The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 03, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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Avtrifc for A mil, IVii
ami tbifWn Is
: Varisa aaa Pe4k Ossatita
' Kaacly r-b4r mil
The Oregon Statesman
Buaaar eoiy
. ' Iily ud Huo4f .641 -
ATrag lor sis swaths disc frel
, , U 1023. ' .
Sukdar ir ..6ia4
Jil- and SobU- 5214
i ;
iSan Francisco Business Man
; is Held Under Heavy Bond
Following Affair on' Oc
I ean Trip. ?
Playwright Asked for Quiet,
- Was Beaten Into Half
conscious State
' BALTIMORE.. June 2. John
Burness Symon, member, of the
wrecking firm of Symon Broth
ers, San Francisco, was held un
der $5000 bond by United States
Commissioner; J. Frank upplee,
Jr., this afternoon for assaulting
George Broadhurst, playwright
and manager of the Broadhurst
.theater, . New. .York, on the high
. seas. Symon was arrested by de
partment of justice agents who
hd been notified by wireless of
the ' attack, - when the steamship
Columbia from San Francisco,
I docked at this port
f After" conference with United
) -States District Attorney Robert
f R. Carman. Mr. Broadhurst
' 'placed the charge against Symon
ma tne rormai arrest was made.
At' the hearing, Mr. Broadhurst
i described an attack upon hhn in
' hla fttatArnnnv ' nr Wia nlvftt tf
v.; May 26, that Commissioner 0up-
; - " a
- Piee aiierwaras cnaracierizea as
; '"practically murderous assault."
i Shortly after 11 o'clock on the
j. night of the attack,: Mr. uroaa
V. hurst testified,' he retired." Be
cause of a disturbance in the ad
t', joining cabin, ; he vWent into the
hallway, t He addressed occupants
, or tne room, saying; ovjm,
; hare had nice ' Jong ; partjvahd
now I suggest that you get to bed
and give aomeooay eise cnauco.
Fighter Stark Kaked
Returning to his cabin Broad-
V burst said, he climbed into a
i . .u. ' 1.4 . trA for fire or
' LCI kU uu J
! ' s - minntAi ' -rhen - suddenly a
, raaX whom he recognized as-Sy-
i , won, stripped or. doming.
; . . -wti. crabbed him and
J ; hurled him to the floor. hla bead
? ; . o on i nit a iruna..
I eaid Symon hit him seteral blows
1 : :r .v. dirked hint In the
; roin, e then lapsed into aemj
j I consclous condition, lie is still
Z ander a doctor's care, ne
I t ,- : '
i f Looters Are Captured When
t Girl s scream is neuu
i By Citizens
s' DECATUR, Neb., June 2.
' Three bandits were captured, two
, ol them being severely wounded
and 10,000 recovered by a posse
tma nnon the men as they
were robbing the ; State Bank, of
Decatur late toaay.
- "Kiiti rnnneallr. cashier, was
alone In the bank shortly before 3
o'clock when a touring car arew
?ttp at the rear of the bank and
' X WO Oi IDB " o""""" ' '
i Girl Is Held
3 ' When commanded to throw up
f ber hands, the xashier screamed
Jand attempted to escape, but was
caught and , held by one or, m
men while the other began scoop
f ing currency and coin into a sack
. : a carried. ' ' T . .
v Miss Conneally's ; scream bad
vAn heard br a storekeeper, ad-
C Joining, and a posse hastily or
. ganlzed, rushed Into .the bank
whiiA the robbers were sua
z . , , , -
4;work. , u , -
Riitpr Keaton. Comedian,
Daddy of Fine Baoy aoy
VOS "ANGELES, June 2 Jos
eph F, (Buster) Keaton, mm
comedian, became a lather here
tonight. "
t hrtv wn born to his wife, for
merly Natalie Tlmadge. sister to
rn..).- and Norma Talmadce.
