The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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rro 5cro;s
.. ..". . . - ' ..
God-Speed Spoken from
ml 1 : jm-i ' ' .III
uneenng inrong and
sirens or vessels wnen
Schooner Sails.
American .and ' Norwegian
, National Music Played as
Ship Casts Off
SATTltLi, June 3. - By The 1
SSSi WartwS
AnndMQ Pou? lila 'entitle ;
expedition, sailed from Seattle at
3:40 o'clock this afternoon for
Nome, Alaska, on the first, leg of
anve-year Toyaja inreuga me i
Arctic ice pack.
Capuln Oscar Elating, aailins I
master of. the Maud, commanded 1
me, vesaev
chief of the expedition, decided to
nroceed to Nome by steamer, sail- I
lnr tomorrow. ''
' ; ....... i I
ioiiua r onni xuscurt i
Tfc fTnlt Rtmiem mtv Insr
Mahooac and a flotilla of cruisers
1 from the neets of the Seattle and
Queen City Yacht clubs escorted
the Maud np ?uget Sound.
A huge crowd gathered at the
Unlon Oil company's dock to bid
the expedition God-speed. At the
time set for departure an United
States army band burst forth with
th "Star flDancled Banner" and
a detachment of American ma
rines raised the Stars and Stripes
oyer th dock and cut loose the
Maud's cables. ' i I
National Mule Played
The tand took up the Norwe-
glan national anthem and the lit
tie vessel moved s out Into tne
stream, northward bound
Scores of ahlpe la the . harbor .
bide farewell with their whistles.
Caotain Amundsen ! accompa
nled his ship to West Point, a few
miles up sound. He sails for Nome
on the steamer Victoria, tomorrow.
, ii- onJ Mrc R ' : NahlCaul, of Baker, with a Hudson
Mr. and Mrs., K., l. Mf n Speclal. and MaJor Andrae of Sa.
ASSaiiea Dy OUIUieu iviuu
In Sacramento
Ar cor dine to a news item tn alpeared in this race were counted
Sacramento paper, dated June 2,
"Mr. and Mrs. h. It. Nash, of Sa-
lem, Oregon, ngurea m an
tack upon them ' by sacramenio i
neeroes which resulted in a ciasn i
between the negroes and Sacra-
mento police aided by citizens. ! I
The article, statea tnat Mr- ana i
Mrs. Nash were touring tnrouga
th eltv and that, while halted at I
m garage, several articles of cloth-
Ing had been stolen iromme or. musty special was a tangiea neap
Mrs. Nash observed the stolen! there In front of the grandstand.
garments in the possession oi ajit might have won the race; it
tnniif nezress. -
' The Salem man attempted tolstutz Bearcat did not appear at
halt the negress, but was attack-1
ed by score of negroes wno were
tramnllng Mr. Nash wnen pouce i
came to his rescue, according to
the newspaper account- 1
Mr. Nash was taken to a nospi-
tal where woundt received in tneiwnen ft lost through engine
encou,nted were treated.
lune 17 is Set as Date
for Annual Iowa Picnic
' lowans no to the second or tnira
generation are urged to get ready
for the big iowa nay picnic u
sute fair grounds. June 17. Some
years they have held the picnic
later In th summer, when the
weather Js. too liot and a. good
mmv oeonle have gone to the
.mountains or the seashore or the
hospital with the heat. Tnis year
they have chosen the Bunker Hill
memorial dsy lor . their ce.enra
tlon. and they plan to make it the
banner year in the history or the I part of its loss and finished sec
organisation. - The . lowans have I ond to the Baby Frantenac,
600 local people on ! tneir usis,
and usually have an attendance or
at least 100 at the annual picnics,
The executive committee Is to
.mt Tuesday; "with Mrs. jonn
Bavne, to arrange the program.
' Sunday generally fair; cooler,
cast portion, ' ' '-' '
' v ' ? W- ...
nany KHoades toUidei With Opponent in Front of
Uranditand at Fair Gronndi WklU fimnr f T,rr,fiV
Speed No Bones Broken and Pilot is Progressing
Favorably Caul and McDonald Win Main Events
Harry Rhoades of Salem was
i2T0"ns' Saturday, when his racing car collided with the car
with 5000 people. Rhoade3 la
no broken bones, but after a
him only about one chance in a
nrnfpaoirmal c gas Qavn
Khoai had gotten off to a bad start, but was holding his
0and gaining steady, at fifth place.
