J J (? Y EwoS Swg wwewf Thaa Of trash Ulx UMittoM) V . NIB tHk aaaaths tract, sov MilW tnlnet, pr rOR v 1MB lag- My adVetT taserttoa . So -SO iwwi In r NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY . W. II. Borghardt, Jr. Resident Agent 871 Stat St. v MONEY iTO LOAN , ' OA Kill BlUti (Over Ladd Buh Buk) 4 NEW TODAY FATROJUZE TOUR NEIGHBORHOOD grocery, 3095 Nona rifta street. WU- eo Uraeery. raeae 1S9&-J. TRADE TOUR CAH IX ON NEW. MOD- , era me room bungalow; fireplace. . JJulch - kitchen, ; full -buaement, paved . win aaii oa easy 'r or tase rar aa part payment. Berk Hendricks. 202 U. H. Bank idg. . . ..... ., . APARTMENT ZO&6-J. f , '6tt RENT PHONE I FOR BALE NEW FIVE ROOM BUN- galow; full seaeat basement, fireplace. - . lJutcb kitchen. - South Halam. Price S3&00. Small payment' flown balance aaay terms. wo trouble) to show thia ta you. W, G, Kraegrr, Oregoa Bldg. rnone ill. - , , t I WANTED 20 LOGANBERRY PICKERS. ooa picking, a. - Marshall, car - Btataauasv 'i CHERRIES WE WILL If j reefiing ' Royal Anne aa V.J. ! . rbarriea Fnday moron ; thrman wartiuuia, eon '.S441I atreeta and will roi CHERRIES WE WILL COMMENCE ad Waterhoaaa ing at Maaan- corner high and roatinne from 7 a rlork ia ' the morning .antil 7 at ; ' Bight. Biiadaya and botidara included. until the rrop ta all ta. We are pay' f lag the hignaat price in Halem aad can use any amouat yoa may aaer. Lrona Cal. 01 ace Frmt Co.. call Man . ga Broa., &4'i Btala troei, Phone 717 or 1291 k :M)00 WILL BUT GOOD BUNGALOW. ' ' aoath. paved, garaae and ia goad lo cation. Raby Pnrdy, 4&b Court atreet. ' 50O CASH THEN PAYMENTS LIKE rent will boy 8 room modern banra . . low. Dutch kitchen, laandry tray, fine '. bath, aouth. Price bzmio. ecka ' Ilendrkka, 205 U. 8. Bank Bldg. , ' ! DO YOU WANT A BARUAIN 80 ) acre) a acrca-in atrawberriea, aero at to logaav ; 1B22 ; 1 balance in , crop exrent 20 acrea of paature. : hwweo- awilt ia !, barn, .-cbickea I bouaa. Prica for a few day only ? lnaur it. 8tandly Foley, agent. ' 'loan to be aaaumeU. T7. It. Urabcn- '. korat .CW 271 BtaU atrret. 1800 WILL BUT GOOD CORNER N. V liberty. Ixta of fruit. " Good borne. Ruby Pnrdy, 455 Court atreet. t ALL KINDS OF WOOD FOR SALE big fir and oak. Id inch. Order taken for immediate or future deli eriea. C D. tjuery. Livealey Station. Pbano 77F2, . FOR SALE GIRLS Cottage. . i WHEEL. 212 8. SEE ME -vatate. FOR GOOD BUYS IN REAL Ruby Partly. $5 Court atreet. NOW IS THE TIME TO INSURE YOUR cord wood. ADO01 liC a Cora will - In. ore it. tandley , a Foley, agent, . Pbons -847. - ' W1NT HOUSE ACREAGE OR BUSIN- aa property for modern Urge house at Wilaonvllle, near atation;- 2 acrea. - 15 mile drive to Portland. Coat S35O0 ' pre-war price. All inquiriea answerU by owner. K. . K. Brown. Kickreail, rout 8. . ' ' MUST BE SOLD NEW. BUNGALOW; : modern pmmblug nnt ilifUtv al large toraer - lot. Price . S250 raiib. 'Owner loving, mtiat b sold ' soon. ' W. H. Orsbenborat A Co.. 275 ' Htaf atreet. - - . V WINTKIW. fTTKAWBERRY PICKERS. ,.W.,H. Hsrria, roate 4. bos 112 A A., 4Vs miWsaatk. oa Pscifle highwiy. Best' Buys it 'mm S 'acres lorsna. '3 filbert: trees to plant i or filbert; all he r. heat of aandv loam bottom, fair buildings. Oa macadam road. . Only 7 room modern; basement, 7 lota, fruit, shade, carlioe. 13800; 11200 cash. ' Lalaace monthly or will trade oa apart 7' room new " modern bun gataw, large .lot, baaament. conveniently placea. on ' ly $3750; 11000 eaWf or soldier loan. S room beautiful modern aungaww; iruii, .1 1. A L. m ka.ntifnl kAiti. ON- I, aaooo; SaOOO rash or soldier loaa. S room bungalow, 11250; fSOO. eaah, bat . " j 1 .vl. aiano S50O cash, balaaco easy terma. 10O choice ranches, to choose from. Monty to loaa. , ; Zii:. . I Socolotsky - --"' ' aslStat . ;A Very Desirable m ..hl Mllin Bsodera .n. k..M,i Pina corner, close in. Nice - grounds and n home. aaaoo. .Se . the- Flemina Realty Co. M41 BUte atreet. f i. - - '. A VEKT GOOD BUT-U 6 ROOM BUM . . nuulaea with eood earara eer- Ber.loL-oaat front. 11UOO. Oao fourth ' Aamm. be Ian re 120 a month. Thia u ens af aty beat props, for tne money. W Fleming. 14 1 Mat' street. Hivr vnn.l TRADE FOR A MODERN w..... i. Wandhural Have vou a farm for rood Salem property for sschsngef Well located lota -w fb ta choose feasa mv list. CUse ia houses for aale GertmdeJ. M, Page lt.sha v 401 N. Cottare EMPLOYMENT FEMALE EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED. Term la si Cafa. 115 N. High Street steady position. atALB TOOK. WANTS POSITION FOR CREW f men ar aa a larc raaek. Addrss - .VB-IS." car Btatcamaa. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED THE Htsrr Fruit Prodneta Ca. . reOSirSl tn eervieee af a nana 1 kaadl tha sals ' af their pretorrea sad ' common socb - Jaea in this territory. It is aa invest ment that abould yield about 1U'. Tkia la vonr annartuaMv ta add eab- atantially ta your income, ; For fall particulars sddreas Thomas H. Greene, -care Starr Fruit Products Co.. Kaat First A) Yamhill atreeta, Portland. Or. WANTED EWERGETte TOUNO MAN who has bad sioorteae salllaa life I lasarsae, stack ar sdvortlslag. Mar aa able aa dsvata bio oatlra tlma aad aa ambttwas far advsaeemeai. Maal I ksva the aaaraga la prsssat bsstasa I propesltiaa ta mereaaau aaa preiee ianel bmb. Aaawer ha roar ewe head writlaa. atatlag aaa. edueattoual amali fleatiaaa, taorWae as sol ic Iter, at "I at." eifovoemao e-ne MALE AND FEMALE WANTED LOOANBF.RRY PICKERS ter 43 acres af berries. Fine camp croands, V mils from street ear at ftalem Heighta. Picking starts anout . July 6th. B. Caaningbnm. phono 21 F2 WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO 7.L. I MhaeviBthaaa. A awed I prapaaltioa t lb rifht aaapla. AdHreee He factri newwima. w.e 'm : Balaav Or.. . . , J Classified Ads. in The Statesman Bring Results for; SALE mm run TOO W ART TO BR TBI BEST fans tap, asad 1& m U PmUW Hwiint Balaam. OntM, tm a three artel aaasai IHlm W ad .- roux.TXT 8ALK MAMMOTH PEKIN ft and ducklings. 1030 Cheiaeketa Phone 12SO. 1 POULTKTMKH SEED EMJUT TWO MM a teas 0 for saacial ttm aaoaths trial tor the MM u4 eldest leers) te tha weal. The ertteleo ead adver seat r af asocial lalareat ta the peultrr breedara at the NrtkffNl Manaweet fan I try Journal, ; All Ow wrcttl we... Balaam. urcae . WOOD FOOT AND Ifl INCH DRY MI I.I wood ia anv auentitj. Trace Wood Co. Phone 620. BEST GRADR MILL. WOOD 1 INCH S ft. Bad ft. Prompt deliver. Special prie aa ear lota. Wa ran make delivery aa ash. eeeoad growth sad aid rrowth fir a boat Jul? 15. Fred E. Walla. SOS Bo. Commercial. Fbaa 1642. OLD la IN. FIR. S; SECOND, A FT, Pheas 147. fa. Aib. aHSCEIABEOrjS FOR SALE 1900 OF KINGS PRODUCT in preferred and all common, rnooe 1132 J. forenoons. TOR SALE BULL DOO . PUPPIES. lao good talking parrot. ina mra and Flower 8 tore. 273 State. FOB BALE OLD NEWSPAPER. 10 eat a baadlo. Cirealatioa depaxtamaaA Oregon Btalee THE HOU8A OF HALF A MILLION aad aaa bargalao. VT bay, aaii or oxehaago nay thing aad everything tha Una of lank or leeond hand gat Bao aa oeforn yoa bay or tail, hula Voek Junk Oa Remembar O pla 40S N. Owmmarelel eH. PbM MS. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" aad alevea ether Oregoa aoaga. together with a flna eeliocttaa of patriotic eeage. eaered aoags aad many old-Urn favorites ALL FOB Saw fBDoelal arioso ia oaaatity W Especially aoaptaai far 10001. Ity at a staging. bead lor -r-i t I . . 1 o -k , me wesiern aongsier YS peg. aow la Ha third edltte. Published bv OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS S. Commercial St. ftVlem. Or. FOR RENT FLATS FOR RENT FULLY FURNISHED modern five room flat, at 66414 Fer- rr atreet. 150 a month. Immediate possession. Apply at Stateaman of fice. Mkbs 23. Rooaut FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS at Tba Cottle. 343 V W. I'ommereiai ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COST; lo ap. 412 State. MODERN ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN CeatraJly located. Must give name ana reference. AddrsasVA, ear Stateaman. ma HE NT SUITE OF ROOMS WITH trivets bath, alao Blade rooms, svev Cbemeketa atreet. Pbone 1280. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST GLASSES IN CASE, ON WAL- laea road, probably near nver. x inn er return ' to Statesman office. LOST DELTA DELTA DELTA SOROR- ity pla .with engraved name 01 yer- truds Buell. Finder pbons 1544 J. reward. ' FOUND BPITT. IMMl PURE WHITE. 1IA0 ,.L.m nn hAlHa Wltn lit. T a oeu I want him. Owner pay for this sd i-nd take dog. Phono 8. WANTED JCUCTCXAJTBOUS WANTED NUMBER ONE POTATOES. Call 424. - - OLD MATTRESSES MADE OYU Capital Ota aaaaaiaa to. s-aw WANTED TEN OR FIFTEEN SACKS of .msll Rurbank POUtOra lor aeeu. Phone 17F2. J. R. Chapman. wivTrn . L'rTr.RSBDRO NO. 1Z1 trmwberries. ccrranta Diacacapa cherries. Ward K. Richardson. s kts-tt rrmai .'ilwa TOOLS. 