The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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1 1
i 'V.,
- c
Exhibit Open Today
M The exhibit of the work done
at . the State School for feeble
aninded will be open today from
10 o'clock. -until 5 o'clock this
; afternoon. The outdoor .cantata
IU' be ? given this evenlhg at S
o'c!k:k.: in 'caseof . rain It will
be postponed because of the fact
hat It must ' be ' given out of
'doors.:--. ?- -
. - ' r '';p:.
Tairmount Hill ,, . :
' Three fine building lots- dirt
heap. Ben P. West, 370 & "State
-. treetAdT.'lV':;'::S'j:j
McCarthy, on Trial ; l.-C
f About 40 members of the Rhad-
I , amanthus of" the Yeomen pick
l i . nicked at ' Spong'a ' landing Tues
f day-evening, with', wiener roast
j i and! various entertainments were
One of the Items of entertain.
mentwas a session of . Kangaroo
courts ElbeN. Tracy acted as
Judge of the court, C P. KnOwl
tom as sheriff-J. Il Ezeft bailiff.
C. E. Albin acted as the prosecut
ing .attorney, while John, Bower
represented the' defendant., A.
4 , Vacation time is harvest time for
, ; f Residence burglary, Insurance' ' Is
r!-- inexpensive,-' Bee V; T
H - 8eavey-BeIl Insurance' 'Agency
. $12 Oregon Bldg. Telephone 46
$iz uregon uiag. Telephone 467
rrJ Wear them and tee
t Easier and, Better
Phone 1235. Salen, Oregon
baying your hardware and
;unutare at The Capital Hard
Ware A . Furniture CoV SS3 No.
Commercial street. ' Phone 047.
JJ. W.laRIFmil'S
"Orphans Of The
1 Two Snows Daily '
2 I. M. 8 P. M.
v Matinees 50c
Evenings 75c r
: V -.
The average young person
nnay not be rich in money bnt
be 1 rich in time. --f -
t And Time Is Money , ; V
An hour spent rightly now
la worth, a hundred times what
that hour will be .worth thirty
or forty years from now, for it
'is me aiviaenas utat an , nour,
properly Invested, will ' pay
throughout tthe. . years ' 'that
'suUes It worth while.'
.. i . .. ...
tmiii now is iuj uiub iu m-
;,vft your" time profitably in a
1 '.brough business training.1
here are few1 Investments, that
r i
i , goffer
better returns. S
Let us tell yon about our
our sea. Our Bchool Is In ses
on throughout the summer.
."WJrJte or call.
Bcshsss CcHege
Salem, Oreca.
" J . - and his
t fj rv . '--A' ' :' TiV-'
mi . . :
; KootJn, Tootin Knights of the Plains
. . . , , (in person) and .
The big original rbund-Up Other features too
Matinee 25c Evening 35c
woman rjary consisted of Kstella
Tracy, Hate .Esell, Vary fbilUps.
Jewel r Steele Rose - Galloway .and
Nina Knowlton C, McCarthy
was arrested and. accused of Oirt
ihg with, one of. the women in
the crowd. ; Needless '.to . eay.. thel
jury found himt guilty ,and the
judge Imposed a penalty, upon him
that he was to refrain from speaking-to
any women for the next
six -months. A crowd of - other
girls ; picnicking In the - park
learned of the trial and they ven
tured near and "Break the News
to Mother." .."
The .Oregon Packing Company
;;WIU: start the iseasoa ; opera
tions ' 1 6dayv' . They ... would bye
pleased.' to " have all -"f ormer- em
ployees, and others -report ready
tbworkVAdv. , ; -7-
Nebnuikana -"to Picnic- . -T' ,
,The : Nebraskan splenic will be
held at-the : state fair 'grounds
Wednesday June J li A program
has beea arranged and a big time
Is anticipated - - .r-v f ' J
The Oregon I'acklnc Company
Will start ,the - season - opera
tions today, .They' would "he
pleased to have all ; former. em
ployees .' and others report ; ready
tdwork. Adr. '-T'
Escapes from .Hospital
1 Nick Kotlnan, - a Greek, Inmate
of the state ' hospital "for ' the in
sane, escaped from - the nbspital
Tuesday night - by.; prying off - a
guard on his window. ; He .was
captured, near Chemawa 1 yester
day by hospital attendants, as
sisted , by ,1 Indian boys from - the
school at Chemawa. NV '
O. A. It. Attention . '
. , Sedgwick' Post will . attend, the
funeral of Comrade C Kuney, at
Webb ft Plough, -parlors Friday
rooming,, at. 10:0. ; June 9.: " By
Albert Loughrldge, adjutant!
