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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1922)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, UAY-30. -1022 V CITY NEWS IN BRIEF I "When they teach that kind industry In the schools, I'm for 'em, is Baiilie's pronouncement. of I of or ! as Gilles Estate Filed - County Judge W. M. Bushey yesterday signed an order appoint ing Mrs. Anna Gilles as executrix of the Arthur Wf Gilles estate, of Monitor, and naming as apprais ers, C. W. Coyne, ' L. E. Dimlck and C. V. Carmichael. The estate Included flour mill and ware house property at Monitor with a total annual . rental Talue of $2000. The estate is rained at $20,000 according to the petition. Heirs are Mrs. Gilles and Bertha Helen Gilles, daughter, . both of Monitor;; Lawrence W, Gilles, of Baker, Ore., and Cerner Arthur Gilles of 'lBlllngs, Mont. , Bates wIU music. Capital Ice Cold, Storage Col our crystal tee is pure ice. Our customers nercr .change. Phone 2$o.Adr.: i. . For Cut Flowers" ' Funeral sprays and floral em blems call Salem Greenhouses. Phone 309 at 15th on Garden road. We sell direct (no down town agent). Adr. - Kimball Btndents to Bleet This morning the Kimball School of Theology students will meet at the Jason, Lee cemetery at 11 a. m. for the memorial ser vice.; Professor C. Murray Keefer will be the speaker and Alfred have charge of the For Carnations, Snapdragons, sweet peas, etc., call phone 309. Salem Green- honatta at 1Slli m n.i4. mm A Capital Ice Cold Storage Co We iel, dlrectno downtown rure transparent ice. Prompt aeenta. Adv residence aeuveries. Fbone Z80. Adv. Library to Close The Salem Public library will be closed all day today on account of Memorial day. The Song Shop Is coming. AdT. A Classified AO- Will bring you a buyer. AdT. Detector Nov in stock; all radio sup plies. Salem Electric Co., Mason ic Temple. Phone 1200. Adv. Donald Students Finish At the Donald public school graduation Friday .night, six pu pils received diplomas for finish ing the prescribed course of study. An interesting feature of the exer cises was the presentation of small gifts from the Parent Teacher association, to the teachers, for their much appreci ated services through 'the year just closed. The pupils also made Karse Graduate Miss Helen Deircken, of the Sa lem Deaconess hospital last night was the student of honor at grad uation exercises held at the hospi tal when she was presented with t certificate at the completion of the three year's nurse training course. Miss Diercken is a sister of. Sisters Jusltlna and Emma Diercken, of the Deaconess hospi tal staff. Sbe will leave soon for her home at Mountain View, Okla. The presentation ceremony was accompanied by a program of ad dresses and music. Trunks, Bags, Suitcases Harness, saddlery, puttees. F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Commercial. Adr.' Iiakelite Now on hand. Radio sets com- nletf Salem RIm. C.a.. Maaonic guis ior me leacners as eviaenc Temple. Phone 1200. Adv. ui meir own gooa ieeuag. Manary Kstate Appraised J. R. Bonner, Henry DuVal and G. H. Harris, appraisers of the Minnie Manary estate, yesterday filed an inventory of estate real The Young Piano Pupils Of Mrs. Cora Hendry will be presented in recital at the First Christian church Wednesday eve ning. May 31. at 8 o'clock. Public tna personal property valued at cordially invitea. Aav. i f 1567.45 In all honor to those ' noble lives so willingly - sacrificed that Liberty and Freedom might reign supreme., v MORRIS OPTICAL CO, 204-211 Salem Bank of Commerce Building ;, Oregon's Largest Optical ' Institution ? ' , Phone 239 for appointment SALEM, OREGON tjwoxu ltt Bom peopla r always -kicking their health in the ribs and then wondering why. it seeks another master.- " One min ute essay on health by O. L. Scott, C. D. DONX WORRY. ABOUT UMATE Sufferers . front' asthma frequently are advised to go. to some other . climate. Climate has nothing to do With causing, this disease. However, climate , may 10 some extent make the dis ease more hard to bear. But as climate Is not the cause it cannot be the cure , ' ' PreaKura on spinal nerves to the bronchial region is ne" cause. Chiropractic spinal adjustments restoring tne spinal vertebrae to align ment and freeing tne nervta of this pressure will remove the cause! and Nature re stores the health. No vic tim of asthma need leave home. : "i Chiropractic ; spinal ad justments remove the cause of diseases' of the head,; throat, lungs, hearty stom ach.' liver,, pancreas, spleen, bowels and lower organs. 