The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Merger of Steel Companies
Not to Be Completed Bet
fore Investigation
Tesentativea . of the Bethlehem
and the Lackawanna Steel cor
poratlona,- at' a conference today
with Attorney General Daugherty
rave auranceg that the merger
of the two companies would not
ie consummated nntU the depart
ment of justice completes Its tn
veitlgatlon of , the case. Mr.
Iangherty announced at the con
clusion of the meeting. -
Ckmferrnr ia Prelude
. The conference . arranged at
the request of the steel men, was
a prelude to the conference the
attorney general will -have wh
the reprsseatatlves of the Betth
iehera and other Independent
steel companies named In the rer
Tfc6nt"aehate; resolution ordering5" an
Inquiry by the department of Jus
tice and the federal trade com
mission Into the proposed merger.
The attorney, general's at&u
ment concerning today's nieetlri?
follows; . , , . .
iiThe .attorney general thi
morning held a conference with
representatives of the flethleliem
Pteel company and the Lackawan
na Steel company regarding the
proposed merger. The entire
proposition was discussed and the
transaction presented in full by
the companies. Reports of the
different companies were furn
ished. Probe To Continue
"The Investigation will be con
tinued and completed as hooi as
possible. Inasmuch as the t"d-
America Urged to Become
Samaritan by Entering
League of Nations
NEW YORK, May 22 Lady
Aator, In a farewell speech before
returning to her Job in the bouse
of commons from a visit of six
weeks in her native land, pleaded
tonight for America to be the good
Samaritan to sufferine Europe
eral trade commission has and not stand by unconcerned.
called upon to make an Investiga
tion of the same matter then.
may be a consolidation of the
hearing. The representatives of
the. two compantes named gave
assurances to the attorney gener
al that the transaction would not
be consummated until the depart
ment of Justice completes Us Investigation."
Read the I Classified Ads.
...... ; 1 "V. ' . '-
The Terminal Cafe
is under new management. First class food and service.
1 ' .... . "' , 1 ''.
Robertson & Cline
She repeated her appeaj for
the United States to enter either
the league of nations or a league
with similar aims for peace.
Two Thounand Hear Talk
Nearly 2000 men and women
heard hex address delivered at a
dinner in her honor. Lord Astor
also .made a short talk.
Before she was Introduced
speeches were made by John W.
Davis, former ambassador to the
court of St. James, and Miss Alice
Robertson, congresswoman from
from Oklahoma, wnose political
place In America is comparable
to that of Lady Astor in England.
Residents All Honest
Selecting "political education"
as her topic. Lady Astor said ,
that while America constantly had
suffered from politicians and pol
itical crooks, "we have managed
that no party has ever dared nom
inate or bring forward any but
an honest man as president
'They haven't been Sir Callahada
or George Washington or Abra
ham Lincolns, she added, "but
they have, all been like Caesar's
wife above suspicion. That we
may recall with pride."
Indifference Hit
Then she remarked that people
were apt to feel indiffernt about
local politics, that "so long as Un
taxes don't go too high and the
local 'bosses don't get too rich.
we snrug our snoulders and go
"If we are content only to have
our presidents fine and have lens
fine-local politicians, we are mak
ing it hard for a presidnt to do
fine things," she said.
i Recount of Ballot isr" iSVm .V" ,? -
Explained by Attorney
Little Progress Made in Sen
ate, Though' Night Ses
sions Resumed
An unusually line quality and highly lustrous material
for making women's presses and waists, children's
dresses, etc. i' )- '. ' . t" . .
Comes In wide range of colors including navy, black
white, brown, copen,: green,-coral, etc
36 inches, wide
98c Yd.
Commercial and Court Streets
Hays Backache Is Sign You Have
Been Eating Too Much
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5c and mall it to Foley & Co..
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111 .
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in re
turn a trial packages containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs, colds and croup; Fo
ley Kidney Pills for pains In side?
and back; rheumatism, backache
kidney and bladder ailments; and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a while
some and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic for constipation, bilious
ness, headaches, and sluggisl
bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv.
senate returned today to its strug
gle with the tariff bill, resuming
night sessions bu: making com
paratively little progiess. '
Most of the time was g-ven to
considering minor amendments.
The dye fight was postponed
again, this time nu'il Wednesday
because of the illners of Senator
King of Utah, who is to lead the
Democratic fight on both the li
cense embargo ana tarur usuy
When you wake up with back
ache and dull misery In the kid
ney region It generally means
you have been eating too much
meat, says a well-known author
ity. Meat forms uric acid which
overworks the kidneys in their ef
forts to. filter it from, the blood
and they become sort of para
lyzed and loggy. When your kid
neys get sluggish and clog you
must relieve them like you relieve
your bowels; removing all the
body's urinous - waste, else you
have backache, sick headache.
dizy spells; "your Btomach sours,
tongue Is coated, and when the
weather is bad you have rheu
matic twinges. The urine is
Soon to Know if There Is
to Be an Oil Boom in the
Salem District
A number of x Salem people
drove down to the oil well this
side of St. Paul on Sunday, and
witnessed the work of boring.
