f h! y4 C7iliSTTTSJ9 MT'tTIM,ir,,,f TS, Bats aor writ . ra tasartu ta Tare taaertioa On Ht (als taaertiea) va Bksall Bis Shaaths' Mat? ML sar It ssoatas', eoatraet. mt Minimum for any advert ioomoat. i NORWICH UNION j fTRH INSURANCE 80CIETT TUlelsoa, Roland t Barfcbardt to - 90s sbtwltS SBOwlS Bcaddeat. Agemt 871 BUU St. i MONEY TO LOAN i On Real EiUU 1 f T. K. FORD (Owr LdUM A Bnsb lUak) ! NEW TODAY 1'WHITI.NEV: HVI ROOK BUNOA. wita cement basement sid fireplace, a beved street, stooo cask. Ual- : aaee easy toru Prico $3500. W, O. j Kniipr, Oregon Bldg: ? . QUILTS AND COMFORTERS QUILTED. I New Idea Oalltor. 84X 8. Liberty. , fD 1241J. 'V " 1 , T:80 TONIGHT ADTO AUCTION, 172 tooth Liberty street: ladies invited ta stuad. 1 Ford. 1 Oakland, t Stade heker rpadater, eceallant tonditia; 1 V Win ton Si witarord tiroa. 8tad- baker 4 like new, . Oleion Rookitool ; BARGAIN 25 .ACRES .NEAR SALEM. Oa-a)f mile from railroad atation. V Near tlx room koate. Good toil. No i ' rock. Prico $3500. -, $1500 caih. bal- : larma. W. C. Kraeger, Oregon I ' LOGANBERRY PLANTS ; WANTED Ward K.J Riekardaea, Phono . SIX ROOMS AND ? BATH CEMENT ' baMment; frait? a good bay, $3350. l" Raby Pardy, 455 Court atreet. ? 1 KX SERVICE MAN WANTS TO .'BUT farm. . Fatly o,atppod. About , 40 arras good pie od niowlaad asing boans aad t b 82SOO house. Deo bar. Myrtle Are, Batata. f . TCa RENT i FIVR ROOM I APART- mafita. nawfr Danored and Delated. Call S'iO M aaoraiags or . oveaiaga. Close - la-, :J , CORNER LOT EAST FRONT. CEMENT walks sll Ha, good atreet, rood district. for s few days 4ou. tutoy raray, Realtor. 455 Coart streets- j i TWELVE ACRE 7 , TEAR OLD PRUNE orchard oa good soil ia Lna roaaty. 82000 rash for oaiek sale. H. W. Carria, Drain, Or. ' ' ' - : vntt HALE AT ONE DOLLAR TWENTY aaala aajb Five a-allon wair Jars filled withi prone Jam ptok. The iara alone are worth mors.. The prase tork la good .hog feed. Northwest Fro It Products Co. , 8. Coainssreial St. , BIT . ROOMS WELL. BUILT BUNQA- l0; farpaco, garage, cement basement, m-A lha Iota. . aast front. " A sood ' hue. Rabr Pardy. Realtor. 458 Coart ' rttwBitrR COME AND BEE US BE- h na ketL Maaais Brothers, 542 ittmtm .i.tot . aui-n. Oreeoa. Repi anting Lyons. CsL.-0lses Mil Co. ! OCR MOTTO IS 8AFETT FIRST arv lee always. ' Boo aa when in. need of fire inaaraneo, It is oar eselnsire bstiness. Oet yonr sat insurance with as. Standley V folsy, ' sgsats. Bush Bank Bldg. " : i HAVE CLIENT WHO WANTS GOOD ; building lot la good loratian. - List , , with .Ruby- Party., lUaltor., 455 Court '; ' atreet. 1 ' .m ,na DlTVTSTBrrTLT MODERN COM- .im.1t farsished hoaso. Call 1540 .TULIP BLOOMS DOZEN 25e.jNAR- .Um Paa!tta -2 doaaa 25et Doron- ' lettm. S -dosea 25c i Cottage Flower J Garden, 801 Locust. Phono 1024- w. voni nat.viEtOHT TEAR OLD COM .Mskinr 2 pounds butter par day. . a . J ' O t A OAU r tloyt Stroet.- -- y ' -- W AtT A FARM READT . TO OO TO t jrork make, ta bay and eut th oata T'- and aar for the place, nee Buoy i-wuj. llUn 455 Court atroeL .This, IS s bargain. t TSDHIil . THE ONEI A HOME. CE- -t- m. t haeament. -S D las tared. - wind. -Link Mumi. . A cement floor gsr- sgs. emnt sidewslks. psvement, Bisia I eerliao. Urge lot, east front with Irult ?V and llowora. . Nice reeideneo district. ! ,imttia BossessioB. This was good boy s-$8000 and its still coed st I i : 82600. Easy term. Do it now. Becko i v A jHendrtcha. 205 U. S- Bank Bldg. f WILt, DISCOUNT MORTGAGES - A t 4500 first mortgage for ' $S0. One I $800 first mortgage for 9750. jOu : 'win i.4t mortrar for S900. All , .w. .w... w. wall secured or real 'Mtato ia Marion county -abstract aad t. Qvmed by one msa who mast -raise soma money and be will accept i 1.-1?" a. a.'m.k Call today at ' iiJtftLsrta's office, 10, 9t Oommoreisl ; street- WANT AUTO FOR SALEM LOT8 i Hi,, tore Sslest lots to trad for l auto. - Call at McLara'8 mc. 180 N.i Commercial street.' I Klffi FIT5 ROOM BUNOALOW ONE A ftVl!i: VI ... lin Dutch kitchen. fr- : UI71 Sa W a m - . i. nra. lot 60x132. Psrty gol"S south. . Priced for oalck ssle SJsao. . . 'i Heyser-Follnch System Termiasl Bldg. Pboao 696 1 TWENTY CRES-.fi I - iefo prune or logaaborry ranch 80 Tami ! eloso .C !:"' V I 70FlereTr..1d -k. pel ' nniin or locaaa. , '""V . larieA n. first claaa i 8 condition. $3750. "V casa. iw. socoioisKy.' j . 841" StaU Street - r -Worth While mV Uom house. "S lots, aear ear Ilsvs. I ," AS oseolloat bom. rra "arvosrty ap to 95000 la oxchsaga. irS wsn?-8 ad; haasav s novo some apleadid. ouya.