5 - ..... :v Y6u i' ?ah ' make' -an . ap-' poltttnjeni Xpt your head's mm mmmmmm mm m Trmmmm w J A. - I . cMflonucnc ua tec it scmsMstsusaop AtU I HCAbT wnr.x HKALTH BEGINS I npeas on when jo teleAono 87 for sa sppoint- -meat. Consallstioa Is withoot charge. Dr. 0. L. Scott . Chiropractor 414-19 U. & Bank Bldx, Phone 87 0 STOMXN WKIOMCVS' " vaowas HVhlte School Closes Get Yonr AJhr-Eeate i At the White school, north of Installed early. 252 State. 660 Hubbard, graduation, exercises N. Capitol, 421 S. Com'l or phone were held Friday nirht, with the c. J. Olmsted 645-W or phone house crowded. An elaborate! de monstration. Adv. country dinner was one of the fea tures that made the big hit with Looters Active Again County School Supervisor Baillie, who attended from Salem. Hartman's Glasses Wear them and see Easier and Better s.un.dT n,ght HARTEIAN BROS. Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon After inactivity of several weeks, flower robbers again won an entry on the police blotter when the beautiful flowers at the E. A. Bennett residence were ruthlessly trampled and despoiled Chief of Police Moiiitt recently rounded up, a number of boys who admitted they had committed similar depre dations. It is thought that per sons other than t nose boys are responsible for the Bennett incident. the suit of L. A. Goldale gainst Marie Brietenstein Forbes. Mr. Goldale had sued for pay ment of balance due for his ser vices in building a house for Mrs. Brietenstein. The court awarded Goldaale 9257.50 and costs, find ing that his claim for . a larger sum should be disallowed and that Mrs. Brietenstein be given credit for Sff37 ter defective work.-1 Capital Drag mansaip ana material auegeu - ', Home of quality kodak finish-I uijoctt D, wui.nt mu... Mnc . tri., - ronT.M TAn edg previous payments totalin Dur tore u qaality 8tore. ,vv.9V, li was iouna. f They were friends and ne'ghbqrs for a number of years In the sage brash country of Idaho. "Idaho's a good state and we're all glad to see her succeed, was the consen sus of opinion as they met to talk it over. "But the trees and the green hills of Oregon have made aa everlasting hit with us. SALEM I1T TO ROSE SHOW Adv. Committee Asks Mayor Hal- vorsen to Send Brave, Blooded Delegation Legal Blamks Get them at The Statesman of- fld. Catalog on application. I Adv. Free Kodak Developing Quickest service. QuaUty work at Patton's. Adv. , Bell Is Arrested William (Billie) Bell, promi nent Salem boo grower, paid a Bicycle Trade Booms f Four bicycles were brought In to the police station Saturday and fine of $10 yesterday when ar-1 Sunday by various members of raiened before Judee Unruh on a I the department. Owners who thai re of driving his car on a had reported the thefts of the .Announcements of the Port land Rose show give the dates as June 20, 21. 22 and 23. The com mittee has written to Mayor Hal vorsen of Salem, urging the hear ty cooperation of this section of the valley in what is becoming more and more a real national event. . The first day the Princess of Hayter, chairman Board of Ed ucation. .v . " V SongV'AmtrteVBy tn ':i ud - ence. FoUowlax Is a list of the grad uates who received their diplo mas: , ' - ' Esther Anderson. Lucile Bar ker. Rayma Brown, Kenneth Bur- sell, Verda Cook, Robert Domo- chofsky Lorenso Gilson. .Robert Howe. Ethel Grant, Edward Keen. Ina Kraber, Jva Nelson, Rena Olmstead, Bertha Parsons, Burnls Richardson. Mabel Robinson. Ella Stevens. Olive Stevens, Florence Viers and Rena Wilson. Manning Buys Garage and Leases it to Ray Harmon DALLAS. Ore-, May 29. (Spe cial- to the Statesman! Fred J. Wagner, proprietor of the Was ner garage on Oak street has traded his ; garage business. In- hinged apparently was that the timberland owners against whom; the tax waa assessed were not. gtven opportunity for hearing. 