THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, .OREGON SUNDAY MORNING;. JUNE. 23. 1922 TTTTTTI J SI 'v-. - cBtittuv' ; i ' lirsl Christ . Center n4. High, tinwth" Jv.-eV Keaa.- paaiort latere-, ii .j features -will- eark r '.programs l.xi-y. The loyal ion eUsa will eater .lua a eiuular elaae frota MrMiaaviHe , at the Bible school hour. -. Instead of the rt-tulur preaehiogt werviee in 'the aven ge there will b 100 pictures of the l'ulipinea anil a Ixrnri oa tha social , Moral, political history of tha ialaada by C. . Cdax-o, a graduate of frame) Henv 1 insry at Manilla, and alee of tha Eageae hihle university. Tha Court treet Christ" ' iua rengregatton will aaite ia tha aer--u- at M o'clock. - Tha lector la tree to all. . Tha pastor will apeak at 11 o'rleek'en "The tireet Qaestmn." Ira five will be. the soloist, and also a u umber by a euiatet Will be given at tfte mora in g hoar. Conrt Street Christian -North. Sevea. t hi tii and Court atresia. B aura and plan to attend the 'fuTwer eoaveatiea J . I 1 to . Jnrt this week to plan. Com hear U''. about ,'h). 'Bible sehool :( ia Kraf. t,usVo-et the Bible university wilf tjreaeh lor so .at tha a at-Binr Wfri tp hoar Yelusteor wiH emit lkr,u knkt hma. latermediste endeavor P m.; senior 7 At a" .at;rw "Wilt Jots with tha irst Uriatien enures i bbnib and stereoutiron leetafw oa tha Phil ippiacr itlantW.' 1 Aa'efferia- will be taken for his work and edueatioa. Taa will want to hear him. .Monday " board aseeting." On areoaat of tha Tura ar convention tha aaeeting ia oaa week early. all nember ot the: besrd please take not of the jrbange and a there. - t huirh erhool TbOredny - J :9- pes. - Jl. C Hortea, instrurtou.' . will have regular services darinc tha Terser convention ioly l ". " Welcome to oar eervieee today and thta ;week. friends ar invited to attend aesKion el fht alata eenvealioa at Turner. K. 1. Votaanv peator.- . ... ... - i .- . .. " , EPI8C0rAI. St. Paul' Charrh "Th tJttlo Church oa th earner." t K. H; Daaeaa Cham bera, racbar. Second Sunday after TrjB ity. Iloly Kocharnt at T:St a.a. Chnrck krbool .at . :45. v Jlorainf prayer - and sermon,, at II a jo. Tbo yonaf peyple a society will hold Ka laat meeimf Wfore the' anmmer -racattorf at ft 'BO p w. - An auaabera ar poctod to k pveaaat wita taa 91 earnad, and ttt jaat how they earaed it. l - ; i ;. - -..-i.v XBTHOOIST . ' Firt Metftodiat piacpal Stat aad Cbarcat atreeta. Blame , Kirkpatriek, miniater. Claaa noetinf o'clock. 8aaday achol';45 lock. 1. B. lit tler, aaperiateadeat. Th Lord Llev sinf aa with aach aplendid weather that ther ia ao axcaa for a aluaip ia Sonday srbaol hrteraat and attendance. M am ine warship 11 o'clock. tWmait by tha pastor on the subject: 'Tha Challanre ( God's V:m." SpecUI Jamie It tha choir ander tha direct oa of Prof. UiAr son. 1 Epwortb. lesruea - will - meet at ' 7 'clock. Chapters two- and tHrce will la led - by a Uoapel tam from th Lesra at Corrallia. Mjaa Gladys Wriaoo. wiU lead the senior -chapter and Miss Me Crsckea will slur. JEenina' - rrir 8 o'clock. ' Hcnnon by th pastor n th sabject: "Jaha'a hfmaara for Today." A etomiar stady in tha life and' learhinf of tha Apoatl John. The pit for learas ea his vs ration early- Monday raorninf. There will b Saadsy erenlnr services dnriak Jaly. ' Instead, fha rhnrch' will cooperate with, the Dnioa park e-rtces be(innin( next Sunday at 4. o'clock. T.enlie Methodiat piscopal Sonth K fx! ll 1L 11 il- CAR .. . -Tie Greatest Car. We Ever Biiit vv " v At the Lowest Price - Hiehest quality and lowest price those are the main; reasons why , Frankbnsare' now being delivered at a raie neyer Deforeireacncu. .t vVV;''JPrHoraahce, ihe best in its histoiy- at. a price which has been lower' only once in 16 ?tears. :That was in . 