THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1922 mxjLMBxrxxn AOTZxtxmoRS Pt tUOTtlM u Threw iBSSttatBS X- Ow weak (sis lasortJoa). Om SBaath .so BU auoatha' eeo tract, par ass 16 1 miUi' aoatrsct, per m12s MtBimum far My advartiasmo at. NORWICH UXION ' FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY WII. Burghardt. Jr. Resident Agent 871 Bute St. MONEY TO LOAN , - Oa Rsal Estate ' 1 T. K. FORD . ( JUmM Baal. lUak) ' NEW TODAY FOR BALE DEERIXG BINDER good condition. 1'bene 84P13. IX WAITRESS WASTED ' TERMINAL csf. Mast bo seal. o,ukk aid i- perieaeedV - -. , FOR 8ALE GOOn, CHEAT HAT. ; shocks. Root ft, boa 9 A. IN CHOICE CUT FLOWERS, COTTAGE , 'lower Gardes. 80V Locust. Pbob 1024 W. . NEW FIVE ROOM r BUNGALOW CAN ba had for 150 dowa. - ; : . - . Heyser-Follrich System Main Floor Terminal Building ', ; REPRESENTATIVE WANTED " THE bta.T Fruit Products Co. require tb services f b man to kandla tha tale f their preferred and eommaa slock Issue ia this territory. It ia aa la vest ' mens that should yield about 10. Thia la soar opportunity to add sub- slsntislly to yoor income. for lull particulars addreaa Thoroaa H. Urgent, rar Starr Fruit Products Co., East First Ismaiii streets, -Portland, Ore, FOR BALEGENTLE . RIDING PONY, - idll sad Bridie, rnon su w. FIVE ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW , Dutch kitchen, well .. arranged, cosy BOIBO. , :.. . ,: . - 1 Heysei-Trollrtch System 3 i Phone One Thousand COME TO BROWNSMEAD AND LOOK at tho best beaverdam, land in A mart cai aold in: amall tract at reasonable orire and oeer -terms. Haiiroad atatioB and ichooL. OT write P. 0. Boi 82, BrowBsmssd, Oregon, for full , panic alar. '.' ' - .." 1918 CHEVROLET TOURING CAR FOB . tale. Inquire at garage, 55 Ferry r phone itf. WHAT ABOUT YOUB HAY AND . grain t Are they fully covered aursncef If not, pbona Htaudler toiey. Br'nta, tl JJusk Bank Bldg-. Halem, Or. CLOSE IN PORTLAND HOME, BENT8 for 940, want clear Salens property cr. close In acreage. $20(M oquity; a real valae. . , .f. . . ... v..-.. : Heyser-Follncn System-.: . BOARD only. AND ROOM FOR LADIES' Delta Phi Hotfae, 332 N. Church. APARTMENT FOR 205O-J, RENT 5-- PHONE . . --.- - ,. i FOR RENT - THREE ROOM APART mens. iFirst floor, 143 Court St. FOUND 8M ALL 60 Mill. . . BULL DOG.; -CALL Bargain,' $200 Down Price BlOOu for 7 room plastered house, partly modera, large -corner lot, barn, garage, largo trees, good street,, north balem. Worth more money. ,, i V S. R." Pearson 'i . 210-311 U. 8. Baak Bldg. JOR. BALE AT A BARGAKf TWO beautiful home close in, half block -1 from ear line oa paved street. One of iheva thoroughly furnished.-" Strictly V modern. - . . . . . , . V' v ;v Square Deal Co. . I 303 U. 8. Banh,Btdg. ' ; : WOOD'S : BARGAINS tlT 1 of the best streets la the city, reaaoo My rloao in. east front, a very desir- . alle home for es, tbaB cost. It you are in the market for a fine home it will pay you to iavestigst.' $5500 Is tha price. ' . . We bsv property to trade for a home ia Corvallie. Hav a frame garago and - residence for $2000, sad will tak ear aa part pay. . , Want a. Ford, car ia chaBgfor a Eml'bou?!' eorner Tot," 1800. Want B piano. '- -1. Five, aero well Imnroved. cIomi ia: Tike a .ear. F. L, Wood, 341 State street. EMPLOYMENT WANTED POSITION by AN "R. teared battery , man. Alao solo E flat ... II 1.. alarinatia. SlTaa BiaC With '.' braas band Bad doable ea trap ruane and vioP,."" Addres J. W. Roach, Lavina, MaaUaa. i w a sttt vstm x BOETie ' TOUNO ' MAN who baa bad aiporiaao aolllsf iu.nsM. asoek or advartlaiag. Meat v. .ki. u dasmtai hie aatir timo aad ' bo ambttiwua for a4vaBeomeoi. Mast bsve thaieoursc to pressat bsalnesa BTOposltios ta marehsaU aa proiae ional mea. Aaawer ta your owb bead writlag. sUtlng ago. odueatlpaal saall flcattoaa. orpori a salieltar. . Ade "XV Sl.rStatmaa ff1oo 1CAXB AND FEMALE WANTED-hCOOK WITH EXPERIENCE in' canning. biata ; acuoot im i Phon ;4. ' WANTED ME AND WOMEN " TO Uk farm papor iabarrtptmns. A too propoeittoa to tb right people. Address Paet't Hoasostoad. Btataoi asnea Bldg Salem. Or. FOR SALE FARM T AFEB t ton want TO GET THB BKSt . MM.. aawd 16e to tho Paeifie Homeetoad. Palem. Oregwa, fM B tbraa sMatha' artal aubaeriDtioas Moataa PIANOS TIANO FOR BALE AT A SACRIFICE. Owner, leaving the sUU. Phone 73-M.1 .-.-..., .. POTXLTEI FOR RAI.K MAMMOTH PEKIN ' eggs snd ducklings. ..- 1030 CbemekeU . 1-none i 1280. i;-.