At fnm finanital where the evt-nt
occurred it was announced mother
and cb'ld were doing .well, f
1 1-.'" -
At 10 o'clock this morning
charivari of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Merrick, of this city, will bu
staged in local police court with Acting Recorder Martin
oulsen as stage manager. Thirteen are named in warrants
for arrest.
Mr., and Mrs. Merrick were
friends and others had awaited
nesday night. On that night
er, Mrs." D. W. Hewitt of 2235 North Fourth street was
serenaded by a troop of noisemakers but the couple were
not to be found.
Thursday night the charivari party revisited the home
and according to complaints
ind the young couple, although assured that they had bft
he house.
Dr. W. D. McMillan and Rev.
Mr. Chambers Are Main
r Speakers Yesterday
Twenty-five Lion cubs sat down
to their second club dinner at the
Marlon hotel Friday noon. The
local members were hosts to two
of the organizers from Portland.
and one Lion guest, Dr. W. D. Mc
Millan of Portland, secretary of
the state dental board now In ses
sion. He was the first I on to
sign up of the Portland roll. What
he said as the principal speaker of
the day Is an excellent indication
of what the Lions are adopting as
their creed to boost and to lift
those who need a helplne hand.
Mexicans Are Helpful
Down in Mexico City," said
Dr. McMillan, "the American col
ony found no place for their chil
dren to play. -They don't know
bow to play real games down in
Mexico; mostly they just exist.
The Americans ' secured the
grounds, Installed public play
grounds, and brought some of tha
best play experts that could be
round in the United States. It was
something absolutely new to the
Mexicans, to see anyone giving
them anything. At first they
couldn't understand or believe it.
for they were used to being stuck
ana exploited and robbed. That
public play ground is doing more
than almost all other things com
blned, to establish cordial rela
tions between the two peonies
That is the spirit of Lionlsm-to
Portland Work Described
Dr. McMillan told of their work
In Seattle, and Portland, in sup
porting municipal playgrounds. In
Portland, especially, the Lions
have gotten behind a splendid lo
cal enterprise, the "Boy Farm"
established by Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter A. Lyon. The Lyons have a
farm near Lebanon, where every
year they take a group of boys for
a summer outing; to work a little.
to nan, to play, to eat and sleep
regularly, to be loVed and brought
to the righest pitch of normal
boyhood and the next year they
take another gToup and build
them up for pure love of human
lty. Mr. Lyon is a volunteer "fix
er" of social affairs in Portland.
Judge Jacob Kanzler. the noted
expert in the court of domestic
relations in Portland, says that he
does not have one-tenth as many
domestic quarrels and family rows
to near, in the districts where
Chester Lyon has worked.
Clergyman Is Speaker
The Portland Lions' club is
backing him for 1 27 00 in Bis
campaign, and he la to be com
missioned to go on reconciling
wild boys and sometimes wilder
parents, in the name of their
helpful order.
Rev. Mr. Chambers of St. Paul's
Episcopal church of Salem was
one of the speakers. He told of
the plana he is bringing into his
church to help solve the boy-and-
(Continued on page 6)
The Statesman carriers will call to make their
monthly collections today.
Your newspaper boy is just starting in business for
himself. This is his first effort to learn business and
his success or failure depends to a considerable extent
'on your good will and cooperation. A pleasant smile
and a cheery word will encourage your boy and help him
make a success of this, his first venture in business life.
He will appreciate it and show his good will in any way
the third act of the attempted
married recently and Iheitf
their return to Salem T-x-
the home of the bride's moth
filed with the police, decided to
Sulphur was thrown down tho
chimney of the dwelling. It is said.
Pepper was tossed into the win
dows, porch flowers and side
walks were damaged and several
of the bolder visitors entered the
house, it was reported. In.side the
bouse beds were trampled on and
dishpans and other household
ware utilized as noisemaking ap
paratus, police were Informed.
flood Nature Fails
The visitation was accompanied
by much noise, Mrs. Hewitt said.