- : :Mllls '&;CopIey,, ! f'",'rna SUts strset i ' vv.vtiiL! ' . m.i vwm . . i ...... a.r. ; Hotlee:ta hereby giyett Jthat th .tmd has beett amy IV pjj'litfad executor of the estate V mi T. Chamberlain, deceased, b thei County Court oi ew nron and duly qualified. All tw. rireron. ana 'agains4 r, arsons 'having claims ?f. vr.ra herebr Rotifled t9 . . . -.LI'-a-W warified tO- rllv-" with the proper ; voucbert fj:rr;- the nnderslgnbd VrrZll ns Ralem- Bant - nisioitw ore- m Tins 1 ri n DsiitH, date of this noticec it KHcation May Date Ol lira "--- m a m aa -.' -A "i'fV'i'i.i --Veil, dav Of May. Datea ma ; - Esecutor of' thestate of Dan r. nsambsrliln.: deceased. THE OREGON BTATESSTAH, EMPLOYMENT; racAUi STENOGRAPHER WAXT8 POSITION WE Caa feratsb reference. - AUmi Flor enco Zimmerman. General Delivery. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER CAPA ble of caries far thraa m11 children. Irvin Scott. Jefferson, , Oregon, real z. -i. WANTED, YOUNG MAN WITH KXPER lane to take positiB as bookkeeper. mast be capable ef doing torn iUm raphie work. Box 48. Salem. ANTED EMEnVQETie TOCNO MAX wm saa had osperinos sallUg lilt lasarsae. stocks or a vert is lag. wast bo able to tmu hi entire Um aad ad emktUeu for advaaeemeat. . llut have the eaareg prassat ba.laeea prepeeiiioa ( i mereaaata ana preiee stosal staa. Astwer U roar ewa hasd writing, stating aga. odoeatioaal aaali ftaatioaa, esporteoee a aolleitee, aa A6reoa "I-No SU" Bteteemao me aULLESMXS WANTED ADDITIONAL. SALESMEX WANTED Oa aecoaat of promotioaa froat ! ffleo of large, progressive orgaaia- Atina, wi waat two livo Biea wbo are willinc to work and to follow iaatrae- f inn. . Ta fjaB fjrA ttfiM ffUF opportaaitioa. 212 Oregon baildiDf Phone 688 for appoiatmant. MAIM. AMD ntlAU 7 ANTED MEN AMD WOMEN TO iako farai saoer rabacrtptioaa. A K nvposHtoa the ngt pooplo. Addree the Paelfio Hoi ea fad, Bf faiaa Bl 8alaav Ore. - PERSONAL MA8SAGI AND EXERCISES STEAM eablnet. ladlao omlT. Mr. KaU Brown. Swadlah fTadaato. $02 Oreco Bltic Phoao . GET MARRIED BE8T MATRIMONIAL paper published. Pro for . atoms Corraepoadena, Toledo Ohio. FOR SALE 7 ARM PATXR CF TOU WANT TO GET TBI BEST f arm - peaocv eead is so too caeiue H eases toad. Salem. Oregoo. toe a three Maths' trial labserlptioai Mention this sA.; '? ' OAR ART BXXDS FOR SALS CAN ART BIROS AMD aofitgrood Walt Bostea osuio 1 Mrs S. A. Bennett, ahooe 1280 POXTLTRl POULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO- aeat etamoa for saeeml tares meataa trial for the best aad oldeet i earns) in tho vat The art ie lee sad advar- UaamaaU are of spocial tatsrost to tho poultry arsodsrs of uo aortawsst. Korthwott Poultry Journal Sll Oom merelal St.. Sslem. Oregoa - j tm STOCK, FOR SALE FRESH MILCH GOATS, $25. Box 64, Hubbard, Or. , asTSOEXXAJTEOUS FOR SALE INDIANA SILO. B, C. Hallbsrg, Greenwood Station. ONE DOLLAR BUT 8 A LOT OF GOOD Kslaomiao here. - Eaough for moat rooma. Max O.. Bursa, 179 N. Com'L PKRTKCTI0S FLASLER FILLED WALL board. The moat practical thing oa the market, for new and repair work. Mas O. Bursa, 17V K. Commercial. HEMSTITCHING AND .PICOnSO AT- taehment. -T Fits say sewing macklas. Price 22.- Economy Stales uompaay. BilUaga. Mont. . .. - FOR SALE i TELLOW, .DENT SEEO corn : also Golden Bantam sweet corn, Pboa .-29F2'Ovoalags.V-""' '' . FOR SALS OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 1 seats a bsndis. oirsnuuaa aepsmsav Orsgoa SuteeauA. FOR SALE HAND BOARDED LEATH- er, overnight hand bags. fa. Jssx O. Bursa, 178 N- CommsreisL ALL STEEL, LIGHT WEIGHT AUTO esmp bed; folds small, very eomiorv i sbts for two. msx.v. uureu, iii N. Commercial. (... ' k.-. ' .; THS HOU8S OF HALF A MILLION taa lias of tuna or aaaaaa a ana nooua. ha m keforo voo aar or sen. cieia - .... - . .. t. . . bock Jaak Co r Rememhar tho plaeo, 401 V. Commercial St Phos 628. GRADUATION PRESENTS FULLER brashes. 19S7.-J. RADIO BOOK ..ROGERS INSTRUC- tions la Radio, what ts, snd how to onderatand it. .Price 25 eta. Ambaaaa- dor Radio Co Los Angeles, yai. t "Beautiful .Oregon Rose", sad sieves other Orsgoa sosgs, togotaot with a flao aallaetma or Bairtotir songs, ssered soaga and many ald-thm ?Tr;iiiitie-'rt;.'; 1 fRsoelal nrieea la aaantltv hsts) Especially adaptable for school, oommsa- tty or some siagiag. ' , Send for . . . . ; The Western Songster s ft At6V sow ta its Ulr4 oditiea. , PnbUahed by , OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 21 g. Commercial 8t. Salem. Or .-. : " : ' W00P s NICE DRY IS INCH AND 4 FOOT seceed fir wood. Phono 25 or saa. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR. $8; SECOND growth dry 4 ft 96. Ash, 97. raoae 1467. 