.1 ii ' at , 'I tf !J SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 18, 1922 " RESORT LURES EARLY CROWDS Col. E.1 Hofer Returns from Newport With Report of . . Unusual Progress . "Travel to Newport by train And by mo tar car i la starting ia earlier tbla year than nana!. said CoL E.' liefer 3 upon bia ' return from spending ,a week at the Lin coln county resort. : 'zj-X' ' ; "Two ,carloads ".went 1 over on the train the i f Irat'ot tbe week, z- 1 RIMS sad Elm Part tor all Cm ' Free Expert AdTlcq BRA JORGEXSEX 110 Booth Blab Street and campers '. and 'cottagers 'are rolling in ' on the JwrJi. graded roads. ' . r-. : The hotels are doin a a -eod buei nes. .. . r', . . t j Abbey Opens Dinioj Room K 'The Abbey opened , its dining rcoras earlier than usual. Tbe other hotels are alt raaningv and. tbe Agate Beach .Inn.: w ill open earlier than .usual.. At the Mon terey which will be open to the public this season, th9 manag ment has built a mode! seaside' tourist park, with camping privi leges, running spring water, nel and electric lights all Cor 50 cents a day right down on the' beach. ' "Newport under, the .leadership of fh community elnb is renovat ing and rebuilding and painting, until labor ia at a premium. Tbe deepsea fishing, boat' are already taking, out: excursions. . and there la abundance of fish and clams at low prices and - the . fattest and finest oysters that erer were of fered tbe human palate.. Improvement Many ""Improvements are the order of the day on South beach, and AUTO rtl V :'( . 'V l-f i LOWEST PRICES TOPS ' PROMPT SERVICE f ' Small 5-passenger cart....: zrgt 5-passenger cars vtarge Tpamnger cari:.... ..... $8.50 to $35.00 ...10.00 to 50.00 .. .18.00 to 60.00 22.00 to 65.00 3.50 to 5.00 SCntttBMM, tor, .35,00 .Sca ci for anythiajf ia tlie top, curtain, upholster- cbd'c Auto Top Shop :W Chtaeketa Street Back of Yi M. C, A. streams of visitors come-and go from Alsa ba country, ilra. W. P. Lord has. improved her iforamer home, at Seal Rocks by adding a line rock-built fireplace and ex pects to entertain visitors from the Atlantic eoasu - "The Salem co:ony at Agate beach will be on th ground "early and fine improvements are being made.' The A. N. Bush Jr. beach house Is having Its own water service; built and other cottage will dig wells and put in piessure Unks. A number of fine gardens and flowerbeds are In evidence. ool for Children 'The Newport beaohes are the idetl place for young people and children. A month or two at the ocean' should be the privilege of every growing child. They be come rugged and go through the rest of . the year without any of the afflictions of childhood. "The 115,000 natatoriura and dancing casinos are ready for. the era wds and better-equipped than ever before. New port will' be by all odds the mosi. attractive sea side resort In western Oregon in my opinion, and equally accessible by fine trains and good roads." University Student to Manage Dallas Warehouse : DALLAS, Or., June 17. (Spe cial to Ahe Statesman) Clarence Curry, a fortner Dallas boy, now attending the University of Ore gon will take a position Monday morning as manager of the Polk bounty Farmers Cooperative Warehouse company, taking the place formerly held by Henry Voth. Mr. Voth and wife ac companied by - their young son Jake will leave soon for Spokane where they will attend the annual convention of Baptist churches for, the Pacific coast after which he will return , to Dallas and spend the balance of the summer between hit large prune orchard north of this city