axlE OREGON STATESMAN, &&CEU, CKEGOTI TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 1922 1 J A JW.8 Am G Ctt&n XTrrt ,rrsa j isnmniant Sate Ht wdi F faa ThrM twit I 4 - On Mk (ate iBMrtiM) Oa Mth ,,, , Six antti' tret, r li aMta' Mtret, m Ubmnm fa My advrt t Be oamaok IN . A.J - Monwicn UNION rma insurance socnnr "- ThlrtaoBv BoUad BarclMvdt BaMtataBl Amt 871 MM. DC MONEY TO LOAN Oa Btal Estate) . X. fBD j (Over Lauld Biuah Baak) iNEWTODAY TWO MEM WANTED TO CULTIVATE aad baa. ' Currant wifi-i for each ' work paid. 'Apply to Root. Wygaut, ... iuet north of CUiUr atatiea oa u. e. , Take O.E. rar thia morning at 7:15 " " ' r " i ? " ' !' "'r ' " ' BERRY PICKERS WASTED COME . and camp. Wood aad watar farainhad. ; Writa, paoaa or eoaaa in paraon. Pirk-, , log atarta vary aoon. Kobart Wygaat. : Claatar Btatioa, O.E. DO tOV PAT BEST REGULARLY Taaa bay ana of theia: 6 roona (or B33UO, aad $400 dawa, balaae at 3 par noatn. iataraat iacladed. ft room with raoMtot baaaasaat aad gar- aga oa pavcmant aad car, for $200. .500 down, balaara $25 pr maath. 4 rooma, aaw with baA, taiUt aad plaat- rrd. aiaoo. ov down, balaaea like rant. . 8 rooma saw "and nodcra with, firrptaea. $3ooO, $700 dowo. balanea $35 P"r I - Bcke BOOM AND BOARD IS PRIVATE FAM f -lly. 823 N. 14ta. Phone 1373-J. FOUND LADIES' PURSE WITH SOME moeey in It. Owner call at High aenool. Janitor' Dept.' , s4 identify ' aama. . - , - CARPET AND RUO WEAVING PHONE j befora 2 a.m. Pheno 34F21.- EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER DE air'a mm hind of clerical work. Ref erence furnished. Addrea B-20," rar Btateaa. FOR SWEET PEAS PHONE - 1024-W Cottage flower garden. 01 Lraat. f OR. BALK OR WIIX EXCHANGE Good farm aaar Salem. CBldav stock or graia reach. Immediate poaeeaaion. Year own terme oa part. . Address . Bos ,'B-," care Stateemaa. WANTED OIRll FOR GENERAL koasewark. 9 in - family. 225 North ; aard or call li-w. 1LOT8 IN RHOTEN ADDITION $3000 ; full purchase price. 0 dollar down, j thea amall monthly garment. No In J teroot. - Hee them. . Beck A Hoadrieka, SOS U. B. Baah Bldg. I WILL SUBLET FIVE ROOM MODERN furnished flat, for ammr. Immediate ' 'pooaoaaioB. . M4Va - Ferry- Street.' ; WHAT ABOUT YOUR CORD WOOD. . - Mr. Farmer M ia tint t insure it. - Wa eaa iaamr H fr- about 12 per 1 eord. Mtaadley.A Foley, agents. Bush Bank Bldg., Baleas. Ore, phono 347. 1 wirrn a STRAWBERRY PICKERS. . Ccd View Orchard,, rouU 8, phonal j : sorxa. . -- . 4 WANTED TO REJit BY YOUNG BE- , tpectable oouple, mll house. C. J. car 8tatamaa.. i , ' ' i i.. - ; 40 ACRES IRRIGATED ' IN CENTRAL , A Oregon on highway for tale r trade. I V 33 acre water rtfht, all la euttlratioB. ' r 4 ream houae. ; Phone 1455-J. FARM FOW SALE OR TRADE FOR city property. ixe jsauiaoa uro. ? LOT CLOSE IN ON NORTH COTTAGE atreet. Prie $7O0. Kmegcr, Ortgoa i Building. - - - . - WANTED TO BORROW FROM $500 TO $1UW. Addrooa B-12. tar fltaawmaa. ' u'lvrrn ! rt MINISTER-8 FAMILY a 74 faralahed rooms, bouse- i " heaping rooking gaa. from Jnne 1. i " trelTbry aar . campu. - Write fully. V Dr.- Edward, Hubbard.' Or. - WOMAN -WANTED - FOR GENERAL : houaework. Apply foreaMBa at 975 C'heaaeketa , Street. :EXCHAJJGA,FINE LIGHT SIX LATE mdel touring ear for aa inciora car. Apply. at Statesmen eriiee. FORRENTiFCRSISHED TWO ROOM apartment. L4(Dia, aata ana teiepBouo. FOR BENT -ROOM - COTTAGB AT exam V" . k 9 at fa. - -. flQ.l al BaMkntll- f - Will rent furnished at $41 a month. Call "at '13jttamaa batnea v oftca. ar " phooo 83. A4VRES GOOD SOIL. CLOSE IN acroa iirivMmra,. mnt.. '""- n laemna ia aoo eooaiuon. eaa avw had at pxie $3950. Vi eatb, Jnter- ' r L.lA. Haytord- r ; J !-, S0 SUU Straat ' . FOR RENT ROOM UNFURNiaHED apartment, i cwa ta. ' . uih. Ceatar. . ' : It ' BIDS WANTED ' Sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, pr to.l o'clock p. m. on Saturday, the 17th day of June. 1922, for hsnllng 4000 cubic yards of sand and sTAvel from the coun ty bunkers near St. Paul onto the v roads In that .vicinity. Specifica tions and bidding; forms are on file at the County Clerk's office In Salem. Oresgon.' , . - u, OV COYER, County Clerk. EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCED LADT BOOKKEEPER - -wanted..