4 ; ., -. ,;. FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD I second growth: 4 ft. or 10 in. rr I E. Wells. Phono 1542. $05 B. Charch IS nOH SLAB AND MILL WOOD 98.60 pr load. Wry pisaer weoe $$.60 par saoLr cTmy Weed Oa pnens $20. t - FOR RENT APARTMXXTS FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED spsrtmsnL The Angolas, 653 atsrwa stret. ' : FOR RENT -FOUR ROOM FURNISHED apsrtmeaV ' Pnvsta " oats. ; ip7 , a Commercial; : pboa 1168-J. - : -I rtTRSISHED H0U8EKEEPISG ROOMS. i 1 tun Cnnrt atreet. f rqom for bent w moders home aas la. Address E. Care Ststosmsa Arlington hotel clear, cosy " d69 But. clean, seat bleeping rooms, si 99 se rr wk. Tho Leonard Botol. S4 M. , rroof HOUSES M HOVBK TO RENT 916. ai r. L. Wood. 4i s 8ste street. LOST AND; FOUND LOST rrtjrrBLACK-LEATHER ROLL AND I - wu,ir. Finder pleaao pleaao , leave at Stage Terminal. WANTED : - ? ' ICSOaUJJsjrBOTJS OLD MAT?8".?1 R3UCEU, GKEGUR WANTED MOSCEXLAJTBOTJS NEED MORE CARS FOR AUCTION Batarday night. Oleaon- Rook stool Aato Lxrhaago, ITS S. Liberty. Phono ANTED ' ETEKTTHlkiO IN HARD araro aad rarattaro. Baet prioea paid THE CAPITAL HARD WAR FURNITURE OU ft M. OmnoeU St. PWsa Ml WANTED rURNITCRR. TOOLS. ETC -J raone W ANTED FURaTITOKS. TOOLS. MA chtaory, atockv ose. Win bar caea wt su oa iatioo. ill Woodry. ta Aactionoe BUSINESS CARDS AU0TI0KXIB AUCTIONEER F. . WOODRT. THE UniMck, huilUts. ml tlsaser. PkoM All laa Roe 1810 N So ' BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory PAXVTxaW RDSH TBI A0T0 PAINTXB, aad Frtaat stroota. TATS TRUCKS FOB 8AL1 OS TRADE RE 0 TSDCK, 1921 aaodoL Borfeet eoadition. Wilt trade lor real oetato. prodae or will all oa oaar torma. Thio la aa exoea- tieaallT food bay. It yoa want a roal good barge ia at ply tntaodiauly Pboae or eall. The PoooU'a Oaah 8 auto Tora AUTO TOP UPH0L8TIRT WORK gaaraatanA. 6 Soath 12th. Pboae 1128. RADIATOR SHOPS J. 0. BAIR, RADIATORS, FENCERS. Sadies fWDslrad. 444 Ferrr. USED CARS 8TUDEBAKER ROADSTER FOR 8 ALE Saturday at suction, 7:30 p.m. Ole so a-Hook k tool. WINTON SIX CAR AT AUCTION SAT arday nigiit.- 7:20 p.m. Good con dition. Oleson-Rookslool. AUCTION OF CARS SATURDAY NIGHT 7:30 p.m. . Aleson-Rookstool, 172 8. Liberty, phone 666. 8TCDEBAKER CAR A. 1 CONDITION. Driven by Careful owner. Oleaon- Rookstool ante auction, Saturday 7:30 p.m. .. Vf . $50 FOR QUICK &AL.S JUST THE thing for light delivery or bag, Chev rolet chassis. See Colonel J. Olmsted. Salem Lauadry Co, or call Olosoa's rsgs. ? M0T0RCTCLE8 MOTORCYCLE 1921 EXCELSIOR, Electric oaaippod aad aide rar. A real bargain. Marion Garage. BATTERY ASP EXE CTEI CIAS AUTO ELECTRICIAN t EXPERT TROU- ble Bboottag. SIS M. xtiga. raonel 101. : ' ' PRESTO-LITS BATTERT SERVICE I station. Export battery sad oteesnea. work. Farrls Bros. Phosse 1808. 41 1 Court. ' TUBS AND AOOXSSOSJBS 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST stone bruises, rim sats aad blowouts. The Hydro-Tores Tiro, for ssls by Tow Park- store, law sua tesiio. pnons w OARAOB AMP REPAIR FENDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED Bolees Ante) Radiator Bao. lsw s) totb stt set. -- - ' , 4, . . - ACETTXENB WELDING ' WELnnfO AND " "BRAZING IRON. steal, brass, sluminum, bring the pieces 887 Court St. Phono 488. Oxo-Ga Haatlna Oa ' - ' : . ; BEAUTY PARLORS VOW OPERATING" MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Commoreaal flatrow Pboso 956. ' CARPET CLEANERS Ra i i - - i n.ii- r. r'u...pa Phoao 756. 1 """ y- OARPRVTZB I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PLANS furnished free. B. W. Melatiro. 140S N. Church. . i cgnrag phtkiciaji r t. sr. TTTTaf CTTREB ANT KNOWN diaossa. 1SS B. Uiga bs paoao so. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 40S 00UB7 Pboa 184. ; - - - ' rTMAMOZAl) MONET TO LOAN ON FARM LAND L. A. Hayfar. 809 Btato atross. MARION-POLS. COUNTY FARM LOAN aaaoeiatina has money to loaa at ais ' perosat. ' W. ,D. Smith, seers tary-traaa : arar. 908 8sum Bank of Commre, 90 YEAR FARM LOANS ON KUKAJ r&llt ntaa. nra-nsvment DrovlaMSS Si tnarad. Wa urill flnaacS TOS tot 8 WS rate i Utorost than any firm aa the MU.L PrWsto moaey to loss en olthor eUy or eoaatry property. R. W. Marsters 411 Oregoa Bldg ' ' BLEOTRIOTAJTS SECURE MT F1GURE8 05 WptlSa By ooatraet, by boor. At pro-wai price. H. VT. Hatch, phone 1202 J. y FTJEBTTUEB STORES FURNITURE CHEAPER ALL NEW; Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. t PUSH GO CARTS AND 8ULKIES light weight and beautiful. rricea low. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com L GREENHOUSES BEDDING PLANTS OF. ALL KINDS fir ssle. E. B. Flake. Flowers sad Birds. 