THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALE? IT- OREGON; SUNDAY -MORNING. JUNE 18." 19 TO t tint aaanal Jane .-Jsbii raj aesday oveatng. Jane 20ta t ihel chareta, beginning at 1 fhfk; .We wmM , lice to see every wabw a ad i friend of the rhnrrh there. Prayer ai raw tmm s TharaOsv nnut all 0 e'rlocv..' A antea fkiklm'a say prw-1 grass will b gives oa Kamdrnj eveuiag j Jia Ij. at b a rtwk ta e i,tBerty street r.vaoye-tical rfcmn-a. r- ,... k M3S Xartk-'TruiUr atresia T:SO, A very rardiar jnvitstioa . u ? tiieaded to- all. -.-- . - i St. METHODIST '. rirnl Methodist Kpiseopsl State Bad 'fcnrrh street. Blame K. Kirkpatrich. in ii tor. Haas mwiinf D'U J Littler, annerintend.nt. k .nact.l hlldrea a day program will be presented t the Bandar school hoar, with all ha departmaats meeting together la lha wr-h auditorium.' Many features- et nterest ara promised aod Urge attend nrt la exported. According to tho ataal atom, sa offering will . be taken for ha fund, which ia available far werthv tr1t 4n .tttoII loan to ait eSm la finishing their college - edneatioa. At tk aioraUir service at 11 o'clock,, "the spirit of ChiUlren'e-day will be con tinued la a special sermon hy tho pastor, which will contain features of iir( to children aa wad aa the alder folk There will bo baptiam af infanta and xaceatioa of ew ambtn. Ail i are cordially, iavited to make thia Children's day memorable' ia the history ef-'tho church. Epworfh WfTie - services held t 1 o'clock, the first chapter meet Ins ia the Leag-ae room, cd the aeeend mad third fnarttenr-ln -Wpworth haft. Kvcn- OLE SOEJiRflOKSTOOt Used Cars Oh Commission 173 Liberty St. Ssiii'dtJsfedC Writer lac aewesa - 8 o'eloek. The pattor is l't a series of addroaaea oa the Writ- iaaa ! t. J oh aadr has a - aieaaaco for Uar day. The aeraaoa for toatxkt wiU he second ja the series, tad .will be oh i tko sbeet "The Moat Remarkable Goa-i peL" .AU ara iaritod.. The third of the aanaa win aw cive next Tharradar eeei iac at the prayer aar.irl. aa the Eoiatlea CenUr Street llethodiat Xorth 13th aad Canter atreeta. Oeo. K. Rooder. aiia- ater. MaMiy ickwl 1 o-m. Knrliah and uertaaa classea. ' Preaehinf somee 11 IB the eTeainVa at 7:30 the women's Jforelra Missionary sor.ietf will render a missionary procraa to which all ara inyued. ; - CHJUaTIAjr SCIESCC -'firat lharrh 44 Cheaaeketa Sand ay araa( '. mfini at . 1 1 BabieeS of tesaoo aOraeu : "la h 1 ni- yersa, ineludiita; Man, tfyolved by Atowie Korea." aaday sekooi at V;j a. Wedneoday eyralnf teatiiBoaial mestiag al a . Marl. reoaa, zu ataa- oaie Temple, i - Upen every day .except holiday d aad Sunday a from li:u o S :3Q pja, ' All . sre rordiallv inrited to oar STTicea aad to Oar reading, loom. SPrRITTJAxill ' Soiritaaliat Cnurch Serricea oterr SoDdsy at 14AO Broadvay at 8 jn. IL C Gordo. . minister. Lectaro tshifct 'Ye Afaat Be Borm Afain. ' AU weJ- e. o adiaisan. Scandinhyian . Motaodist Episeopal Fllteoath . and at ill streets. UarieV C. Haaaei. pastor. Saaday Jano 18,. morn inn aery ice at 11: bob. and Maaday school at 1Z. Eveoinr -aerrira at 8 o'clock. frayer meetinf and Bibio study Wadaes-1 vm day erenioc 8 o'clock. Wo w&l be (lad vn w aa.e j mm witn. as. Internationsl Bible Students' Assoeis- tioa. Kmi eeery Sunday ia aha Derby Hall, earner Oourt aad Hirh streots, va aaira. for Bible study. Hoars, from 10 to 1. . Fimiie always , weicsmn at these services. - -rts.