She had tried to maintain her
good nature during even the
rougher stages of the celebration,
she told Chief Moffitt. but the al
leged invasion of her home was
too much, she said, and a warrant
was procured for members of the
Alleged Culprits Named
Warrants for the arrest of the
alleged eelebratants were made
out last night. The major portion
of these warrants were served with
a summons to appear in police
court. Warrants for arrest of the
following, most of whom are mi
nors were sworn out:
John Jones, KeKnneth Prince,
Pete Mitchell, John Fisher, Z.
Fisher, A. Nash, Ross Freeman,
Russell Mann, Frank Blancbard,
Pat Carver, Maynard Mann,
Dwight Nash and Merritt Nash.
Census of Standard Institu
tions Shows 29,235
Students Enrolled
Statistics relative to standard
high schools in Oregon received
by J. A. Churchill, state superin
tendent of schools, show that the
total enrollment in these schooU
in Oregon Is 29.23S and the total
number of graduates this year is
1576. Of the latter number 1543,
or 42 per cent are boys, and the
2133, or 58 per cent are girls. Out
of 160,924 pupils In the first 12
grades . of the public schools 1 8
per cent are in the high schools.
'Were ail of the pupila enter
ing the first grade in the public
schools to continue through the
eight gradeB and enter the high
school," says Mr. Churchill, "the
total enrollment in the high
schools could not exceed 33 1-3
per cent of the whole enrollment,
since there are many death's and
since many boys and girls are
forced out of school to become
bread winners. The 18 per cent
out of the possible 33 1-2 per cent
is unusually high and places Ore
gon in the front ranks of the
states in the proportion of its high
school enrollment compared with
the entire school enrollment."
CLBELM. Wash.. June 2. Sev
en members of a crew working on
a city pipe line on the Cleelm
river five miles west of here, were
drowned today when a rowboat
in which they were attempting to
cross the river was overturned.
Two other occupants of the boat
were rescued. None of the bodies
was recovered. .
Growers f and Boosters of
Vicinity Meet at Picnic
and Barbecue and Decide
to Push Construction.
Growers Will Do Much Car
penter Work to Reduce
Cost of Operation .
Work is to begin Monday on the
big new tlax warehouse at Uick
realf. This was agreed upon at
the association meeting Friday
when all the growers and boosters
of the Rickreall district gathered
for a community picnic and bar
bacuc. The warehouse Is to be 100 by
CO feet, and is to hold between
500 and COO tons of flax fibre. It
Is to be built from the lumber
salvaged from tearing down the
old elevator and warehouse, that
were not in condition to use.
About 112,000 feet of usable lum
ber from this old wreckage was
saved which will be put back Into
the new building, the flume, and
for whatever other plant use it
may be needed.
Building to Be Remodeled
The smaller mill building that
stood on the-. property, is to be
remodeled somewhat, to make It
more usable for the new flax ser
vice. The flax association made a
good enough buy in taking over
the old property for $2050, the
purchase price. Besides this usa
ble lumber, the association has
the one building still there for ac
tive use. It has the water right,
the mill ditch. three acres of
ground, and has already sold $700
worth of the old touring mill ma
chinery, ,wlth a lot of fairly good
machines stiU on hand for sale.
It is considered one of the best
community corporation buys that
any enterprise ever made, and the
directors are feeling well satisfied
with their purchase.
Flax Doing Well
Up to date, the flax Is showing
better than ever before in the his
tory of flax growing in the valley
for the same time of the season.
With a little rain, which also
would benefit all crops, all or
chards, pastures and forests alike.
the flax crop promises to set a new
mark for this country.
The Rickreall local confidence
In the new flax industry is being
shown in a substantial way. Much
of the carpentry work on the new
warehouse is to be done by local
growers, who are buying extra
preferred stock in the association
to the amount of their wages.
