'' THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1922 00 , Following .is Che official publication of the record of clain's Before tile tlarion county coBsussioners court 1W tlte May Icm,;i922; mtix the acocnt allowed, bills continued, etc.; ac iirdiaz to the records in the office of tie county clerk- 0.1EI1S' .1. 'I ; 3. COURT (Continued from Wednesday) 'I. : - Roe District Xo. 51 Bites.- (C. F;, dragging road '.. . . v. ; . . . .7 McAllister, J. J., patrol man .jt - . , ;itoa District No. 52 Dunlgan, 31. "R., dragging road. . . . .... ........, Dunlgan. W. A., ditching Dunlgan; 11. W hauling tile-and dttebiog ..... Dunlgan, Edw., Sr. patrol man-.. .... ....... J lfauser Bros., powder, fuse and caps ....... Itlesterer, T. 3 axle grease, etc. ......... Doorfler, John JT, drag 'glhg road - J wire's; Ray- a:, do . . w j . . Fishery Theodor, do .... Morley, Charles E, do... Oilham, George' C., ; do. . Gilham, James ,WV drag- rfnp roa'ds aard grub "hTh . . . DderUer, Martin-J., blast- faft j J . '; i w f . . , . , Doerflet; Joseph J grubbing?- .. .. . ...... DoeTfler,: Alexander N, do Doerflev Gar F.;':dd Martin, .patrol- 160 2.50 4.00 It. 00 i 52.00 1. 19.89 .85 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 6.00 3.00 3.D0 3.00 Gilmer. . track Glover, : parts etc. . Oregon W.t driving ...... ...,. Geo. E.. hauling for paving plant. ,4.00 25.00 25.20 94 V 4 50 50 Doerfler, man . Road district No. 54 Irager, D.5 G. gravel . . 105.06 West; 14 Cravs! Co., Conrad, M. P..' do Krug, Alrln,' hauljhg gra vel ....... v Sloe, John J., do ...... Mathys, Al, do' ..... . . Stortt, Sam," do ,vv. . Jensen, Alfred, do. . . . . .. Moert, Ale ' JV, ehovellng graver ...... Hall-H. A., do-. IverBon, Bert, do . w . . . Hansen, H. P; spreading gravel, . ..... ...... Qualey, J. E. driving team Dybsetter, N., " bringing , oack grader ; 15.00 6.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 7.50 7:50 .7.60 1.5 fli 7.50 Goplernd, John patrol man .....I ' . . , .- Road IWKrHct'XO. 55 , Whitehead, Ted, patrol man . .... . , ; Road District Xo. 86 Rue. Ole, dragging uue, James, do Rue, -Helmer, do Rue jGrant, do ' Hasvol, Alex., catting and horning brash ........ Olsen, Pete," cutUag brash Hobart. A. P.. patrolman , Road DintHct No. 58 Oregon Gravel . Co., grave , Ilanfis. .W1 H., patrolman -. ' Road DLrtrirt No. 50 llauser vBros., powder, fuse and caps . . . . . . . Nelson Brothers, black iron, etc. . r Park. L, L.. grading, . '. . RIeckv Paul, ; dragging, .'slashing brush, etc. ... Klshner. - Art, elashfng - brush, etc. ...... , . . . - Wlch, E. L., slashing : brash. Kimsey. J. E., patrolman , Road DlstHcirNo. 3 Becltner,!" C. L., dragging' Clrod,- Albert I. do, . . " r Road District No. 63 Campbell Bill, hauling , '24.40 7.00 t.50 .t0 2.50 2.50 10.501 6.00 5.00 8.10 18.10 1.00 v 2.50 11.75 17.75 6.00 18.00 S 12 3.12 5.00 38.03 68.00 68.00 356.90 7,50 136.01 1.15 207.18 101.68 98.00 0.t0 76.00 96.00 . ..... 72.00 153.66 100.00 20.00 48.25 140.00 .60 75.25 15.61 121.04 21.51 Land. 50.00 15.45 7.00 4.10 9.50 12.00 15.00 21.00 14.62 33.00 15.00 13.00 12.00 for 3.86 376.00 47.15 .80 20.00 ItM' 700.00 8.11 2.50 36.00 24:00 57.00 13.25 21.00 .75 12.00 ,2.40 25.00 2.50 3.75 6.75 30.00 I 15.00 10.00 3.00 . ... . f . . , Bmithy, Dewey,;' hauling ,s:ravel ietc. -.'. n . ,-. . i i Mathot.'Pee, - patrolman Itoad Diittrlct N. l Clyde Equipment Co, gra der irepaira . v Rubens, AI. grading roads Coffin. Fred, dragging ., roads, etc. . . V . Rubens' .jQ8epb3 patrol-" man v RomI Dlstrlri No. 115 Collard, W, P.. gravel. .'