Atmon Balch Elected ofUcers at the llverton high Student Body Leader j SIL.VERTON, Ore.. June 2. (Special1 to The Statesman) school, the following were chosen: rresident, Almon ... Balch; ; tice president,' Harold Mero; treasurer Farweir Booth; .. secretary. Slgna Larson; sergeant at arms, Gerald Mero. .- ..,.. .- ... - I Jit the. recent election of student- Busicn ma i iSBO !- Adele GarrttM's New Fbaie of REVELATIONS OB A WIFE S CHAPTER 39 'WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THE i LITTLE TBUNK WAS OPEN ; ED. I v ' j For a long moment I stQod mo tlonless watching my father's "tense figure clasping the little trunk In his arms, his face bent toward it. Then I went up to him again and pot raj own hands orer his as they held It "Shall we -open 4 now?" I ask ed quietly. . WHY , r MORE? for inferior Quality These Prices are for Choice . Fresh Meats Pure. Lard -No. 5 Pail with meat purchases only - Good ' Boiling Beet 8 elb. Prime Roasts Freshly Ground : i Sausage 12 1-25 16 Best Creamery Butter 40' db. Umeco 2Selb- DM Originators of 351 State NOT IN THE Right Prices ii I ......... - ft . - : He started and trembled, al most as would a cl-lld who had been struck. Then, as if bringing himself back by a mighty effort from some distant place where his soul had wanderei, he put the lit-, tie trunk down upon the table and turned. to me with a resumption of the poise which had completely deserted him at h(a first sight of the memory-haunted thing. ' ., ' "I must crarev youf . pardon, dear." he , said with the dignity wQicb always invests him. "I com pletely lost control of myself lor a moment or two. I had the Reel ing almost as 1 -aa' If-r- Hiis Toice trailed off into si lence. Over his face again crept the rapt look I had seen when he first t6ok the trunk Into his arms. X spoke cgain, as much to still my own nems, qulyering with the perception of the elusly uncanny emotion which was sway- PAY Juicy Tender Round Steak Sirloin Steak 15c,i Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 20cl6- Freshly Ground Hamburger 121-2:" Sliced Chinook Salmon Fancy Northern Halibut r 2 lbs. 35c 1RKEI Low Prices Street COMBINE - Items of Special Mention . Home Grown Strawberries, New Potatoes, Woodburn As- paragus, Fresh Green Peas. - -" r- rWe Have aFUU Lone of Picnic Good ing him, as to recall him to con sciousness. The Top Layer. ! "I know, father." I said softly. He brought his eyes back to my face, let them rest there. "Do you feel It too?" His voice was a whisper. I brought myself back to san ity with a jerk. I didn't know to what lengths Ithis obsession of my father's might carry him, and felt the necessity of injecting a touch of the commonplace into the sit uation. "No," I prevaricated, with al most a curt air. "Where is the key for this?" I asked the ques tion of myself, then answered it as quickly. "Oh, yes, I remem ber now." I went to my desk, and from a drawer took a small keyring. holding only the keys of the things-which I didn't need to open very often. From It I selected an 1 old brass key and put It into my father's outstretched hand. His fingers trembled perceptibly as he took It, and it was with a rever ent air that he Inserted It In the lock, turned It and threw the top of the little trunk back. I knew, pf . course, what would meet our eyes packages and packages "or letters, closely tied together so as to occupy the least possible space. There were other things In the bottom of the trunk, mementoes of my mother more precious than letters, the inlaid lock' box "which had - been my grandmother's, and which, with its contents, I meant to show my father when we should come to it, bat the packages of letters com posed the entire top layer. . They were the letters my father and mother had written each oth er In the days before their mar rfage and in the early years of their marital life. Why my mo ther had kept them after the tra gedy had ended happiness for her I never could fathom. I fear that I should have burned every scrap of writing, everything which brought Dack memory of the thing that had happened. As She Left Them, But kept them she had,, and the turning of Fate's' wheel had .brought them back to: her hus band who had caused that trage dy, when the wife who had been its innocent- victim had long been dust. . I had never read them. I had never even untied the knots which my little mother's frail hands had fashioned in the strings whieh held them together. In the old days before my father came back into my life I had hated him so savagely that I could not bear to look at them. And since I had learned to forgive him and to love him I had felt someway that they were hot for my eyes until after my father had had an opportun ity to read them over and select the ones he wished to give me, 5 r 3 That bright yellow carton so clean m and sanitary look " ing -contains one of the famou OLYMPIC cereals. try Wheat Hearts, a porriit. I ft M M V 11 1111 ai 4" 1 FLOUR CEREALS FEED J I My father put out his hands