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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1922)
. - - - r I .VfiCONPJAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1922 It!-: " y - :t PRICE: TTVE CENTS , ' ID BANKS TO GOVERNOR vPoHland Institution to Serve flrpfinn and "Wnshinntfm -Salt Lake, Frisco, Los i Annolao Clot aI I Angeies oiaieu. ECONOMIC SIMILARITY ; LEADS TO NEW MOVE Farmers to Have Loans up to 50 Percent of Insur ance Improvements V- SAN FRANCISCO, May 30. The Pacific states are a ; noralcally and their problems may 1 "iVZtSX , or In the Tiew of . John S.rDrum, , president of the Mercantile Trust . company, commenting on the for mation of four ; joint stock land banks to coyer, the entire Pacific , coast territory. V "Fundamentally, the , Pecific States have the ; same problems and they will work out the solu- ,tions by joint effort more quick- ly and more satisfactorily than by I operating IndlTldually," Mr. Drum said. He continued; 1. ' - Credit Made Available : "This chain, of banks .will, per mit the most liquid use of money possible and - will make ; credit available to the entire district." The font: joint stock land banks organized under the plan are t - Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land bank of San Francisco, serving California. Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land bank -rot Los Angeles, - serving California and Arizona. .Pacific Coast Stock bank of Portland, serving .-- Oregon and . Washington-!. ' ch t v'.-'-ci V -Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land bank or Salt Lake; City serving: Utah and Idaho. . ,, . - Farmers Are Benefited . Under the provisions of the fed eral farm loan act each of these Institutions may lend farmers up to 50 per cent of the appraised! : value of the Insurance Improve ments; Farmers may borrow ,io , pay off existing loans -".part of the purchase pried of the land. tor improvements ' or for Other purposes. Loans are repayable on the amorlzation plan. Annual1 installments cover In terest and part of the principal so as to wipe out the entire loan in not less than five and not mora 1 than 40 years.- ' ' I Innovation for Salem ih Catholic Worship Estab-; lished Memorial Day- j 1 An innovation for Salem In the Way of Catholic -worship was pat- .. . ' .... 1 j..t..(i.a mtm. licipaiea in jremcrw, . . ber. 6f that cpnrregatwnen a field memorial mass w , din St. Joseph', cemetery by 1 (Rev.) Lawrence . I ... . I . miiu.m .n.n ami. "world war. , v Zi ""I YJ-L' iAor of 11H iHri ilcb n vi v 1 vu w.. . t h. States ,UM . pijj icpatad iM.? . " . v. tans pastor 01 oi. - delivered an elequent address on 4V-. Muntnr . et tmorial day ?erea .n ;cvi ine meaning , rtntfc .TI?:w-.:r: ;.;V;d ' i o as a religious hranceof the - pa Hoi which' such day Inspires. hift . II ai8 K I. a lvle dutV the day ?Ur??V wiSh. aali Jo the J rJllM SuriJ inatilllnr ot genuine .patriotism, ' 7 arlc and ne. coca 1 sijrie snow as iuo v"" VJi!Jid stages in th garden party r.,w-r and .iTVto COnstUUliou u vu, the spirit of American cviHzat It is expected that similar sef- curring Memorial day in tne iu- -ture... Father Roche later marched Jn the; parade at the head of;the delegation, of Knights. of uoium- . bus. wearing bis army unirorm. TILE WEATHER r Wednesday fair; coolervatest j ,- Thousands who witnessed WJS'iSteSK ocl "l ucau ui me press advance stories. These were not the only one3 committee oC veterans in charge of parade arrangements were a much worried group of CaiTlpUS Day BHngS VlSitOfS from, Afar Graduation Program Tonight The graduates of Salem Indian EChool are doing the little things of life' uncommonly well, and making a success of the plain business of Hring.' was the fine testimonial Riven by Superintend ent Harwood Hall In his address too tne alumni and the general "Campus Meeting" crowd at the Cbemawa school Tuesday ' afternoon.- : Wealthy Alumni Ciaae .They were there to prove it. One big car that fairly oozed pros perity drove down from Tacoma, with the first girl graduate from the present school at Cbemawa, in 1883, nnd her husband, who was graduated In 1886. They are Mr. and Mrs. Steeves, who came over with the pioneers from the old school at Forest Grove, when it was moved In 1883. Their family would be a credit, to col lege graduates anywhere. Another couple of the early -graduates, Mr. and Mrs.' J. . Meeker, came from Puyallup, to see "the old borne" once more. Other graduates of later years, dozens, scores, came frem all over the west, and tne alumni gathering was a truly de lightful occasion; .. Stunts Are Performed