4 The as amended la 1921 provliej tor hearings, and it Is believed the ; decree will affect only those de- linqaent taxes existing prior to 1S21. The decree was handed down In the ease of the First State bank of Sutherlla agalniV the Kendall Lumber corporation and others. ? They do some things? lghtjrjc' well la the souths In Savannah. Ca there la a fine ot 1100 for anybody eonvicted of playing Jatv public highway at the rate of 40 wheels during the past week, ap- the Roses is to come down the eluding the' butldln located at miles an hour. Bell was arrested by Bert Smith, county traffic of ficer. reared at the station yesterday I Willamette, with all and claimed their property. her train. Bookkeeping by Hour- Brilliant, Clear and Snappy Just the way you will like your Job or month. Moderate I kodak prints made. Capital Drug charges. Phone 20S8R- Adv.. store, corner State and Liberty streets. Adv. liirycle Thief Confesses Because it was his first offense MedW Comin iwk and upon his promise to walk the johnny Medler. who two years straight and narrow in the future, . tb - . t . a Salem youth has been given h the wmamette track team, is vis- r v,niei oi rwree "" I Uinr in Salm tht weak. H har after the lad had returned a hi- betn farmjng over ,n eastern cycle which he had stolen from Oregon, so successfully that he ex arother boy. The youth spent a k .ki. n hv m night in the city jail before Willamette thU tall to resume his ManotoAh c,?b T0nd,, raaae a complete return or "" studies. "I've been juggling too Jefferson and Oak streets, to 8. and be given a royal reception at I a. Manning of Lewisville tor the the Jones & Supple dock. It has hatter's 332-acre ranch located been figured that there is room aiout one mile east of that place for 30.000 people to see this I immediatelr after closing- the beautiful floral event. The core- deal Mr. Manning leased the ga natlon Is to take place at Laurel- rage property for a period of five hurst park that same afternoon, years to Ray Harmon, an experl- Aranatic Sports Featured I enced garage man who has been June 21 is to he given over al-1 in Mr. Wagner's employ for a most exclusively to acauatic l number or years. sports. Almost everything that I Mr. Wagner Is one of the old can fly. swim, dive or skitter est business men in Dallas, hav across the' water is to be on exhl- 1 ing been in business here tor the biton as part of the program. I past 20 years continuously. He June 22 is to be distinguished will not take possession of hi by a great athletic carnival at the f ncI nntil the first of next iovemoer ana in me meantime will devote his time to his black- stolen property. Memorial Day Flowers- Potted hydrangas, 75c to $4. The Bird & Flower Store, 273 State. Adv. manr rraln sacks tn foal vrv am. I bUioUs on the track any more, but I rade- I'm gong to rassle those books to I eat the band," is the gratifying statement of the old Bearcat. Medler was one of the most popu lar men in the university. June 23. the last day, is the time set for the great floral pa- smith business in this city.' We Have Aeriola Sr. Set. Call and look Amplifying Tubes ii over, oaiem uiectnc uo.f xua- Big Prises Offered. Portland is going into Jt in blooded fashion this year with $500 and a truck load of ribbons and rosettes for the first prize. and $200 for the second prize. There are no entrance fees, no conditions that would bar the Present Patrol Tax May Be Legal, Elliott Says F. A. Elliotts slate forester. Is of the opinion that the decree f Judge J. W. Hamilton in Douglas county holding unconstitutional 1 I Sockets. Ihead sets. dAtectnra. I . . . ....... 1 the forest natrnl tax law. will not sonic Temole. Phone 1200. , V J "Y.Y . ' Poorest, most veraam coamwau ' , " " , . Adv. plugs and jacks, magnavoxes- in fact a very complete line of radio supplies now in stock. Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple. SAVE $ $ $ bj buying yonr hardware and FTtje Kodak Developing I tog Is Vicious Little Wanda Dancer, daughter Phone 12oo. Adv, oi nr. ana Mrs. jonn t uancer, of 1740 Hickory street, received severe cuts and wounds yesterday when she was attacked by a dog near her home yesterday after, noon. She was attended by vt Ice- Capital Ice Sc. Cold Storage Co. You can get ice at our plant on Decoration day, 560 Trade street. furniture at The Capital Hard ware Js Furniture Go, 98S Ho. 1 Oonajaercial street. Phono 847. Quickest Service. Quality work. At' Patton's. Adv. i Contract is Settled - Circuit Judge G. O. Bingham. yesterday returned a decree and court oraer or judicial settlement it "The Sheik's Wife Made in 'ARABIA" Continuous Show Today "I WEAR-EVER Aluminum Canner and . Steam Cooker The greatest achievement in 'WEAR EVER' Alumi- num. Cans with steam in .one- half the time. No hot kitchen I No burned hands No broken jars v No spoiled foods Thi3 uten3il will be shown in Salem only a few days more by factory represen tative.'' For appointment 7 ." Phono 1941J - DIED . SMITH Mrs. Laura' A. Smith died Sunday, May 28, at the age of 67 years. Deceased is survived by two brothers in Washington, two sons in Salem and a daughter in Portland. The body was shipped to Port land by Webb & Clough. mor ticians. Funeral will be held Tuesday at the Fin ley parlors. LOCET At a local hospital May 28, 1922, Mary Ellen Locey of Amity, Or., age SO years. Sur vived by 7 children. Charles, Tillamook; Lee. Amity; Louis, "Portland; Percy, Salem; Mrs, Cora J. Savage and Miss Dalla Locey. Portland, and Mrs. J. W. Shields, Newberg. Funeral will be from the Terwilliger home Tuesday at 11 a. m.. Rev. R L. Putnam officiating. Inter ment will be at Amity about 2 p. m. E. Cashatt, who reported that f ' Aur- the little girl's arm was badly swollen as a result of the animal's ' Vtallulah Wednesday- attack. . I For sure, not counting fires. wind storms and sudden death, Carnations and Other Cut Flowers says Trnman Collins, the Willam- And potted plants. Arthur fette university Wallulah will be Plants Greenhouses. S. 13th &out Wednesday morning of this WUbur St Phone 1250 W. (week. Several unforseen events have ..kept the annual from ap- those that may be worked out in Gabrielson Returns loearlnK on the campus. However I flowers. Carl D. Gabrielson superintend this time it is destined to make its dent of the automobile registrant appearance about the second tion division of the secretary of I period of the morning. state s office, has returned from a vacation trip to Iowa where he spent several weeks. Mr. Ga brielson visited Des Moines and other points of interest CRAWFORD At the residence. Zena, Polk county, Mrs. Dora Esther Crawford, age 36 years,. wife of W. Harvey Crawford, eister of Frank' Wells. " The body is at the Rigdon mortuary Funeral services ' Tuesday, May 30, at 2 o'clock at Zena. J0S5E At the residence, 10: Saginaw -street, Sunday, May 2k, Christian Josse, age 44 years, husband of Ruby Harck Josse, brother of John Josse of Goble, Or.; also four sisters and three brothers residing in Switzerland. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, May 31, at 10 a. m. from Rigdon 's mortuary, concluding services City View cemetery. DANGE TODAY 1 1 ' At HORSE SHOE -PARK Afternoon and Evening 2 to 5 7 ' 7 to 10 . Jllowic' Austin's- Jazz Orchestra " ".7 - of: Portland ' v Come and Enjoy MARTIN Near Rickreall. May 27, Manly Martin, age 69 years. husband of Mrs. Maggie Mar tin, husband of Mrs. ? Maggie ; Martin, . father, or. Ralph W. Martin of Mitchell. Of., Mrs Clara Seely and Frank A. Mar tin of Salem. .Mrs. Ida E - of Portland and' Roy L. Martin "of Tillamook; 'brother of Mrs I Sc- TOaos T . at i I ara OK ifn vA Mrs. Adeline Walker of Cor- vallls, Orlando Martin of Sa lem. Funeral services Wed : nesday. May 31 at 1 o'clock from Rigdon s mortuary, con cluding service City View cem etery. A Good Clean Dance With a Good Crowd r"Try 'it Once Webb & Clough l Leadbf Fes end Dircders Expert Erdbslssrt There are a few rules to be ob served, however, that contestants will want to see. Some of them are: No cheap bunting or offensive advertising or anything to offend the artistic sensibiltes of the board of critics. No artificial flowers; real flow ers, or nothing. Flower Designs Imperative Ho bum hats on the drivers; they are advised to deck them-' selves becomingly In