1916. for Jour, month .only. ;V: -v 'r - ' The (Franklin does not shake and jar yoiidots not put ltr :- a f train! on the dn?eraiinotboil nor ?treeze--rand , , costs less than other cars to run and maintain. Light, :; . flexible and, air-cooled a good car. to own. : V ' . - - - 1 - , - . , - , V . - v , v . ! . . Demi-Coupe . $2100 Touis -Liinousine $3150 . . v----.vy-v '.'sVl.'!.'Rnallont19 ; . r Sedan - $2850: -I Coupe : $2750 4 ; Demi-Sedan $2250 . : "; ; i' IiroUeTham $2750 :- (All prices f. 0. b. Syracuse) r - eo ' . Bit---' MARION AUTOMOBILE Open day and night :'' 4 v v ,v Salem," Oregon i Vs Phone 362 u f " ', Mil III -va 1 M . .. w Li VJ. -U iVov7, is tie timipjtHinKlapputr your; farm equip- : - --r - -ment for Failwork .. p.- -d5hi nrv . r 1- -".. . yiktrn.'v . rsaaaaMai t m Our new A Samson Tracloo ! the last word , in, modern, tractor. - - ) construction " ' r " ?-MpWttf;tmiriitrxmUii naVebecn added in building the new Samson. Amc' these changes are the following: " ' ' , ' .', ', New and larger c!l pump , farcin g oil', lo the Governor as well as all - other-, working parish - - New type Governor . ; Flat fan belt' Radiator Guard. r - - ' FuILset of tools and tool 'Cox. " - ' ; New ' Front 1 akle, assembly, uding t wo Hyatt Bearings ' in eachr, . ; . front, wheel. ' ' ... ' ' - Exhaust pipe - - - " r " Also many other improvement s ILatadd greatly to the - value of the tractor. " - - - -' - Let us demonstrate this -power; plant? on --.your farm-iV. "V I 1 . High Street at Trade . I5f - a.i-f'' Caeaaserelal aa4 My era streets. H. P. reasoertoa.- pastor. Xae . ttaaooy ; aeboot aieeis a a.aa., E. A. Raata. saaee- tateaoaat. r Asatatew ay a eorpa of eaaa aoteal teaeaers. . Epworth teacae aseeta at 8. atoning senuoa. "atasoeUsBa. of CalvarrJ - Kveniar sertnoa. ".Sot Breii Ateae.' Wa iatt yoa to attest! ail these aerMea. Tber will I of orof.t aa4 aetp aad yoa wit! lino life rirfcer or the aetoriattttea ut a dar with the eharefs Tbnradav eveaia at o'elork I bo -aiid-weeh Bihl staJr and arayer Bseetine;. Jason Lee Yeaorisl Methodiat Fni-- Psl .North Winter aad Jefienoa streets. Thomas Arheaoa. pastor. K. A. Korkner ia caarre of jontor ehareh. Kernlsr aer vieaa win be held at this r hurra with ererr departaseat fa artiening aader- the rare of enthasiastir leaders.- Oar rbarrh ia a large, rool aad well reatiUtad plar. to worship la the warm weatber Sanda aehool wilt eooTeaa at :ti a.aa. We have elaaaea for all ages. We apeeialixe in good fellowship. Jcnior eharrh serviee at 11 Dr. Haddle stoa, a missKinsry a farioaga, will preaea tolk nvuraiag and aeaiag-at this rbarrh. Ua a toruier viait Dr. Uaddle ston's mesaage wa greatly, appreciated. He s a strong speaker and will present strong gospel messages. We bepeak for bias a large hearing. He will - prearb la the morning at 11 and ia the ermine t 8.' Epworth league meeting t 1 p.m. Junior devotional meeting Wed tiesdsy 7 p.m. Adult serriee d p. You are invited. Scandinavian Methodist . Episcopal Fifteenth aad .Mill streets. David C. Massel. pastor. . ttnaday, Jane 25, mora tng service 11 sn. ud Sanday arhbol at' 12. Gust . Anderson, superintendent In tie evening at 8 o'clock a stereopti ten ' lecture on the Philippines: Alse apeeial aiaging. Wednesday evening prayer aaeotiag aad Bible study S pa. lbursday evening the girls .