The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 28, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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THE OREGON1 STATESlfAN,' SALEif ORlijbl'T ' " -: . - - - - " - SUNDAY MORNING, MAY : 23, 1922 - - - -
--'' ' . V . .. ... 1
7 .
in tuL Ht ku spoken, is all to
largo cities f tb I BiteC SUIes sereral
tines. This J hi fourth Twit: to this
city. Hear from God' a owa Ward aboa
those retapautr nan oeu aad also hew
to be one of those Urine wha will never
die. His ward. the. Bib la, baa stood
th storms OI ceotaries au i it.wui yet
be fulfilled. Hear this lecture, it will
arias jar aad com fart. kIi free;
aa col left ob. -
Crntrat ConcregatioDal Corner Sine
.uutB and. Ferry. - CUytoa Jndj1, mini-ten.
handar aehool aad efaorrli,'
ri.mhined serriea at 10 a.m. Mr. B.
I . , rewards, auperiiiteadeat. - Followlnf
tne regular 'claaa pariod a beautiful dra
ma' portray in ( taa power of mother lort.
ed on the story of baby Moses, will
l,e girea by' Mrs. Wtlborn'a elaaa of
taie. . Tba rnie will . ba nde
- of: Tho Mother,; Pearl Waltaca; Mir
i..a, tiladyi LaBara; the jirineeai. CUr
W Richie; four ' maids. Rath Gilmer,
J- stherine Judy, Mareta Palmer ana
V srle Turner, ,Tho aenlor . and cterme-.
ar azr. x. b: ocx
Thm article win clonk Uieto facts dtir-
the sHDimer mantha. ' I km tried
ta keep from eoatroreray "- aa ' I promised
in the beglnnior of theae articles, though
W-b been difficult to refrain from ttn
aia tbankful to the Eor, Dr. . Lisle, for
ia writmn bersus they bar' done taa
terjc thinir' r'wUb done,; 1. proreo
t it onvoaitioa to the Catholic church ii
awaya destructive pronaf nda,' aad' alto
shown that -the oersacatUm la the lot
of the church area, aa it waa the lot of
Iter rounder. Christ, ana the cone Fusion
U. therefore, hat tbi 1 dlritoe. la far
ai poaaiblo I bar girea the; Toaaoa for
suy faith and while 1 bare said , again
and araia -that it was and i tb on
and only Cbriatiaa . religion and that all
oihera are branches. 1 hare not maligned
Protestant ebarebea,' their minister or
n, ember. ,1 .'bar alwaya Coatended aad
aaall alwaya eontend that a Teat nura
Ltr of 1'rotestanu arr good. slncer and
etrneat Christiana, and bar, shown how
mj are Catholics eren thoneh they do
. not know what tho word implies or what
t ie church toaebea.; Tbiy belong to the
oul of th church, Christ r founded and
are our' brotoera In Christ, because they
re sincerely doing; tho "will of v their
t her in so far as He baa glratf then
light. . la a word, I hare tried, to glre
mad a been eoaitraetlra. -
In conclusion. I, wish to think; all
who hare aided' me ' In the publication
et . these articles, .and also , those who
hitte, by their kind word and loiters.
tarearaged me. A dr. ,
diate Christ isn ndesror "socfetles meet
at 7 ' p.m. to stirdy leasona from great
foreign missionaries. The evening service
of song and worship with sermon Will be
st 8 clock. Snbject "Tho Baitdiag of
a ebureb. "Mid-week sarrice oa Thurs
day erening'at 7:30. Wo welcome atran
gers to come and worship with aa. '
Cottage land Chemeketa streets. Ber.
M. Fereahetiaa, minister. . Church aebool
at 10 a.m, Graded instruction. Cists (or
samis in cdbrs nutory. vj
the minister and. discussion ly .members
of tbo class. Devotional aertjcea- at 11
a.m. Memorial Sander Reading vol
lXncoln' Gcaysbnrg address. - H abject
of tho sermon, Tht Bridge kpert
nco." Patriotic hymns aaa music.