mnd picked one of the bundles rever entially. "These cannot be " he -began then sharply, "May I "untie them?" "Everything in here is yours, father, dear, to do with as you like," I returned. He took off the strings, separat ed the letters, and stared at the chirography of the addresses. Then he spoke wonderingly: "And she kept them through it all!" (To be continued) His friend Recommended Them "Six years ago," writes W. H. Shadwell, Stanley, Va., "I had kidney trouble, and at times was unable to raise myself in bed. Fo ley Kidney Pills were recommend ed to me by the Chief of the Fire Dpnartmpnt. After usine 2 bot- tleg j was compieteIy relieved and have never had a return of the symptoms." Why suffer When you can get' relief from rheumatic pains, backache, swollen, sore and stiff joints, sleep disturbing blad der weakness and other symptoms of disordered kidneys. Sold every where. Adv. FISHING BULLETIN PORTLAND, Or., June 2. Fishing reports as rendered by agents and others covering streams along Southern Pacific lines in western Oregon, are the best received this season. There Is some mighty good fish ing in the Tillamook country and the section tributary to Eugene, both east and west, also near Roseburg in the Worth Umpqua, and near Grants Pass in the Rogue. The following is summary of reports: Gales cheek, ty agent, Forest Grove. Water low and clear. Week-end prospects good. Sever al fair catches. Stage and auto torvice from Forest Grove, two to 10 miles. Hotel accommodations at Forest Grove. Yamhill river by agent, Sheri dan. Water In fairly good condi tions. Several nice strings brought , in last few days, fisher men using eggs and flies. Stream J within walking distance. Accom modations at Sheridan. LaCreole creek by agent,. Dal-d las. Water clear, normal, in goodl condition. Week-end outloolc fair. Several fair catches with flies and salmon eggs. Stream within walking distance. Accommoda tions at Dallas. North Fork Nebalem river by agent, Wheeler. Water in good condition. Fishing now at 'Ha best. Ed Howard brought in the limit of 10 and 12 inch beauties last Sunday. Royal coachman and, flying caddis used. Stream eight' miles of Wheeler. Auto service and hotel accommodations at Wheeler. .. ; . Miami and Kllchis rivers, by agent. Bay City. Water in good condition. Week-end' outlook the test of the season. Dr. Gilbert of Portland, caught four steelheads itt the Kllchis last week with worms and spinneiy combination, also some trout. Chinook salmon being caught with same kind of bait... KUchis ona mile from Ida vilie, 2 miles from Bay City. Mi ami one mile from Garibaldid. Au to, stage and hotel accommoda tions at Tillamook. Wilson, Tillamook and Trask r'vers by agent, TiMamookJjCon- dition of water and week-end out- yer Creek falislook good. Several vice catches made during last few days. Auto servica and hotel ac commodations at Tillamook. Silver and Abfqua creeks by asent, Silverton. Streams going down. Getting nearer to ideal fishing conditions. Week-end out look excellent. It does not taks ANNOUNCING rVn? CALL OLUINO It - Jk5 ltT WMb-Motnc ttrictfy U Jlxt -injarioa. Made from -j . ' ? wm iwww awwii me. Best Service an expert to get them in these ttreams. Everybody ;s having good lock with flies and bait. . Reached by auto one to 12 miles. Fine camp grouniv at Sh yer Creek falls. 14 miles from SU verton. Auto service and note". ncronisi dations at SHverton. Marys river by tgent ' Toledo. Water clear. Fishtag'falr to good. Worms, salmon eggs and flies be ng used. Some y goad. ; matches made last few .days. -Flabing nearby. Accommodations, at. To ledo and Elk City. ' ' Calapoo?a ttvert-j agcriV Al bany. Water dear. Week-end oaMook very good. Several nice s'.-ing caught with bait. Special conveyance and hot';l accommo dations at Albany. Santlam river by agent, M1H City. Water clear and raising. Week-end outlook, fair, eggs and spinners being used. Stream with in walking distance. Hotel ac commodations at Mill City. McKenzie river by Billy Price, Antler Lodge. Water high and ciear. Week-end outlook favor able. Several nice catches with caddis and upright varieties of fliS. Reached by auto sage 43 miles from Eugene. f5 round trip. Hotel accommodations at Antler Lodge. i Willamette river by agent, Jas per. Condition of water very good. Week-end outlook good. Several nice catches made with red uprights. Stream within walking distance. Accommoda tions at Oakridge. Siuslaw. and Loner Lake creek by agent, Swfsshorae. Condition of Water very best. Week-end outlook Very good. Several good catches reported, several being limit catches. Royal coachman, professor, gray and brown hackle suggested. Streams within walk ing distance. Good fishing 5 to 1 miles upstream. Accommodations at Swisshome and Dead wood. Smith, river by agent, Gardiner. Water clear. , Week-end outlook good". Fine catches reported above .the falls 27 miles; 20 by boat to Sulphur Springs daily except Sun day, fare 75c, theucehlke seven mues, , crawfish, worms