and his summer home at Pacific City. MS EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE- Program for Ensuing" Year Adopted at Newberg Without Discord .. With almost . perfect unanimity. Oregon yearly meeting of Friends, in session here, has adopted its united program for the ensuing year, br which tbe evangelistic and church work of the yearly meeting will be pushed witk. un usual vigor during the coming year, and the yearly meeting will unite in the work of the home mission and foreign mission de- 0f isem aad Taxpayer Again Editor Statesman: In my art )r cle of yesterday I wrote: "The tendency seems to be to pick down town men for members OF THE SCHOOL BOARD. I THINK IT WOULD BE MORE REPRE SENTATIVE TO HAVE THE BOARD MEMBERS distributed over the district. Certainly, that large part of tbe school district extending from Mission street south including the L'noln and MCKlaley scnools snould have a representative on the . school board." The words in capitals were omitted by the printer .or proof reader; of course, by mistake. partments of tbe fire years meet. ing? the NaHional Friends organi- Thanking you for the additional space in which to make my a.'gu in an affray while the show was Ua progress Wednesday night, ; Cook and a number of other men and Joys jrej-e peeping into the dressing " rooms of the show girls when they were requested to depart by, the shpw management after they had cut a. slit in the tent. The 'management tried to find an officer but none could be found, so some of the employes wehe stationed to watch the tent. Cook, who had been drinking, ac cording to the McMInnville offi cers, refused to depart and in an altercation was knocked down by a show employe and hit bis head on a tent stake. The employe was later arrested and taken before a Justice of the ; peace where bail was fixed at $50. v Thursday morning Cook's in juries were found to be of quite a serious nature and a warrant was issued for the circus, em ploye's arresL His name howevec was not taken at the time his ban was fixed and uon the arrival of. the McMinnvUle officers in Dallas with the John Doe warrant Jt a. man bed left the show, with whleh be ha dbeen ' working" but a few days andde parted for parts un known, w thout , drawing., wnat pay was coming to him. The show management did all : possible' to help the McMInnville officers catch the man but up to the time WOOD BURN TRAINS Discontinued June 10 " Oregon Electric railway local trains run during the school year between. Salem -and Woodburn, arriving Salem 3:15 p. m. and leaving 3:30 p. m., will be with drawn, Monday. June 19. , ' J. W. RITCHIE, Agent Adv. zatio'n j . , Colleges Show Growth The department of education has been, before the yearly, meet ing this afternoon " with reports from. Greenleaf seminary. Green- leaf. Ida., and Pacific college. Newberg. . The annual reports of Pacific college show the .largest attendance, in the college's his. torr, the argest financial re sources and the greatest progress toward complete recognition of any year in the history of the in stitution. The educational ad- Show FmDlOVe Knocks Out areas was given oy(. Dr. , W. C. Woodward, of Richmond, Ind. The college , is moving as. rap idly as possible to meet all re quirements for standardization. New library and laboratory equip ment have beef ordered, and, ad ditional teachers are being em ployed. , ...... The morning session was de ment clear, A .Citizen and Taxpayer. PEEPS INTO III H SETS HURT Citizen Who Wants to See Girls Dress DALLAS, Ore., June 