Com -and help aa celebrate - thia day of
day la . Our . national Mte. ; rnra. aere
ahetiaa Will ing t "Th Poblican." by
ntsMW Mrs. .W.f A. Dentoa at the or
gaa. The Unity club eboir will assist.
first' CbrUUaa C'entei' aad "- Hit
7 : a av. . 1 . wl
First Presbyterian On Church street,
between Chemeketa , aad Center. , Ward
Willia Long,, aniaiater. - Sabbath aebool
meeu at 9:45: a-at.' U; Z. Barrett, sup
erintendent.' It ul X memorial , day
aerrice. Mr. Long's topio" is "The Pat
riotUm of the PhopheU." Jfuaic: . 'R
ioico the Heart' of Thr Servsnt Hark-
er. At 7:45 p.m. there a sacred
recital by Miss Lain Rosamond Walton,
dramatic reader 'of tho Salem School of
Expression. She will gire "Adnsh," a
tale ol the. time of Christ. To be girea
in three parts as arranged by herself.
A cordial inritatioa , is extended . to too.
aabiie. . A silver offering will be taken.
Tbo Christian endeavor aoeietie will meet
st usual;; Juniors at 8 intermediate
and seniors at' 6:45. Thursday evening
prayer and' praise service at 7:30, fol
lowed by Cbriatiaa workers' training
class. Tuesday tho young people- of the
church are planning a picnic to Silver
Creek Fall. Will leave' from the church
at ft a.m.
Reformed CHurcb Corner of- Ca4tol
and Mario afreets. Saaday aebool 10
a.m.' Preach inr service (Oermaa) it
a.m. to even iog servico. Demy, pastor.
srwi. rrrrM-w
150O Ferry. Peatecoatar nWetinr,
Tuesday and Frida oreaiags, 8 p.m.
Sundar aebool at au are welcome.
Prayer offered for the siclu Come and
see how the Lord baa bleaaed us. Phone
Christian aad Missionarr Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. ii. K. Caswll, z .ortn
Winter, leaders. Canal services this af
ternoon, held at 632 South Commercial
street.-. . Sunday achool at 2 o clock, foi
lowed by gospel meeting at 3. . Also at
th same place on next Thursday after
noon, Jane 1, meeting at z.30. ine
n.L, . a , . 1 ,
r ehaeeh serriea. A rreat vrorrsm i regular oioia siuoy eonaucieo oy ra.
la.our cusirs.n -'" fms i , . ' w.. aft
ill h it Woodanra for tn baeealaar-1 t"
.. 'nsM far'tM hien aebool MIL I "u,"'"l ' i.. " Tw
ti.. ....i ..s Th .mtM isi invitation la exieaoea to aii.
at . tbo ' morning nonr. . it win oe a
splendid day with a. .' Come,
streets, i J. 1. Evans, pastor. At the
close of th ntoramg aervic tne eongrM
gatioa aad SiMo scboot utemoer - win
w, ta Jefferson bv aatog ' and -enior a
groat fellowship " meetiag with Corvallis
and Jefferson Cbriatiaa eborehea and
schools. Bring lunches to. church ready
leave for the trip immediately at eloee
Court" Street Chrtttiaa Comer 'Horlb
Seventeenth, and . Court streets. Fifty
serein of our' Bible aebool people -visited
the Eegene aehool laat Lord's da. Thy
war 'briaa us' a report -ot . trip today.
Come-'bear about it at 9:45 nm. There
will be a fitting memorial serriee this
txjrnlng. Dr. A, L. Shlton'a picture
war .b unreild. Dr. Shelton is tho
mdieat misaionsry to .Tibet who was' re
cently killed by robber in that country.
Volunteer will visit sick In the after-
aooa. ' Intermediate. C.E. 6 :a0 p.m. . Sen
ior 1 n.m. . Kvana-elistie service 8 p.nv
Sermon. V'Tbo Fatherhood of God.'" Bibl
aebool . eenfrrtme , TuesdaJr erening.