Aumsville May Build
No definite plans have been
made for the building in the
Aumsville-Turner district. The
way crops are growing, however.
it will be necessary to build before
the season is over, and build lots
of room.
IIM fl
Prineville Has Another Blaze
After Recent Disaster of
Unknown Origin
PRINEVILLE, Or., June 2.
Definite proof that the condemn
ed school building from which
Prineville's $350,000 fire started
Wednesday night was entered
shortly before Jack Dobey saw
the flames and turned in the first
alarm, was secured today when
Tom Turner, living across the
street from the schoolhouse stated
that he had heard a door of the
building slam just after the alarm
sounded The doors were always
kept fastened. Turner said. Tur
ner saw no one.
A second fire started this mor
ning when the Mutual Creamery
building, a frame building, blaxed
up. The cause is not definitely
known. A theory of a defective
flue was advanced but is more
generally regarded as one of the
series of mystery tires which cul
minated in the destruction of
more than half of Prinevtlle's
business section. The flames were
checked before more than $1000
damage had been done.
ERWIN JOIIANN WIDER, 42, sentenced in February,
1911, to serve eighteen years for -"stealing $680,000 from
the Russo Chinese Bank, has
thorities after a Grand Jury' had returned five indictments
against him. Three of them charge forgery and the other
two charge grand larceny. It is said Wider confessed to de
falcations amounting to more than $40,000 to John F. O'Neil,
Assistant District Attorney.
Forty Members of 363rd Field
Company to be Guests of
Salem Physician
Forty members of the 363d
Field Hospital company of the
91st division of which Dr. W.
Carlton Smith was a member, will
be his guests tomorrow for an in
formal good time at the Smith
farm near Turner. Of the 85
members of the company which
went to France in 1018, 60 re
turned. The group ha3 kept up an
organization and at a meeting
during the winter 55 members at
tended. Salem members of the group be
sides Dr. Smith are Dr. Roy Byrd.
and Dr. Dick Ross. They will as
sist Dr. Smith In enlertaininf to
morrow. A trip through the state
institutions will be made by the
guests after which all will, go to
the Smith farm for dinner and a
general good time.
The guests will come from dif
ferent parts of the Willamette
valley coming in by train and au
McCormick Named as
Daughter's Guardian
CHICAGO, June 2. Legal ap
pointment of Harold F. McCdr
mick as guardian of his 17-year-cld
daughter Mathllde, was filed
in probate court here today. le
gal action by Mrs. Edith Rockefel
ler McCormick to restrain McCor
mick from giving his consent to
the marriage of Mathilde toMax
Oser, Swiss riding master, has
been dropped, according to
Charles S. Cutting. Mrs. McCorm
ick's attorney.
Mr. Cutting admitted that Mrs.
McCormick had the support of
John D. Rockefeller Sr.. her fa
ther, in her opposition to the marriage.
MISSOULA, Mont-, June 2-
All tired out by an overload of
hair tonic used internally, Paal
Ashley. 24-year-old Indian, early
today lay down with a street car
rail for a pillow. . The motor
man failed to see him in time. He
died a tew hoars later,'
. - i
been arrested by New York au
Assembly First of Newly
Organized Institution
This afternoon at 2 o'clock, at
the representatives' hall in the
state house, the superintendents
of all the state institutions are to
meet in an official conference.
This is the first meeting of the
kind, but they will be held every
quarter hereafter, and their de
liberations are to he made offi
cially a part of the state board of
control records.
AU Represented
All the state institutions are
to be represented, including the
Eastern Oregon hospital, at Pen
dleton, the State Soldiers' home
at Roseburg, the school for the
adult blind at Portland, the state
penitentiary, the state hospital,
the tuberculosis hospital, the
boys' training school, the girls'
school, the feeble-minded school,
the school for the blind and the
school for the deaf. 11 in all.