- Mut hava.refereae. Apply Peeple'e Cash 8 1 ore. . MALp WANTED infXaOXTIQ TOUBO MAN rae hM had MPortotM aoiltas Ui naaraaoa. aback r a4rtlalBf. Mat r, Wabla'M 4wa hU . L i.hiimi aae advi abla' M devota hU Mtir Um a4 have th Mrag M srwsst.Imurtw t 1 brp4ltM- te merchaat nt prafee A i eUaal aaaa. Atrwn bt year wa kaa4 writing. UtlBg , odetal aaaltr fioathsaav arpeo-iaaee .. a. Mllctaar. eta. ATZT'Vr 8L" Bfteema fflM. BLALB AJTD ITOfAXJl WANTED 8TRAWBERRY PICKERS. Phoae 9ria. ? - STRAWBERRY TICKERS WANTED TO 17 acre, twt yim. w WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS. Write T. P. Staloup. MA 8, 8lm, Orgoa. WANTED MEB AND WOMEN TO Uk far papM waMrtptl. A 8 eIU.ltto ta th right PMpba. Addreaa ; ih PMil HMseetaad. BtstsMat tu4 Sslsm. Or SALESMXB WAjrTED SALESM EN WANTED-A i UjJ , .titutiaa ha openiag. for two r -three ; aalesmea for city work. Ti : looking- for tb profesloal job hat a thia U a permanent poaitiM and it will pay a capable maa real money. ' Onlr high cla men whw are, rdy to 4 , In aur lin not .J . VV. rareful training. Addr . PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL mmi pobiiaaoa- rre . ir w CnwMdnt. Toledo, Ohio. FOR SALE PARM PAPER cm too win to err thb best far MOOT. MM 1M M IB iNUil Bwmiii Salem, Orgo, a tbrM mmu trial nMcnpiMM mei IkM ed ' POULTB3 OTJLTRYMBB jBETO QHT TWO; - Mt vaaaapa Bee epoetaj tatM aaeotao i trial lev tae Me M oiaaas jeatrM l tha wens. Tka articlee adver- ditatitt axe tf apodal taWreat a la ; poultry brdr at ui aorta wMt. Manawwt PMltry Jauraal. Ill Com mereial St- Balaw. QroM CAM kit BIBBS FOB SALS OifiBT BIRDS AMD! mbm4 ! ete nuh.nn. Mra. B. A. BauaU. beae 139. LOVE To advartUa new gtora. -' Cag and aapply liat fra. Import BIRDS ed Kollera oar apeialty. R. B. FLAKE 273 State, Salem - aaSCELLAJTEOtTS $5 PAIR PASTURE FOR CATTLE CALL 1F1 3. HIGH GRADE PLASTER IX PORTABLE form, that ia what planter wallboara la. Max O. Baren, 179 N. Commercial. FOR I ALB OLD BTW8PAPXRS. 10 taata a baadla ctremiatiM Mpanaiaa, Oragaa gutaanaaa. FOR SALE RUMELET TRACTOR, 13a34, foot Daoring kiadrr. Oliver gang hora plow, cheap wagoa 3 inch, aad light barry wagon, rood bad. Oood work horaa. 1483 "li' atreot, 3. R. Fitxhagh. , XHB B0U8B OF HALF A MILLIO th line f )aak r e4 kaad food. Boo aa before yM aay a aait. ttteiar bock Jnah O Remember th place. I 402 M. Oammeretal B. raoa ax. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" aad elaren ether Ore ran east re. aegetber with a fia Mllaetioa or pair tone aOBga, aaerad aoag aad maay U-iiaa favorite . ALL FOB S3 (Special price la aoaatlty hU) Especially adaptable for aohool. oaaama Ity r home alagiag. Bead for The Western Songster 73 peg. aw la Ita third dltke. raansnea oy ' OREOOIt TEACHERS MONTHLY 213 8. Commercial St. Salem. Ore. WOOD OLD 13 IN, FIR, $3; SECOND, 4 FT, $. Ash. Phone 1467. ! INCH BLAB ABD MILL WOOD I $3.30 per toad, pry piaaor waa. $8.30 per Pbm 320, araoy wama REST GRADE MILL WOOD 16 INCH t ft, Hi 4 ft. Prompt 4oliTry. Bpacial pric oa 5 eord. W eaa make delivery oa ath, aeeond growth aad old e-rowth fir about July 13. Fred E. . Well." 303 -. - CommoreiaL Pbmo 1542. FOR RENT ' APARTMZBT8 FOR RENT FURNISHED. APARTMENT Court Apartmente. VOTJSZS FOB RENT Niea cottage. - Square Deal Co, - . 203 U. S. Bank Bldg. BOOM UNFURNI8HED ROOMS TO 412 S. 21st trt LET rnmrsiirn nnnSKKEEPTNG BOOMS AIM extra bedroom. 715 Ontar 8k ROOM FOB RENT III MODtRN HOME eloa ia. Addreaa B. t;ar Btataemaa ARLINGTON HOTEL CLXAJL COST: 80 ap. 438 Btata., CIBAW BEAT SLEEPING ROOMS. $1 to $2.80 ' vrk. ' Apartmowta.- t " th Uonard Hotel, 234 B. FrMt LOST AND FOvTND" LOST FRENCH .BULLDOG, - FEMALE. Phone 1F13. LOST A TAN GLOVE. PEARL BUO- kl. Phoao 19S7-J. - "rirttlJl WANTED MZSOELLABTBOUS ABTED . EVERYTHING IB BARD . ware and furniture. Beatprloaa ld THB CAPITAL HARDWAaUB luaifrroM oa. 133 M. Cemmereial St. . PaM 94 OLD MATTRJrSSES MADB OTBM Oaoitel Oltv BMdiag uo. rea i w a NTrn PURNi Una. tools, ma ehlaery. atock. . Win bay fat aaal or cell oa oammhMkM. Pham 311 W4ry. th Anetioar. waitted rcRarrrjRR. tools, bto Phone Six. j ' BUSINESS CARDS AUOTIOBEEB AUOTIONXIR P. X. WOODRT.- TH1 Uvaetaek. fcralUr. goal mum sh tloaeer. PkM 811 as cat data Re. 1610 M. Sammer Auto Directory - TR7J0MB VOBi BALB OB TRASTaw REO TRUCE 1931 modal. Borfoet eamntmm. w tr trade for rl eetat. prodaM m wfl' aail oa mv term. Thia t aa tioaaUy good bay. It yo rat a m' good bargata arply tmmMiaaaiy m Mil. The People'e Osik 81 auto tops AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORB naraataMd. f BoaU 1313. rh tne BATTBRY AMD B3dtOTBZOXAM AUTO ELECTRICIAN: KPIRT TROD bio ahootiaa. sis a. tuga. ra 308. . , PRX8TO-LITB . BATTERY : BXRYIOX atatiaa. Enort baUerv rd eWetno work:' Farria Ba. . Pam lS0a 41 Oowrt. -- ' TIRES AND AOOXSSOBXEfl 10.000 MILS ' OUARANTEB AGAINST ataaa hntiaea. rim eata aad blowout Th Hydro-Tere Tiro, for aal by Taw Park etero. lit ad Uealia. paoae OARAGB AJTD REPAIR rarrjERS rolled wot HAMMERED Salaox Aat BodUMr She. . IBS