. Hall. C.M.. baallng gYa vel ....... Martin. L. H., plowing out ditches , ratterion Richard, patrol man v Road District No. 08 . Freres. Theodore,, grading Ix)Ose. W.f ri".. patrolman lShberger, J grading. Ltfrabrecht. O. J., do.... Sihmitt, , Geo., do . . . . . SeJiniltti-Jake, do -.i.... Dowling, Elmer N., patrol , inan - i Road istrirt Xo. 83 "lum berT etc. s. . . . . . i ; 4 73. 6 Mjnden, An tone, bridge 'Work :. Thomas. T. II., do U Road District No. 88 Qjoley i ft Sons, grading Silem Hdw. Co., spikes. V Anderson, Ferdan, grad- 'lng".i'.' t ''; ..... k . . ' Steel; -II. J., do . . . . . . , Crtolex II. W., patrolman Road District No. 80 Ljbidqulst, O., piling wood ut or road . . . . : . . . LTndqmst. 6.. do ...... ; "Vtest;Sid8' rGravel Co., i gravel f. ........ .... TwHo, Iver, grading fds Taylor. M. P.i patrolman Aileh, E. Jv gasoline and 'oil Charles R. Archerd Implc tment Co.;. gasoline ... Associated Oil Co.-do.. . Barton R. D., repairs to truck ....... ..... Lirns, yr, E.. tfnek re- . pairs ..".." Clare, Chase, truck driver Eragor, D. cash adr registering motor ve- ; blrle State Highway - Commission, track repr parts "... I ... Rlchter, Mat, truck driv er ...... Stahl, John, track driver Standard Oil Co., gas,; oil and zerolene ........ Vick Brothers, clutch. . . . Walker & Kronberg, gas and oil ....... ...... Welssenfels Bros., truck repair parts .... "Wentworth & Irwin, Inc., , gas and truck repairs. . Branch. A. C, truck driv er, etc., .... ....... Burns, J, A., truck driver Caspell; Frank, do Clare, Chase, do ....... riawnon. Ralnh. do. . . . . Gilmer, John W" repairs cats., etc. ... . . HaVkins, Ben 11., do.... Hill. M. O..- truck driver Mcllwaln. Lester, pulling grade Archerd Implement Co Chas. H., caterpillar ac count, tractor oil - . . Bartruff, Robt., grading" etc. .... . . . Ebner, J. W., leather . .. The Hold Mfg. Co., cat. repairs, etc. Russell Grader .Mfg. C6., repairs for cat. ....... Scharf, Fred, grading. .". . Sowa, 'Paul, cat. repairs. Aumsville I'avini? Plant Condft, Lewis t Ransom, rent for pav. plant. .. . Famer Hdw. Co. Ray L., wrenches, etc. Hoven, Oscar, labor at pay plant Oregon Grain Co., Nails, eaw handle, ete Speer & Co. A.' P., powder i etc V Allen, Melford, moving paving plant to Stayton Boyer, Frod, do Faulkner, G. P., do. ... . Haven, Chester, do ..... Holf ord. C. W., foreman in moving pav. plant to Stayton Perrin, G. L., bridge wk. etc " Snyder, I H., helping to. move paving plant to Stayton Zuber, ' Ai-' P. do . Mt. Anisel Paviait Plant ' Crnshlnic Rock: Benedictine Press, adv. fOT sealed "bids Bowman, W. H nanung i rock . . . Case" Threshing Machine Co.; screen and bushing Parmer Hdw. Co. Ray i. bolts Grlesenauer, Kdwara, nam gravel, etc. -..,....., Kloft. Franls.s naui sand ....... ....... Reasoner, D. B., hauling TOCK ,,.............. Sllvertoii Lbr. Co.. lum- Welssenfels Bros., welding nd regulating bolts . . . Zurlinden, Robert K., checking at plant... Salem rnvinir Plait Dudley, L. E., .work 'cm ibsnh<' tank- . 1 . . 33.15 I Hoven, G.' A., repairs to , y-ig piaui .... .... ' Hoven, Otto, dd ' Ireland, O. N., d(l . r. ' Kron, Ervln, do Whorter, H. R., do.. Wagers, J. I., do Scollard Paving Plant Oregon Electric Railway , t. Co- rent of ground for,, ; paving plant ........ 