- POULTBTMEN SENT EIGHT TWO .tamna fa anoeial thro moatka trial for tho bast aad widest iewraal - 1. tha aroat Tb artiei aad dvr tlsamoau ar f ipeeial tnterset to the 'omit try broader of U Bortbweot Northweet Poultry Jonraal. Sll naretal ft.. Bale. Oregon y LTVESTOCB I FOR BALE. CHEAP Pbono 23F1S. - -A LIGHT HORSE. ma sit.r a Trm Ol.n COW GIV t . li . i k avrlt - mg aiw gallons air wni, ' 1 . . be freak in Jaly. Dr. R. P. Bradford. phon 528 or 1787 J3. - MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE. CHEAP NEW S3 20 Coll revolver. Otese B Company, 373 Conrt street. - FOR.: RAI.K n RI'I.I. IMMJ PI I FPI also good talking parrot. The ' Bird and Flower Store. 373 Ktaf. FOR SALE OLD HRWMPAPattM, to eenta a baadl Cireolatloa departmeat Oregn BtalaaniBB. '! Aft FOR SALE SCXSCEXXaaJTEOUS THE HOUSE OF HALT A bullion a a amo bargain. Wa bay. Baa or osehaago anything- Bavd vwrythiBg la tb list af jaak or aeeead kaad roods. Sao bs befar tob bay or gsU. - Stots keek Jans. Co Remembwr ;s plsea. AOS B. Oomm aralat St. Taos H. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" a4 elevea other Oregea soars, togeth together rith lino- eolloctios ml ... patriotir wags, aacrod f old-tiaa. lever Ue axx. ton f ( Roaeial Brxwa la oaaattta aaaal EBpaciaily adaptable for sekaaL oaama iy or eiafiac fiend for The Western Songster a-aa, 'aw ta ha tktrd oditiaav PabHsBod by 0SK00H TEACHERS MONTHLY SI 8. Ooanereial 8t. !. Or. WOOD INCH SLAB AVD MUX WOOD f 0 par load. fl.BO pr Wad. Paoaa MO. ' Dry alaaar wa Traey. Wood do. BEST GRADE MILL WOOD Is INCH 2 ft. and 4 , fu . Prompt delirery. npeciai prir ea car lots, we eaa make . delivery oa uh, saeoad growth aad old ' growth fir about Jaly IS. Fred E Wells, oa 6. CoanmerelsL Phoae OLD IS IW. FIR, 98; 8ECOND, 4 FT, bo. asb. rnoae 167. FOR RENT BOUSES FOR RENT FIVE ROOM FULLY FUR- aiahad mod era flat. Ooao'in. f SO ' month. Apply to Ststesmaa busintss 1 on ire. l'bone 23. HOUSES FOR RENT MODERN FIVE ROOM cottage, at TI4 North loth street. 2S a Bioata. Witt rent fnraisked at 35. ; . Apply at 8tatesmkn ; Business OH ice. Phoae 23. . BOOsO. ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOME close la. Address B, Cart Stateetasa. ARLINQTON HOTEL OLBAJt, COST; 00 BP. 403 Stat, v ROOM FOR RENT CLOSE IN, BUIT able for a aeatleman. Phone 591-W. FOR RENT 2 HOUSEKEEPINO AND two eleepiac rooms. Well furnished. 71S Ceater. x - . FURNISHED ROOMS TWO BLOCKS . from stste house. 253 lorta II to. Phono 885-W. - FOB RENT 8UITE OF ROOMS WITH . private bath, also ainrl rooms. ,1039 ChMnekra street. Phone 1380. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST DELTA DELTA DELTA COROR ity pia .with engraved name of Ger - trade Boell. " Finder .phono , 1544. reward. WANTED V ;. bOSOEIXAJTBOPS Wanted good 'Used lumber or llod lumber. Pboa 004. WANTED 120 CORDS- OF LARGE ; second growth fir wood. 1 Addreaa P. O. nex aa oaieo, vragva. bub f of .- WOOL y.. - -l'- -'.-.. . - ANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD- war and fBrsltsr. Best prtee paid THB CAPITAL HARDWARE f SSS V. CoausareUl St. 47 OLD . MATTRSfSSES If AD1 OTU Capital 51ty Beddiag Cw., rtes .11 WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. ETC Pboaa Sll. WANTED FURNla'Omit, TOOLS, MA eh la err, stock, a .4. win way tor ossa r aU aa eoauabjawa. Pboa $11 Wdry. tb Aaetioar. FINE FAMILY -WANTS GOOD FUR aiahed house for the summer. Mast be large enough for maid -and nurse nnd be well furnished. Desirable peo ple. If yoa aro going away aad want. to neve your nous occupied, poone Ruby Purdy, 453 Court street, for appointments Strictly eonfidentiaL - WANTED CHICKENS. EGGS,. BUTTER. t v ... V vent, nogs, lanes, aaunvu, jv 'number too largs or small, aay day ia the week. We pay beat cash prices and guarantee oar weights. Mr. farmer 1 w want your produce, pleas riv us !a trial. People's Market, 155. 1V Lib- l rty Bt.. phoae S84. , BUSINESS CARDS. AUOnOBBIB AUCTIONEER F. H. WOODBT. THE lives took, faraitaro, real . . ttoaeor. Pbeae Sll for saM lt0 M. Bummer Auto pi rectory 'TRUCKS FOR SALB OB TRADB BEO TRUCK. 1931 mdL Borfart oBBdltiMU Wll trad far real aetata, prodaeo ar wll'. aall em aaar term. Tbm I aa OS eon Meaelly food bay. It ywa waat a real good bargain arnly fanmadlatoly. Pboa or call The people s una a ntoro AUTO TOPS AUTO .TOP UPHOLSTERY WORE nsraatwasA. S6S SoaU Ills, Faoa 11 34. USED CABS HAVE A GOOD USED TRUCK BODY, canopy too and all. A dsady lor Sioo. Pboa 199&. Kobinso. - A MODEL 90 OVERLAND LEFT HERE for sale. He aeerts tno anoaoy- ea will sell cheap. . Pboao 1995,: Robia sob. . ' . - - ' 1918 FORD ' TOURING NOW 11RTN -all overhauled.