The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 03, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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. n
'-;.. Issued Dally Except Monday by : - :4.
216 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon " " -
, (Portland Office, 627 Board Of Trade Building. Phone AntomaUc
y.-w tH . ---y--
The Associated Preaa to exclusively entitled to the nee for publl
eatlon of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
ts this paper and also tha local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks
Stephen A. Stone ..........
Ralph Glover. ..... 4 ........ rt ...... , Cashier
'Frank Jaskoskl ........... . ...... ...MM. (.-.Manager Job Dept.
TELEPUONES: s Business Office, IS .:, .. - . .
. r Circniatlon Department, S1
,- : - ' ' Job Department, SSI
? - t Society Editor, 101
Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter
On May 9, the Washington correspondent of the New
York Herald telegraphed that the "Democrats are split over
the tariff bill, and many of them who are members of the
Senate farm bloc find themselves, in a quandary." When
Senator King of Utah attacked the bloc, Senator Ashurst
or Arizona came to its defense and recited in detail some of
the important legislation since its organization.
Asked what he called honest rate3 Senator Ashurst re
plied: "Rates on imports which equal cdstof production
abroad." ' : - :
' ;','That is hews to me that the. Democratic party, or any
.member of it," subscribes to that doctrine," said Senator
Stanley. 'f'.;.-
r ?i j"The farm! bloc, especially the members on this side'
V shouted Senator Ashurst, "re3ents the suggestion that the
Democratic party is still a free-trade party. That principle
tan only apply to Greenland and such countries."
p TTo "Greenland .ani3 such Countries" is good. No great
country in the world is .now a free trade country
tZ f Excepting the United States under the present tariff
;law--. : V, -i' ; -'-;i-vt.;:'. -
Tjj ' And it Is "a disgrace that this country still remains in that
lVcla3s, after the plain mandate of the people at the last na
i ; tional election,, given eighteen long months ago. .
Here is a Democratic member of the United States Sen
si ate who esentsthe suggestion that the Democratic party
- ia still "a free trade party"
t And the Sentiment in the South today for a protective!
" tariff is stronger and more widespread than ever before in
E our history. v The Southern Tariff Association, which rep
resents sixty-three basic 'industries of the South, has en-
dorsed the principles of protection based urjon American vnl.
nation., 'inese; industries furnish a livelihood to two-thirds
of the people of the South. .; ' J t
There are still some Silurians in the Democratic party,
representing. the dead and: buried, past, who cling to the
principles' that all great nations have discarded and some
of these men with minds belonging to the times before the
stone age are trying to -talk the present bill to death
But the progressive members of their own party have
passed them by. .
. The greatest need of the American neonle todav is the
j nactment of the pending tariff bill, with American valu-
'ation clauses; andTwith provision for placing in the hands of
i the President the raising or-lowering of rates at any time
1 found too low for adequate protectidn or too high to be just
t to both producer and cdnsumer or workable in the interests
of the trade and cdmmerce of this country
i . And that has been the greatest need for eighteen long
And that would' take the
permanently, as it should be
arprrlght, 1022, Associated Editors
Take a fishing pole and line;
Grandest way to spend aday
i Every boy Just baa to make a
fishing trip some time. . And' It ts
so much more fun It yon can build
a fire and cook 7 your, own fish
right on .the shore of the stream
where you caught, them. The next
time two of yon go fishing, take
along provisions and fix a regular
fish dinner right out In the open.
1 : For small fish, which, yours will
probobly be, the best thing to do
Is to broil them. Clean . the fish
well, and put ' them on a green
stick passing It through their gills
Put a slice of bacon or salt pork
between each' two fish. ' v v
'Have a hot -bed of coals all
' ready; and hold the fish over this
until the are done, turning them
1 'often.:. -,f?u? :r: .
a ; In the meantime, while you
t 'Were turning the fish you could be
cooking baked .potatoes to serve
with the fish. , Wash ' potatoes of
even "site, put them In the over
tinder the' fire,' cover" with' ashes.
and put coals on top. The "oven
may be a. hole in. the ground with,
a tin cover. New potatoes will
cook In half an hour; old ones In
GOING TO pS-Atl- ry tLAM.-
IS :i ; H (rT)
Answer - to yesterday's? Blackbird; crane, bluejay,"
. ..Manager
..Manarinr Editor
tariff question out of polities'
taken out. It is not and never
The Biggest Little
find a quiet stream ; r .
fish and rest and dream.
about 40 minutes.