10.00 Staytos Cmshcr Acconnt Case Threshing .. Machine Co. The J. I., repairs for crusher .... Clyde Equipment Co, drag scraper for er usher . . . Feenaught Machinery Co, .shaft and chains ...... Flcklin, Mrs. Hattle, tel. services Lambert, L. S., cash fadv. for frt. on crusher parts Lampman, C. , E., drliimg welding, etc. .... . Link-Belt Northwest CO., attachments, etc. .... . SpanloV Jacob, suctions, ,4stons. pulleys, etc.. . . The Stayton Mall, bids for hauling rock .. United SUtea Steel rroa- ucts Co., plow steel rope Knight, O. D.. firing aon- key ...... .i....... 12.00 Little. W. C, UDor ai crushing plant Stayton, Clifford, do:.... Wilkinson. D. W-elplng string cable on. elevator buckets Market Road No. 2 Hint, A. B., powder, caps and fuse . . . . .' 40.00 Harris. Clarence, cutting brush . . . . ..... Harris. Ernest, do Ramey. F. A., grubblpg.. Simpson, J. C, blowing stumps Harris, John, patrolman . Market Road No. 3 Barber, Wane, clearing road .... DoerneT, Lee. do Russell, C. W.f do ...... Russell, Kermet, do i .' Thomas, Ralph.-do V... . Market Road No. 8 Harper, Robert, grading. Urbach, George, tllfng off water, etc. . . ... . , . . . Cutsforth, John. H forer man ... j. . Market Road No. 13 Henry, Ben. fencing . Harkrt Road No. 18 Daws. WJllIs, moving toad roller' ........ Van Cleave, L. M.. looking after wood and gravel. r King. Elmer D" - gTa tel crushed rork ........ McCulllck. John. r uling gravel ...... . . v . MeKee, Chas. . A., check- V-lng gravel:, a-.,?. " .v. : Market -RoaA 'No. i l8,f Ames. 8.. shovels ...... 5.00 12.00 27.40 1.00 21.00 21.00 18.00 10.50 andhovel 1..."' Appel, John, shoveling graVel .V...... Behrends, Bonnie, hauling gravel Bents, J. J shoveling gra vel ....... Bielemeier George, shovel ing gravel Bielemeier, Peter, hauling gravel ...'; 15 Bogner, Henry, shoveling gravel Bowen, Donald, hauling gravel Deggeller, Wm hauling gravel Tiger, Frank, shoveling gravel ....... Gedag, Melchlor. do Griesenauer, John, lore man v Hatteberg, John L.. gravel Holman, 'John, do ...... Larson, Ola, ' shovel ng , dirtrv...... , Lindquist, Oscar, hauling gravel Meyers, Tom shoveling . gravel .- Oster, Andrew, shoveling '. gravel ...... Overland, Edvine, haaling gravel Plett, Louis, do Rents, Anton, shoveling gravel PlrTitAr. Mat. do Rollins, Mark, do 24 00 Schwab, Herman, hauling gravel Zollner, Joe, running rol ler Zurlinden, Robt K, shovel ing gravel Market Road No. 19 Farmer Hdw. Co. Ray L., spikes ..... Market Road No. 21 Tost, George, hauling wat- . 2.50 22.10 .1.03 7.60s 15.00 16.00 .75 .75 58.50 3.75 6.50 6.86 ' 4 289.43 339.48 7.5: 52.29 .24.00 16.45 51.00 35.00 15.00 24.00 00 54.00 42.50 45.00 12.00 9.00 95.45 32.50 7.50 12.00 20.00 24.00 48.00 .43.75 32.50 24.00 3.00 00 25.00 27.75 50 61.44 85.13 11.50 13.00 5.00 114.22 43.65 11.20 47.63 .00 er for roller... . i . '. . 1 20.00 Market Road No. 23 Binegaf, Walter, shovel ing dirt 6.00 Brant, Leroy, holding plow . . 18.00 Daepo, Tom, fresno work 25.00 Gilmer, Paul, shoveling dirt. etc. ' 18.00 Henshaw, Clarence, shov eling dirt, etc 18.00 Market Road No. 24 Darling, C. B., grading. . Darling, W. D..'do McClay, R. B., hauling wa ter Savage, W. E.. do Cook. J. L., foreman .... Keuffel & Esser Co.. im- B-rial trace cloth Mayfield. M. D.. wood . . Silver. Datid. ehovelinjr dirt. ete. . ThlelPen, Roland & BuVg- nardt, insurance on mar ket road bonda . . West Side Gravel Co.. gravel Bally, George, shovellne dirt ' Blanchard, Roy, work on grade Caspell. P. E., grade wk. . Chapman, (James, engineer on roller Curry, J. H.. runnine irra- de. ttc 5?fr c M grade work. Gilmer, R. W., work on grade, etc .... Grossman. Prank, shovel ing dirt ...... Harper, J. H., shoveling dirt ... Herren, J. Merchand, water for road roller 288.00 834.21 18.86 4.95 5.87 60.75 99.40 27.34 4.80 2?6.76 28.00 105.00 71.75 6.00 13.3$ 5.00 1.60 43.50- 10.50 51.