273 Stale. ' --? PAN8Y PLANTS BEDDING AND VEQ . atahJo nlanta ska readv for delivery. - Salem Greenhouses, 15th sad Garden streets. Phoa 809. - LadiesV Wearing Apparel PEESSMAZISa RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. -75r South I2tb. ; Phono 1824 M. URRIB FISHER DRESSMAKING dosigatag. . Bpencer S MeOoraaek Bldg. fHE ADSITTS ARE PRXPARKO TO da anr sad all kinds af ladies' toiler lag. for old . aid aaw customers. , 952 N 12th St. Phoao 2085-R. WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND HASP work. Can 81-R. 4 ESDAMES SCOTT A CHASS DRKSS makers. 819 But 8k. I.oao 997. MAUD SIMONS DRESSMAKER 111 Believe fit ' XJtUNDRCEB ALEM LAUNDRY COMPART. 12$ 8. Liberty s treat, ' Phoao 25. Oldest largest best. , Eatabliahe 1899. CAPITAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY oaalitv work - prompt tstslss. 1284. - Broadway. -Pboao 165. BUSINESS CARDS MCaUQAXi MRS. HENRT LEE PIANO. 1121 M. Capitol r-boo 101T-W. DOROTHT PEARCS PIANO. 281 North. Wis tar. Peoao 245 4. BEATRICE 8HELTON rIANO STUDIO $45 Marion. Pheot J2t. UOLL1R STYLES VOICE. PIANO. 84 Cab tar. raeao 2O10VR. . 183 MABLS SHEPHERD PIANO ? lay or; daaeos all ooeaaioaa. 2AT N .short. WESTERN COB8BBTATOBT OF MC8 W of Chieago, Fraat E. CbarcbuL rP reeoatauvo. Dipioaa araated. Odd Foliowe' Bide T SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All braaeheo taafht. dipaaasao rraatad Joha R. Silas, director. 1211 Coart. Phone 8?8. RAG AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING 12 tassoae gaaraaioed. Waterman sys rm. P.. B. Clark, Mgr McCoraack Boilding. TUNERS JACK MULLIGAN PIAXO TUNIS: Moore-Daaa 0. Reproeratatir of Shonaaa Clay A Co. Pkoaw AOS. EDWARD WSLP EXPERIENCED piano toner. Leave orders Will's Moaii Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Taaiag, refiaiahing. raballdiag; player piaao export. Phone 1658. 121 Swath Coasaserrial PZAJlOa SHERMAN CLAT 00 PIANOS. STEIN ways, Duo-Art, sad others. Moore Dean Masie Store. Masonic Tamela. DANCINO PRIVATE daaeea. LESSONS IN ALL LATE Mrs. Whit. Phoa 2T8 J 2CTSXO STORES GEO. a WILL- PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing msehlses. sheet ssasic sad piaao ' stad'-os. Repairing phono grapas aaa sowing macblnoe. ss Bute, Salem. HEMSTXTCBUTO NEEDLEWORK SHOP" ALL RINDS of fancy work nad hemstitching done. 121 8. Commercial street. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pleatiag, buttons, stamping and needle work. 228 Oregon Bldg. Phono 878. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. Stamping; braiding; hand embnoidery, battoas. Room 10, over Miller's stors. Bslom, Oregoa, Pboae 117. MRS.- BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH lag, mail orders solicited. 175 8. 19U. r-aoae its at. atXLLZBXRY HATS FROM $1 UP MRS. a A. Grimm. 519 Ooart St. MATERNITY ITTJRSXVQ MATERNITY NURSING WANTED IN pn v ate homo. Pboae 1694-J. MEDICAX. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517 W NURSING NURSE HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. 449 North High. FAXjrrura wbtraotors PAINTING AND DKOO RATING HIGH class work for particular pooplo. L. D Braadoa, eontraetor. $65 North High. Phoao 645 J. i AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING. PAP arhaaa-inc kalaomtaiaa. Wock - raw a a teed. Terms reasonable. Pboa 2085-J. 1464 Ferry ' MTJRWERT STOCX -i i CHOICE LOGANBERRY PLANTS. ANY Quantity. , Ward K. Rirkardsoa. FRUITLAND NURSERY FINE LARGE stock of Italian prune trees snd also all kinds of leading nursery stoex. for fall delivery. Phone 1140 M. 161 S. 14th atreet. . ' ! I COMPLETE LlKl TREES " dMAXJ traits, ornamestals. Capital City Nar sory Oo 426. Oregoa Bldg. Phono 7t SMALL- FRUIT PLANTS ANT QUAN tltr. ' "Blsckborries. Disc caps, ear rants, gooseberries, loganberries rasp, I berries, rhabarb sad strswberries. Ward K. Rlchsrdson. pltjmbimq7 PLUMBING KKPATRTNG AWT OOTl am0 1SST-J. Shop, 1ST union A 1. Wmreae i j PERFUME AMD TOILET AJLX1ULAA I CALIFORNIA PERFUMB CO. EX I srncia. touet - nrsiciro. aira. moym iiv nouta sora. mono m SOAYEHQSRS 1ALEM SCAVENGERS GARB AGS. RE fas of all kin da remeveo. Ooospools eiesned. raoae- iai. RSSTAVRAMTS HUB RESTAURANT M08T REASON able prieos. Jehaaoa-Barry. . 169 m High. : CHERRY CTTT RESTAURANT H0MI stylo aseela. Good earviee. Btato -aac High. ' rrjRjnrtfRB hospitax : FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADS Tt rdor. Rofiaisbiaa snd upholster int a specialty. Phone 1742. Browa aad Groves. 1201 Booth Oonmoectal, HOTELS yiERRY CITY HOTEL BOOM! AND board. Laa eh aouator. Opuosit O 8. Depot Rut aad High. INSURANOB MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFB IN8URAN0V eonpsay. J. 0. Bales, sgsat, room i MeCorssck Bids. Phone 96 MOODLR PARLORS WA H0N0 NOODLE H0U8B. 4I( Ferry. BIX SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP snsy, 40e: paffed rice, S0e: noodles 20; tVM aoodlsa. 