Corn cakes are fine with a fish
dinner. - If you serve them you'll
understand how . the old saying
started abouf "went - like hot
cakes." This Is , how you make
them. You will need V pint of
corn-meal, 1-4 pint of flour, 1
rounded teaspoonful of baking
powder, 1 rounded teaspoonful of
sugar, and hi teaspoonful of salt.
These can be measured out before
you go on the trip and taken along
mixed together, If you are Intend
ing to cook Just this one meal on
the hike.
When all the things to go In
your corn cakes are well mixed
together, add cold water. Pour
this In very slowly and stir gently.
Keep on adding the water until
you have a thick batter. Just right
to drop Into the frying pan In
spoonfuls. Have the frying pan
hot and well greased. Then put
the batter, in In spoonfuls. The
cakes will run together as they
cook, but you can cut them apart.
When they are well browned on
one side, turn them over and
was by right a political question. 'It is a businesj question,
affecting every member of every party and all citizens of the
United States. ; ; 1 - : :.;
Picking wm be good in everr
direction from now on in the Sa
lem district berry fields and or
Prlnevllle, with half its busi
ness district swept away by fire,
involving a loss of $300,000 to
$400,000, will imitate the phoe
nix bird and arise from her ashes,
better than before. You may
knock a bunchgrasser down, if
you sneak up behind him. But
you cannot keep him down. ,
Marion county to on the third
year "of Its flTeyear paring pro
gram, with 35 miles paved and
25 to be hard surfaced this year.
Its: easy nowV W se that the
proposed 1 00 miles In the five
years will be more than covered
the more the better: for the
time will come when 11 import
ant market roads in this county
will be hard surfaced. It will be
found the cheaper way, in the
long run, to say nothing of being
infinitely the better way.
The Salem paper mill is to be
equipped with Its fourth paper
making machine, the room for
which was provided In the origi
nal building program. That will
make the great factory complete
in respect to the. turning out of
sulphide and fancy papers. Now
if the managers can fee their way
clear to putting in grinders and
sdding a machine for the making
of wood pulp "paper, or news
print, they will have and deserve
the thanks and patronage of all
the newspapers of this part of the
President Harding and leaders
of the senate and hou3e have
conferred upon means for speed
ing the ship subsidy bill so that
it may become Jaw before the
present session of congress ad
feurn). The bearings In the
bouse are nearly concluded, and
it will be reported to that body
v .soon as the committee has
worked out a few remaining de
tails. Its early passage through
the house seems assured, and it
will probably go to the senate In
ample time for its consideration
by that body following the com
pletion of the tariff bill.
The month of. May broke
all records for passport receipts
in the United .States. Close to
25,000 passports were issued by
the state department, by far the
largest number In any month In
its history. The total passports
issued up to May 31 of the cur
Paper In the World
brown on the other side.
Of coucse you will want camp
ers' coffee to go with your fish
dinner, and of course you brought
along a coffee pot to cook it in. In
one pint of cold water put 3 heap
ing tablespoonfuls of ground cof
fee. As soon as the water bubbles,
and before It really boils, take the
coffee pot off and let it stand for
10 minutes where it is kept hot.
Pour a tablespoonful of cold wa
ter down the spout to settle.
Now while you are making the
corn cakes and your partner was
turning the fish over the fire and
every thing was smelling so good
you thought you Just couldn't
wait another minute before eat
ing, the potatoes were baking
nicely and the coffee was keeping
hot beside the fire.