- She'll be sold bofore ehe's done. Grab it sales. Phoae i 1905. . Kobinso a. TI1F. INDEPENDENCE FORD DEALER always bss used ords aad rordaoaa st the Yight price. Get our prices before buying, terms. HEY FELLERS, LOOK BLUE BUG: die wheel, aaw Pennsylvania Veeaaiw Cup tires all around, 1918 model; good . shape. All for . $225. Pboa 1995. -. Robiasoa. ;' . - BERRY MEN. LOOK A 191S FORD truck, good tirea, aew body, private anil enmmeireial lieenite all Daid. Mot or in rood shape. .Has atartor block Just the thing for hauling berries. All for $300. Phono 1995 Rr.binaon. 1921 FORD SEDAN WITH DOUBLE . Kaaslers. speedomet-r. dome light, lie- ansa. New tirea: S495. liberal terms 1919 Hsrley-DavSdsoa Motorcyel and daadv aida ear all for S105 rash Worth $250. ladependeae Frd Ieler, ladepeadence. Ore. BATTERY AXD EXiOTEICIAJf , AUTO rnECTsUCIAB: EXPERT TROD hla abootiaB. SIS B. High. Phe ; SOS. ' ..- v : r ; PRESTO-UTS r, BATTERY SERVTCF . atatioa Etnart battery Bad otejitrtaa work. Fsrrto Bros. Pboao 1808. 41 - rvmrt ' ' - TTEES AND ACCESSORIES 10.WKI MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST a tana braiaea. - rim eata aad bkWat . Tho Hydeo-Toroe). Tirv. for oal by Yew Park- atof. 13th sad tealo. pnoao ACETYLENB WELDXKa IRON 8TEEL. BRASS. ALUMINUM Briag the pieces. Ox Ga Haatiag Co. 8S7 Court. Read the Classified Ads. BUSINESS -CARDS' SXATJTT FAllVOM BOW OPERATING MODEL BSAUTS Farter. 119 Sorth Phoao B&. OAXPZBTZB CONTRACTOR AND BtTTLDIR PLANS raraiaaasl fro, is. W. Malatira, lAMISAX.Uf CONSERVATORY Or aYUSZO I V. Chare k. CUIT.SB PHYaTOIAJf DR. L. at. HUM CURES ANY KNOWS I disease. 1S B. High BW. pkoae . DBUO STORES BREWER DRUG CO. AOS COURT Phoao 184 - rxu& CARPETS AJTD RUGS CARPET AND KUO WEAVING PHONE beor 9 a-m. Pbona 81F21. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave falf ruga saade oat of old ear- pets, say length or wldta yoa dee we. We Also r-f.t, re-sow aad siso earpots.1 Y2ZJr?V "4 "": I inr aad r-Bakinr. Salens . Carpet and Fluff Rag Works. Pkoae iioa. EXXOTEICXAJfS SECURE MY; FIGURES OS WIRING By ooatrat, by boar. At prtee. H. W. Hatch, pboa 13 02 J. rUBBXTTBS BOSPZtAI. FURNITURB REPAIRED OB MADB TO Katiaishiar aad aok la tartar a .SBoelalty. 'pboa 1742. Brows aad 1301 Boata Ooiaatareial FTBAJtCXAX MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND. U A. ttayrard. 103 8taU sttwrt. MARION-POLE COUNTY FARM LOAN associstioB baa mosey to Waa at V pare, w. v. smiia, aacretary irsaa SOS Bbmsb Baak of Commero. SO YEAR FARM LOANS" ON RURAL credit plan. Bre psrsneat Breviaioaa al lowed. Wo will fiaaaeo yoa for a lees! rat of iatorast than aay firm oa the ooaat. Private mosey to was ea eitker aity or t aoaatry property. R. W. Marsters , 4tl OrgOB Bldg. GREEXBOTJaXS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. . Delivery. '- Balem Greenhouses. Retail . sUr. 123 N.; Liberty. Greeaheuses, Market road.' Phone 380. ' Ladies' Wearing Apparel HXMSTITCHIN0 MRS.- ' BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH 1 tas; mail orders solicited. 176 8. lftk. Pboa 174-M. sstt.t rarrw-e HATS. FROM $1 UP MBS, , Grimm. SIS Court Si. a A, PRESS m A ETNtt RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, TI8 , South. 12th. Phon 1824-M. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING. designing, speaeer 2 MeCoraaek Bldg. THR ADS ITT 5 AatAt ' PREPARED TO do aay aad all kiad of ladiee' saOav-! lag, for old aad aow caatoosers. MS 8. 12ta fit- Pboa 2085-R. , MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER 1710 Bellevae W. HEMSTITUHIJI 0) 'NEEDLIWORK SHOP" ALL KINDS of fancy work and beatatitckiag don. lai a. jmmrciat s tract. SALEM - ELITE . HEM8T1TCHING. plaatiax. buttoaa. tompiac aad aoedlo-l ..wark.. SSS Orsgoa Bldg. Pboao S7S. MRS. a E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. Btamping; braiding; head am broidery, I buttoBs. Room lo, ever Millar's stor. I Halem. Orecoa. Phoao 117. INSURANCE i MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE Veompaay. J. O. Balca. snst, rasas a. dnOoraack Bids Phooa BS 1A0NDBXBS SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 1S8 B. Liberty street. Pboao 25. Oldest Urgest best. Establwkod 1888. i a i i i ' CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY aality