-lob will meet wtb Mrs. U. Ontriu, 467 N. lth Street. A ' hearty welcome awaits you at ail these meetings. . CONOBCOATIOITAL Central Congregational Corner Nine teenth and Ferry. Clayton Jatlr. iui- dsy senool snd rhnrch. a eombmer ser atr at 10 a.m.. Mrs.. O.. rL Edwards auaeriatendent. Aa interesting (Srogram follows the' regular' lesson vwrior. Men tor and intermediate Christian endeavor meets to study the problem of Christian duties at 7 p.m. . fcveainr; song service saa worsnip with sermon at 8 clock. Subject: lha riae. of the JewCum rasndmrat. V . welcome - yon at all onr services and ' solicit your patrons e oi me vscsoou uibie icnooi. worship with as. We Preach Ora r if led. Prayer meeting Wednesday ee ing at " ebsck. - IETHH. HOME " Fall Pentecostal ti&j.-f. devoted to the material welfare, i bodily healing, mortkt aphft and spiritual life of -the atriekea in body, oatrast. eropole, hungry, friend less and whosoever is in need f the Water f 1-ifc. anday acboul at :4 a.m. Preaching at 11 o'clock. Prayer meeting Teendsr . and Friday eveninra at B o'clock. Open at all time for iiraver. Wo -pray for the sick ' 4od eala. rWimc. Mary E. Bnckbee, pastor. 1MM.) retry street. Grants Pass District Boominy, Says Cupper The Grants Pass irrigation dU trlct in Josephine county i mak ing remarkable progress and U now deiirering water to about 50 per cent of the acreage under its gravity - division, according to Percy' A. Cupper, State engineer, who returned from, an .Inspection o: the utsirtct yeaieraay. The' district embraces about IS. 060 acres and 4000 or 5000 a. red is now under irrigation, plant and equipment, according to Mr. Cupper,' are probably, the most modern in the west. This consists of two large pumps con nected tTTFectly to lurbhioa which are operated by a fall crated by a multiple arch concrete dam. The dam is equiped with a num ber of large gates which can be raised or lowered by hydraulic cyclinders, thereby raising or lowering the crest of the dam by approximately 10 feet. imposible .to make up one's mind Jnst. where- to go. There Is such a wealth jfif pleasant spots. It. Is a time when captains of tndastry. college presidents, statesmen and freckled-faced - boys want to go fishing. - "j .:'''-:.'' :? LADIES Tfc lTTtla gapptwusw to TrV amph Pilia- aad dspen Jsbie. la all Kipr catM. iiat sold at drag atarwa. not aiTwriasewt Wita wtherai aaa -die-ssppotBtmoat- VTrita lor -Relief aad parties lara U1 Awa. Address Katiaaal Medical iaatitata. Mllvaukia. w a. Folks are still .planning their summer vacations. ; The trouble seems to be there are so many places that la re that It is almost Is the original and only scientific method of adjusting the spine. It Is never rough and seldom painful, but gets results. - ?, It Is tha only school of mechanical treatment tiring a phy sic Lin's full four year course bt study.' The following are regularly graduated, licensed Osteopathic Physicians In Salem:' " 1 ; l' DR. H. B. WnitB DR. JOIIN U LYSC1; ' DR. U C MARS1IAJLI ' . 4 . . : VVaV.VVVaVaVaWWBVNP,V,V First Concrerstionsl "LlbertT and Cen ter streets. W. C Kantner, ministt-r. 10 a.m., nndsy school with classes for all sgea with competent teachers. Some (penalty every Sunday. Come Join bar number. it. M. Mead, superintendent. t a.m. Preaching by pastor. Subject When Kelrc-ion is a Ilelirht. 