--'-- BAPTIST ' ' Tit BsMiat Widiaaa T. Uillikrn. D.U. ftaar. At Ikt nanny the Bihie arbool will hold . fts anaoal Cha drow'nV day oieariaea. Kdward Scheuke the aoprrintendent. At eie. mora iax wohiB aa aaal. - ermoa Th Ap ple of Hia - tye." Eveainr worsAip- at . - Thin servire -will-fee iost aa hoar Ion. Saraaonr "The Man Who tiraspvd His OpportaBity," - B.T.P.P. - at f P at. Theme 'Bltrrstiac Coatentmeat." The pastor- eondorta a Bible rlaaa stadyinc 1 Peter, chapter ;2. from 7 to 8. All oeer - yeenn- peonle'a aocaeties . are - are weloomed. One of the' daily acatioa Bible schools will be held 'in tfeis rharch. .a is Eliiabeth Horr will be DrinrtpsL This school will bo aader ' the saperia- tendance af City Saperiateadeat hZelis. Tka work kecias ' bland ay. XTAKGCXJSTIO 8EB VICES "Grace" Tent has been Blsced n tho 1'nivcTBrtT " rronnda. Sunday seryices (.at 11. 1:30 and 7:45. also every week nirbt except Monday at 8. : The eampalga - is an interchvrch mo.renient. and to cooperation ot air is desired. The Rev. C. li. Coo! tea of Berkeley. Cat. is ia charre and the speaker will bo Dr. -Rowland Kdwardm. preacher, lectur er and Bible teacher. AftT-noon Bible co&fracea - will a&a j be srraartd . asJ duly ssaoanced in Ue prest. ' ' TJSTTAEIAir ' Csitariaa - Osttace -and - Chamskets sfreets. H, Mim Fereahetiaa, win-i.iee.- Choreh-aalawil at Ju.aJL .Graded infraction, Ciais for nduhs eoada-ted by tho minister. Dvotioaal seyrtree at It Kuhject of . the aeraawa "T1m Hoaat of Vitfa." Mrs Halite Hinra Will sine ilr.,"W.' A. Denton -at the organ. , v LUTHXBAJT ; Lntheraa Esut. Stale aad Eifhuenth Street, ueo. . Koebter,, paator. ' Snnd.iy arbool -ot- 9:4 bjbu - Proachin nervirO' tOermaal at 1$:45 a.m. The pastor will apeak a 'The Marks of Trwe Christian." Evening service (Rngluh) t 7 :3w p.m. ' On Wednosdav at H a.m. open irk aerviceof th InAma eoafer aore. which meets . with the Christ yn ereestieB. The Kev. J.iB. Cronak will preach tho sermon. On Friday at 7:0 MistioB service, the. Rev. H. T. Wittrock. sad Rev. - W. P. Schmidt . will preach. :. Everybody ' ia welcome. .... - . . ..'. . Ki, i It 1 now claimed by s experts that ! honeymoona mre "enjoyed by lish. ' Probably by. the . sucker va riety. 1 ...... , a letter daA wfitfe mJze V 7S777 tZZT') And a gookVe AnT i . . - for-3 cents a day . . , ' :' kli ' CORlftlERCIAL BOOK STORE A roer on "Why 1 eveaing he- will '- :r :::p CORDS r , t . . .. . . ' 'nnaaanamaae11' Here are the prices. Come in and let us show you the quality: ZOxZVs Clincher Cord.: 20x3Vr2 31x4 . 132x4 .....$12-50 S. S. dord. 15.00 S. S. Cord., j '250 S. S. Cord. 28.40 S. S. Cord. 9.40 S. S. Cord.;.. 340 33x412 S. S. Cord 35.60 34x412 S. S. Cord6.50 C3x5 S. ; Si ,CbrdJ 45.60 25x5 S. S. Cord... 46.90 33x4 32x4l2 PORTAGE TIRES If you need tires an4 want good tires arid are open iori a saving, come in now. v Fabric; 30x3' Clincher. 30x3s Clinchers Clincher.. Clincher.. ! : .1. 31x4 32x4 ....$9.50 .100 ...18.00 22.90 - Cords' ; ' " 30x312 Clincher . . Cord....-..12L50 32x4 S. S CorrU. 