Program Arranged
Regular programs are to be ar
ranged, with some one outstand
ing speaker or speakers from out
side to take up important state
measures, and then regular pa
pers and round-table discussions
on all sorts of institutional prob
The program today will hare
an address from Judge Jacob
Kanzler. of the court of domestic
relations in Portland, an eminent
authority on social problems. He
is to speak . on "Juvenile Del in
quency." W. L. Kuzer, of the
boys' traing school, will discuss
"A Boy's Reading."
Papers to Be Discussed
Dr. R. E. Lee steiner of the
state hospital will have as his
subject "Our First Quarterly
Conference," a pre-view of. the
coordination of the institutions
asthis series may unite them.
There will be free discussion of
all the papers, and the public gen
erally. ay one Interested In any
or all of the problems to be dia
cussed is invited to attend the ses
slon. j - . ,
MEXIA, Tex., June 2.-One
white man was reported killed
and two others seriously
wounded by negroes at the
John King farm, two and one
half miles southeast of Kir
vin, this afternoon. The white
men are reported to be rela
tives of Miis Eula Awsley, fol
lowing whose killing recently
three negroes were burned at
Kervin and the other hanged.
Mr. King, grandfather of
Miss Awsley was reported
among the wounded. The
naimes of the others were not
The number of negroes said
to be involved, has not been
determined although it was
said to be a "good many."
However, officers here de
clined to call it a "race riot."
Colored lioy Killed
FORT WORTH. Tex.. June 2
Reports of a race riot at Kirvin,
Texas, today wer. believed to
have become exaggerated here to
night when a dispatch received
said that a mob of negroes, be
lieved to be in hiding at a house
on the Powell farm, four and one.
half miles south ol Kirvin, could
not be located.
The only casualty, the dispatch
said, was Leroy Gibson. 19-year-
old negro, who was killed when
he attempted to escape from three
deputy sheriffs of Freestone coun
ty after the negro had been ar
rested, in connection with the
brutal murder of Miss Eula King
at Kirvin, about six weeks ago.
The mobs reported leaving Street-
man, Wortham and Corsicana
were not even organized, the dis
patch said.
Hundreds in Army
TEAGUE, Texas. June 2. -A
crowd of men estimated at S00
left Teague at 725 o'clock tonight
for Kirvin where it waa renorted
75 to 100 negroes were preparing
to march against the white resi
dents of that section.
Thousands Under Arms
HOUSTON. Tex.. Jun 2.
sicana and Wortham report that
acvices or the race riot at Kirvin
hive been received and that sev
eral thousand men heavily armed
are rushing to the scene.
Two Reported Dead
DALLAS! Trr Inn. 9
telephone i lines between Dallas
and,. Kirvin except 'one line
through Wortham hav boon out
the local telephone offices report-
eo. communication with Free
stone county is indefinitely delay-
u Because or tne .neavy traffic
ever . the remaining line.
Kirvin was cuiet at ' a.n
o'clock, according to a telephone
message from that place.. Details
of the trouble were not known
mere as the officers had not yet
returned. It was reported, how
ever, that two negroes are dead.
White Man KUIed
WACO.. Tex.. June 2. One
whue man has been killed and
three others mortally wounded in
irouDie between negroes , and
whites, two and one-half miles
fcoutn of Kirvin, according to
telenhonA moun t A
r -e u iW ncil
Tribune from the "Mexia Evening
-"cws. xour negroes were lyn
ed there recent! v mil a tirtw -
appeared following the murder
a 17-year-old whit ri
Mexia officers, said the report.
me uemg rusuea tc the aid of
sheriff of Freestone
A later report from Mexia states
wuai is considered fairir an
juiurmauon nas b-jtn re
ceived from the telephona opera
tor at Kirvin savins it,. tn
groes are in the field against
Ammunition sAn.f.