Thursday -7.30-9 p.m, church school. You
Lutheran East State and Eighteenth
streets, Geo.' Koebler, pastor. Sunday
school at 9:45 a-m.. Divine seme ai
10:80 a.m. A claaa of 1Z catechumens
will be catechised and confirmed. The
service will be 'conducted in the' nglish
hsnirs, Bibl stud and Prayer meet
ing on Thursday at, 7:30 p.m. Bible.
school rry Saturday from 0 to 12 a.m.
Leslie Methodist Episcopal Sooth
Commercial aad Myers 'atreets. H. -V.
Pemberton, pastor. Tbo Sunday school
meets at 9:45 awnu, E. A. Rhotea. Super
intendent. The, intereat and attendance
make thia ; achool a lire factor ia the
life of this church. The teachers are
devoted and enthusiastic ios will bo
helped by becoming a member. Th
t-pwortn league at i p.m. ab earnest,
aggresaire group of young folks doing
food work jot taemaesvea ana oiners.
he young people of the community are
invited to attend thia meeting. . Morning
worship at 11 o'clock; Sermon stfbiect:
"Keep That Light Burning." You will
b helped and encouraged by attending
tbeae meetings. . They are worth while.
A cordial welcome and a real homelike
greeting await yon. Como with us and
find life better for a day spent ia tho
way of ood. v
JFirst Methodist Episcopal Corner
state and Church streets. Blaine .
Kirkpa trick, minister. Claaa meeting at dock in tne nortawest room down
stairs. Sunday . achool 9:45 o'clock. J.
B. Littler Superintendent. A rita! part
of our . training for good citizenship is!
familiarity with tbo teachings ofi that
Book . which figured ao largely in ht
founding ofjfthia. republic. On Memorial
Sunday, when good citizenship should be
in our . thoughts, it would be a aplendid
time to renew your Jtabit l Bible study
in our Sunday achool. We haro an effi- i
cient eorpa of .teachera, .and claases for
everybody. tMorning worship 11 o'clock.
Tb Grand 'Army of the Republic, the
SpaniaJs . War Veteran, tho Veterans of
roreign ware, and. tn American Logion,
enphaed' aad we are glai to report
muchTacw iaterest in" the prayer meet
ing. Visitors - aad friends are always
cordially welcome to the services of thia
Oiareh aotice Highland Frirndsf
Highland Avenue and North Church St.
il ana las J. l-ee raiaisiers. oiaie
school at 1 a.m, Clifton Roa, Super
inteaident. We have an excellent school
with ' rlai for all a?es and yon will
find welcome with ca Morning wor
ahiar and preaching ai li. Christian
endeavor at T p.m. and preaching at 8
p.m. Young' people s prayer meeting
and . tfnte siuoy on souaay si p.m.
Church prayer meetin; on .Thursday at
8 p. nr. Vie maze a specialty or tne
full gospel. Come and worship, with us.
- WtlUam T. MilUken. D.D. minister.
Men's' clss in Hebrews, women' in
Epheslsas and classes for young men
and women, as ell a carefully graded
work for yonnger pupil are to be found
in the. Baptist Bible school. Edward
Scbmnke. superintendent. The school
convenes at 9:45. The pastor will speak
from- a memorial theme: The imply
Chair." . At II a.m. At 8 an hoar's
evening worship will be held, closing
shsrw sf P. Sermon anhjeet. -" e H
See Jctu." - B.T.P.r. at 7. Senior,
second sad intermediate division. Them
"Mkswhi in the Philippine." The pas
tor conducts a - claaa - in tho book of
F.phesiane at -7 for the elder folks above
B.Y.P.f. age. The DeacOcs meet ia tho
pastor's study on Monday evening. On
Thorsdav eveamg Covenant servico will
be held! Tbecoe: " Stephen." This
church cordially invite and welcomes
riaitors". If yon have bo other church
heme in the city you will be rordial!'
welcomed with as ia every service.