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 3.00 6.00 41.00 7.50 11.00 52.60 50.00 12.00 3.00 2.50 45.00 15.00 11.00 22.66 161.25 27.00 173.90 99.70 1.08 50.56 3.30 2.00 144.00 16.40 T.50 ,t -.1 , S.45 103.75 58.50 46.75 33.00 53.50 30.00 H., chainman. Roy, hauling 9.65 1945.66 63.75 35.25 38.75 127.75 49.50 J54.25. 48.25 66.75 49.50 48.00 47.50 59.20 40.50 76.00 36.00 38.75 32.25 42.00 66.75 48.50 96.25 82.40 125.00 85.00 8.25 30.00, 1.80 70.85 6.00 4.00 88.00 2.50 it -. i . 85.25 49.50 Mcllwaln, LeBter, shovel ing dirt Morgan-,' D.. do ........ Naltzger, Chas., shoveling dirt, ttc, ...w .. Reld, Ivan A., do ....... Roth;- G Jhaultng water. Shaw, A. C, grading, etc. Shaw, A. C, shoveling dirt etc: Shelly, E. R., ditching. shoveling dirt, etc. . . . Silvers. Dare, ditching. hauling dirt, ete Stroud, E. B., engineer on steam roller .... ... Tade, Henry, -hoveling dirt, etc. Mcllwaln, Wm., , foreman Joint Polk County Porter, A. R., operating ferry Joint Yamhill County Yamhill Electric Co., bridge lights .... . Rod Roller Account Buffalo Roller Sales Co., repairs to roller 64.10 Dechateau, will, work on roller , . ...... Ebner, J. W., 611 . Ector, Geo., cnttinff wood Hatteberg, John, wood.. Lindquist, Oscar, do- McCTellen, O. G., -do Walker A'Kronberg, weld ing Weisstnfels Bros., repairs Yates. S. J., wood Zak, Edward, do MiftcellanponB ArconnU Ashby, Claude C, foreman tool house 12424 Bower, O. D.. cash adv. acct. motorcycle officer license Bower, O. D.. bag for car- . Tying registration books Boyer. U.r O., county elk.. cash adv for envelopes Coast . Culvert & Flume Co.. plpt culvert, etc . 225.29 Crabtree, E. D.V part pay ment on wood contract 200.00 Culver, W. J.; roadmaster salary and exp. . . . . Culver; W. J., cosh adv. for erpresftage Domagalla, F. A., bridge foreman, etc. . . . .... .... Drager. D. G., cash adv. for frt. on gravel .... Farmer Hdw. Co. Ray L.. misc. tools for oaving plants, etc. 182.68 Gardner, A. D.. repairs for - crusher, bridgts, etc p Goulet. W. H., county com salary and exp. Herren, J. H., chainman Johnson, F. O., deputy rd . master's salary and ex penses . . ... -Jorgensen, Ira. repairs to tracks, etc Klelnsorge. Dr. R. E.. prof, services rendered ' Uoe Wolf ... ... .. . .Continued Lambert, L. S.,' deputy rd ; master's salary and ex- 1.00 7.00 68.16 306.55 26.55 121.50 795.35 2.85 69.00 9.00 Mertx's Garage, oil, gas etc ...v.-. ..:.. 3ie.ke, Jbhn. F., repair parts for trucks, etc. . . Mnlltr, Fred J., viewing rod Missler. J. H., repairs for' crusher and road roller Moores & Co.. Ross E., printing letter circulars, etc Murphy, A. L., lumber.. Mutschler, H. J., repair parts for crusher and par. plants Oregon Gravel Co., sana, screenings, gravel and pipe 1485.95 The Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. telephone services .... The Pacific Tel & Tel Co., telephone services .... Pearce & Son Lot L.. re pair p-rts for crushers, etc. ...... ......... Pohle & Son, H., Scraper wheels 60 Portland Railway, Light it Power Co., light and lamps 27.09 Purvine & Natlman, pipe. 2.50 Quackenbush. G. G., re pair parts for trucks, cars, eac Rosebraugh Co. W. W., reprs for Stayton crush er, paving plants, etc... 294.21 Salem Sand & Gravel Co- gravel 584.55 Scott, Harry W.. dif. bet. new and 1920 H. D. motorcycle, etc Smith, B. R., aal. niotorcy- clt officer Smith k Watkins, gaso-. 4ine Spauldlng Logging Co. C. K., lumber, etc State Industrial accident commission, contrib. ac cident insur. motorcycle officer Steelhammer, Geo W.. pre scriptions for Joe Wolf Swart, H. S., dep. road master's salary and ex penses aylor. W. A., road viewtr Thompson, Dr. Y. IT. X-ray for Joe won . : . . Wiggins Company, inc., gfease cups, wasner, etc. for tool house Willamette Eauinment Co, .anain frir erader. etc. iso. .w. ..