Adv. i ,: '"'. 'f.-.-'j. :-' ':
Evaporator . Stoves Ordered
- A large fruit '-company - doing
business in southern Oregon.has
ordered 24- of ; the largest; "size
fruit evaporator stoves made by
the Sale m I rbn works; tor delivery
as fast as they can be made-and
shipped ...The . stoves are built of
cast Iron, six feet "long and 30
inches square and weigh 1650
pounds' each,: They have a eapa-i
city v for six 'fruit tunnels to-each
stove-.unit.; The company is pre
paring to place them 004 through
southern Oregon. Mdre dryers are
being built this year than . for
several years past.
New Agency Portland News . -!
) Ready to give '-prompt; -ef f ident
service. ,E. L. Anslow, Terminal,
phone 2sSdv;.-;:- -
-. --r c - .' ".ir..-'...
.. ' 11 1 ' ' .
Freshmen Ducked 1 v ' ' x f-
Everett Ball headed the list of
treshmen at Willamette lWho en
tered the mill stream yesterday.
Jost before the chapel period 1 s
few of the f rosh entered .the east
wing of Waller hall. This Is con-
trary to regulations' and rules of
the uppercjassmen. Consequently
after the chapel perlod the under
classmen were .rounded up and
uau was tne iirst one escortea to
the stream, Abcut 4 o'clock' yes
terday afteroon .15 others of the
offenders were given a wetting.
Card of Thanks-
.We wish to thank the friends
and neighbors for their assistance
during our recent - bereavement
and for the many beautiful flow
trs, E.Q. Earl, and 'family.
Adv.. ' . ..v4'. .- '
More Money Given fv : : i
' One organization and five per
sons gave varying stunts during
the last tew days to the Associat
ed Charities, according - to ... Hr.
Henry rE.Morris, -secretary of the
association.! .The Mothers class 'of
the First Methodist i.ehurcV-lira
Group of , ' -
E. lA.,Kinnamafl"tna"3IIssAadte
Jory each gave Mr, PetUgrew,
and one signing . a True Friend
tach1 gave f 1; while another de-
ilrlnfe to remain unknown . sate
1 0. 1 Ail "bills are not accounted
for Mrs.. Morris says- and there
have been a few emergency cases.
Stcawberry Pickers Wanted :
2t acres berries. Camp ground
we wm Ute yoBv t each
morning. Apply Hunt Bros. Can
nery. Adv. : :i & : ,-
Club Postpones Meetlns
4 lie 1 uursuay xiu o will : nov
meet today the regular meeting
having, been -postponed until a la
ter date In ttte.'month: v v'
Card of. Thanka - , ' ' f
v We wish to extend our thanks
and Appreciation to the . many
people, for the beautiful Jloral. of
ferings and to all the dear, friends
for their' wonderful help in every.
way that meaas most to those
who are left , without xompanlon
and father. In the loss of husband
and1 father' A v is :
Wallace Bruce -Moore
Adv. . and Mrs. W. P. Moore.
Bicyclist Injure : . v
David ,C.Haase. of .980 North
Twentieth street .sustained .minor
cults, and bruises yesterday when
the bicycle he ;as , taing was
struck .by a' machine driven -by
Kenneth, Wilson, kf : route C, Sa-
em.' . Mr.' Wilson, aecordtng to
his report .to the police, was-driving?
west on State street when at
Waverly street he ran into' Hassel.
Hassel's 'wheel , was jbadry .dam
aged.. Mr. Wilson . secured , me
cal assistance for, Hasael.
Install an ' Air-Eater
.On,. your Ford and ' see the
change., ' More . power, less ' gas.
lewl voil, less. trouble. 252 State,
660 Ji. Capitol, 421 "S.-Commer
cial t or i phone C- J. 'OlmsteadV
45-W Adv. ' , ' " " ; ..