wars, prompt Barrios. : 134 roadway. Phone 165. MXSICAX MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Pboao S1T-W. PAXNTZEO OOBTBA0TOBB PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH .1... -a a.aa.lMt.a - I. Braadoa. .tactorT 80 North Hlgk. Phoae 845-.. BOODUS PARLORS WA H0NQ JTOODLB H0UBB. 4391 Frry. - . : ... BIB SIN NOODLB HOURS CHOP eaa v. dOei oaf fad vleav SOe: aaac SOc; trmd aoodlea. so. 18 g. Ub-1 orty. -.. v VUBSEBY STOCK FRUrrLAND NURSERY FINE LARGE stock of Italisa pruas trees aad alee all kiada af leading aarsery gtack. for fstl delivery. Pkoae 1140 M. 181 8. !4tk street- ' COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL trait, orasmsatals. Cspital Olty Sar- aory Co.. 42S Orogoa Bldg. Phoae vs. PLUMBING KIC PAIRING AND COIL work. Pboa 1S07-J. Shop, 121 Uaaas I street. A. u. uodrroy. - PXRTUME ABD TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUMB CO. BX tract, toilet articlea. Mr. Moyer. 170 South 23rd. Pboao 1224. RXSTAUBAjrTS -IUB RESTAURANT MOST RSASON bMo rtoaa. JokaooavBarry. 19 S. High ' BCAVENQZES tALEM SCAVENGERS OA BBAOB RE fas af all kiada romveV Oeas pools cleaned. Pboaa 187. STUDIOS S E LUXE STUDIO BOMETHING DIP foroat ia photorrashv. 147 N. Oom'l STOVES AMD STO VB REPAIRING 4TOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experiear. Depot Natioaal ' feaoa. aisos 34 to 28 laehoa high PaisHa, U and varaiah, ate, -toga berry and hop bowk. Salem Feaee aad Stor Works. ' 254) Court atreok - Phone 134. - SECOND HAND GOODS 1IOHEST PRICES PAID FOB SECOND haad slothing aad shoos. Alas de eleaatag, presshig aad raps ring. Csll aad deliver - Capital Esebsago. 842 North Camaaorsial. Pboa 18S W. . WE BUT AND BELL SECOND HAND roods of all kiada. Bio fittiars. bar aees.- eollar collar pads, tools Bad v sksias. Frad Sckiadlsr. 258 Osator . str-ot ' - - TBABBTES ZXAUIBO WE MOVE. STORE AND SHU H0U8E- bold goods. . rar apocialty I , ptass and faraitnra snoving. Wat slam make eoaratrr trioa. Wa haadlo tb baat -al Bad wood. . Call a as for prV-w. W giro - good measure, gwod saalitr Sad 4 ae-ta. Larmer Traasar Cav ; Pkoas 830. -- CAPITAL CITY TR.A N 8FER CO. 888 Plata Bt. Pboaa 988.. Dmtrlemtrng. forwarding aad atorags ear apacisHf. Get ear ratts. BUSINESS CARDS BnrsiaAX MRS. BXXRY LIB PI ABO. 1X2X B. Ca4tL lOlT-W. I MISS MAS LB SHXrBXKD P1AJI0 Blsyor; diaraa . ail airaiiaaa. UT B.I All breaches taaght. craatad.1 bV. Hitaa. diractor. UII CwarV Paaaa gs. , RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLAT1SO 12 lasso guareateod. Wstorajas aya Um. P. B. Clark. Uft- McCoraack ttaiMtag. ttjr I JACK MULLKU1 PUV0 TTTKIB; M Daaa O. - Boareooatatlv f 81 Clay B Oo. Fhaaaa AO. KDWARD wtxr BVERJBNCBD Loavo ardera WlU'a TALLMAJI PIANO REPAIR SHOP Taama. refiaishiaf. rbaildia; playor Bsport. PaXao 14i 111 Soatb Coaisaeratal - , . . DAXOTBa PRIVATS LESSONS IN ALL LATE da seas. ' Mrs. Whit. " Pkeaa ITS J. JCUSIO STORES I GEO. O. WIIX PIANOS. PHOSa graphs, sewing asachiaa. akeet ssaai. aad piaave atadVaa. Rapainaa paoaw graph aad . sewiaa asirihlaas. , 48 DISS, BaHHB. PIANOS ! SHERMAN - CLAY A - CO. PIANOS , Bteinware, Dao-Art and othera. Moore's Masir Hons. 415 Coart street tai Masonic Temple. - TYPEWRJTERS UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS (SHIP- aa-Wartf rebailt $3 dowa. . Ribboaa aad repairs for all eiarhiae. Wo asake rubber stamps. Psal M. Sims. 412 Mat, epposito Bligh theatre, pl.t TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES 1. W. Parker. Gaaaral Maaara Central 8tage Terminal Balem, Orecoa d.ur.a-ajiji riaivi, ifiuoivn Leaves Halem, Control Stag Terminal: . 7:00 bjb. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 B-m. Leaves BUvertoa News 8und: 8:00 a m. 1:00 p.m. S:00 p.m. Salom-IadoDeadeBea-MoBBMath DivULaa Leaves Balem Central Slags Terminal: I s.m. 9 to. ii bjb. s p.m. s pja. bava Monmoara. axoamoeta natal: S:15 a.m. 1 p a. 6:15 p.m. Loaves ladepoadenaa. Beaver Hotel: 8.S0 a.m. 10 bjb. l:lft p.m. 4 p.m. S:I0 w maka connect oai st Balem to all parts of the r allay. Extra trips by appoiaimaai. . - J. W. PARKER, Osaersl Mgr. 8ILVERT0N MOUNT ANGEL . PORTLAND . CAM. Btajraa Baakt Bound Sckedul Vrrtk Bwaad Read down Rad as Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. flly. No S No. S tie. 1 So. S V. 4 No S PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM, 8:O0 1:30 8:00 Prtl'd 10:30 4:00 S:S0 8:05 3:35 10:05 Mt-Agl 8:25 1:65 8:25 8:30 4:00 10:80 Silrt'a 8:00 