26.90 33x4 S. S. Cordj27a80 34X4 .1f S. S. CbroUJ 29.70 ' .. . ; a. -. - -, : . '- These prices are net and . not subject to war tax Service Car at - r disposal . your Federal Tire Service: Katty Korner. From Marion Hotel , , Phone 471 ' Jason , Loo Xemorisl Korth - Winter and Jefferson streets. .Thomas Acheaoo, pastor, la the absence of Rev. Earl Of ficer., the Rev. R -A.' Porkaer. n Kimball theological stndent, and a pastor before coming, to the. school, .will be in. change Of tho - junior eharih for t6e aammcr months, lie will nreaih to the juniors Oa Sunday morning at 11 a.m. A fall attendance of, yonng peopld nrgod. - Tho pastor will preach, both morning Aad oveainr oft themes with special applica tion to- Sslenr beooie. In tho moraine at Ji a.m. no win , sneak tor tn ennren I go to ChnrMit" In-the reoreaent tho aon-eharrh roer on "Whv I do Sot so to Church. Our : bnildinr ia larcnt well ventilated and ' eooU - Koom . for everybody hot aietpers. Services - will be wide awake and full of interest. Sanday acfaeol will convene at- :45 a.m. Claaaes for all with teachers - who are wide awake and capable. : Kb worth lesgne . 7 . p.m. A service of good felevahip and inspira tion for voang people. Toe .public . is cordially Invited to any or oil of these services, and. asonrad of . a . hearty wol- eome. v Junior ekarrh devotional' meeting 'Wednesday evening j p.m. t,nurra meet ing' af 8 p.m. . . ' .i in . . Ieslio Methodlht Eplsdooal Booth Connnerpial and Myers streets. ,M. P. Pemberton, pastor. ThO Hnndny - school meets at :45 a.m., E. A. liboten, super intendent. Assisted by o corps oi com- betent teachers. ' Epworth . lesgoe - meet inc at 8. Subject; . '80mo Piahermea'a Lurk.' Wo invito you - to -attend , ail tlieao "ierTlcosv They wil - bo of -prof it and help and yon will find life richer tor tho aaseeistions'Of a dsy-whh tbe church. IaHy-vacation Bible school in this eharch beginning Monday. Psreats eaa help to msko this a loecent hy tending their children. A real Bible school and worth while. Thursday i evening at o'eloek the mid-week Bible sttsdy aad prayer meeting. Ton will ho cordiatly .welcome' at-; ail of 'these meetings and will- enjoy HO food leiiowsjiia which m -aero. ; ; CBSJ4T7JUI ";?;vT:v ; .'- Coart t Street Chriatisn Kerth Seven teenth and Coart streets. . Tho . Tamer convention July 1-8. Lot ry Biblo achool worker and. member that , possibly cast plan to attend all sessions. It will bo worth your while, as a very fine program ia offered. . Bibio achool 8:45 a.D. Hear all about tho convention. Jun ior following Lord' a supper observance. Special Biblo study ef I. Corinthians during worship , boar. lotermediste 6 &m. Senior endesvor T p.m.. ETsngel tio service 8 p.m. Wo. ara .cooperating with tho daily vacation Bible schools and one of oho schools will ho held ia our building boginaiag 9 ajh. Monday. - All children eligible from East Salem district ara nrged to come. ; Mid-wean school Thursday 7:30-9 a.m. Yon ara welcome. i First Chrdistisn Center aad High streets. - J. i. Evsna, pastor. Enthaa instie . Biblo achool program - oi 9:45. Classes for all agaa and competent teach ers in all departments. . Largs aduH eissiet lante your pressnoa. Tho PRBSBTTESIAK First Preabyteriaa Oa- Church a tract wren Chemcketa aad Center. Ward illla Long, bub later. ; Morning: 8:451 Children's day program ia : the Sunday school room, at - a-m. tne anmary de partment will present (no program in the eborch . aaditorinm. Offer-ins: . far Miasion Sanday achool work in Oreroa will bo taken. Evening ' 8 ' p.m., , ii r. latng'a topic will be "Springs ia the ueaaert. antnem: uracioua la the Lord." Tho Chriatisn endeavor socie ties will meet today ss follows: junior I at 4 p.m inter mediate and senior at 