: t nE OREGON STATESMAN, SALES, OKEGOU SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1922 i t if ? r f i : t v. V, i- A-: i I 1 , ; B i - 1 I I ., t 13 J' ' I: j f i t itirrm. AOfimimitl So Tkrea tasertWae Oh tMk (sU insertieaa). On meat SU ualkl' MAif uft. Ill 13 moatks' saa tract, per j M.abwam for sdvewtieemtnai, tH NORWICH UXIOX VtRK INSURANCE SOCIETY & W- II. Burchardt, Jr. I Resident Agea. 871 State , MONEY TO LOAN Oa Real Eatata T. K. FORD (Over Lavdd Bash Baak) NEW TODAY FIRST CLASS MAS. COOK WASTED. , Apply ia pcraoa. Aadrewc.A) Kerr, CerTallla. Oregoa.-- Ml'ST BE SOLD T BOOM BUXOALOW wita lamitare, vaaeaieBt, gara-B in. . Price 1 3600. Pkon a lor appoint- . - meat. W. 1L Orabeokont 4 Co., 275 btate atreet. BAROAIS FOUR ROOM PLASTERED bon. rrire iuuu. tuu eaao, pai anra 120 a taootk aad interest. Krue- ! gor, Oregon Bldg. - ;. ' , (WAVTED YARD MEN. LCMBER PII i - era. creea chaia men. Silver Palla Lanber to., BiiTartoa, vregoa.- inOK-,ROOM HOUSE. BASEMENT. i feraaee. fireplace, laaadry tray a, paved atreet, end alley, located one block f-em ritate aonae. rrire 4, irm. Tkis place ia priced right aad will a 1 1. ' V. H. Uraveaborat Co 'Hi Sute :" street. 1 PAKSENOER MITCHELL IS At COX- d it ion at a great sacrifice.. Call 6U5 I ; for Mr. Reimana. v , FOR RENT FULLY FURNISHED VOD- era five room flat, et eo ft r erry ' street Immediate potsessioa. $50 s month.- Apply at Btalewnaa Busiaess office. , I'bone XJ. 400 DOWN 430 PER MONTH, BUYS , 7 room plaatered bouse Bear far line aad paved street, large - lot, garag-. ' tinea S2B50. W. H. Orabeakorat Co, 875 HUte street. MANY FIRES ARE BEING REPORTED to as from sparks oa dry roofs. Be careful witk yoer flues, bet above all : be Inanred.- Ktandlejr roley agnta. h.Iem, Ore., Busk Bsnk Bldg. fkoae FOR SALE THE C. W. WILK8 FARM 2 miles eaat of Pratvm, 127 acres, in acres in fsin, baUn timber sod pa v tare. Fully equipped witk farm mseh - ioery aad toola. Three korsea aad foer mwk. , Bnildian in aood eenditioa. Barn nearly - new. Priee without : equiumsnt, $13,500; witk all equip ment. $14,S0O. Imaedista possestioa. : Treat , DeparUaent. Capital National Bank. -, ?. 64 ACRES 8 MILES NORTH OF 8A- im, near Pacific highway, V4 seres in potatoea. 1 sere; ia corn, balance in email fruits. Price 3800. 1300 Amn kslanne mortsaae to be Bssumed. Kmall buildings. W. H. irsbenhorst Co. 875 Btsta Street. - 191 BUICK TOURING, 400 OLESON . RookstooU -v - - - : 1 STORAGE 15 PER MONTH. SINGLE night. 0e. Fire-proof buildtag. le- aon-RookatooL-- lis South -Uberty. Pbone 669. ' F0R RENT MODERN FIVE ' ROOM cottage at 714 North lth street. $25 a month.! Will rent furnished st $85. Immediate possession. Apply at Ststes bjsb" business of fiee. ' Phone 23. 1921' FORD. 8EDAS 500. OLESOS RookatooL. HOUSEHOLD FCRNI8HING FOR SALE . Saturday i only at 1890 Mill street. Phono 699-W. ; -.. 'OR SALE 8 YEAR OLD COW Giv ing six gallons daily when freeh will bo fresh in July. Dr. R. P. Brsaior.d, pnona., 536 . er 17S7-J3. ; : Good Buys aa j..b am na - month buy 10 0 3. JJ WW w aa, m- v ay-- " ' . - i I ,rn, iu crop, fine rrult land. Price on - mmA 5fl OOO rord of stand- "ine timber. 90 seres in whest. old buildings, fins t spring wster, a snsp for someone st $5 per sere. S acre tracts in logsns snd prunes, price right, Nesr esr line, on psved road. Terms can be arranged. m : ' inn . H ltivated. building. all stock and equipment foe.- Vtict $13,000. This is s snsp, terms., , Real Estate aad Fire Inaurauce W. H. Grabenhorst &. Co. 275 Btsta street ' " V. 8. Bssk Bld. ' To Exchange Good1 6 room oue, 3 lots, with fruit and earden. Price 53000 . FeT Small ' tract near Bslem. ; . A nice home oa North Winter. m. mmiA tin v tor 32450. V rooms, a barssin. tor $1200. with $200 down, kslsnce $15 per month. 1 ,wwl S ranm house for $1250. Will r rtske light , ... f:i , Thomason ; ' 831 V State street nrwra will BE ACCEPTED OS A 5 1 room bungalow,, close .in. Don't over- look this. .,.-, . Heyscr-Follnch System Main Floor -Termiusl Bldg. ' v, Rnct RlIVS . v XV rn room modem aew oan;a 100O eash or soldier toaa. arooma. largo sleeping porrn. strictly tnodera. carage. . best OTSlKjn. $7250. M rooms modern, large lot, $3750, 0 room modern, Urge lot, garage, psve ment. $3700. terms. i - - w. 7 rooms modern, basement, fruit. T lots, $3800. $1200 esah. Tbs opportunity 'to boy a rsach was nsvsr better., , Socolofsky- , V- 341 Stste. ' FOR CASH WK CAS 3IVE YOU THE 1 brat buy il I 4 room bungalow baae- ment and modera a, every detail. Very , i . l i Jis.i.4 - - ; - eesiraow , , . ; Heyser-Follnch System Main Floor Terminal Bldg. ; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS . Notice la" hereby given that the undersigned will receive bids up till 5 o'clock p. m., June 19, 1922, 'for the construction of a cement concrete sidewalk' to be laid on the : east side of Commercial ? street, between Shipping, and Nor way streets, In front ot and abut ting upon .Lot 7 of Block 32, North Salem Addition to. the City of Salem; Oregon." ' t - Also, upon the east side o: Commercial street, between Shlp ptne and Norway i streets, abut ting upon and adjacent to Lot. 8 in Block 32 of North Salem Addi tion to the City of Salem, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be had at the office of the City Re- ' corder. vlf ; " ''. :: EARL RACE." City Recorder. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE HUNT BROTHERS HAVE STARTED . csnelng strawberries snd would ,- be I g Ud to have women who reeKtred snd ether vcinn wishing employment EMPLOYMENT HAVE A COUPLE OF TRUCK DRIVERS and tractor drivers wsnting work. : Ysllcy Meter Co. Employmeat Agency, aes Wagar. - , - , ' , , W- ANTED IKtaOtTIc TO0N wko kaa- kad experience selling hi inserts oa. stocks or advertising. Maat be able to devote aw entire Ume aad no nkitiHl for sdv secernent. Mm - ksve tke eeorags to present esiaess ' preposition to marches U sad profes steaaJ men. Aaswer ia your kaad writing, stating age, edaeatieael ssslt ;; fi eat ion, experieaee aa - solicit, ate. Address "I N. 8L" Statesamaa office. ALa AMD rBJCALR BERRY PICKERS ' WASTED GOOD pay, good place to camp. Valley Meter Vo. Be Wsgsr. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED SO acres berriea. Camp ground, or we take you out each morning. Ap ply Hunt Bros. Caanery. - WANTED MEB ASD WOMES TO take (arm Booer aakaeriptieBa. A ajo ' prwpeaittoa to tb rtgkt peoplo. Addreaal . ike Paeifio Howaatead, Btatoaaiaa Bldg Kaleav Oro PERSONAL WOULD TOU WHITE ,A WEALTH T, frvtty girl I - 8Uniped eavelepe pleaae. illiaa SproaL Statioa 1L iUevetaad. Ohio, i GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper publnbad. Freo - for stamp. Cerreepoadent, Toledo, Ohio. FOR SALE FARM PAPEE (P TOO WANT TO GET TUB BEST farm paper, send 15e to the Faeiffc Maeseetaad. Salam, Oregoo, fat a Uree asoaths' trial sskseripUoas Mention this sd POTJLTS1 POULTRY MEN SEITD EIGHT (TWO sent stamps for special three asoaths I trial for tks keat aad oldest ieuraal fat the west. The articles aad adver Us em eels are of special in teres t to the poultry breeders of the . aortkwast Northwest Pes I try Journal. $11 mereial St. Baleen. Oresoa CANARY BIRDS t QU C To sdvertise new store. Csge LUV L aad annnlv list free. Imnort-I BIRDS: ed Kellers our specialty. E. B. FLAKE $5 PAIR 373 8tats. Salem JOSCELLAjrEOOS LARGE GOOSEBERRIES FOR CANNING - order now. delivered next weekv Ward K, Riehsrdaon, phone 494. FOR BALK OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 orate a bundld CiresJatioa dspartomeat Oregon 8 ta teams. THE HOUSB OP TLAXT A MILLION and oat bargaiaa. Wo bay, sou or exchange anything ssd verrthiaf ta the Use of Juak or sseoad kssd goods. Boo ua before you buy -or aell. Stelar bock Jank Co Remember the plsea, 403 H. Commeroial Si, Paone 833. FOR SALE OREGON WOOD PROD-I ucta Co., Weat Salem, Oregon. Twenty one- ineb berry ' stskes, sl.25 per thoossnd. Twenty four inch berry stskes, f 1.85 per. thousand. Twenty thouaand lath. S4 per thouaand. Forty eight inch atakes (for garden). $5 per thousand. -- . Four foot fir wood (large), $2.50 per cord. Four-foot I wood (small). $1.50 per cord. Come to plant or phone evenings, 1191-M. "Beautiful; Oregon Rose" land sltvsa a that Oregoa soars, togethsi ritk a fine eolleetwa of patriot! soags, aaered soags aad many old-tinu favorites aIl rox 98l - (Spaelsl prices ia quantity lets) Cspueislly adaptable for aekooL eemmua ity or home singing. .. - v Send for - ' The Western Songster TS page. , bow la IU third editlou. rnbiissed ay OREGON TEACHERS- MONTHLY J1S 8 Oommereisl 8t. - Salem. -Ore WOOD IS INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD $3.60 per load. : Dry planer wood $3.60 per load. Trasy Wood Co : Pbons 630. BE8T GRADE MILL WOOD 18 INCH , t fu aad 4 . f U . : Prompt delivery. . Special price ea 5 cords. Ws eaa make delivery oa ash. second growth sad old s-vowta fir sout waiy ia. rred e. : Wells. 308 So. Commerciss, - Phone 1543. , .r- - , OLD 16 IN. FIR, $8;' SECOND, 4 IT, $. Ash. : Phone 1487. FOR RENT. APARTMENTS A TWO ROOM APARTMENT FOR REST , Pbons 634 J. . FOR REST 4.2 ROOM FURNISHED apartment, water, light, heat and bath. Phone Ir. Schenk. 1182. Rooati RENT. ROOMS 803 S. WINTER. aale, 0 room bouse, 2 lota. FOR NICELY FCRSISHED ROOM 160 8. ; 15th street. Pbons 1233 J. ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOME eloae In Address E, Cure Statesman ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAR, 00ST 60s up. 463 Bute. FOR RENT 8UITE OF ROOMS WITH private bath, also single rooms. 