Two. Bicycles Held , . v
;,Two unclaimed.- bicycles.' await
their owners at i the Salem police
station. -. These S wheels - nenialn
from ' an assortment of about, 60
bicycles returnedto . owners by .po
lice during, the past two months.
Announcement -r4 . - -iw
Miaa-Wllar.'a closing recital of
the advancedpnplls in piano .will
he giten oh "theevenlngs tf -June
19th. and 21st at the ; First .Pres
byterian church Adv.
i.. U . ! )' ' 1 . .... . .'.
Park QaeetAn Up t. . ,. .. !
As the result "of action taken
by the city, council last Monday
night. 'the proposal to purchase
the Parrish Oak (Trove as a park
and Playground will t he eonsid
eredat a special council meeting
to- be held at the city hall on the
night of Juno 12.
Banner ' Is r Flying ;
'. On the front doo Of What Vas
once one of Salem's most prosper
ous saioons a nuge - nine banner
Inscribed "Sanity League of Am
erica"; ta flung , to the ; gaze of
State street pedestrians. F. George
Walker, vice president of the San
ity League of America. Is in town.
Flat Rate Irrigation Bills
Now due. ; Bills discounted 10
jjer cen it paid 'ton r -before Jane
10.' Pay your Irrigation bill now.
Cotmty Offices' t$nsy ' vf. '
County Motorcycle Officer Bert
Smith has booked two.trafflc vio
lators during the week. For us
ing an improper license W. Karl
Davis paid a fine of $20 in jus
tice court William McGee,alsO
arrested by Smith, pair tine -of
$12:50 after pleading guilty to a
charge of speeding.
iTen experienced waitresses
once.. Gray Belle. Adv.
Two licenses Issued
. Merle .Roseerans of 405 North
Liberty v street and Margaret
Hodge of 15$ North--Twelfth
street secured a marriage r license
at Clertt Boyer"s office yesterday,
A license Vas .also issued to
Eauddo Bello, machinist, and
Mary. Alice Cheney, Weaver, both
residents of. Salens -
Flat Hate Irrigation Bills -
- Now due. Bills discounted 10
pet cent it paid on or oefore Jane
10. Pay your Irrigation tiU: How,
Adv. . . i
Meeting Important
A ktrlctly 'business session -of
the . Marion-Polk - ownty : realtors
will be held at their weekly lunch
eon today : noon at the "darloh.
They hare been entertaining vart-
ous visitors Tor he pastTteveral
weeks and putting over tme adop
tion . of certain tmportanit busl-
es' tneasnres that re today to
nome up for a finish.
Trunks, Bags, BulCcawei 1 '
" ' Harness, saddlery. - poeee,- F.
E. Shafer. 170 8. Comm BrelaL
Adv. . --
Contract Signed
Pertr A. Cupper, state -fehfelneer
announced yesterday,- tltat .. the
United contract comorcnr 'liaa
signed a contract with the Tumiio
irrigation district for, tjiie. - con
struction of a feed canal ffrom the
Deschutes . .river to the Tumalo
canal, at cost of aboAt $300,
000. 'The contractor greea to
take bonds In payment at 83
cents on the 5 dollar. ( Cfescent
.Lake reservoir which Is -part 0
lid imtll lateTAThestrictrvtsjthol,; GrosrenofV RElIuTray.
asking the Ute . Irrigation, aetur-
ltles commission to certify ,tke
nonds and guarantee Interest iot
two and one-half .years.. j. ..
Get them at The Statesman of
Od. Catalog oa applleatloa." -
Adv. .
Capper to Barns
Percy A.' Cupper state engineer.
ill leave tonight for Burns wner 1
he - will attend t conference n
the Malheur lake :ra reserve.
The Song -Shop 1-
Is eosslng. Adv.
Will Operate Here r - .
A permit to operate in ureguu
was issued yesterday by the
tate corporation department to
the Phoenix Utility cempany. - a
Conqacticut eorpOratiotC capitalis
ed at 2 0,0O.s John -A. Laing ot
Portland ia seined aa attorney-in-fact
for Oregon.",''. -7 .
A ClaalfJed aa V ' - '
Wm -bring yon ! buyer. AdT.
Expense Acconitfa Filed
In the contest for the office ot
eouhty ''commissioner of. Marion
county, $95.75 was spent by 'Jim
Smith and St. Paul friends in for
ttertng Mr Smltn"' - candidacy.
