inn opj:go:i statesman, salcii. orison FRIDAY MORNING, JUNG 2, 10i i.uLUii.j 11 ijUoUjuJ AitU Ganrlaom's New Hum of V.SVELATIOriS OF A VIFE i CHAPTER 38 WHAT MADGE SAW IN HKK . FATHER'S PACE. f : The bouse , was dark sare for the light in the front hall, when my father and. I came home. Ana there was. no sound to indicate that any one In the house was awake.;;,-'," ;C --'.-y ' I tfaa Yery sure, from long ex perience, where each member of the family was. Mother Graham, tired with her preparations for her 'Ion rney.j had. off course, tak en .Junior in her rooom, and botb were long since sound asleep. Jim and Katie were at the movies", they are cinema fiends bfh'e most virulent type, while Dicky was sure to , be motoring somewhere either In the small car my father had rires mend which he now condescended to use- occasionally or in the big one, the ownership of which he shared with Alfred Durkee. , Vf'.&'j.:-'. ;'': T" My father rtook out the pocket flashlight which is always with him, : . unlocked the door, : ana threw on The lower and upper hall lights from v the switch hor the door.',' f '.; ' -V ;-.' ' V "I will be up directly, dear,- he ,. idies'.'Silk Scarfs'; . . . ' f ' ' ' :.." ' - (. . ; A new shipment just rcceiYecM-Scatfs arc the craze t)f the season.:! Distinctive, yet priced tp oee --the demands iof economy. Made of fibre tHk in various weaves with fris2e- plain 5 colors, T Roman, stripes, pai:!sys,tc - ' f s am lit. 75 Omr pncj always the lowest GALE -:&CO. Ccrnercial and Court-Streets eaid. "after I look around a bt." 4 smiled with : amused tender ness as I mounted the stairs, it i hi lightly eosUm to make the rounds of the house and look to Ihe fastenings o?,erery doar and window before he : goes tdr his room. It is the only touch of f us siness In his character, and one can hardly dub it eTen that. lis experiences in South America and elsewhere an secret agent t his country's diplomatic serrice hayemade him watchful, susPlct ious. 1 cautious where a, person used to ordinary pursuits would be careless.' ' . As I listened to his footsteps receding toward the rear of the bouse there flashed info" my mind a thought which for "a moment made me grip, tightly the balus trade of the stairs. Was it my fancy or was he being more thor ough tonight than usual!, ' JIls progress was certainly. ' slower. Waa perhap the image or tirace Draerobsessing his mind as " had mine? ' ' "Will You Help-1 '.. ' I pulled jnyself together with aj little contemptuous shake. If 1 tldn't put a bridle '.rein upon my inragi nation, I told myself grtm ly, I should be seeing arr.ce Dra per's evil beauty in every shad owy room pr'"on erery crowded street. I hastened to throw open my own room door and turn on the lights, thelr, trigbtness and the Ulumination of familiar furn- iture helped ne to" throw off the thought Of 'the girl whom I so dreaded, and to make my. simple preparations for my father's sit I hung my bat and coat In the closet, cleared . my reading tabiej of books and magazines, and drew two easy chairs before it. ; I had, just thrown open the lld of ht big 'Iteepsake trunk", which had been, my mother's, and whicho- ther Graham. had futllely coret" to hold linens and blankets for ! onr 1 southern trip, when ' my ! tbers low knock sounded on., tnt door. $ I - rose and admitted him. silently, knowing that If I had called permission to him to enter, Mother Graham Would -have beard and Investigated despite her -of reiterated declaration S that be never heard anything, after; she 1 once went to sleep.