All at once everything is ready
and everything is hot, and you
can pitch right into the business
of eating. Who wants to carry
home his fish to cook them?
Seven more articles will appear
In the "Camp Cookery series.
They will take up all kinds of out
door cooking, from a meal for. the
big woods camper to the backyard
lunch. '
M - Petch!w
"Sandy may not be a very good
looking dog." said Gale, "but he's
as smart as they make 'em."
"Not good looking," was put
ting it very mildly. Sandy was a
shaggy haired cur, whose coat was
always full of burrs, whose ears
flopped, whose eyes were always
half bidden beneath a tangled
mass of yellow hair. He bad black
over one eye, making him look
like a bandit, and a scar near his
mouth, which made htm even less
: He was a quiet little cur. You
hardly knew he1 was around.
Gale's mother did washings and
Sandy always went with Gale to
collect and deliver the bundles.
Gale, used to say that It ever ha
was sick Sandy could do the work;
because be . knew the route so
welL . '
When Gale was through bis er
rands after school; he would spend
hia time teaching Sandy tricks.
rent year will number 77.000.
Siuce he passport: tee' Is $10,
that means $770,000 of revenue
for Uacle Sam. But It also means
a large invisible balance against
the country. It has been said
that the average amount spent
by American tourists abroad is
not less than $1000. At this
rate this woold mean $77,000,
000 of American money spent in
foreign parts. It would be Inter
esting to know what percentage
pi these tourists are taking pas
sage on American ships, and what
part of the traffic the Briti h
ana otner joreign lines are re
A ray of light has at last ap
peared on the horizon of Euro
pean economic darkness. The
taking out of the hands of(a group
of politicians and placing In the
bands of a group of bankers of
the German reparations muddle
may be considered the first step
toward the sclation of Europe's
distressing economic problem.
-These bankers, headed by J.
Pierpont Morgan, will waste no
time in futile discussions or ora
torical grandstand display for
mass consumption in their re
spective countries. They will,
like the practical, hard-headed
business men that they are, im
mediately proceed to analyze the
problem from the standpoint, not
of political expediency, but from
that of enlightened self-interest.
Bankers are not in business for
their health, nor for the honor
and glory that high position af
fords. They are in business for
profit, and where no business is
done no profit is made. Business
in Europe and with Europe has
come to a pass where unless
something drastic is accomplished,
and that quickly, complete chaos
is threatened. . .
The committee under Mr. Mor
gan's leademhip have (promptly
gotten down to business and a
tentative outline of the course' to
be followed In formulating their
plan has been given to the press.
It Is as folio W8:
(1) The exact extent of Ger
many s resources and the net pro-
ductirity, and how:. this v produc
tivity might be'influenced by In
ternal and external conditions! t
(2) To decide how much rep
arations Germany can really pay,
regardless of the London schedule
or other existing agreements. ,
, (3) The prospect of allied in
terference with German produc
Edited by John H. Millar
Sandy could sit up and beg, play
dead, and carry things, in his
mouth. Gale would throw a stick
into the lake, a block away from
the house, call "Fetch!" and San
dy always went after it. It had
taken much patience to teach him
this trick, because he didn't ex
actly like the water.
One day Galewas busy around
the house, and Sandy went walk
ing oft by himself. He was gone a
long time and when he came back
he was carrying something in his
mouth. Gale called him, and the
dog dropped at his feet a tiny,
half-drowned kitten.
"He was probably down by the
lake," said Gale's mother, "and
saw some one throw it in. He's
used to going after anything
thrown in the water, so he 'fetch
ed.' It's a cunning thing, all
white. We might keep It."
The kitten was soon well and
activer-One day Gale took it along
when he delivered washings. It
was curled up on top of some pa
pers on a bundle in his wagon.
"Good gracious," said the lady at
the first house where he stopped.
where did you get that lovely
Angora kitten? Is it for sale?"
"Why, I don't know, mum,'
said Gale, his eyes wide with sur
"Well, I have a friend who
would like to get an Angora kit
ten. J'U let her know about it,"
said the lady. "She will give you
a good price for it.