- w- - Doiler, Ambrose, hammg rock, etc Faney. E. onage w etc Faulkner, A. A., Clearing around crusner, eic... Glover, George n.., n- Work, etc ...... Grace, Hugh, ao Lampman, C. J-.. o .v.oi1 will hrldse wk -UOll m rr trading, etc Preston, J. -., nooins drift on bar, onage w. etc StowelL A. C work at crusher, etc . . . . .... Trask, Gus B-, Drmge work, etc Trefler, Ira, carpenter on bridges, etc Road District No. 2 Barrett, Frank, grading . Bevens, C. P., hauling dm tile BoJe, Orley, grading.... Copeland .' Lumber, Co., drain uie Jones, Clyde, grading . Palmer, Earl, grading . .'. Schultz, C. F., sharpening axe, etc Trout, C, grading Ball, E. R.. patrolman.. Road lmtnc- rto. o Sowa, Paul, snarpening grader . . . . , Thais. Mat, ditcbing . . . Stiber. W. ditcning Miller, Ben, grading ... Rlgelon, Jesse, driving tk. Durant, L. W., patrolman Schlels, Frank, running caterpillar Road Roller Account Giebler, Chris, wort on steam roller Stayton Crusher Dayton, Clifford, :ron . . . Motley. A. S-, hauling rocs: Bcraoers from Aumsvviie Miscellaneous Accts. Cont. Hunt, G. T., Co. Com., sai- ary and expenses za.aw GENERAL FUND Miscellaneous accts. Rabens, William, bounty on gophers, etc Downing, W. H., do .... Parmenter, C. L., do . . . Allen, Royce, do. Haslebacher, Ferdinand, do Barnes, Letta M., relief.. Branam, Emma K., ao . . . Caswell, Mary, do Coppock, Lula, do Ekln, Maul, do Eshleman, Llnnie Elsie, do Freed, Emma Lena, do . . Holley, Flora L., do ... Kliewer, Minnie Myrtle do McGrath, Etta, do .... Sawyer. Rose Mary, ao.. Keeper. Mary, do 17.60 Shields. Bernlce May, ao iu.uu Slavens. Blanche, tliza beth, do 17.50 White, H. O., Juror Boyer, U. G., cash advance for bounty on gophers. etc .100.00 Hall, Sam, bounty on skins Armstrong. Mrs. David, re lief 15.00 Calmer, Stella c, Damn Graxefr-Guy R- bounty on skins Bastiansen, John, juror. LimJbeck, Fred, bounty on gophers, etc Coraforth, Belle, Juror , . Litchfield, Geo. P.. bailiff Sweeney, Frank, Juror. . . Bellamy. J. W., do Elgin, Harry, do Harrington, .H. G., do., ughes, Bascom H., do. . . . Kirsch, Henry, do Pugh, Alle E., do Morris. Clara M., do . . 210.75 856.32 14.00 igd-gr. J. Wh pick handls Xrdl&68 . Jlercet Ralph, chainman 30.50 47.25 50.00 40.00 8.75 2.$0 19.50 2.64 99.00 8.t5 4.00 2.25 29.00 3.00 9.00 9.00 17.50 3.00 16.00 7.60 18.00 5.34 Denny, Ernest, do ...... - az.oo Richardson., Ward do .33.0 Sawyer, C. Ws do ..... 4J.20 WalkOski. Barbara, relief 16.00 Crabb, Charles, bounty on gophCrs, etc. ........ Barton, John C, Teller . . SmUth, Dr. w. Carlton, examination. Grifllth, Dr. W. L., exam inations Byrd, Dr. w. H., ao . . . Allen. Grant, bounty on gophers, etc Poor Account Schirman, Walter, relief for Katie Schirman . . . Armstrong, Mrs. Davia, relief 15.00 2.55 lv.OU 5.00 10.00 15.00 6.3- 15.00 Baker, W. A., do 20.00 Barnett, Elizabeth, do ... 10.00 Barrier, Mrs. and Mr., "do 30.00 Bflleu. Madtha, do 10.00 Boys Sc. Girls' aid society do. 25.00 Buffun.' W. B., do 10.00 Carlson. C. Carl, do 10.00 Ciialifauv. Mrs. Do 10.00 Culdwell, Mrs. Mabel, do 10.00 Iririn. W. L-. relief for Lela and Melford Cook 10.00 Dodge, Ulyssa Ellen, relief 10.00 Engelhart, Mrs. Anna, do 10.00 Fetsch. Emily, do 20.00 7.40 6.20 6.20 5.20 1.55 10.00 21.00 10.00 10.00 17.50 10.00 12.0O 9.35 17.50 10.00 30.00 3.20 4.00 54.00 10.00 55.80 4.10 31.80 96.00 49.00 60.80 39.60 51.60 46.00 72.40 48.60 73.20 Allen, M- S., do ....... 