' fk Koss, of Portland, driving a Ros3 Special with a.
wnpiar engine, an extremely
pipe on a previous round, and
uyw a wuunu receive a weeK ago. lie naa stopped to turn
in at the repair pit in front of the srrandstand. but had nnf
gotten clear of the open track,
19, "Dusty's Special," coming out
ana smoke, at a speed close to
poaa like a cannonhall
Tne explosion or the tires, and
th lmnict M thn hiirtllnv atal
ucsru lor viocks. iflB
""tortnnato driTer was dragged
fom tne wreckage. Mercifully
w " sas exPIoslon or
T" w" 'r!U,'u
uu8pu! ur wew-
- ine "P0"
iuovuum Jtaau
No Bones Broken
He was badly bruised and lacer
ated about 'the' head and upper
body and has a badly wrenched
foot, but no bones were broken.
rand at last reports he was resting
well and with a tine chance for
speedy recoyery. Ross, who was
W own car when It struck
was not hurt by the collision.
though his hand is badly cut by
his previous accident. . But his
$2500 beauty car is almost total
Following the wreck, the track
officials ordered the remaining
cars of the race to start again.
uwcisriug ii. bo rac uecause loe
others had been flagged oft the
course before finishing. But on
the adrlce of an officer of the Na
tional Racing association, this call
for a second start was counter
manded and the prizes ' were
awarded on the standing of the
racers at the time of the accident.
This gave the first place to W. I
McDonald, with a Baby Frontenac
car; the second went to L. E
Menx drew third, with his Watt
Larlee Unfortunate
FIt cars that should have ap-
lout, besides the fourth car, Dan
J Voss Mercer Special, that was not
--ipiacea. Tne Lnee special aia noi
Btart, because or Having broken a
gearins m previous race, man
ing it impossible to go in. The
Ross Special had gone Into the
ditch and was wrecked even oe
ir0re the Rhodes car struck it. The
big Yakima Special made only one
round when It Quit; and the little
istm naa a ngnung cnance. iue
Engine Put Rom Out
Tne RQaa soeclal. before Its
accident, had set the pace and led
J the professional 10-mile race for
Heht cars, until the eighth lap,
trouble. Five fast, light cars came
out for this event.
The Larlee special, driven by
Lea Eyerly, had been picked as
a good chance for first. It has
out id htma at n 91mtla an
i h . ; . th .tntrht.
1 ftwmy ,t can go abont as fast
&s any man can ride. It went
out iu the second round with a
broken gearing. Major Andrae's
Watt gpecIaj came in from its
fIrgt preliminary warming-up mile
warmed on like a blast furnace:
t was ablase from a tight brake.
atarted In this race, but did
I not figure anywhere. The Dusty
special, after losing a whole lap
I due to engine trouble, made up
through the dropping of other
l contestants.
i : Baker Prtver .wins
) The jprotesslonal race for heavy
cars was won by a Hudson spec
ial, driven by L. E. Caul, of Bak
er. who came to advertise ' the
Baker race meet July 3 and 4.
There never was such a Hudson
as this. The normal wheelbase
ot the Hudson la 128 Inches, and
badly hurt at the state fair
not seriouslv irriurpd. with
wrench that seemed to give
million to come through alive.
.,.,,.. ,1 1 j n
last" car, had lost a radiator
had hurt his hand quite badly,
when Rhoades. with his No.
of the blinding cloud of dust
70 miles an hour, struck the
he had cut his down to 15 inches,
or Less than a Ford. The mach
ine was the most consistent per
former, on the track, and it won
this race with distance to spare
almost a mile ahead of his only
rival. And even the Hudson had
one little grief, for in rounding
one of the nearly turns in the
open free for all, the driver was
thrown against the gear shift and
threw the machine into the wrong
gear, and the engine was buzzing
away like a treadmill and not
making any time., The driver
shouted to his mechanic to shift
back, but In the roar he couldn't
hear. That delay may have cost
him $175, the difference between
first and second places.
Stock Card Made Up
The entries did not fill for
stock cars under 250 inches. This
and the large car class were final
ly combined, with a Stats, Hudson
and a Revere, all big ones and
fast. The Hudson won the five
mile event by a good margin,
with the Revere second. The Re
vere was in hard luck, In that an
engine connection came loose and
tore up the crank case like a bat
tery of artillery, though the ma
chine still ran into second place.