1030 Chemekets street. i'bnne 120. WANTED IfjSCELLAJrEOUB WASTED GOOD USED LUMBER OR culled lumber.:" Phone 994. T WANTED 120 CORDS OP LARGE second growth fir wood. Address P. O Box 33. Kslem, Oregoa, stating price of wood. " ANTED EVEKTTHINO IN HARD wars ssd furniture. Beet prices psld TBS CAPITAL HARD Wars FURNrrURB oo. aaa K... Commercial Bt. PVame 941 OLD MATTRB88ES MADI OVRB Capital City Beddiag Co. Pkoao 19 wanted ruRsrruRR, TOOLS, ; BTO raoae a...-. WANTED FORSlvURl?,1 TOOLS, MA ealaery, stock. 0.4. Win key few sash or sell on eemmieaiouu Phoave all Woodry, tks Auetioaeer. WANTED CHICKENS, EGGS.. BUTTER. veal, hogs, Ismbs, - mutton, etc. Se number too large or small, ant day ia the week. We pay beat rash prices snd g-aarautee our weighta. "Mr. farmer we want your produce, please give us a trial. People's Market. 155 N. Lib erty St.. phone 994. " - BUSINESS CARDS APOTIOaTEER lUOTlOMEER F. N. WOODRY. THE uvea tack, raraitara, peal oatass ase- r. phono 611 lac aale astea. MIS W Snurmar Auto, Directory FOR BALI OR TRADw RIO TRUCHC iwsi wmdsl. perfect eoaditioa. Will trade for real eatate, prodaoe or will ;-':.7r. rr.!, rir'-."" ?-r. 7Z 'i7. Irii. --.i3..TSV ? or can The Pnl.'. o..k AUTO TOPS AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK r-seeatseefi, 658 South 1 3th. ikons 5 1 e BUSINESS CARDS BATTERY AMD KXEOTKIOIAJI ADTO ELECTRIC! AH: EXPERT TROTJ. ale thsntisg 1)8 . Hick. Phase zos. PRESTO-UTR BUTTERY SERVICE station. Export kaery eed elaotruai erk Varna ferae Fame laoa el I taxi AMD ACCESAOmXXS 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAIN8TI Joae kruiaee, rim nu aad blowouts. The Hydro Teren Tiro, far aale ky Tew rum atom. w aad leslto. puveoe ACETYLENE WXLDXNO - IRON. STEEL. BRASS, ALUMINUM Brag the pieces. Oxe-Gae Heutiag I v-o- hi wort. beauty parlors BOW OPERATING MODEL BSADTT Parlor. 110 Monk OoiiM irtal SMrooa. Pkoae M. CABPEETEB CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. FLAMS fnraishod free. R. W. Melatiro, ISO w. taarca. r . CARPETS AND FXTJTT RUGS CARPET ASD RUG WEAVING PHONE before a.m. Phoae 8 If 21. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW . weave fluff ruga made out of old car pets, say length or wldta you desire. We also re fit, re-sew snd sue carpets. reauier renovating snd msttrest stesm- ing and remaking. Salem Carpet Cleaning aad Fluff Rug Works. Phone 113. CHINESE PHTSIOIAM OR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWS diaoasa. 151 B. High Su pkoao 1 DRUO STOXXS BREWER DRUG Pkoao ISA oa 40t COURT ELECTRIOIANS 8ETURB MY FI0URE8 ON WIRING By eontraet, by boar. At pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phoae 1302J. FURNITURB HO SPIT AX FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADB TO - order. BefiaiaBiag , aad upholstering a speelalty. Phoae 1743. Brows and Groves. HOI South Commercial. FCTABOIAL . MONEY TO LOAN O FARM LAND. L. A. BayforC 105 StsU street. MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association haa money to loan at 5V4 percent. W, 1. tasi, aoeretsry-tresa rsr. 303 Saleat Bank of Oeaaaeroa. 80 YEAR FARM LOABS OS RURAL credit plan, pre-paymeat ProviswBa at lowed. Wo will finance you for a lessl rate of later est than amy lira as tke ooaat. Private mousy to loan ea either etty soBBtxy property. R. W. Marsters '- 411 Oregoa Bldg. GREENHOUSES FOR SALE CUT FLOWERS. PHONE Mrs. E. A, Bennett. 1280. 50' OFF OS ALL BEDDING T0CK for 10 days. Delivery. Salem fa. sen- houses, 15th snd Garden road. Phone 800. BEDDING PLANTS OF ALL KISD8 fir sals. E. B. Flaks. Flowsrs aad Birds. 178 State. Ladies' Wearing Apparel HEMSTITOHINO KRS.. B RECKENRI DO EHEMSTITOH lng. aisil orders toUcUed. 173 S. Iftk Pkoaa 174-M. MTTiLIBERV FIATS FROM $1 UP Grimm. 619 Court St. mrs. a A. DRE88MAEXNO RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. T6S Soutb 12lh. Phono 1824 M. 0ARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing. Spencer sera eta to order. 3 MeOaraaek Bldg. THE ADSITTS ARB PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladies' tsilor tng. for old and now customers. S62 N. 12tk St. Phone 3085-R. uESDAME8 SCOTT CHASE DRE88 makers. 319 Btsta St, l.sit 937. UAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER 1V1C Bellevue Bt - HEMSTTf CHTwrn "NEEDLEWORK SHOP" ALL KINDK of fancy work and hemstitching dons 121 H. Commercial street. i SALKll ELITB HEMSTITOHINO pleating, buttona. stamping aad needle work. 329 Oregoa Bldg. Pkoao 379 MR8. C E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING Stamping; kraicMng: head embroidery. buttons. Room 10. ever Millor'a store. SaJom. Oregoa. Phoae 117. prsTjRAJtcrs MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFB IN8UBANCT etnasat. J. O. Baleh. acaot, roues S MeCoraack Bldg. Phoae 98 LAUBPRPBB HALBM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 188 8. Liberty street. Phone 86. Otdeal largest best. Estsbliskoo 188s CAPITAL CTTT STEAM LAUNDRY - auslity work, prompt servioo, 1864 Broadway. Pbono 166. MEDICAL dOUNTAIN BALM COUGH BEMBDX Phone 617 W. PADfTIMO CONTBAOTOBa PAINTING AND DEUU RATING HIOB class work for particular people. L. D Braadoa. no a tractor. BS6 North High Phoue 645 J . 