Mr. Smith spent $22 and the St.
Paul Business Men's f league
spent $73.75. fn Itia behalf. . . A.
Selgmnndof Gervals, paid, adver
tising items, totaling $25 in his
candidacy. The statements were
filed with Clerk soyer during the
week. WV H. Goulet, also a can
didate has' not filed his expense
aceount. . -
JaeVa Caf
Its 8. Com. St. A good plaee to
eaL Tables and counter. Adv.
O. A. O. Club To Meet
The O. Au'C'chrt will meet this
evening' for si.-'vlcnie at the LI
coln school, grounds.
t.-i - 1 i.
ttay StandaMIs Fixed -
Standards for hay In Oregon
are fixed and - rules and ' regula
tions concerning the handling,
weichlne. insoection. ands-storage
01 nay ara promulgated In .in or
der of the public service commls
fcloh issued yesterday and which is
to become effective "June... A5
Hearings on the subject were con
ducted; at.Pendleton and at Port:
land, on petitfoa of the Oregon
Hay Growers association.
MacDonaldHi farmer Alntanae
At Tyler's Drug Store. Adv.
Charivari Event Up ,
Postponement of the police
court trial of 1 3 men and hoys
who are;: alleged to nave taken
part In a charavari affair when a
Salem residence was Entered And
property said to have ' been' 'de
stroyed,: was ordered yesterday.
Because most of the boys are at
tending school. Recorder " Earl
Race has set the trial for a time
when all can be present In testing
out' the merits of the charges.
Fitted at Tyler's Drug Store by
an expert In the business. Adv.
Two Tooths Escape v
Dick Nichols, 15, and John Hill,
) k,v inmates ot the stale training
School for,, hoys, yesfetday dded
their names to the. list of a scare
OT so Of youths Who have escaped
from' the institution , during the
fast few months. ' Superintendent
Kuser reports that the lads "are
Usually captured during. the ftrst
two" or three days of liberty. Ni
chols Is four feet 10 Inches tall,
and is of fair complexion; Hill is
dt the same height, -has brown
hair and weighs 110 pounds. Both
boys Were Wearing khaki , work
clothes when last seen.
Flowers Tor Boxes wad Yards : "
j Half price. Arthur Plant's
Greenhouse; ,1298 9. . lith and
Wilbur. Phone 1250-W. Adv.
llepalrsQnickly Made j
uThe breaking or a shaft coupl
ing In the Spanldlng mill Tuesday
afternoon promised, to lay up- the
mill for quite a wait. But it hap
pened that George Shaadv of the
Salem Iron works, - had recently
bought In Seattle, the patterns fos
a similar coupling. .The patterns
were brought out, moulded, -and
the castings made. The 'machin
ists stayed up all night to finisn
the - machine work, ahd -the , mftl
was able to start up Wednesday
mbrntng as if nothing had ever
happened. The castings Weigh
260 pounds. - . .
i A. . . -.
.Films developed Frco ' v . i .
; Leave yoar I ilmi today atPat
ton's Book Stere.-
a ' A-,,r;... .
-Adv., i-
f MARION ; Mrs. LncHle La-
. "
Tarre, D, W, Hellman, Harold W.
Groom. F.?E.,tRJthfsey..R. Hi Oli
ver, P. C Shepherd; G.A. Wilson,
F. L. Ltston, "O. ' M. Ross, J.! G.
Brown, Wr Whalen M. Fnnder-
yiM.-.n i - ' v 1 1 ...I i,r.ri,.L t
is. in market for all kind of Jonkv Will
- t. . ,
market price. Quick serrice. .. -
r215 Center Street
H & Mcjlae,- Portland; ; Helen
M. treng. rhicago; W;E Shaw-
Kaisbn.fAnaconna; Mr. and. Mrs.
JC J. Brown, Bickleton, l Wash.;
P. O; Hansen. Mr, and Mrs. Thoa.
Burke,' C. K. Nelson, . W. Brelle,
Mary . CL Matson Seattle; i S. S.
Robertson, ;H. T, Holden, ; Eu
gene;. nCscaf; W, ; Hancock, El
ton; Dave' Locke. Rochester, N.
T-JFred Stevenson, Flint, Mich. ;
John- F. Forbes, Forest Grore .
BLIGH J. M. Jones, H. E.