The campus meeting brought nt "ntnnta" from classes. ; from literary societies, from various school and class organizations They sank, they danced they told stories, they gave recitations the wSF from cold, clammy ghost etorles to rollicking roaring laugn9 end one Nes Perce lad, Joe White, AiA snm cartoon drawing 'that bul rank wittt the professional k0tv tivra nr tha Chautauquas. It was one of the most interest ing affairs pi the kind in the his tory bf the school though campus day is always a big affair at Cbe mawa. Operetta Crowd 130O The, attendance last night t the senior operetta and program was above 1300 ; there was not evening standing room for all who came to. hear the splendid pro duction. Ruthyn Turney,- of me school, wrote the full score and libretto of the operetta, "Amen cans In Yucatan.' as well, as tne tn "Vlrst Indian Suite.' BVW. O V V wmcu 3 as l4u " .Z7.iZ , " I UK Indian me anu i6; - ji.hi. . rtirectefl the -'" "the whole , , , tZ1,S Z-uLV . . T wsa . iiMfrgm worth drlV . aw n m o Halvorsen .V4 .T - . lav night. "It was a it was a crime that sort of .talent isn't tbe nriTUege of going on in 1 an eaucauonai -way. up 10 or rnnlr ,. ooll-eiat rrades-lr wIgn ... ftt th t0Ternmentat 1 n mint mirht eipense to get down on its knees to them lf wceMarr ttd beg them to go on and develop that ability, or de- velop them by force even If It bad I to oe aont -which It doesn't for tk nt to i 1adlv-i-and PUt them on a par with the best white schools. " Where they can put up such music, and such acting, and . - . . la scene In 'Yucatan', they are too taluable a national asset to tbe. , ...... tf.r.. MA hMtr for J mater- - prQlS Are Competitive . . Tuesday afternoon was devoteid to competitive drill on the cam pus1, with the four girls' compan les' In competition and the three companies of boys also contesting for the cup awards. ; For the girls the younger class, girls of about 14 years; Company D, won the ATJHlIn (Continued on page S) MSSIMG; f m n Yin n LMUfiKo 'HPUffiD the Memorial dav rjarade ves- ime iiuiiuii as auuuunceu in who were disappointed, the men. "Where is the Governor?" This was the question asked as the parade was held up at Marion square awaiting the appearance f the missing executhre. Final ly a car was dispatched to the Olcott residence. Portland Invitation Accepted Here it was learned that Gov ernor Olcott, after accepting the invitation to participate in the Salem event, bad later agreed to participate in Memorial day ser vices at Portland where the re mains of Sergeant Walter Schae fer was buried at Lone Fir cem etery after special requiem) mass at St. Mary's cathedral and ser vices at the Auditorium. Eulogy of Sergeant Schaeffer, last Ore gon soldier to be returned from France, was by Father Thomas Gallagher. Graveside rites were by Father Thomas Campbell. Governor Olcot, Major Charles Gilbert and Mayor Baker were special mourners. Place Not- Filled Governor Olcott'rf place at the head of the procession was not filled when the cause of his ab sence was learned, the original order of march being preserved. 'Governor Olcott's change of plans was a complete surprise," W. G. Faulkner, past commander ot the G.A.R. ,said yesterday. For the parade committee I had extended the invitation to him to participate and he had accepted. He did not inform me of other plans." Other members of the commit tee also stated that no announce ment ot the change - had been made. Parade is Lengthy The parade was several blocks in length, about 800 persons and 50 cars taking part. Order ot march was as fol lows: Grand Marshal Henry O. Mil ler and staff; the Cherrian band; Company F, 162nd infantry, 50 members, Captain Pail It: Hend ricks commanding.- , Next in order were cars bear ing members of .the G.A.R., Woman's Relief corp. Ladies of the O.A.R. and Daughters of Veterans. Tbe Grand Army of the Repub lic was, represented by 41 veter ans, whose cars were given an honor escort by Sons of Veterans. The drill team ot the Woman's Relief corps followed the G.A.R. section, the uniforms and drill work of members of this organ ization attracting much attention. Veterans of the' Spanish' Ameri can war, with Colonel A. T. Woolpert in command, were in marching formation, followed by cars bearing members of the Ladies' auxiliary to the S.W.V. The American Legion and the Ladies' auxiliary to the Legion with a group of marchers repres enting veterans of Foreign wars, mada up the military sections of the parade. The Veterans of Foreign Wars marching group was followed ty Mayor Halvorsen's car. Mayor Halvorsen was the host of several