if- irfE OREGON STATESMAN; -SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING; JUNE 25; 1922 5 A . 1 I t V: : r i t i it- n Y i 4 A I. A - a m Pep bS0rlaB . Tatae tasorttoa -Om tMk (ais tMwtiMa). Oa aaaath ' aBtX Mttl tract, pe It aseatk' eoBtraet, per to -SO mm nanus lav aa? MTi KORWICn UNION YULB OSURANCB . SOCIETY W. IL. Rnnrhau-rif- Jr. Resident Agent 871 BUto St.! ' 1 in i i l MONEY TO LOAN I Om Real Ettata T. K. FOKD J " (Ow Laadd Bmah BaMtk) : NEW TODAY PICKERS, WANTEDV- FOR CHERRIES aaa strswberries P,qbs 47F14. WA"sTJED--CHERRT PICKERS. PHONE BU1CK TOURING SEW TOP. S CORD .tare, ear being pat ia Al ahap ia , ' ' our hop.' T W painted when fia- e i yea witl a Buick be aor " " thut oa. Wood Aato Top BALE REED BABY BUOOT. F. , awora, ooo WBOaoa Bt-, Booth Baleat. WASTED TO RENT SIX OR KIGHT I ra house, modern. Phone 1150 1 CHERRIES WE ARE RECEIVING . R7al Aaaa4. Waterhoaa charriei ."aaoB-tirtBaB werehoaao, corner nifB and Mill streeta. and will eon tlav front 1 'clock ia th morning until 7 at hlfht. 8aadar aad holidays jlncUded. vatil tha crop ia ail ia. Wa want them now. Don't wait antil they , get overripe sad let the raia apoil ' r , " are poymg tae aigneat price in Baleai and can aso tmnii yon may hare. I.yna Cal. Olaca Fruit AO., can an(li Brw, 64'i Stat street .. rnoa in. r ,: ,s WANTED 4AINTIN0 t ksp DECORAT- iif., i Flrt elat . work, f Kov t unioa priceo. roeoo lara. . FOR SALE JERSEY COW WITH heifer rail three weeks :. . Also 1300 poand hors. Tractor for sal ar ex rkenge for good bailer. Job K. Fits- t 143 "U" atreet. - WANTED TO BUY 1 track. Pbon 177 J. HAND FORD WANTED TO ENGAGE CHERRY PIC hers for Royal View Orchard oa Salem r , neirnta eerlin. laanir 816 Mill V street. Telepbon 847 M. No children Boaer suteea accepted. CHERRY . PICKERS WANTED MON- day) awrniag. - J. ;R. Crothera. i Telo- . paoa , INVALID WOMAN AND DAUGHTER1 waat - woman with iaeaHd. or with daughter r baby. ' Reaeoaabl wage. Ban .T aaeaft. o ,. eow n. j i in, raraoooas, REGISTER NOW FOR LOGANBERRY -pi'img. - w. ft. naaoodf Boo to 8. box Wall paper remnants ten tent aaiaomiap.i, velvet stair eerpet, 81.35. Tapestry rags. il3. ' t20. PaiaL 2.50 gallon. Platter wall board. Shingle oil. Oc. Window ohade. 75c MtX - 119 N- Cooamoreial. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW WITH LARGE lot. -tteaaoaaois terras. SLHIMJ. rooaa bent. Recently ' repaired aad paintea. , tasy terms. fi,5UO. S r cent money te'loaa on improved jarna. ia snma oi B..iniw or mora. . : - " A. tl. BOHB.N8TKIIT .., . 407 Maeonlc Tempi , , , Salem, Oregon ANYONE. INTERESTED IN FARMS OR a ma 1 1 aaborbaa. traeta caa aava dot- lara by aeeing ae thaa week,) Two spec isis tnst win surprise you, Heyser-Follnch System t ' lis In Floor Terminal Bids. -, - " .Phon On Theuaaad WE SPEND AND INVEST OUR MONEY in Oreaoa Mach ia Batem why not bit na aharo of your fire lasaraBc I Place your aeit policy with ua. Stand- ley B.Foley, ageats. Bush Baak Bldg., " Phoao t47. - s HOUSEKEEPING -.- WANTED BY WID OW with boe thre yearn. Maat ha a positioa by July 1. Writ or csll . .. alter 4 p.m. or Buadap or , Monday. iivi rin .i POSmON WASTED BTtTNOGRAPH ing or bookkeeping by ' experienced Joung women, normal gradaale. Ke erencea. Address B-3(, car Statea- avan. i ,- : . i - rV- i-.-i - Property, to Exchange 105 acres f arm aear Philomath, tor rea- Ideaco or ameJI tract aear Salens. Prlc t5500. ' '. ' ' " 11 acre close to. city limlu, on paved rood, for city property. Price f 7000. Grocery stock aad . flxtare tor resid- eara or sassll acreage, vain S8500. - Doing good basiaesa. 8 as for exchangee. ' . . Childs & Bechtel , 1 ,;-i--o40 - Slit "Street SUMMER: COTTAGE AT NYE BEACH. iwi oiocao irons oceaa. completely. far niahed. boilt la' bed la Uviag .room. m oargeio 'OS yvso. .it.:-.. .: .,. 't room bouse." suitable for three anart btenla, well bnllt ln, larga lot, variety . srais. e-iavu. ( f1; -Winnie Pettyjohn : . . $31V Blata "atreet i " " "' 1 i i 1 i FIVE ROOM COTTAGE ON B BLOCK from ear, rood graveled atreet, bath ' aad toilet 82000-81000 down S room bona bath aad toilet, built laa. tJOOO. tSOO dewa. Her la something thot will please the , most .exert. . room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, dea: built Ins. modern In every deta'l all Improvemeate. in first riasa aiatrtrs. rriced.ta sell. t30O. SIS00 down. . ... i 06OOO boys on of the most ' boeutifnl heme ia the city 4 btoeka from Ladd Buab baak. 83000 dowa will haa e. nwaer leaving city this week. ainai oe aeen to b appreciated. This will an if the most exact. We ran aav vou money We tetievo we bay th moot complete list of special nuv ia tha cur. we do not spec isl la real estate, lot us enow yea. No obtiawcioas whatever olentv of ears ss your disposaL For real der ive ae or rail us. Heyser-Follrich System ; , Mala floor Tenoiaal Building Phoao One Thewaaad Good Buys 30 acres hs boorlBg ' pruaee .wftb erow. Koseoaie semen. . price 87DOO. terma SO acres; 8 acre of bearing atrawber- riea. .4 acres set to In vans this rear. balance ia grain except 20 acre which - la pasture aad timber. tw barns and chicken house: well water, located S rnileo out on main road. 11 acre with bourn and barn. 6 acres of 8 yeer old prunes. 