Saints. vSuBdV achoof fft cV5
aervice Sunday taOTajog l:St , -.
Arsaory buildineiV-Pablui. welcome, - No
Another iWn how - many lan-
ruans does'' a linguist employ ;
First Klngrecatonal Lliierty and
Center street. W. C. Kantner. minister.
10 a.m.. Sunday school with classes
for all ages. A welcome for alL H. M.
Mead, superintendent. Patriotic session.
11 a-ra. "Our Great Inheritance." 7
p.m. Christian . endeaTor; - leader Visa
Ueneriere Endieott. l p.m. "The Better
t Dar That ia Sore to Come." Patriotic
I ' j- , i : e.v - u .t 1!
music. xoiiuwmg iuv luuim iuctv ...
be a series of beautifully colored pic
tures illustrative of Japan.. Theae are
pronounced rerr fine. Japan ia very
much in the thoughts of the world. See-'
ine these pictures will add to our know
ledge of the country. Mid-week service
Thursday st 8 p.m. A cordial invita
tion to all.
when he hits his
hammer '
thumb with '.a
1 ops
If you want your top reovercd.
in firstclass shapes see us.- We
make aU kinds . of . tops. . We
make, and repair cushions , and
seat covers. . '
Seat Covers and Plate Glass
Our Netr Prices ;
WiU Surprise You
171 -South ITiffh Street
it v
m A.. Am.
" " : T r- " : . aj-H a C fa'ay-isi grl rt am'it f mmm " r fv
Wmm Iff raraTill m 'W
504 H cjit :tv
a. , a saa aa w saw saw ssv cw mm w l -aasmaaast am aav wm ti si mm mas a ri aia mr mm aa. i m . a-r v i w aa, mw m m aii aw i k e -i sr ss. jaw i a . a .
1 t,
r v
t 3;
uaiibv jwiwhh. i rns u nan, iu iu AKif ricin Lo;ion,
Tirst United ' Brethren Twelfth, . and I together with their anxiliary organisation
, v '.
5-Pass. Tourlni...$10:00, to $50.00
7-Pass. Tourinsr-.:...$22.00 to $65.00
Tops Dressed;:.;.;..-L$2.00 to - $5.00
Seats cut dpwiU--..-"$l5'00
Cushions Repaired. . ; . ' . .
' '' See "vis
Formerly Hull's Top Shop
27V Chemeketa Street 1 ': v Backf Jf.M.; A.
Misaiodi C. S. -Johnson, pastor. Services,
at 11 o clock. Sunday morning. Bub;
jeft; "Our .Signature..' Erening oer
v ices at 8 o'clock; Subject .'The Open,
Door." Sunday, achool, at 10 aju. O.
a. uowman, supcrinicDueui. uoiur v.
E. at 6 p.m. airs. Burav superintendent.
Senior C- E. . at ; 7 p.m.. Charles As-
derton,, president. ."Prayer meeting ,Wed
aesday.erenini at p.m. All art in
vited to mesa aervices.
. . b mil a x isn Dbuavn taeir place in one ot .tne league cm
- First Church . 440 Chemeketa street, Evening service 8 o'clock. Prof.
Sunday morning . aervices at a.m, umio of Willstriette" university will
Subject of lesson sermon. "Ancient . and on tbo subject, "Christ and .th
Modern Necromancy, lms Mesmerism
aad HypnotiamV Denounced. Sunday
school at :45.a.m, Wednesday . renlng
testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Read-.
Ine room. 209 Jbtaaonie Temple.' 'open
every day oveopt Sundays and holiday
from .11; 13 .to d;au p.m. ah are cor
dially, inri ted to our, servic and to our
reading room. .
: t s" .r . b. s. mT. ; ; y ..