The Maxwell careened off the
grade at the back stretch, at the
first round, and had to be towed
Motorcycles Thrill
A company of six professional
riders, on their way from Port
land to California, gave a thrill In
a five-mile motorcycle race, when
they clipped off the distance in
4:23 3-5. Ralph Hepburn, on an
Indian machine, led the proces
sion, and Ray Wlshaar as second
on a Harley-Davidson.'
t Eight local riders anpeared in
the motorcycle race for Salem
riders only. They made It a red
hot race, with plenty of thrill,
though the time, 5:07 1-5, did not
rank with the professionals, with
their powerful rasing machines
and their; riding skill. Homer
Best. George Raster and Hiram
Smith finished in the order nam
ed. Program Drag Painfully
A crowd estimated at 6500 or
more, attended the races. The
program dragged painfully all
through the afternoon. To waste
two good hours for every oue of
the r. 500 people, would be 13,000
waited hours, enough to build a
mile of the best road in Marion
Tbe racing board was not all
reasons for the failure of some
of the cars to perform up to stan
dard; but to start tbo event so
late and let It drag so heavily
tha mere wasn't t'n to run out
the length of the evntj scheduled
wts not pleasing to the crowd.
The ipeetators hai begun to boil
hita a den of angry lions, several
tines before actio x was given
New York Anti-Lynch
Parade Shrinks Fast
NEW YORK. June 3. A dem
onstration against lynching, start
ing 4000 strong neath the sua
kissed skies of Harlem today.
wound up on Fifth avenue in a
downpourlag rain, a straggling
line of taxicabs and umbrellas
which shielded 600 bedraggled
negroes. 1 '
The parade was sponsored by
the national association fo the
advancement of colored people, to
gain support for the Dyer an tl-
lynching bill, now held np In the
Aged Chinese Instantly Kill
ed When War Between
Two Factions is Resumed
After Short Respite.
Oriental Quarter of City Is
Thrown Into Uproad by
Sudden Attack
PORTLAND. Or.. June 3. -War
between the Bing Koi-g-Bow Le
ong and Hip Sing Tongs was re
newed in Portland today when
Toy Tung, 70. was shot and kill
ed instantly, hardly an hour after
the major portion of the hlnese
residents of the city had returned
from the funeral of Sua r-e Lang,
wealthy Chinese merchant.
All Chinatown was thrown into
an uproar by the killing. The
body of Toy was riddled by jsix
bullets, fired at close range from
a 32-calibre automatic pistol. I
Alarm Deloyed f
Delay in calling the police pro
bably was responsible for the es
cape of the slayer and the entire
force was working on a meager
description furnished in badly
broken English by Lee Ling, em
ployer of Toy, and merchant at 91
North Fourth street, where the
shooting took place.
Lee was in the retail store on
the first floor. In - the basement
were working Toy and Yee Tung,
another laborer. The slayer went
into the store ostensibly to make
a purchase. Lee Ling said that
on some excuse not yet explained.
the man reached the basement.
Slayer Escapes
Lee Ling said the next thing
he heard was the shooting and
then the slayer ran up from .h
basement and fled out the front
Bushey ivea Interview in
Reply to Evening News
paper Editorial
Referring to an article that ap
peared in the evening paper criti
cising the- Marion county road-
building program and procedure.
Judge Bushey give the following
authorized Interview:
It s a mistake to call this 'my
patent or 'my' pavement. The for
mula is precisely the same as that
used for tens of thousands of
miles of roads all over the- coun
try. The state highway commis
sion has built hundreds of miles
on this same formula. It's not ray
patent, either as to the composi
tion or the process of laying. It
is standard all over America.
Roads Xot Excelled
"And if there's any ot the Mar
ion county pavement that's need
ing more repair than any other
pavement laid anywhere, we want
to know it.
"We know that the Marion
county roads are not excelled in
Oregon or anywhere, for either
low cost of construction, or free
dom from repair.
Investigation Invited
"We have 1200 miles of public
roads in Marion county. We try
to give both mileage and perma
nence to the roads that we build
aand we know that they compare
favorably with any other roads
built in the state. We would
court an honest investigation as
to how the Marion county road
funds have been invested.
Lloyd B. Gregg Member
of Honorary Fraternity
COLLEGE. Corvallis. June 3.
Lloyd B. Jregg is the one Salem
member of Beta Alpha Psl, na
tional professional honorary fra
ternlty in accounting which was
installed on the campus.
