-THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. . JUNE. J8, 1922 1 ! -7 . 1 V- JUx i r. " : per. wmrtr'' Three iBMTttOM Oh week (six UawrUeaa) One smooth - Sis aaeatha' t.set It bhUu' mlnel. " Mtabaeas for aay advert NORWICH TJNIOX FIRE INSURANCE SOCIEJT AV. II. Barghardt, Jr.-' Resident Agent 871 Bute St. MONEY TO LOAN : .On Rwl Estst . T K. FORD (Over Ledd A Bosh Bak) NEW TODAY FOB SALE NEW FIVE ROOM BUN - Kalow on koala High ilmt. Ready to move right ia - fries S3500. Knav term-' Wr Xrueger. Oregon. Bldg, J'KUSKS- 13, ACKE8, 5 PRUNES, S - logins and strawberries; small bouse, oath. Heavy prune crop. Itovu, Hwki Hendricks. 205 U. 8. Bank MODERN ROOM POR GENT-LKMAN lentrslly located. , Mutt giee atmt and reference. , Address A. car Btstesman FOR SALE BIX FULL BfOOD Po land. China Hill. - Sis Month a. wciaht - 160 lbs..- W. ll.i Humphreys, Bbsw, uregon.. imb aars. TOR RALE . BURBANK AND IRISH loonier potatoes. - . rhoat 17t'31. . BOUSE WORK DAI OR HOUR. CALL - uji m rvenint. Mr. Wbitlork. FOR SALE BAY MARK AND HORSE. Viva aad eight jroara. Well aiatrhed. " Onarapteed aoand and traa; weiRht . 820O. Cheap for-eaaU. .' Rout 8, boa ao. Daif-na. IP TOUR FIRE INSURANCE COST 18 bardenaona. eonsalt na and w will endeavor to adria yoo how to reduce itl- Slandley Polejr. agenta, Bash ; Dim oiaf. rnaa 347. . 'BRICK BLDO COMMERCIAL STREET. a (rie'4u iee( iroetare, 91i,bW. aB-rke"4 Ilendrkki, , ao U. 8. Bank a ounaing. -POR BALE 8TRAWBERRIES. THREE ' cent pobnd. Pirk tkem rouraelf. Brinr rontainer. Route V Box 513. r : fortiaaa road. . ;. , t'OR SALE OS TRADE TEAM OF work Horace with baYaeaa. work any- where. Take milk cowa or amall hone r In trade. Virtor arhneider, Tomer, wra., aear neiorm arnook : LIGHT 4 ROOM. APARTMENTS, PRI . vat bath. Mn. Ireton. 1047 & Com niercial, pbona-116t-J. : - , . FOR SALE 1. POUND VALENTINE ' broccoli teed, extra rood, 10. 1940 N.' .Front treeL'? FOR SALE GOOD SEVEN ROOM aeni-iDodern bouae, 91800; 9700 eaab, ' balaao . eaar paraaenta. 194U North front. , (-....-.v. -rj v ; MONET TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS AT - . ii per1 cent in amounts of .$5000 or more. . S3 yer time. want lietiaa; of a good,' aaodera banca' . low of five or ats roama. Soath Sa - . vm preferred. Muat coat leaa - than . 93,500. ' AC. B0HRX8TEDT 407 Maaonie Temple Salem 4 FOOT AND IS INCH, DRY MILL ' wood in any quantity. Tracy Wood Co. : Phone 520. FOR RENT STRICTLY MODERN, TWO room apartment. Call . 755 , Ferry t Between aix ana eignt p.m. : WASTED FURNISHED COTTAGE, by renpODaible people. Call R. L .Ma Laughlin. Argo botet.'. -. -',.. A ROOM FOR RENT SUITABLE FOR gentleman. Chra Mn - Pboa 5B1-W HOUSEKEEPINO V AND room. 160 Conrt. . SLEEPING bNAP 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, MODERN except baaement, completely bailt ia; ; fin bath, aereeaed barky porch with laanarr iraja. h . anre like rent Berks h Hendricka, 20i U. S. Bank, Bldg. : ., Ai:r-TION SALE TUESDAY. NEXT good 7 room howaeaad turn it are ! piano. 1040 Hood atreet. He tolajr i 1 saoer. tae 4 rfor particulara. P. K . Woodry. ,. the auctioneer. ... LOST H MILES SOUTH OF SALEM orange and white setter dog aad one liK nova . BiarK ana wniir unirr bud. females. Phon 1304 J. Reward WANTED SINGLE ALL ROUND FARM band. W. L. Faller, Brooka. uregoa IfOMIl AND INCOME PR0PKRTT COM , bined. 9 room novae on Court street. hot water farnac; full baaement. imau dry traye, gaa. rood plumbing, garage, i corner lot., ideally arrengea lor rentini - rooma. 96500 930OO caah. Bern Hendricka. 803 V. 8. Bank Bldg. nninn AND ROOM fOR LADIES ON lv. Delta Phi Hoaa. 8S3 N. Church WANTED Tt BUT FROM OWNER A modern 3 or 0 room pons. Auareti 'B-aa." car Statesman. ' - . CLOSE INS ROOM MODERN HOUSli in fair condition, paved street; aay walking distance to any part of town 93150. Becke ft Hendricks, 203 U. S , Bank Bid. - s TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. CHEAP. 404 8. Winter esreet. - ' . : it ACRES NEAR THE COA8T IN LIS coin coSDty,' Oregon, to exchange for anything of valu worth aiauu. 1 jfltfin 11. Scott. 329 Oregon Bldg. fl ROOM HOUSE; LARGE LOTS ALL kinda of fruit, -east front, north wia tee atreet. 34750. room bouse, corner lot. X. Commercial street. 33000. Close in. ' Altrsrtive bouse and location, everything . modern. 98500: please look into this, Business property, 93x165, well located. 415.500. Business location snd-mod' em borne, cloae in. 96500. A comer ' 82Vaxl65, good for aay business or dwellings, 920,000. Attractive large "lot oa N. Church. 91700.: Do not let thh go by if yoa wast a good location . I.nt atone creek, close in. 91600. 8 'mom house on Court street 912.000, You know whst Court street in HaUm : ia.- Another attractive large corner close in. 913,000. . x t room house. North Cottage street. 92850.' -v -. . ft room house en " Ferry street, 9500, e room modern bungalow. Ferry street Everything modern. 95500. 1 roam Wwinsa. Lincoln atreet, 93700, 8 p ms 15 MIL tAe 8 room house, South Commercial atreet, 9300. . room bungsiow. 94200; 9300 down. 5 room bouse, 41850. 