3T0ODLB PAaOoii A ROMS NOODLB HOU SB Ferry. 418 BIN SIN NOODLl BOUSE CHOP suey. 40e: puffed rice. SOe: aoodleu. ' SOe: fried aoedlee. aOe. lw . Lib erty. BTJRAEKY STQOX FRUITLAND NURSER1 FINE LARGE stock of Italian prune trees snd also all kinds of lending nursery stocs for fsll delivery. Phoae 1140 M. 181 8. 14th street, - nnifPt.srrK LInS TREES SMALL rraita. eraameatsla. uapnal :ny nur sery Co.. 426 Oregoa Bldg. Ptml T. PLUM BIN O stBPAIRTNO AND COIL work. Pkoao 18t-j. buop, sst ubsbb street A. U. Godfrey. Fzartrita and toilet artioxrs lat.irnsiwiA PERPUMB CO. RX- traeta. toilet srtioJea. . Mrs. MoTuT. 170 South 23rd. Phoae 1816. RSS T A URAJTZ S xrm RKRTAITRANT MOST RJA80N- auto uricau. iokaaoa-Barry. 168 S. High ' " " , -- ' SCAVXX0ERB ! 4ALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RR- fose of alt ktads resuovoa. msspeaui cleaned. Phone 167. STOVES AND STOVB REPAIaMNO .ftvra .nmi.r and repaired- " 40 ..ri ..porteara. Depot N.tie.sl '. ' feee. sises 38 to 3S iaehes kitk. Paints, oil and varwisaoa. eta, sausa k.,, and how kowka. Baleea I sud Stoeu Works. 9 SO Court stros. riMwe 134. U Ftttesir-sn Clt!5ifid A4i BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAI. MRS. HENRY LEE PIAJfO. 1811 . Capitol P: 1017-W. MISS MABUB SHEPHERD PIANO as. SAT X. I layer; ikonr. ail SALEM CON BERT ATORT OP MCSIO All breaches taught. diioss.e fraatoi Joke B. Sitae, director. 1381 Court. Psoas Ml. . RAO AXU JAZZ PIANO PLATISO 12 leaaeaa guaranteed. Wataraiaa eys teas. P. B. Clark, Met, MeCoraack Building. TONERS JACK MULLIGAN PIARO TUBER; Maove-Duaa O. BeptaaaaUlrvo ei 8keruis Clay Co. Psmae 608. CD WARD WELP IZPEaUENCXD ptaoo toaor. Maoia Store. WUl'a TAIXMiJI PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tea tag. refiaisklng. robuildiag; player piaao i laao export. Paoao lass. Ill cfoots PIANO SHERMAN OLAT A CO PIANOS. STEIN ways. Duo-Art. aad others. M Deaa Maai.- Store. Msaoaie Tamol DAN CISC PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE daueee. Mrs. White. Phoae 17s J. BTUSI0 STORES GEO. C WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sew tag awhiaee. sbeot musle. aad ptaao atadiee. Kepsiriag paoi graphs aad sewing machines. State, Sales. STUDIoa 0B LUX I STUDIO SOMETHING DIP forest in photocrsBhr. 147 N. Cess L SEOOND BlAHD OOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND kaad clothing aad skoee. Ala del eisaaing, pressing snd repairing. Call and deliver Capital Eacbaago. 343 North CommersieX Pkoaa 1S6S W. WE BUT AND BELL SBOOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, ksr- eoiiara. cellar pads, toola aad ekaiaa. Prod Scaled lor. 8iS Center street. TYPEWRITERS UNDKRWOOD TYPEWRITERS (8IIIP- maa-Ward rebuilt) $3 down. Ribbons snd repairs for sli machines. We make rubber stamps. Paul M. Sims, 442 Htate, opposite Bligh thestre, pLone 340. TRANaTZX HAULDia WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP H0U8E- bold goods. Our specialty ts pisas and furaiturs moving, Wa also msks country trine. Wa handle tke best seal aad wood. Call ea aa for prices. Ws give good measure, good quality aad food pererco. Lamer Trsaaier m. Pkoaa 330. capital crrr transfer oo. aaa State St, Pkoao 988. DlstRkuttug. forwarding aad storage aw ipeeisitj Get onr rates TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker. General Manager Central Stage Terminal 8alem, Oregon BALEM-SILVEUTUS IHVIB1VH Leaves Salem, Central Stags Terminal: 7:00 sun. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Loaves Silverton News Stsnd: 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Sslem-Indeoendeneo-Monmoutk Division Leaves Salem Centre! Stage Terminal: 7 a.m. a a.m. 11 a.m. a pja. a pat. Lesvss Mob mo urn, Monmvutk Hotel: 8:15 a.m. i p.m. e:ia p.m. Leaves Independence, Besvsr Hotel: 8:80 a.m. 10 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:80 Wa make conaertioai at Bslem ta all parte of tks valley. Extra trips ay appointment. J. W. PARKER, General Mgr. 8ILVERTOS MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND 0. M. Stages " Soukt Bound Bckedule North Bouad Read down Reed ap Dir. Dty. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly No 5 No. 8, Na. 1 No. 3 No. 4 No 6 CM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM (1:00 1:80 8:00 Prtl'd 10:80 4:00 8:30 4:05 8:85 10:05 Mt.Agi 8:25 1:65 8:25 4:80 4:00 10:30 Bilvt'a 8:00 1:30 6:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv Sunday only 8:00 a.m. fm. Portlssd Stages leave Stage Terminal Portland and Steelehsmmer's Drug Store, Bilvertoa WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office, aoi Boats court st. tub net seat d is count on domestic list i paid ia advaaea. No deduct ioat fot abseaee or say cause aalesa water b shut off your premiaee. WAREHOUSES PUBLI0 WAREHOUSE FRONT ANI Ferry. Stereo everything except mm ploe ivee. Apply rry s Drug Btoru. WOOD SAWS I OTTY AND Ovu fiTBT WOOD SA WIN 6 Pkoao S04a. FUker Bros. WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1131. CITY eouatry. Ed. Bprocd. PROFESSIONAL OPTICIANS I GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. B. BUB Sett et the Bow Optical Oompaa 35 Btate street, opposite Bush Bank. OMKROT A KEKNE JBWSLEBS AND OptomptrisU. 888 Btste. OSTEOP ATHICPH YSIGT-AJTS ORS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 604 U. B. Baak Bldg. IR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Pkysieiaa aad sargeoa. Kirks villa I grsdaste. 404 405 U. 8. Nstloasl Bank I Bldg. Psoas, office. 919: roe. 614. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR mities of the feet corrected without less ' time from yonr eeeapstioa Drs. White sad Marshall. U. 8. Baak Bldg. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Pkysicis and sargeoa, 408-404 Ore goa Bldg. Phonos, offlos. 1B94J res sars CHIROPRACTORS OR- O. U BOOTT, P S O, CHTROPBAO tor, 414-19 V. 8. Bank Bldg. 87; res. 828 R. 10D6E DIRECTORY tntlTED SPANI8H WAR VSJTERANI nmr a. ArwMtrr First, thted Moodsys REAL ESTATE ROOM 8 FOR . RENT BY DAY ALSO garsge, 6 room sense aad S lots en N. Capitol street $3000. house, modern. La good condition S3500. 6 room konss os N. Commercial sir sst 83000. room modern buuamlow. 84200. Attractive lota ea N. Summer aad Berth Cspitol streets for sale, by GERTRUDE J. M. PAGS 492 N. Cottsge FOR ' BARGAINS tN; CTTT AND MssaitrT - nrerfrtr. see Joseph Barber fo Son. . 300 Gray Bldg. rmr houses cm lotr BUVO lows, small aad largo eereege, etoso ah..... km ett wintry. Btwww Mag over Rue tet'e esv Stste aad Doom ere tel. FbcBt 813. . REAL ESTATE $1000 WILL -BUT X 13 ACRES CLOSE ta garage. Baby Pardy. 455 Court atreet. SEE ME ABOUT A SUMMER COTTAGE at Aewperu Good buy, comfort too. Ruby Pardy. 455 Court street. MR tlOMB til It. -oO CAB BUY A room beagaJow loss than a year oM tor 5vO kss tnaa 1 was offered Sor t eiae sseatka ago, Mas Imanl. Dutch iw-k,. elos eta sso sieewmg perch. $iaoo win kaadlo n. Sea it nsday. 18S LatfeUo. Trades Of every nature in realty. Come ia aad see as. What have you I and what are 8oe f,. toi. ia Fairmouat park, the! in wwibk mi i bou too reatdence dtatnet of 8 The Fleming Realty Co. 341 Stale street '$300 Down Will bay & roost cottage, stostly modern. First elsss condition, newly painted. PosaeaaioB ia a few days. South Sa lem. Good bay for $2000. Terms $30 moatk. S. R, Pearson 310 211 U. 8. Baak Bldg. WANT SMALL CHEAP HOUSE. SMALL payments down, fsir payments each month. Ruby Furdy. 455 Court St. GOOD SrX ROOM HOUSE AND LARGE lot, witk lots of fruit snd garden, for $2000. This is good. Ruby Tardy. 455 Court street. Best Buys 5 room modern 3 blocks from capital, - 1030 Union street. $2500; $1500 cssk . bslanre easy terms. 5 mom strictly modern good aa new, )40 Union street, $5250. Terms. 7 room modern, basement. V4 block, fruit 908 North 17th, $3800. $1200 cash, balance terms. 6 rooms modern, garage, good location, shrubbery fruit. $3700. $1500 cash. balance to suit. 9 room modern st 1851 Center street. SJiMi, ft esah. room strictly modern. 985 North Sum mer. Will tske some trade or msks terms. 37250. Your chance to bay a good fruit, poultry vi nairy rises was never ortier. j might sdvertise 50 sad aot suit you, so use the better method, come ia and let as is Ik it over. Socolofsky 341 Bute WANT TO BUY FIVE ROOM MODERN house oif soldier loan plan: Socolofsky, 341 State. WORTH WHILE 6 room houas in good condition : 3 lots. some fmit, $2000; $500 down, bsl- snee easy payments. This is sn excep tioaal buy. H acre end small ho as a. Only $600; $200 down. 147 seres well located, good buildings, 40 acres ia crops. Owner must sell. $45 per sera, Vs esse, balance good terms. MILLS & COPLEY 331 State street Best Buys 219 seres, one of the beat ranches in - Marion county, 2 miles of good town; . house, barn, well fenced. 80 rods of Pscific highway worth $200 pr sere. For quick ssle, $125 per sere, one-third cssb. 81 -re, the best sandy loam bottom filbert, walnut or berry land. On good road, (km in: house, barn. 3 seres filberts, 5 besring logsns, trees enough for 3 seres more filberts. Price only 1 $8200. Terms. 15 seres, 5 bearing logsns, four young logsns, fsmily orchard, bouse, bsrn, coops, on psved highwsy clots in. $7500: terms. 20, 80 snd 70 acres, vslue $10,500; want fruit or dairy ranch. Will assume or ! psy difference. Socolofsky 341 State 10 ACRES GOOD SOIL. CLOSE IS 3 acres strawberries, bearing, bilance Tonne Innnt in mna connilMm. can ncv . ... . 