0a. 1S 8. Lib arty. - TRAN8P0ETATI0X PARKER'S STAGE LINES - J. W. Psrker. General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon SALEM-oILVEHTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Slag Terminal r 7:00 ta. 11:00 a.m. a:ou pjm. Leave 8itvertoa News Stand: S:oO a.m.. 1:00 a.m. 6:00 o.m. Saless-Indrpendeaeo-Monaioutb DivisiOB Loavas Sslem Cestrsl Stage Terminal: I a.m. 9 e-m. 11 a.m. S p.m. 5 p m Loaves Moameuta, MoSmoatb Hotel; 9:15 s.m. 1 p.m. 6:15 p.m. ra Indaoendeneo. Beaver Hotel: ' a so am. 10 a.m. 1:15 o.m. 4 p.m. 6:90 Wa make coaneetiooa at Salem to at! - parte of the valley. - Extra trip b P'Dw! PARKER, oVnersl. afT. 8ILVKRTON MOUNT ANGEL . . . . , PORTLAND . . C A M. Stngos ! Saobt Boosd ' Schodul Xorth Boesd - Raad dewa Read up r fM Dir. ' W. Dir. Dry No 8 Ko. 9 No. 1. Sa. 9 No. 4 No 6 PM PM. A.M. A M, P.M. PM , -OA 1:80 8.-00 Prtl'd '10:80 4:00 8:80 ei5 8:85 i0:05 MtJtgl 8:25 1:55 6:25 6:20 4:00 10:80 Stlvt'a 6:00 1:80 6:00 Ar. Ar-' Ar. L. L. L. Sssdsy ealy 9:00 pja. fm. Port! aad Stage Icsvo Stag Term real Portlaad aad .ftsoeleaammor o irrww neora, outirwi STUDI08 - ns . r.fTT a STUDIO SOMETHING DIF- fereat ia holTabv. 147 K. Ceea'r SKaamsamaa BUSINESS CARDS STOVES AMD STOVE SSPAXSZMO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yearn axponoaeo. Depot NaUaasJ leaee, aisea 28 to 28 tachea high. Paiata, U and eatraiaaoo. ate, laa harry and bop aowka. SaWas Foatea aad Stao Work. the) Oesri etraat Phoao 124. SECOND BLAND OOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB SECONH hand e lath tag nad ahera. Ala d ciaaaing. prauiag nad repoiriag Call aad deliver Capital Eseaaao. 842 Nortb CsaoiftiJ roake SM W SECOND HAND GOODS WB BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND gas da of all hiada. pip Cttiaga, bar aaaa. eollara. collar poda, teoia aad ehaina. Fred Sehiadler. 25 Oaater aft TRAMSFSR BAVUMtt MERCHANTS' TRANSFER 15 & High. Pkoao 253. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP H0U8E bom goods. Oar apoctalty la piaaa aad laraiturs miag W also, make eaatry trip. Wo baadi the hoot coal sad wood. Call oa as for prieos. W give good sseaeore. good aaality aad good STVK-. Laxmar Transfer Uo. Phono 30. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFSR CO. 828 Stau St Phone 811 Dwtvfbattng. forward lag nad aSaraca omr epeeialtf rata WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. 801 South Com'l St. Tea per cant diseoaat oa domeette fist rates paid la sdvaar. No ddaetioas for sbeeaco or aay eaaao a alma wator la ahat off your premiaee. 5 WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOU8E FRONT AND Parry. Storee evary thing except ex plosives. -Apply Fry's Drag Stor. WOOD SAWS CITT AND OuuTRT WOOD SAWING. Pha 2048. Fisher Bros. WOOD SAWIXG. PHONS 1121. C1TT, "on s try. Ed. Soroed PR0FFESI0NAL CHIROPODISTS A. I. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 222 State St. Pattoa Bldg. Pboae 95T. OPTICIANS G LASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUS- dette at tho Bow Optical Oompsay, 825 StaU street, apposite Laod aad Bush Bank. POME ROT A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrwu. 888 State. CHZROPRACTOES CHIROPRACTORS i Drs. Bradford A Bradford Grsdustes snd post grndastes of CAR VU College, Oklahoma City FIRST CHARTERED CHIROPRACTIC COL . LEGE ia tho WORLD. Tea years prac tice. Consultatioa and exsminstioa free. . Suits 818 Oregoav Bldg. Phoao 528. DHr O. U 8COTT. P.8.C, OHIROPRAO tar. 414-19 U. 8. Bsak Bldg. Phaae 7: res. 818 R. r OSTEOPATHIOPHI SICIAJIS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL.- I0S U. 8. Bank Bldg. OR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physieiaa aad surfsoa. Klrksville gradaate, 404-40S U. S. National Baab Bldg. Pboae. office. 919i res. 614. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR pities of tho feet corrected without Ms - of time " from your oeenpatioo. firs. White Sad Marshall. U. 8. Bank Iidg: i . D& JOHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physieiaa aad surgeon, 402-404' Or tea Bldg. Phoaea. 01110, 1294; res 6iF. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANr Camp t. Armory. First, third Moadsys REAL- ESTATE 4 !ROOM STRICTL1 MODERN HOUSE very close ia oa paved atreet. This is a fine home or will make you n good 1 aroma property, ; friced right to sell. $11,000. Terms given. Ses L. A. Hayford . 305 State atreet 24 ACRES. 21 ACRES OF PRUNES. 1 Vfc acre logins, family orchard ; fair buildings, price 1 1.000. , 25 acres. 9 acres 8 yesr old . prunes, 4 arras berries, a acres mixed orcnara. S seres in grain, balance pasture; uew 6 room bungalow, modera exeept lights. good eat buildiaga, .team and farm uaDlem.nts. Price 810.000. 25 acres, all ia fruit, good buildings. 