The bit at the bottom of the
bole was in shale on Sunday, and
the boring was easy. . The hole
is a foot in diameter, and it is
700 feet deep.
The drill is a rotary one, the
bit at the end of the big steel
rod being 12 inches in diameter
hence the bole a foot wide.
The bit grinds the rock and sand
encountered into fine particles,
cloudy, full of sediment, channels nd theae are washed to the top
often get sore, water scalds and
ou are obliged to seek relief two
or three times during the night.
Either consult a good, reliable
physican at ence or get from your
with water pumped into the hole
.After boring a few days more,
the hole will be cased up with
steel casing, most of which Is on
the ground. Then boring with a
six-inch bit will be continued on
Quarry Til Issue
The chief contioversy today
centered on the corrmittee amend
ment to make the duty on red or
brown quarry til?3 5 cents a
square foot and 30 per cent ad
valorem, wnich was approved at-
ter the rejection, 24 to 38, of an
amendment by Senator Sherpard,
Democrat, Texas, to fix the late
at 20 per cent ad valorem.
In opposing the comrritte
rate, Senator Hitchcock. Demo
crat, Nebraska, declared the Am
erican people were "tired of hav
ing their pockets picked" and
wanted to see further price re
ductions. He argued that Instead
of reductions there would be In
creases if the pending bills were
Democrats Contest Point
Senators Frelinghuysen, New
Jersey and Sutherland, WTest Vir
ginia, Republicans, supported th
committee rate, arguing that this
duty was necessary to protect
the American industry which
Crew up during the war. Demo
cratic senators contested this
view, pointing to small imports
and high ocean freights in this
Remarking that this tiling en
tered into the construction ot
homes. Senator Underwood of Ala
bama, the Democratic leader,
laid the issue was fairly Joined
on this item. Senator Frelinghuy
sen proposing a tax that would
equalize the difference between
the cost of production in this
country plus the manufacturers
profit and the cost of laying
down the foreign goods in this
country without taking into ac
count the importers' profit. This
wouM mean a prohibitive tariff,
he .argued.
Attorney General Van Winkle
yesterday explained the procedure
necessary in event a recount of
the Oregon Republican primary
ballot for poTcraor or a recount of
any part of it should be vU-n.anJ-od.
j The rH-ouat would he instituted
by a contest of the election filed
by the candidate having the low
est of a close vote. This would be.
filed in the eircuit courts of the
respective counties. Should the
court find sufficient ground for a
recount he would order it to be
made and the recount of the bal
lots would take place in his pres
ence by such officers as he might
appaoint for the purpose. The
law for contesting elections pro
vides that appeal may be taken to
the sipreme court.
The official canvass of the
votes, following every election, is
made by the county canvassing
board. It is an officlat check ot
the statements ' filed with the
county clerks by the precinct elec
tion boards, and is not a recount
of the ballots.' TMs requires sev
eral days ordinarily.
County Clerk Boyer of Marion
on the Tote for governor will toe
made first here and will be tiled
with the secretary of state as soon
as completed
Tenant are nowaemanuiu
that houses be . PJ5.,J! T
wireless so that thtey may be able
to gossip about their neighbors -
and learn how rar mey uin.-.,
an automobile on father a salary.
m. X-.:-:-v.X'X-'-,-,i.-:-:-:-o- i-.v"'r':--.
t . w w
pharmacist about four ounces of down t(J the lace where Mr Rea
ad Salts; take a tablespoonful in
a glass of water before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys
will, then act fine. This famous
salts Is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined
with lltbla. and has been used for
generation? o clean a,nd stimulate
sluggish Jcidneys, also to neutral
ise acids. In the urine so it no
longer irritates, thus ending blad
der weakness.
Jad Salts is a 1 ife saver for
regular meat eaters. It is inex
pensive, cannot Injure and makes
a delightful, effervescent '11 thia
water drink. Adv.
the man in charge, expects to
find a flow of oil in paying quan
He says he found such a supply
of oil, in 1914, with a small test
hole which he put down there,
while he was ostensibly boring
for an artesian flow of water.