6J be ngi at price a&0. Ml cash, inter est, see L. A. Hayford 805 Btate Street ANDERSON A RUPERT Successors to Laflar A. Lsflsr INSURANCE RKAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 408-7 Oregoa Bldg. PRICED TO SELL 5 ROOM HOU8E 81000 handles 87S 8. 12th street. See it today. GOOD BUYS e Well equipped chicken ranch. 8 miles from Salem. Modern house, full equip ment. $10,000. 259 seres, excellent fsrm Isnd nesr Satherhn. Douglas county. 820.000. Very easy terms. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 107 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore. Wood's Bargains Five room bungalow, full bssement. V2500. Easy terms. New modern bungalow, paved street. $2900. essy terms. 320 acre farm, half bottoar land, balance rolling, running water, oa main rountv road, close to town and school, fair buildings, only 160 pet sere. 310 seres rolling land, lots ol good timber, all fenced, running water, only 20 per sere, take a boi-s- up to $2500. Oarage with storage for 22 ran, and residence in good small town oa main street price $2000, take a car part psy. F. L. Wood. 811 State atreet. GOOD BUILDING LOT JU8T OFF CAP- itol street. $175. essy terms. 1 room plastered cottage, completely fur- Biahed. modern conveniences, garage psved atreet $2500. . Winnie Pettyjohn State atreetf FOR SALE FINE ALL MODERN home on Chemekets stre t at a bsr gain. Also fine borne, corner lot on State street, cheap. Square Deal Co. 202 U. S. Bank Bldg. r rOR SALE BY OWNER A SEVEN room bungslnw with fireplsce, break fast nook, kitchen complete, basement with lsxndry trays and garage. 724 North High. OWNER LEAVING SALEM WILL .8 F.LI good se Ten room bungalow at S bar gain. I,ook it over and make us an offer. W. G. Krueger, 80S 9 Oregon Building. " I FOR SALE 20 ACRES ON TWO GOOD roads. R.F.D.. email creek, partly im proved. Good laud, near Wilsenville Price 82150. $125 cash remsinder essy at 6. Also 320 acres partly im proved, nearly all level, good land it Eastern Oregon, for s song on" term. sad aecept auto as first nsvment Ad dress Jones. Box 220, Sslem or. csll Miller apartments. ""OR 8 ALE OR WILL EXCHANGE Good fsrm near Salem. Consider stock or crain ranch. Immediate possession Your, own terms on part. Addrea Bo 'B-l. er ftetewt. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE to rOXTRACTORS Sealed bid will be received Sy the board ofs directors of School District No. 79. Marion county, Oregon, until . 8 p. m.. June 17. 1922. for the erection and completion of a public school building, according to plans and specifications as prepared by Pngh A Hiigh of Salem, Oregon, Oper. I a - 1 aUon on the building must be LnMstelad hr Rsniember 1f 1325 east j , - l a certified check for 5 per cent cf the amount most accompany ;the bid. A $1S deposit witk clerk required for plana. The school board reserves the rlsht to reject any and all bids. By order of the school board at District No. 7, of Turner. Marion county. Oregon. Chairman, C. W. Hewett. Clerk, G. A. G. Moore. SOTICE OP SCHOOL. ELKCTIOX Notic3 is hereby ziven to the le" gal voters of School District No. Zi, or Marion Coantv. Oregon, that the annual etectfon tor tal diatric: will be held in said dis- . . . . . . & . CU t'- S'" "c aoar Ol two o'clock P. M. on tno th'rd jaonday in June, being the ISth day ol Jane A. D. 1932, ani holding un til seven o'clock of snid day. for the purpose of electing one direc tor to serve for the term of three years. Voting n.n-t 226-28 S. Commerela: St. lOfflce of the Associated Oil Co., Marlon Hotel.) G. E. H4LVORSEN, I Chairman of 'Board of Directors. W. H. Burghardt, Jr.. District Clerk. 'OTICEOP .AXXl'AI. .SCHOOL MEETING Annual School Meeting of School District No. 24. Mar 'on County, Oregon, will be held in the high school building, in said district Monday evening. June 19. 1922 at 8 o'clock for the purpose of hearing the reports of Board ol Directors and of the District Clerk of said district, and for such other business as may law fully come before the meet ng. Dated this 6th day of June 1922. I G. E. HALVORSEN. Chairman of the Board of di rectors. Attest: W. H. Burghart, Jr., District Clerk. XOTICB TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap po'nted executor of the estate of Dan T. Chamberlain, deceased, by the County Court of Marion Coun ty, Oregon, and duly qualified. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified to-1 gethejr with the proper vouchers the early stages of today's trad therefor, to the undersigned at tng, but became decidedly heavy his office 306 Salem Bank of n Qe ia8t half of the session . . . a Commerce Building, Salem Ore- gon, within six months from the I date of this notlcec. Date of first publication May 13,1922. Dated this 12 th day of May, 1922. S. M. ENDIC0TT, Executor of the Eatate of Dan T. Chamberlain, deceased. HISHEFl PRICE ImprOVed Export Demand iS Mam Cause of Boost .Finish Unsettled, CHICAGO. June 9. Wheat scored advances In price today ; hiefly as a ''result of improved export demand. The finish, al- .hough unsettled, was 1-8 to 1 1-8 t 4 w AS let higher, with July 1.13 to 1.15 1-8 and September 1.14 1-8 o 1.14 1-4. Corn closed 1 1-8 to 2 3-8 up, Oats 3-8l-2c off and rovisions unchanged to' five cents advance. It was announced that 500,000 bushels of wheat had been worked oday for export and that vessel room for 450,000 bushels of vheat had been chartered here. 'argely for shipment to Georgian Bay. There also was gossip current that domestic millers were after supplies here. Seaboard messages tsserting that 240,000 bushels of tew American wheat and 160,000 if Canadian wheat had been ought back from Europeans at 2 ents below an American parity ailed to weaken values Bearish sentiment resulting rom the government crop report tad only a transient influence on vheat -traders. ,. At the end of the session profit aking was responsible for clip- lng off part of the gains. A big bulge in the corn market vas started by heavy commission touse buying based on an opin ion from a leading authority that orn supplies were no longer a burden, and that every bearish 'actor had been exploited to the uliest extent. Oats were de creased by the government report ndicating a larger yield than was expected. Provisions held steady owing o corn market strength and good ixport call for meats. FRUIT NEW YORK. June 9. Evapor tted apples steady; prunes steady. Peaches steady. DAIRY -POTATOES PORTLAND, Ore., June 9. Butter: Prints extras 40c; cubes extras 35c; prime firsts 34 c. Butterfat, Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream. 3 9 CM 2e. ' Potatoes: Baying price locals, II; selling price 1.2 5 1.50. It has been flgnred out by- si expert of the department of agri culture that a toad is worth at. I most $20 to a tarmer. Doesn't it J beat all bow some values jump? m sn - WET STOCKS Demand of North American Grain Likely to Be Strong, Is Report WASHINGTON. Jane World wheat stocks by July 1 will be lower than for several years, ac cording to an analysis of the. sit uation issued tonight by the com merce department. Both Argentine and Australia, the department explained, have 1 i-oni.irli.rnhlv louu Whr-at than last I year. the United States carry over rill twt Hetit. and nnlv Canada, haa I considerable stocks on hand. . lir.ns.sid t A itn ! A larger demand than last year. it was declared, was indicated by the upward trend of European consumption while the prospects are for. a smaller crop. " "Until next February,- the de partment said, "the international trade will be largely dependent for supplies on the surplus of I North America and a limited I quantity for India. With Russia entlrely out of the export trade, I North American wheat ta in . v-ni. I atively strong position.1 Forty per Cent of Day's Business is Transacted in Last Hour NEW YORK. June 9. Stock market prices were again trregu- i.r Ca a very small turnover In when the weight of offering et- (acted numerous extreme act '.Oi. a of 1. to 4 points. Also 40 per cent of the day's business was transacted in the last hour, the entire list then d i playing general unsettlement. Net declines of 2 to 3- points were reg-l hrtered by such leadera as Bald win, Studebaker, Mexican Petrol eum. New Haven and Reading. Among the more speculative shares of , the ihlpping, motor" and oil groups the aelling was of a I ' v " character indicative of enforced I a nidation. Sales " amounted to ,000 shares.,' ' : There were no new phases In the general financial ' aituation aside from the initial r'enewall Irate of 3 per cent for call loana. that figure later being"- shaded 2 3-4 per cent in private offer lngs. Open rates .for" 30 and' 60 day funda also showed conces sions, but longer maturities re' malned firms " ' . Latest revelations . In connec tion with the Midvale-Repablic Inland, ateel merger continued to - . a J a 1 m at a. I operate detriment.of those issues,! but rumors of other Industrial and railway combinations were actively circulated. . Better earnings by utility com panies were Indicated by the re sumption on a higher basis of dividend, on Brooklyn un'on gas and general business in the mld - die weft showed substantial Im provement- and larger distribu tion of the more essential mer chandising wares, j Rates on London were steadily but virtual ly all the allied and neutral re mittances eased 2 to 8 points, while marks at 34 1-2 were 3 1-2 points under last week's rally. SCOTTS MILLS SCOTTS MILLS, Or... June S.