8 - room " modern bonse; everything you wish for here, well located, r, 95250. Large bonse, hardwood floors, all drap ' t eries, 910.000. A room.' new, modern .-home. North Summer street, ' 97750. block and good house; this yoa must see 913.500. - See me about-North Summer street lots, alao N. 5lh street, end North CburtU - street lots. ' --' - Se me for rooms, board aad apartments. Apartment , house at - a bargain today. . Kpieudid iacpme; 6 room house. 2 lota. Capitol street, north, 923W. 5 room 1oes. Shipping street,. 92800. ' ' ' Rooms by day. week or month. See '. Gertrude J. M. Page . k 492' North CotUge street ' ONE LOT ON 8TATE STREET. 43x136. improvement paid. Price 980O. .... Corner lot oa t hemeketa f0x!04. im- provementa paid. Price 900. I lot oa 3 1st street, just off of State, i, 75x108. price 9I20O. , WUI" divide and 1 aeli 45108. . . 1 lot oa North Summer street. 50x160. . Price 94W). v5 , . - ; 1 kt on Court streoi, 64x104, price 91900. Corner k. Falrmount ili. '100x100. Price 920O0. v . - -If vou arc iu tbe market for a building . lot see us. ' - v: " ":- ". . ' ' Anderson & Rupert, Agents 4('0 7 Oregon Building, NEW TODAY NEW HOUSE AND , SMALL ' I.OT. K. vottsge afreet, clot in, 93500. H. 2 ?kJamt " k'n lroU.lJ.jOO. , - I rooas aouao. faraiahed. 3 lota, all kinda ''Hi im shrubbery eaat Salem. e iuu, ..T eo " ,0rnl,Ore Attractive place for yna on erCi Cat- I tax atreec - B.'.fton tor fear J... "a about mat. apartment, gar t nouses, farms.. " Gertrude J. M. Page rer. WI hag VVt(B . rTTl VERT FINE MODERN HOUSE OX Lealie street vt 9000. Cash to handle Viuoo. - 6 room bouse on State atreet. bath, lights- gas, etc Lot 46x136 Prire 93000. Uood term a. A first clajaa fully soodei-n bona of six rooms, oa ita street. 3 biocse I ram Btate. Prica B40OO. On ol the bst burs we bar ia a 7 room strictly modern bona on North Slat street. 1 blork from State., orice . 94200 ; good terms. 1 room bungalow and 6 - lots, set to . fruit dad berries, well located: aesr school and earline. Prira 3400O. Terms. Anderson & Rupert,; Agents 406-7 Oregon Building v Some Bargains . room plastered bouse, rood, as new. for 91100; part cash, balance 910 month aad interest. 5 rooms, just remodeled, ready to move . in. for 91100. frms. Madera homo ea State street for 95250. On oa Mission street for 94200. On oa Bush street for 95500. Lease on 9 acre, close in. with crop. cow sad chickens, for snd 915 swat a thereafter. S e as for bargains Childs & : Bechtei - 540 Staid atreet IO ACRES OF UNIMPROVED LAND. L mile from city limits, oa paved roaa, first class berry land, Price 9223V. Good tcrma. 10 acres, one mile from Hopewell, good novae ana barn, prunes and toranber tie. . Family orchard. . Price 93500. . 10 acres, 1 mile from city limits, on psved road. 9 acres of fruit and ber ries : good improvement. Prire 96500. 30 acres, 4 miles from bslem, 10 acres of fruit and berries. 9 acres cultivated, and in crop. Balance timber and paa- I tare; aw 6 room bungalow; modern I except lighta. - Price with team and I eooinmcnt. 910.000. 4 mile from Salem. 4 mile from high way: 5 acres of.bearinc D runes, hi first class condition; poor buildings. Priet. 830001 ' 5 miles south of Sslem on Wehway: 17 acres of besting prunes, rsir build inra. Dries 9450 Dr acre. Anderson & Rupert, Agents 406-7 Oregon Building EMPLOYMENT REPRESENTATIVE WANTED THE Starr Fruit Products Co. requires the services of a man to handle ' the aal ol their preferrear and eommao slock issue ia this territory. It is aa invest-' meat thst should yield about 10. This ia your opportunity to add sub stantially to your income. For full car tiro tare address Thomas H. Oreene. esre Starr Fruit Products Co.. Esst First xamhtu streeta, Portland, Ore. mm A isaf isjpawan,!. . arrmtn taruraaoa, stoeka or ae vert a tag. aiast C J"..WrwV.a havo the eavaran . BnamaS kaamaaa I v saa rag so preasat aaaiaeas I propeaittoa to aeereaaate aaa preise . ewaal aa. Answer ta ywar awa haad ' wrhlsx. autisg net. edaeatioaal tnalr fleatioaa, experieaee aa olleisar, ete. aeoreee -i-nv si.'" erateamaa eiea. AGENTS WANTED LARGE MANUFACTURER WANTS AG- en ts; sell sdverysed brand mens ' shirts direct to wearer. N cspital or experienoe required. t ree samples. Msdison Mills, 505 Brosdway, New York. MALB AND XXMALB WANTEDr-COOK WITH EXPERIENCE In canning. . State school for deaf. ' Phono 646.- ..-'-'. . MAN OR WOMAN WANTED 940 . weekly full - time, 1 aa hour spare .time,.-selling guaranteed 'hosiery to wearer.. Experience unnecessary. - In- ...... (Tn.... Ulll. a,n,.ara Pa. .. ... 