"The way I figure." said Gale.
when he was talking it over later
with his mother, "is that this kit
ten got lost some way and some
mean old boy found it and threw
It In the lake. But Sandy, be knew
it was a valuable kitten right off.
and that's! why he .brought It
home. Isn't it, Sandy 1". And San-
dy wagged his tail and looked
very solemn"
tivity" through the maintenance
of 'large military forces in the
Rbineland, or through allied sanc
(4) The extent of markets for
German goods throughout the
world and how they will be af
fected by exchanges and tariffs
on German production coats.
(5) The nature of guarantees
Germany might offer to reassure
payment of a loan and allied
pledges against interference with
German production.
After this analysis has been
completed and the bankers know
just where ther are at. so to
speak, it is altogether likely that
arrangements will be made to ad
vance to Germany sufficient
money to enable her to meet her
reparations payments, re-estab
lish her credit and put her in
dustrial and commercial house in
If this plan works out well with
the German problem there is lit
tle doubt but that the Russian
situation will be taken up and
treated in a like manner. No
student of European affairs can
fail to see that it is the lack of
aDii.ty on the part of Germany
and Russia to properly function
as commercial and industrial units
:a the world's economic machine
that has brought Europe to the
desperate condition of affairs that
now exists.
The beauty of the plan pro
posed is its absolute simplicity.
The step in the solution ef
any problem is understanding of
that problem. When this bank
ers committee completes its sur
vey of conditions in Germany it
will understand Germany's prob
lems and will at once apply such
piacucai remedies as the situ
ation calls for. Business is the
lubricant that smooths the path
of progress. Busy Deonle hav no
time to brood on their troubles
"-i,u""i e armies, travel on
their stomachs. Get busines .
ing. fill the stomachs of the peo
ple, of the now almost mama
uu m many cases starving peo
ples, and you have set the stage
for a rapid rehabilitation of the
entire group of nations suffering
from present conditions.
Socrates used to bring many
friends unexpectedly for dinner
llnto the bouse.
It is said that is about all he
brought in, but that is beside this
The fact ts that a particularly
flagrant abuse ot this habit once
incited his wife, Zanthippe, to a
terrific fit of scolding, which she
concluded by throwing at him a
bucket of icy water.
Whereat, all Socrates did was
simply to remark nonchalantly:
"After the thunder comes the
Socrates knew that poise Is
power; that self-control Is the
better part of valor.
This idea he did bis best to in
culcate in the ancient Greeks who
crystallized It into the proverb:
"They whom the gods would de
stroy, they first make mad."
Racine, undoubtedly, had this
thought in mind when he wrote:
"Ne veuillei pas vons perdre, et
tous etes sauve" meaning "don't
insist on destroying yourself, and
you are safe."
These truths are as potent to
day as they were at the time they
were first enunciated; the fellow
who loses his temper still gets
the worst of the deal.
A racing, uncontrolled auto
mobile Is dangerous and may be
deadly If It is not checked it will
be wrecked. Also humans.
When you get "mad" yon stul
tify your sense of reasoning. You
say and yon do things which in
sane moments you would never
think of saying or doing. All else
being equal, what chance would a
boxer who lost his temper have
against another who had com-
June 6,
Turtdar Kiwni Rotary
Jane 1 t 8 taelnaWi
f Willamette allr.
-Drain age tour
Jon S. Saturday AatonebU
at ataU fair around.
Jan 6, Monday Traek natt, Wlflam
Ua and Pacific CniTeraity at foraat
Jan S, 1, 8 and 9 Orega State
Granga eoarention at Melfinavilla.
Jnaa 14. Wdn4ay Fie Vut.
Juno 14 Wednesday State teachers
examination begina in Salem.
Jnne 15 to 29. National guard en
campment at American lake.
Joaa IS. Triday Hifk aeal graJaa
tkn. Jnne 17. Saturday Oonntr eirhth
trade craduation exerciaea at Salem
high tchool.