Membership in Beta Alpha Psl
la limited to upper classmen who
plan on following accounting as
life profession. A grade ot 88 in
18 credits of accounting, and
student average of 85 are the re
quirements for pledging, in addi
tion to a test which must be
jassed before Initiation.
Thirty Quarts of Bottled Beer
and Six Gallons of Whiskey
Marion county deputy sheriffs
seized 30 quarts of bottled beer
and six gallons of moonshine
whiskey at Woodburn yesterday
when they raided the home of J.
An elaborate beer-making out
fit was also taken from Becker's
house yesterday. A tank, barrels.
vats, pumps and a bottling outfit
now repose at the storerooms in
the county eourt house.
Deputy Sheriffs W. T. Barber
and Sam Burkhart made the raid
and arrest. Becker is held with
out bail aid will be arraigned be
fore Judge Unruh Monday.
5010 KLAN
Thousands Join in 57-Mile
Parade and Initiate
3,000 at Joliet, III.
JOLIET, 111.. June 3. At least
30,000 members ot tbe Ku Klux
Klan gathered in the woods two
miles south of Plainfield, near
here tonight and initiated 3000
new members into the (secret
hooded organization.
There was no noise connected
with the gathering of the con
course of people who flocked nto
and through Plainfield from 4
o'clock this afternoon until after
o'clock Sunday morning. The
ceremonies of initiation began
promptly at midnight and gave
promise of lasting well Into the
Quick Lunch Served
Hot dog stands were set up
and soft drinks, cigars and every
circus refreshment were served.
sprang up apparently from no
where. Bonfires were started
here and there, seemingly miles
apart, and the space between
was jammed. There was loud
talking and laughter, but until
the ceremonies began there was
no sign of organized action.
When the fiery cross was hoist
ed 1 feet into the air and lighted
the emblem of tbe Ku Klux Klan
told the people who watched the
djm proceedings from a distance
what was going on and what was
to come.
The . next instant the white
robes were on and the scene took
on a weira appearance, a wo
autoists who spent nearly the en
tire evening trying to count the
approximate numlier present, re
ported that they drove past 57
miles of automobiles lined np
side by side.
The spokesman of the klan an
nounced to the newspapermen
that the meeting was the largest
ever held In America by the Ku
Klux Klan.
Brick Building, Undertaking
Establishment Are
Among Losses
SHERIDAN, Or., June 3. Two
blocks of the business section of
Sheridan were destroyed by fire
early today with a loss estimated
at 1100,000. The flames swept
along the north side of Main
street. The fire's origin is unde
termined. Buildings destroyed were: The
White garage with 21 automo
biles; tailor shop, Churehman
building, Bell pool hall. Fanning
building, in which was located the
town opera house. Thompson con
fectionery. Thompson restaurant.
Dr. Randolph Barr's ofifces, Rob
inson grocery and the Thomas un
dertaking establishment.
The fire started In the White
enrage and was discorered by the
night telephone operator at 2 a.
ra. The fire was brought under
control at 4 a. m. Fire apparatus
from McMinnville was rushed to
Sheridan to help fight the flames
which for a time threatened the
entire business section. Sheridan
is a town of 1500 persons in Yam
hill county.
The opposite side ot the street
was badly damaged by flood last
One Death in Marion County
Every week Due toTi
berculosis, Says Miss
Holmes After Survey.
Caution at State Hospital
for insane Reduces
Number of Cases
One person died every week
in Marion county from tubercu
losis. This is the statement made by
Miss L. Grace Holmes, director
ot the bureau of surveys of the
Oregon Tuberculosis association
following her survey of Marion
county which has just been com
pieted. These figures include
only those which rightly belong
to Marion county.
Some Die at Institutions
The survey made by Miss
Holmes covers a period of five
years and her figures have been
obtained from physicians and
nurses in thh county. During that
five-year period 21 Marion coun
ty persons have died at the state
hospital, eight have died at the
feeble minded school, six at the
penitentiary and only one at the
toys' training school. Miss
Holmes called attention to the
fact that there were now no ac
tive case of tuberculosis at the
boys school, and that this school
has as its medical director Drv
Grover C. Bellinger, who is' un
doubtedly" more than usual!
careful to notice signs of tuber
culosis since he is head ot the
state tuberculosis hospital.
Sixty Cases in Salem ,
Salem has had 10O deaths from
tuberculosis during the last five-
year period, according to Miss
Holmes, and has now 60 active
cases. Thirteen persons are
known to have recovered from
the disease. Chemawa has had
six deaths and has now five ac
tive cases.