7-1 p.m.' - Dally vacation tjoie - school- begins Moadsy V a.m. ia rtrat- Metbodiat Enis- ropat church and Jason Le M.K. aad ia Yew Park -school-buildings Members of our Sunday school -ara urged to at tend the school oesreat their - oa Tbarsdsy 7:30 ; p.nv, praioo and prayer aorvico. a. OW THR GRXATEaTAUTOWOfJlLlt V ALtfc ftf AliiERJCA Today's OtmUndt 18 mfJoe f ihm gaUmmt mU-t iHMfyi ookea! ovMmol Jtatsai jit). tocm epirfag hoso TT TEKES a tf that tniikes -10. a friend : of voir, iroin the first moment you " see it. fiuier, VWilUnh, , on .Yho job.1 sparing: you tire j arid fias moneys ;ticiiieratb - cf cemforto ..t. 1 I. 'JZc ZJi aaaam--: v , - i . ... n.. ' . f.. ? ... i. i -" $X i - .'. - - -. , ! -iKy. ,- . - i -o lo.b. Toledo TOURINO ...1550 ROADSTER. . . 5SO COUPE 50 EDAK, ... tj J V ICR -BROS. lllzh and Ferry Stmts REFORaCES CHURCH - Capitol aad Marioa atreeta. "Sunday achool lO a.m. Preaching. Earliah and wermaa, 11 a.m. This service will he a ' memorable one as tho mortgage and notes, remnants- ot our .- debt, will - bo burned, aad make rr- a Joyoeia Occasion. Administer from fort lead will take part. We invito all' oar: friends to earne aad rejoice with as. M. JOemy, pastor. " - - CHURCH : Or . GOD 1 ' 1340 North. Church street. J. J. Gil lespie, pastor. Sunday school .10 a.m. preaching service 11 a.m. , xonng peo ple s meeting ; o;iHi aaa presetting ser vice 7:30 p.m. Kegulsr weekly prayer meeting . Wednesday evening 7 :45. The snnual ramp meettnc for the state of Oregon will be held at Woodburn July u-3U inclusive. ti crave ia hx-ateo v. itl north of - tbe - town. - with paved treet to the gronnd, and there is a nice auditoriam 60x80, .well aeated . and weir lish ted. and cood ramninc prrrilesea. There will , also be a diniag hall and lunch etaad ia the gronnd where meals lad provisions ran be had at roasoasblo rates. . A cordial tnvitatwa is givea to sll to attnd tbe services esch . day at 10, 2:30 sad 7:30 p.m. MI8SI0RART AT.T.TAKCE Christian aad Missionary Alliance Mr. aa Mrs. ll. . Caswell,. 435 .North Winter street, . leaders. Uaual services this afternoon at ' 633 Boasts Commercial street. Sanday arbool at 2 o'clock, fol lowed by gospel meeting at S. Also at tho aame place on next Thursday after- aaga, Juno 23, the , regular meetiag at 3:su. . th Tuesday even ma- hi Die stnar class conducted by Mrs Csswtll will meet at tho. home of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Sco- wiu preach both uoraiBg ana evening. r.aceuent mnaie anaer tae Mrs. Alice Wengcr. Tho paitof I diractioa yonna people meet at 6:30 nader tbo Undarthip of Miss Nellie Jefforaoa. Ouy programi wu oo wterosuag to siu , ' l' ' 7RIBJfDS ' South Salem friend iSonth Commey rial and Washiarton atrooia, hattsd Hwsbb, psator. Biblo school 8:45 aj Oregon yearly meeting -af r rteada being ia sessioa at owberg there wfll be no other servkjeo for , tho day. Yssrl meeting Biblo school rally t ifewberg 8nnday - p.m. Good roads aad seas than a "two hoars drive. - Mrs. . Daniel Bryant of Portland will glvt tho address. The rest ot tho aorvico will be rendered Dy jne eniiaroa. aot ynst a cniidren s l program, but a real child'a Ooapel ser vice. It will bo worth your while to be tnsrsl We - B 1. Figure Hiaffdsnd FHeads-On HithUad Ave. aad Church street. - Saaday achool at I 10 O'clock. Classea for all agoo under I tho care of eomnetent - teachers. Oa account f some of our pooplo attending yearly meeting at Newberg, including (ha fastorsa Rev. W. Hendry will preach at 1 o'clock. C E. meeting at T o'eloek. Preachta services agala at 8 o clock. Young people's Biblo study and prayer meeting oa Monday - evening. . Regular Chnrrn. yrsyr meetiag. Tnu aro ' cor dially Invkod to attend all these ser vices, l. U. and Ida J. Loo, pastors. COHORSO ATIOHAX. - First Conriwrirtiona Libct'r ; and ! 