1:80 8:00 Ar. Ar. lAf. ; v Lr. Lr. L. Saaday oaly 8:00 Bwam. fa. Portlaad Sugoa lesvs 8sg Termiasl Portlaad aad , Btoelehammw a Drug Stor. Silvertoa - - WATEB - r: SALEM WATER, LIGHT 7 OWES CO. Offte. S01 BoaU Oom'l Bt. Tea Bar aant diseoant oa domeeti flat rates paid ia advaae. , No dedaetioaa for aosoaeo ar say aaas aaiaaa watat ti shut off yoar premises. WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY wood sawing. A; bobo SOdB. riahar Brae. WOOD SAWING. PHONE 11$1. CITT.l awuniry. aa Dproeo. PROFESSIONAL OPTIOIARS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR- lin aA Ik. slawr Ontlaal IWau.. 835 State strsot, apposito Lariat, aad xsaaa sbbb. POMEROT KEENS JEWELERS ASP up torn sen ta. sua stato. 1 CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. P.S.C, CHTROPRA0- tor. 41419 U. B. Bank Bid-.: Pboa 87; res. 83SR. , . . ... , 08TB0F ATHICTsTTMClASS . . - DBS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 04 u. B. Baak Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Pbyslelaa aad aargeas. . Klrksville gradBBto, d04-40S U. 8. Nstioaal Baak Bldg. Pboao. offiea. ill: ras. S14. I BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR mitioa af tho feet corrected witkoat ; loaa of tim from your oeeapatma. Drs. Wkito aad MarskalL U. 8. Baak Bldg. , DR. JOHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC I Pays teiaa aad eurgewa. dOB-404 Or goo Bldg. Pkoaaa. affloa, 1S94; raw LODGE DIRECTORY' UNITED SPANISH WAB VETERANS Clamp S. Armory. First, tha-d Moadeve : k REAL ESTATE FOR CASH WE CAN GIVE YOU THE best buy ia a 4 room baagalow, base ment aad modern ia every detail. Very aesirsoio amines. 1 Heyser-Follrich System Maia Floor Terminal Bldg. ANDERirON S RUPERT 'Successors to Laflar A Laflar INSURANCE REAL ESTATE . BONDS - LOANS 408-T . Vregoa Bldg Fleming's Bargains '.. A nice psyiag ceafectioBory for cash. A- good ' bottom farm,' crop and sqaip- j . meat aad stock: a bargain. . 1 A good location for garage snd oil Statis I soar esmp - grounds, cheap. ' Good lot oa Stato street at $750, assy i terms. Una of the beat Quarter blocks ia Fairmouat park, thia week special prica (ao commiBSMa. - - . . . Wm. Fleming 341 SUU street . 10 acres, ss cultivated:, good tor prunes wr o--, , , achoni: aaa ao BUiiatngs : jusi tne Divsi'ivu nuvk ,.. , - lo improve and make Value, eaa bow ba had for oaly $125 per acra. with . very easy terms- .oca j terms. Be , L. A. Hayford 80S ststa street Best Buys ' V?ZrSZ- ltm's. $30(10, tarms. ' . X room bungalow, garage, woodshed. ' SI -'AO- half eab. . t oni hnnrlow. atrirtlr modera. $1409 will handle, balaace like. rent. .This i ia the beat location in Salem. 20 aeees bearing prunes with good crop. t7fMXl. tirma- A 15-arr . hotse, bsra. 8 ktgsas, psved rLiu ia. 875QO. . terms. Exchsages BBywbcro a specialty. What kava yoa 7o offer . Socolofsky - ' - 841 Btata ' ' To Exchange as. fiao land. 25 ia cnltlvatiea A snap lor l per acre. Will take a house ia Palem as part paymeat. aol over $"" Thomason 831tj Cute atrret . REAL ESTATE AAV BUBS BUllli TOO OAS BUT roes baatrsiow laa tkaa. a yaar aid far (500 laaa taaa 1 waa attend las looe wta hiadlB ta. li Laffat. BBday. WAST MAX TO CUT FORTY ACRE!) grais hay ia ?irigbittie " sAares. r will sell 10 acre orchard Laa eaty. etose aad oal Federal, Waa t A -LL BOHRX STEDT i 40T Msaoatc TeatDl fcaiaoL. Or. CITY HOOSRB can LOTS. StUSslA targe aao fat !; uaaags ia suy aad I BBBtry, Browa at Mac, Boor Baa r tea a Oa saa. Wood's Bargains Five rooas baagalow. laU haacsaeat. S230U. Easy tcrata. New atodora baagalow. paved street, $2900, easy Uraie. 320 acre fares, half bottosa aad. baiaac rolliac raaaiag water. oa saaia eoaaty road, close to towa aad BcaaL fair baildiaga, oaly 860 per acra. StO arrca rolliag Uad. lota of raod timber, all fenced, runnier water. oaly - $20 per acre, taka .a boose op to $SS0O. Garag with storage for 33 cars, aad roaideaeo ia good assail was oa mat a street, prtro f 3000, taso a ear part pay. F. 31k Etate street. , U Wood. I BONUS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON A S room baagaiosr. cmso ia.. Dob over look this. Heyser-Follrich System Maia Floor Tarsaiaal Btdg. BIX Kimu nnrnr. math si7nn small oarment dowa. Twa larra lots. I asw a room BaagaJow. baaoa place. Garage. Walking Bailt ia. modera. $3500. i rooms, bstb. paved street: ess- ditioa. $2200. $1200 dowa. 5 room modera ia every way oa navemeat. , ia good district. Dutch kitchen, Froacb doors. $4000 5 room baagalow, basement, modera every way; Dutch kitchra, good dis triet, S2600. I120O dowa. Portland, retideuea, rents for $40, for clear i acreage near Balem. , neyser-roiincn system Maia Floor Terminal Bldg. Opea evea'isgs 7 to 9 p.m. Good Buys 103 acra farm, about 70 acre eultl- . rated, baildings; located SVb miles i rota Hslem. fries 7uuu. One half scr tracts on pared road and ; car line, 4a bearing trait. Price $600; Bao oowa, balance payable flO per 1 montn. $100, down. $10 per monio ouvg u acre ia crop. una frait aotL Fric $1250. 