- : ;- , IV His gaxe went at once to the pen trunk. I , heard hlmrfatcb his breath, sharply, and he wenjt (toward it almost with the look ot a sleep talker upon his face, and stood looking down into its depths.r -1 followed -him across; the room, and put my band upon.' his arm. " ; ' - things, rtatbefT dear ?r I asked. indicating numerous - tied paek4 ages ot my own belongings which fated the top ot. the big recepta cie. I felt, H would be better lor bim to occupy his hands than to stand thus feazing dow'nas1i"tlte 'thing below, himwere an open grave. .. ..y -,,- -. "Of course, child." he answered, coming back to himself with an evident, staff. And for the next few minutes. we worked hurried; ly, but methodically, transferring the bundles that, tilled the ton o the big trunk to a temporary test? ing place ypon the bed. 1 When the last layer, had beefl removed I plucked from its place a big, sheet, of brown, wrapping pa. S2.05 "Week-end. tickets on per. which had separated my owaL Friday ana Saturday, return things from the little old haircloth trunk of. my mother, which I ' al ways kept for, Safety in, th(B bot tom of the bigger one, and which she' had packed'' for me with her mementoes to the da ya of her last illnessf? :" l v ' -' : . V As t did so I shot a f urjlTe, frightened look at my, father,, lor t knew "that 'he must' have, many meinories of, this ancient box. 'Qt tie bigger than a suit case "of, to day, 'which my mother prized so highly, and in which vshe always kept her; most precious things. For. one "tense moment he stood silent. - Then with a swift move; ment he stoopedf snatched the lit. tie trunk ui in his arms as if if had been a ; living thmg ' and turned away from me toward the table. ' ' ; ' " ""' ' But I had caught a glimpso of hisface. it was that of, one. who sees a vision.' s . ' ' r (To be continued) Fl'ltTirRR nEircnoxs la Dally aa Wcek.EBd Round 4 :Ttl ,Frw to ' rtprtbiB ' by The Oregon Eletrlc; Ry.' 1' From May '26 to September 30, fares on the Oregon KlectrCe Rail way from Salem to Portland and return will be in effect as shown below: ' . - " ; 2.45 -Tickets on ' sale daily, return limit October 31, with stop-overs allowed at any point in either direction. . $2.05, Week-end tickets on sale Friday, Saturday and Sun day, return limit Tuesday follow ing. No stop-overs. . A limit 15 days from date ot sale. No stop-overs. . . Round trip tickets at rednced fares to all other points on O. E. Ry., on sale daily, return limit eighth day! Details supplied on application. J. W, RITCHIE. Adv. "Agent, O. E..RI. Fine for Lumbago, - Musterole drives pain away and brings In it (dace delicious, soothing comfort. Just rub it in gently. - It is a clean, white ointment; made with oil of mustard. Get Musterole today at your drug store. 35e and 65c in jars and tubes; hospital size, $3.00. BETTER THAN A MUSTARD PIASTER A Tense Moment. "Will you help me with these; LAGtf WAV 'T - vii ma.....-.- m , m . - .1 a , i s m m . r --m ilG . .L V Starts . ri 5 fl f t ' . j . , ; assSsssjBSBSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSv-T: . One Cent Sale Limited to one of each article . to a custom- 1c BARGAINS '-.7 J. ON SALE WHI LE hTHEY LAST iio rijr- .... . -SSSSssSMMSSsaSSSS Real yalue V Rslnntt Today La$t Day Be Thsre :&t 10 a. m. - - " . . . 254 North Commercial ' Makes Some Low Prices for Friday and Saturday Selling Grocery Prices $ .10 Apple Cider Vinegar, quart. 35c gallon; (bring container.) - Royal Baking Powder, 12 ozs .39 Z't lbs. size . 1.27 - Svlb. size, . 2.50 Festival Fancy Sugar Corn, 2 for- .33 Palm Olive Soap, special Friday and - Saturday..! .a ...iXU .06 Luna White Laundry Soap, special 8 , for ... ..:.....!.., JZ5 Last chance at White'Mountain Hard Wheat Flour, per sack.. J...1 2.18 ;A good grade of pink canned Salmon. 