G. A. R. veterans who had been unable to get into the G. A. it section because of tbe lack of suf ficient cars. " The Artisan's band, with Iran Martin as leader,' was a welcome arid unlooked for addition to the parade as this band volunteered just prior to the parade, Scouts Carry Colors . Boys Scouts under the leader ship of Scout Executive Zinzer carried the colors for the second section of the procession. The Scoots were followed by the fraternal section. Salem Knights of Columbus being, the only organization to march in this group. The line of march was from Center and Front to Commercial street,' south on Commercial to Court street,- east on Court Id high, then to State and Commer cial, sonth on Comntercial : to Ferry and then to the armory. strike Declared ' MANILA, May 30. (By the As soclated , Press) -Martial law has been proclaimed . at Macoa, the Portuguese concession at Hong Kong, owing .to a. general strike of Chinese there, according to ad vices from Hong-Kong....- ARMORY FILLED IN ARE EULOGIZED Eloquent Patriotic Address Is Delivered by Captain James Crawford, Veteran of World War. BRIEF TOAST OFFERED BY JUSTICE BURNETT Crowd of One Thousand Gathers Following Street I Memorial Parade "I propose to this audience ot Americans, a toast: ' 'To the American so'.dier, un conquered, unconquerable; and to the place he has won in history as the champion of liberty, equal ity and fraternity:' " This was the substance of Judge George H. Burnett's two mirfuie address at the great Memoria: day meeting at the armory Tues day afternoon. Debt Owing to Soldier Continuing, he said: "To America is accorded the high honor ot emancipating the world from the theory ot the di vine right of kings, under which one person might claim, the right to rule .another without his con bent. We began our national his tory with the proposition that all men are equal in rights. It was fought out in 1876; it was main tained in 1812; it was confirmed in 1861; it has been perfected in the struggles that have gone be yond our borders in the years tlnce then, until now it covers the whole earth. Civilization owes a debt of gratitude to the American soldier, that can never be repaid Christian Teachings Perpetaatea "We who enjoy these blessings, shall never forget or neglecto honor . those who have - brought them into being. They have per petuated the coordination of the teachings of the Man of Nazareth, the Golden Rule, and the finite principles of liberty, equality and justice. Let us protect our free American schools, the foundations ot our national greatness, for in doing this we protect what they fought for and all that we hold dear. . "To the American soldier be all honor throughout all time!" Auditorium Filled The audience at the armory numbered close to 1000 psople, many of whom had taken their cieats before the street parade was over. Seats had been reserv ed for all the marching bodies. About 40 members of the Grand Army were present, in seats ot honor on the first two rows. The Spanish-American soldiers, the Veterans of , Foreign Wars, American legion, and the various women's patriotic organizations. made an imposing showing in the congregation. Comrade Has Good Record Comrade W. C. Faulkner of the Gralnfi Army, former commander of Sedgwick post of Salem, was chairman. Mr. Faulkner -was for many years a locomotive engineer, and he has the record of never having had a wreck, large or small or of injuring a man even in the days of the man-killing hand couplers. A man of courage, ot caution, of integrity, of humanity, he has a long life record of. ser vice and the audience that saw and heard him as chairman of the patriotic meeting, have had a privilege that is worth remember, lng. Portland Women Assist A trio of women from the Port land tent of the Daughters of Vet erans, Mrs. Inez Dennison, . Mrs. F. J. Waters and Mrs. .LaMoine Clark of Salem, and with Miss Edith Benedict as accompanist, j sang "To Thee, O Country," beau-: tifully and with exquisite feeling. Later, they sang "Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground," which was one of the deathless songs ot the Civil war; and they led the fi nal song, "America. Crawford Speaker of Day . Comrade "Jimmy" Crawford, American Legionaire, captain in the World war, now a man of peace as a Portland lawyer and reporter for the supreme court, was Introduced by Chairman Faulkner as the principal speaker of the day. "The best way to per petuate the principles' for which we fought. Is to turn them over to the men who , have proved themselves able and glad to carry them on." said the chairman. In