4V4 mi laa from Balem. mile 10 pave ment. Price 914.0O0 ; cash to handle 94000. balance 6: I seres, sll ia trait and berries. w 1 miles to earline on paved high way. Pries 918.000. Will divide. wuuat huBM AS d 'Aa KfllMt 9A latailsl. 75 sens, sll in elovsr, good bnildings: miles from Salem, l mils from pave- &7Mi fr.it ... berries, good bsuunigt, pries f tiouo ; Cod terms. acre all in 8 year old prunes: old house and barn. H mile from high way, 4 miles from Sslt-m. 3000. Anderson & Rupert Agents 400-7 Oregon Bldg Special To trade saajI tmnsea. ranttne for o per month and a 91300 mortgage, for a farm not ever 28000. 0 acrea of timber laad 9 miles from Salem, and 5 acrea with improvements. close in for small farm or rooming house. i Wanted to buy, smaH house 3 or 4 rooms with several lots m fruit and Derriea. Must ba on high ground. Thomason 231 hi State atreet Good Buys and Trades 10 acres ranch with bungalow, in Linn county. Price 93000. , WUl aell or easy terms or trads for house snd lo in Salem. 100 aert-s east of Mehama. will trade foi bouse and lot or acreage near Salem Prict 94500. 14 acres. 8 seres l-rus. some peacbes, small boase and barn. four miles north. Price SlO.OuO. Will considei residence in Sslem as part payment. 13 seres. 4 miles south nssr Pacific highway. 5 acrea in 14 rear old prunes, balance roang prunes and cans. Price 26300. terms. I sere tracts ia bearing fruit ca paved bigbway and rar line soutn. 81X0U : eaav terms. 1 , IO acre tract all plowed and sowed ; fin trait land. Prico 91250; very easy terms. For modera homes, see at; we hsvs sev ers! st right prices; ' Real Eatata and Fire Insurance We'H. Grabenhorst & Co. 775 StaU Street. U. a Bank Bldg. Bargain Near Salem 190 aero farm, first class; 110 acres In rrltivation, 12 seres fruit. 50 seres timber, raod imnrovaoieata : oa high- Tk .- ill annaal SA Shoe . urbo kaea hmmm lAokinv for rood siool rral narta of the seven .company tods, frl Tus .arTio sVo'ss sere for auiek sale, as owner is i aualaese aad Uvea la otaor parva. Terms 96000 down, bslsnce long time V. S. R. Pearson 210 211 U. S. Bank Bldg. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1922 REAL ESTATE CTTT HOUSE Cm LOT. SUNG A tows, email oa largo ocro. eaaoe m aao fa ei; oacaaagaa ia lty sad ooaawy. Browa Mag, over Baa tck'a stov. Stat aad lOommanlal Phono 5t. Wanted, Loans W bavs privets ssoaey ta loaa am eJtj or sabarbaa nroporty. Sava a ria. wU tarprovod ton aeroa so trado for city proimrty. Thai (it at rlaaa If yoa wsat to trade, bar or rfl oo H. L. iMARSTERS tit Gray Bldg MM. HOME BUTEAV OC CAN BUT A room' baaaraiow laea thaa i a year a for $500 laos tana I was of tared for it niao asootas ago. uaa S seam si Datch kitehea, closets aad slsopisi norca. $1U00 wUl kaadlo U. Bos U latay. 15 tUaftaUo. LOTS IX GOOD RESIDENCE DISTRICT, monthly payment without interest. Bay one while they last, yoa will never regret it. Prnao orckard dloae to Ka 1 em oa paved road. Will exebaac for city property or s. 11 oa easy terms. 6 room modera except basemeat, plast ered boas. 4 lota, cloae to car lino. Price 840O0. Will take half in rlaar- vacaat property or email hea. Joseph Barber & Son. 200 Gray Bldg. 9 A BARGAIN 7 ROOM COTTAGE ON one floor, modera coavenirnres; large corner lot, garage, paved street. $2650. Winnie Pettyjohn 831V State atreet; Wood's Bargains 40 acres about 15 acres clear, soma tim ber, good six room bungalow, good bara and out buildings, running water close to small town, $3000. Take boms ia Salem up to $25O0; terms oa bsl an re. Have a five .'room buagalow 1 oa paved atreet aad car line; will take Good tot a rar ana easy payments a Richmond addition far $300. Small ! m .t ss I.' r U'aod Bayae Bldg. i Beautiful Homes of all des cription for sale by Ger trude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. !. 10 ACRE BEARING APPLE ORCHARD, almost within city limits of Creswell, Oregoa. Sacrifice price, very am all payment down and better than aoldier bonus terms on balance. A life time opportunity for soma yung eouple to get n start. A. C BOURN ST EDT , 107 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon FOR 8 ALE LOTS 9 AND 15, BLOCK 22. Kingwood Psrk sddition to West Salem.' Make offer. Courtesy to agents. Address W. JC S tod J art, Red lands, Cat 176 ACRE RANCH EIGHT MILES from Salem. 