Internatioaal Bibl' 'Stadebt Associa
tion Meet erery Sunday ia Xerby Hall,
corner Court and High streets, apstaira,
for Biblo study. ..Hours from 13
a.m. . , Public, always welcome at taeae
aerrice. Wednesday May 81 at 8 o'clock
S. H. Toatijar of -Brooklya, N.Y. will
deliver, a freo' anblio lecture in Union
halt oa Court atreot over ta American
Rail war Kmreaa Co. .: His subject will
beb "Bet arn big from.. Hell Million I
now Livinr WUl iievar Uie." , Jlr. Toa
tijar (a a sneaker of national reputation.
He ia now. making. tonr,fth.
nsv . aeen ..invited ' to .-worship with as.
A great day. of inspiration is expected.
The pastor will preach on the subject:
"The Sarin ea of Patriotism." Tho choir.
under the direction of Prof. . ,W. Hob-
son, will sing special numbers appro
priate to the occasion. All ar welcome.
The three Epworth league chapters will
meet, at 7 o'clock. Tho senior league
will ba led by Mis Vixxinia Mason. It
will be an Epworth league institute ral
ly. All young people are invited to find
taeir place in one of .the league chapters,
speak Rare
of Races.". , This will be an address 'of
special interest and the public it invited.
'( l ..V'-. .ait - w-
aar ilia Ttt for an Ca
Frtt Expert ,AdTlcw
ISO Bouth, Hlfh Street
i : '- f -' r-.. ' i?ir r- j.j;i. f
llill, .
;. . ' .. ... ........ ' J
a .'ra' .. sa
Scandinavian - Methodist Episcopal ,
Corner of Pifteenth and Mill streets.
David C. Hsttel, pastor. Sunday May 28
Memorial day aerrice at '11 a.m. Sunday
school at 12, Oust Anderson, superin
tendent. Erening aerrice at. 8. o'clock.
Prayer meeting and Bible study on Thurs
day evening, 8 o'clock. The monthly
Sunday school social and oualnesa meet
ing on Friday ereniak at. the Hassel s
home. On Saturday 'June '3a chicken
pie supper will bo serred in the church
from o to 8 p.m. You ar welcome to
these meeting.
t Jason Leo Memorial Methodist Epis
copal Corner North Winter and Jeffer
son streets, Thomas Aeheson. pastor.
Karl Officer in charge of junior church.
Two important service will be held at
thia church on thia coming Lord's day
to which w moat cordially invito; the
public la tho morning at 11 am. aa
appro prist Memorial service will bo held.
Beta tne junior and senior congrega
tions will unite for tho occasion. Ser
mon subject; "The Voice of the Living
Dead." The Epworth league baa always
something good to offer . to our young
people., (Bepreeeut at "I p.m. tor a
Wide-awake meeting. - If you are a lov
er of, tho old song your parents used
to sing then' plan to sttend the service
I. at 8 p.m. A collection of these songs
haa been made under the direction of
qur choir leader,- and copies pzinted for
tp use of all. . Both . choir ; music and
congregational singing will be from these
old selections. Tbo entire evening will
be!', given, over , to . music, Sermonette
hr the castor en the WMvsterv of Son-."
Coma .and bring your friend with yon.
Old people are especially invited. Do
no lorgec annas scuoot wnicn convenes
st :o a.m.
Tou. who enjoy tho
great outdoor,.
bMkor you take ex
tended tours or Juat
. th oceaalonaJ. plcnio
yt ontlnc, ahould vis
it Western Auto and
Inspect the manv ar
ticles of equipment
Ibst mess greater
comfort and cob
.venlence on -mil your
- Be euro and get alt
the equipment yow
need before you
start, aa It will cost
rou a great deal
more along th way
and also -cause great .
inconvenience. , ,
iv if i
Camper's v
i . . y
Auto Tent
Th .tent "Illustrated
j ber, ta,. w . believe, :
. the be, constructed ,
r and designed auto
I tent' arocurabl. It,'
ta deattrned to aire '.
' the utmoet com fart,
1 and utility to th.
: traveling me torlat. .