17. (Spe cial to -The .Statesman) John Snodgrass, chief of police of Mc I MinnviUe; and . .Fred . Patterson, tamitv attArlff frnm thm an ma Tt 'I'v ". f Pee, "d Pl" -DaUw yesterday looking for an employe of the the work of the American Friends Service committee. . Dr. Wood ward gave the address, on the lat ter, showing convincingly this part of. tbe overseas work of the denomination. In the peace pro gram Cecil E. Pearson, and Cecil F. . Hinshaw gave the'! orations which they gave in the two state oratorical contests in which they represented rear. , : Howe London shows who severely injured Millard Cook of that city USED MOTORCYCLES the elrcoaleft tor Portland hie whereabouts was still unknown. Standard Course for. i junior; nian.'S vi"1 - -t aj' CtVchUl.' sUte auperln tendeat ;of choolsr has issued a' of 'stdudr for Junior hga rschools In Oregon with the object of standardtxlng thert. ino man ual was prepared by ProL H. Douglass and Prof. F. U SteUon of theXTnIverarty ot Oregon, and its object ta to remove dissatis faction with eondtttona In scon-dary- education- as now adm'nls- tered. - - ' ' ' ia . !-Bg and Up All make3 including Har-ley-Davidsonf Indian, Ex celsior and Cleveland Call and see them now Harry W. Scott THE CYCLE MAN" 147 So. Com'l St. 6 0) CO. For 5 Passenger Cars LI- 3o This is not a hap-baxard piece of work but "a guar anteed job, done by expert top-men using guar anteed materials. Walter E. Grunert Auto Trimmer 256 State Street Phone; 793 I I TILLAMOOK COUNTY pacinc 11. this 'Manhattan, Lake Lytle, Bar View, Saltair, Elmove, f -2 tj. J.- YlMM C DiAiVfi fi-fir iverartSy tctfdi oiuc, awaiw wa.jr s Rockaway, Garabaldi, Read fhe Classmed " Ads. Playgrcuad An Ideal; Beach; Resort Rockaway Meat Market Opposite S. P. Depot, Rockaway. Fresh and Cured Meata Clams, Crabsi Fish, etc. B. E. Reynolds, Prop. ; 1 : When jn'NewporiPaironize These Progressive Establishments ' ?Al!ehV Restaurant : f7X FRONT ST, , h v ' Dest Food aad Service, I' ' t Tk Oary Xxelaatve VULCATJlZUlGt .uii . Sho ta Vcwyort ' fut Offle Black . A ' ' ' VZWTOXT TIU SHOP 1 1 ' r Tum, Eepaira, . Ota," Oo ' M Cherry City Cottages Sw nai. N)nrai B.tt 1ostWa a Ny Bra-k. Tara!. i xotii top briidinf, lino and iiWr wi. KU $3.50. t 9S vrr.wMk, ta (ludiaf wod, ttcU aad , water. . ICaka Hnmifiom Early. ... V r V.. Ruddlman's Agate Shop .. Afttw Cni sat VoturUd -.t ;tUaa-Ordars a tpaeUIty., ; , ; Beach Street V J: The Log Cabin Ts Xmsu Confaetloaarr Tobaceaa, . BewUag micbw inun rt "-XI &0 DB UAM 0&CHS8TKA , Ix". riuriter Bros. Xwpn'f Bast Eqalppad : Garage T" Tint. Aecsuorlss, Gm, Oils f On Mala Drive, XTS BSAOB Strtwn's Cash Store .- IT r NGrobcries ; : ' Claaa, Crbe, Oyateca : . Jeasi ft. Ottawa, mp. Front Street Kill 77 B4 l-A V .'I ni !3i 3' i if V J Hotel Gilmore, Nye Beach i". (formerly the Cliff House) . -At the water's edge--overlooking. the Pacific ocean. View from every room, well heatea, clean, comrortaDie. Charges reasonable. A la carte service , , irree ons to ana from hotel For reservations or further information address: IV O. GIXiMOlua; -Prop " " . : ' " Newport, Ore. " " ; ' THE FABIOUS , i. - v ' Bl HO DE MAR ' ''vv' - Orchestra - u v Concert and Dance'Mnslc. , . ,V - Kuril bhed for all occasion " NEWPORT f. - " . OREGON ' "It's on the Beach" Newly Renovated New iFurnishings J New Management C h Newport -s. Most Popular Hotel . MlLS DANCING ; - - . Popular Prices Wait'sAgate Store $ j Rockaway W. j. Schumacher , Real Estate and Insurance Cottages to Rent 10 rears the Acata baataesa la Ktwport -' Special - attentioa to Matt Orders ' ' Box 66, Newveta, Ore. - -BaaaoTed ta Beach Su, Near Oeeaa Oregon Real Estate, Loans - "'' Insurance ; . .,- ... J -T '. . Beat faraa ta' tae Ceaatry listed. Okeea laoda tor tnreitraeat . , , Z.ESTEB MABTIN f ; i KEWyOBT, OBJB.: , BUOY RESTAURANT and Lunch Room ' Open AH Honrs South of Post Office Spencer Bros., Rockaway, Ore. ASHCRAFT Lumber, Company Bafldiag Buterials GARIBALDI GARAGE . : Serrlce with free air AUTO BEFAIBZKO Expert ante electric machinist YalvoUas Oil, Goodyear sad Bevera tire Btoraie H. X. SHELDOIT OABXBAXDI, OBE. AU KlBda'.Df PHOKE SS87 OCEAN WAVE Roller Rink P. D.OTT General Merchandise - Tourist Supplies Fishing Tackle Free Camp Grounds Free Wood Hebo Oregon PACIFIC CITY BEACH .Salem's Nearest Beach by Auto - ' ' Stage leaves terminal three times dally for Pacific City via Mc MInnville. This beach possesses more natural attractions than any other beach on the Oregon coast. ; . ; , A scenlobeach paralelled wlthinive feet, foy the beautiful Nestncca river, teaming with, every variety of fish-lmon, trout, clams, crabs, .etc- '- ' "''''. Spacious protected camp 'grounds -wooded hills ' Note ihis nnparaielied combination. An ocean beach and river fish ing, boating and bathing? All within three minutes walk Baseball games, concerts, dancing children's playgrounds and other amusements' ' V- '. OCEANSITE TOWNSITE Formerly Maxwell Point -Afatei riihlng Good Eiach New Connty road open aoev One and one-aatf milea aorta of Vatarta For particulars write: Rosenberg Bros. Tillamook, Oregon Between SXATDTO A. O. Pord, Pro. Vewpon aad Nye HIGHLAND PARK First addition o Ifanhattan, Ore. loU on sale, right oa the oeeaa front ANVA WELCH, OWHEX TJntU Oct. lit, Manhattan, Or. Portland Office: 910 E. lata 8, K. Phone WUlnat OSM . . ROCKAWAY GARAGE v Expert Repairing Tire5 Oils Greases On the highway at Rockaway Wm. Sederberg Rockaway, Ore, . ". BAR VIEW, : fc . Tents and Cottages We have teata and colUfra romp1t ly famished ae all yen seed brivf is yoor aait eaae . and ailvrrware aad top covers, if convenient. OaVare will store bed springs, maltreat, dishes aad cook in f vtrnsils, i and yom can supply the mt, Water, lights .and free wooil till Aagnst first. $1 per day and ap. . THE WISE WAY 7 f Bar View, Tillamook, Co., Ore. HEBO, GARAGE.. Oils, tires, gas, accessories, Aeetyleae welding, expert repairing. Phone -SX7 for aerrlce On highway at corner Paclfie City read - Hebo Oregon A. r. MITCHELL - lBOF. Smith's Confectionery Xaneh Boom 8top at Habe for refreshaaenta, fee creaat, soft - drinke, aapaccoa, laachea, aseala. . . . t , ... . . , HEBO. ... . oaxooht Beach The Old Playground OotUgas and apartaenta for rent hy te week ex jnonth. Auto transltr u I voaaeeuoa - ; Kra. 7. H. H. Andersen Boa 278 Newport, Ore. KODAK THE BEACHES Tbea bring yonr rams to Vt . ltOCKAWAY STUDIO Ed. H. Wood, Prop. Large line view postcards OCEAN VIEW COURT Famished eottagae, teata, lights aad water ! The REDFERN COTTAGES v Fred D. Coffee n. Proo. Breek St, two and a halt block a from . , the beach Kates Seasonable . , Bedding Extra dux zzi Newport . ; Oregon Famish ad Complete; light, wool and Janitor service free The 'HtftttOigtoB, S rooms Ocean Park. 4 rooms Star, 4 rooms Crescent S rooms and Garag. Alto four 2 room apartments overlooking the ocean O. O. TTTKHEB BOCKAWAT, OBE. Geo. H. Wilcox Staple and Fancy Groceries Floor, Feed, ete. NYE BEACH IVERSON'S STORE " The big store on Front street, Just north of Fall street. Hardware, furniture, groceries, feed, fishing supplies, paint, oil stoves and beach supplies of all kinds. '! : , ' l-. -; , . . ; -a . If. J. IVEItSON, Prop -ji' Newport, Ore. i;-' " - t"-: ' - At the' edge of the Sea 24 attractive and comfortable cottages of two, three and four rooms,. witu water' and electric lights In each. An ideal location; unexcelled ocean view. Only one' block from the stores. New natatorium ana ngnt at naming beach. -Write for rates: CHRIS AR3LS. Newport, Ore. i Free Bus from Boat - "' ' w ' ; . 