j 8 llth street. - .ACETYLENE WELDING IRON. STEEL, BRASS, t ALUMINUM Brine tb ) pircea. ; Oxo-Gm Haatiag C. 837 Court. - - ' BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BRAOTT Paries-, lie North Oaanaaorwal I 9. ' - OARPENTEa CONTRACTOR AND BUILDPR PLANS , Hrxi.hed tre. R. W. Mclatira, 1409 ' K. C-ttick. BUSINESS CARDS carpets and jxcrr KU08 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE KOW weev naff rugs made out of old ear pets, ny length or width tea desire. We alo re-fit, r-sew and ait carpets. Feather renovating and aiattrcaa eteam ing aad remaking. Salem Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rag Works. Phone 1154. escarta rsTtxcxui DR. U. BL HUM CUBES AlfT BUfOWR 1SS 8. Htra H. iw DBUO STOBXa BREWER DRUG CO. AOS O0UBT p,, t84 EXECTKICZABS SECURE 1IT FIGURES OB WIRING By oeutract, by hour. prices. li. W Hatch, pant 110U. nXABCXAL If OB IT TO LOAM OH FARM LAND L. A. Heyfard. 03 Stat street. MARION POLE OOUNTT FARM LOAM aaaooatioli baa money to kaa at 5Vi pareaat. W. 1. Hani, aarratary tra aua Baioaa BaaK of Oaniaiatca. 20 TEAB FARM LOAKB 031 RURAL erodit plan, pre-payoaeat PravWtaaa al lowod. Wo will fioaara yoa for a baa rat f lauraat than aay firm a tha eoaat Privau aa7 a loan oa either city or eoaatry property. R. W. Marsters 411 Oregoa Bldg. ore: 0U8ES 60 OFP ON ALL BEDDING TOCK for 10 dayi. Delivery. Salem o.een- hoaaea, 1 5th and Garden road. Phone 309. BEDDING PLANTS OF ALL KINDS fr aal. E. B. Flake. Flower aad Bird. 272 8tat. Ladies' Wearing Apparel HEatSTTTOBTjro MRS.- BRECKEH RIDGE HEMSTITCH lag. mail ordera solicited. 173 S. ltta. PMB 174-M SaUSSSatAJCXVa RUTH MeADAMS DRES8MAKEK. T54 South 12th. Phone 1824-M. CARRIB FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Speaeer aoraeta ha rdar S MeOaraaek Bldg. THE ADSITTS ARB PREP A BSD TO d My aad all kiad f lad tee Itltor lac, for old aid bow evstoiner. 333 H. 12th Si. Paa 2085 R M BSD AMES BOOTT OHASB DRB88 mahere. 219 Stat Bt J 987. MAUD BIM0N8. DRESSMAKER 1710 Bella Ht BtTXXXBXR? HATS FROM $1 UP mrs. a A Grimm. 312 Cwart Bt. "NEEDLEWORK SHOP" ALL KINDS of faaey work aad hemttitchiag don. ixi b. commercial street. ELITE HEMSTITCHING. pUatiag, buttoaa. atampiag aad Medio wwrav lis Ureawa Bieg. pbm 379 MRS. C. B. MILLER HEM8TITCHING Stamping; braiciag; head embroidery, buttoaa. Room 10, over Millr'a (tor Salem. Oregon; Phoae 117. ZtAUirDRXBB SALEM LAUNDRY COMPART. 123 B Liberty atraai, Fhoaa 15. Old largest beat. Eatabliahad 1339. CAPITAL CITY , STEAM LAUNDRY qaality work, prompt aorvieo. 1234 Broadway. rMM 16S. MEDICAL MOUBTAIH BALM COUGH RBMBDY Fboa 817-W. v FAZBTTTJia OOBTRAOTOBS PAINTINO AND DECORATING HIGH elaaa work for partiemWr people. L. D Bread, eon tractor. 838 North High BTTJBBESY STOCK fRDITLAND NUR8ER1 PINE LARGE tck t Italian prune traee aad alaa all kinda of leading nursery atoek. for full delivery. Phone 1140-K, 131 8v 14th street. ' I CO UP LETS LIffB TREES 8 MALI fra'ta. raamantala. Caoital Cltv Nor aer Qo 8 Oregoa) Bldg. Phoao T3 v raOafByjTB , PLUMBING KEPAIRIKG AJTD C0I1 work. FhoM 18977. Shop, 1ST DalM street. A. L. Godfrey. PERTUMJI ABD TOILBT ARTICLES I OALIPORNIA PEREC MB OOf EX tracta. UUet article. Mra. Meyer 170 Brath 8rd. Ph 1334. SCATEVOERS 1ALRM SCAVENGERS GARB ABB. BE fmae of all kiad vomva. Oeepl eleaxed. Phoae 187. TYPEWRITERS UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS SHIP.- man-Ward rebuilt) $3 dowa. Ribbons and repairs for all machines. Wa make ", rubber stamps. Paul M. Sims, 442 mute, opposite Bligh theatre, pLene 140. HUB RE8TAURANT MOST REASON abla prie. JaaaaM Barry. 159 f Hhrh . . . tTTRBlTURB HOBFITAL rURNITDRE REPAIRED OB MADB TO rdoa, Refiaiabiag aad apbelatartaj a pe laity. Phoao 1743. Brow awl Grovea. 1301 South Oavamoreial. ISURAOB MUTUAL BENEFIT USB IN8URANC1 wmpaay - i. u. ataiea. agaet. team bfeiWvaeh Bldg Phone 98 BOODLB PARLORS WA HOBO r- BOODLB H0UBB. Ferry. -f . - BIB i BIB BOODLB. HOU8B CHOP My, 40 t pa f fed tie, SO; aoodiee SO; fried aMdlM. 80. 1W S. Lib STUDIOS 01 UJXB STUDIO SOMETHING DTP fereat ia photoeToohv. 14T 1. Oom'I STOVES ABD BTOVB REPAZRIBO rrOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 year zporioa. nopot nattoaa' faaca. alsaa . 24 , to 38 Lachaa hbch . Palata, ll aad varalah. eta teg Sorry M aop aooca. - uaiam I Me d Stove Work. Saw Cmmrt atreet Phoae 134. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST- PRICES PAID FOX SECOND a sad alathiac aad ahaea. Ike dc iMatag, protslng aad repair lag. 011 aad deliver Capttal Exehaago. 