1 ahbaarr. atoeav aa. wui any saw - mw aefi aa eammissioa. Phaaa 111 Waadry. tks Aactiasasg. ? I ANTED mnrEnrrrstNO) IN BARD war aad raraitara. Beatprtea pale THE CAPITAL HARD FOaUfmmi 00. tSS V. Commercial Si. Paaae S47 WANTED FTJaWlTTJRJfc TOOLS, BT0 Paoaa 111. WANTED CHICKENS. E008. BUTTER. veal, hogs, lam be. muttoa. etc. n. aambar to larse or amall. aay day ia " the week. We pay beet cash prleee aad guarantee aar weight. Mr. farmer ft trial : syvf'w m , - " BUSiNESSCARDS L. . . v AU0TI0NEER iHCTIONEIB P. M. W0ODBT. TH lirasaank furaltsrs. tssi aatas aar sr. raeaa at saw saw 1610 N. Summer Auto Directory USED OARS m BALE 10,2a CHEVROLET. COM- i.L.i.1. averhaaled last mania. very cheap. Phone 1140-M. TRUCKS vna - ni t na TRAD REO TBUCI 19T1 wadaL aartecv eoaaiimw. wu trade Saw real estato. pradooa ar wH sell aa assy tonaa.- Tbht to aa asoap tussally gaad bay. " anwaamal tAaVTaTfA tal BaC DIT IBsVwaWlwl7 l ar eall. The - atA.aa " AUTO TOP- AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY gV.reat.oed. SS Saatb ISO. WOBJ BATTERY AND ELBOTBICIAE arrro electrician t expert troc hla ikMUH. Ill m. UWfc mwm- SOS. : ' ' - PBIHTO-LITB BATTEBT BBSVlOy atatiaa. Esaart battery saa wn work F arris Brea. Phase ISOE 41 TIRES AND ACCESSORIES O AOO MILE OUAnVABTaw iMioi 4aa aWawmlelaw HtlS aTBSEAl BBS Si asm aa-ap mm Tba Hydra-Taraa Tlra, far sal by Ts Park store. 12th aaa uesne. ACETYLENE WELDDXO i ipnu . RTIEI RRA8S. ll.USnUS- v Bring the piece. Ose-usa nsauag re. say rwft . .. BEAUTT PARLORS " NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY -Parlor, lift North Oummerrtal awtvaat Phaaa - - OAJtPEMTXB CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS fnraiabed free R. W. Melativo. I4U9 N. .Church. -. .-- - - a , ' 1 ' . , . . Ul BUUsaUS ClaSlUlad AOS BUSINESS CARDS CHINESE FHYSICIAJI DLUH. HUM CURES ART UOWI alaeata. US g. High JuHm IS. DXTia STORES BRSWEE DRUG OU. 0 0OUMT Pbone 184. CARPETS AND FLUFF EUQS CARPET AND RUO WEAVING PHONE belore 9 am. Phono 84F21. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weava flaff ruga made out of old car- peta, nay length or wldta yea desire. We alao re fit. re-aow aad eiao earpata. Feather raaavatiaa and mattraaa ateam- ing aad re making. Balem Carpet Cleaaiag aad Fluff Rag Worka. Paoaa I1M. ELEOTElOIAJtS SECURE MT FIGURES ON WIRING By oaa tract, by bear At pro-war prlcea. H. tt. W. Hal tea. paaae 1202J. ruxjaraxE host it ax. FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Reiiaiaalag aad aahalatartag apoetaity. Pboao 174S. Browa i Gravea. 1201 Baath Cammareial. FXNANOIAI. MONET TO LOAN ON FARM LAND. L. A. Bayf ard. SOS State atreet. MARION-POLR COUNTY FARM LOAN atioeiation ha money to man at 5V4 aereeat. W. D. Bmiva. aeeretary-treaa- OB Balaa Baak of Ciommarea. SO TEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pro-payment pro via tone a! lowed. Wo will finance you for a leai rat of interest than any firm an tha ooaat. Private moaey to loom oa oltkor lty eoaatry pro party. R. W. Marsters All Orcgoa Bldg. GREENHOUSES CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery. Halem Greenbousea. Retail store, 123 N. Liberty. Greenhouse. Market road. Pbone 380. Ladies' Wearing Apparel KSXftTTTOEIKO MRS.- BRECKINRIDGE HEMSTITCH lag, mall orders solicited. 17S m. ltth. Pboa 174 M. 1QLLINEEY BATS FROM SI UP Or mam. SIS Court St. MRS. a A. DREBSA1AJEINO RUTH MeADAM8 DRESSMAKER. South 12th. Pboa 1824 M. Tia CARRIE FI8HER DRESSMAKING, design tog. Spencer sorasU a wrdar. S McOoraaek Bldg. THE ADSITTi sKl PREPARED TO da aay aad all klads of ladle' toller tag, for aid and aow enatomora. SIS N. 12th St. Phase 1085-R. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER 1710 Be I leva St. HEafSTXTOHUrei "NEEDLEWORK SHOP" ALL KINDS of fancy work and hemstitch lag done 121 8. Commercial street. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. pleating, battoas. stampiag aaa aeedie- wark. sap ursgaa mag. , rnone siev MRS. a E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING Petal uln: brauHna: head embroidery. battoas. Roam 10, over Millar' store. Salem, Oregoa. Phone 117. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. O. Balch, agent, ream S KeOornaek Bldg. Pbone aa. - LAUNDRIES 9ALEM LAUNDRT COMPANT. 1SS 8 Liberty atreet. PBeae so. maeae largest heat. Eatabliahad 11SS. I CAPITAL CITT 8TEA1I LAUNDRT - quality work, prompt sarvlca. 1114 Broadway. Phono 166. KBDIOAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REM IDT Phone 117 W. - PADTTUrO OOHTBAOTORB 1 1 t PAINTINQ AND DECORATING HIGB elsss work for s articular people. L. D Braadoa. contractor. 