3H eeye ia loren. 2 sere lBcheer-e. Pric for quirk solo, with crop. 88850, - term, new bungalow, a rooms, earn , . er-lot, iwitb farsre. iesr' school' la orm eoiem. i Price 82430 cash. S50 down. 810 oer months. Vors t& arra oa oared road? and car line ii bearing fruit. . Pre oo. Rl EaMto sad Fir Insurance Wt H. Grabenhorst & Co, " " --m W"-- , TRtDE 440 ACRE' FARM IN OKAN aran county. Wash. : 135 . acres' in caltWerien. Will trade 'or small faew In Wntametto valley. Becko A) Hend ricks. 205 U. B. Bsnk Bldg. y SNAP T ROOM HOUSE. ALL ON ONE floor. ' Fine location east full baae nMl. furnace, fireplace. r. pavement. Piooo. . rWk B Hradrk-ks, 305 V. R Bank Bldg. ' - ' V STRICTLT MODERN HOME ON COURT street 8 rooma, boffet peas pentrr, res- Be bath, .cement Seaeoiew. fo ase. laundry frsys. Lrgs lot. A rl bov for 550. Bocks Head ricks, 205 V. & Btak. NEW TODAY TERMS LIKE RENT.5 BOOM BUS- galow. -completely boilt is; fireplace, va.cd street eaat. 8265Q. S600 cash. ma baacalew, south, well to. good pluasbiag, laundry tray. I iOO I cash wilt handle. 4 mean. north, knnwt modrrn. 12000. t4lO cash. Becke Hendricks. SOS V, . Bank it ids. ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. 13 LOTS, it. ' 14 SUV. Berk 4t nenaricas. 205 U. B. Bask Bldg. EX-SERVICE HEX WE HATE SOME good bar lav houses and acreage mat your loa will handle. ae a before yea buy. Remember w writ fir insursnce. Becke Hendricks, 205 V. 8. Baak Bids. really attractive 5 ROOMS. sew madera bungslow. t80 a Hick tract. We writ b pleased t anew this at any time aa w are proud of it. - Fireplace, fall basement Patch kitchen. 810 cash balance lik rent. Becke Hendricks, 206 V. 8. Bank Building.- EMPLOYMENT WABTZD KHXCOKTIO TOCXG MAE who kaa had experteaee aeUia4 life taaaraaoa, teek r advert la lag. Mast h abla to devwt kia aatir tins aad ho aaabttiaoa to advancement Maat bars the average to preaeat beslaea prepoeltioa t ararekaata aad prefae ioaaJ avaa. Aaawer la too owb head writiac atatia am odaeatioaal amaU- flaatkMa, axpariaaea aa aUcibat. at. I Addrea IL" Stateaaaa offle. ' ALKSafEir WAJfTRO SALESMEN WANTED BEST TIRE propositiOB. rricea io ubmj inn dealers eaaaot resist. Bl par. Per ma Deal positioa. Ode 11 Babbor Co Booth Bead. Indiana. ' AOEVTS WAJTTZD DISTRIBUTE OUR NEW YEA8T CAN dy; qaicklr deTelop yotir own indepen dent business aad obtain sew Ford automobile fro. Writ1 for ejieluaie territory plan. Scotminta Company. Kept. 140. Jersey City. N. J. 1AALB ABB FEMAXJB I WANTED 20 LOGANBERRY PICKERS. Good picking. hi. , Marshall. ' Statesmen. - . MAN OR WOMAN WANTED 140 weeaiy inn ' time, f I nonr spare time, solliao naraateeo Boaien to wearer. Experience nnneces'sary. In- teraatioasl Hosier y Mills.- Norristowa, Fa. .. WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS for 45 acres .of berriee. rlne camp groaada, mil from reet car at i Salem Height. Picking starts about July 6th. B. Cuaaiaghaat. phoaa 2ir2 WANTED MRB AVsTD WOMRB TO tako fans paper suboeriptioas. A Bed 1 aropssttma to to right poopl. Andreas I tha Paelfi HawaaUad. Urav PERSONAL WIDOW AND MAIDEN WORTH OVER fSU.OOO, waat kiad helpiag haabaads. writ quick for pictnres aad descrip tioas. Bos 22 Los Jta galas. Cal. IF YOU WISH A WEALTHY YOUNG wif writ aae eaelosing stamped en velope. Violet Kays. Uensiaoa, Okie. FOR A CHARMING WIEE WRITE MRS. F. Willard, 2928 Broadway, Chicago, in lows. - bBciose stamp. . ASTROLOGY STARS TELL LIFE'S atory. Ben birtnaato an tins tor I trial reading. Eddy, Wstport Street, 1 Kaaeus City, Missouri, Suit 8A. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo, Ohio. EPILEPTICS WOULD YOU CARE TO leara about Rational treatment for immediate relief of Epilepsy. Pos itively 1 stopping ail eisores from first day's use. Information free, "Special ist.'' Drawer C-592. Lander, Wyoming. THE LEADING MATRIMONIAL CLUB. Beet, largest: established 17' years. Thousands wealthy members wish mar riage. - Confidential description free. Only honorable sincere people of both sexes need write. Tbo Old Reliable Club, Mrs. Wruble. Bob 36, Oakland. California. ; i t - BACHELORS r IF YOU DE8IRE A Gernyan wif. on who knows how to operate frying pan, write me. Deacrip- i lias, ivr. urinnil, ooa 41. Chicago, Illinois. MARRY 'IF LONELY FOR RESULTS. try : best and most - successful "Homo Maker"; hundreds rich wish enarriago soon ; atrietly confidential; most r? liable: years' experience: de-1 eriptiBs fre. , "Th Successful Club." Mrs. Nssb. Box 558. Oakland, California. - - ' . i ; FOR; SALE FARM FAFZR V YOU WART TO GET THB BEST fans paper, send It ts aba Fee If it Hmaesteod. SeJem, Orogoo. rot a tar msatas- anal subseripuoaa ihla ad " POTJltTBY FOR SALE M-AMMOTH PEKIN ecga aad ducklings. 1030 . Chemeket I Phoa 12HO. , v.- I FOULTRYMKR 8TJrD BIGHT TWO eoat atampa Bar apoeial thro m oaths trial tor tho boa aad aide loaraal ha the west The art Ic lee aad adver uaaxaoau . ar af apaetal Utersst ba lb poultry breeders j ef i th aortkwost North west Poultry Jwuraal. Ill 0a marelal H. Selaaa. Oraoa ...-.'- ;. WOOD ; . 4 FOOT AND 18 INCH DRY MILL wood la any quaatity. Tracy Wood C. . Phon 020. ALL KINDS OF WOOD FOR SALE big fir and oak, . 16 inch. Orders taken for immedist or future deliv eries. . C. D.- Query. Livesley 8tation. Phono 77f3. i BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 18 INCH 3 ft aad 4 ft Proarns delivery Special pric oa ear lots. We eaa make livery oa asa, eeeaaa growta aa i growth fir about July IS. Fred E Walle, tot Bo, CommereiaL Pboae 1542. OLD 18 IN. FIR, It; SECOND, 4 FT 88. Asa. . Phoa 1487. . ansoELLAJrEoua 1X1 R SALE GIRLS WHEEL. 213 S CotUg. ' FOR' BALE BULL DOG .PUPPIES also good talking parrot. Th Bird ad Flower Store. 371 Stst. THB HOU8B OF HALF A MILLI Or ead aa bargain. . we bey, n o oxehanx aaythiag aad vrythiag tr tb lia ef nak or seooad baad foe Sao a before you buy or aI1. Btota bock Jaak Co Bern ember ta plaee 4A W. Oommsratal Bt Paawo tSS, FOB SALB OLD NKW8PAPKRB. 18 oats a buadm. Cirsalstl ) aapaitmaat - Oregoa Sutaaaaba. , I'Beautiful Oregon Rose" aad elevea other Orogoa aoars, togethoi with a fine collection of aetrbttir . 'aoags. eaered ooags aad atowy aid-bias lavorttaa . w ALLFOBtto & (Special prioee t quaeHts laea) I BbAhSbdl ffafMF . - . ' . The Western Songster tt pegoa. aow to Ha third dJtsa. Published by ' OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY Sit 8 Oommereial 61 Saloaa. Ore FOR RENT: FLATS i FOR BENT FULLY PFRNISHED tnodera five room f tat- at 4 Fer ry street $50 a month - Immedist possestiou. i Apply . at Sttesmsa f lie. Hws . WW AFARTMXBTS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT FOB om. 441 Center. APARTMENT FURNISHED FOR CAR- tag (or apartment house. 44? Canter. APARTMENT 2058-J. FOR REST PHONE FOR REST HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS at The Cottle. 43 V K. Commercial. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAR. COST: to up. 443 sum. MODERN ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN Centrally located. Maat give name aad .- reference. Address A. care Statesman FOR BENT SUITE OF ROOMS WITH private bath, sis si fie rooms. 1030 Chemeketa street. Phone 1380. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST SACK Oaf SUGAR FROM Skeggs to 1337 N. Winter. L. H. Roberta, phone I2U8-W. - LOST DELTA DELTA DELTA 80R0B itjr pia .with engraved name of Ger trado BaeU. Finder a ho a 1544 J. reward. WANTED KuoEiXainova WIL PAY 20e A DOZEN FOR EOOS People a Cash Btore. OLD MATTKMSIS MAD! Cl OapKaJ Ottr BoddlB Oa. mi It WANTED FCaUlls'Cm. TOOLS. MA ehiaerr. atock. o. WD hoT far aooh a sen aa aaMaMkam. Pha 111. Waodry. th Aaetaraaar. ACTED I EVERT. THIS IH HAJaVD- var aad raraitnr. Beet frriee TBI CAPITAL BAKDWAU FURNITURE 00. ISM V. 0 marelal St. Phoata tl WANTED rCaUIITXTBB. TOOLAV BTC Phoa Sit. WANTED ETTERSBURG NO. 121 strawberriea, 8 cents per pound, crates aad boxes returned for snipping qual ity. Also currants, blackcaps and cher ries at top prices. Ward K. Rchard son. WANTED I WOULD BE INTERESTED ia purchasing an interest in aa es tablished business ia Salens with ser vices not requiring technical know , ledge, or an entire small business not . requiring too large investment. Write what you mar have to offer and 1 will treat as confidential. Address Mr. r , No. 250 E. 1st N. Portland. Oregon. . nrmrva raoa ttrrrrrn .' k-i.-C. ... ii. sL bogs, lambs, muttoa, etc. No Bomber too Isrg or small, say . day la , th week. We pay best eaah prices wad guaraatoo our weights- Mr.