- The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. E. Al bert Cook, of Pacific unlvers'ty. He has chosen "The Student ot the New Age" for his theme. Thl? service will be held in the nustt STOCK EXCHANGE THE OREGON STATESMAN ' BOOK OF A THOUSAND SONGS COUPON ' How to Get Till Book : ' for the mere nominal cost of manufacture and distri bution. One coupon and 79c ecures this splendid new song book, well bound and actually containing; more than a thousand songs. ' l,f ., : , . Present or mail to this paper three coupons vrlth seventy-nine cents to cover cost of handlinn;, packinge ckrk, hire, etc - - -. -: , . Add for potai?e 1 Mail up to 150 Orders hp to 300 For greater distances ask postmaster rate for three pounds. - " ":, " - . ' ' 20 Song Books In one. No other Song Book published so good or so com plete as this one. Fronds church. S p. m , Jnna II. June 12 at S p. m, the princi pal wUrglve) a reception to h) senior c!aas'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rich. , - The eenior class day program wll be "given at the Christum church, Tuesday . evening. 8 o'clock. June 1 2. The inembefj of the e'aa w'lt furniah the fo lowing program: Salutatory.. Itr Albright. Oass history.- J. i Harvey Drougher. ' . . . Class . prophecy, Christopher HeriJ Vloln Wtfo, M as Kdna Sanders. Class will. Miss Mary Joaes. Class papjer, Lewis Smith. . Valedictohr, Miss Sylv a llelna. Class oWg. the class. The f rwaustlRx eervlcea will be heldfn the I. O. O O. r. ' BnraaF evening ai s o cm aw PT6f. James T. Matthews Of W M- lmette universHy deliterlng the graQUSUBg. aaareS. V " c. J. Jbomas. 'president of the board of education, will confer lh diplomas. Friends and cltiaens are Invit ed. . Good Help la Summer Indigestion causes worry, ner vousness, aick headache, bilious- nesa, coated tongae, bad breath. bloating, gas, con slips lion sna constant - . distress. llfnry u. Thorns, 10 02 Harrison Ave,, Boa- ton; Mass.. wrttea: ; since taking Foley Cathartic Tablets I feel tine. They cleanse the bowels, sweeten the stomach and lnvlgor i ate the liver. Canae no pain, no nausea. Not habit forming- just a good, wholesome physic. Bold everywhere. Adv. '--'; SALEM MARKETS 1 Prieaa eueted 'rot. rioas received by fanners Re arieea are give ssrept as noted ostt. ssiHiag. sst, ass. Wheat No. 1 sacked. 8L13, . ' Osss, feed, about 66e. Vstck sad oat hay, $18. aever ksy, $10 Q' $1$U Milt rSs mill feed, $l. 1 BOi BVTTBR BUTTE BT4t Eggs, retail, aoe. - i Creamery bettor, retail, 47a. Bnltertsl, $.. ; . - PO0LTBV Heaa, light. Me. , , Hens, hesvy. 18c f . . - Heostsri aid.' . '':, poai, aruxTusi bbbs ' Ilogs, tap. $10.76 - V v Lamb, koaa ta market , , . Top veil, dressed, II 13.. ' Steers. 3 jB 1 Cows. 6 tjT IHs. , , - Ji-.-i - C BVtIS Bsasass, tfte. . - - tremens. 83.50. r it Navel oraagee, 6f.8A. Florlds rrs pe fruit. spefi $ f. aa.aa. Callforala grsns frsH, $ grans rrsH. f 4.1 84 . VAUSTASLBa Sweet poistoes, $1 bushsL 'Potsroea, 1'- v ' Csbbsgs, lHt .' - ' ; Mesicaa terns toes. Inf. $8. Wss anions, $3.60 crslo. Brews onions $8.80 ersta Oregon strawberries, erste, , $1.50. 'Asparagus. - H- . Ise. ... - Turnips, $8.60. ' r' - . , Psrsnipa, $9 w.r rf ;" " Tr Carrots, . $S.B0. '"' fV'.-' .-'"J". -;- Hssd lettuee, fa, . ;- 4 ,. 0S.se Cslsry. 81.80. ' ' 4 T'Wtxb, nss. aiorrr Dates, 16s, Psakags eUtos, asee, $8.7. Figs, 13s. Oomb keasr, - Sass. $4.80. Ooeetssts, dose. 1.78.. Strslaed koaoy . la. 11 Via. ; Portland Unyinz Price KOOS. F'OTTLTRt. kTBATS BUTTERf AT FIRM ' Vambor one charniat cream. 41 real f.o.b. Portland ! wndergrsdes. 88s. r EGOS BTEADT Curretit receipts. 19 O 30si wblts ken series 33 ft 33s 4sl'4. ftbege aeetefoiis rJVaV'V iLZihVulli ukkU! sre nssea oa prices received for te ai I , , r . " creameries.) LIVE P0UXT8T WEAK ' ' (Loss commisaiea). besvy kens, S3 O 33s ,t lb.; do light. 16. ? le; Broilers, Roeks end Red 87 ft 18c: legharas SO cents. old roosters. 10 roots : dneks. whits Peking, rosof 25 O lOej aid ducks, 20 V J 22c. r .... . DRESSED . MEATS UNSETTLED . (Lass ewmmieatoBl Cboteo light uogs, " LSmy7i V. 4 larsdes 6 a !. L" .Iv . asm s - aaw w mmim HAY FIRM Delivered Portlssd), Valley Timothy ,r $17 f? 18 ton I Eastern Oregoe Timothy $18 19 ton; slfsUa, $18 (9 19 tea; clever, $14 ton; oat and Vetch $16 tea; -strsw, $9 t"u. . " " GRAIN LOWER : (Track, Portland) Wheat-$1.12 -$1.18: oats. $36 if 87; Esstsra ysllo corn $38 a ton. - -, . v . - BTJru ... - FRUIT STEADY " ; " Apples, estra leeey, a op $3 76 bt 4,t fanev 91 TS f Sir oooksvu. 8 It 86 Strswberries. $1.83 9 $2 ersls. , -.; VEOETABLE8 VEGETABLES STEADY Potstoes No. 1, 75 65e OS lees. No. 1, $7.60 O $8.60 rut Oregon esk- bagu. IV 9 3e Ik.; psrsnipa. la tk.f carrots. SOe dosea benches ; trrslpe aad,-. beets, 50a doses ; green peas, 7s poaad. j WOOL FIRM . ' Oosrae vslley srool, IS CJ lTs atadlaa 37 80s; Una 8 O 40s. t . - - - HOPB - ' - :. HOPS STgADT 1931 Crop nomiaal at It 9 15c miles. toe m 1 eff .".u ..U . 1 4 c :. 5