ana chub, bait being used. Fairly good fishing near Gardiner, within walking distance. Accommoda tions at Gardiner, also at Dalys ranch at Sulphur Springs. Tenmtle lake by' agent, Lake side, Water clear. Week-end out look good. . Nice catches being made with bait and flies. Fish ing within walking distance. Ho tel, accommodations and boats at Lakeside- North Umpqua river by agent Roseburg. Water still somewhat high and riley. Week-end outlooV good. Several good catches of salmon and trout. Salmon with spinner, trout with spinner and Salmon, eggs for bait. Fishinr b miles- away- at Winchester. Reach ed by train or auto from Rose burg. Hotel accommodations at Roseburg. Rogue river by agent. Grants Pass. Water medium hieh but in good condition. Week-end out look first class. Several nice catches of trout, gray hackle and bait being used for bait. Stream within walking distance. Accom modations at Grants Pass. Rogue river by agent Gold H)li. Fishing conditions are fair. Water warmer. Several good catches made last few days. Stream within walking distance. Accom modations at Gold Hill. iHPRoeni ii Number of Children Who Flock to Clinic Keep Doctors Very Busy With almost a greater number of children at the clinics than it was possible, for the doctors to handle. Mothers' and Babies' day of th,e health week being held here by tile state board of health was even more of a success than was anticipated by those In charge. . Specialists from Portland, as sisted by Dr. J. H. Garnjobst and other Salem physicians, held the clinics in the Commercial club. They were assisted by a number of nurses and city women. Today is the last day of Health week and the program for the day is "replete with interest. This morning the children of the Grant school will present an original play in costume, and in the after noon the children of the Rich mond school will be eena In a Mother Gooso production. Both morning and afternoon there will be general clinics for adults and babies, as well as for children of school age. . A free health show, including motion r pictures and lectures will complete Health week. - Classified Ads. in The J Scsmatt Bring IRcsults BAKE-RITE BREAD FOR THRIFT Bread is the food that biggest returns. Every dollar you spend table highest nutritive value. Invest the same amount milk. And m comparison both m quantity and food Bread assists at every Cost of Laving. Our window-baked Bread is so delicious that not as ingle crumb is wasted. We bake our loaves to a crispy golden-brownness, right while you look on. Every morning a new batch of crusty, sweet-flavored loaves. ; Take hdme an extra loaf today. BAKE-RITE SANITARY BAKERY PHONE 268 457 State Street Ftr iif x "NO SUBSTITUTES USED IN OUR BAKERY" jjjl "GROCERIES OFQUALrtY'' OREGON STRAWBERRIES Local Strawberries are beginning to make their ap pearance and we expect a plentiful supply for Saturday. DELICATESSEN . V t With the coming of hot weather we alt are lootting' for something in the line of cold lunches and our delica tessen department is well filled with good things ready to serve. MEATS Our own make Veal Loaf Sliced Boiled Ham Jelled Lunch Tongue Sliced Corned Beef Minced Hapn Jelled Souse Pressed Ham specialty. CHEESE Tillamook New York Cheddar Wisconsin Cream Brick Oregon Cream Brick Limberger Roquefort Bluhill, Piemento, Bluhill, Chilli FRUITS AND Oregon Strawberries Florida Grape Fruit Fresh Pineapples Valencia Oranges Banana3, ripened just right Gooseberries Yellow Newtown Apples CAKES We take pride in making, cakes equal to those made in your own kitchen. We use the best materials our 3tore affords and they are made in a sanitary kitchen by women who know the cake business. Angel, Sunshine, Mocha, Prune, Cocoanat, Chocolate," Nut, Jelly RolL Almond Macaroons, Cocoanut Maca roons, Cup Cakes, Oatmeal and Sugar Cookies, Parker House Rolls, Doughnuts. Home-made fresh Apple Pies, Mince Pies, Boston Brown Bread. Roth Uroce Phing No Charge ... ; persuaded a dollar to yield for Bake-Rite brings to your in steak, chops, eggs or you'll find yourself short xalue. meal to knock out the High) So it's true Economy Food. Salem, ore.i SALADS Club House Salad Potato Salad Shrimp Salad Mayonaise Red Rock Cottage Cheese PICKLES and OLIVES Real Dilly Dills Small Sweets Large Split Sweets Mixed Sweets Large Green Olives California Ripe Olives Sweet Mustard Pickle India Relish VEGETABLES Settlemeier Asparagus California Head Lettuce Radishes, Green Onions New Carrots, Spinach Cabbage, Rhubarb Peas, New Potatoes Tomatoes, Cucumbers 1885:6-7 for Delireiy Go Phone 198186 FLOUR $20 Pore Cane So?ar $6.25 Darigold Milk, per can 9e 12 Cam $1C 0 ftoMe! teacnii ; : .. .i -f-- 25" Shrimp, itcck 15 Fancy Sdgar' Cured ; Bacoa Back ' 21 t Jell'0. all flaven 9C t ,4 , (--I Crystal White-Sc 6 for . 25" 2 cans f anr5y Maryland Cd3 - 2 can Standard Tomatoei '32 Solid Pack Tomatoes 20c Large pkg. Alber's Oats 25' Shredded Wheat IP Post Toaitits Kellogg's Corn' Flakes 10S Free delivery of orders 1Z orroTcr