72.60 Edwards, Geo., do Smith, H. W., do Evans, John V, do .... Rostein. Edw. do Daue, A., do Coleman. Mary E. J., do Goodknecht, John, do . . Von Behren, Henry C- do Prank Lesley, do ... . . Bliven, Mary E.. do... v Lauterman, Mary E., do. 197.60 1 McKlnney, Minnie C, Oo ; 9.00 Ratclitr, -.Ele k, .. Foster, Mrs. do 12.00 Glidden. J. H., do 15.00 Gobln. Lizette, do 12.00 Groshong, Mrs. J. X., do 16.00 Haggard, Delia, do 40.00 Hardwick, Charles, do . . 10.00 Hart. Grace A., do .... 20.00 Havnes. Mrs. Caroline, do 10.00 Miller. Mrs. Minnie, relief for Geo. Hodgman ... 15.00 Old' People's Home, relief for Mrs. Julia D. Hurtel 25.00 James, Mrs. Effie J., relief 15.60 Klum, Nellie M., do 25.00 Lantz. Katherine, do ... 8.00 Lucier, Mrs. Louise, do . 1-5.00 Lunn, Mrs. O. C, do . . 10.00 Miner, Mrs. Vina H., do. . 10.00 Mack. E. A., do 15.00 N'agle, Fred & Elissee, do 20.00 Newton. O. D., do 10.00 Nott, Cary C, do 15.00 Ownbey, Eunice, do 15.00 Brokke, T. H., relief for ; Olea Pedersen 15.00 Penton, Louise, relief for Harry Penton 10.00 Reinhart, Rosalia, relief. 12.00 Schaffitz, Mrs. Emma, do 15.00 Schmits, Mrs. Mary, do. 15.00 Schwingler, Mary, do . . 25.00 Simmons, Anna May, do 22.50 Smith, A. H., do 10.00 Stark, Olga, do 32.50 Strath, Mrs. Minnie, do.. 25.00 Stripling, Hulda, do 8.00 Trelber, Anton, do 12.00 Walkoskl, Barbara, do.. 15.00 Wanless, Gilmer, do .... 10. DO William, Alice Bertha, do 20.00 Salaries, Sheriffs Office Burkhardt, dep. sheriff.. 124.70 Barber, W. T., do 124.70 Lewis, C. A., do 115.00 Butler, S. J., do ...... 100.00 ohrer, Geo. J., do 100.00 Clerk's Office Arms, A.M, Dep Co. clerk 110.00 Ivig..M. R.; do 100.00 Wallace, Ruth E., do 100.00 Hart man, Gertrude, do . . 90.00 Hunt, Helen, reg. clerk.. 76.41 McKlnney, A. L., do ... 46.25 Boyer, C. E., do 31.50 Biackerby, L., do 78.00 l Rer order's Off lew ' tlefiedlct, Edith E., depu- trv recorder 100.00 Engelbart, Alma, do .... 75.00 Beecroff, Myrtle, do ... 75.00 Macintyre, Gladys, clerk. 50.00 Savage. Laurel J., do... 24.08 Treasurer's Office Richardson, W. Y., deputy 100.00 " Assessor's Office Lee,' A. A., deputy assessor 115.00 Shelton, R., do 110.00 Gage, Rea, clerk 90.00 Tfhglestad, Martin, deputy 85.00 Jefferson. John A., do... 44.00 Snyder, B. J., do 100.00 District Attorney's Office Brown, Thomas, rep. dist. atty 75.00 Page, Lyle J., do 25.00 McCammon, E. C, stenog rapher 50.00 Morgan, Cal, court house janitor 65.00 Hobson, L., Janitor 65.00 Childs, J. W., do 65.00 School Sunt. Office Reld, Cora E., clerk .... 100.00 Baillie, W. H., supr 120.00 Poor acct. Continued Byrd, W. H., Co. physician 65.00 Jackson, Hattie M., special poor officer 75.00 Stock Inspector's account Morehoase, W. E., Co. vet erinarian 33.60 Health Officer's Account Cashatt. C. E.. Co. Health officer 4 . . . 35.00 Pemberton, J. R., do ... 15.00 Healer of Weights & Measures Jones, J. F., sir. wts. & measures 37.64 Co. Court & Ontnm. Goulet, W. H., Co. Com. salary and expenses... 42.40 Hunt, J. T., do 1O6.10 Circuit Court Account Hill, Nancy E. Juror.... 60.80 Shepherd, Carl, bounty on skins and scalp bounty 15.00 Indigent Soldier Account Ross, Harry W., relief for John Humphreys .... 25.00 Ross, Harry W., relief for W. F. Fultz 25.00 Gopher and Mole Bounty Cont Boyer, U. G., Co. clerk, .cash adv. for bounty on gophers, etc 100.00 Circuit Court Acct. Cont. Hewlett, Leroy, Juror ... 