125 arrea in srsin; six ' acrea of hope; two acres of loganber ries; balance pastor and timber. House, barn snd silo. Pries $110 sa acre. Terms. W. G. Krueger, Oregon building. Look Them All Over First Irthen before you buy, see our display. Mr listings, new prices. oar aatas at your service. Heyser-Fotlrich Sys tem. For homes fsnng. Msin Floor, Terminal Bldg. . Phono 696. What. What, What? Hsto yon to trsdo for Saskatchewan fsrm. Ses Win. Fleming. S41 8taU street.. i This Week's Bargain A fully ap to data bungslow, exeept basement. At two 1 thirds real ! valu for five daya. Less than 820OO. List ed 22500 and reasonable at that. So Flaming, 841 Stats street st snes. ANDERSON A SUP EST rs to Laflar LaXlo INSURANCE ESTATB BONDS LOANS 406-7 Oregoa Bldg. XICE LITTLE HOME ON PAVEMENT for $1000. Auto to trado for home. eO acres to trada for lot. Square Deal Co. 202 U. a Bank Bldg. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the following described dogs ; In compliance with Ordinance No. ,1404, to-wlti One male Airdale, weight about 20 pounds; one male Fox Terrier, brown and white spotted; one male brown dog, white ring around neck, 192b license, weight pi, - . . bId do - I black and White Spotted, Weight Ian a-. ... cv.nl.. I an-w m a "u I wntie ring around necx, weignt " Pounds; one small white and black spotted male dog, brown ears, weight 8 pounds; one black female Shepherd, weight 25 pounds; one male Airdale, 1922 license No. 1864. The above described dogs will be killed It not redeemed by own ers on or before May 13, as pro- iaiaea in saia ordinance. W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner STEEL SB FHE MARKET Lackawanna is Foremost in Operations on Stock Exchange Yesterday NEW YORK, May 12 Steel shares featured today's stock mar. ket Otherwise the list denoted I further diminution of public in terest and recent speculative en thusiasm. Lackawanna Steel wag the fore most feature. The company proposed merger with Bethlehem sipi paused an additional ex treme rise of 13 po nts and a ne gain of 12 3-8. making a total of 19 3-8 points in two days. Other independent steels, par ticnlarly those mentioned as Inte- consolIdaUon, which originally IO in i ctuueu ucuvtuiis, wcic i . bu rallied later. Crucible. Bethlehem. Republic SIobs Sheffield,- Gulf Ststes-snd Wick-Wire Spencer scored gains ly lmportsot lasss of its particulay J the type to show s Barrow movement, I era bat it closed at sb advsnce ot 1 1-8. - - - . Eqnlpments, notably Pullman, General Electric and Amer can Car, derived more or lsa substan tial benefit frtm the demand for steels, and motors and bill to improved. . Coppera showed increased firm ness on higher prices quoted foi the metal and -tobacco were strong, especially retail ntocw, but trading in rails were compar atively lixnL Sales amounted tc 1,235,000 shares. Money rates favored the dayt advance, call loans; ope ng ano renewing at S 3-4 per cent but asins to 3 1-2 per cent at mid day. , " ii i IS HELD LOWER I Success Results from At tempt to Keep Figure at Previous Level CHICAGO. May 12.-111 sac cess resulted today from attempts to repeat yesterday's spectacular iboisting of prices in the ' wheat marvi Closing quotations were unsettled at the same as yeater- 1 day's finish to 2-3 cents low; with May 1.44 3-4 to 1.45 and July 1.26 1-8 to 1.26 1-4. Corn closed 3-8 1-2 to 3-4 down, oats at 1-4 decline to a shade advance, and provisions varying from flte cents off to .a rise of 2 1-2 cents. Bulls presented a bold front at the opening in the wheat market and In the .twinkling jof an eye. had bid for 100,000 bushels. 1 Other liberal orders to purchase also, were quickly filled, but the majority of traders seemed -in a mood, to be cautious, and to look for a reaction rather than a fresh advance. The market .did rise to a moderate degree, 1 1-2 cents for May, but then began to drop, and the longs turning to the selling side, abandoned their effort. May fell 2 3-4 cents from the day's top figure, but later recovered some what. Com and oats weakened with wheat. : Domestic shipping in quiry for corn was alow. Some ex port calls at the seaboard, how ever, was nqted. Some commission houses buy' ing gave steadiness to provisions Better Weather and : Crop Reports Come in - NEW YORK.' May 12. -- Brad street's tomorrow will say: -"Better weather and crop re ports, the southwest and lower Mississippi valley excepted; more activity in retail trade, though few sections report conditions better than fair; collections still on the slow side; industrial ac tivities In April srystalling into numerous favorable measures of movement; a rather better trend of reports as to European trade and political conditions, chief of these being new high levels for sterling exchange, but rather quieter and reactionary stock markets, about summarize the week's happenings. . "As regards the stock market it might be said to be appearing to mark time while the. industries. whose improvement it had been foretelling and discounting from last summer to mid-April, are 'consolidating their position," to use a war time phrase. Wool Prices Showing Continued Up Trend BOSTON, May 12. The "com mercial bulletin tomorrow will say: "The best foT wool has hardly diminished during the- week and prices show a continued upward trend, the alvance being about cents a clean pound for the week. Buying Is keen here, considering r New Uiiiversities' Dictionary COUPON OREGON STATESMAN : One Coupon Secures the Dktionsxy L: How to Get It For tk Mr iVorraW Cef 15' 98c secure Hj NEW authentic IXctxxisrv. txxocl ia real flexible feauier, illuxtratecl with full pages m color and duotcdie 1300 pages. 