8 room modern homo ia Oaka additioa in Iiae conditio u. Must bo sold. Price $5500 cash. Real Si. lata and Fira Tmarinr. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State Su U. S. Baak Bldg. SEE ME FOR A GOOD BUY IN AN apsrtmeat bouse: lonr leaa. furaiahed. Good, cheap. Raby Purdy, 455 Court street. BOOMS FOR RENT BY DAY ALSO garage, o room booss aad 2 wta aa N. Capitol street. $3000. 7 room boas, modera, la good ooaditwa. B3&UU. f room bobs oa S. Commercial stmt 1.83000. " 8 ma asodera bnna-alow. SdSOO. Attractive lota oa N, 8ommer aad Berth i Capitol atroeta for sale, by GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 493 N. Cottago FOR BARGAINS IV CITY AXD . ' eaMBtrr nronartT. aaa Joseph Barber ti Son. 200 Gray Bldg. SOUTH SALKM HOME COSY. GOOD local to a. ruauo. stubr Purdy. - sas Court street. A. COURT STREET HOME FINE. 84000. lisrss. furnace : all modera v eoBVcnisaces. Raby Psrdr 455 Court street. :- FOR SALS AT A BARGAIN A GOOD sir room house. Full bssemrnt rar- Jf sga. Paved both streets. . Corner asainrtoa aad nr. rairmouat ad ditioa.' Also one two toa truck for '.sale, cacao. ' Falls City- Salem Lum- Kf her Co 349 So. 12th. PI hone 813. see me about new houses at mouerai , price. 1 erma. needy tor occupancy ia a few daya. Ruby Purdy. 455 Court street. : ' Special . - For s few dart we can sell you a 4 ;! rom bonse and 2 nice lots for $1200. Witb $100 down, balance $15 per sao c LB. r ' 1 nnmann 9 S V t It- WW 9 1 8311a SUt stnet IF YOU WANT TO BELL YOUR HOME list with Ruby Purdy, 455 Court Bt. ' WORTH WHILE . bona, garage. lota, bearing fratt.- Price 12M. small dowa pay - ment. Balance $15 per month. room house, bstb. etortne lights, on rsr line. fries rieuir: aouu sown. . balance SIS per month. .13 Vb acres, only two miles from Salem! 7 acres bearing Branca. S acres cner- riea, spples and Englisk walnuts, h all ia bearing, some berries. 8 room house wster system.- barn and chickea houses. ; Price $7000. , MILLS & COPLEY 331 BUt street Trades : 28 acra farm, well imnroved. good build ings, sad eoaipment. cow aad cBiesena. ' On Pacific highway, south. Price $5500. Will' trade for oa - to tea , acres close to Salem, with or without - baiidins-a. 18 acre farm, well located, all under cul tivation, small house: wll equipped: horses, row. $3750. Will trade for house and tot ia Salem. . Winnie Pettyjohn 831V4 Stato street For sAle NEW- five Room bun ra rslow with . some furniture. Price $20. Good terms. Kraeger. Oregoa Huilding. PUBLIC NOTICES av- m vm t W.V Notice is hereby given that I have Impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance with Ordinance ; No. 1404 to-wit: One i male Fox . Terrier, white, with , laf -Mn welirr. t i about 15 pounds. One black mvle. Inir wclrht ahnilt IS DOUnds. The above described dogs win be km-, ed If not redeemed by 'owners, on ur unure.uue ii( - - Vldedln Said Ordinance. - I W. S. LOW. Street Commissioner. DAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND. June lo Butter Prlntsv extras 4 Oc: cubes extras wcj prime firsts 34 l-2c. terfat. P6rtland delivery: tour cream. 41c. . , But- No. 1 : Potatoes: Buying price : locals 75 a 85c; selling price 1.00" a 1 s New California 5 a & l-2c. Classified Ads. in The Statesman Bring BCStlltS ,1'JIIHT STAGES GIG UPTB Large Export Sales Cause Ra v a nd Market is Hrrn - - V" , " At Liose ot uay CHICAGO. Jane 1.