16A North High Phone 645-J. NTJEJtEET STOCK FRUIT LAND NURSIB FINE LARGE stock of Italian prune trees aad alat ail kiada 01 leading anraery stack for fall delivery. Pkoas 1140-M. 161 8. 14th street. 0OMPLETB LIME TREES SMALI fralta, araamenUla. Capital CUy Nar iery ce 421 Orgaa Bldg. Pbons 75 PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COn work. Pkoas 1107 4. Shop, lit Dams street. A. L.. ooarrey. FERrUafJt AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME 00. CI tracts, toilet article. Mr. Mayer 1 70 South IBrd. Paaae 1114. RESTAUaUUrXS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able prie. Jokasea-Barry. lit High NOODLE PARLORS ATA HOMO K00DLB H0U8B. Ut Ferry. BIX BIN M0ODLB HOTSB CHOI easy, 40: paffsd rica. to: aaadls 10s; trtad noodles, sue. lv s. ua SOAVENQEES 4ALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE RE fas af all kiada remavad. Qasipsow cleaaed. Pbone 167. STUDIOS E LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF forest la pbotawrnaav. 147 N. Cam 'I STOVES AND STOVE EEPAIEIM0 4TOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years xperteace Depot Nstieas feaca, slies 21 ta 11 laehas higi Pslata, ail sad varalsW. , Wear berry aad bop beaks. Salem Feaee aad Stove Worka. Saw Cwart atreet Phaaa 114. BXOOMD SAND OOODS TISH EST PRICES PAID FOR 8EOON1 band sloth lag aad a hoe. A lea d sleaalag, prssalag sad repalrtng. CaP sad deliver Csttal Eickangs. S41 North CammawinX Phaaa H6S-W. VB BUT AND SELL SECOND HANI goads af ail kinds, pips tlttlags, bar sees, eel I are. collar pads, tools aad chains. Fred Bebladlar. SIS Canter atreet . TEAN8PO STATION PARftik S STAGE LINES I. W. Parker. General Menaces' Oeatral Stage Terminal Salem. Or sawn 8ALKM-8ILVEKTON UIVIBlU.t fases Salam, Central Stag Terminal: 7:oo a. as. 1 :DO tn.a:w P-m. Leaves Rilvertaa News Staad: 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p at. 8a!am-Iadereaden-e-MAa month Divisasa Leaves Salem Caatrat Stare Terminal: 1 a a. a am. it a. as. a p.m. a mjm. Laavaa Mamaara, Maamta natal 1 1:15 a.m. 1 pas. 6:15 p.m. favaa Indaneadeaeak. Baavar Hotel t :30 a.m. 10 a.m. 1;1S p.m. 4 p.m. 8:10 Wa make eon aeetioaa st Salem ta an parts af tka valley. Extra trip ay appointment t W. PARKER. Oaaarai' Mgr. Classified Ads; in The Statesman Bring Results V BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAX, BENRT LEE PIANO, mi a. Capital. PI 1817 W. M18S MABLB EHEraXXD PIANO SA1 N. puyar; d; all Liberty. BAXEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AU araackao taaght. dtpmm.a graatad John hV. Bitea. dtraetot. 12S1 Cowra. Pbawa a. RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING 12 leaaaaa a-uaruataad. Waterman III urn. F. B. Clark. Mgr., MeOoraack Bailding. TUNE JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER MoareJuaa 0. Raproaaautlva of Bbarmaa CUy Co. Phwao S0. EDWARD plana WELP EXPERIENCED wui'a Mnaia Bvaro. tall man piano repair shop Taalag. raflaiahiiig. robaildlag; player piano expert. Pkon ISIS. Ill BwaU Commercial DAEOUf PRIVATE daaeea. LESSONS Mr. Whit IN ALL LATE Pbaao 171 J MUSIO STORES GEO. G. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, aewlag mackiaea, aheat maaie. and Plana atadioa. Repair lax baa grapha aad aewina lack la aa. 41 Bute. Balea. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY A) CO. PIANOS Hteinwaya, Duo-Art and othrra. Moore 'a Muaic liooae. 415 Court atreet ad Maaoole Temple. TRANSPORTATION H1LVERTON MOr-VT ANGEL PORTLAND C. A) M. MagM Souht Bound Schedule North Bwaai Read dowa Read up Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. No S No. S No. 1 No. S No. d No 6 PM. PM. AM. A.M. P.M. PM. 6:00 1:10 8:00 Prtl'd 10:10 4:00 S:SO 1:05 1:15 10:06 MuAgl 1:16 1:55 S:15 1:10 4:00 10:10 SUvt a 1:00 1:10 S:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Sunday only 1:00 p.m. fm. Portlaad Stages lsavs Stags Tsrmiaal Portlaad aad Steclehammer'a Drag Star. SUvortoa TRANSFER BAX7LXNO WE MOVE, STORE AND BH1P BOUBE bolii goods. Our spoetaity ta aiaas aad furuiturs moving. W alao mak country uipa. Wo handle ths best osal aad wood. Call oa na for pricat. W give good measure, rood quality aad good servioo. Larmer Traaafe Oa. Pboa S0. CAPITAL CITY TRAN8FER OO. 110 BUM BL Phoa 011. Dmtrfhattag. forwardisf aad alarags amr spoetaity Oat oar rates. WOOD SAWS CITT AND 0VUNTRT WOOD AWUTQ Pboao 2046. Fisher Bros. WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1111. CITY. country. Ed. 8proed. WATER 8ALEM WATER, LIGHT A TOWER CO. Office, 101 BoaU Com I St. Tea per coat diaoount oa domeatie flat rates paid ia advaacs. No dedaetiaas for absence ar aay cease aalesa watar at abut off your promisee. PROFESSIONAL OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BT DR. L. R. BUR dstt st the Bow Optical Oompasj, 121 State atreot, appoaita Latd aad Bash Bank. POMEROT A KEENE JEWELER ANP Optomatriata. 