-farmer we want your produce, please give us a trial. Peonl Market, 155 N. Lib arty St.. pboae 094. BUSINESS CARDS UOTCOaTKKB AUCTIONEER F. K. WOODRT. THB lives bsek. furniture, teal aetata ae tioaoor. Phoa all aa aato date. Roe 1810 R. Summer Auto Directory TRTJCXB FOB SALS OB TRAD RXO TRUCK, 1S3I taodak porfeet ooadiUeau wiu trad ta real os tat, produeo aw will saU OS easy terms. This la aa exeep ' UoaaU good bay. If yea waat a real aargaia arpiy immediately, er call. Th People's Cash Sb AUTO T0FB AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK gusraatssaa. 858 Bwatk Itta. Pa 1138. BATTERY ABO BXECTRI0ZAB AUTO KLE0TRI0IAN; BXPBRT TROD bio abaetiag tit B. Higlu Phoai SOI. PRE8TO-LTTB BATTERY SRRVI0B statioa. Export battery aad eioatrtea. work. , tarrlf Bras. Fbaa ltOt. alt flewH. ' TtBBB AMP AOCBSSOBJEB 10,000 MTLE GUARAHTEB AGAINST atea arulae. rim euta aad blowoota The Hydro-Toroa Tire, for sale by Yew pars store,- nth aadLeslla, paoaa , ACETYZXNB WELDING IRON. STEEL, BRASS, ALUMINUM Briag tha pieees. Oxo Gaa Hsstiaf Co. 837 Court BEAUTY FARXORS ROW OPERATING MODEL BBADTY Parlor. 110 North Oaaimarolal Botroot Phoa est. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PLANS furuieked fre. R. W. MelaUra. 1400 h. Church. OHZVESB FHY8I0XAM DR. L, M. HUM CURES ART KNOWN disess. 1st B. High St- pbaaa lit DBTJO STORRS BREWER DRUO 00 401 COURT raeae is CARPETS AND FLUFF BTJOS CARPET AND RUG WEAVING PHON? Before 9 a.m. Pkone S4F21. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave fluff rugs made out of old ear pets, aay length or width you desire We also re-fit re-sew aad aisa carpets Feather reaovatiac and mattr stesm lf and r-makina. Salem Carpel Cleaaiag aad Fluff Bug Works. Pboae RXEOTRIOIAJtB 4ECURB MY FIGURES ON WIRING By eootrspt, by boar. At prowm prioee. H. W. Hatch, pboae 1302J. FURNTTORR HOST IT AX. rTJRNITURE REPAIRED OB MADB Tt rder. ReilBiahiag aad uphoUUrrsi a Bpoetaity. ruoae 174 J. Brow Groves. 1S01 South Camel aerial GRXEKHOTJaXS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES Delivery. Salem Greeabouses. Retail store. 123 N. Liberty. - Greeahonses. Market road. Phone 380. FXHAjrCIAX. HONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LARD U A. Hayfard. 101 SUto atreei. mARION-POLK 'OOtJNTT FARM- LOAb . association haa money to hsaa at 5V percent w. D. Bmitav aoeretsry-tr arer. sob biu BssK af Commeroo, 10 YEAB FARM LOANS ON RURAI erodit plan, ove-paymeat pro vie toes si lowed, Wa esill fiaaac you for a 1 - rstsed latoct thaa aay firm wa , th Private mooCljo losa oa eithaf ity itry property. R. W. Marstcrs 411 Oregoa Bids. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRXSBLUCTJrO RUTH McADAXS DRESSMAKER. T88 South 12 th. Phono 1824-M. I HARRIS FISHER DRESSMAKING. deatntng. ' Bpouear t MeOoraaek Bldg. THB ADSITTi akB PRXPARID TO do aay aad an kiad af lodiec' Ulier log. for old aid bow euataaaaruV Mt W. ttlv 84, Pbooo t08-R. " ;. MK. w BUSINESS CARDS kfUSIOAX. KKS. HXhTBY LEB FTAJtO. 1KU Capitol. PBOBM iaiT-w. MISS MARLS UXPHXKD riAXO t layer; iaaasa ail aicaaiaan. no I iberty. SALEM CONS ERT ATORT OF MUS10 ! AO kraackea taaffht. diaaa jroate Jeka R. Site, direct, lllf Cwart. Phoao ft. RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING 12 loaaeaa raaraatood. Waterman eye tea. F. B. Clark, Mgr., MeCwraae BaiMing. JACK MULLIGAR FIARO TUNER: Moore-Dana a Reprosoataiir af Skermaa CUy a Cox Phew ftOw. . EDWARD WELP XXPERXXNCED i . piaao taaar. Lmt rder WRl'al Maai Boar. J TALLMAJf PIANO BRFATB SHOP Tmaiax. rafiaJabinc rowaiidia: lTr piaao export. Phooe ltat. ltl Boath uoaameretoi. DABOTM PRTYATB LESSONS IN LATI daaeoa. Mr. White Phei tTt-J. ICVSXO STORES GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha. aowiag ataohlae. sheet aiaal. aad Biaae) at a die. ReoairiaaT ahoa graphs aad aewiag ajaehlaaa. at But. Satom. PLABOa SHERMAN CLAY CO. PIANOS -8teiawa;s, Duo-Art and othtrs. Meore'l Musie House. 415 Coort street end Masonic Temple. kOLLOTRY HATS FROM 1 DP - ICRS. Grim as. CIS Oevt B. -EEMSTlTCUIJiB 'NEEDLEWORK SHOP" ALL KINDS of faaey work aad heeaetttehtas dan 131 8. Oommercial street. MRS.- BREOKINRIDGt HEMSTITCH lag, asail orders aoiieitod. 178 B. ttth. Paoa 174-M. BALXM XLIT1 BIVSTTTOHIRQ, J paauaii "iwm, nwpai mmm oaaaiv 1 ass umta bm. raeae sto.i MRS. a E. MILLER HEMSTITCHTNO, Sumpiag; brai-iag; baad embraidery. buttons. Room 10 over Miller' atora. Salma. Oreaoo, Pboae 11 T. . nrsrrsAJroB MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFB IN SU RAN 01 oaoapaay. J. O. Baleh, agoa. rooaa 8, MeOornsek Bldg. Phoao at zrnroBXBB. SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 188 8. Liberty street. Pboae tt. Oldest largest host. Established lttt. . CAPITAL CITY BTEAM LAUNDRY laality work, prompt aarrioa. (roadway. Phone 185. ttad. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH BRMRDY I Phoa tlT-W. PAXaTTTJrO OOBTTRAOTORa PAINTING AND DECORATING HI OH I eUae work far psrtleular people. L. D. I nranooa. contra at or. BOS Harta SUgb. rnon os-e. RTJRAKKT ST0CZ FRUITLAND NURSERY FINK LARGE I Stock of Italian prune tree and also ail kinds of leading; Bursary atoea. for fall delivery. Phoa 1140-M. , 181 o. xta street. COMPLETE LLVB TREES SMALL traita, rs omental. Capital City Ma. aery oo-. 2S Oregoa Bldg. Pboae Tt. nTatBXB PLUMBING KKPAIRINO AND 0011 work. Pboae 1197-J. Shop, 117 Unioa atreet. A. u. trodfrey. . . FBRFUaU AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUMB CO. BX- tracta. teilet ortielee. Mrs. JCaysa, j i7v Boats sard, psasa lis. RRSTAtTRAarTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON- able pnoaa. Jakasea-Barry, ltl S. High MOOmVB VARZeORS WA HOMO V00DLB HOUSE. Ferry. BIB SIN BOODLB HOUSE CHOP seer, 40: puffed rloe. tOet aoodle. uey, ue: puiie rin. to; triad as dies. SO. 1SB B. Lib-1 SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RR fas at all kinds remeveo. Cos sp sals eieaneo. Phone 187. STOVES AND 8TOVB REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years exporieaeo. Depot Natieaal tea eo, also s to aa taehea high Paiatta. ail aad varnishes. et locau berry aad bop books. Salem Feaoe aad Steve Works. SM Court street Pboae 134. SBooaro BtAjro ooosa SI0HE8T PRICKS PAID FOB SE00NI baad alothiaff aad shoe. Also leaamg. press in a aad re p trine. Cal: aad deliver Capital Exchaur 1471 Nerth Commercial. Pboaa 116a-w. WB BUY AMD BELL 8BOOND HAND awed of ell kind, aip flttian. har aeaa, eollsrs. oallar pods, tools aad haiaa. Fred Sehladlar. MS Ceatai strt TRAKSPOBY Al I0B PARKER'S STAGE LINES 1. W. Parker. Geaoral Nssatw Oeatrsl Stag Terminal 8sleov Orocon BALEM-BIIjVKBTON DIVISION Leaves 8alera. Coatral 8tage Termiaelj T:0O a.m. 11 :00 am. 5:00 p. at. IOave Silvertoa New Suad : 8:00 a.m. 1 :00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Relem-Iodeneedenco-Moomouth Diets io Leave 8alem Central Stag Terminal: 1 bju. P a m. II a.m. S p.m. B pja Laave afameura, woamoots uoteii 8:1b a.m. 1 p.m. 8:15 p.m. Leavaa Indeooadeaeo. Beavar Hotel I :80 a as. 10 a.m. 1:15 p.m. d p.m. 8:80' We make coBaeetioaa at Salem to U part af the valley. Extra trips Pi appoiatmsat J. W. PARKER. General Mgr. 8ILVERTON VOmVT ANGEL PORTLAND - CAM. Staaea 3ob Bouad Schedule North Bound! Rood dowa Road up Dhr. Dry. Dl. Dly. Dly. Dly No t No. 8 Na. 1 No. t No. 4 No 8 I PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM 8:00 1:80 8:00 Prtt'd 10:80 4:0 :SO :0S t:t5 10:08 Mt.Agl 8:35 1:55 :2S 8:80 4:00 10:80 Sllvt'a 1:00 1:80 ttOfll Ar. Ar. Af. Lv. Lv. IrT. Saadey ealy 0:00 pas. fat Portlaad u4aao leave Htsge T arm sal rartiaaa aaa Stoerabammor' Drug Store. Silvertoa TRAP SFBal KAU1JKB WR MOVE. 8TORB AND SHIP HOUSE bold toed. . Our epoeialty ta plane aad 'furniture moving. Wa alee stake u.ln trlna Wa haadl tb boat CO el ad wood. Call oa as for pricoa. We! give good Baaaaura, aood auality ad goo servir. usrmei- raaaaw vw. Pbaaa 030. CAPITAL CTTY TRANSFER CO. ttl State Be. Pboaa 888. Pmmaballaa. fovwardiag aad ebaraa -r apaekaisp. Got ear rats. " - ' WOOD BAWB crrrr and ooiitrt wood bawtng. ,: rbaa 308 riahor itra . , WOOD SAWING. FHONB Jllll-OITT, ewuuTTy. e.n. epio.iau - Bead the Classified 6d3 BUSINESS CARDS WATER SAL EX WATKBl I.18RT A wwis m vniea. ovi Booth cm'1 a. Tarn pawl eoat dmeoaat oa doaMati flat rate I mm t adTaaeo X doeatmms lav tr aa -I aha off yoor prom PROFESSIONAL OPTX01Ajr GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUBV 12 But artest, appMH UU aad sannil. POMEROY A) UENaWamXLna ABD iFptom eerie ta. sea Btaea. 47HIXOFRAOTORS aw. O. L. SCOTT. F.B.O. CHIROPRAO- ar. HI U. B. Baak Bldx. Phoae re. S2f-S. OSTBOFAjmOPgYRIClAJIB DR8. WHTTR AND M ARSHIUww I O. maax Bid. I DR. W. U MERCER. OSTEOPATHIA I Ptysfciaa aad sarteaa. Kirksrill fTBOa, 404-40S u. B. BaibMMl Baak Bldg. Phoao. erfOoa. ait: roa. Si. BROKER ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR-! iie l Ua foot eorrectod withonl Joes of time from yoer oeeopatioa. vrm. nan aa Marshall. U. B. Baak a leg. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTIOPATH10 rayeKtaa - aad amrgeoa. 401 444 Oro- Phaaaa. ornoa. 14; to. LODGE DIRECTORY HKITED SPANISH WAB VETERANS! vamp a. armory. First tale Mondays REAL ESTATE WANT HOUSE. ACREAGE OR BU8IN , ProP'r,.T for mod era largo hoese v m iisonTiiie, aear station ; 2 acres. 