THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 18, 1922 if Ik By MARGUERITE GLEESON COMMENCEMENT has divid ed interest during the laet if week w'th the June tres. (Daring: the coming week the Rose ; "Festival will claim the Irterest of ?lnany Salem folks A A number of ,1 weddings are' scheduled ' (or oe 'coming week and parties honor ing the brides to be will fill a j considerable portion ot the soc'al 'calendar. M ISS Al'.ce M. RobertPon, congreaswonian from OVI- - . noma ; was. the . honored truest at several informal affaire yesterday during1 a brief in ' Salem. - Miss Robertson, whr is President Harding's ' persona' : ' representative ; t the Portland " Tlose Festival, came as the gues. of Mrs. Isaac Lee Pattf son, for- mer v'ce president general of the D. A. R. of which organ'satlon Miss Robertson is a .member- Mrs. Patterson was hostess at ' informal luncheon at her home ' in Dallas at 1 o'clock yesterday . following the arrival of Miss Rob ertson from Portland. ; Following an inspection arcunrf the school tea was served at the "home of Mr. and Mrs. Harwood ' Hall. 1 "The girl --of the school served the tea atid later Miss Rob ertson addressed the students of 'the school; as they gathered j in iront of the Hall home as the was gett ng ready to leave, Her loiig experience with Indian affairs, . she eald made her specially Inter . ested in all Indfan .educational l,Work and she made her Interest ,.rl to the students, aTording to ..the Salem persons 'who heard , talk. ' . 'V ".'. , Miss Robertson will bo a gnest .'lit a-number of luncheon, . and ''parties during her brief , r'slt in "Portland .where noo Is the ! .. "-W aaa- ' Hmericari Beauty Dectrlo Iron the best Iron made Don't delay any longer. Come in and get your TLaericnfJeaiiy ' TODAY You wul be to pleased wits it Ton will wonder bo w you ever man-, Ufa to do without one it rives suck itts so tone. a invest - Yo-j'il look upoa its coat as ment not an expense. Welch Electric Co. 379 Slate St. Phil UrownclJ Manager guest of the Rose Festival board end of the Royal Kosarians. Other members of the , party coming down from Portland were Miss Anne Lang, stata regent o the D. A. R.. Mrs. Fletcher Linn, vice regent of Multnomah chap ter, Portland, of which. Mrs. Pat terson herself is a member; Mrs. H. H. Ward, regent of Willam ette chapter. Portland, Mrs. John Pierson, retiring regent of Mult nomah chapter; Mrs. M. I Boyd. regent of Sarah Childress Po'k chapter, Dallas, was also a guest at the luncheon. Following the luncheon at Mrs Patterson's, the party went lo the home of Mrs. Seymour Jones where the members of Chemek eta chapter, Salem, were holding a meeting with special Flag day numbers. . , Miss Robertson ad dressed the members of the chap ter in a few well chosen words. The short time which Miss Rob-t-rtson could spend in Salem pre vented her from visiting the state house. , The party drove around the state house grounds and some of the other state buildings. ' . ' The Indian school at Chemawa was vis'ted by the party immed iately after, the trip around Sa lem. Four tiny maids metMiss Robertson at the entrance and scattered rose petals on her path way as she entered and when she left the school the same I.itle girls literally showered her with rose petals, v G OMING as a complete sur- prine to their many friends in saiem was me marriage of Miss Veva Golden and Howard Rex Friday . evening. The wed ding service was read by Rev. Blaine E. Kirk Patrick at the First Methodist church at 7 o'clock. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. S: Golden and a granddaughter of the late T. L. Golden,' well known Oregon pio neer tnd ; yas popular among- a large circle of friends. She is a graduate of Salem high school and has been' employed for the last four years in - the y Epley, & Ohlinger offices. ' ' .Miss Miami Victor and Ernest Bonesteele were the only atten dants and the only other witness es were members of the immedi ate family. They left at once for northern points on a wedding trip and will be at home, tor their friends in the Court apartments after July 25 " " The bride wore lovely frock of dark blue lace over messaline with a lace 'hat to .match. She carried Cecil Brnner roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Victor wore blue , Canton crepe and car ried Cecil Bruncir roses and sweet peas. ' ' V "' -r . , ; ., Mr. Rex is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rex. He is a salesman in the R. B. Farmer Hardwars com pany. . , ', The 'Friday Bridge club enter tained this week for, their, hus bands with an evening party at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Fred O. y Delano. '" Mrs. Guyv Harris. Mrs. L. ,W. Gleason and Mrs. Earl Fisher were .'associate hostesses. The 24 places at the dinner ta- 1 - i 3 The AUnre of Silken Hose It is a truly feminine characteristic to love the sheer luxury of silken hoseand when . "Shipley's meets this desire with such price groups as these listed below all wants may be satisfied. ' ;- t ' . - Group I. $1.98 There are two special lots in this group. The first consists of novelty lace hose in three, quarter length, finished with ; dainty , elastic garter tops.' The second lot consists of full length novelty lace hose. Both come in a complete line of sizes and in shades of Bobolink black, white and cordovan. Group II. $1.48 Women's full fashioned silk hose with lisle tops. The quality of these hose is excel- lent and they came in the summer 3hades -of black, white, grey, brown and other lead-V ing colors. -Very special at this price. A Notable Event This Sale of Fine .Hosiery That, is to sayit is notable in view of the values that are being off ejred. But it is one of the v many super-value giving events that Shinlev ' rtlnna , present during the S summer months, r Riding "jhe Crest on the Tay Ah Yoii.Go . rian;.- . bl were, marked with hand painted cards. Table decoration were p'-hk roses' arranged in a great art basket. Mrs. Clare Vibbert Won high score. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Knowland were guests of the club J Memters of the Friday Bridge club and their husbands are: Mr. and Mrs. William Cravctt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dav's. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Fullerton,; Mr. and Mrs..E. A. Kurtz, nr. and Mrs. O. :A OHnger,;Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Vib bert. Mr and Mrs. David Wright, Mr. and Mrs: I W. Gleason. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Delano. - Miss HeVn King, whose wed ding will be an event of July 1 was honored by a large group of friends Tuesday evening at a mis cellaneous shower. The guests surprised her at her home. The group included a number of wo men who are associated with her in her work at the state house. Those honor ng Miss King were Miss Ethel Wycoff. Miss Es ther Canfield, Mrs. Erma Hassler. Miss Inga Christianson. Mrs. Dora Aurrance. Miss Mary Phillips, Mrs. Kittridge. Miss Irene Brad ford. Mrs. Btirkhardt. Mtes Jessie Miller. Miss Georgia Broyles. Miss Maude Savage, Mrs. Bergman Miss Alice Boock. Miss Edith Welborn, Mrs. Huttoh. Miss Delia Amsleri Miss Margaret Myers, Miss Eunice Brown. Miss Gladys Kaffety, M!ss Zelma Bush, Mis3 Thelma Eschelman, Miss Doris Loreland, Miss Mabel Murphy, Miss Mary Chadwick. Mrs. Bar rick. Miss Evelyn Stevenson, Miss leo Walker, Miss Eulalia Lindsay Miss La Verne Kantner., Miss Con stance Kantneer. Miss Sylvia Marsters,. M'ss Katherlne Slade Miss Pearl Pike, Miss Vivian Lef 'ingwell. Miss Gene Belle, Mrs Tickle. Mrs. Florence Bell, Mrs Gladys Proctor, Miss Olive Lea ter, Miss Ola Vok el. Miss Joseph ine Moon. Miss Velma Romlnger, Mrs. Kulp. Mrs. Kezar, Mrs