RratC X Bf" Walker, George Gos
hen, ' C. A. Sandusky. Mr." and
MraT A F. Ward. O. - Sand, J5hn
H. 'Mprkynalph Guard, J. B.
Robinson, Mt. and Mrs. ;G. D.
Reed, Portjand; M. J. Newhonse,
Vancouver. Wash.; Mrs. J. Robe
lurg,f Seattlet l and Mrs. J." W.
Allen, McMlnnville; Andy Hynes,
Eagene; B, jj Stephens, TUia
mook; F, E. Warner, fit. Louis;
J. A. Raynor, Sweet Home; -
raRMJNAL G. B. White, E.
L. Long, p. P.. Ferg,. Portland;
T C. Lockheed, A. M.. McDonald.
San-Francisco; Glen Oswald, Cor
Valli lid Monroe, Seattle;,. J.- C.
Larson,; Gates', Luther Swanson,
J. ,E. Gates, postland, .
1 . i
fter. XL.NAvlson, formerly pas
tor of the Frst Methodist church
...... . . . . . i
KUNEY Cassius : C. Kuney, died
at Jt4 4 duth .Nlneteentk street,
Jane 6:at; the age of 7$ .years,
The deceased' Is servlved ny Jiis
wile. Ellen two sons. Jt-VL.
ot;Pinehurst. Ore and Max J.
of La'Grande, Ore.; two daugh
ters. Inez Iw ., Ashley ot Port
land, and Edith a Kuney of
Tacoma, Wash., and two grand
children." Funeral services will
be he"ld ''from the Webb &
Clou gh chapel Frlday.June 9 at
10:S a. m., Rev.KIrkpatrlck
pff relating. Service" will 'he .In,
charge of the.G"A."R.. The.body
will he shipped to; Portlad. for
interment. . Note: Sherman
county nanrs please 'Copy.
PJILKINGTON ' Ann PiDtlngton
died at- a 1 local hdspital June ' 6
at the age pi -68 years. The lolly
. was shipped by Webb "dough
to WiCKehwOTthy Portland.
j 'a&-.FiacrsI
1 ...
Expert, Ecixhitri
Thursday, June 8, 10 A.M.
.3 miles west of Sheridan.
Full equipment -of the 1,200
acre Paradise farm.
Batnrday, Jwne to, 1 90 -p Jn.
". 494 S. ' Winter street.
Horse, chickens,, furniture,
tools, etc. .- . i!
Tuesday, June IS, 1:30 P-m.
Joha Noren sale. 1 mile
east on Garden road, horses,
hens, furniture, tools, etc.
Wednen. Jane 14, 1:80 pan.
Smith sale at end Ot south
12th street, adjoining city
limits, 10. acre farou horse,
hens, -wagon, tools, furni
ture, piano, etc
TTnirsday June 13, 1:0 pn.
Mra- Mathewi sale,' 220
Chemeketa street. v" Furni
ture, wigs, eta, ,. ,.. .
Friday June 10, 1 : 30 pjn.
; . Ji ' . 'I. 1 1
Mrs. Kibby sale, 1395 JB
street, corner ;l 6th j : street.
New 5-rooQ bungalqw, and
new- furniture; . . '-t ,-1
Tuesday June 20, 1:30 pjn.
Mrs. XE. Revel sale, 1040
Hood Btreet. ' Furniture.
; piano, etc.. . - ;
. ! Reserve this list tor. fu
ture reference. Watch pap
ers for lull advertisement of
.these and other sales..
. '. PHONE 511 .
- -1 ...
. Fhcne C33
of thU cltylsrr felting Salem
friends. Bev.vMr. Arisen Is now
occupying the pulpit . ot - the , For
est Grove Methodist church. "
Mrs.- Nina ; Hudling, her
daughter. Mrs. -Joseph Habhanl
and grandson, Georgia Hubbard,
eft Salem yesterdayfor Eureka.
Cat.;: Where - they --will join Mr.