15 mile drivo rivo to rortiand. Cost t35oo I ;rcE. 1! Brow"" RirtrSf pre-war price, by owner, E. K. Brows, Rickreall, IvRH Bargain Almost S lots for $.25, whk $50 daws awa fiu per montn. TUnm iiuiiiaoun 33 ll State street S39O0 FOR THIS 5 ROOM ONE STO'RY I mode,, bouse, lot 50x100: wo It o i a tt. f irst payment tPOO SBd I bbisbco easy per month. .See L A. HAYFORD 805 StsU street FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A GOOD six room nous. Full bssemeat. ksr- Paved both streets. Comer I nninipH aao nr. rairmoBnt au-I ditioa. Also on tw ton truck for sal vnesp. fans city-saiea Lum-1 ber Co. a do. sztn. 1 DODO B13. I com R to brownsmead and look ""ib iaau ia amen-I re; sold ia small tract at reasonable f prices and easy terms. Railroad statioa and school. Or write P. O. Box 82. Brownsmesd, Oregoa. for full partic ulars. . Wood's Bargains 5 e750. Good farm well located. f 60 per acre. New bungalow, 12250. Trades Minnesota farm for- Orama. 10 room houae in Independence for ! oaiem noose, e room bouse -ia Wood- burn for Salem. Good fruit rsncb for Eastern Oregoa grain farm. Lots of ouoer property for ssla or trade. F. U. Wood. 841 Stat street. FOR 8ALE NEW FIVE ROOM BUN- aaraw; mil cement oaaement, lirepiaee, Jutch kitchen. South Salem. prie f 3a00. Small payment dowa balanea asy terms. - No troublo to show this to you. W. G. Krueger, Oregoa Bldg. Phone 317. $3O00 WILL BUY GOOD BUNGALOW. seutn. pavea, garage and la good lo cation. Ruby Purdy. 455 Court street. $1800 WILL BUY GOOD CORNER N. Liberty, l-ots of fruit. Good home. Ruby Purdy, 455. Court street. SEE ME FOR GOOD BUY8 IN REAL estste. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court street Best Buys 31 acres. 5 acres wgsns, 3 filberts; trees to plsnt 3 acres mere filberts: sll the very beat of sandy loam bottom, fair buildings. ua 88200. terms. 7 room modern: bssemeat 7 lots, fruit. shade, carline. 3SOO; 11200 cash. bslaace monthly or will trade on apart ment house. 7 room .new modern bungalow. Urge - fat basement conveniently placed, on ly 83750: SIOOV caathi or soldier loan. 8 room beautiful modern bungalow; fruit enede. o lots ; a beautiful home. On ly 84000: 12000 rash or soldier loso. 9 room bungslow, 81350; $500 rash, bal ance easy terms. 4 room modern bungslow, 11800; $500 email- halanc eaav teems loo choice rsncbes to choose froa Money to loan. Socoiofsky S4l (State A Very Desirable fl ritMfl pnmfnrf ahte eotlara nwkderai . v cept basement. ' Fine corner, close in. Brouoda and a home. Price . faatro. oee tne iteming Meaity je. 41 Slats street , Close in Acreage S acre about half bearing strawberries- Balance cultivated; good soil; small bouse. 8-4 mile from Salem. Good road. Bargain price 81400 cash. Another 10 Acres th in crop, good land, good road. Price $3100; terms $Boo down. S. R. PEARSON 210 U. a Bank Bldg. . Special To trade. 10 seres of fine land, ell in cultivation, flood 5 room plastered boose, barn, rbicken house. U mile from psved rsd. Price 82500. Want ! hoes- in Sslem. Will pay some cash difference. Thomason 33 1 H State street WORTH WHILE room bouse in good condition, city water, sewer connection: large lot bearing fruit. Fine garden. wood bona-, chicken house; 3 blocks to car line. A good home at small cost Price 81300. terms. 3 room house snd Isrge lot $350, rash. - 223 acres Ssndy loam river bottom land. Two seta of- buildings. A splendid dairy ranch. Price $16,000. Will take city property aa part payment "MILLS & COPLEY 331 Vi State atreet DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN 80 acres: 8 acres in strawberries. 4 acres et to logsna. 1922. balance in crop house, built in 1915, bam. chicken bouse. Price for a few days only loaa to be .asaumed. w. tt. trraoea- bort A Co, 275 Stat street. HAVE YOU T-.ADE FOB A MODERN house in rcodbura! Have you a farm Well located lots rar voa to choose from my iiu tw ta sou mr si Gertrude J. M. Page Realtor 492 '. Cottaze rOB SALE AT A BARGAIN TWO beautiful homes elose la. Ball block from ear liae oa pv4 street, Oa f these thoroufkiy . tarataaea. binctiy - "Unii'im llool ITA UUI 15 UOUI VrVt -A2 U. .8. rtsok Bldg. 1 - mm Tsa attattttsaa faasstfitC Adj REAL ESTATE A2TDERMB K CP ERT Sacceaaere o Lafiar A LaiUr lySCXANCK miAU ESTATE BONDS LOANS 40-T Oroawst Bldg. FOR SAL FIVE ROOM HOUSE. lota oa peeea afreet, oae block I car tia. Bearing trait trees. f3400; t00 dew a, balance oa easy terms. Write L. O. ReBtea. rome 3. SaleoB, Oregwa. Pboae 40KJI. CITY HOCSBB ClTt LOT. BUXBA mwa. .aaaoil aM tart aetoor. la I mmA lar aot: asebaaaoa an attw aad I eantry- Browa bug, ooo B-lof iek'a a FOB BARGAINS IB CITY AJCDl ooaatry arooerty. so Joseph Barber & Sons SM Gray Bldg. if bl arniia riTTTra mn nn arrr t a rooaa baagaiow lea thaa yoar ait 1 tar atOO Una I was arfarod I . tt aiao aaoata ago. Baa aaaaanaas. I Dke altehoa. elaeeto aaA atoeetaj ISlr. tuutulLr " to 3-4. Oats adranced 1-1 to 1-1 "land nroTlalona were'nnchanced to araanaP lAATt BITV .a B araa-J-taaT b I A. T E.I.K A7W M. Vk HrlVTa Dt- I galov, m4r, with food sarttfftx rr I rilZ'b V'ZLt aa of bt props, far th Beast, j wm. riemmr. 