188 State. CHIROPRACTORS DR. 0. L 8C0TT. P.8.0, CHIR0PBA0 tor. 414-19 U. 8. Baak Bldg. Pbeai 7; rea. S2S-R. OSnOPATHXOlOTSIOIAKB ORE. WHITE AND MARSH ALL.-VO O. B. Baak Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phyiielss sad largeaa. Kirkivfllr grsdusts, 404 405 U. 8. National Baak Bldg. Paoaa. office. BIB.- rea. 614. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR- mitiei at th fast eorrseicd witbont lots of tlms from your occupation. Dra. White sad Marshall. U. B. Baak Bldg. OR. JOHN L. LTNCH OBTEOPATHlt Pbyiieiaa sad lorgeoa, 401-404 Ore Sua Bldg. Pboa as, afflca. 1194; raa Fl. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERAN Camp S. Armory. First third Monday REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS AT six per cent in amounts of S50UO r more. 33 yeara time. Want listing of good modern banra low af five or six rooms. South aa leu. preferred. Moat coat less thsn 13.500. A C. BOHRNSTEDT 107 Maaonic Temple , Salem 13900 FOR THIS 5 ROOM ONE STORY modern bouse, lot 50x100; sjs it to like it. First payment tOOO and uaiance eaay per montn. ree L. A. HAYFORD 305 Stats atreet FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A GOOD sis room bout. Full basement, gar are. Paved both streets. Cornet Waahingtoa and Fir. Fairmonnt ad dition. Also one two ton truck foi sale. Cheap. Falls City-Satem Lam ber Co, 349 So. 12th. Phone 813. COME TO BROWNSMEAD AND LOOK nt the best beaverdam land in Ameri . ca; aold in amall tracta at reaeonabi price and aaay terma. Railroad atation and school. Or write P. O. Box 12 Brownamesd. Oregon, for full partie ulars. WORTH WHILE 1 room houae. garage, 2 lota, beeriay fruit. Price 11201. SmaU dowa pay menu Balance 111 per month. 7 room houae. bath, electric Iithts. aa rar line, frice visoo; 1300 aaws. balance 115 per month. t3 Vm acrea. ealv two miles from Sal 7 acres Dearinr pruaea. a acres eaer rict, spples sad English walnut, all ia besriBE om berries. 8 room house water aystem, barn and chicken bouses. Price 7WMl. MILLS COPLEY , ism State street Good Buys room new modern house and garage 2 blocks from Slate atreet. A fine bar for 13650. We bar a anap ia a new boose, partly finished, one Block to car una. etreei will be paved thia sunnier. -Price 11400: V, cash. 5 room houae; a bsrgaia far 1150 Terms juat like rent. 7 room plastered, mod: eucept base eent. an rar l:a. Mere right in ter 11800; yoar own terms. For exchanges of any kind sea Thomason - - 331 8tst street W6od's Bargains seres. $750. Good farm well located. AO ner acre. New hnnralow. 12350. Trades Minarsota farm for Oregoa. 10 room houae ia Independence for Rata tuM-.e. a room bouse -in Weed burn far fiaiem. Goad fruit ranch for r : J. mm - I A. .f ohr . oroofrtT - for aAl rtrada.- 'F. - Ll Wood. . 34 1 Stat street. . Read the Classified v Ads REAL ESTATE ANDERSON A RUPERT Oft la Laflar A Lafiag INSURANCE . REAL tSTATE BONDS LOANS 40d T Oruoa Bldg Trades 26 acre farm, well improved, good baild- tnaa. aad vauipateat, row aad chickeea. On Pacific highway, ouih. Price S55u0. Will trad for on ta ta acrea close to Salem, with or without buildia ca ll arre farm, well located, all under ral- tivaiKkB, amall houae; w-il equipped; boraaa. cow. S37VJ. Will trad for aoaaa and lot ia Salem. 'Winnie Pettyjohn 831 4 State aueet CITY HOUBES C1T1 LtTB, NUNGA low a, amall aad large aaraaga, clooo at aad far Ofcf; oacbaagao la city aad eoaatry. Bmwa A aiagaa, over Baa ck avara aaato aad Commorital. Phon SIS. FOR BARGAINS IN CITY AND eoaatry pre pert, tea Joseph Barber & Son. SOU Gray Bldg. fOR SALE AT A BARGAIN TWO beautiful homea eloae in, half block from car hue on paved atreet. One of ikcae thoroughly furnished. Strictly modern. Square Deal Co. 202 U. a Bank Bldg. -K. HOME BUYER. tOO OAS BUT A s room baagalow leas taaa a year aid far &00 less Una I was affsred far tt aiaa BMsthi ago. Has baaamant, Dutch hitches, cloeet aao sleeping perch. 11000 wiU baadla re. it -iav. Ill Laffalla COZY THREE ROOM HOUSE. 11200; 1100 down will kandle. Heyser-Foilrich System Main Floor Terminal Bldg. Good Buys New bongalow, modern in every way, on paved street 6 blocks out. Pries 14800. 