34 North CommmUL Pmm 1364-W. ! WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND roods f aU kiad. Pipe fittlag. har a. Mllara. eollar pad. tMl and ehaiaa. Fred Sehiadlac. . . S88 Coat TRANSTXR BLATJ1JN9 WX MOVE. STORK AND SHIP HOUSE bold- gooda. Our apoeiaHy 1 plan and faruitnr moving. W Im make country trip. W badl th best Mai " aad woo. Call f prieaa. . W giv good eaoaaro. goad S)ality a good eer-o tiaimat Trsir ue Phoa 9f " " -- - ' ' - Classified Ads. In The -Sbtccmn Crir.3 Hccult? BUSINESS CARDS BTOSZOAIa HURT LXX FIAXO it2i a. CapltL P 101T-W. DOROTHY PEARCS PIABO, Stl Korth Winter. Phoa t5-J. MISS MABLB BHEPBEKD PIASO t layer; danaaa all acraai a. T a iberty. SALEM COHSERTATOBY OF MU8I0 All braaeheo taeght. dlpoaiaa fraaa4 Joha at. Hitaa. On cta. 111 Oa. Phoae . RAG AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING - IX laaaoaa a-aaraaroad. Walenaaa aya- teoi. P. B. Clark, Mgr.. McCoraecfc Baildiag. TUBERS JACK MULLIOAB PIAHO TUMBB Moora-Daaa 0. aaproaeettotr Shoraiaa CUy C. Pbo ftO. EDWARD WBLP C'aa taaar. uaie Star. EXPERIENCED ae ordera WUl'a TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Taatng, refiaiabiag. robaUdlag; player piaao Conai iaao export, fa !. 1X1 ooata FZAJfOa SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS. STBIB waya. Dim-Art. aad ethart. Mra- Duna Maaic 8 to re. Maaeaic Taaipla. BAJrOXKO PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE daaree. Mra. Whit. Pane ITI-J hrcsto STORES GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, eewiag axachiaee, ahoet maeka aad piano itade. Rapalriag a boa grapha aad aawiag naachia. 41 State. Salooi. TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANBFBR CO. II But Bt. Phoae 943. DiaUhaatiag. forwardiag aad trag r spaeialty Ge oar rata. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker. Geaeral Mansaer Ceatral Stage Terminal Salem, OrogOB HALEM 811-VtKTOK U1V1B1UN Leave Salem, Central Stage Terminal: i:ou aj. ii:ou a.m. o:ou p.m. Lmvm 8ilvrtoa Newa bund: 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p at. 8:00 Balom-Iadepaadeaco-Moamooth Dtvtakta Leavea Salem Cenual Stag Terminal: 7 a.m. 9 .. II a.m. 8 pa. 8 p.m. Lmvoo MoamMtn, Voamvath notaJ : 8:13 a.m. 1 p.m. 4:15 p.m. Leavea ladeMBdeaeo. Beaver Hotel: 3:30 a m. 10 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m. 8:80 wa make connect oat at Balom t an pan of the valley. Extra trip by appointment. J. W. PARKER, Geaeral Mgr. 8ILVEBTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND CAM. Stacee Soaht Boaad Schedule North Boud Head dowa Read BP Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly No 3 No. 8 No. I Bo. 3 No. 4 No PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM 8:00 1:80 8:00 Prtl'd 10:80 4:00 8:80 8:05 3:85 10:05 Mt.Agl 8:25 1:65 8:28 8:80 4:00 10:80 Silvt'a 8:00 1:80 8:0 Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv Saaday oaly 3:09 Ajb. fat. PortUad 8tagea leave Stag Terminal Pertlaad aad SUelehammer'a Drag St re, 8ilvrtra WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT 8) POWER CO Office. 801 Boath Coat'l BL Tea pot Mat diaoount a domeati flat rate paid ia advMeo. No dedaetioaa for beeaee or eay caut aaleea but off your premise. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FROST ABD Parry. : Btorea very th big exeept x ploolvea. Apply Pry' Drag Star. ;h WOOD SAWS CTTT AND OuUKTRT WOOD SAWIBG Phoao 3048. Eihr Bro. WOOD SAWING. PHONE 118L CITT. country. Ed. Spread. PROFESSIONAL OPTZOIABB GLASSES FITTED BT DR. U R. BUR alot aa ika laUaoaw inaaMoa w am w vw vyw aaa wiBya. 835 Btat atreet. eppociM . L4V4 aad is usa tut i . POMEROT KXENE JEWELERS AJTC OptomeUiata. . 88$ But. OSTEOPATH! OPKY SI 0XANS ORS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 80f U. B. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physic iaa and aargaoa. JLlrksrilU graduate, 404-403 O. 8. National Bank Bldg. rnene, olfle. sist n. ai BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DETOR mitiaa of th feet eorrectad without loM of time from roar eeeupatiea Dra. Whit ud Marshall, D. 8. Bank Bldg. . . DR. 'JOHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHTf Physician . aad aargeoa, oa-404 Ore goa Bldg. Phoae. ffie. 1894 ra aara." - . CHIROPRACTORS OR. O. L. SCOTT. P.8.0-- CHIROPRAQ bar. 414-19 U. 8. Baak Blda. Phea 87; re. 828 R. CHIROPRACTORS Dra, Bradford A Bradford Graduatea and poet graduatea of OAR Via Uollera, Oklahoma City FIK81 CHARTERED CHIROPRAOTIO COI LE0E ia tb WORLD. Tf year pra. tie. COMlUUoa Md MMuaatlor free. 8aite 818 Oregoa Bldg phoa. 83 LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERAN f Camp 8. Armory. First. tbfc4 bfMdaya REAL ESTATE BEST LOT ON STATE STREET FAC ing south, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, for $2000. Ruby Pardy Realtor. 