Moores, Miss Ruth Lawrence. .The classes of the seventh grade of the Washington Junior high school had a picnic at Gradd Can yon Thursday. Lunch was seryed at noon, and games were enjoyed during the day. Those attending weres Catherine Baker, Esther Scobee, Helen Bidwell, Helen Ashliman. Helen Bradford,, Rosa lind Van Wjnkle, Virginia Dow ell. Gladys Miller, Lucile Lewis, Dorothy: Masters, Elaine Brown, Josephine Jaskioski, Wilma Cour Fey, Marjory Lewis, Laura Crow, Ellen Tower, Elizabeth Wechter, Elouise Wright,' Edward Mara. Edward Kingston, Richard Brum field, Kenneth Allen, Harold 01 inger, Clarence Harllton. Dale Carter. - Ralph - Purvine, Warn Keene, ' Shannon Baker, Willard Kapphahn and Francis Hill. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. J. R. Baker and Mrs. O. E. Lewis. ..' Mrs'. Uor Mills was a charming hostess Wednesday, honoring Mrs. Walter , Spaulding with a shower for; the small Spaulding twins, Rodney and Leona. The after noon was spent in sewing and was a pleasant social affair. These women invited by Mrs. Mills were Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mrs. Grover C. Bellinger, Mrs. C. E. Bates, Mrs. Wilson Darby, Mrs. L. F. Colony, - Mrs. Bliss Darby, Mrs. Sm Butler. Mrs. Roy Burton. Mrs. J. D. McKinnon, Mrs. Miller. McGllchrist, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Frank, Myers, Mrs. Carl B. Webb Mrs. Arm In Stelner, Mrs. W. J. fBuslckJ yin: Harry Wid- mier, Mrs. Lawrence Simon. Mrs. Arthur Relnhart, Mrs. Frank BowerBOX, Mrs. Karl Kuegel, Mrs. Grant Bonell. Mrs. Henry Conoy er, Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Mrs. II. V. Compton, Mrs. Charles K. Spanldng, Miss Zoe Stockton and Miss 11a Spaulding. - ' The annual picnic of the P. E. O. was held Thursday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Harwood Hall at Che mawa. Members of chapters G and A B with their nusbands and families and a few invited friends to the number of 83 were enter tained at a picnic supper served on the lawn at .6:30. Pretty Japanese lanterns dotted over, the lawn gave a lovely color note, while large white baskets of summer bloroms were used on the long tables. A mixed chorus sang a number of songs for 'the guests. The two chapters of the P. E. O. have held the last meet ngs of the groups until Septem ber when regular semi-monthly meetings will be resumed, .V VV-'v The Bridge Luncheon club was entertained last week ty Mrs. W. Melvin Plimpton and Mrs. Wil liam Root at the home of Mrs. PHmptom The affair was an alM day affair, luncheon being served at noon and the guests resumed flaring bridge arter.the luncheon. Mrs. Ben Olcott and Mrs. J. Shelly Saurman were guests of the club. Members, of the Bridge Lunch eon club are Mrs.. John McNary. Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr., Mrs, Henry Meyers,: Mrs. f O. C. Locke, Mrs. William Lytle," Mrs. George Rodg ers, Mrs. M William Root. Mrs. Thomas A. Ltvesley, Mrs. W. Mel vin Plimpton, Mrs. John J. Rot- crts. ; Mrs. David Eyre and Mrs. Ashael Bnsh. Governor and Mrs. Ben W. Ol- cctt will head the list of patrons and patronesses for the ball to be given Tuesday evening in Port land in honor of. visiting naval of ficers. It will be given In the VVaverly Countryclub. Ol fleers from Vancouver barracks and the royal court or Rosariawffl be guests at the ball. ? A delihtful picnic party was en eyed last Sunday at (Jefferson. Those making up the party were:, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cernik. Mr. and Mrs. L. II, Bickel, Mr. and Mrs. "S. "M. Husrelman, Mr. and Mr3. Jessie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. John Cornforth, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Peas. J. A. Aupperlee. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Aupperlee, Mrs. Fred Reed. Miss Ruth Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Rot Lang of Wenatchee. Wash.. W. W. Powell Mrs. Theo' Heisler, Mire Rogers, Ferris Peas ot Jef ferson. Mits" Amie Steinburg of Portland. Miss Beatrus Cernik of Fruitland. Miss Marion Cernik, MUs Lowls Hicks,! Miss Jean I licks. D. Himes of Macleay and Kenneth Martin. ' Salem women and former Sa lem women were gnests Friday of Mrs. W. C. Knighton in honor of Mrs. Edward Hirch at Mrs. Hirch's apartment in Portland Mrs. Hirsch is a former Salem woman and the affair was an es pecially appropriate occasion for former friends to meet with her and was a lovely reunion of old friends. Salem women present.were Mrs. Isaac Lee Paterson, Mrs. George Burnett, and Mrs. E. E. Waters. Other guests, former residents of Salem were Mrs. 'A. A. Jessup, Boise, Ida; Mrs. M. A. Palamon don. Mrs. Alice Crane. Mrs. Sam Church, Mrs. A. L. McCully, Mrs. Rockey Earhart. Mrs. Frank Alli son Mrs. Enright. "; Miss Marlon Stelwer entertain ed a group of friends at her country home west ot Salem Wed nesday evening. It was in form of a picnic and many outdoor games were enjoyed. Those pres ent were: Miss Esther Camtield, Miss Mable Van Patten. Miss Eva Lucille Emmons recently closed a year's work aa music supervisor in McMinnville. '. Miss Edna . Ackerman and Al fred. McClintock will be married Wednesday. June 21. Miss Ack erman is a popular young woman of Salem. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ackertnan. The young couple will make their home in Weed. Cal., where Mr. McClintock's family reside. i Complimenting Miss Julia Iver son. who has been primary in structor in the Lincoln school. Mrs. J. Ray Femberton will be hostess at an afternoon Tuesday at her home on South Commercial street. The hours will be between 2:30 and 5 and all friends of Miss Iverson are invited by Mrs. Fem berton to attend. Miss Grace Holt. Miss 11a Spaulding accompanied by Miss Nathecl Donaca of Albany, attend ed the annual luncheon given in the Benson hotel in Portland yes terday by Alpha Chi-Omega. They were guests last night at a wed ding of a sorority sister In Ore gon City. -;. Mrs. H. A- Sonney of Portland. who was formerly a resident Of Salem, is a week-end guest of Mrs. Otto Wilson. She Is accompanied by her daughter. Miss Vesta and her Fon, Julius. The 9onneys are planning on moving to Salt Lake City within a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tiliinghast were hosts at a small dinner party at the deaf school Wednesday SandB Miss May Gruchow, Miss Lois Morehead, Miss Nellie Kin nerman. Mrs. Dee C. Stelwer, Wil bur McCune, Otto Canfield. Wayne Harris, Frank Martin, Arthur Martin, Grant Gruchow, Lloyd LaDue and Dee C. Stelwer. Mrs. W. Melvin Plimpton will leave the last of this week with the children to. join Jlr.. Plimpton in Seattle. Mrs. Plimpton re mained in Salem following Mr. Plimpton s association with a large publishing firm in Seattle, until the close of school. The Amicus club met for the final meeting of the year with Mrs. J.' H. Garnjobst Thursday. Lnncheon was served at 1 o'clock and later the guests enjoyed bridge. Mrs. Frank Loose won nigh schore. Sweet peas in pastel shades with pink roses were used about the rooms in great large baskets. Mrs. E. A. Kurtz assisted the hos tess during the afternoon. The guests included Mrs. Frank Loose, Mrs. Charles Nolan. Mrs Edward Simon, Mrs. P. E. Fuller- ton, Mrs. Jesse Campbell, MrsVA N. Chapman. Mrs. Lee Canfield Mrs. E. A. KKurtz. Miss Will Cra- vatt. Mrs. Harley White. Mrs Lawrence Simon. c Miss Lucille Emmons and Miss Marian Emmons left Friday eve ning for Chicago whire Miss Mair ian will begin work in the Chicago Musical college tomorrow. MJss Lucille Emmons will take special work during the summer while Miss Marian will remain for'. at least a year Cor violin study. Miss ' ' SMART LINES are often only a matter of se7 lectmg a corset with care, 1 ne right or wrong corset makes a vast difference. FROLASET CORSETS enable you to se cure, the right model for your individual figure. RENSKA L SWART; Corset Specialist 115 Liberty St. t Local Musician '-, ' ' "v ' : ! :v . -V . . 