The operator also said w
persona at Kfrrfn k. a , ,
- uou nuci
icana for shotguns and aramuni
1 inn
Another report considered
tnentic is that
teen killed. The trouble, accord
ing to reports, began as the re-
7" ; "smg given a negro in
the .vicinity Thursday night. De
tails of the flogging hare not been
received. - -
Corsicana Kends Aid
CORSICANA. Tex., Jane 2. -A
gathering of negroes estimated at
between 75 and 100 is lined up
about three miles northwest of
Kirvin, according to reports here.
They were reported heavily armed
Kirvin Is 19 miles southeast of
All of the cit liens of Street
man, eight miles north of Kirvin,
(Continued on page ) -
1101 IS
Famous Russian Actress
Occupied Cottage : With
Newlyweds Following the
Marriage in Mexico. .
Witness Says Lasky Studio
Advised Bride to Leave
For Jew York
prosecution tailed to complete Ita
testimony Id the case of Rodolfo
Valentino charged with bigamy
this afternoon and adjournment
was taken until tomorrow morn.
ing. .. ...
The session today In Justice J.
Walter Hanby'a court, where the
motion picture actor waa up for
preliminary hearing, waa deroted
to efforts to establish the rela
tions between the defendant and
Miss Winifred , , Hudnut, subse
quent to their marriage in Mexi
can, Lower California, on Mar IS.
Cbajunberniaid Testifies.
It was testified that lbs count
returned to Palm Springs, a Cali
fornia resort, about 1 a. m. May
14 and went to a cottars there
which" they had occupied , until
May 16. . Mrs. Romaldo Lugo,
Paul Ivanlchevltchke. ' owner of
me coiiage.. tesiiiiea another wo-,
man staved there nart of the tlm.
Ivanlchevltchke, who V testified
Valentino waa his "best friend"
auuded to the woman as "a friend
ot ours." . , , . ! - .
Mrs. Lugo identified ' V oicturs '
shown her by Deputy District At-
torney. J. P. Costeilo as that of tha
other guest. - This picture was
ikuiuiwu uj jierBona in vne court
room as that ot Mme Alia Natl-
mova. Russian actra Mr r.nm.
tello said forth with, a subpoena
had been Issued, for Mme Naxo
mova but had not been served lata
Ivanlchevltchke said Mrs. Val
entino and : the "woman friend" '
occupied adjoining rooms in the
cottage and another was nsed by
Valentino, The first night the
party atayed 5 there, he testified.
Dnnrlli flAranl mnMnn Utn..
actor, who, was best man at the
marriage at Mexican, alent on the
porch of the cottage,. while Ivan
lchevltchke himself Blent In sn.
other building. Irinlchevitchke
said the party left Palm Ecrinri
on way it,- , -
Actor Called to Stndioa '
"Mr. Valentino." he testified.
received a telegram from the Lea
ky studios to come to the ebons
at Banning, 22 miles away.- at
once. ; When we reached there, he
waa told to return to Los Angeles
immediately. So we drove here.
Mr. Valentino and Mrs. Valentino
were in one automobile. Our
friend and I and Mrs. Valentino'
reamgese aog were in the other.;
. Wife to. New York ;
"The next day I saw Mrs. Val
entino at her home and drove
with her and Mr. Valentino to Po
mona, where Mrs. Valentino took
the train for New York."
"Why did she go to New
York?" Mr, Costeilo asked. .
"I think she was advised by the
Lasky studio." replied , the wit
ness. "Mr. Valentino told me they
advised ner."
Tremendous Hit Made With
Comedy Character Jn- . .
terpretation Clever
The senior class of the high
school scored a tremendous hit
with their presentation last night
of "Eliza Comes to Stay," II. V.
Esmonds' popular three-act com
edy, which was given as the an
nual graduating class play under
the direction ; of v Miss Hazel
Browne. Interpretation, in unity
of effect' and in the atmosphere
of a professional production, this
play, in the opinion of many, out
classed any other offered at the
high school thU year. ; v ' V f
Four stars headed the cast and
were largely responsible for the
success, t Frances Ward as Eliza
' (Continued on page 2).
Saturday (Fair;