45 court strrcL GOOD LOT ON PAVED STREET FOB $420 for a few daya only. 8M Rub) raray, tteeitor.. 45S Uourt (treeL SEE ME FOR .4 SUMMER COTTAGB AT the beach, a barrel a for eomes Ruby Pardy, Realtor. 45$ Court St, THIRTY ACRE AT A BARGAIN ONE Of tha beat pieces of taad ia Ma'toa county. : Will lake bosi ia oa trade ia Salem. Ton ctanot ro.wrobt oa thia. - Ruby Purdy, . Realtor. 433 Court street. CTTT HOUSES CTTT LOTS. BUNGA lews, amall Md large eeroec. etc b ad far at; exshaarea la Hy ax oaatry. Brow Magee, over Bus lek'a Btaro. BUM aa Commercial Phoae 889. ROOMS FOR RENT BY DAY ALSO aarag. room hoase aad 1 lota li.- Capitol street. 3300O. 7 room hoase, mod era, ia. good condition $3500. w lOOID - hout a N. Commercial atreet : ,$3000. $ tat medera bungalow, $4200. Attractive lota o N. Summer aad North , Capitol treett for aal,- by . ; GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE -492 N. CotUga FOR BARGAINS . IN ennatrv oronertv. sea- "CTTT AND i Joseph Barber: Son. . 300 Gray B14g, v Read tts C!issirjecl ACS. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 ROOM HOUSE, $1,000. aM terms. Kheae B4o-W. Exchange Fit arret it oatside nty: rood heme aad oBtbuildiags. a mam road, a fine plar for rktrkrua. A good ear. aoa' eaah, w.ll baadrl thia. A)t a five raoat bangalew for ear aad easy term. F. L Wood 341 State street SEVEX R(M)M PLASTERED HOUSE i'lok in on North Winter street, mod ern rontenient-ei. A fin Lny at $2600: terms. 9 room hoase. well bailt ia, garage, large Ml. ITMII 3.1UI. Winnie Pettyjohn 331 H State street Best Buys room modern 3 blocks from capital. 1036 Union atreet, $2500; ?1500 rash balaaee aay terms. room strictly modern, good aa new. 1U4U Laioa atreet. 85250. Term. 7 room modern, basement, Vt block, fruit os .-tort a I7tn. f38UU. flZOO cask, balance terme. rooma modern, rare re. rood location. shrubbery fruit, $3700. $1500 cash, balance to aait. room modern at 1851 Center atreet. 83750, H rash. room strictly modern. 985 North Sam mer. Will take some trad or make terms. B72.0. xour cbaace to buy a good fruit, poultry or dairy ranch waa never better. I might advertiae 50 and not auit you. so use the better method, come in and tet us talk tt over. Socolofsky 341 mate 17 ACRES BEARING PRUNES OLD house and barn. 5 milea aeuth of Sa 'eta. Priro 9450 per aero. o2 acree, 24 acres of prunes, balance ii crop, no buildings, 5Vi miles east of Halem. Price t000. rood terms. 15 acres. 8 acrea 8 rear old pron a 414 acres at bernes: new s room ounca- low, lights, water and furnace. Fin place. Good outbuildings. Pric 1 1000. 24 4 acrea, 21 acrea f prunes. 1 V4 acres logans, goo buildings, 2 mil? from Salom. Price 81 1.0O0. 17 acrea, all ia fruit; 4 mile south of balem; good buildings. Price til. 500 72 acres. 50 acres in crop, good build ings, some fruit, team and tools. Price $oo0 : good terms. 30 acres, 5 miles from Salem 17 acre bearing fruit, 8 acrea in crop, bal ance pastnr aad timber, o room bun galow, modem except lights t am and tool included. Price 810.000. 25 aciet. all in fruit, good buildings. 4 milea from Salem, rnu la one of tne nest kept plarea near nalem. trice tii m u i '..h in h.nii. aonn 7 acres. i mile from city limits sad car 1 line. some fruit and berries good build ings. Thia would make an ideal chick en ranch. Price 42iK. Anderson & Rupert Agents 406 7 Oreron Bldg. $300 Down Will buy 5 room cottage, mostly modern. First class condition, newly painted. Poesession in a few days. South Sa lem. Good buy for $2000. Terms $20 month. . S. R. Pearson ' 210 211 U. S. Bank Bldg. House Lots em, one block from state atreet, price I rora aiai iirJi( prirw rb7.t'buVeiTs."mk em home of 6 room. n;uu. iue price this one of tne A first class modern 114 block from State street. Pric S4UO0. A good 8 room house and two lota oa N. Church, plenty of fruit and garage and chiekca bout, at $3500. A good place on Marion square at $4000. rooma. . just norm ot Btate atreet. tot SO by 500. $4800. room modern bouse and 6 lot all Uti Mt to fruit, one half black to etre-t. 8 blocks to ear line, thia "A.: baa fruit on it that will more than pay interest on investment. Price 84000. waaiI al oaani hnna fitrntaa r - 4 awu v owsaa aavaamv ve - ' vw room house on state street. v. r r..