The black pins on Miss Holmes'
map, which Indicate deaths dur
ing the five-year period, are
numerous in the Silrerton dis
trict, and so are the red ones
which indicates the active cases
Large yellow pins Indicate the
recoveries, but there is plenty of
room for them anywhere In the
county, according to the map
State Cases It educed
Tuberculosis cases at the state
hosrftal are being steadily re
duced, according to Miss Holmes,
following the establishment of
the pavilion for tuberculosis pa
tients at the institution. During
1919, 35 patients died from tu
berculosis at the state hospital
(for the insane, while in 1920
only 24 died, and In 1921 only
21 victims were listed at the
state hospital. As soon as pa
tients show signs of tuberculosis
Ihey are removed to the pavilion
and so others are prevented from
taking the disease.
Family Hard Hit
Miss Holmes has prepared
map of the entire county and all
deaths from tuberculosis in the
last five years are marked with
black pins, active cases with red
pins, and yellow pin heads mark
the known recoveries. One small
group of pins which has paid its
share of toll to the "T. B." germ,
and has others within its midst
wlio are fighting the "great
white plague."
Cars Collide, Woman
And Child Are Hurt
Mrs. A. Shaw of Jefferson sus
tained a broken arm and severe
bruises and the small daughter ot
Mrs. N. H. Jones, of 130 North
Twenty-third street, received mi
nor bruises last night when the
Ford driven by Mrs. Jones with
Mrs. Shaw and the tittle girl as
passengers, was Involved in an au
to accident at,Court and Capitol
The Ford car, according to the
police report, was proceeding west
on Court street when it ; was
struck by a Pierce-Arrow car
bearing California license No.
663,779 which was making the
turn from west on Court to north
of Capitol street. The Ford car
was much damaged, it was report.
The accident was reported by
Mrs. Jones.
First Outdoor Concert, of Sea
son Thb Month Soloist
Not Yet Selected
The first concert of the Salem
Cmerriac band will probably be
givenJune 20, according to John
anager of the band.
oist for the coming con
certs hafs not yet been selected.
Mr. Graber says. Several per
soii are being considered and
will be tried out during the next
few band practices, and then a
definite selection will be made.
The band will play for the
Flag day exercises but no con
cert will be given, as was the
case last year on Flag day.
Salem Woman Elected to
Lead Newly Organized
Health Association
Mrs. John A. Carson was
chosen president of the Marion
Health association, organised
yesterday at the Commercial club.
Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dunhar, mem
ber of the executive 'board oC
the state association was present
for the meeting and spoke on
work which the local association
might do toward promotion of
good health, la the county. Dr.
E. R. Huckleberry of Portland
also gave a talk on the work ot
a health association.
Districts to be Formed
The city and county will be
divided into districts, according to
Mrs. 'Carson,, and .chairman for
these appointed by the executive
board. The general health ot the
district will be in charge of
these chairmen.. The special
work of the association will be
for children ot pre-school age.
"The people do. want thlaroTk
and the fact that 49 school chit
dren were brought to the clinic
Saturday proves that,' Mrs. Car
son said, following the meeting.
We must have a public health
nurse, and this will be one of the
objects of the association.
John H. Scott presided at the
organization meeting yesterday
at the Commercial club, where all
of the clinics have been held,
Mrs. Margarita Looney of Jeffer
son was chosen vice president;
Miss Elizabeth Putman, Salem.
secretary; George P. Griffith, Sa
lem., treasurer.
Coramluee Heads Named
Mrs. E. E. Fisher Is chairman
of the nursing committee; Mrs.
Edgar Pierce, Aumsville, of the
finance committee; Mrs. Clarence
Keane, Silverton, or the educa
tional committee; Mrs. J. Green
Aurora, publicity, and Mrs. Leona
Miller. Donald, supplies.
Modern health crusaders from
the public-schools of Salem gave
several playlets and drills as
features of the health program
yesterday. Forty-nine school
children were examined at the
clinic yesterday.
Schools Present Program
Miss Bennie Hammer's class
Irom the Grant school sang
health song In the morning; Miss
Deyoe's (class from Grant gave
"Mother Goose in Health, Land.1
and Miss Adona Cochren's class
from Highland school gave the
"Poor Little Boy.?