! Extra ,we,ll made, ,
I waterproof, at roa
s i ana- auraote.. aMiuip
f ped.wtth floor, pock-
rCXTl! aura to Inspect thia
ana our many otaer .
i. r
C 3
m 1 1
1 :
S eatable
li92iOldsmdbUete0rider.. ..... . ...,.$p.75M-
,' 7 lisrIJs"Nei ; . .... ,. .v'-'
P7 Bw , . 4350.00
' Jr Gooct cbndUfon' 'u i " Sr
ll919Bttecoe, S passenger ...
v Ready td Run- :" ' '
iimii ..... . . . . ? . ..$25o.oo
,.-:-.-.:;-2,V-..i ;-.p-G0odXondIt.O -,
... - J i -
j&fflVMBeWfti&tixS . -: . . . . ...:.$17iX)0
r i .
ws. - a.A v sm msms.vv. m - f w cj 7 -
. . . .
These cars are as'pientedandareworth;th0mdnqr'
I -1 V ' .
Imagine having In one com
paot, eaaily carried unit a ta
ble .aad seating accommoda
tion for ' four persona. .Very
light, substantial and will laat
for years.
Complete $12.50
Portable Service v
: i West Sslem ' Methodist Episcopal Al
exander , Hawthorne, 'pastor.. Sunday
school lOtSQ .a.m. Mathwo A. Good-
speed, superintendent. Miss Laura
Shepherd will, lead the Epworth leagua
wBTvtivuai. meeting at 4 p.m. i reacning
at a p.m. ny dt. c. js. powbil .
! BTCSCOPaX.' y -
St. Psul's Epucopsl "The Little
Church en the Corner. Rev. II. Dun
can Chambers, rector. Tbo Sunday after
Ascension. Memorial Sunday ' will also
be observed. It it a fitting time to
member oat friends in Paradise. There
will be tho uses I celebration of the Holy
cuc&arist at I3Q a.m. Church achool
t 9.43 and morning, prayer with sermon
at 11 a,- The rector, will preach on
VOat Nation." .. A hymn sung in the
Canterbury cathedral . in England, and
also in thia, country, at time of the late
war, will bo sung as a solo... The hymn
is, entitled: , "Tho Supreme Sacrifice."
Tho young people's society will meet st
6 ;30 in the parish room. - All young
people invited. -
I Cottage Street Evangelieal 460 North
Cottage street, L. H. WUlard, pastor.
Regular aervices wilt be held this week.
Sunday, achool at 10 o'clock. Mrs.' Wil-
lard, superintendent. Morning worship
as-.' v cwi'.vub aermon oy tno pas
tor. His aubiert is: "The Present Lift
ing oi to touren. Jtiss famine
will lead . the C.K. . service which begins
at 7 o'clock. Our topic is: "Lessons
from grest foreign missioaarie, ' Rev.
1. E. Willard, brother of . the partor,
will bring the message during the even
ing hoar. Do not forget the prayer arid 1
praise aerrice oa .Thursday evening at
H o clock, i Pter: can sot . be over-
Speedster Bodies
West era Auto aa positively the
greatest values in town on spect
ator bodla. Thy are w.U mad.,
of good material aad gtve you an
opportunity df making a snappy
apeedater of your . Ford aad at a
low cost. .
nsbd.!T... .$85.00
Carry your orrlco station with,
you. Don't take , chance of
I running . out . ot water, oil or.
gaa. ; A. aemco unu ia poaiuve
assurance agalnat thia.
" Price $6;00-$7.75
A. C
Plugs 38c
The ar tb
popular A. C
Clo ptaga that
retail at a
mitt higher
prle. . Can b
abtalaed (or
ssstly all
makao of oar
at uf peoial
prle thia week
For drawing
w a t r for
camp use or
for filling rav
d t ator, .to.,
t h a water
buckets a r
popular on ac
count of their
com psctam
aad usefulness-
carrtad In ear
poekat. ; Prle
t 1:
- r' r-
I? if
i n i r t
Camp tove' I J .
