THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 18. 1922 Vi a V V. '1: ' I'. - ? f 1; , i r ft 1 4- .y,; .' f Big National Convention to be at O. A. C. ' r ''. -' The fifteenth annual conven tlon of the national home econ omics association will be held at Corvallis August 1 to 5. The leaders selected O. A. C. for its many adraatageg and In recog ni tlon of the advanced work ac complished tn instruction and ex tension at the Institution. . Tbe program .has been arranged to interest especially housewives. vocational and other teachers ex tension leaders . ana workers, in stltutfonal managers and social service specialists. - ; - L. S. Hawkins, director of edu cational work, United Typothetaa of America, is one of the nation" at celebrities selected as speak- ' r. ' Soma others of note. Mlda from the Oregon people, are tbe following:.;: UZ, ...v.'.-" 1 -'.'.a . Florence "JtT- . Ward, extension worker for women, United States department of agriculture; Dr. Caroline Hedger, S. Agnes Bon bam, educational . director and author of Boston; Lucy A. Stud ley, assistant' professor household management. University of Minn esota; Harriet E. Vlttum, North western ; university settlement house, Chicago; jftXary Brooks Picken of the women's institute of domestic selence, j arts ;- and science, Scranton. Pa.; L. Ray Batderston, Teachers', college and cuthor of New York: Edith M. Barber, director of - Syracuse home bureau. Syracuse. N. Y.; C..F. Lanrworthv. chief office of home economics, United States depart ment of agriculture: Katherine Phillips, Edsroh,; industrial welfare commission for state of Califor nia; Mary Anderson, chief of wo men's bureau;-Washington, D. C knd Margaret Ebbltt, assistant manager of Congress hotel, - Chi cago; v -y- .This is the first time the na tional home - economics . associa tion-has selected any-place west of ; the, Mississippi river for Its annual conventions. .... e :," Monday ' ' : C ; ; Photographic section of Arts league, at Gonnell Robb Studio. ; . Wednesday Bus. and Prof. Women's luncheon at noon. First Methodist church aid; circles. 'Business Women To Hold Weekly , . Luncheons Weekly luncheons will be fea tures of tbe Business and Profes sional Wtaman's clubi beginning this week, according to a decision reached by the Hub at the last regular meeting. The luncheon will be held each Wednesday in the Gray Belle The members will gather, promptly ' at 12 o'clock and will close promptly so that all may be back to their work by 1 o'clock, according to Miss Mirpah Blair, president of the club. - - It is Dlanned to have short pro grams during the luncheon, simi lar to those given by then Port land Business and . Professional Women's club and the Women's Advertising club In , Portland. Owing to lack of room" at the present time the Hour will be giv en mora' to a social meeting ! the business and -professional w men. Later when a larger room is provided more extensive pi may be carried out. The committee in charge of the luncheon this week were Mrs. W. W Taylor, Dr. Mary Rowland, Mrs. Ora F. Mclntyre ana miss Mary Follrich. " Theregular Jnne meeting was held at the Girls' Industrial school. , More than 50 members were nresent. Koine out on the stage and returning to town fol- Iowingthe supper and business meetinfc. Mrs. Clara . Patterson was hostess for the club. -. ' , "Courtship Under Difficulties', was the title of a skit given by a group composed -of Miss Lucille Pettyjohn, Mrs. Minnie Taylor and Miss Sarah Solof. I Mn. mtt ? Talmadre lieaancx. rioUnist. and W. Joe Nee, soloist. Monday evening Fred McGrew.l reader, and Miss; El Rae Maxwell, j wiinia - autnted. Tber "were : : It . has Ien ahifoenced br the i mueh appreciated by the audience. executive board of the State Fed- The pupil . played . their pieces eratlon of Women's clubs that the well, the lt-hand piece played by next annual meeting will be held JElmer Schoen. ; Raymond Carl. In Medford probably in May of Walter Latnkin. George Koehler, next year. The dates will be de-1 Clifford Huisey ana supa cided upon later. Mrs. Ida B. jwas especially good. '....