4l state atreet. . PUBLIC NOTICES Notice of the lmproTrmn of the I Alley la Block 20 of the Orlg foal Plat of the City of Ralcitt, Oregon. :' Notice ia hereby s'lven that h5 Commop Cottncil of the City of S,Km Or0D' deem u wped" lent and hereby declares Its pnr-iat pose and Intention to Improve te alley In Block 20 of the Original Plat of tha City of Salem, Oregdn, from the south line of State strelet t j tho north line of Ferry ttrert; at the expense of the il'ttltUig and adjacent property, by Lrldr-K . .v..' .'kiKJwI "" " " " int S?Jf JSZ ri wlHn which to.nd de a eix-mch Portland cement crn- . nbt crete pavement In acordance wh m a ' - ' i the plans and specifications the tor which were adopted by tae Common Council on the ttth day v.. tooo n ,., of Jan BOW on flit In th o'licfl of the uuy uecoraer ana .- . .. a convenience, and a more detailed J . ... ... ...-.. ucscripiiuu lueicui, sis ucicuj i referred to and made hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Im provement by and through the Street Improvement . Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil: EARL RACE, City Recorder. Date of flrat publication ot this I ! t.M a, 1000 j notice 18 JUne Zl. ltZZ IS HID B1ILS COHt MARKET Recovery of 6 1-2 Points Made by Mex Pet After Setback NEW ORK. June 24. To day's short sessions ot ths stock market was given over largely to two classes of securities oils and tails, other recent favorites showing neglect. Mexicsn Petroleum made an ex. treme recovery of 6 1-2 points from Friday's setback on covering which resulted from official state ments that the company's learn ings were unusually large. Pan-American petroleum con- tinned to display marked strength. as did also General Asphalt, pro- i ducers and refiners and several utucr uuiiucul iyiciu vuu uv- raesilc oils. The more general advance of rails was again led by New York Central at an extreme gain of more than two points. High grade Pacifies, grangers and cot' ton carriers also made moderate advances on purchases of a sub stantial character. Some motors and their rubber accessories were appreciably high er, but sales, equipments, copers and other leaders of the early days' ol the week moved within narrow bounds, many showing fractional declines at the close. Sales amounted to 385,600 chares. Another increase of slightly more than $39,000,000 In actual loans and discounts . carried tha total of clearing bouse loans to the year's highest level snd an actual decrease In cash holdings of J67.536.260. wiped out the previous week's large cash, re serves, leaving a deficit of $3.- 625,200, More acuta depression In J the foreign exchange market forced sterling rates three cents under yesterday's final quotation, with German marks at their low rec ord of .028 and declines of 10 to I 25 POintt IbrOUghOUt the C0nti I nnt31 ll.t FRUIT I ASW TORK, June 24. EVspo- i rated apples quiet Prunes firm. T"c" qaiet- ; PAIRTPOTATOM . rTjwv a -t .' . ' .viuau, ure., JUne 24.-- I UUttert tTlntS extras 40e: Ctlb -wrw-: So. ; - . . e i v tirsis iti'v- Bntterfat, Portland delivery: I sour' e ream: 41. v - Potitoet: Bnvlnr nrW loc!'' $ 1 Q 1.10; ulliag price .2 5 H 6(111 PIES TAKE SETBACK Rains in Middle Western States Have Bad Effect On Market CHICAGO. Jane 24. Reports rain la parts oi Nebraska and Iowa eaaaed alt grains to sf for a setback at the start of tha board of trade's abort session. There w" tenerml ,oc1 nd eommiaalOR house eellins on the better weath er conditions, although tt was be lieved that winter wheat woald be little benefitted except la the cats of very lata grain. At the finish " .t . i . - a K 3 - 4 cents lower wun JBI7 Ll ! a .nA s.M.mktr 1 Id " . 