7 u m Christian Endeavor meeting. Jay Morris, leadr.. . A trdia inriUf:a to all young people. There will be no evening service. Mid-week- service - Thnrsdsv at S D.m. A fllaCA -for- sniritnsl rfrh. jng. Subject "Perfection in tha Christ ian Life; What; About It!" ' rHIEKDS onth Salexn Friends fionth rmmiin. isl.and Washington- streets, Nathan fitribb, paster. Bible school 9:45 a.m. Our African missionaries, tha Chilson family, will ba present and have charre f the eleven o'clock' service.'. Tha Chil ton sisters, native born Africans, fcot ss white as von are. will sneak tor the junior church at 10:40. Kvery child of Junior age or younger, who sees this notice is invited. C. E, at 7 j.m. Even ing service for worship 8 o'clock. The rhurcb is coopersung with tae da:iy vacstion Bible school snd opes air meet inea in Wilson nark. Th. Mirinn Cnn i, , Holiness camp meeting with wh.ica. thav church cooperates, will be - held at the Itste fair grounds Jaly 27 to Angnst o. Our Oregon - Friends C. it coaferecce wiU be held at Bar View Aagaat 22 to 28. Hazel Keeler. president C.E. Walter 8. WfichL aunerintendent Bibla CBOOU - Highland . Friends Highland Avenne and North "Chareh street. I. 6. and Ida J. Lee, ministers. Bibla school at 10 a.m. Clifton Boss, superintendent. We have a food school, competent teach ers, classes lor all aces and yen will find a real welcome. Morning wort Kip and preaching at 11.- Christian endeavor I at 7 p.m. and preaching at 8 V 'o. - The evening service win oa in cn.irte f Rev. Arthur B.' Chilson,-' wife - and two danghtera, returned miaaioaaries - to Africa. Taej will prepch, aing aad answer your questions about Africa. Don't fad to 'hear them. Young peoples prayer meeting en Thursday at 8 p.m. EVANGELICAL Liberty Street Evangelical Center and Liberty streets.. " O.; F. Liening, Sr pastor.- The following will be the order of Services for Sunday June 25th. Sunday school; at ' 10 '. a.m., L. O. Bedertscher, acting superintendent. erroon by the pastor at 11 a.m. This is the Sunday appomtea lor cnuarea a osy. we win observe this day for' a specisl children's day program, which will be givea in the evening, jointly by thia and the Cottage street evangelical Church at 7:30 o'clock at the Liberty street church. TENT SERVICE i Tim "Grace Teat" , aerviees ca the tinivcrtity grounds are at 2:30 and IMS Ou Sundays and a t7:45 on week nights I ficept stondsy. Oa Ruadsy afteriooa the junior - choir of the resbyteriaa church will sine- . .. X. B. a, A. i international . Bible Students' Ution Meata wvarv Sunday ia Derbv hall, corner of Court and High streets, I apstain. for Bible study, Pnblie al ways welcome at these services. At 2:30 p.u ia thia hall today there will be a frao lecture aobjeet" Millions now living will never die for" the time is , st haad ia which the awakening of the peaa will take place." Von ars weleo.'ue. MSSIOKAiT ALLIAXCE Mr. and Mrs.' H. E. Caswell. 425 North Winter street, lesders. 