52.00 Boyer, U. G., expenses, cash advance for post age registration and el- ection stamps 25.00 The Commercial Book Store, ink, paper fasten ers, etc 23.83 Commercial Printing Co. gum labels 15.00 The Dally Capital Journal publ. notice of registra- , tion 4.20 Eastman, L. C, for infor- - matlon and specifica tions on ballot boxes.. 5.00 Nelson Bros., bailor boxes - and locks 203.50 Oregon Statesman, publ. notice of registration.. 4.20 69.00 Patton Bros, rubber bands 1.65 65.00; Rodgers Paper Co.. paper 8.44 44.80 Sherlfrs Office 63.60 Au franc, A. E., tax clerk 18.75 58.00 Barber. W. T., car hire 76.00 and expenses incurred 47.60 by deputy sheriff ... 24.10 63.80 Bower, O. D., car hire, etc 23.10 72.80 The Commercial Book 48.30 Store, pencils and clasps 2.00 54.60 Long C-C. extra tax ck . 63.75 42.40 McKlnney. A. L, excess 43.20-. tax clerk ' . .... .. .; 60.00 Moores & Co., Ross E.. le gal blanks .......... 13.08 The Pacific Tel. Tel. Co. . telephone services 17.45 Richardson. W.. extra tax clerk ... 63.75 Rodgers Paper Co., bind. dup. receipt books . . . 24.50 Scheeider, Victor, extra tax clerk 90.00 Simeral, Elsie, Ux turn over clerk 93.75 State Industrial Accident commission, contrib, actt. accid. insurance motor officer State Industrial Accident Commission, do Wrightman, F. T., extra tax clerk 68.00 Clerk's office Boyer, U. G., county elk. cash advance 'for stmps Moores. A Co, Ross E. Letters testamentary . rhe Pac. TfeL & Tel. Co. telehone services Rodgers Paper Co., envel opes Recorder's Office Brooks, Mlldre R.. Co. recorder Moores & Co., Ross E war warranty dee"ds, -etc. . . The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. telephone services Treasurer's Of fice The Commercial Book Store, pens The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. telephone services . . . Patton Bros. Cico and re ceipt books Surveyor's Office Keuffel and Esser Co., Lettering, stake tacks, etc Assessor's Office The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephone services . . . Porter, W. J., brush... Salem Hardware Co., mar king brush ..t Rogers, H. M., cky engineer District Attorney's Office The Pac. TeL & Tel. Co. Telephone services ... 14.35 Page, Lyle J., traveling expenses, etc 14.00 Co. Court A Commissioners Boyer, U. G. Co. Clk. stamped envelopes ... Capital Journal, publ. elm. docket Barrett, Blanche F., re porter's services The J. J. Kraps Co., let ter heads Oregon Statesman, publ. claim docket ....... The Pad. Tel. & Tel. Co. telephone services . . . Patton Bros., ink Ashliman, Louis, gasket and plumbing repair ct. house work Bernard!, J. A., pipe repr valves, etc Bliss, F. W., auto top ma terial binding, etc... Buren, Max. O., shades pulleys and cord . Capital City Steam ldry. laundry Charlie Chinaman, wash ing windows The Daily Capital Journal publ. notice of clerk's temporary location . . . Doughton - & Marcus, pul leys, hooTis, etc Vt ... Hansen, A. M., building glazing drawers, etc. . . Hauser Bros., keys and work on door check. Opera House Piharmaey, ammonia Portland Rlwy. Light. & power Co., light, arcs., etc 116.83 Salem Hardware Co, flush lings, drawer pulls, etc. 43.60 Schellberg, H., carpenter - work 130.50 Spauldlng Logging Co., Chas. K, tables, lumber, etc 197.36 Stewart's repair shop, lwn 3.35 mower sharpened, etc Stiff Furniture Co.. H. L. Repair chairs.- etc ... . Welch Electric Co extra lights, switches, signal systems, etc ........ Circuit Court - Acct. Cont. Caples, Ernest, witness. . - 20.00 (To Be Continued) 9.15 94.65 BLOODSHED REPORTED IN TEXAS RACE RIOTS (Continued on page 6) LIONS ROAR AT LUNCH - (Coatlaued front par 1) 4.05 4.05 46.04 . 