- j Ar r.iii.f.a 'ir nrn.iiiiv rninr .ThnM-wbo took cart In the re- for ChantanquvN. Y., where she dtals were Marguerite Suthoir. will attend tbe general federation Ruth Roeder, Alene Ritchie. CUf conventlon.' She will stop over ford ftulsey. Clarice, Ritchie, en route la Spokane and -speak Walter Lamkm. Wlanlfred Rit betore the : state convention , Of chie, . Elmer Schoen. Thusnelda women's clubs, which is now la Koehler, Yerneea Grimes. Mar session there. , Accompanying Mrs guerlte Bailey, GKoe5' RahavIta Gsckett. .Doris - kobb. bsiuuua u pais, auuit". . - . ,. j . - 'wm rm. inorenee tuicnie. - jmwij UBUBS.,', . vtHWMu - - i , rnnnr. Kivmonu uuia - 4 Ti tman , R&lch Harms, Iris Brant, Mildred Harms, Helen la- gles. Bertha Carl.- Esther Laa- kin. ' Two of the most interesting re citals of the season were given by WceMiiaQuini&toppe& Company of Clever Slusicians and Entertainers to Appear at ' ' - "Chantanqtia -onFirUi fJJay ' turn about the middle of July. 'Ii- - . ;? v ' '4,-1 I i...l Li Li liLl I tiBiinn of Miss- Lena Dotson Nise -ima ;wuer m spowue - - - Chris three musicale. during tbe com- June 13 (and 14 afthe First Chrlj- ing week at which her pupils will an cnurww - play. One Js for-advanced pupils day evening was given by the Jid at thU'oUe Charles Munston. jounger pupils who presented a .r wfll ainr while a duet of very interesting program. A num- lerttK 4wb.mgtvUeen by lTlTtTol LUMor " " J1 The Oceanic Quintet is" coming to Chaatannnn -flm .rtfted in- Iss Catherine Can' - n v WrigM ye reading which was strumentallsts and -vocalists, who Miss Claudia Lewis will be pre- VfPM? ' f hA children's mh ,H was as follows: pixies Ballet - Brown .Gladys Lachele. Lucile Mosher. The Rocking Chair Boat...Glake i Donald Chapel The Wood tBrd'a Carol.. ..Barth Virginia Alderson Blue Bird's Message.. Krogmann Kdward Schanke t Helgho March . . . . Rol' Meta Harden Dimples ... ... . . Dion Marjorle McDonough 1 The Bugler . . Arnold ' Garold Simpson . ta) So, So, Rock-a-bye-So Cramm (b) Haunt of the Fairies.. Crosby . . - Lucile Mosher ;j Pixies on the Flying Horses How the fashions, change. Wo ' m.. mrm urin( black on the Seath of their husbands. Hut, of course, not tor long. Exchange. What t we need In this country is more et the look-on-the-bright- siders. - " - i tr m It T!! v. - If - : ' ' ' 'a s - . I Bicycles Vacation Tune i j Bicycle Time All Styles All Prices ?20 to $40. VELOOPEPES sented at recital during the week and the younger children who are pupils of Miss Weller, will give a recital a third night. Mrs. Ward Willis Long will assist with .con tralto solos en the occasion of Claudia Lewis recital. The public programs given by. the music department or tne a- lem high school have netted funds enough to furnish the department with musical scores for tbe or chestra, chornses In addition to numerous victrola records. Other needs have also been taken care of, according to Miss Lena Belle Tartar, who Is director ' of music In the Salem high school, which position she "has? held ter four years. ' '" " :'f . : .. . ' ' ... ' A Joint