'special.V----.'--.'-.-.- ".08 Heavy Rubber Jar Rings, special, 4 doz..;j;j.;.li lJL: .25 . yVe ask your business along the line of merit and value. Walk p ne block andave.1 e. & C. STORE 254 N. Commercial Street Dry Goods Prices 59c Ladies' Union Suit, an extreme, special for Friday and Saturday.: .39 Mens . Athletic Nainsoot . Unions, f:. special . ;;';.;,:,.. .';.,VI ,,;. .69, Call in and see the new shades we have received in Crepe Silks, priced," yard 1.69 Tubed Silk for underwear, flesh, lav ender; and , pink, priced 1.69 New line of Bungalow Aprons in nov el designs and effects 98c and up to 25 It costs big money for heavy advertising. It costs big money for rents in heart of city. Somebody4 payaj lnaybeou help. f Walk one block out of congested , district and save.v V , C. & C. STORE 254 N. Coramercbl Street, Few People Realize that Such an Immense .iillJilkiM' imTfL Dill mm 1 1 mm I til n V Is TaBe Found Anywhere in Willamette Valley As Is Shown -By ;S. HAMILTON. People oi Marion and; Polk Counties ; May Well Congratulate Themselves V port Tlwir Privilege oi' Making Their Selections From Such a Stock. I U13UM IF IKlU(i PREVAIL m rr r w7rs " " I i I I ! I 1 i j k V : UV ' r 7J f II SI Bf "VBSSBBBBBBBBBi S - & ' ' - . i I ' - Tapestry Rugs Regular $35.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 ft. iLamixlShades t See our assortment, regular $18.00 Silk, Lamp Shades $9.75 Library Tables AlAl styles and prices, reg ular $15.00 quartered oak Table, special v RANGES $11.75 . v.. S MiiameliDressersi Regular $22 White Enam el Dressers , $16.50 Priced from $20 to $82.50, marked special for this salt from- " . v . $60.00 Qpal Range.UlL.-.. $5150' $75.00 Opal Range... 65.00 Blue Enamel Range Jl. 67T50 $125.00 Opal Range...., lOSJOJT- $240.00 Blue Enamel Range 197.50" DINING TABLES $15.00 Hardwood Table .. ....$12.75 $22.00 8 ft. Oak Table.... 18.65 '$25.00 Plank Top Oak Table.... .... 21.25 .$35.00 48 in. Oak Table..:... .27.60 jp0 .00 54 in. Oak Table... 42.50 DAVENPORTS BABY CARRIAGES $18.00 Reed Sulky :.$14.40 . ... $24.00 Reed Sulky 19.20 $31.00 Reed Carage!...... 24.80 $50.00 Reed Carriage. 40:00 $60.00 Reed Carriage 48.0P Porch Chairs At 'special :: prices, Tegular $9.75 Old Hickory Chairs, special . . $6.25 . .Trunks ' ' . All Trunks greily reduced, regular $12.50 metal , cov ered trunk, 3pecial ' $9:75 RUGS 9x12 $85.00 Wilton Rugs.:l......$67.50 9x12 $670 Axministcr Rugs , 9x12 $55.00 Axminister Rugs..i.;: 9x12 $40.00 Tapestry Brussels 9x12 $47.50 Wiltbri.Veivet Rug. 37.50 9x12 $16.00 Wool Fibre Rug......;. 9.85 "FdldingTaibles Regular $5.00 Green Felt Fold .Tables, special ' ' $3.98 Hardwood Rocker - Regular; $7l50 ' hardwood Rockers, special ' ' or or M CI s roc - S71.59 . Golden Star Polish P!rular 25c Regular 5( $200.00 Overstuffed Davenport $1590 $175.00 Overstuffed Davenport 145.00 $165.00 Overstuffed Davenport '135.00 $150.00 Overstuffed Valour Davenport..;.. ... 1 DRESSERS 112.50 I size size 19! 35! 'CongoleumlRugs. At bpeaal Reduction. Rugs isx3i mcij - $1350)0 . Overstuffed Bed Davenport : $ 1 1 8.50 $22.00 Ivory Dresser-J... $28.50 Ivory Dres3er.. $32.00 Ivory Drpapr $33:50 Solid Oak Dresser. .V. $42.50 Walnut Dreiser. ,...;..$16.50 22J0O -. -J 23J50 29.50 Regular $650 cotton com-' fcinatwn .mattress, , on - sale at ' $3.75 mil x Bed Spring ; Yum Vum Snrincr. "extra finexpencil weave, special SZ.75 i Grass Rugs ' ; Regular $7.50 Grass Rugs, size 9x12 feet ; H it I- ! ! i!' ? A i p mm 1 I, $5.75