11500 down will handle. 7 room bouse with modern conveniences. Good parage, located 8 blocks cot. Price 1350O. 6 room house, close in on Ferry imet. Price 13000 carh, 8 room house in good condition on S. High atreet. large corrn-r lot. Price $3600. 320 acres, 00 acrea in fall wheat. 20,000 cord of standing timber; old Lnilding, located 10 miles sooth. Price S(S5 per arre ; terms. Real Estate and Fire Ineurance W. H, Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street Close in Acreage .1 acres about Half bearing strawberries Balance cultivated; good soil; small bouse, 3 4 mile from Salem. Good road. Bargain price 11400 rash. Another 10 Acres 111 in crop, good land,- good road. Price 12100; terma $80 down. S. R. PEARSON 210 U. 8. Bank Bldg. $150 DOWN BUYS A PRACTICALLY new five room bungalow, bath and toilet. Heyser-Follrich System Pbone 1000 Special room home, furnisned: pavea street, only 1 block north of State atreet. It'a a bargain for 10300., Thomason 831 4 State street LET US SHOW YOU ONE OF THE finest homes ia the city at s tarriht-e. Heyser-Follrich System Phone 1000 EASTERN OREGON FARMS WANTED to list. I -have client going to Eastern Oregon to buy n ranch. List with me at once. Ben F. West, 370 H State street. FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM PLASTER- ed house, lot 8090. Close in. Price S-3300. Oood terms. Kruecer, Orecon Bldg. Pbone 217. PUBLIC NOTICES Notice of the Improvement of the Alley in Block 20 of the OHr inal Plat of the City of Salon. Oregon. Nitlce is hereby given that he Common Council of tbs City of SaKm, Oregon, deems it exped ien; and hereby declares its pur pose and intention to improve the alley In Block 20 of the Original Plat of the City of Salem. Oregon, from the south line of State atreet tt the north line of Ferry street. at the expense of the a' ulting and adjacent property, by liring- inc said alley to the established grade and paving said alley with six-:nch Portland cement con cretn pavement In acordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the Common Council on the nth day of June. 1922. now on tile In the office of the CUy Recorder and which, for greater certainty and convenience, and a more derailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to malre the above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the CUy of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil: EARL RACE, C ty Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice is Jnne 21. 1922. HOT WAVE MAKES WHEAT MOVE IIP Heat in Central West and Lack of Rin in North west Causes Advance CHICAGO. Jane 22. Wheat moved upward in price today, ow ing more or less to predictions of a hot wave in the. central west and because of need of rain north west. The market closed firm. half to 1 1-2 toet . higher, with July 1.12 3-4 to 1.12 7-8 and Sep tember .1.14 7-S- to 1.15. corn gained 3-8 to 7-8 and oats 5-8 3-4c. Provisions finished an changed to 2-1-1 lower. Hiehest price of the day in the wheat market was attained after the issuance of an official fore cast pointing to higher tempera tures over wide territory with hut little moisture probable tonight or tomorrow. Further crop damage from heat was apprehended, ther mometer registering 112 in the extreme southwest yesterday. Complaints of lack of rain in Ne braska, South Dakota and Canada tended to emphasize bullish senti ment which was also influenced somewhat by mention of black rust in Minnesota. Uotslp was current too that as a result of farm organization con trol, the usual harvest pressure to sell might be less evident this year than heretofore has been the rule Broadening out of the trade in corn and oats also was of assis tance toward higher prices for wheat. Corn ascended to the uppermost quotations reached in some time. Demand was based largely on live lihood that if dry weather contin ued, the corn crop would suffer. Assertions that the oats yield was already certain to be short accep tance from numerous traders. STOCK MARKET T Mexican Petroleum Causes Sensation in Last Half of Day's Session NEW YORK, June 22 The stock market was thrown into an other spasm of excitement dur ing the last half of today's other wise uneventful Besslon, the fur ther meteoric r'st of Merican Pe troleum, adding to the demorali zation of the shorts in that spec tacular issue. After an early reaction of 3 1-2 points and a rally of 4 points 'Mex Pet' suddenly became furiously active in the fourth hour at an extreme