recital of pupils of Prof. T. 8. Roberts and Miss Lulu Wal ton was given last 'night. The ff.i,' was lorcplv attended and the work of the-puplls was well j Picking flowers . . done. ' Professor Roberts piano pupils appeared la ' several selec tions, and Miss Walton's pupils gave a number of dramatic and Special readings. The numbers given by Prof. T. S. Roberts' pupils were as fol- "Under My Loved One's, Win dow! .............. Lange . .. , Isabelle George Swing Song Pontaine " Marv Schel " Murmuring . Brook. ... A Bohm Edith Findley Duet, Swing Walts . . . .LaGrande v Rath Reese, Esther Reese Danse Caracteristiaue . . .Nolck Maude Engstrom much1 enjoyed. The .children s I play, ; sing and read, and do all playing showed ! much careful I exceptionally well.' It is today training. The program Tuesaay i pne of the best known Chautau qua attractions in America, hav ing toured the United States, Canada, England, France and New "Zealand. The European trip was made during 1 the war, the company then being - known - as "The Western Four. - Three of the original personnel are still with the comDanr. Miss Amelia Carsteesen, brillifbt young Dan ish violinist; Miss Helen Fergu son, one of the most talented Idtiv ' cornetlsts in the country: Miss Beulah Truitt, reader and drummer; Lois Brewn Dersett, soprano and pianist and Miss Es ther Sanford, 'cellist. It 1s a fine orsanixation. musically, and from entertainment standpoint is t aee- on to none with its enviable rec- end of service under five flags. Miss Truitfa readings ere always tremendously "popular with . , her audiences, particularly her char acter numbers, j She is an ex tremely gifted artist in this line. ;. :M," ..;i';:.-i-A;ir,fl rjyA.) ,fi ;i.f, i'..f - Family Washings Arc bSTbrtwWays",;, VETWASH f '-..:"... I ... B . means that. the farnily '.washing will be nicely washed. and the water extracted, ready to be ironed at hccia WETTWASH is done for Ac per pound and a minanunx- of 00c applies to this class ol work, ;, - ROUGH DRY WASH mean3 everythinff-nicely washed such pieces as need starch will be properly starched, Everything ;WnTbe dried and all flat pieces such a3 sheets, eupa, tovrcu table loths, napkins, eta, will - be 'Ironed and neatly folded. ' This service is at 9c per pound with ft xfunuauia of 65c and penny each for handkerchief si . . comes home with everythino; nicely washed, starched, ironed and folded, reAdy to be laid awar'The icharffB for this fs the same as the Bough Dry plus a nominal charge for ironing other pieces than flat work. . , . - I ; Salem Laundry Co. Phone 25 POLK COUNTY COURT HEWS 3 Drop in and see tile latest thing in pnen- malic tired veloci pedes $4.75 to $20 LLOYD EL RAMSDEN 387 Court SL - - J v. frank V, Miller'plalntlff, vs. Vera E. Miller defendant. Action Brown Uor divorce; ,B. ,;Swope,tattor-' T ,.i.At. s ney fer siaintur. 1 -; pixfesPise Soaa-W.-;.. . Brown A. H , A'erlll Machinery -com-, .i uiMml tcDaaIel Pany plaintitf. T&, P. C Myers. uuvo "" ' - . .1 v n, r; DeBiet I Aciion ior money.' xv. rjdjot- w.a Jl hi attornew for piaintitr.- ; Reading Eleanor Wright Ernest C. Brunk plaintiff, vs. Morning Song Deranx EtU Brnnk defendant.;;AcUon for Mildred McDanlel divorce..... ' s '.. Fairy Dance Slater - J. H. Poster plaintiff,, vs. VL. Helen Ralph .'' Butler etuux defendant Action Pnnchinello ..... . . . . DeTaux for money, , '' . .Eleanor Wright, Eloise Wright. Florence .Hamilton plaintiff vs. The Juggler mTM.i' Pendleton Clere Hamilton defendant Action ; Pauline Orey : for dirorce.