1 WANTED MEH AND WOMEN TO take f am paper aabscriptioas. A good proposttioa to ta rigat people. Aeerese the Paeifie Haisafsd. Btatesmsa Bldg. Bslem. Or. - PERSONAL WIDOW AND MAIDEN WORTH OVER 980,000, want kind helping husbsuds. writ quack for pictures and descrip tions. Dox gz3 , ios Angeies, vai. IF YOU WISH A WEALTHY YOUNG wife writ me enclosing stamped en velope. . Violet Kaye, Deaaisoa, Ohio. GET ACQUAINTED AND MARRY WELL. Bead stampede - envelope, - Chicago I . Friendship Club.' 2929 Brosdway, Chicago, 111. FOR A CHARMING WIFE "WRITE MRS. F. Willard, 228 Broadway, Chicago, THE LEADING MATRIMONIAL CLUB. Boat, largest r established , 17 years Thousands wealthy members wish mar rur,. STOBririenftlal dwrinli.. f vm. Only honorable, sincere people o both I sexes need write. The Old Reliable! Club. Mrs. W ruble. Dox9.' Oak-I Isnd. California. EPILEPTICS WOULD YOU CARE TO leant about new Ratwawi treatment for - immediate relief of - Epilepay poa ' itively stopping all aeisurea from first dsy a use, Informatwa free. "Spec ialist,". .Drawer C-r593, Lander, Wy oming. EPILEPTICS WOULD YOU CARE TO . learn about new Rational treatment for immediate relief of t-pilepay pos- itively atopping all aeisurea from first day's use. Iafortnation free. ."Spec ialist.", lrawer C-592, Lander, Wy oming MARRY IP LONELY FOR RESULTS. r try me; best aad most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds, rich wish marriage sooa: atrictly confidential most reliable: years' experience: de scriptions free. Tbe Successful Chih." Mrs, Nash. Box 556, Oakland. California. FOR SALE V . FARM PAPER X YOU WANT TO GET TTTB BE81 - farm psnor, aead lSe so the Paeifie Hemsstsed. Salem, Or go, fet a three meaus' trial itbtertptiasu Meatiea " thia ad - pianos PIANO FOR BALE AT A SACRIFICE. Owner leaving the state. Phoae : 734-M. ' ' POULTRY FOR BALE MAMMOTH PEKIN . eggs and ducklings. 1030 Chemeketa ' Phone 1280. , POULTRY MEN SEITD BIGHT TWO eeat stsmpe nr special tare meatsa - trial ror tae - east aaa oiaass jearaai tat the west. The articles aad 4vr- tlaemaate aro of aooeial mtareat so poatsry bra adore of tbo Bortboroat .Northwest Poultry Journal. 911 Corn merelal St.. Haloes, Or ewe M1BOIXLANBOTJS FOR SALE BULL DOG POPPIES. , also good tslkiag parrot. The Bird . and Fwwer Store, 273 State. FOR SALR OLD lfEWBPAPBRS. 1 , eeat a JhadM . Cireulstw dawartaseat : Orogoa Btstesaaaa. rns nonsR of malt a MILLION aad one bargains. W bey. eaJt or I xebsaga anything aad evarrthlag tai ' tb line of leak wr sensed bead goads. . See as before yoa bur eB- rUeia - Waek Jaat Dai . RaiaanU, 4So rtlano. 409 N. CommefeJaJ fit. Phong 98, FOR SALE BCUCxXXJaKSOTS FOR 8 ALE -GENTLE RIDIKO POST. saddle mad bridle 4S-W "Beautiful Orpprm Rose" eleven Other Oregon eeagS. MfttNt patriatk songs, nm ii uui "- - taveorisaa ALL' FOB U ( Bsoelal nriraa ia aaaatirs Vasal Mpwetaity MapUSle far eaal. try The Western Songster 7' pages. ow fat fee third aditiam. Pabliahed by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY tlX 8. Cwmasercisl St. Selom. Ore WOOD BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 19 INCH 3 ft. and . 4 ft. Prompt delivery. Special price oa car lota. We can make delivery oa ash. second growth sad old growth fir abons- July 15. Fred E. Walla, 301 B. Commercial, Phoae OLD 19 IN. FIR. 98; SECOND, 4 FT., o. - Aan. raone 1467. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT PH0SE 2056 J. . FOR RENT THREE ROOM APART menu First floor. 143 Court St. BOTJSKS FOR RENT FIVE ROOM FULLY Fl'R- Btahed modern flat. Close in. 150 a month. vApply t Statesman busintis offiro. Phone 33. HOTjBSS FOB REST MODERN FIVE ROOM cottage, at 714 frorth 16th street. za a month. Will rent furnished at 935. -Apply at Statesman Business Office. Phona 83. soon ROOM FOR RENT IN MODJERN HOME erase la. . Address E. Car otstssmia. 1 ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COST: 0e UP. 4J BUta. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING AND two sleeping rooms, wen- furnisnea. 115 Center. FURNISHED ROOMS TWO BLOCKS from state nous. 233 north 10 in. Phone 285-W. FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOMS WITH Driest bath, also single rooms, luou Chemeketa street. Pbone 1380. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST DELTA DELTA DELTA '80R0R- Ky pin ,wita engravea asmo 01 wr trndo BuelL Finder phona 1544 J. reward. ' ' WANTED laSCJELLAJTBOUS WANTED - 120 CORDS OF LARGE second growth fir wood. Address A. U D u.i.n Onm. atatina- Drict Box 33. 8aiam. Orogoa, atatmg price rot wood. ANTED EVXKTTS1N8 IV EIXD- ware aad rsrattur. jsspnews THE CAPITAL RARDWARR wirnvrrrrRB 00. t8 V. Commarcial St. PasM 841 OLD MATTRXrSSES UAD1 0TIB Oanlcal OitT AtoaataaT WO. a-aamo a v. WANTED FURNrrURE. TOOLS. ETC. Phoae ill. w 1 uTrnrnmn.'nsn TOOLS. 1 chiaary. stock, o. wui ear xae aaaa r seU oa ooremiastoa. Pheae mil Woodry. ibe Anetmneer. PINF. MIIILT WANTS GOOD ruit- aUbea House lor tne summer. jboss be lane enough for maid and nurse and ba well furnished. Desirable peo ple. If you are going away and want to have your house occupied, phone Rubr Purdy. 455 Court street, for appointment. Strictly confidentiaL WANTED CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER, weal hiirL lamha. mutton, etc. no Bamkae too tsrere or amalL any day ia the wsek. We pay best caah prices and guarantee our weight. Mr. farmer we want your produce, please give s a trisl. People's Market, 155 N. Lib erty St., pbone v4. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. M. WOODSY. THE livestock, faralturt, few tteewer. paoae an aer uata usaa Roe. 1410 H. Summer, COLLECTIONS WE COLLECT ACCOUNTS, ROTES elaima anvwhere in world or no rnarge, Atloreey'a bonded Collection Service, San- Bernardino, Cnlif. Auto Directory TRTJCTKB FOR SALS - OR TRADat REO TRUCE, 1931 model, serf act eeaditksa. Will trade- for -real esUt,prodaeo will aell ea eaar terms. Taw ia aa axap tiowally good buy. II you weal a real good bargaia apply Immediately, or -eel! - The People' a Oaab 81 AUTO TOPS AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORE fssraateasa. aaa uoova sssa, 18. - USED CAES I HAVE A GOOD USED TRUCK BODY, canopy top and all. A dandy for 9100. Pboa 1995. Robinson. a unnci. on OVERLAND LEFT HERE for ssle. He needs tne money aaa will-sell chesp. Phoae 199a. Kobia son. 1918 FORD TOURING NOW UEIIU all overhauled. She II be sola oeiore she's done. Grab it quick. Phon 1995. Robinson. THE INDEPENDENCE FORD DEALER alwaye has used roras sua romsona at the right price. Get our pricea before buying, terms. MV VFT.I.F.BA XCK BLUE BUG dise wheels, new Pennsylvania vaeauaa 'ht tirea all around. 1918 model: good shspe. AU for 9225. phone i5. Robinson, BERRY MEN. LOOK A 1919 fORU truck, good tires, new noay. prrraMi and commercial license an paio, or ia good shspe, Hss stsrter block, Just the thing for bsuling berries. All for 8300. Phone 1995. Rebinao. BATTERY AND laXCrTaUCIA inrn srr.svrrB.lfTT AN? CZPERT TROD bio ahMtiaa!. , SIS At. CUAta. fmwm- SOS. j PRK8TO-LITT9 BATTERY 8RRV1OT i statisa. Itaael batlerv aad eiectnea work. t arris Brae. FWm 109- 41 Owart TIKES AID AOOBSSOXXBS tO.OOO MII.lt GUARANTEE AGAIN81 . atoaa beaiaee. rim eats aad blowonta The Hydro Toroo Tiro, for esle by Yew Per store, 13th aad Leslie, paw ACETYLENE WELDINO IRON. STEEL. BRASS. ALUMINUM . Bring th pieces. Ox Gas Hestiag to. B37 court. BEAUTY PARLORS ROW OPERATING MODEL BRA0TY Peru. 110 North Commends Settee. I Phoae ' 9ft. 1 e t " - : V$ VUitlmAS OlaagUUd Adi M BUSINESS CARDS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PL" fvaiahad (roe. R. W. MelaUrsV MO" K. ChBTca. - CHDTESB PHTSICIABT DR. U M.-HUM CURES ANT KNOWN dtaa . 153 8. High Sc. ph 181. DRTJA STORES 3RCWRR DRUG Oa 40 COURT Pbawo 184 CARPETS AND FLTJTF RUGS CARPET AND RUG WEAVISG PHONE before 0 a m. Phone 94F3L SOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW sreavo fluff rags aaade out of old car pets, say length or wldtn you desire. We alao re-fit, re-sew and sue carpets. Feather renovating sad mattress steam ing and re-making. Salem Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rug Works. Phoae 1154. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MT FIGURES ON WIRING By contract, by boar. At pre-war prices, H. W. Hatch, psoas HOW FTJRBTZTORX HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO ordor. Rattaisauc aad a apeclslty. Phoae 1743. Browa Groves. 1301 Soatb Commercial. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN OR FARM LAND U A. Harford. 905 Btate atreet. MARION Put A Con NTT FARM LOAN association Baa asoaey to tea a at H percent. W. D. Bmna. eocretary treaa arer. 308 Bslem Bank of Cwmmeroa. 30 YEAR FARM IXJAN8 ON RURAL credit plea, pro-payatent provmioas al lowed. Wo will fiaaaoa row fwr a leal rate of interest than aay firm oa the eeaat. Private mousy to loan oa aitkec aity or eouatry property. ' R. W. Marsters 411 Oregoa Bldg GREENHOUSES CHOICE CUT FLOWERS. COTTAGE Flower Garden. 801 Locust. Phone 1024-W. , CUT FLOWERS ANT FLORAL PIECE8. Delivery. Salem Oreenhouaea. Ketati store, 123 N. Liberty. Greenhouses, Market road. Phone 380. ; Ladies' Wearing Apparel BEHSTXTOHZHa MR8L BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH ing. mail order aouelted. 110 Is. iota. Phone 174-M., MTTiI.TTTERT HATS FROM 91 TJP MRS. a a. Grimm. 519 Court 84. DRESS MASTJia RUTH Me ADAMS DRESSMAKER.. T66 South 12th. Phon 1824 M, CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING. deelgning. Bpeaeer rssta to S MeCoraack Bldg. THE ADSITTb. ahS PREPARED TO do any aad all klada of ladios' uuor Ing, for old aid new emttomer. 953 M. 12th St. Phoae 9086-R. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER 1719 Bellevee Bt. HEMSTITuuxaa NEEDLEWORK SHOP" ALL KINDS of fancy work and hemstitching ooaa, 131 B. commercial iireet. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. BlaatinsL buttoaa. atamoixuT, aad Beoaio- work. 880 Orego Bldg. Phone 878. MRS. C. X. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. Stamping; braiCing; hand ambroMara, buttoaa. Room 10, over Miller'a stor. Bslem. Oregon. Phoae 117. : mSURAJTOB MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFB IN8URANCS eompaay. J. C. Belch, agaat, room MeCoraack Bldg. Paoae 98. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 188 Liberty atreet. Phoae so. uiaeet largest beet. Eatsblished 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ushty work, prompt aarrioe. 1394 roadway. Paoae 165. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY- Phoa 817-W. PAZBTTJia 00NTRACT0RS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH elaaa work for particular people. L. D Brandon, contractor. 