troducing Mr. Crawford, who spoke as follows: Time Enhances Memory , l Is a splendid thing to dedi- (Continued on par 8) MEMORIAL TO LINCOLN, AFTER TEN YEARS. IN BUILDING, IS DEDICATEDlQN MEMORIAL DAY FIRST ANNUAL HEALTH WEEK OPENS 4-DAY PROGRAM HERE Today marks the beginning of the first annual Health week to beield here under the auspices of the Oregon state board of health. The board will be as sisted by members of the Oregon state board of dental examiners, the Oregon Tuberculosis association, , l he American Society for the Prevention of Cancer and the League for the Conservation of Public Health. The co operation of the local dentists and doctors is an enor mousc factor towards the success of the undertaking. All clinics and examinations will be held in the Com mercial club and will be positively free to the public. Everything will be authentic and official, the public be ing assured of the best medical and dental advice ob tainable. The most competent specialists in the state will be in attendance every day, assisted by efficient nurses. The week's program is: Wednesday, May 31 Pre-school children's day. Den tal clinic, examinations for crooked teeth, malforma tion of the jaws, tonsils and adenoids. Thursday, June 1 Tuberculosis day Clinics, post ers exhibit, lectures. Friday, June 2 Mothers and Babies day. Pediatric clinics ; bathing and food demonstrations, lectures. Saturday, June 3. School children's day. Dental clinics; tonsil and adenoid examinations, health talks. DAD AND SON SIDE BY SIDE UNDER FLAG Melvin R. Cohn Comes From Seattle to March With Father; Both Soldiers ' Jot it few or the thousands who cheered the marching vet erans at the Memorial day parade, Toesday afternoon, took note of the tall, stalwart and sedate if not quite somber man marching in the Spanish war veterans column, and by his side a laughing, strap ping youth who was having the time of his life. The real story has a heart "kick" in it. Twenty-two years ago, the big man was a lithe young lad who believed the Stars and Stripes were worth fighting for, and that humanity outside ot the American borders had rights that ought to be taken to them by force, It necessary. He enlisted In the Uth United States infantry, serving through the first Ameri can, war for other than home free dom. Five years ago, the younger lad, then only a stripling, but bearing the same name as the big frnan, and with the same heroic and un selfish spaik, enlisted in , the American service for the freedom of the world. He served ir. the Eigth Machine Gun battalion, en listing from Seattle, and doing du ty overseas until it was all over and they could come home in honor. , He returned to Seattle to make his home. But this Memorial day, he said: "I'm going down to Salem to march in line with Dad under the old flag. It means as much to me as it ever did to him, and we'll, go it together. And then. when the World war veterans hold their national encampment here in Seattle, in August, he's got to come up and march with me!" So Marion R. Cohn came down from Seattle, to walk beside "Dad" Louis Cohn, of The Ace book and news store here in Sa lem, and they made the oddly as sorted pair in the parade odd until one understood just what it meant. They'll march again up at Seattle, in August. It won't be a bit too hot for fat "Dad" to tramp along wfth tbe gallant lad who bears his own name. It may rain, hail, snow, scorch, or blow; the Cohn stamp of loyalty will be proof against any weather condi tions and they'll be there John- ny-at-the-ratbole either in con vention or In the field. Both are actively identified with Jewish organizations. HEAT RECORDS BROKEN EUGENE, Or.May 30. All heat records for May we're broken here, today when the temperature reached 92 degrees.' There were no reports of. prostrations,, there being a lack of humidity In the aid. . . . ' LEGAL BUTTLE NOW LOOMING Mathilde McCormick Would Name Her Father as Her. Guardian, Favors Oser CHICAGO. May 30. (By The Associated Press) Mathilde Mc Cormick came home from New York today to "take sides with her father in what has threatened to grow Into a court battle over ber proposed marriage to Max Oser, Swiss riding master. Miss McCormick tonight was planning to appeal In probate court tomorrow and tell Judge Horner that she wants her father, Harold F. McCormick, millionaire head of the- International Harves ter company, to be her guardian. Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCor mick, who recently divorced Mr. McCormick on grounds of deser tion, has obtained a court order reopening the proceedings which were thought to have made Mr. McCormick Mathllde's guardian. At the time of the divorce, Mathilde chose to stay with her father. Under the Swiss law, it was explained the consent of both parents or the legal guardian is necessary to the marriage of a minor. Mrs. McCormick was said to be unalterably opposed to the marriage, while Mr. McCormick was said to be in favor of it as a last resort if it proved absolutely essential to his daughter's happi ness. Ages Objected To The objections of both were said to center in the disparity ot ages between Oser, who was said to be at least 45 years of age and Mathilde, who Is just 17. Mathilde was brought up by her mother in a hotel in Zurich, Switzerland, receiving only occa sional visits from her father. Mrs. McCormick was said at that time to have been absorbed in the study of psychology and psycho analysis, and Mathilde was left much to her own devices. She had hardly laid aside her dolls and ac quired a pony when she met Oser. who then owned a riding academy and taught her to ride. A former army officer, highly educated and a master of horse manship, Oser was said to have been idolized by the lonesome girl and he. In turn, gave her the affection of a father. Oser Urged Delay Last year, Mrs. McCormick re turned alone to Chicago, leaving Mathilde in Zurich alone with a maid and governess. Mathilde did not come to tbe United States un til after her mother had obtained a divorce and she then Joined her father, her engagement becoming known shortly afterwards. At the time Mathilde revealed some thing of her romance, saying her fiance had urged her to come to America before their marriage that she might be more ; sure of herself and better know her own people. ' - - (Continued on page 6) WASHINGTON. May Sfrj (By The Associated Press) The hom age of a people was poured out today at the shrine erected by a decade of patient . labor to Abra ham Lincoln. Under the thought ful gaze of bis ' marble likeness, dim in the shadowy background of the gleaming white temple his countrymen have raised- to him, thousands of American - were gathered. . Men great ih the councils ot the nation were there. The president came to accept in. the . nation's .name, the memorial reared at the Aver brim. A former president came gladly to give accounting of his trust' as head ot the commis sion that saw the great work , to its completion. !2 Common People Assemble . Senators, representatives; cabi net officers, admirals and gener als all were there; but it was not these, lavish as were their trib utes to the great dead who made the day historic in American an nals. It was the swelling tide ot humble people who ' stood for hours under a blazing sun to claim this temple of freedom and the man whose memory it en shrines as their own. . . " t Far as the eye could reach, from the high base of the memor ial, Americans were spread; over the lawns and clustering under the trees that .grace the' setting. How many may have been there to hear the words ot the speakers, caught up and flung to far dis tances by the amplifiers that stud ded the coping atop the marble structure, no man' might estimate. But when the last word had been said, when the president . had gripped the hands with 'Robert L4ncoln at the foot of the father's statue, the public broke over the barriers and swept unchecked up the .wide steps to see for itself tha things that have been wrought In the people's name. ' Military Scheme Minimized There was .little of , military splendor about the dedication ser vices. Just a flourish of trumpets to mark the coming and going of President Harding and, the solemn ritual, with which, the men of the Grand Army of the Republic dedi cated the silken emblem of a re united country on the steps of the memorial. The words of the for mal orders at the' service were spoken 1n voices shaken and thin with age, and the. hands that held the banner .aloft trembled under the weight ot years. Along the front benches of a lower terrace facing the . great statue above, were - gathered the veterans. To the right, a handful of old men had donned again the blue that gave them front place In the day's events, and stood to act as guard of honor when the presi dent arrived. Flanking these to the left, a bare score ot gray clad veterans of the armies of Lee or other southern generals stood proudly to salute the flag - that Lincoln's vision and high courage preserved as the flag ot one peo ple. - , , - President Thrilled! The sight of these bent men In gray drew President Harding from the written text of his address He was saying that to Lincoln, greater than, any