- .!. D,' Brown' attor- With Colora Waving. Xioeb-Evans ney for plaintiff. . Howard Rooerts Auenst H. Schrader' plaintiff. Phllle 1 va- Maria Mehl et .al defendants. Howard KKures AcUon for foreclosure.- . R. Sib- Cecilia . . . ' ' ' . . AVUUU lUi ItfirvWSOi m Sunshine, on the Prairie Grainger Jjey 'attorney, for plaintiff. - TT Tl ii mi m ' " f 1. . 1 Howard Roberts French' Hagemann The Language of Flowers. Benson '. Paul Allen Crondolied ; . . . Oesteh Goldfishes D. M. Shattuck, doing business under the. firm name of jShattuck Motor company, plaintiff, .vs. T. J. Robinson defendant. Default and Paul Lee5 Eleanor Wright judgment granted, Mary A. Pugh . lalntif f4 vs, I Jliai V "A UJklA Mt Pas des Amphores .... Chaminade MUitary March ' . . . . , . Flagler ch, f ord defendant. Action Dorothr Kezar Isabelle "Grande Valew Backman Mary Miller And Anta Finale from "Lucia de Lammermoor" ... Lesckettzky ; t:. '-; Cfor left hand alone) V .'' Donald Schaupp Concert Polonaise Bohm ; Louise Findley MUa Walton' nunils gave the LlmitaUons of ; Youth . . Field j Anderson Stanley King Louise Allen. Paul Allen The program , for Wednesday evening was given hy the older students. All of the numbers were well rendered while several of theme were exceptionally good. .Miss Marion - Roberts assisted with vocal solos which were much appreciated as an added feature of the evening's entertainment. The selections played by Lucile were enthuslactically Her playing schowed for divorce. rGranted. Plaintiff to have care" of minor childr'KarJ M. Push. and. "defendant "to con tribute 2 5 ; per . monh : while bor is in school. ; William A' Himee plaintiff,- vs. James 'A.,; Esther; falter' J. and Leona Barham , R. V and .yiico L. Wassail. Dallas Producers Can ning company and vVjncent Cook. defendants. Confirmation of sale. P. W. Van Doren. doing, busi ncM nnHAr firm nimn of Drernn Traction : company, plaintiff, vs. Twin City company, a corpora tion. -Order made for dismissal Krtietit C Brank plaintiff, vs. Etta Brunk defendant. Action for divorce, Order for ' dismissal made , - v -. Pacific Co-operative - Poultry Producers! association -plaintiff, vs P. CP. :SahUr defhndanW- Ee straining order .granted. , ProtMUe Court Order made approving inven tory;, and appraisement filed by Ira C. , Po well, s administrator of the estate of Sophia Hastings,, de- seased. Estate Valued at Approval ' made ot annual ac count of CF. Smith an adminis trator of estate of J. F. Smith, deceased, s . . Order made, closing estate guardianship of Bessie Alderman, incompetent. Retta Hamar -and Belle. Sullivan, guardians, - dis charged.' Balance of . $557.02 in estate. . , .-, ... . , '. - . , .., Guardianship, estate of Oral Violette ', a, .minor. ; Order . made allowing and. settling first annual report as submitted by J, u yioi- ette. Uardian.&r, Order made allowing, final ac count, in e tateof , Moore Getty, aeceasea. . ... . . . i --..-- t . ' . D Baths Jr;. I N . i .... SWIM AND COOL OFF Foot of Court Street received. - . t tl - 5 Sal&m, regom , " r'rj' X V The Car ... widi the vwrittea - One -Year -Guarantee: Fv 11 PETTYJOHM CO. 21 7, State Street, Salem, 'Oregon unusual ability and gave evidence Amy Girl' Katherine Gonley; of conscientious work. The fol- Narse; Marg'aret Kaster; Bread, lowing program ivenffmall Catherine TayloV; Knife, ytrginla Polonaise -r. . . ... - Hoffman Brickell; Coffee, Grace Holman; DorU Phenicle . I Don't Want To, Stanley King; : ?i Lucile Anderson , I Will. Dorothy BJork. ' U Blossom -... . . . 