25 DIOTONoAWES IN ONE as fb 1 " limited stocks and th wst clip is moving rapidly trom the growers hands. The manufacturers ; deplore the rapid rise la wool but are compelled to follow the lead of the raw material. Some Improve ment is not-J in the demand for worsteds and woolens continued strong. Mcnt!iue the tariff delay and the strikers at the mills com plicate ti:e calculations of the mill Ler.." , WOOL . Boston, May 12.The Commer cial Bulletin tomorrow will pub lish wool quotations ss follows: Oregon eastern No. 1 staple 120 (y 123 and fine and fine me dium combing 11.50 12; eastern 2. hairy . rOttTliAND, Ore,. May 12, Butter: Prints extras 35c; cubes extras 33c; prima first i 32e. But- terfat, Portland delivery; No, I sour cream 3 5 ii 3 6c. Fitvrr r NEW YORK. May 12. Evapo rated apples firm; , prunes easy; apricots scarce; peaches qulot. raisins easy. While we are broadcasting by radio why not send out a tew of the homely, old virtues? 'We don't all rare for opera and up-to-date last. . , f SALEM MARKETS 1 . Prieos seated ' are nrleaa - roeoived b fa prices srs tia sir pi aa aotoa. Oats, millisg. Set. SS. -. Wheat No. 1 Saeked, 61.12. - . Oats, feed, sbont 55e. : Vetch sad est hay, 9 IS. Clever hay, $10 0 912 $14. Mill run mill feed. .3Sr boos, but ran bvttsbfai Eggs, retail. 17 I6e. Crsmssry bettor, rstalL 4s. Butterfat, S6e. ' Hens, light, 20. , . Hone, besvy, 2Se. Raoaters. old, IOe. ' PORK, MUTTO AJTS BBSS Hogs, top. 110.75. Lambr aoso la market. Top veaL dressed, lis. Staorsv f f IHs. Cows. 4e. Baaaaaa, 10a, Leaves. K.90 O fl.SO. Navel orasgos, 91.60. Florida grapefruit, 99 99.90. ' California grape frait. 94.99 . VSGETASLBS Sweet potatoes, H 0 , . Potatoes, 91 -Cabbage, 4a. Masicaa tomatoes, lug, 94. Was oaiona, 94.25 erato. v Brows onions, 91.50 ersta. - California strsw berries, crate, 94. Aaparagus, lb, 15a. , Cauliflower, 92. . Orgoa on loos, 10s, -: Tsraips. 12. - ' : ' Psrsalps, 92J0. , Carrota. . 92. v Head lettueo, 92.80 O 94. paaia, !.. CeUry. 91 50. : 1 ' bATta, rros. xosrrr Data. 19s; r Psohaga dstss. .8ssa)l.iS.fSw-.- Figs, l9o. - . . . . ' . . . is Comb; hoaoy,- estv tM ' M,. Coeossnts. doiea. 91.79. Strelaed honey IbT'lIttC ; Portland; Uoyinz Prlcet EGOS. POULTRY. " hfEATS BL'TTEBFAT 2C HIGHER ' ' No? i churning ere in. 87 t9". t.o.b.- iwrttaodj uadrrgradea. 92 84e. ' EUO MIKADT Cerreai reeeipio 19o .wait henneries 22 lit; delivered.: (Thes quoutions ar baaed oa prices received for tb bulk f day's -reeerpts hf ' local Jobbers sad . ereamvsiet.j - ., i-- ; ' . .. L1VE.POULTHT WEAK' '. ' (Loss eommissiosl-Hesvy beSs, Ho lb. J do Kgbt,. 2 le; broilers, 'Rocks snd Reda, So t 85c; Leghorna, SO (, 81e; old roosters, II 11 ducks, wb.to ' Pskimr young, 45e; old ducks, 24 V 250. DRESSED MEATS STEADY (Loss eommlasioa) Choice light bog. 16 U 15ms: aaderrradee. 12 if I4es veal, top grades, 12Vb t 14; aador gradas.10 12;.. , - " HAY FIRM ? ' Delivered , Portlaad 1 Valley Tlav enby, 916 tea Eastern Oregoa Timothy, 921 ton; alfalfa, si .tea; clover. fi toa; oat sad vetch 919 ta( straw, 96 Ion.-: ,..,.,.,.... . ,- , ..i j . j i GRAIN IIIGIIER ! (Tracts Portlsnd).. ; Whest, 9124. ' & 81 28: oMa. 636 0 987; Eaatera yellow corn, 929.25 a ton; .barley 8 SO , y 9310. si ; .. a TIUTr- : ; FRUIT STEADY ! Appleat extra faaey, 92 4 92.79 bos, fsacy. fl O ! VEGETABLES 8TEADT Potatoes No. 1. 91 & 91.10; ooUas No. 1, 970 t 9.bO tvt Ore ran eab- .. bag, 2 O 9 lb.; broeeoli. 91.99 tl 91.50 erst. Psrsaips, 1 lb. .sarrota - WOOL .;, i : "WOOl FIRM AND ACTIVE Coarse valley wool, 12 0 17s; medium 27 H 30c; fine, S3 ft 87. ; , HOPS HOPS STEADY t crop steady st U S !. 1WfmatJ-aaJ i "Wavr- a as 1 II 2. Present or taail to this paper one coupon ! like the above wft ViaWrreit cents to cover cctotbani-i . MAIL ORDERS WILL . FILLED AaalmlSaaas t imMOamm..? m)00mma...l0 s600i 15 see 1000a . ; Classified-Ads. Jn The?,; of 1 to fi 5-8 noints. . WANTED SOMEONE TO KEEP COW .;. rtrV. moT. "ilk - Read U)8 Classified Ads. Read the Classified "Ads.1 Read .7 the : Classified ; Ads. TTnltal Ct,lo. Ctpl sll thfl OH- .-. VomyV W am awv a nnw CMtmn Br n'T nesuiu