other reward he could have known, would have been the knowledge that his vis ion had been fulfilled; that the broad - waters of the Potomac flowing within a stone's throw of the memorial, marks no boun dary between two nations, but that from sea to sea Americans are ne people. Mr. Harding's voice thrilled - as he paused to draw attention to the gray clad veterans and recall that twice since Lincoln died, men - ot the southern states, sons ot such men as these old warriors, had come in their trength,to fight for the flag to which thelr fathers returned after th bitter 60's. . "How . it would comfort his great soul. the president said, "to know that the states of, the southland Join sincerely in hon oring him and have twice since his day Joined with U the fervor of his own great heart in defend ing the flag. How it would soften his anguish to , know that the south long since came to realize that a vain assassin robbed it ot Us most sincere and potent friend when it was prostrate and strick en when Lincoln's sympathy and understanding would-have helped to heal the wounds and hide the scars and speed the restoration. Martyr Sorrows Repaid i 4 "How with his love of freedom and "justice this apostle of hum anity would have found his sor roxra. ten-fold repaid to sea the hundred millions to whom he be- (Continued on pare S) Kill FLAHERTY. QUIT Resignation of Supreme Ad vocate Pelletier of K.C. Also Asked in Resolution at Des Moines. .... SIGNED STATEMENT HELD TO BE IMPROPER Apology (0 . Massachusetts v Court by National Lead-' er Insisted Upon DES MOINES, la.. May 30. The resignation of two officers ot the national- organization . of 'the Knights' of Columbus, Supreme Knight J. A. Flaherty ot New Haven. Conn., and Suprame Advo cate Joseph C. Pelletier 01 Boston; Mass., Is demanded' in ' a resolu tion passed by the Iowa Knights of Columbus at the closing ses sion of - their, annual convention nere this afternoon. .. ;f ., The Iowa Knights ot Columbus also demand that Supreme Knight Flaherty' submit a' public apology to tn supreme court ot Massachu setts for having f east aspersions upon its motives . In dismissing from1 office- indf dlsbirrnf Peile tier as district attorney of Suffolk county, Mass., tor malfeasance la office. a, . ' " Delegates Iastracted. ... , Delegates to the supreme con vention to he held In Atlantic city In August were Instructed to carry Wis message to the convention and vote as a unit to hare this action brought. about. ; Tha resolution, as passed, fol lows: "Be It resolved, that; Whereas the' conduct of the supreme ad vocate of the Knights of Colum bus. Joseph C. Pelletier. had been complained of to the courts ol Massachusetts, and while hit case was pendinr before. th an. preme court of that state, Jamei A. Flaherty, supreme knight, pub lished a signed statement in lumbiaV the official organ, ot tha Kaights.of Columbus, to the ef fect that the court was being In-' fluenced by religious prejudice, wt' deem : it f right - and proper that James A. Flaherty make a public' apology to the supremo court of Massachusetts - and lta members', for his attitude and statements ex pressed his personal views and not those of the order,- . Other Canncils Act, "Representatives of the Iswa state state council to the supreme eouncil meeting are Instructed to demand a the Immediate resigna tion of Supreme Knight Flaherty and Supreme Advocate Pelletier and to vote as a unit on all mat- , ters tending to remove these officers.- . , ... - -, . Similar action, condemnatory of the conduct of Pelletier and Flaherty, already has been taken by several other state Cornells for the Knights of Columbus. BEARS MAKES GALL I Animal Strolls Into Study of Reverend Chambers, : , .Trainer Follows Fast While the Reverend H. D. Chambers, rector, of the8 Episco pal church here, was soberly con templating problems this : after noon, two-year-old bear dam lily ambled Into his study.' Rev erend Mr. Chantbers did not be come excited. He rose slowly and faced his visitor. Amino tel ater H. C Rawlins, owner ot the bear, also entered the study and the two men captured tbe bear. The animal was returned to the hal ter 'from which she broke while attempting to get something to eat.; , : The animal Is one of four . In the troupe of trained bears now performing at the Bligh theatre. When he discovered that the bear had escaped. Mr.' Rawlins lnztl tated a frantic search, having vis ions of the mangling of valuable bear meat by a speeding auto. Pedestrians outlined the animal's rout and the .trainer's speedy pursuit curtailed Bruin's out!?" PS51 portion.- " ;.; '