805 North High Phoae 845-J. VOODLB PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 439 Ferry- BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP a aay, 40e; paffod rice. 30: aaealea. SOes tried aoodlea. 90s. Itt B. Lib- NURSERY STOCK FRUrrLAND NURSER1 FINE LARGE stock of Italiaa prune tree and also all kinds of lssding nursery atock for fall delivery. Phone 1140-M. 161 8. 14th atreet. .i COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Cspital City Nur eery Co.. 434 Oregon Bldg. Phoae T5 PLTJaCMEG PLUMBING KBPAIRTNO AND COIL work. Phono 1897-J. Shop, 1ST Ualoa ttmt. A. L. Godfrey . PERPmCB AND TOILET AXTXOLBS CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. tracts, toilet article. Mn. Merer, 170 Soatb 33rd. Phoae 1234. RESTAURANTS SUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able prises. Johnson-Berry. 159 High SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fueo of ail kinds ramevoo. elessed. Pbone 187. STUDIOS 0E LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIP force t la photography. 147 N. Com'! STOVES AND STOVE RCTAIXIN0 TTOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yeara experience. Depot National . fence, ansa 30 to 99 inehsa high Paints, oil aad varanaoa. ete. Vagss berry aad bop books, islam Peace sad 8teve Worfce. 848 Cwart atreet Phoae 134. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND head clothing aad (hoes. - Alao de eleasing. pressing aad repairing. Oall and deliver Capital Exehaase. 843 North OomatoreiaL Pboae 1969-W. WI BUT AMD SELL SECOND, HAND goods of ell kind, pipe fittlsgs. bar , aess. - eel) are. collar pada. tools aad ehsias. Fred Sefctadlar. 949 Oeatot - atreet - WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- polo goons. . rr epeeislty ie piene aad faraitar movlag. We ako make eon s try tripe. W beadle the boat esl ead wood. Cell oa oa for prkees. We : give good meaenre. good ouslity had . good aervko. : Lorme Transfer 0s, ' Pba 9e. i, v - - CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER OO. t3 Stat 81. Pboa 898. Distrtkwtrsg. . forwardiag aad aserago Oar oaoetalty. - Got woe rstes. - , Use StaU.maa ClaulfUd Ada BUSINESS CARDS 3CUSZOAX MRS, HENRY LEE PIANO, USX S. uanjntoi fkaao teiT-w MISS M ABLE BU Iff! CRD PIANO t layer;, dsaeee ail atraaia . EST M. ibertr, I SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIO ah brsaebeo taaghs. ilnswa giaatad Jaha R. Sitoa. daristss. 1399 Coart, Pkoae 439. RAG AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING tx leasees gaaraatoad. Watersaaa aye tern. F. B. a ark, Mgr MeCoraack Building. JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER: "awre-Uusa C ReprsasaHatrre af Sbermaa CUy A O. Pbaao Od. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaao taaet. Leave order WUl's Msaie Star. TAI J, MAN PIANO RKPATK inn TUBHtc twfiaUhinc rebaildiag; player ptaam exwerv J'avaa ItH. 131 OommereuJ. DANODf PRIVATE LE8SONS IN ALL LATE oaaeas. Mrs. White Fkoa 37 9-J. 3CU8IO STORES GEO. a WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grspbev wing msekines. sheet mas Is. aaa piano stadia. Kepetriag aaoao- rrsphs aad aewiag machiaea. 43 state. Baletm. PZAMOS SHERMAN CLAT A CO. PIANOS Meiawars. Dte-Art and others. Monro's Music House. 415 Court street sud 2 JMssonie Temple. ' TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker. OeaieeaJ llu.Ma Caatral Stage Terminal Salem, Orogoa BALEX-BILVEBTON DIVISION Leave Salem, Central Stage Termiaal: - 7:00 s.m. 11:00 a m. 5:00 swrn. Leaves Sdvartoa News Staad: b:oo a sa. i:oo p.m. 9:00 p.m. 8alaUa-IadeBandeaevMoansontb Dlvlaaaa , Leave Salem Central Stage Termiaal: i ml w a-m. ii a.m. a pja. a pja. Loavea Moamoum, Moamvatb Hotel: 8:15 a.m. 1 nm. S;1S mm Leave Independence, Beaver Hotels " e:so a.m. io a.m. l;l5 p.m. 4 pja. 9:30 t msxe connect mai at Balsm to oU parts of the valley. Extra trip fey appointment J. W. PARKER, Gsaersl Mgr. 8ILVERT0N MOUNT ANGEL . PORTLAND CAM. Btacaa Souht Bound Sehsduls Berth Bound Read down i Read an Dly. Dly. Dly. - Dry. Dly. Dly. No 8 No. 8 No. 1 No. 3 No. 4 No 6 PM. PM. AM. A.M. P.M. PM. 8:00 1:30 8. -00 Prtl'd, 10:30 4:00 3:80 8:05 3:35 10:05 Mt.Agl 8:35 1:65 8:25 8:90 4:00 10:90 Silvt'a 8:00 1:80 8:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. ! Lv. Lv. Lv. Sunday only 8:00 ia fm. Portlaad Stagea leave Stage Terminal Portland aad Bteeiehsmmer s Drug Blare. Bilvertoa WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A rOWER 00. Uffie. 801 BoaU Ooaa'l Bt. Tea per cent discount oa domssti flat rates paid la advsace. No dedaetseu for abssnee or nay eaaao sales watet Is abet off your premiaea. WOOD SAWS 0ZTT AST) Cutis TRY WOOD IAW1XQ. Phoao 1048. Fiahee Bros. WOOD SAWING. PHONB 1191. CITY, eouatry. Ed. Bproed. PROFESSIONAL OPTICIAJrS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR, oiiie mm) mmw ww vyajisiais wmfmm.mfmmjm .835 State str, opposite - Lood aad Boas tiaag. POME ROT A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrieta. SSS Btate. CmROPEAOTOES DR. 0. L. SCOTT, P.S.0, CHIROPRA0- tar, 414-19 U. 8. Beak Bldg. Paoae 87; re. 828-R... OSTBOPATHICPaTSIOlANS DBS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, jOt U. B. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phytic isa aad surgeoa. KlrksvUl S-sduste, 404-408 U. B. National Beat Idg. Phoae, office. 819.. rae 614 BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR- mitiea of th feet corrected without toss of tun from your occupation. Urs. watte aad Atarahall. U. B. Atsat Bldg. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phyaiciaa aad surgeon, 409-404 Ore Ka Bldg. Phases. oiBee, 19942: tee F8. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp f. Armory. First, t nival Mondays REAL ESTATE ANDERiyOS A RUPERT 4 Successors to Lsflsr A Lsilsr INSURANCE ( , REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406-7 Oregon Bldg Fleming's Bargains A nice nsying confectionery for essh, A good bottom . farm, crops and equip ment and - stock: a bargain. A good location for garage and oil station near camp croon ds. cheap. Good lot on State street st 9750. sssy term. One of the best quarter blocks . ia Fsirmount psrk. this week spocisl price (no commission.) Wm. Fleming 341 Stste street 40 ACRES. 35 CULTIVATED: GOOD .for prunes or logsns. . ia close to school; hss no buildings: Just the piece to improve end mske Vslue, csn now be had for only 9125 per acre, with very easy terms, bee U A. Hayford 805 State street Best Buys 6 room mod-rn bungsiow. built la con veniences, esst front, good location 33000. terms. 3 room bungalow, garage, woodshed, 81250: half caah. 7 room bunzalew. strictly modem. 91400 wills handle, balance like rent. This is in the best location ia Salem. 20 acre , bearing prunes with good Crop. 97O00. terms. 15 acres, house, barn, 9 lorans, psved road, cloae in. 97500. terms. Kxrhsages snywhere a apecialty. What have yoa to offer Socolofsky 841 State. -- To Exchange 35 aeres'of fin land. 25 in cultivation A snap tor tl25 per acre. Will take a booae t-alem as part paymeat. 1 not over ""0. Thomason - X- -831Va-StaU street .-1 ' Trades k 26 acre farm, well improved, good build ing. end equipment, cow ead chickens On Paeifie highway. south. .. Prict 5.V0 .' j Will trade for one to tea acres close to Bslem, with or without buildings. " " It acre farm, well located, all under cat . -tivntie." amall bouae: w-II aiBDd -T-bortes. row. .- 83750. Will trade for "AuiKe ait Ml in Kalem. , L -Winnie Pettyjohn ., f . .,, , ...... . . . . 1. d.- BlMtm BtXTVS REAL: ESTATE MA HOME BUTE inn CAM BOS A issm baagabrw leea tkava s year old fag 9508 leea Una I was offsred tes 1 tt auava meatha ago. Ha huemeat . Dsatk ItiiehasL, oasoota mm& slssama parch. 910w9 will handle It. - Sao tt rrrv HOUSX8 CITY LOTS. BURSA aa. smoU aad largo enag esaa ta s I .ews; esebaagoa la otty aad eoatartry. -ax' aad Uimmaaalal let 9 tea? 848. Good Buy , 103 acro farm, about i0 aft, ".' vsted. buildings; located 64 ,See from Salem. Price 970O0. ' - One half acre tracts ea psved road sad ear liae, ta beariag fruit. Price 9600: 05O dew a. balaace parable 910 pec month. 910O dewa, 910 per month bays 10 acres ia crop, fiae fruit soil. Price 91250. 8 room saodera homo in Oaka addition in fiae condition. Meat ba sold. Price 95500 cash. " Real Estste ead Fire Insurance W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 27S State St. U. S. Bank Bldg. 8EE ME FOR A GOOD BUT IN AN apartment bouse; long lease, furnished. Good, chesp. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court atreet. rtlsr IV PflRTI.lxn Hour irvra . V1 - . -. v u, -.L... J for f 4u, wsnt eiesr aiem prepertyj or close ta acreage. 32000 equity; reel value. Heyser-Follrich System AND FOR BARGAINS IN CITY cosatry property, tea Joseph Barber & Son. soo way Biag.- SOUTII 8ALEM HOME COST. GOOD location. 93500. Ruby Purdy. 455 Court atreet. A COURT STREET HOME . FINE. - 94000. Garage, furnace; all atodera conveniences. Ruby Purdy, 453 Court street. FOR 8ALE aix room &t SKMelum"- .V.V..w.-r." rA kavadk m-. ?lam I . . . . A " a I are. ravsa botn streets. . (jorner 1 Washington and Fir; Fairmeant dition. Alto one two ton truck for I "T - " mm 1 saie. Cheap, rails uity-saiea i.um-1 ber Co, 349 So. 12th. . Phono 813. SEE ME ABOUT NEW HOUSES AT moderate price. Terms. Ready for occupancy la a few daya.. Ruby Purdy. 455 Court atreet. Special For a few days wo can aell yoa a 4 room house aad 3 nice lots for 91300. 815 per With 910O dowa, balaaoe month. Thomason , 831 Stat atreet IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME I ust witn ttoby puray. 455 court st.- i come to brownsmead and look at tho beat beavers aaa land in Assert ea; sold in email trade at reasonable prices snd ess v terms. Railroad ststioa sad school. Or write P. O. Box 82, Brownsmead, Oregon, for full partic ulars. FIVE ROOM MODERN' BUNGALOW Dutch kitchen, well arranged, cosy Homo. Heyser-Follrich System Phone One Thousand WORTH WHILE ' room hoese, gsrsge, 2 lots, ' bearing fruit, price 91200. v Small dowa pay ment, - Balance 415 per -month, room bouse, bath, electric lights, on csr line. Price 91800; 9300 down, balance 815 ner month. 13 4 seres, only two miles from Salem' 7 acres oearisg prunes, a, aeree wher ries, apples sad English walnuts, all in bearing, some berries. 