straws, or go bareheaded, or crawl dof out of sight and direct their ears by wireless, so that they do not spoil the scenery. No advertising mottoes save apply to the law as it now exists. The point on which, the decree EXACTNESS- ia .the: primary, psgpntiaj of a gWj3niixIsVj""r'T We pride. ourselves on at least one thing; we never substitute. If a doctor gives a prescription he knows that one remedy will bring results and no other. Any substitution on the part of the drujr gist may mean disaster to the health of the pa tient. Be sure you take your prescriptions to our 'exact? druggist. ' 4 Try this Drug Store first Wm. Neimeyer 1 175N. ComlSt. Phone 167 LADD & BUSH, BANKERS ErtablUhtd 1868 ' General Banking Builnesa Office Houra from 10 a. m. to 8 p ra. ' The official circulars suggest that decorators should steer clear of the flowers that fade quickly. They suggest a considerable list WantMi I or auraoie nowers mac coma Teif experienced waitresses at I nw be had in quantities, among once. Gray Belle. Adv. Free Kodak Develop Quickest Service. Quality work. At Patton's. Adv. Divorces Granted -Circuit 'Judge George G. Bing ham yesterday returned bench verdicts in two divorce cases these being Canterburry Bells. Lupins, Daisies, Broom, Carna tions, Cosmos, Larkspurs, Gladi oli. Peonies. Rhododendrons, Bachelor Buttons, Hydrangeas, Snowballs, Coreopsis and Snap- Capital Junk Company is in market for all kind of Junk. Will pay market price. Quick service. 215 Center Street Phone 398 Free A tube with each Vacuum Cup casing. Fairgrounds Storet-Adv. here during the afternoon. All- Jgons. The decorator, however. , ..: , f isnn rf I4& P1 privlege of making their monthly maintenance tor the caret""" . ,ef three minor children was rend ered in favor Of Lofs May Walker against Wilbur L. Walker. The couple were married at Hood Riv er. Julv Z. 1914.. Mrs. waiser 8 imply a Delusion It is not a fact that when you buy a Ion of coal you shovel out testified that during the period ually and through every possible on with 'faded, disreputable ez- ninits the judges will "trow 'em out." Salem is Urged Salem, collectively and Individ- two tons of ashes. It only seems so to ycu because the coal man delivers the fuel in your bin with out any work on your part and you keep busy all winter shovel ing the ashes out The idea that you shovel out twice as much as you get in is only a delusion. One of the many reasons why the Gasco Bricquets are so popular in Portland is that they have no ashes at all. That certainly is a boon to the housekeeper. Gasco Bricquets are carbon, and one ton of them is equal to a ton and a half or more of good co'al. In stead of selling them on this basis the Portland Gas & Coke Co. gen erally manages to just about meet the price of good coal. This lib eral policy explains the enormous business they do; about 80,000.- 000 pounds of them per year. The CapiUl City Transfer Co. of this city has arranged to handle them. On. account of the special sum mer price made in Portland, they can deliver them to our local peo ple here very reasonably; that is. if they are ordered now. Adv. May. 1915 to August. 1921. her "tic organization tnai win enter hfihn,i h.rf often beaten and the lists, is urged to send a brave cursed her while he was intoxl- delegation and battery of floats rated. A divorce was given Louis to tn parade, and help to E. Roberts against Maud Roberts, make the show a great interna- infidelitv and desertion being uonai overusing campaign tor charged Mrs. Roberts. the northwest. CapiUl Ice & Cold Storage Co. Our pure crystal Ice manufac tured by latest hygenlc machin ery. Phone 280. Adv. Highway Board to Meet A meeting of the sUte highway commission will be held in Port land Wednesday of this week. DALLAS SCHOOLS E n m contracts aggregating about $300- Diplomas Awarded Grade 000 win probably be awarded. nrtrJ u 'lfJu Grnrinatoc at Closing Exercises Pannnzlo Fills Pulpit Rev. Blaine Ktrkpatrick, pastor of the First Methodist church of Salem, went to Corvallis Sunday afternoon to preach the baccalaur. eate sermon for the Corvallis high school. His place in the Sa lem pulpit was filled by Prof. C. K. Panunilo, of