advance of 11 points to 1. From this level it fell back 6 points but quickly rebounder. cloning at 13 1-2, a net gain of 8 1-2 points and a total of al most 40 points since last Satur day. Rails of the speculative as well as investment grades, registered extreme gains of 1 to 2 points. The stronger transportat'on in eluded Southern Pacific and Bal timore and Ohia, New York Cen tral. Chesapeake and Ohio, New Hawen,l and jNgw Orleans, Texts and Mexico. ' ' Studebaker manifested a ds position to regain its loss of the previous day, but the extensive turnover resulted in a net gain of little more than one point. Sev eral of the automobile subsidiar ies, including rubber tire issues. reflected constant pressure. Sales amounted to 900,000 shares. Call loans opened at the recent minimum rate of 2 3-4 per cent but rose to 3 per cent at noon sand 3 1-2 per cent in the last hour. Aside from 30 to 90 days money, wh'ch was obtainable at 3 3-4 per cent, the money market was in no perceptible degree in fluenced by the lowering of the re-discount rate by the local fed eral reserve bank. Foreign exchanges developed mora reactionary tendencies. Sterling demand bills at 4.42 were off lc and at the lowest fig ure since the first week of this month. Declines of 4 to 7 points were made by French, Italian and Belgian bills, German marks were increasingly heavy, and every im portant neutral center was lower by 3 to 7 points. FRUIT NEW YORK. June 22. Evapo rated apples firm; state prime to fancy 16 3-4 to 18 l-2c; prunes. apricots, quiet. Peaches steady. HAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND. Ore., June 22. "Butter: Prints extras 40c; cubes,! extras 35c; prime firsts 34 l-2c. Butterfat. Portland delivery: Xo. 1 sour cream. 41. Potatoes: Buying price locals. $1; selling price 1.251.50. Tillamook County Town To Have Better Water Cloverdale, in Tillamook coun ty. is to have a replenished muni cipal water supply. An application for authority to appropriate two second feet from Ray creek for that purpose has been filed with the state engineering department by Charles Ray. Other new appli cations on file are: By William Young of Prairie City, covering the appropriation of water from Indian creek for irrigation of 40 acres in Grant county. By Charles B. Aral, of La Grande, covering the 'construc tion of the Oral reservoir for the storage of water from springs for irrigation of eight acres, at a cost of $1000. By Wendel if. Burleigh, of En terprise, covering the appropria tion of water from Joseph creek for Irrigation of 20 acres in Wal lowa county. - , ' " By William Carter, of Lakevlew tot covering the appropriation vivt ; i ... . . . . - 10WS SPASM ter from a swsle for irrigation of 40 acres in Lake county. By Prank C. Preston of Jack sonville, for the appropriation of water front Squaw lake and Squaw creek for storage in the Squaw creek reservoir, to be used for ir rigation of approximately luoe acres In Jackson county. . By II. H. Wyatt of Eugene, for the appropriation of water from Deer creek for irrigation of . four acres in Lane county. By E. A. Adams, of Grandview. covering the appropriation of wa ter from Metolius river for irriga tion of 19 acres in Jefferson coun ty. By S. F. Clyburn of Hornbrook Cal., covering the appropriation of water from Beaver creek for placer mining purposes in Oregon. By Margaret Wade, of Cove. Union county, covering the appro priation of water from a spring for irrigation of a four-acre tract land for domestic water supply By II. S. Shangle. of Milton. covering the appropriation of waste water for irrigation of cer tain lands in Umatilla county. By Irma C. Mehrling. of Falls City, covering the appropriation of water from Waymire creek tor irrigation of a 10-acre tract in Polk county at a cost of approxi mately $400. By Arthur L. Holland, of On tario, covering the appropriation of water from Snake rivet; for. ir rigation of 40 acres and for do mestic use in Malheur county. By.W. Hj Cox, of Goldson. cov- ering the appropriation of water from an unnamed ' tributary of Long Tom creek for irrigation of 40 acres in Lane county. By Herman G. Meyer of Lake creek, covering the approptiation of flood, excess and return waters for irrigation of IS seres in Jack- son county. - Not Kncouraging I would like to get another suit." said Slowpay. '"l am pay ing attention to an heiress and "Paying attention, hey?" raid Home Delivery Circulation Look North, South, East, or West and you will find the newspapers that are the oldest biggest and best, the newspapers that have prospered in good times and suc cessfully weathered, the storms in lean years, are the newspapers with the great home delivery circulations that are delivered direct to the home by carrier or mall. The papers that go direct, to the home . are read . by Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, and the friends' and ' boarders passed around all the news and all the ad vertisements are carefully read, analyzed and discussed. The live wire advertisers have discovered that the, home: delivery circulation brings them4estr2'sult;.7i-:v rsri .1 ... - v-, . .