Foldinr Lurf"f Carriers
Carry any typ of luck or
,....,.... $2.75 to$40
Complete stock of round or flat
$1.75 to $2,15
Water Bag
to $235
Eloctric Lanterns - .
Baf. compact, handy
dependable. $1.25 tO $20
Tew Lino
Carry a tow tine and you won't.
landed ...$l5 tO $4.85
Felling Tabloa
dy and compact $4.50 to $12.50
Awto Robo
To spread on ground for th f I T
plcnio or, on sand at beach. -p
y Camp Chairs
St'ype.!?!.. 70c to $3.95
Foldinff t
Set pp. In aa
Instant r o r
t o a r camp
Br, ; where It
p o v id.s a
strong stable
grat upon
which to
plies ' your
cooking ut.av
II. aad pr.
p a r a . the
meal; ex
tremely com
pact, Price
Aa exceptionally ilgbt-walght combination bed and
tent that le et uo in a Jlny and fold into a
compact , roil
on,, th , run
ning ' b ard.
Consisting ' of
tent, bed and
mavttreao, the
Van Auto Bed
Is a wonderful
lvalue -at , our
low i price of
. ' Rl "S.
a'l f T't.
i p; M:
( , -
341-9 INT. Commercial St.
Thetmalware Jugs
A oew prodridt for the lorer of ! th out-
doorav for pbtnies and outing. Its vacuum
construction allows food or liqttlds of
kinds to bo kept either hot
or cold tor hours. Zdqulds ana
solids such as tea cream may
be kept until ready for . use.
Large four-Inch mouth al
lows food - to be removed
Our Price
$7.50 and $10.00
4 r ';.,'
i r v
All th eoaranlene and tfl
cleacy of ,yur gaa ator t ,
borne., eoupls-d, with light,
weight, and, these
fetdkn . aaoolta sI.vm .snaka
th pr.psratlou of tnoala a
quick, and pleasurable opera-'
tloa. . " ..-. ..... :
Camp Cots
l i
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Mad of heavy eanvao aad t -i' eaoogh to au e port tho f '
largest person in-comfort and". I At
aaf.ty. , camp eota r- "I 1,. .
r.sent aa oaeell. 0O TC : T t
valu at... WiJ
vvwe aa psaa4i j mmm vwaT r vuifi
camp bd.
' HaaVr A awa . . b""" """
Palmetto TenU ;
t' J'
; .
Tb mot "aoptilar,' of ,alt 4nta f
a account of Us roominea, , 41
utlUly. Aa idl play tent on
th lawa for - th children.' I I
draa4a tent at th beach aad F '
for wek--m trtpa, w can ;
upply Palmatto - Tenta n
white, khaht or atrlped xnate
rial at
Thare Is no auestloa about It The pleasures of touring or camping art :
i entirely dependent on Tr freodom t root tire trouble. Many a trip has been
' BDoUed Vr saylna", "Well, I think thoe tlrea ought to last this trip anyway...
Put good tires on before you start. Tire cost you more on the road and you
hare to take Just what you can get. Equip your car with Western Giant
Cords. 13.000 miles of guaranteed service.
atetertats who prefer
it s
fabri tl
ad varus at
VMtM Auto ta
tb faerta aad Ne
braaka Ttrv which
rpreBt daaoadahl
mar hand tea of
provaa Suailtir
trice " eenlarahly
wr . than that
which ra ar accus
tomed to pay for
slnilla- quality Urea.
We. Vera wasata
ll.aoe MUe
Sdxt .s...
tOxtS ....
IMt ....
, IU4
. 12x4
35 JO
, 46Z5
Nebraska Thw
SsftwftL JtSswav
" $:7.65
12.95 ,
: 15.40
- 15.95
rkarta Tlr
7 OOP Mile
7.90 '
Western Standard -Cerd I
30x3Vz $14.95
10,000-Mile Gwarsntae
1 ll'
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' - ' .-, - ", ' . v-'.';. i w.-C !. " .1 - , .
125 Kbrtli High SL Phone 796
11 m
Phone 3C3-
I T- v .. v, t