6 - S to 1.14 3-4 . Corn was Oil Z-Z W . o. o a . ' A big storm was reported la tha Canadian Northwest with heary mA .M t. I ivuvuh wav ytvirci j , em am .a vaa oi ama sections, bat this . failed to affect the market to any treat ex- tent. There waa si widening In tha Jniy - Septeraber range . today to Around 1 1-4 discount for the for mer. : Raia reoorts led to seaeral mtAt- J fog of corn and oats, with corn Pf from Mterdty'i finish the extreme low made shortly after the' opening. Support was lacking for Utne and while here was fajr r rally, pressure ln- creased on all the upturns and corn jeneraiiy showed an easy un- dertoneVttalns are not expected hv mnch effect on oata." i t0 mUCl1 . Provisions, were weak under Read ethe Classified Ads. Home' Delivery Circulation Irook North, South, East, or West and you will find the? newspapers that are the oldest; bluest and best, ths newspapers that have prospered In rood times and suc cessfully -weathered the 'storms in lean years, are the newspapers with the great home delivery circulations that are delivered direct to the home by carrier or mall. The papers that go direct to the home are read by Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, and the friends and boarders passed aroundAll the news and all the ad vertisements are carefully read, analyzed and discussed. The live wire advertisers have discovered that the home delivery circulation brings them best results. ; I V . All over America there is a great volume of cheap even ing street circulation in every ity. It Is easy to hand a newsboy a couple of pennies, grab a paper glance at the latest news and cast the paper aside .without taking: the time to read the advertisements.1 . ' .v ' Home delivery circulation gives best results. Why waste money on transient street Bales circulation. " Over 97 of the Oregon Statesman circulation is de livered direct, to the home by carrier or mail. ' 1 Salem's Home Newspaper , YOUR SUMMER VACATION ! will be much more, enjoyable if you have your home newspaper to read in your spare moments. It will keep you posted on the doings at home. ,"( r i -". DO IT -NOW before leaving on your vacation, send t?f the coupon below or telephone. 683, advising , us to sJ you The Oregon Statesman while on your vacation-' coupon ; : Name. Vacation Address. Expect to return on or about L Name Street-City THE OREGONATESMAN COUPON. .; H-ri Cti this Book ----- , for the mere nominal cost of manufacture and distri bution." One &ojxm and 79c secures this splendid new. song book, well bound and 'actually containing more than a thousand songs. . . ; " . : Present or mail to this paper three coupons with seventy-nine cents to cover cost of handling, packing clerk, hire, etc. , Add for postage: ' - ': - ' . ' , : -V . . ' . " - - ' Mail up to 150 mile3-. : ; 10c - ' j 5 . Orders up to 300 miles.- .14c For greater distances ask postmaster rate for, three pounds. . - .. V 1 .5-' , v. 20 Song Books in one. i . : " No other Song Book rubliihed so cood or an rjim- -plete aarthlaLone, - - V"f7X Yo4-AyeaV -ao Mia Bvavaae .--, IBiitu ieaSaia,liaa.AHwwB I SALEU MARKETS J BTrYTATO PRTCX8 Hay " aad Grata '. WheaV tl.04 H 1.10 ba; Mts, SO 0 AS b. - Rggs. Bettartav Battot, atilh ' Battortet, c; milk. S eeV! ' tgg. lSe; dairy batter. S3. i - ;. '--. - FoaRry Hoavy bona. SO Sit; tight beat lc; mediam. itc; roaster. lOe; broUoct i 9 to.. ' -fjvaateck lUo. 1 11.31: droaaod bog.' tie; top steers, te; v 4 4ie; tamh. So. RET AH. FRicta . - :" Bfa aad Batter ? TttU tO 33e; creamery batut 43 i 4Te: dstry hotter, to t - rortlasi Uajtr. j Prices BOCta. POULTRY.- MtXATS BUTTERFAT FIRM Number one baralaf rroam. 41 aaat I... Partlaad; aaderfrede. tt.;, t EGG C N SETTLED ' ' Current receipts, tt 30 j whlte'hea aerie 33 Sie dl'd. t These qaotatma are based aa price received rar tha bat af dsy'a taoaipts by laeal )obbre aa4 oroameriea LIVE POULTRY WEAK - Less oammissioa), heavy heas, llfllll bh as iif ! mm awwuw, , ad Red, 24 O 3i: Irtbersa 11 Q .SOr: old rooster, to roa let daeka, waltf Pekiaa, ywuac, IM1 4 eca, ta - ep. 0e. . 7-- DRESSED MEATS WEAK (L. eooualesw) Cbalc lifkf btt It p 4 Vie i aadorgradea, II u It Wet eoel. top grade. 18 dp 13)4e; aadee . IAeiATf y1' - HAY FIRM ..'..:.; (Delieerod Partlaad). Valley Timothy 818 f mo -oa ; Kaatora Ororoa Timothy 832 W 34 eaa; alfalfa. Sl e l.e too; clover 814 toa; oat and vetch 1 Q It tea; 8tuv ty.t Ha. -i s GRAIN PNCHAN0ED (Track. Partlaad) Wheat tf "t coro, 81.1S: at 83ft 81 Roatera yel low core $3830 a ton. ' , ;. v :- -riuTP,-" ';'4ft Strawberries, $1.50 0 1. 40 'erst sf eta ty eoorrieo, 8 t 14 Ibl- enrly -woaebet 8 I SO bos; apricot 81. t 1.85 vbosj ' geoseborrie, e IK 'v Na. 1 potstets. 7$ tj tie ewt t Oretet cabbage, IVi Se lb parsaloe, l lb ? Parrot. SOe doaea boachee; turnips bed boot. .SOa dose; rreoa poaa. 7 8 lb.; greca aioa35edoiea buaches. . WOOL LOW ER QUIET Coarse valley wool. 1 5 ISe; mediam SO (J ,35c;. fine V5 J SOe. ; MOTS ' r VfOPR MTEinY ) "11831 rreo oomleal at tl vt He " j - va r aoV: IS