'Usual services ; thia afternoon at 633 Sooth Commercial street. Sunday school at 2 o'clock, foJ- hjwed by gespei meeting at 9. Also at the same place on next Thursday after toon, June 29, regular meeting at 9:30 A'.Lub - Tk. 1' .. i r. . mvl- is conducted by Mrs. - Caswel Will meet at the home of Vr and Mrs B.'M. Scobee, 425 North Winter street. !t au, roost cordially it elccme. . CHURCH Or OOD 1346 Korth ChnrCh, street J I. Cil letpie, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m;. With good, comptetent . teachers for all radea of scnoisra. Freaching service at 1 a.m. Subject : "laaiah'a Prophecy Concerning the Character and Work of e8ut." Service for the young people I .v . -1 7 . . p.uv iuii uimcbidk service at i :iu. prayer meetin ad t I Regular weeltly prayer meeting Wednes day evening 7:45. Do not . forget- the I: Voodbura camp meetiar which -coutraen es July 20-30.' Come and enjoy the refreshings , from ' the presence oi the I Lidra. I I PprdB.imTllf 1 First Presbyterian. On Church be i fween Chemekets and Center. Ward AVil Ss lu, minister. Sabbath school meets si ; a. in. h. oarrett, superin j -ndent 11 a.m. Mr. ' Long's topic is VThe Time 'of God's VisrtatioB. 8 a.m. his theme is "Outwitting a Shrewd Jew. Anthems.' 11 am. 'Tnera were Ainety aad Sine," Wilson. 8 p.m 'Awakening Chorus, Gabriel. Junior C. E. meets today , at 4 Inter mediate aad senior societies at 7 p.m. Prayer and priine service he usual on Thursday at 7:30 n.m. Chiklren'a dav eiiering iaa ouaay was f 38.73, ' ' XAPTTST First Baptist William T. Milliken miniater. - Mr. Edward Schunke ia Jopennteadent of a finely graded school, ffieered by a group of efficient teachers. The adult department ia ezrentionallv well ' attended, the - clsisrs doing raoilj worth-while work in specisl Bible study. Today the' pastor speaks on "A Brand from the Burning" and "The Man VThe Lost His Opportunity" "At the morning SLS3 evening services respectively. B. i f .P.TJ. at - "The Brotherhood Gospel team ro srttt to North antian today for I Sr. aftaraoon service. The Baptists of toe vaney fiprrj to d repreavntea oy a eompany of . sevsrsf thousand Deoplo " at Frovideaee, near -Beta, . scene of the ear--Beat bantiat work in this nsrt of . tha ysller... Coder the ' Key. Joab Powell a IchurcB of ever oo members waa built f ap. Bra Bryant -aad 8. J. Re id will eil! bo the speakers of the -dsy. The deacons will meet Monday "eveaiag ia f first United BrethrenTwelith ' and Mias.ion. ' C." S. Johnson, psgtor. - un 14 sv' school at 10 a.m.. O. B. Bowman superintendent. - Preaching ' at tl, scb Ject "Being in the WayV,' Junior C.K st S p.m Mrs 14 Barns supertnteaaent f Senior C F, at 7, . Charles Andersoit. reresident. - AN' believe itt lhje' fundament sis of Christian faith and Invite all who S3? UuUXJ cr-n HEAlXQUARTERSf FOR a ! ' All roads, tkrougtioatthe West,, lead ; to estara. ' Auto Storeaw' ,No matter, wheia yoa motors , Western AutoiStoresiixa there to w with the largest stock of auto supplies, - camping equipment you can find anywhere. By buying at Western Auto you are assured of the same hiirh oualitv M J e o - . . m uj. xiiei-uxianuise, iow pnces ana grazuying iruaraniee tnat cnar acvenze our wnoie organizaoon. li AUTO SUPPLIES For All Cars1-'' RAJO HES'FOft liORDS MM i titers no at "vsLtTo-in-hoad" : type; of motor belnsr tbo moot powerful m6 Sway typo otot tVnissed. , With Hsjo Hesd. regular Ford car tu taa mtdo to rua u to T milea per hoar, and bar rro&tor pickup, pep tuid ocondnj. - Thia hAd wCl pay tor ItoeU In sbort . itmoi wttn um rood it aawea. Price $65.00 and $87.50 . Cooper Cutouts v Ks the condition of ' your m o t o r at all ttmoa. A :"Cooper,, the poalttvo cutout, wains you Instantly of any .''mlaaf or leak of compression. $2.75 to $4.35 Motomet Locks motomeier aro stolen ' every day. Protect yours from being- am onr the Ilat of the "mlMlnw " A positive assurance Axalnet theft. " Our Pries $1.45 AERMORE EORNS K2 diaAi3-i-J Ohawiay. - That rvnlir e , t.n i. "S faswilthe Aertnoro, Aaka for the ngrnt-or-tyay - rather than demands It Four dlstlact tones Diended Into a wsx- monlou. sound that la audible above the din of traffic.' 