10 a.m, Sanday school with chaaaea for an. Memo spociaity -every Hnoday. Coma I and join our number. H. M. -Mead, anper-1 intendent 11 a.m. This ia Childrea'a ! day at - this church. Tfsnro wilt -bo al fun program . oy memDors of the differ ent departmeota of . the Sunday - achool. Come hear and see she little tots in their songs and reeitationa. Eeo the program elsewhere. Cbristlsa endeavor at 7 -p m. Miss Thclma Young, lesder. 8 p.-, ; address by .. the pastor: "The World a Pearl Jtoekera and .What They Ae .Finaing." A cordial iavitattoa - to everybody,. Mid-week service Thursday at a p.m. An interest la g, tttotpfu I meet ; Central Oongregstlonsl jCorner Kino- Keentb and terry. Clayton Judy, minis ter. Sanday school with classes for all sges at . 10 a.m. , Mrs. B. E. .Edwards. superintendent. Following . the lessons will bo a asTf boar sporisl program. Mr Imnald - Allison of ugeao .will fur nish a .musics! treat. This combined service u planned to furnish the great oat Ooaaible . edueatioaal aad inspira tional opKft to the largest number. Sen ior and intermediate Christian endeavors will moot at 7 p.m. The evening servire f'sona and worth io with trrmon rct at 8 oTe!oek. Subject: "Our New Test ament.''. We extend a cordial welcome to ail. EVANHKi.rnAr. T.lhertV Evaar.lic.i Tontar and Liberty - streets, u. r. Liienmg. pastor. Tbe folewing ia tho order of aorrieea for Snaday, rhaUday, school ,at 10 a.nv. led by 8. C. - Badertsawr, acting superin tendent. ' We aro -making specisl efforts i or larser atienaaBee.- .creryoBO.enaesv or to be present every Sunday. Mora ine worship will be at 11 - am. Herman by the pastor. Subject: "The Call Of Cod to Holinest." ThtTO will ho ao services at this . chare h ia tho evening, as wo shall he ia nniea service with the Cottage street Evangelical church. -1 1 P-m. yoang people's meeting. Preaching at .- pan. - Benson - by - u. t r. Laening. Sr subject "Tho Holy Spirit's Work," Mid-week prayer meet 'as Theradav even- Tag. - 8 'etoehv ' at - the -eixnrch. .Fetd r.. VI... - a .ltjb.'. day trill be giren on Sanday evening. Jane J5, at the Liberty Street tvangsl- cai canrcn..' -: - 1 : THs is Good Business ; Evejytx)dy we talk to about it agrees with us that it's good'busi- . ' 10 diagnose battery t troubles as carefully . r ' as a doctor diagnoses his caseSa To advise and make re pairs only when v we ' ktiow repairs will pay. . .To recfjinriiend the pur chase of a new battery" . only, when repairs on "the old one -would not ; ; be a good inrestinent. To Speak frankly, plain ly, and with it thought of the best Interests of ' the :t battery ; owner whether, his is .Wa Jart Battery or rot. - -sSmaTirl- 3 I mi til 3 I 1 $ I li m ii tj;i Ct - 3 '.J 1 3 13 jj 3 3 Western Giant Cords all around or ypur car mean complete pro jection arid satisfaction. Protection because you are protected against tire trouble and grief for from 12w 000 to 20,000 or more miles, and the new Western Giant raised tread