2.00 - 8.45 2.651 2.50 1.00 6.70 J.30 6.70 3.15 5.11 8.80 .40 .20 8.00 with the exception of a few left on guard, the report, said, have responded to calls for help. A Corslcana hardware store received an order from Kirrin late this af ternoon for all the arms and am munition in stock to be dellrertd at once. Many persons from Corslcana are enroute-to the scene of the trouble. 27.59 79.20 11.30 3.50 79.20 - 16.47 1.50 1.45 10.00 2.10 . 25.04 2.45 7.50 , 1.80 1.25 113.50 2.50 .30 Rent on Killing 3 FORT WORTH. Tex.. Jane 2. A mob of white persons estimated at betWeenT50 arfB 1000 left Klr- vin late last night for Simsboro, four miles south of the latter town, determined to burn the res idences of negroes and shoot the occupants as they came out of their home, a lone distance mess age to the Fort Worth Record from Kirwin stated at 1 o'clock this morning. At 1:05 o'clock the mob had not reached its destina tion but was expected to arrive at Simmsboro momentarily. girl problem. , He urged the mem bers to' consider him a part ot all their plans to' help others! . " "You needn't be afraid of me because I button my collar, be-? hind," he said. 'It necessary, I could change the strle, but we need to care .more for - what a - man Has in nis heart than lor! the style of . his collar. He jmade a. great hit in his' brief address. . ...... Applications Coming , Applications ' for - membershipf are coming in steaauyv uougn the charter membership rolls are still open. They, hope to be able to secure their, national charter within the next lew weeks.' "Most ot the members thus far' voted in are of the younger' business and professional, men ot Salem. . "Wasn't there sorafcthtmg about a' promise to love, honoT and obey in that marriage ceremony ed her husband qutetly. - "My goodness, Henry'.- re sponded Mrs. Voter. VYou are like those tiresom? politicians v.'bc nevr stop talking about the party platform. Bos'on Transcript. ask. ' Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results What's the Use What's the use extdHing on the superiority of a product the public Is fully aware of ? For instance : when you want a particular job of printingdone right and promptly something you will not trust to the ordi nary workman you bring it here. You bring it here for the reason you are assured of superior service; you are as sured your work can be handled as you want it handled; you are assured Oh I what's the use? i v 583 Effler.One. 23 The Statesman Publishing Company OFFICIAL 1922 AUTOMOBILE ROAD MAP OF THE STATE of OREGON SHOWING All Through Trunk Highwayi and Main Tra?eled Roadi With Mileages AND Complete 1920 Census of the State of Oregon Printed on good linen paper and in three colors (blue, yellow and red gravel roads marked in yellow paved roads in red) this map is unquestionably the best auto road map of Oregon ever published and will be given to States man subscribers absolutely. FREE subscription and' one the office counter or Here's how Old subscribers pay up your arrears mnnth in advance and the man will be handed to you at mailed to you post paid absolutely free. ' J- " New subscribers pay one month's subscription in advance and get the map free. Use This Coupon ' MAP COUPON x Statesman Publishing Co. n 1 Salem, Oregon. ' ' Gentlemen: Enclosed please find $ cents to pay for new or renewal subscription to the following address please mail map and. 1920 census of Oregon to me in accordance with the above offer: Name-- . -- . Address, ... - - - N.B--City subscribers may secure, the .map and 1920 census free by calling at the office and paying up the arrears and one month in advance, 4.- 1 I