Hahbard . whe 1 employed as a
textfle worker -with the Enreka
Woolen Mills. v ,
M. Keppinger of Gervals," visit
ed Salem friends yesterday." - ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Manning
who'operate a farm in the Gervals
district, transacted ' business in
Salem yesterday .. ' 1
iWo Appointments Are
Made by Executive
Governor Olcott jresterday an
nounced , 1 the appointment of
Charles B. Miller of La Grande as
a member of the- state board ot
architect examiners to succeed
' j; u
56.75 to $10,
' , ; Extreme : ; care
should be. taken in
selecting your out
ing boots. You will
want them comfort
able above all
things,' and ' to . be
comfortable they,
must be good qual
ity. 4 Our-boots are
made -p. to suit the
.most exacting taste,
Try themt on. note
the fitting and com
fort qualities.
1 cum
1 1 tort quantles. 1 H-yTWW 7Fr . I . f ects. Jt tl
J V SALEM'S - -i V i
' w4 . 1-eading, JeparunentTSlbrc. ,J
- 1"-..... ... m 1 - - n 1- - J
M M .TPf.O RT E ,i- TPrv ID) IX
X Xii JL dim J. N XILiLJ Mm JL ii.JLi.liw
Portland to Weat-rYdllbwiDtb
V ; Operated. by. the " - - 4..
Union PdcTf ic SyMdm
7 o r. rt ;
Lee Thomas .Mr.. Thoia,s, at the
time of his appointment. , waa a
reftldeDtNsf eBnd. bnt later moved
to Portland, leaving eastern Ore
gon unrepresented os .the board,
C The KOTTrnor also anaoaneed
the ' appointment or Dr.'vW. G.
Hoffman of McMlnnville '.as . a
member ot the state board of chi
ropractic examiners.
- " Eatahliahed'lSia " 7?:'
General Banking' Builne&i
Office Honrs from
Togs That Will Become
If it's a day in the mssntalnsv
or a week at the beach, . youll
want to be dressed for the' occa
, -sion.-.,- . - ' '-.V, '
Motoring. Coifing.-' niklngv'v
" Fishing, i Etc., "demands.: clothes' '
- that , give '.you that freedom and .
ease that Is ; so necessary for aM .,i
oat-door sports.. . --.. -
rt)It MEN, .TTOM?t AX ,
We chn outfit the entire' family .
in Khaki or Wool Outing :Togs-"?
Shoes, Hats, Suits, Hosiery and
the needed acceasorles.-: We elso'V
show. a. Complete line " of clothe
f tor nerry picking., m, 1 In -new styles, with T 41 -
" ; ii.r ' l: - - I the latest Btrlna ef. 1 ' JS l .
Most WpMerfuhLkbbiktd
The wildest geysers ,ln ; the -world,, dancing "amid
thousands of boiling springs, their; basins . arrayed la1
gorgeous colors like gigantic floWrs. V . ; . ;
Here, too are hills yot .sparkijng erysUlsiilis of
sulphur, hills; of ' glass, mountains: of very tylec'of
architecture, icy "or -frosted. " mountains boiled soft
like potatoes and 'colored like 'a1 sunset' sky i-rJohn '
Muir, the. great naturalist. , , - - .
1 X
Car Leaves Portland 5 p. m
. Round trip rail fare from Portland to West
Yellowstone $38.25. Sleeping csr fare one
' way $10.80. This does not include the hotel
or camp -expense while in .the park, which
'. will depend, on , the length of stay. -
" J. It TTNETLL, Traveling Passehger Agent,
with headquarters at 701 Wells Fargo build
ing, -Portland, will be glad to catt personalty
-on -anyone wlshtng to "vtstt Yellowstone, ann"
arrange all - details. Drop him a card, or
.address; . ...,- '
" ;f. General Passenger Agent -'
. " Portland, Oregon '
ymnsi)' ..
md4. Pelta. Wool. Tallow
STEiiiuock JU1JK CO.
House of Haifa Million and One
" v Bargains
13 f. -Coml $a.
Phone 523
10 aj nt to 8 p. in.
$1.D ta $7.50
You cannot find
a more'
mtng. .Why.; then,
should Von not se
lect a 'suit that wilt
"tire youi tieejt
swimming service'? x'
Our Bradley, wool
"suits . are- tclentlfl
cally knitted to give
red el as tie J torm
fltUng comfort . ...
V Tlrey are made tip,
tn -view styles, with '
; the- latest stripe el-
s lects. : ,
mkm mm
June 18th
1 i
? ' J .- 'y
: I ' 4'
1. ,f-r
t tia system, is not to be,' construct- c