Willamette university. Particular Kodak Finishing For particular people done at the CapiUl Drug stored corner of State and Liberty streets. Adv. count of Memorial day. Adv; They Like Oregon- Mr. and Mrs. A., H. Bower, of Portland, representing the Ralph Schneelock company that handled the stale soldiers bonus :, bonds. visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs H. E. Barrett of the Oregon Wood Products company In West. Salem, CapiUl Ice Cold Storage Co. The purity of our ice is in its manufacture. Visit our plant. Phone 280, Adv. DALLAS, Ore., May 29. (Spe cial to the Statesman) Friday marked the closinc of the Dallas I HOTEL ARRIVALS I srade and high schools for the ja, - 1921-22 term. The grade school MARION H. V. McClean, pupils were given their promotion Clinton O. Bay. Mr. and MrsE. cars at a&hort session of school L. Thompson. V. C. Wells, Max held Friday morning while the M'. Gower, H. M. Coleman, J. M. high school graduates, numbering Putnam. E. E. Loomis. J. W. 20. were awarded their diplomas Long, L. W. Lencleesen, Mr. Bry- at the commencement exercises soir. Mrs. X. S. Johnson. W. J. held last night in the high school Clowe at Noon Tuesday All Salem drug stores have a&reed to close their places of business at noon, Tuesday, on acman. Sylvia M. FerreL M. G. Wln- McLellan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sands. Portland. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Mar tindale, Los Angeles; A. B. Hur lat. Harry Lewis, Seattle. Mr. end Mrs. K. Heady. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Swadwell. Arline Swadwell, Corine Swadwell, Everett, Wash.; Louise Bonn, T. W. Garilner, In dependence; W. J. Pukler. SUy ton; Mr. and Mrs.' S. Sargent, H. S. Hagen. San Francisco. - BLIGH R F. Brooks, F. Ceg lle. B. Clock. J. . Brandt. E. C. Rotyson. G. Slade, W. Jennings, H. Fatten. E. Davden. G. Zlmmer- slock, James W. Crawford. Port land; N. A. McCams, Harrisburg; D. C. Kerr, Silverton; A. V. Rea den. Gresham; Mr. and Mrs. Lew Is Setters. Lima, Ohio; C. R. Sim mons, Lyons; C. W. Wieder. Al bany; M. D. Hamord. Falls City; H...F.1 Wise, Portland. TERMINAL Mr., and Mrs. Cll&e, Portland. auditorium. The commencement week activ ities started last Sundsy night with the preaching of the bacca laureate services at the Metho dist Episcopal church by the Rev. John E. Youel, pastor of the Pres byterian church. The junior-senior reception, one of the big things on the program for this week of school was held at the Dallas arm' ory Wednesday night and consist ed of a program of musical nam bers which was followed by a dance. The program given at the graduation exercises was as fol lows: Selection High school orchestra Salutatory Edward P. Keen. Piano Duet Helen Sweeney and Barbara Chapman. - ? Valedictory Olive Stevens. Address Roland P. Miller of the University of Oregon. Vocal Solo John W. Orr. (PresenUtlon of Diplomas Oscar AUCTION S ALE Thursday. June 1, 1922, at 1:30 p. m. , ' In West Salem at 1272 Third Street . Nearly new 5-room house and lot 50-100 feet; house is modern except basement, v Also block pf land constat ing of two and one-third acres, fronting 165 feet on Sixth street, and 612 feet on Ro3Cnpunt avenue, with a garage 16x20. . !. T- - ' 5- . ; Y - Furniture 2 iron bedsteads. enameled . in old ivorv. 2 dres3ers enameled irt.:old ivory, 1 ateel spring, 2 good i mattresses, 1 oak round top dining room table, 6 oak dining chairs, 2 oak rocker3, 2 good heaters, 1 rug 9x12, 5 1 kitchen table. l four hole cook stove, 1 oak library ? table, v 1 good Singer sewing machine, 6 dozerrf ruit jars, 1 dozen quarts of fruit, dishes and cooking uten sils, a lot of other small articles. Terms, cash on the furniture. , - " Terms on house and land will be given on day of sale. but will be very easy in monthly payments mostly; a man with a few hundred can buy him a home. W. E. PATTON, Owner. G. SATTERLEE, Auctioneer, Phone 1177 f - - f ja. : , ' . ' - - .'"''' A BEAR OF A SHOW TODAY The Biggest treat for many a dajr- FinSTTIMB ' everinsXlem, S3-"- 11 1 J-' Dont Miss This 4 Rawling'Si Happy Bear Family THE FOUR WORLD'S GREATEST EDUCATED PERFORMING BEARS Today Tomorrow BHGiTEElRE