--B;r ex- port sales led to material upturna today in the Yalue of wheat. The market closed firm, halt to 1 1-2 net higher with Jaly 1.11 to 1.11 l-S and September 1.11 S-S to l.ll S-l. Corn finished l-S a 1-4 1 off to 3-4 higher, oats 1-4 a 3-8 1 to 1-2 np and provls'ons varying I from unchanged figures to a rise) of 27 cents. t It wss estimated that seabosr l exporters had pnrehased a toUl of 2,000.000 bushels of wheat itere today and yesterday. . An other bullish Influence wss, the fact that no forced selling" had followed yesterday's decline and that domestic crop reports fiom the southwest continued to tell of ramage from hot weather and from Drematnre ripening. Be-1 sides, advices from IndU said I rains had been disappo'ntinr. con- fined mainly to the coast. I During a transient lull in do- mand tor wheat about mid-day the market suffered a sharp set back. July delivery touching a new low level for the week. Strong houses here and in, the j east, though, became active again ; on the buying side ot the market, causing prices to fln'sh at near ly the top point of the session. Millers were said to have bought to a fair extent . On the other hand threshing begins IB IlliaoiS I , " u muuuaj. ITa.iai Pile nn ttia Kama nntf i , . . . ... I expects to ue reveiviug ucw wuv. Corn and oats were ruled chief. ly by the changes in the pr'ces of wheat. Despite increased ware house stocks, the provision mar ket finally responded somewhat to higher quotations on hogs. V Recent Acute Unsettlements Make Further Progress on Stock: Exchange, NEW YORK, June 16. Recent acute unsettlement in the stock market made further progress to-' day, prices ot many speculative Is sues again breaking sharply. Liquidation differed .from that of yesterday and the early period of the week in that It was directed more generally against the low priced rails, a- majority of the food specialties, minor motors and several of the mall order and I chain stores Issues. ' ' Texas and Pacific was the main J target, falling almost four points on a string of offerings which In cluded a drop of one . point be tween sales. EUewhere the reversal, which was at its height at mid-day, af fected gross - declines of 1 to 3 points. chemicals, secondary equipments, Coppers, textiles and tobaccos easing as "stop loss or ders were uncovered. Almost the one constructive stock of the day was Mexican pe- I troleum. Which made a Bet KSiB 1 e 1 . v. ,ie,fc j 1 v" ""t" j of 143 1-4, the greater part Of Its rise being accomplished in the last hour. The buoyancy of this stock went for to restore confidence in the general list, losses In several instances Being - materially re duced at the close. Sales amount d to 1.075.000 shares Continued . ease of call money rates was a negliive Influence, be ing based mainly on the light in quiry. The opening rate of 3 1-2 per cent was shaded to 3 per cent in the early afternoon, but no re laxation was shown In time funds. inch accommodations " , holding firm In expectation of another ex pansion of clearing house loans. Foreign exchanges without ex- - J ceptlon reflected more clearly the unsettled state of economic coa- Utions abroad. Sterling fell 1 1-2 cents, allied remittances lost 6 to 10 points and neutrals were low er by 3 to 10 points. ' FRUIT. NEW YORK,- June . 16. Evap orated apples, quite; , apricots. firm: prunes, steady: peaches. uiet. , . . - I p an . aaa Banot line uompieieo j0 Grange InCOmC Tax Bill Aftnrnv r. on oral "Van WinVla. ye8terday completed ballot title on the Income tax bill, initiated by the Oregon State Grange, to be roted on by the people at the gen eral election next November. The purpose of the memasare as set forth in the title is "Levying graduated, annual taxes on incomes-of all residents ot the state and all non-residents receiving; incomes . irorn Sources within Its jurisdiction; corpora tions," Joint stock companies and associations to pay on their net in- i comes not -otherwise taxed here under; corporate bonds declared interests in corporations; natnrs HP BREAKS FEATURE DAY persons to psy on net lncoms ot their business not otherwise taxed hereunder, or exempt, except pen sions, inheritances, insurance to araoant of $10,000 not recelYed daring- Insured lifetime; making certain exemptions from personal Incomes and ' exempting matsal aaTings. building and loan, relig- ions, charitable, etc, associations; provides manner of enforcement; and appropriates $$0,090 for ex penses." To Stop Coaching at Night A summer bronchial conga keeps not only the sufferer but other members of . the family swake. Alfred Barker. 