor .adhere strictly
to the preaching of God' Word
in all its truth and purity ti bring
ing to a sinful and suffering world
the message of Christ Jesus who
gave Himself for man. The one
thdugbt that permeates all the
preaching is that "the blood of
Jesus Christ, God's Son, cltanses
us from all our sin." The synod
has taken and still takes an un
compromising: stand on the dac
trine of blood atonement, and to
this alone does it attribute its
wonderful growth.
During tbe sessions of the syn
od ytsterday the Rev. P. Pfoten-
hauer the president of the gener
al .body, reported on the progress
of the mission work in all parts
of, the world- In the United
States Jhere are actively engaged
in . mission work. 55 pastors and
90 teachers. Mission work is car
ried on in every state of the union
w;lth the exception of Ariiona.
'Work, is also being carried on in
Old Mexico, in Brazil and. Argen
tine republic. The-heathen mis
sion work in China and India is
prospering and an opportunity is
presented at the present time to
enter Africa,
. Preacher Win Game .
. In the doctrinal discussion the
question' ot Christian burial was
very extensively and ably treated
by Dean J. X. C. Fritz. , The1 gen
eral1 principle was layed down:" A
Christian burial for Christians
Saturday afternoon the dele
gates were entertained by an ex
tensive sightseeing' trip of Salem
and i vicinity, t- Thlr was4 followed
ly ; a t baseball ' game between - the
pastors, aad-teachers on one -team
arid .the team .ojt St.. John. a the
bpposUiou ; Tha? preachera 'won.
If You Want to Save Money
Then Read This Ach
. i . - ; .... - ' . z--- ft--. : "
- CORDS ' , ;
30x3 yz Junior, regular size....: $12.00, :
30x3y2 Giant Oversize - 13.75 r . .,
32x4 Giants.: 21.00,
33x4 Giant..- ..:.... A . : 2175 '"
34x4.- Giant : 21i75
35x5 GUntl ;..T - 35.75'! 1.
We canay without hestitancy no better, tire can be found oh, the Amer
ican market. We know for we hav e handled lhem for a year and ' they :
stand thetest. ' . ;
We are back of every Henderson ..Tire - V . C r
-' ' . . . : ,. 1 - v " , . ' , t ..
If-you pay more than the above prices-' for cords you pay too much '
If you pay less the quality is not there -
F. tDeiano X L Eoff
A Business taUPE Qp Steet
Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America -an
entirely new prino4ple in Coupe body construction.
Fron$!ramework to window mouldings the body is built, '
of ateeL It is the first all-steel .closed car ever marketed,
Tl:is design anticipates every possible requirement of -commercial
travel. It insures unusual quietness f '
unusual grace unusual stamina. It has made it possible vh
to give the Coupe that same lustrous boked-on enamel ; l
finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long
been famous.
The upholstery is of genuine leather- leather that will
wash and wear. The - seat a is T wide and comfortable
Carrying compartments are accessible, and spacious. The
car is equipped. wrtJU a heater, dome light, window levers,
windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door, jocks, and every
other appointment necessary to tbe owner's' comfort!
and protection.
. . . -r. " ' , . :
Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of
everyaay use, it retains tne same lightness and beauty of
line which you are accustomed ' to' locJt
Brothers ,cars. t ' ' .''''' ' jl ;
It is the Business rCoupewhvch- business peopl.tl3f
world over have been pectmgfrori Dodge Bcberi 'i
f . : .
Tbm prtom im $980 f.o.b. Dtnii ,
Commercial and Ferry greets
1 ',. ,
.... f
.n .