6 room house, water system, barn and chicken house. Price 87000. MILLS & COPLEY 83114 Stste stre-t ' ' NEW FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW CAN be had for 9130 down. - Heyser-Follrich System, Main Floor Terminsl Building - Bargain, $200 Down Price 91000 for 7 room plastered house. garage, large trees, good street, north) Sslem. worth mors money. S. R. Pearson 210-311 U. S. Bsak Bldg. for sale at a bargain two beautiful home close in. Ball block from car line oa paved atreet. One of theae thoroughly furnished. Strictly modern. Square Deal Co, 202 U. S. Bank Bldg Wood's Bargains . Strictly modern aix room houae oa one of the best streets in tbe city, resson ablv close in. east front, a very desir able home for less thsn cost. If yea are in the market for a fine home it will psy -yoa to investigate. 95500 is the nrice. . We hsve property to trade for a bom in CorvaUia. Have a frame garage an residence for "92000, and will take a car as part pay.. Wsnt a Ford csr in exchsage for a larrer car. Small house, corner lot, 3800. Wsnt a mano. FiT.ec".r rulw4tl:.. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICI3 OP 8CHOOI. KL:d.OJi Notica is hereby gtrcn to the le" e-al wntera of School District No. 4. or Marion Conntv. Oregon, . . , .1 . ...! mat ine annual vi-xwnn tor bii rliatrlr" will ho YieA In Sflid did-1 -- w " trict, t'j begin at the hour of two o'clock P M. on tne third Monday In June, being tbe 18th day of June A. D. 1922. ani holding un til seven o'clock of said day, for the purpose of electing one direc tor to serve tor the term of three years. i Voting Pl.trt 226-21 S. CommercU. St. (Office of the Associated Oil Co.. Marion Hotel.) G. E. H4LV0RSEN. Chairman of Board of Directors. W. H. Burghardt, Jr., District Clerk. NOTICE OF .ANNUAL . SCHOOL t MKETINtJ Annual . School Meeting of School District No. 24, Marlon County. Oregon, will be held in the high school building,; In said district Monday evening, June 19. 1922 at 8 o'clock for the purpose of. bearing tbe reports of Board of Directors and of the District Clerk of said district, snd . for such other business .ss may law fully come before thV ineetlng.- Dated this 6th day , of .. June. J922. - , ;:-..; , G. E. HALVORSEN. Chairman of the Board of Di rectors. ;, , J Attest: W. H, Burghart, Jr.. District Clerk: Head .the ' Classltied fids Si Prices Rise and Fall During Short Session Some ' aGins Are. Made : NEW OR.K. Job 17. Stock ingvjt prices rose .and tell la be wilderfil conlasioa - daring tlo short 658 Tht) set result, however, showitt . Ettmber of substantial jalriaC Annouuce meot OTernlsht of the sltjE. Jt sa 9 freemen t tor reorgrsd'sstuP0 of : Mexico's foreign ' debt- wag i strong sentimental factor,, as In a lea ted by the farther strength of Mexlcsn Petroleunt an J aftiM lafArf atrwve 1 Tfealtulnw fnr nrnfll. and artort , , m . m . , Betting oi motors ana equipraeinin and miscellaneous specialtiCB cheeked the advance temporarily 9Bd effected Afresh unsettlemont ; Thia was overcome . before the close on renewed buying of Mexl- d" 7den" ruslTf price, in Indepeodest .teels; Est. .e .v. ei... ... .v,i. Issn J .r.7 rall tV iVtt7r ca-1 lasnes and ralla. The latter, ea- pecially coalers, showed restrslnt holrever, in connection with lst- i aaAaaaeia iKe .i.n.flnn I est Sspecta of the labor situation. I Sales smounted to 500.00U Shares. Foreign exchange, agsln e- ..-.-.ti- k.vm ..t..l JJi. - . ...j 1 an increua of nfilHrTr orders cni indor. Peru Am.t.rfl.m AmmnA Afli-a, J J ' 98V as oa f ...i .v. 1 f , . , T .V- , V. i forfeited Another eight pointt I am 1 nnor arinn intst tdjbnr n rim i -j ,..ainn. .mnn, n.lMli ! particularly Dutch and Scandi navian bills, ranged from 7 to 10 I points., a . I -, -: v -; . In keeping with forecaats. ac tual loans snd d'scounts . of the clearing house disclosed another j Pwlon. lifting the total of that sctount to slightly more J than 1 4 ,8 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 the yesr's high teeord. Net .demand deposits ChoWCd S gSln Of SbOUt ll3, Qoo.oo'J snd s cssn increase 01 132.400,000 expanded actual ex cess reserves to almost $64,000,-1 000. i . FRUIT NEW YORK," June : 17 Evap. orated apples dull; prunes steady. spricots firm. Peaches Quiet. lAIRVroTATOE9 PORTLAND, June 17. Butter, Prints : extras 4 Oc : : cubes ' extras 35c; prime firsts 34 i-2c. :: rtii a ' Ba jo -. si f t Dutteriai.: romana aeuvery; No. 1 "sour cream r lie. W. . Potatoes: . Buying price locals 75 s 85 r Selling price 1.00 a 1.25; new Californlaa 5 a 1-2. I TURNER lNKWS TURNER, Ore.," June 17. H. A. Theissen and family have been absent on a weeks vacation, Mr, Theissen going r es far as Tills- I mooki ' ''"'' ' Ffed .Gunning and wife motored to Vancouver last Saturday.' Mrs. Buna Bicknall - who Jias visited a week in Turner, returned with them to her. home. Mrs. J, F. Lyle spent the first of the week at Mill City at the home of her soq Percy Lyle. . Mrs. George Moore and daugh ter Agnes were In Salem Wednes day afternoon.' Ed Farris-returned home from