-. an nan We have a large list of desirable build ' ing lots at aitraeuve price. Anderson & Rupert 406-7 Oregon Bldg. Good Buys acre tracts on paved road sear ear line, part in bearing lorans. Price $6Ufl oar acre fine building place. room bungalow, modern with furniture. Price 8SU00 if sold aoon. room house, plumbing and lights, oa rar lino. Price siauu. terms. Attractive five room bungalow with fire- dace and arare. Pric 13000. room modern home, complete in ev ery way, 4 blocks out. Price $6000 cash. Real Eetfate and Fire Insurance W, H. Grabenhorst & Co, 273 State St- U. 8. Bank Bldg. IP TOIT HAVE A CAR YOU WOULD lik to trade on good rental property, we ran give you a real trade ea a 7 room boose. Heyser-Follrich System Main Fhtor Terminal Bldg. FOR 8ALE OR TRADEfULLY EQUIP pad dairv rancb ia Tillamook county. 'or email tract with good houae neat rsiroad row. J. F. Auar. owner, Til lamook, Oregoa. $800 EQUITY IN 180 ACRES TJNIM- oroved Lincoln county land, will ex change for auto. Incumbrance on land ouiy I4uu. nu urn t oiier. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple WORTH WHILE room aouae in rood condition; x iota 9W Brttia, f WW , mjw wwbBo a ce easy paymaata. Thia ia aa xcep ia. a anrui . aenn mb tioaai our. U . Vl .m.ll a.... 01. nO- $200 dowa. U40Scro. wi?lJS?'o ?DSi $45 per acre, V eah, balance good terma. MILLS & COPLEY 831 M 8tate atraet ANDERSON BTJPKBT Bwmaaira M Laflar h LaflaS INSURANCB REAL R&TATB BONDS LOANS tOS-T OragM Bids MR HOME BUYER TOO OAK BUT A 8 room baagalaw lee thM a year ld rar aaoe leaa taaa 1 waa oxroroa so M alia aaamtha aam. Haa haaimsat Dutch titebra. eioeeto . uo aleaptaf porch. $1000 will haadle ti, Soa 0 baday. 198 LaffallaL Trades Of every nature ia realty. Ceme la and ere us. What have you I and what are Y Au lAnk In m for f Some fine lota in Fairmount park, the boa ton residence district of Sslem. The Fleming Realty Co, 341 Stat street Special A fin 8 room modern home 00. Will . lk smaller first pajrnKBt. Thomason ' 331 Sut street $100 DOWN BUYS HOME ON NOB HilL Why rent whea yM eaa get a nuy lik tb-. Heyser-Follrich System Mai Ftear Terminal Bldg. WH4T HATE YOU TO TRADE FOB F-l9.'i!r?.J?!2 irwm wwi uigawa,. 3 resr oUL ernna, aa crs u.k. cultivation, balance otea pasture. t..iui. ...... w ... , , Hpvssr-Fnllrieh Svslfim REAL ESTATE PRICED TO SELL 5 ROOM HOUSE 110O0 handles. 87 So. 12th atreet. See it mw. A Good Buy 5 rooma aoder. 1 block from Richmond achool. 5 blocks to car. A smalt pay meat dowa aad 820 per aaonth. Thomason SSI t State street EB IS Conflicting Movements on Stock Exchange Causes Much Uncertainty NEW YORK. June 5. Offer ings of barket leader frequently exceeded the buying power on the stock exchange today, these con flictiug movements causing con siderable uncertainty or unsettie ment throughout the. active ses sion. Cross currents were most pronounced anions the popular aiU. steels, rails and numerous miscellaneous stocks. Early de clines of 1 to 4 points in such Is sues were balanced by gains of like extent, but the forces of re action were in control at the mar ket's close. Sales amounted to 1.200,000 shares. Incidents over the week-end, notably the publicity given to the promotion phases of the Rep'ibllr- Mldvale-Inland steel merger and. the extravagant speculation of pools in comparatively obscure specialties, provoked fresh ahott selling and liquidation for the I lonK account. These tendencies became more j obvious in the last half of the trading periods on news that the! federal trade commission had tak en Bteps to prevent the merger of the Bethlehem and Lackawana Steel companies. United States Steel was the one promising feature among leaders, risingt o a new high for two years at 103 1-4 In the final hour, but tbe so-called indepen dents closed at net losses ot I to 2 points, oils rallying moderately on the strength shown by Stan dard Oil of New Jersey. a ariuLri s,c:u Miiuwivr i u u u i iiatj ill Wiling exchange, easier money I rates, further, advances In prices em oracea anoiner uuoyint rise in of crude oil products and optimis tic trade reports from interior centers. Call money opened at 4 3-4 per cent but the rate grad ually eased to 3 1-2 per cent. Time BUYING OW TOD H money wa.8imIted t0 30 and 60nbere iyeTfitea upon my father'i "'i1! " A . per ceni-. . . ine msn rate oi wae aay or 1-A J . .a B 4B rklB I nil w W T O V fill rtvdk fltru Warn m l - H"'ii ISbaded later as buying demlnlsh- d .i, th- -ji.