1 1; r. i . ORDER YOUR ' .. v . ' STATESMAN 'V To , Follow You to Newport ; . Phone 503 - Minthorn'a aths 4 Open Every Day Dr. W. ,T. Crocker. Prop. Opposite Cliff lXoose, Xye Beach" Baths, 30 Cents Ught JtonsekeepInK; .rooms, woruCble '". " v' ' Chiropractic offices ln.ltauidlng t ; i- " Dr. BoRes.e, Chiropractor.'" ' Adjustments, with baths If desired 5 KEWPOlaT'- - ' " A ' ' --OREGOXtt - NEW Lake Lytle Hotel LAKE LYTLE, OREGON Midway Between Manhattan and Rockaway Open All Year Largest and most modern hotel on Tillamook beaches. Splendid view of ocean and lake from every room. Newly furnished, well heated and lighted. Attractive lobby with cheerful fireplace.. Sun parlor, extending full length of building, overlooking ocean. Excel lent dining room service. Hot and cold water in all rooms. Buy your ticket to Lake Lytle, Ore, Southern Pacific depot di rectly in front of hotel. Good auto roads either via Tillamook or Seaside. Spend" your vacation at Lake Lytle, where you may enjoy trout fishing, sea fishing, digging clams, catching crabs, surf and lake bathing driftwood fires on the beaches, dancing and horse-back riding. . " Rates 4 to $8 each per day, rooms and mealsincluded. Weekly rate's! For reservations write Julia II. Parker, Mgr., ,P. O., Rockaway, Oregon. .. HAPPY CAMP - ENTIRELY REBUILT 40 NEW COTTAGES AND TENTS ....... - - . FURNISHED. NEW COMPLETE V Cottage Price 1 to $3 per Day - ' 1 ONLY SALT WATER BAY ON THE COAST Good fishing, unexcelled beach noted for its clams, crabs and boat Ing. Spring water 9 8 per cent pure restaurant in connection v - . f " STEP FROM YOUR DOOR TO THE BEACH ' Stage connections, at Tillamook for Netarta. Phone 953 4 Netarts, Oregon. .; 7 allies from Tillamook BEACH COURT HOTEL New, aeat clean, homelike; win famtih yon room and board st reiaoisblo rates. CAMP COhCTY (Tnrnished Tents and Cottages tot Kent. Vast pott office, stores and depot. Convenient te the hathlnfl heaches. . Tor reservation addreaa proprleters: ' .. ' , MS. OS MSB. A. O. WALLXVO SOCXAWAY, OSS. TILLAMOOK GARAGE TOVSIST BSASCiUASTESa Direct Mala street th roach Tinssiook. XafemaUaa to aU potnta gladly given. " Accessories, gas, ofl, free) air at yonr servtce at all tUaea. r M. D. AKXET .. B. M. COBDXT 6th and End Avenne- , . ' TLUaaiook. Ore. STAGES McMInnville te Tillamook Pierce Arrow Xdmonaiao Basse' Direct connection . at McMtaavOle) from Balaot for tie beachea. Ala direct eoa b action st Hobo for Pacific City. ...-..... SOCXAWAY STAGES ' . " Connections at Tillamook for aU beaches to Manhattan SALTAIR GROCERY Fresh rruit Fine Groceries Soft Drtnkandie Tobacco Hardware Gat Oils Tires; ttj5. .At the -depot. r. SALTAIR OREGON HOTEL ELMORE 28 rooms of solid eomfort ; everythiac home-tike, nrat and clean. Strk-tly home cooking. Hot . and rold water ia all itates mooerate. ' Tor rostrvatloas addnas . - X. 1. XBBBS - BOCKAWAT, OBE. An ad. on this page will boost your community and your business " When at the beaches, patronize these live business : - .....' ' . ' - establishments . v . ' . I , 1 - I