a logging camp. "Little Mervin Pearson was bad ly- hurt Tuesday, being thrown on hisJiead by the pony he was rid Ing. Perry Baker has returned from Powers, Ore. , C. A. Bear has just finished planting' 20. acres of string beans Kop Salem 1Kns 'Products com pany. Justus Robertson spent two daya at home and has gone to J CamprLwis for the summer.; H. R. Peeti Attended Masonie I grand lodre ' In rPor'ttand Iklt week . ' ; : an a ' : " . . miss naxei Dear returnea nome Frills V for the. inmm.r .eo.lc.n e-- voai-s wsssa aasa-ava w HVasoAVUe THE OREGON STATESMAN' ' BOOK OF A THOUSAIW COUPON r ' " How to Get Thii Book for the mere ribrriinsl cost of riianufactare Bnd distri butlon. One coupon and 79c secures this splendid new" song book, well bound and actuaJIyconteintoj more than a thousand songs. 5 :'.:;v,s'r' -v"' - s Present or mail to this paper three coupons with seventy-nine cents to cover, cost oi handlini?, packing. clerk, hire, etc. . Add for postage: , ., Mail ud to 150 miles. - - Orders up to S00 For greater distances ask postmaster rate for three pounds. v , : 4 . ; 20 Song Books In one. , . No other Song Book published so good or to com plete as this one. Site was accompanied by Hiss Cay Davis, who has been her guest st Salem lor "a tew days. Miss Davis t and Mrs. R. M. KIKaer wiU go tQ Mosmoath Monday tor a summer normal cosrse. '." ; .. - 1 1 J The Robertson family reunion Is to be held st the Uberptclo grounds Sunday.- ""' ' ' Mrs. AV. TIUclsa was pm the ' tlch list s few days. , . . Mr. and Mrs.. J. tT. u Dubcsr were caUiag on old rrtea4 Thttro ' dsy. ),'. '" .' " Mr, and Mrs, C, A. Bear, snd ; little boys and Carol Kiser mo tored Saturday evening to the home or Frank Bear near riafxi ' view, returning Sunday evening4 except Carol who will make leisurely vtsit. , First Order Issued by New Service Commission The tirt order of the newl or- sssiaed pHvic v sertice eommi- sIob BU8Dendeft: Jor 8 asyi Proposed lncrP39MB FatM 0y tquina Electric comfiWT snC ,srt ; s hearlsg to be held , si No Prt on Friday, Jane 30. -. V--i . The suspenaioB csme ss a J suit of a protest by tbs'ChsmhV of Commerce at Toledo- which el JlZlX n$tZ& J mor ' 'c to psy sn sdequate return to tne company on It Investmoat. Toledo rwolutions point .J " . v A. inr-renW 7 ... , . ... ,v -mtnai tariffs were iiled under the MBir eawe.tvoe dt r j " " rw iri ?-t Holland was BOt t me company. 11 u ireu - ther that the . w iv. .a. - Lu amlarZ tu .vuiau d ldto an agreement for thevpur. power whereby Its iajif vUs - WJ Ol 0' amrsum wl b. sat ls.Ult. TTw . ., -a niflCHtSTER S FILUC .... . , ,A a..,. aVl 1 aaatea. JeLAaOHa Satl f-iilAewttt Hi aa.isal,r.reaie' .s cnuutCaA-PSTtALltl aaik'a8cwhJiir ts.ie ROUND THE WO.ILU f Seswrb SS "EMPRESS 8SANCBT . . 18481 Oeoee T". Specially Cbsrteeed 4 MONTHS CRUISE. 31000 awdap T eladiad Haeale. Fss. .Dftee. CaldaO, Z CtmhOrigiaarsd Bowed tb tt arid Crwisss CUrVe 1 tb Cnriw, FebiwV 8.1988 a, fam A.Sfcesea a aMr,iiann 1 SS "F.MrRESS ol SCOTLAND oee Teas. Rpaeially Cavsresred jj. AYS CRUISE. 8400 ea-1 wo Harala. Paaa. Drivo. Cid4. et. IeeMi It dr Edrt. rsleetiae. I pars. Mel, OtwMe.eev s mew ver Slioweo 00 ooa a-rw,aa. k C Q, TWeBtdraA NeeVi y SALEM MARKETS . jlTJTXKlt PEICE1 ' Kay sad Orala Wheat 81.05 A. 1-10 ba; wats, 30 Q 5e bu. . '., . Egrt. B0tMlT9t.v Uaar, MUX Buuerflt. 89cT Uk.fl.S tXW 11 19c; ;dir butter f'V drUeTT .!.' SJ aw- 4w ' ttn aU llsht hrtw flwaty aWVPSS V T7 Vf - - 1 6e: medium. IB; rooster. Xv: broiler Hoea. 911 11.50: - 4rcseedXega. 14e; , top .teers, Se; eowe, H. , Ef8 aad Battef " V ' ' Fere. 40 an 22e; ' creamery', battel 42 if 47e; dairy butter. -85 4 84, -. Portland BojIjii Prlcw xoos. rouiiXax, siaii v BUTTERFAT FIRM . ' Nam Her oaa charniag eresm. 41 aM fAb POrtlaad; sneer rraaes, as. EGOS FIRM - " V . Cat-rest reeeiota. 19 O tOe! wbHe boaf aeries. 33 (9 34e dl'd. (The aotataaa ere based oa price reesivsd tor the baa of Sty's reeeipu fey leea! Jobbers 4 cream trie.) - LIVE POULTRY WKAK i Less eommisalea). heavy heaa. 31 ft 930 lb.: do light 19 6? 17c; broilers. Rocks and Red 3i: legborat. 19. t sue. old rooster. 10 eoats: ducks, wk'te Peklns. young, 24 U 3Je; old ducks, MO 9 20c. . DRESSED MEATS WEAK . fLeee eommlasioa) Choice light beta. IS O lSVis; eadsrrrsdcs, 19 19HI vest toe grade. 12 O 12V6: aaJer- grades a W lie. . , SAT JUTD WaMsiaV'?' u HAT-FIRM fDelfvered Pertlaad). Vetler' Timothy 917 IS teat Esttern Oreann Timothr 919 t 71 tea; alfslfs.914 T9 '18' tea j clover, 914 ton; est aad vetch 915 tea; strsw, f e toa. - titAift ut.llAur.u (Trsck. Pertlaad) Wheat 91.10 ft reratl.lt: ost. 939 37; Esstera yel low eera azao tun.. '.- 4 ' Fsurp Strswberries, 8L50 1.60 ersfe: ear ly cherries IO 66 15e lb; early peaches 91.50 bos; apricots 91 4 1.25 box; gooseberries. 4 lb. VX0ETASXE8 . ' No. 1 pot a tot a. 75 tt 85e ewt.; Oregon cabbage, 1 8c lb: paraaipe. Is lb.: carrots. SOe doaea baiBehea: taralpe Sad I J?,t iW '?.Mv.l,fi. " " " " o-Ar,f rT Vf I vaiiey vm, it v aai ( y " f - hotb I ' : HOPS STEADT 192t Crop nen-lwal at It 49 " sees oa sea . aajnt, OC miles. ---14c s.. v aa - a m