TraveLCosts Are Down
To Portland
f And Return
May 26th to September 30th
$2J05 Week-End and 15 Day Tickets
$2.45 Summer Season Tickets
Sale Dates and Transit Limits
Week-End Tickets on Sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
. Good until Tuesday following sale date
15 Day Tickets on Sale Friday and Saturday
Good until 15 Days after Sale Date
- Season Tickets on Sale Daily
Good for 3 months after sale date, not to exceed October 31st
25 Per Cent Reduction
Round Trip fares
Salem to Various Points
Tickets on Sale Daily-Ujood for 8 Days
Ship and Travel Southern Pacific Lines the "Pioneer" in development
of Western Oregon
Southern Pacific Lines paid $110,870.37 or 6.58 per cent of all taxes in
Marion County for year 1921
For further particulars ask agents , T
. ' , . ' ; ' T hw ii. Scott," .
- 5eneral Passenger Agent.
r 'I:
The young folks will give an
ice cream social next Saturday
evening, May 27 at the Clover
dale scboolhouse. To raise funds
to finish paying for their piano.
, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hadley and
Mrs. W. J. Hadley were visiting
in Salem Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Farr and M. Fllf-
let and family were among the
Salem vistors Saturday.
Miss Bertha Morris died at th
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Morris Sunday morning. Be
sides her parents she leaves five
sisters and four brothers, all of
whom were present at the time
of her death. The funeral will
be held here Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. F.: A. Wood and
sons Everett and Emery, spent
Sunday in Oregon City.
, Mrs. Elmer Hennis of Medford
arrived here Thursday to be with
her sister. Miss Bertha . Morris
who was sick. She will remain
here with her mother for awhile,
visiting other relatives before re
turning home.
Harreld Offers Change
A move to put crude pe'rolenm
and fuel oil on the dutiable list
was made today by Senator Har-
reld, Republican, Oklahoma, who
offered an amendment to make
the rate 35 cents and 25 c;ntj a
barrel rtspectively. His amend
ment went over and. cannot be
brought up. for come week.'.
Petroleum was placed on the
dutiable list by tie bouse ways I
and means com aittee but the
house restored it to the free list
and the senate finance comm'.t-
tee recommnded that . it stay
there. Producers in this country
urged the committee to protect
ijie domestic industry, particular
ly against oil from Mexico.
Do You Want a
If you don't see one
here, you'll , see the
thrillingest touchdown
of your life in ,
Charles Ray's Sensa
tional Football Picture
"Two Minutes To
By Request
"Listen! Look and
Salem's first and only
successful movie made
in Salem with Salem
people. ,
Toonerville Comedy
Clark Oldfield Co.
Road Show
Lyric Musical Comedy
Entire Company Di
rect from Portland
WeO-kaewK Foals
Wel-knewi Qaaliry
Swift's Premium
Swiff a Premium
Cooked Ham.
Swift's Premium
Sliced Bacon
Swift's Premium
Wafer Sliced
Dried Beef.
Swiff a "Silver
leaf Brand
Jewel Shortening.
Swiff Premium
Gem Nut
; Pork Sausage.
Premium .
Brookfield Eggs.
You do not ask your family to v
sit down to the table. with
known guests. j - : -
Are you equally careful about
the meats you invite them to eat?
Equally sure of wh ere they come
from, what they are, who stands '
sponsor for them?
Nowadays, fortunately, the
risk is not great. But with .
Swift & Company's products v
there is none. '
Swift '& Company's products;
, are the result of years ofezperi- i
ence, of careful, conscientious
Their quality is a constant fac
tor, always to be depended upon.
The consumer is " doubly pro-"
tected because, in addition to tha
care used by Swift & Company,
Swift's food products are care
fully inspected by government
employes and bear the federal
inspection stamp. ' " ,
The word 'Trernhimwon ham
or.bacon means that; we staks v
our pride and the reputation of
years on that ham or bacon.
These products have been ,
selected, cured, smoked, and
handled by workmen who take
the same pride in our products
that we do. r . , -
Be sure of Swift's products
and thus make certain that" no
strange or unknown food is in
troduced into the family circle.
Swift & Company,
u. s. a:
these days it couldn't do anything
If a cat could look at a kin?
much but laugh.
High Grade New Furniture
TaaCvdttnMntkuaBnsiicrt. It'i
Slf-A4jutiaf , tmi liapty tli, r
tkt ktmi, cUp at tka wt a4 wUr
ana, i milli t ntfj fmu. ; '
41.00. -Wm'U mU tU Cudat
MrL SunJ4l44. ... , .
Nemo HyTMBoFathloa Inrtitvta
g20 Em Iftilk St. Nw mk, D1 M.
' ' . ...,.-
Two Sales Today and Thursday
10:00 a. m.
7 - ' 1 ' 1:00. p. m. i ;V ;1
Sacrificing the Richter Bankrupt Stock on the Auction Block.
Be There Today and Thursday and . Buy What You Need at
Auction Prices
Remember the
Location y
In Charge of
The Auctioneer