1 Our Price $6.90 to $1&S0 Camp .Comforts. Complete and Compact nriB in jsUjTbura Stated Maps i Ruuun( Bsard . Lbjj aj e Carrieri ' A . atroass steel luargage tarrler la Invnttmblo fo 'f Muaptna; or touring". Ad. i luatable from e laaerth oi it to tl laoiiea, ao roe oaa carry vcrioa siao paokaaraa.' Batao stroeaT aaa ahawajBtSai. ; WUl not ratUa. : I MfW IA AWL $2.75 $3 -$3.25, r , Service Units PEERLESS PIST03 RINGS 'ilir 71 'J'wton FUnrs are jo made that they are always eh&t1m.ak'M.whe!n f efflcnt 1st racorred the world oyer for fceln the t,irhtest Joint FO:-Jie. Fully ranteed; ' ' , ,, . - ;;. ... tach, - West era Giant Cords 12,000-Mile Guaranty 'Western Slant" Cords are all max a tire can foe. insures even var and inflnrtely more - mileage, i a . i .-. i.. a - - - s-u a. r m WBUYT zixlOTi cups" Prevent '''jaOflwr'Ml? -Ve not believe, a mmll ? I kii-tter tire is made at any nrice ir?a Ii Oaf J1 6i l one and voiir nert of vsrnt . T J jal: ' "m aT . T f - Tw m m Wux3V2 3tanaard . . .$12.75 I Jj30x3U;Grant . . . . . .15 on ;wf . . . 32x4 33x4 34x4 22.90 27.40 28.80 29.75 3060 ( i . .... ??454 ............ 35.60 mm C- i vsa mu .a, sr w j . i- arat m r M t i I T 'n ' - 36.45 c. mtf S - - -.- : ....... t ' ' 1 us- ... r 1 1 i' mm 33x5 35x5 Motorists ...... 44 3S . ... . r w "fl"' our quotations on PVls and Nebraska ir. "ia Thta Boyco Sarvlce tnlt oaablas you to carry rur private aorrleo atatloS with you. making Vaveil abla aa amsrinif- appy of (ual. ell and water.- No or Ue complete without on. - $6.00 to $7.75 O I I types of auto beds ana camp III. K. if i til ! ; T7 $ VS. to the can- '1 1. I -19 1,11- HUH 1 1 III li is . AOS V" M t r Br - M x- I m j 1 J -f F;M. 1.1 A l-ae..' i;yj,g))L-.Y g -' X as a J. . ..O 'v ; r-'.- . H-tt-aU :,.:.; to All : th popular and tetter types of auto beds and camp cots will be round at ."Western Auto," where you are sure of rettlnjr" just the kind that meets with your requlremanVV and upon which" yoo can -;' tlrely depend. Our prloes an Tory reasonable, too. , . . CAMP TABLES r A table of ') extreme- light weight, yet sturdy enough to' hold ." all of your food , and utensils without sagging or tlppinc. May be used around the house tor: a sewing 'or' card table.' styles from PaJmetto Tents J!f "J Jt L V A dandy all-around tent, that can aaalar ha set ap and takes down, aa ae rur repee are aaad aad onlr one cola la needed,; Ideal for that week-end flahlas, eaotptnc ' or beach trio. Mar be procured la white. hhaJU or striped rnatertaX Our. Price $24.50$32Q?: Water Bags, Perhaps you r prefer the water bag to the. can teen on ac-! count of Its "keep cool attributes, which. by a process' of evapora tion - keeps : water cool even when hung in the sun. ? Very handy. Sanitary. $1.40 to $2.35 I i'llTOsl I- 1 -J - "-.t tsr . 4 125 NORTH HIGH STREET: ALE3I, OREGON aaat-B Get This Catalog Tou w 1 1 1 . find I chock-full of hu t dreds ' of ' useful l and " ornamental accesso r i e s. supplies and camp 1 n g equipment. Write - or . , - ;J v- ",- . -r .' - ' '' - e --- a- . t I, 5 1 hva the oUspet of ssWativa to cobe and c --. ' . '-' '.- '