with its high tapering oars and suction cups, positively protects you against skidding and pro- vides perfect traction always. - - H; ' V . t Satisfaction because Western Giants render consistent high mileage and their guarantee is cheerfully backed by the whole Western Auto organization of fifty branches throughout the West -V:;: 7-::;;.; - ' - .Western Giant Cords are guaranteed for 12,000 miles and are, we firmly believe, the nearest approach to a perfect tire that has ever been produced. Your inspec-; tion and comparison is invited. B) p ill? JrK-: sr .p NON-SKID af Guar Tire Prices TAX PAID NEBRASKA TIRES r A ' atrong-. iturdy tirt that makea good ita 8000 milea aroaranteo and then Bomo- Haa tough whlto cine ' ozido tread and rtof aide walla. As extraordlnaTr good X no In a good quality ta brio tiro. '.. . K . . 1. NoWaaU Pkarla Waatora CUal 51 6000 Mi loo 7000 Miloa 12,000 Milos 30x3 $ 7.65 i $ 70 . ; . .. 303C3V2 8.90 . 9.75 $J7.75 32x32 H.50 12.00 ! ' 22.90 31x4 12.95 13J25 27.40 32x4 15.40 15.90 ' 28.90 33x4 15.65 16.15 29.75 34x4 . ! ' 15.95 1645 30.60 32x4 amweanw, go 35.60 33X41:. ' aemamm. aaaama.. 36.45 34X44 mamaag. 1 eaom. 1 - ' 370 33x5 paw 445 35X5 . mo-a-ao mm,. ' 465 " 30x3 Western Standard Cords $14.95 m:k l.c j PHARIS TIRES; Built of uaUty roatorial to roalat wear and on der .tons aaUafactorF Mrrfce. :,T3ia fact that wo baro bandied tboro tot trvor aJtbt year shows our confidence in thorn, and la TlJenc of Iho oxeoUoTrt forrlco they haTwn- yEBiirrellj , Anto Electricians .238 N. Hizh St Phone 203 vonago Street evangel ,llcall40.orlh'' willard, pastor. Cottars street. Tho following ti . the order of service for Saadsy, Juae 18th. a Saadsy , school as io o clock. There fa a conference wide Sunday school atieadsaro esmaain on in our onr ohurch, so mav fsch pupil bo present every Sandsr. Morning wer ship is at 11 o'clock. Sermon by. tho pasvor.' eervteeo-wiii-. he held at mi Ann um appointment ta atae . altera eo a. aad a short children day prorTsm will bo rendered. All the services in tho even ing will ho union s-rvicos with tho Lib erty street tvanff Ileal church, tn oar- church, v. meets it I o clock and firesching service hr'ins stv8. Rev. O. F. Liening, - Sr-wiil -sraack 4he-aveninr aermon. Everyone wr'ma to .attend Rcpicatiiisf. Willard Storage Batteries . :i . - r. f - " . a n'ii.wrwttn mi t Camp Comforts Motorist i Most motorists , now v realize ' that ' Western r Autojis thje logical plaee to get their camping , equipment They not only can get just what i ; they .need ; but the articles are ;priced very reasonably.v Let our. camp .expert -help solve. , your vacation tproblems - . f Auto Supplies EXits It is. a fact that Vestern Auto"- cirri Z3 the largest most complete stock of auto supplies in the-West-:-- v ' r It will pay you to visit our nearest store when-! ' ever you rieed.tirjes, auto supplies, accessories, etc. xou win get standard high quality mer chandise and save 20f to 807e. 1 ' ' y , - - j m 1 -mmmmmamanmammmBBmanmsamaas-naBBU ammmtmmmaamnmvtaTmm I l I I L . I I ' ' - ' ' V ' - V ' W 'V-' N " S 5 eAiv - . - 125 Hcrth High St. Phone 796 Salem, Oregon (0) ,rLiJf s - . . 4 J i I 3 1 Jt . 2 . 3, 3 l 3 3 J. 1 3 3' 3 3 L 3 t I i i i C 3 :l 3 t -' k. a am ' 1 i f 4 1 i 4 t I r I i ft T-t-f v '.-- d srt Ion I- .e ,s ian i , -y w -r-Oav V W . i t-Jf n n. n it n a It fc s J aJ J iJ t 1 11 1 ii l tt f It If II It f M