June 19, Monday Salem school elec
tion. Jnne 20 Taesday Cbaataqna season
pens at Dallas.
Jane 20. tl, 13 and 23 Portland Boa
- - Jnly 2S. Saturday Marioa ecunty
Sunday school picnic at fair croonda.
Jama St-SO. July 1 Onnatkn tl
Opoa firm Chiefs' asaerlariaai a4 Marsh-
June So to Jnly 6. Caautaaqaa Mai
on in Palera.
July S and 4 Monday and Taoaday.
BU mmtin of Artiaana at Waodbwra,
September S. S aad 4 Lakeriew
Raund-ap, Laieriew, Or.
gp4emnr . It. Wtdnesday Ore ton
Met hod ie aaafeiaa aeta .
DstlW SV n vU IS Paallaa
tamud-uuu . ' ,
BdsfteoAefe SI SO taetaalre Orcfra
Stat J"air.
- Naat - T.
plete control ot himself? The
man who is "mad" is in the po
sition of the "mad" boxer. He
Joft hits around wildly and hurts
no one but himself.
Most ot ns, perhaps rightly, do
not care overly much about the
man who never gets angry.
But the man who does get an
gry and who does not lose his
head who renains master of
himself that man usually com
mands our respect and admira
tion. ,
And this is because we realise
from personal experience exactly
the vast extent of this man's vic
tory and we know he has with
in him possibilities for big things.
The erudite Boston Transcript
has disposed of one question that
no doubt has harassed the intel
lectual and worried the profound;
through the efforts of the Tran
script we know now and forever
more who owns the meteorites
that fall out of the sky from other
wandering worlds.
The question was raised by the
Fuddeq bump ot a huge rock that
fell out of the sky into southern
Virginia, tearing up some 500
square feet ot ground. The Tran
script points out that it is no
possible use to quarrel about its
possession because the supreme
court has already settled the ques
tion of the ownership of meteors.
It appears that in 1890 an
aerolite passed over northern
Iowa and a fragment fell onto a
piece of ground owned by John
Goddard, but leased by someone
else. The tenant sold the meteor
ite for $105 and the owner of the
property claimed the money.
The supreme court found that
from 600 to 700 meteorites fall
on the earth every year; and de
clared that the finders thereof
are not the owners-thereof unless
they happen to own the land up
on which the rocks fall. Even
should a meteorite fall upon a
highwaj, It does not belong to
the finder, the highway being a
mere easement for travel.
If you yearn to own a piece
dropped off some other world,
your chances will be Improved if
you own a piece of the world on
which you live.
Tnis is health day.
A county health association is
to be organized at a meeting to
be held at the First M. E. church
at 1:30 this afternoon.
A proposed amendment to the
city charter of Salem should be
on the ballot at the November
election, doing away with the ne
cessity of a two-thirds vote to au
thorize important Improvements.
Ttat makes the rule of a minority
in city affairs and is inimical to
the American principle of the rule
of the majority. A majority vote
would carry an amendment to the
city charter.
A Marion county farmer ha-
made arrangements with a Jap-'to
help him with Ms farm work. In
the raising of hops and fruits, lie
says this Jap follows a team of
horseg 10 hours a day, and bes'des
this performs a half a day's work
while the horses rest. That is,
besides his work with the team, he
regularly does the amount of
work that is ordinarily done in
the field by the average American
farm hand In a half a day; which,
this farmer thinks, is "going
The "hot stuff" is to go onto
the Marion county market roads
from our paving plants from now
on till the rains of next fall.
Sir Conan Doyle, while In Chi
cago last, Sunday received Trom a
Toledo medium two letters which
he said were from his son Kings
ley, who was killed in the war
Analyzing them. Sir Conan Doyle
observed, "it was utterly impos
sible for this meduim to know
that Kingsley had an Uncle WJH
or that he was dead." Sir Conan
does scant justice to the resource
fulness of American mediums or.
for that matter, to general knowl
I edge of the families of persons as
prominent as he.