5. P-rt 'Chicken::-,. Selected (b) L'Ingenue . Krogmann The Foollslt Little JOaiden..,. Eioise.wrignt . . ..... Christian leaaer lriI--M.iWriiWfti I . Elizabeth Bennett Too Late for the Train. .Selected Two Lakes ......... LescheUiki Margaret Kaster , ; . . UBWW t a Wlddles Revenge Ner York Sun Uly Bells . . . .... . . . Strickland in the Morning Dunbar Veda Ferrell FrS YearsAfter Porter (a) A Night iu VeVnice. .Brown Forty, X ears Alier . ,t, om- t. Virginia Brlcxeu -f ouiw .wo".- Farce. "Courtship, cnaer Jfl.ZJT r CUltles ....... - seieciea jrerns auu xmwero. . ckkuim - Iff Tarlorr JOnes,i .. rayoarwu r -rftbnt Prudence. wn ouw ( 'L Y Solof." The Intermediate piano pupils recIUl at her home Thursdayjve nlng. Parents and friends invited fn.. h. nccasion exnressea u appreciation as ! eachnumher was given. " - v.,, - - - w . Pink and white rosea were used Heins Wiches Dance ..McDowell, - Lucile Anderson The Dreamland Gate . . . .Huertar ! Mtrion Roberts Pupil of Miss Lena Belle Tartar) Wbodalnd Fancies . . Hewitt ; Paul. Allen Ariel KeKrn Thelma Carey in decorattng and reiresnmenw i ij ju . , . - " aft. the orogram. (b) Mexican'Dance No. I-Jorda . , 1 5 ' Lucile Anderson .I. im.. v.m Wftow una ium "-v r H TTalTATHen. MaX- mcBocufcvi . - r ine Donaldson, 'Hatel HammaniAtpio Lange Jewel Steele A Dream ............. .r Lynn Mable Dotson Boats of Mine .... Miller Marlon Roberts (a) Trout .-. .V. . . . Nokk IhY Fairy Fingers .-. .. .....Wachs ir cM4t.. cnHnv Is Here. I muiae hii6ui . a. -.i . "a i mr w aion uvimiug or a : . '-v Y1..X.' n.1lnn: I Pons FhCIliCle ,rvtrlTcaV Imprompta Strickland! a .r i. m TiAT.n Tisiubl Madluena Wachs Allium J .vu, '.'...-. ,, "Cuckoo's Song." 'Lbraine Ache- son; Jean (Lullaby). Virginia Kft " "Reioiclnr of the Birds," TTamman: ''Angels Sere nade,". Marine Donaldson: TSilver Threads Among the Gold." Evelyn Hale; "Valse Graciense," Helen "Spring is tiere, Mildred Miller. Ruth llazelton. -:';' , Pupils of Miss Cora Hendry appeared In , closing recitals on the evenings of Jnne 9 and 12. in the r First Christian chnrcW They were assisted hy local talent.- The church was artistically decorated with nink roses and green foliage. Assisting , on Friday Evening were Lucile Anderson V -B..C. STOE, M-D. : t peneral Office Practtc; ." CMuicera,Trea.te44i; 4 Office, Tyler'iiDrug Store 157 Bv Commercial Street AreWowiOh Sale--Hear These Favorites : ' 2268- Some SuAny Day (Irving Berlin) Novelty Vocalists. ' V ; Brox -Sisters with IJcnme Kruegers Orchestra School House l)lues .f rom jthe MMusic Box Revue" .(Irving Berlit) Novelty Vocalists ; Krox Sisters wUh KnxegtT's Orchestra ' .. . .' ' , . 10-in. 75c - - - V . 2270 In the Little Re3 School House Tenor and Baritone . , , Billy Jones and 'Ernest Hare Mister Galbfeher and Mister Shean (Gallagher-Shean). Tenor and ; Baritone . V i 5- i ' BiUy Jones and Ernest Ilare - 2273 Romany, Love Fox Trot (Zamecnik) Selvin Orchestra No Use Crying Fox Trot (MattulUth-HIrsch) Selvln's Orchestra ; 10-in. 75c ' ... - . ' . 2271 Sun Jod Fox Trot ' (Norman-Weber) Isham Jones' Orchestra : High Brtvrn Blue&r-Foxl Trot (Yellen-Ager) , ' . . Isham Jones Orchestra ' " io-in75c -. " : - - - -r,:- i -,. r-- T-W. 2272 -- Stumbling Fox Trot (Zes Confrey) Bcnnle Kruegex's Orchestra - I'm JusV Wild About . Harry--Fox Trot frorri VShuf fie Along" (Sissle-Blake) : ; ? i Bennir Krueger's Orchestra , 10-in. 75c -'7-: ' ;:. '''t'V:iitr:- ; ' 2267 .Irish Reels Medley Violin and Accordion; s , Dan Carroll and Mario Perry; "Miss McCIoud's Reei" Helton's Rccl,, , "Devil'Sv" Dream", "Chicken-ReerrMWitch ?f the WavesVHalf PennjT . Irish Jigs Medley Accordion . Jlario Perry 1 bore's - Music: Housei MaiciuciBdUSglS (Sort Street. n 8- y ie 3