-d ouotatlnna ware - --- -- - , UUi ue mar : most z points under their resent maximum. WHEAT IS HIT BY WEATHER Ideal Growing Conditions inland supped my own hand into VAitthuocT Poiic-ft Q iimn UUUUIIIVOl uuuoc oiuiiip in Chicago Market CHICAGO. June 5. Wheat un- derwent a material setback in price today largely as a result of ideal weather to promote the har vest in the southwest. The clos ing was unsettled, but 1-4 to 2 2-S I net lower. With July $1.13 1-2 to 1.13 5-8 and September $1.13 518 to 1.13 3-4. Corn lost 1-8 to 5-8. Oats finished l-2c off to 1-2 up and provisions at gains of 2 1-2 to 17 cents. Sentiment in the wheat trail . - - " a I was decidedly bearish to Start with 1 1.,. .t,.j v . t .v. i I '-"'"s ooiuewnat ill me ist- ler dealings. Rallies, however, ap- I Prd to be due chiefly to profit I taking on the Dart of Shorts. Aside from flattering crop reports, especially from Kansas, the trade here was looking for lower Quo tations from Liverpool tomorrow after the holiday interim. An In crease of the domestic Visible sup ply total counted also as a depres sing factor. Moreover, milling de mand will be slow and there were advices that cutting of new wheat was In progress as far north as Southeastern Missouri. There were deliveries of 130.e 000 bushels of wheat here today on June contracts, but hard win ter wheat though sold at 2 cents over July late In the day, recov ering from an early decline. corn and oats reflected the weakness of wheat and ots touch ed the lowest prices yet this sea. son. Higher quotations on hogs led ao an upturn in the provision priced at market, although for a while more house M I than ntfaa Ik. .n. j.i " "j " eusiim course or g rain values. FRUIT NEW YORK. June 5 Evapor ated apples quiet; state IS 3-43). 18e, Prunes Inactive: CalifnraTia . - - - I V i'Zf Oregons . . 3-4 G M Apricots onieti choir. 1 se..., ' . - -J ' jr -. -uuice c; fancy 33c K I Paichaa 'naelaetarf . .. , t r b.vv., vuglce 14 "i:w- iteiti-2cr me a ma Adele larr1oV9 New PtutM at REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 40 WHAT MADGE DID WHEN HKK FATHER READ THE LAST LETTER. I drew an easy chair close to my sewing table as unobtrusively aa I could manage the' action slipped my arm through my fa ther's and pushed him gently in to it. I don't think he even no ticed what I was do'ng. so ab sorbed was he In the packet ot my mother's old letters wLich be held In his hand. Almost spent with weariness, 1 sat down In a chair opposite htm and with ray hand shading my face, ostensibly from the grato Hatched him fascinated. Even H the moment had not concerned me vitally, personally. I could not have kept my eyes from bis face. For he was a man transformed, rejuvenated. It was as if ' : 1 watched - the years slipping from him till the face he bent toward the yellowed packet of letters. In his band was no longer that O an old. sorrow-stricken man, but that of a youth haatening to meet his beloved. He had looked at the dates on the letters closely and selected one 1-Intuitively realised that he must mean to read them through in chronological order and war perusing: it as if it had Just come to him fresh from the post. He read eagerly, feverishly. and as soon as be had finished he put one letter tenderly to one aide and took up another avidly Carefully, noiselessly I brougnt my chair near tbe table and pusb- ed another packet close to hi? finrera that be might find It there as soon as he had finisher the first. It seemed to me tad denly of the utmost Importance that nothing should break the gossamer veil of the past wh en seemed to envelop him Through Hours. How- long 1 aat there watching liim I do not know. I remember the fire getting low and the In finite pains t took to replenish l for. fear that my movements would distract my father's atten tlon. But after I had completed my task I saw that he would have noticed no ordinary noise, so completely absorbed was he. I suppose it was my over wrnnrht narVM hilt aa I BSt r face. I could not rid myself of the I feeling that evAn 'as' Ills eyes fol I v w ' V"1 . . . - . a i AM.fasMnneA wrltlnr Anwn tne 1 Mllnwari niM nther vIslAn ffil T ' . II.. towea ms, mat anoiuer prcntsuvw h-flllen with love arid forgive ness horered near him. Out of the Past. If must have been midnight when he began the last letter of the packet. I wondered fearfully what he would do when he came to himself and aaw that there were no more missive under neath - his band. And when be put out b's hand at last to take another I was close to his aide I his. "There are no more, dear," 1 said softly. . . I have wondered ever since that night why I used the word "dear" alone at that moment In stead of prefixing the word "fa ther," as I usually do. At the words my father looked up wild ly, antl-the next moment be had crushed my hands in his, and with a look of awe upon his face a as murmuring1 over and t over again: "Sweet! Sweet! Sweet!