To Stop Coughing at Klght
A summer bronchial cough
keeps not only the sufferer but
other members of the family
awake. Alfred Barker, 1061 Avon
dale St., EL Liverpool, O., writes:
"I consider it my duty to write
and tell the results of Foley's
Honey atd Tar, which I used fo
my boy who tad , been suffering
fiom a bronchial cough for 7 or
8 weeks. Foley's Honey and Tar
has done him wonderful good
and I shall always recommend it."
It soothes and beals.Sold every
where.- Adv.
"I suppose you're dissappolntej
It Isn't a boy?"
"No, siree! Wh n I thir.k that
women now rote, smoke, go any
where, wear whatever clothes
they like. If any, and that men
can't even have a glass of beer
any more, I'm satisfied." Caro
lina Tar Baby : -.;;,.
All Hands Have Joined To
gether in the Little North
Fork Section
(H. II. Lots, the mining engin
eer, has sent the following letter
to The Statesman, showing the
great activity In road building in
the Santlam mining district, and
bespeaking a continuance of the
loyal cooperative spirit that has
bo far accomDllsbed so much in
this line:)
"That the people of Marion
county may realise and under
stand what has been done in the
way ot public development, name
ly, road building and bridge con
struction, in the eastern part of
the county on the L'ttle North
Fork of the Santlam river. Lester
mining district. In the past year
I desire to submit the following
figures and statement:
First. Let me say there Is
Silver King-Mining company, the
Crown Mining and Milling com
pany, our own company, .or the
Lots-Larson 'Mining company; the
Gold Creek Mining and Milling
company, the Hart Brothers De
velopment company Bushey Bro
tbers, Lewis & Clark, Dawes Bro
thers and Potter's Group claims
situated in this district, and all
are more or less interested in road
construction and load work.
"Beginning the first of last
February there has been expend
ed approximately $10,600 on road
work, bridge construction and im
provements. Of this amount we,
the L. L. Mining Co . have borne
nearly 70 per cent, the Gold Creek
Mining & Milling Co., and the
Lewis & Clark company have
done their entire assessment work
for the past year in aiding us in
the construction of th's road
work. The fpre. t Fcrvice furnish
ed the powder for all rock work
The county through its roa'dma
ter reconstructed and recovered
the two Horn Creek bridges, and
have done a first class Job. Wil:
say that the last, bridge we built
was 115 feet in length and 7 feet
Established 1868
Genera Banking Business
Ottice Honrs from 10 a. m. to,.
Capital Junk Company
is in market for all kind of Junk.' Will
pay market price. Quick service. .
215 Center Street
Stylish Hosiery
Without Extravagance
The woman who has thought it necessary
to pay high prices for smart hosiery will
be agreeably surprised when she comes here
and prices Holeproof. But reasonable prices
are not the only saving this famou3 hosiery
offers. Its extraordinary durability makes
your money go much farther. :: ,
Our stock of Holeproof is complete in all re
spects: materials; colors, sizes and styles.
We invite your inspection.
above the water, entailing ahlgh
acd bard cut on one side ot tie
river. ,
ri desire to make thu '.
ment. knowing there are a great
many stockholders who might be
interested. In the different com
panies, and this will give them an
idea of what has been don. In the
district. As the great handicap ot
the district has been transporta
tion, and with modern roads and
bridges commercial ore cna be
successfully shipped to the sn!
ter, I would think that during the
ensuing year, by band ng toge'hfr
again, they can construct an ad
ditional mile ot road which will
greatly enhance the value of all
the mining properties In this dis
trict. "I tailed to mention that Mr.
Andy Dawes gave a good den) ot
his services in .helping construct
part ot the road; also Howatson
and Koberstein 'and Mr. Potter
aided what they could with the
work. .
"Thanking yon for the space, I
beg to submit this letter to tM
people of Marion county."
Read the Classified Ads.
Starting Tomorrow
One of the Biggest
Pictures He Ever ;
Phone 39