1 Miss Lena Belle Tartar evening. The dinner was served by the girls of the domestic sci ence department of the school. The gues4s were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goutet and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Jones. W. J. Harrington returned to Eugene Thursday with Mrs. Har tington who has been in the hos pital there, the last three months. Mrs. Hugh Trunnel and daugh ter Ilene were in Salem this week from Eugene. They visi'ed Mrs. Trunnel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. Mrs. Trunnell's nephew. Colver Anderson from Ashland, accompanied her and t ill visit his grandparents, Mr. j and Mrs. J. -D. Anderson. . k Mrs. J. Jackson and daughter Fay Jackson of Lostine, Oregon, are guests of Dr." and Mrs.' J. C. Evans. They attended the grand lodge session in - Portland nd came to Salem loiiowmg meeting. Margaret Medley of Salem is a ruest ot her grandmother; Mrs. Rebecca Medley at Cottage Grove. -; -' .' - r ' Mrs. ' J. Reisted of Sll verton is a week-end guest of her daughter. Mr. J. II. GarnJobsU Mrs. T. W. Davies has as hr guests, her brother, H. C. Uod rup ot Van Wert. Ohio, and a cousin, Mrs. F. H. Redman and son Donald of San Antonio, Tex. Mrs. Lou Thompson ot Cottage Grove, who has been a guest of her son. Walter Thompson for several days, has gone to Port land where she wUI visit with a son and daughter. , , f Miss Kathry Gunneli with her mother returned Friday evening fiom Seattle where they attended a convention ot photographers ot the northwests "Miss Gunneli was In Seattle for a week. ? V Mr. and; Mrs. Arthur J. Rein hart are guests at the hocis of Mr. Reinhart's brother J" C. ' E. Reinhart. Mr." and Mrs. Rein hart are from Dallas. Tex. Mrs, Reinhart will remain In Salem for several weeks but Mr, "Relnhart will return to Texas.wHhln a few. days. He Is a graduate of Wll Umette university law school. ' : LADIES Wka lrtnl r SHvnrwt Tr mnnh PiT mr4 Apvm4m in n prpr IN mm at rf lar. 1 met mpmim wilk atbT: dia TfttMei Write tv "BalH-t" mm f.rttiw H' r. A44rM KsUasal ImMii Wniikk. Wh "A Day In The Garden" " . ,- : , ' N ; r .. - " . v ' . Will h prBlrH hy t1i plan pnpila f Mias Bratrir Shclt-, TaaaSaj rvrnins, Jun SH, I'irU CoBtrKlioiial Clurrtu , , . - " "" . . i Tho pmcrani i arrmnrr to rert -nt day la th tt4m and ia brautifally tout with aung. K)Ua ana piiH. Kirt i Ibr oW. "S.lnlation to th nava." r Vra. Ada JtllWr Harrla: fiiDovod hr Pmwn," Ibrn "lo th kiine S" Tha diffmut bear r- lho drrril) ia m.w and plry rtoaiac with to mIo, "Tki Dtjr U who will akht la telling; th or will ba Mm. Ada Miner Harrla, .Mn. Wary Talmailg Jlr.ilrick, Mu Kuth BMford and Mr. (Wuirlra ton. ' 80MTTHXKQ DirTEREKT TOU AXS nTVrTED-. , "Jnna 20," Tlrst Oongrciatleaal Caarca, 8:15 msb 4; "' ' Kafoury Bros'. sary Anniver Sale -: This Grea t Sale Deserves Your Care ful Attention. Our Sale Prices Make Buying a Pleasure educ ed Prices - . - . . . On Everything in the Store Prices are such as to suggest the wis dom and economy of buying in '' quantities Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Kimonos, Blouses, Corsets, Bathing Suits, Silk and Muslin Underwear, . Gloves, Neckwear, Art Goods, Neck wear, Kerchiefs, Infants9 wear, Wool Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Linens; Bedding, Hosiery, Knit Underwear, ; Notions, Laces, Ribbons, Trimmings, ' " r - Umbrellas Our Down-Stairs Store Snares in this Great Anniversary Event Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Cheerfully Refunded Salem Store 466 Slate Street Porttarid SIIk Shop 383 Alder Street ' ' - ' - .... - 1 I ; X tmwmnw