- : I realized in a Becond the hal lucination that had come to htm. I am said to be marvellously like my dead mother In her youth My voice even resembles hers. And 1 knew how I do not know that the favorite pet name which my father had given her In that long-buried 'time, and - by THE OREGON STATESMAN BOOK OF A raqiM )NG . . COUPON How to for the mere nominal cost of manufacture and distri bution. One coupon and 79c secures this splendid new song book, well bound and actually containing more tnan. a tnousand son : Present or mail to this paper three coupons with seventy-nine cents to cover cost of handling, packing, clerk, hire, etc. - .'.:.. Add for postage: f i ? Mafl up to 150 Orders up to 300 For greater distances ask postmaster rate for three pounds. ." .. ' ',"-'.-" ' v . - " 20 Sonjf Books in one, - 5 -. 7 - or so com I ; plete as this one. , vhlca 4 he Invariably : addrea her; was the diminutive "Sweet. I guessed that It had fitted er perfectly, j After hoars of close communion .with my, dead moth er's letters the sadden s'ght ot me had for a moment completely unhinged hta brain. - 1 stood motionless la bis clasp, for I feared the effect of a single enlightening . ord. Bat in an other miaate the reaction came. With a wild glance of rea:ua tion my father sank back Into bis chair, and with head bowed upon his hands burst into the choking, bearf-rending sobs which come to a man but once or twice in a life time." ' V' '"' - And as I " held " hlnT close, smoothed his hair and t brought him gradually back to calmness gain there came to me the feel ing" that I was not alone, la my ministration. ' H , . Vr 7; - . (To be continued) nops NEW YORK. " June lllops quiet; state and Pacific coast. mi. 0e25c; 1S20. 18020c. ! DAIRY-POTATOES PORTLAND. Ore., June 5. Butter: Prints extra 40c: cubes extras, 35c: prime firsts 34c But terfat. , Portland delivery: No. 1 sour' creamy 39 041c. , 1 Potatoes: Buying price, locals, 1; selling price 1.26O1.&0. Detective But dlda't yoa feel the thief's hand going Into your pocket? -h Absent-Minded Prof Tea, but. I thought tt was m own. SALEM MARKETS Prie Mtd -are art aaaa a tsi aa price receive hr farm ate No rose pricM tre give oaeept aa nets ueta, miinaav . . Wheat N. i Bached, tl.ll, j Oata, feed, about 83. Voteh aad oat hay. 91 Clover hay. $10 d $18 $14. ? Mill ran mill fee. B3. BOOB, BUTVV.a SUTTBRFAk F.gga retail, 80. - . Oeamery bettor, retail, 47. .4 Butteriat, e FOtrV.TBB - ' . . Hmb, light.: 14-15. : . bMy. J3 13. Kooater. old, 9. ;r , Spring fries. 30 u 14. . V .fobs arQTTua, amm Hog, top.4 $10.73 - ' -Lamb, Maa 4a aurbn. " Tap veal, dressed, ll-laVfc. Stoera. 1 9 . Cow. 8, t 80 -raQTTB , ' Raaaaaa. 10 v Lentans. $8.50.' Navot ae-Mgoa, $7.30. Ptorlda craDah-alt. SS a .f at" $8.89. OaUforaU grspa , VBOBTABLB . Sweet potslees. $1 bushel. Peseta," $1 ; . . Cabbage, 4le. Mexicaa tomaio, lug. $8. Wax oaJoo, $2.7$ erat. ' Brawa oaioat, $1.10 trtU. X Aaparagua. Ib I3.r Turnips, 83.50. - . rt Paraaipa. 39 , t " f if Carrots. $5.50. V Head letuce, . 3V , , - Beet. 93 M t- " , T ; . Data. 18. t A.., 1 i Paokag ti Hfk, Cwai'b. aa. bn4y,-eaa 84.80. sta..-dsaLf 4)1.73. 4 OacMaat Btraiaed hoMyr lavllfcs; 1 i t 3 Portland Uaylns: Prices WAA ' Bnftr sov - aaw a wa . . .BUTTERFAT FIRM Nam bee a charulag eream. 41 Mat L.bV PprtUadJ - aderrradei. 88d ; . -r .- -, ' EGOS-rlf KADY . ' . Curreat receipts! 19 O Soe white be. aarUa S3 y 38 del'd.' (ThtM atatee ara based oa prises reiv4 for th bail of day's receipt by local Jobbora- m4 croamerie ) r . . - LIVK POULTRY WEAK (Lest committioa ), havy heat, 23 0 23a Ibu m iirht, 18. .0 .19; broiW Rooka and Red 87 4 $8e; leghorne SO eanta. old roosters. -10 eofetet- duek, white Pehine. youag-25 e 0e; old ducks, to DRESSED MEATS BTEADT v (Leaf eomavlasbMil CkotM II kt bora. ' 13 tj lSMl; oBMrgraaV, 13 8 vealUp grade - 12. uadargradae jk -' BAT AJTD QRAJM ' . V, ,rfir HAVF1RM? " H (Delivered Pertlaad). Vallev Thwoth 318 O 19 toai Raater Oragaa Tiaaothy. $31 loa; alfalfs, $19 to; ker, $14 t ( aad tetch $15 lap) straw. At tea. . CRATN UNSETTLED ' (Track, Portland) Wheat. $1.1$. If $1.23: oata, $34 O 37: Eastara yel low eora. $28.60 a Ittj barley. $39 J f- ' FRUTT BTEADT i Apple, extra facy, $3 if $3.78 faaev 9I.V8 f $3; Mokera. 91-4F $1.34 Strawberries, $3.5t it 34 erst. . VEGETABLES TtOETABLES 8TIA0T FoUUee No. -1. 7$ i . 8&S . No. 1, 87.50 ey $8.80 ewt, . Oregw ea. bag. 3M Q 8a lb.; parsaipft, 1 lb. I carrot, 85cdsa bu aches; taraips sa4 beets, TS dot. ' WOOL FIRM AND - ACTTTB Coarse valley wool, 18 O 17t avadlaal 37 O 30i fia 33 O 40e. hops ' w--HOPS STEADY . - 191 ere-p steady at 11 d 13a. rr. Get This Book miles. 40c miles. .14c