-. h,;0, a B A w m a A a !..J..H Ail over America mere is a ing street circulation in JBVery city. ; It. Is easy :-to hand a newsboy a couple Of pennies, grab a paperr-glance tit the latest news and cast the paper, aside Wit hout- taking the J ilniA tn enori 4 Vi a)naeillamsnts t.i . ; . time to read the advertisements. Home delivery circulatioii r on transient street . . i rnoney r rm J 'a . i ' uver y vw 01 ine .uregon oiaiesman circuiauon is oe livered direct to the hotne by carrier ?or!mail ; Salem's Home Newstiaper YOUR SUMMER VACATION will be much more enjoyable if you Jiavecyour home newspaper to read in your spare' moments. It will keep you posted on the doingj at home. - :-t M DO IT NOW before leaving on your vacation send us the coupon below or telephone 583, advising us to send you The Oregon Statesman while on your vacation. COUPON : ' d v aaa inimiinniii aa as Vacation Address Expect to return on r about.. . Name -- Street . ..,. City THE OREGON STATESMAN BOOK OF A THOUSAND SONGS COUPON -if- .1-' How ItvGet , for the mere nomirH cost of rfJi8jfJt bution.; One coupon 79p secures iP,e" song book, well an and actually containing more than a thousand : tonga, , ! Prpoant or ail to this paper three coupons with seventy-nine fc3 to cover cost of handUng,. packing, clerk, hire, s1 .1.. . ' .. i ; . . Add forPosUge: - . ' ; jjail up to 150 miles- , " llOc r r Orders up to 300 mfles-! -14c for greater, distances ask postmaster rate for three, . SO Song Books In one. , : : ,";, ? - t No other Song Book published so good or so com-- I pjete s this one ths' tailor scornfully. -Wall. lf? yoa are ' as slow paying that as yc are, paying my bill, ysur wed- disg will be chronicled. "Another Octogenarian Married. Boston Transcript. : SALEM MARKETS atiVTnrt iTcri lay and Grata ' ' ' Wheat. H Oi t.ltt be; Oat, 80 4 AS a. - - Eggs. Batterfat, Battr. aZUk Better.!.- sac; mil. l.a cwt ; eggs 17 !; dairy batter S at lc Poultry Heavy beae. HI a tin light ka 16c; medium, lie; roosters. 10; br04 IS 10. . Xdvastack Hag. tU J lt.ao; debased bag I4e; tap steer. . eaw. H. "' RETAIL PRICES Eggs aad Setter Frts. tO W - I: eroamery battH 41 (a 47 ; dairy batter. IA S6. t 1 PortUnd Borlnx tricca ROOR. POtTLTET, MEATS) BCTTERFAT FIRM Member aaa ebarniag cream. 41 aaa Uh, Portland ; audergradee. SSa, - men i:.!Etti..d Current receipt. 19 O SOc; whit hea series 2 e ale dl'd. iThea aaatalwas are baaed oa area received for tha bob af day's receipts by Meal Jabbers a4 creemcriee ) LIVE POULTET WUK Us oommissioa), heavy boas, tl 0 S2 b.; da light 11 t? 17a; broilers, RM and Red. 14 u 2Je; tegnorna n f wi aid roosters, la seats: decks, .a-hlt Peklna, ysang, 14 tj Hie; aid sacks, ia ta 20c. DRESSED MEATS WEAK f (Loss eemmleal) Chete light bags 11 J lSfc; aadergrsdr, 12 J llvact veal top grades, IS 9 Utti grsdS VfcA.-X HAT FIRM (Dvllvvred Portland), Valley Timothy $19 ar- SO ton ; Ksatera Oregoa TimotV. 123 24 tan; alfalfa. 114 ht 14 Ml toe; clover 114 tea; oat aad vetch 13 IS tan; atraw. IS t . . ? RAIN UNCHANGED (Tra-k. Portlaad) Whest S1.0S O corn, 11.1.1; aata $31 ft 17; Eaatera yel low corn $21.10 a ton. . -,:,., FROXT Strawberries. $1.&0 r 1.S0 rrata; esa lv cherries. S 14e lb; early poarbet $1.60 be; aptieots $1 O 131 ba geaaeberries, 4 f Sc lb. VE0ET ARIES Na.. 1 patataie, IS tl Sc cwt J Oresw rsbbage, S4 (J Se lb; psraatpa, le lb J rarrota, 50e dotea boachea; ternlpa 4 beets. i0 dosea; tree a peas, 1 41 St lb.; gra a eaioaa. 2&c deaea earbes -WOtll-LOWER, HVIKT - -Coarse vallev wool, 15 f l; atediaat 20 Sr 25c; tine 25 .80o., ' v - HOP - HOT STEADY . - s 1921 Crop nominal at ll.fl He.' great .vojume .01 pneap;eyen- t, gives best rcsUs.JVVliy waste i ales circulation; '? V1. iU t l-i a L. ir 'ir 1 i J. ' art fa - , i . Af - i" J-a' l. sihi ... TjbliyBf g .. . . t7 ;; ' a i a a m a a a aei'rV1 " mmm J r - I i a