1011 Avon dale St.. E. Urerpool. writes' "I consider H my duty to write and tell the results of Foley's Honey and Tar. which I used tor my boy who had been suffering tiom a bronchial rough for 7 or 8 weeks. Foley's Honey and Tar ; has. done him wonderful good. ! and I shall always recommend It." It soothes and healaSold . erery where. Adv. ; ; y. woman who for years wrote the household page In. the dalles. She was ho comic-opera singer nor pirouetted before the footlights. hut she contributed lot to the happiness of mankind with her tcook book and household hints. MONEY FOR YOU Look around In your attic, or 8 to re room and you will find lon-forgoU ten articles, useless to you, but wry useful to ; others. ? Turn these articles In to cash or exchange them for something' useful. ' A classified ad in the Statesman will tell hun dreds about it. i . You can telephone your PHONE 23 THE OREGON STATESMAN BOOK OF A TOUSAT -SOriGS . COUPON How to Get This Book for the mere nominal cost of manufacture and distri bution. One coupon and 79c secures this splendid new Bong book, well bound and actually containing more : than a . thousand songs. : , ; , T"---;, ., Present or mail to this paper three coupons with seventy-nine cents to' cover cost of handling, packing, clerk, hire, etc . Add for postage:., r . ,s ' ,' , Mail Up to 150 miles.J.. ..10c f Orders up to S0O miles r-14c For greater distances ask postmaster rate for three pounds. " ; 'v ' ' u . - ' ; , J . " , . ' 20 Song Books in one. J . No other Song Book published so good or so com plete as this one. s ' ' - - V j Don x Adveirtise 'Unless,: yon are absolutely on the IctcI with your customers - Unless your goods are so excellent ' that everyone who buys then ence will want them again : Unless there is real need for what you make. " , , Unless you appreciate that it takes 'a long time and costs a lot ol mon ey to educate one hundred million people to associate your trade ; - mark with a definite standard of .quality ' -; Unless your business . is built on the firm foundation of economical production and sound finance. . Published by the Oregon Statesman, In co-cp-cration with The American Association of , Advertising Agencies - l SALEll UARIZETS The first cantaloupes off th season are due to arrive tor the local market this morning. Twen ty cents ch is the probable price for th's southern melon. Strawberres vary greatly as to tise and quality and range la, price from fvo boxes for IS cents to three for a eusrter - 'and 1" cents each, rates of berries are selling from $1.50 to $1.80. - Fresh pineapples .may be had for (S cents apiece. It is a Bice auality aad of good slxe. The to-' matoes on the market ar from Mississippi and art selling st S3 cents a pound. Home grown let lace is available although not as solid as , that which was on the market earlier. BUTTNO PBTCES r Kay sad Grata : ' Wheat. 11.05 1-1 ba; osts, 50 Q 45 ba . Bggs, Bsttarfst. Batter. Milk Batterlat. BBv; milk.- I.Bi rl.: egg 17 w lc; deirv batter SO at 33s. Poultry Heavy bane, 3t a 21e: l'gbl bent IBe; medmm. ISct twaaters, life I broilers 23 0c ; - Uvoatock V Hogs. Sit ? 11.50; dr-ed kSB 14c; Up steer. e; cow. Si. , ' B.STAXW rsiciti . . - Ears aad Batsor Ergs. SO lie; rre ry baits 42 V 47r; dairy batter. 85 to - x lrtland Dtiylng Pricej BOOS. lWri.TBT, ' BTEATB - BUTTERFAT FIRM Nambor oa charaiag cream 41 fa-h. Portlaad; anderrrades. SSa, , . - F.OGS FIRM , , "CamM reoeipt. IS f tOe1. wblto kea Beries. 33 34 di d. (Theao quota.! ar based aa prica roeaived for tb bss. of day's recaipU by; local bbara ssC eroamerte t - - LIVg POULTRY WEAK tLess commiasios). heavy boos, 21 23 lb.; do light 1 V 17e; broiler. Bocks snd Red 25c 3 leghorns, 1$ (J 'Sfte'. Id rooetera. 1 rootat daeka. wata Pekin. young, 24 fr 25c; aid daeks. IS & 30c.- DRESSED MEATS WEAK ' (Lass eoimiutos)rl- light koga, IS dJ lSVae: aaderrrad-a, IS r tS'r veal . ton s-radea, li O 13tti andey grades 8 ll. '. . t i . : HAY FIRM- - fDellve-od Portlaad). Vattay TJmotby $17 ft 18 tea; Kastera Orogoa T'sawtaf $19 21 tea; alfalfa, $14 15 toa; elover, 114 toa; sat aad vetch H tas; atraw, $8 toa. .'GRAIN UNCHANGED (Track. Porttsnd) Wheat $110 f eorn$ oata, $88 $7; Eastera yel low tars 21.60 t?oi. v.. rBurp x' Strawberries,-8 k7 5 0' 190 crate: ear ly cherries 10 6 Uc lb; esrly pesehes $1.60 box; apricots $1 O 1.25 bos; gooseberries, 4 9 e Ih. . VXOETABXEt N. 1 polateta. 75 g5e ewt.; Orrroa cabbage, 14 O Sc Ibr parsnips, I lb : carrot. kOc doaea bnarhe: tarn I pa and beets- 50e doses ; green peas. 7 Sc IU.J gre S BBicns. 25s. dotes bttur,he$. . . WOOL FIRM " Oars VaBT wool. 48 P 17s t asodtaai ST O 20i fla 81 O 40s, ; - . HOPS ' ; ' 4 HOPS STEADY 1 s 1921. Crop aomlaal at 11 O IS. ,