Maintenance of Way Men
Object to Big Wage Cu
CHICAGO, June S.The Chi
cago and Western general chair
men's acceptation affiliated with
the United Brotherhood of Main
tenance of Way -Employes and
nail road shop workers, repre
senting 85 per cent of the main
tenance of way employes, voted
unanimously today to support the
minority opinion of the United
States railroad labor board in its
decision cutting about $48,000,
000 from the pay of 400,000 rail
road workers.
The minority report objected to
the cut In pay and was presented
by the three members of the board
representing the railroad workers.
DENVER, Colo., June 3. An
armed bandit was shot and killed
by V patrolman here tonight as
he fled from a filling stltlon.
where he had held up and robbed
the night managed of $ 80 in cash.
Two men believed to have been
accomplices of the bandit, escaped
In an automobile. The . bandit
who was killed has not been Iden
- va nap wn
w l
Romantic Actor Not to Knew
Until Monday Whether lb
Is to Stand Trial cn Big
amy Charge.
Judge Hanby to Bind Defen
dant Over or Dismiss
dolph Valentino, hero of film ro
mances, . will know next Monday
whether he must fsce a Jury on a
charge of bigamy.
Justice J. Walter Hanhf an
nounced this today at the conclu
sion of the actor's preliminary
hearing on a complaint charging
that Valentino carried Miss Wini
fred Hudnut at MextcaH, Lower
California, and afterwards v lived
with her at Palm Springs, : Cal.,
while he was still legally married
to Miss Jean Acker.
Dismissal Possible
Whether Justice Hanby vwM
bind over to the Los Angeles su
perior court for trial or dismiss
the complaint, will depend upon
hi interpretation of the Califor
nia statutes, upon : which -. the
charge against the actor Is based.
It was contended by Deputy Dis
trict Attorney J. P. CotteUo that
the ' fact - that Valentino and hit
second wife lived la the same cot
tage at Palm 8prlngs for three
days following their, marriage,
warranted holding the defendant
tor trial. W. L Gilbert, repre
senting Valentino, argued that bo
evidence showing, marital . rela
tions had been produced- ,
Leakey Attorney Heard
Frank: James, attorney for the
Famous Ptayers-Laakey corpora
tion, attacked the validity of the
proceedings on. the ground t&t
acts charged ' by the prosecutloi
did hot constitute bigamy. .
The at gumenta followed test!
mony by Dr. Floretta White, phy
siclan at Palm Springs that ahe
attended the marriage at Mezlcall
on May IS last and that the cou
ple stayed at her cottage at the
Springs that night. Mrs. Valen
tino was III, she testified. And ask
ed to have a room; by herself and
Valentino and Douglas Gerard,
beat man at the wedding, were as
signed to another room. , .e
James Moves Dismissal
y, Wfcen Mr. Costello . submitted
his case, Mr. James moved to dis
miss the complaint, saying he was
surprised the deputy , district at
torney had not so moved. He tald
it, "would be a great misfortune
if this defendant should be held
to answer when there is no hope
ot his conviction by a Jury. .
.Mr. Costello said there were
eeveral points connected with Abe
case upon which i the . supreme
court of California had never ren
dered a decision and felt tor this
reason. If for 1 no . other, . there
should be an opportunity to ad
judicate. He said that Valentino
had 'wilfully and knowingly vio
lated the laws ot the state and
formed the Intent to so violate
them before he went to Mexican
with his consort." He said Val
entino "harried his bride out of
the state after it became known a
prosecution was possible.
. j fijtatnte Quoted -
"Do yon contend Mrs, Valentino
is guilty of bigamy too. asked
Mr. Gilbert.
"Ton will find a section of the
code which says that If any per
son marries another person, know
ing that the other person , has a
husband or wife IIviagV ald per
son shall be guilty of bigamy." re
plied the deputy district attorney.
The prosecutor remarked that
he was "sorry for Valentino and
sorry for his wife, bat society can
not stand this sort of thing."
Mr. Costello asked the' court to.
recollect that " ValentI no's plc
tures are viewed by thousands, of.
young boys and girls, who when
they see those pictures in future
are going to remember this man
went to Mexican to be married
when he was already married iu
"Railroading Fought
A remark by the i prosecutor
that "the Lasky corporation has
thousands of dollars wrapped up
in the . Valentino- films brought
the reply from Mr. James that the
Lasky company was "Interested
only in seeing that the district at
torney's office does not railroad
this nun. to prison. . ,
Mr. Costello answered there
was no idea of "railroading. He
(Continued on page .
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